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Last active August 28, 2022 04:18
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Measure astronomical sky brightness using a DSLR camera. Program to calculate the sky brightness of a JPEG image of the night sky in magnitude/arcsec^2. Python script.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Program to calculate the sky brightness of a JPEG image of the night sky
# Assumptions:
# The EXIF data for the image contains the following valid tags:
# ISOSpeedRatings, ApertureValue, ExposureTime
import numpy as np
import argparse
import PIL.Image
import PIL.ExifTags
import PIL.ImageStat
# Function to calculate the sky brightness based on iso, aperture, exposure time and mid histogram gray value of image
def sky_brightness(iso, fr, exps, midhist) :
pct = (midhist/256.0) * 100.0
exp = exps/60.0 # Exposure time in mins
mins = exp * (iso / 800.0)*(50.0 / pct)*(4.0 / fr)*(4.0 / fr)
skybrightness = 13.93 + (2.5 * np.log10(mins*60.0))
return skybrightness
# Main program
if __name__ == "__main__":
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument("image_file", help="The name of the image_file to analyse")
args = vars(ap.parse_args())
image_name = args["image_file"]
# Open the image and get EXIF data
img =
exif = {
PIL.ExifTags.TAGS[k]: v
for k, v in img._getexif().items()
if k in PIL.ExifTags.TAGS
# print exif
iso = exif.get("ISOSpeedRatings")
if iso < 50 : iso = 800
fr = float(exif.get("ApertureValue")[0]) / float(exif.get("ApertureValue")[1])
exps = float(exif.get("ExposureTime")[0]) / float(exif.get("ExposureTime")[1])
# Print the image settings
print "Image:", image_name
print "ISO:", iso
print "Aperture:", fr
print "Exposure time:", exps
# Calculate median of grey image
stat = PIL.ImageStat.Stat(img.convert('L'))
midhist = stat.median[0]
print "Median grey histogram value:", midhist
print "Sky brightness of image using median is {:0.2f}".format(sky_brightness(iso, fr, exps, midhist)), "mag/arcsec2"
# Calculate using mode of grey image
midhist = np.bincount(np.array(img.convert('L')).flatten()).argmax()
print "Mode grey histogram value:", midhist
print "Sky brightness of image using mode is {:0.2f}".format(sky_brightness(iso, fr, exps, midhist)), "mag/arcsec2"
# Split the image into rgb, and calculate sky brightness for each colour
r, g, b = img.split()
midhist = np.bincount(np.array(r).flatten()).argmax()
print "Mode red histogram value:", midhist
print "Sky brightness of image using mode is {:0.2f}".format(sky_brightness(iso, fr, exps, midhist)), "mag/arcsec2"
midhist = np.bincount(np.array(g).flatten()).argmax()
print "Mode green histogram value:", midhist
print "Sky brightness of image using mode is {:0.2f}".format(sky_brightness(iso, fr, exps, midhist)), "mag/arcsec2"
midhist = np.bincount(np.array(b).flatten()).argmax()
print "Mode blue histogram value:", midhist
print "Sky brightness of image using mode is {:0.2f}".format(sky_brightness(iso, fr, exps, midhist)), "mag/arcsec2"
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