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Created January 6, 2020 14:42
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New and Improved Spotify Connection
import json
from datetime import datetime
from math import ceil
import base64
import pytz
import requests
import spotipy
from io import BytesIO
from oauthlib.oauth2 import InvalidGrantError
from requests import HTTPError
from sentry_sdk import capture_exception
from spotipy import SpotifyException
class SpotifyConnection(spotipy.Spotify):
"""Modified version of the spotify.Spotipy class
Main changes are:
-implementing additional API endpoints (currently_playing, recently_played)
-updating the main internal call method to update the session and retry once on error,
due to an issue experienced when performing actions which require an extended time
def currently_playing(self):
"""Gets whatever the authenticated user is currently listening to"""
return self._get("me/player/currently-playing")
def recently_played(self, limit=50):
"""Gets the last 50 songs the user has played.
This doesn't include whatever the user is currently listening to, and no more than the
last 50 songs are available.
return self._get("me/player/recently-played", limit=limit)
def genre_songs(self, genre_name, limit=50):
query = 'genre:"{0}"'.format(genre_name)
response =, limit=50, offset=0, type="track")
results = response["tracks"]["items"]
# subsequently runs until it hits the user-defined limit or has read all songs in the library
while len(results) < limit:
response =, limit=50, offset=len(results), type="track")
return results[:limit]
def tracks_full(self, tracks, market=None):
results = []
for i in range(int(ceil(len(tracks) / 50))):
response = self.tracks(tracks[50 * i: 50 * (i + 1)], market)
return results
def artists_full(self, artists):
results = []
for i in range(int(ceil(len(artists) / 50))):
response = self.artists(artists[50 * i: 50 * (i + 1)])
return results
def parse_spotify_datetime(timestamp):
dt = datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
except ValueError:
dt = datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
return dt.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC, microsecond=0)
def current_user_saved_tracks_full(self, until=None):
""" Gets a list of the tracks saved in the current authorized user's
"Your Music" library
- limit - the number of tracks to return
- offset - the index of the first track to return
# first run through also retrieves total no of songs in library
response = self.current_user_saved_tracks(limit=50, offset=0)
results = response["items"]
# subsequently runs until it hits the user-defined limit or has read all songs in the library
while len(results) < response["total"] or (
until and (until and self.parse_spotify_datetime(response["items"][-1]["added_at"]) > until)
response = self.current_user_saved_tracks(limit=50, offset=len(results))
if len(response["items"]) == 0:
if until and len(results) > 0:
while results and self.parse_spotify_datetime(results[-1]["added_at"]) <= until:
return results
def link_tracks(self, track_ids, country_code):
response = self.tracks_full(track_ids, country_code)
linked_tracks = []
reverse_track_link_mapping = {}
for track_rs in response:
if "linked_from" in track_rs:
reverse_track_link_mapping[track_rs["id"]] = track_rs["linked_from"]["id"]
return linked_tracks, reverse_track_link_mapping
def unlink_tracks(track_ids, reverse_track_link_mapping):
return [reverse_track_link_mapping.get(t, t) for t in track_ids]
def user_playlist_tracks_full(self, user, playlist_id=None, fields=None, market=None):
""" Get full details of the tracks of a playlist owned by a user.
- user - the id of the user
- playlist_id - the id of the playlist
- fields - which fields to return
- market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
# first run through also retrieves total no of songs in library
response = self.user_playlist_tracks(user, playlist_id, fields=fields, limit=100, market=market)
results = response["items"]
# subsequently runs until it hits the user-defined limit or has read all songs in the library
while len(results) < response["total"]:
response = self.user_playlist_tracks(
user, playlist_id, fields=fields, limit=100, offset=len(results), market=market
return results
def playlist(self, playlist_id, fields=None):
''' Gets playlist of a user
- user - the id of the user
- playlist_id - the id of the playlist
- fields - which fields to return
plid = self._get_id('playlist', playlist_id)
return self._get("playlists/%s" % plid, fields=fields)
def playlist_tracks(self, playlist_id=None, fields=None,
limit=100, offset=0, market=None):
''' Get full details of the tracks of a playlist owned by a user.
- user - the id of the user
- playlist_id - the id of the playlist
- fields - which fields to return
- limit - the maximum number of tracks to return
- offset - the index of the first track to return
- market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
plid = self._get_id('playlist', playlist_id)
return self._get("playlists/%s/tracks" % plid,
limit=limit, offset=offset, fields=fields,
def playlist_tracks_full(self, playlist_id=None, fields=None, market=None):
""" Get full details of the tracks of a playlist owned by a user.
