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Created October 31, 2012 15:08
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import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
case class Indent(i: Int)
case class Text(s: String)
case class Line(i: Indent, t: Text)
object Parser extends RegexParsers {
def indent: Parser[Indent] = """^\s*""".r ^^ {in => Indent(in.length)}
def text: Parser[Text] = """[^\n\r]*""".r ^^ {s => Text(s)}
def eol = """\n?\r?""".r
def line: Parser[Line] = indent ~ (text <~ eol) ^^ {case in ~ te => Line(in, te)}
def parse(s: String) = parseAll(rep(line), s)
object Main extends App {
val s = """ hoge\n fuga"""
// 自分の環境では、この処理は終わらない。
// 戻り値は List(Line(Indent(2), Text(hoge)), Line(Indent(2), Text(fuga))) を想定しているが、認識違い??
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