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Last active July 16, 2021 13:28
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Telegram <=> Slack Bot
#!/usr/bin/env node
// npm install slackbots node-telegram-bot-api
var TelegramBot = require('node-telegram-bot-api');
var SlackBot = require('slackbots');
// create a bot
var sBot = new SlackBot({
token: 'your-slack-bot-token', // Add a bot and put the token
name: 'Telegram Bot'
var slackChannelName = 'your_slack_channel';
var token = 'your-telegram-bot-token'; // Generate one with BotFather
// Setup polling way
var tBot = new TelegramBot(token, {polling: true});
var tChatId = -123456; // Your telegram group ID
var slackBotRunning = false;
// Any kind of message
tBot.on('message', function (msg) {
var chatId =;
if (slackBotRunning && === tChatId) {
tBot.getUserProfilePhotos( {
if (data.total_count > 0) {
var f =[0][0].file_id;
tBot.getFileLink(f).then(function(fileURI) {
sendSlackMessage(msg.from.first_name + " " + msg.from.last_name, msg.text, fileURI);
} else {
sendSlackMessage(msg.from.first_name + " " + msg.from.last_name, msg.text);
function sendSlackMessage(name, message, image) {
console.log("(Slack) "+name+": "+message);
var params = {}; = name + " (Telegram)";
if (image !== undefined)
params.icon_url = image;
params.icon_url = '';
sBot.postMessageToGroup('huebr_international', message, params);
sBot.on('start', function() {
sBot.on('open', function() {
console.log("SlackBot running");
slackBotRunning = true;
var params = {
icon_url: ''
sendSlackMessage("Telegram Bot", "I'm online! YEY!");
tBot.sendMessage(tChatId, "I'm online. YEY!");
var users = {};
sBot.getUsers().then(function(userlist) {
console.log("Loaded "+userlist.members.length+" users.");
for (var userC in userlist.members) {
var user = userlist.members[userC];
users[] = user;
sBot.on('message', function(data) {
if (data.type === "message" && data.subtype !== 'bot_message' && data.subtype !== 'file_share') {
var username = "Unknown";
if (data.user in users)
username = users[data.user].real_name + "[" + users[data.user].name + "]";
console.log("(Telegram) ["+data.subtype+"] "+username+": "+data.text);
tBot.sendMessage(tChatId, username+": "+data.text);
} else if (data.type === "file_shared") {
var fileUrl = data.file.url;
var fileName = data.file.title;
var filemime = data.file.mimetype;
var comment = data.file.initial_comment.comment;
var username = "Unknown";
if (data.file.initial_comment.user in users)
username = users[data.file.initial_comment.user].real_name + "[" + users[data.file.initial_comment.user].name + "]";
console.log("(Telegram) "+username+" sent a file ("+fileName+"): "+comment);
if (filemime.indexOf("image") > -1) {
tBot.sendPhoto(tChatId, rq.get(fileUrl), {
caption: username + ": "+comment
} else {
console.log("Unhandled mimetype: "+filemime);
} else {
console.log("Generic Message: ",data);
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nsshub commented Jan 6, 2020

How to use this script ?

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