- user - the id of the user
- playlist_id - the id of the playlist
- fields - which fields to return
- market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
# first run through also retrieves total no of songs in library
response = self.playlist_tracks(playlist_id, fields=fields, limit=100, market=market)
results = response["items"]
# subsequently runs until it hits the user-defined limit or has read all songs in the library
while len(results) < response["total"]:
response = self.playlist_tracks(
playlist_id, fields=fields, limit=100, offset=len(results), market=market
return results
def user_playlists_full(self, user):
""" Get full details of the tracks of a playlist owned by a user.
- user - the id of the user
- playlist_id - the id of the playlist
- fields - which fields to return
- market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
# first run through also retrieves total no of songs in library
response = self.user_playlists(user, limit=50)
results = response["items"]
while len(results) < response["total"]:
response = self.user_playlists(
user, limit=50, offset=len(results)
return results
def user_playlist_replace_tracks_full(self, user, playlist_id, tracks):
self.user_playlist_replace_tracks(user, playlist_id, tracks[0:50])
if len(tracks) > 50:
self.user_playlist_add_tracks_full(user, playlist_id, tracks[50:])
def user_playlist_add_tracks_full(self, user, playlist_id, tracks):
for i in range(int(ceil(len(tracks) / 50))):
self.user_playlist_add_tracks(user, playlist_id, tracks[50 * i: 50 * (i + 1)])
def user_playlist_create(self, user, name, public=True, description=None):
""" Creates a playlist for a user
- user - the id of the user
- name - the name of the playlist
- public - is the created playlist public
- description - description of the playlist
if description is None:
return super().user_playlist_create(user, name, public)
data = {"name": name, "public": public, "description": description}
return self._post("users/%s/playlists" % (user,), payload=data)
def user_playlist_change_details(self, user, playlist_id, name=None,
public=None, collaborative=None, description=None):
data = {}
# Add Python2 and Python3 compatibility checking string types
except NameError:
basestring = str
if isinstance(name, basestring):
data["name"] = name
if isinstance(public, bool):
data["public"] = public
if isinstance(collaborative, bool):
data["collaborative"] = collaborative
if isinstance(description, basestring):
data["description"] = description
return self._put("playlists/%s" % playlist_id, payload=data)
def user_playlist_remove_all_occurrences_of_tracks_full(self, user, playlist_id, tracks, snapshot_id=None):
if snapshot_id is None:
response = self.user_playlist(user, playlist_id)
snapshot_id = response["snapshot_id"]
for i in range(int(ceil(len(tracks) / 100))):
response = self.user_playlist_remove_all_occurrences_of_tracks(
user, playlist_id, tracks[100 * i: 100 * (i + 1)], snapshot_id
snapshot_id = response["snapshot_id"]
def user_playlist_change_image(self, user, playlist_id, jpeg_image):
byte_buffer = BytesIO(), format="JPEG")
image_string = base64.b64encode(byte_buffer.getvalue())
return self._put("playlists/%s/images" % playlist_id, payload=image_string, content_type="image/jpeg")
def _put(self, url, args=None, payload=None, content_type="application/json", **kwargs):
if args:
return self._internal_call("PUT", url, payload, kwargs, content_type=content_type)
def _internal_call(self, method, url, payload, params, content_type="application/json"):
args = dict(params=params)
args["timeout"] = self.requests_timeout
if not url.startswith("http"):
url = self.prefix + url
headers = self._auth_headers()
headers["Content-Type"] = content_type
if payload:
if content_type == "image/jpeg":
args["data"] = payload
args["data"] = json.dumps(payload)
if self.trace_out:
r = self._session.request(method, url, headers=headers, proxies=self.proxies, **args)
except InvalidGrantError:
except Exception as e:
self._session = requests.Session()
r = self._session.request(method, url, headers=headers, proxies=self.proxies, **args)
if self.trace: # pragma: no cover
print("headers", headers)
print("http status", r.status_code)
print(method, r.url)
if payload:
print("DATA", json.dumps(payload))
except HTTPError:
message = ""
if r.text and len(r.text) > 0 and r.text != "null":
message += r.text
r_json = r.json()
if "error" in r_json and "message" in r_json["error"]:
message += r_json["error"]["message"]
except ValueError:
message += " Failed to decode JSON"
raise SpotifyException(r.status_code, -1, "{0}:\n {1}".format(r.url, message), headers=r.headers)
if r.text and len(r.text) > 0 and r.text != "null":
results = r.json()
return results
return None
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arsaboo commented Aug 3, 2022

How do we specify the fields to be returned in the user_playlist_tracks_full function? For example, I am interested in 'artist', 'album', 'track_name', 'track_id' and 'release_date'.

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