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Last active March 7, 2022 21:08
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hydrus script to replace namespace
this script will replace hydrus namespace based on given parameter and hydrus tag count
tag file is hydrus tag with count number
$ # replace 'https' namespace with 'url'
$ # "" -> 'url:'
$ replace-namespace --access_key 1234_acces_key --tag_file hydrus.txt 'https' 'url:https:'
$ # change namespace to 'tag' for unique namespace
$ replace-namespace-by-count --access_key 1234_acces_key --tag_file hydrus.txt 1 tag
import logging
from hydrus import Client
from tabulate import tabulate
from tqdm import tqdm
import click
import pandas as pd
def get_dataframe(txt_file):
with open(txt_file) as f:
content =
content_df = pd.DataFrame(content.splitlines())
content_df['end part'] = content_df[0].apply(lambda x: x.rsplit('(', 1)[1].split(')')[0].replace('.', ''))
content_df['count'] = content_df['end part'].apply(lambda x: x.split('-')[0])
content_df['full count'] = content_df['end part'].apply(lambda x: x.split('-')[1] if len(x.split('-')) == 2 else None)
content_df['namespace'] = content_df[0].apply(lambda x: x.split(':', 1)[0] if len(x.split(':', 1)) == 2 else None)
content_df['value'] = content_df[0].apply(lambda x: x.split(':', 1)[1].rsplit('(', 1)[0] if len(x.split(':', 1)) == 2 else x.rsplit('(', 1)[0])
content_df = content_df.drop(0, axis=1)
content_df = content_df.drop('end part', axis=1)
return content_df
def replace_tag(tag_sets, access_key=None, add_tags=None):
if not add_tags:
add_tags = []
add_tags = list(add_tags)
cl = Client(access_key)
for current_tag, new_tag in tqdm(sorted(tag_sets)):
fids = cl.search_files([current_tag])
if not fids:
# TODO change to debug
# print('tag:{}\nnew_tag:{}'.format(current_tag, new_tag))
# print('no file')
tqdm.write('tag:{}\nnew_tag:{}'.format(current_tag, new_tag))
fmds = cl.file_metadata(file_ids=fids, only_identifiers=True)
cl.add_tags([x['hash'] for x in fmds], services_to_actions={'local tags': {
'0': [new_tag] + add_tags, '1': [current_tag]
except Exception as err:
tqdm.write('tag:{}\nerror:{}'.format(current_tag, err))
def cli():
def print_namespace_ranking(tag_file):
content_df = get_dataframe(tag_file)
def print_tag(tag_file, namespace=None):
content_df = get_dataframe(tag_file)
if namespace:
print(tabulate(content_df[content_df['namespace'] == 'subitlte']))
@click.option('--add_tag', multiple=True)
def replace_namespace(target_namespace, prepend_text, tag_file=None, access_key=None, add_tag=None):
content_df = get_dataframe(tag_file)
match_df = content_df[content_df['namespace']==target_namespace]['value'].to_list()
raw_values = zip(match_df['namespace'].to_list(), match_df['value'])
values = []
for x in raw_values:
current_tag = '{}:{}'.format(x[0], x[1]).strip()
new_tag = '{}{}'.format(prepend_text, x[1]).strip()
values.append((current_tag, new_tag))
replace_tag(values, access_key, add_tag)
@click.option('--add_tag', multiple=True)
def replace_namespace_by_count(count, prepend_text, tag_file=None, access_key=None, add_tag=None):
content_df = get_dataframe(tag_file)
namespaces_df = content_df['namespace'].value_counts().to_frame()
namespaces = namespaces_df[namespaces_df['namespace'] == int(count)].to_dict()['namespace'].keys()
content_df['match'] = content_df['namespace'].apply(lambda x:x in namespaces)
match_df = content_df[content_df['match'] == True]
raw_values = zip(match_df['namespace'].to_list(), match_df['value'])
values = []
for x in raw_values:
current_tag = '{}:{}'.format(x[0], x[1]).strip()
new_tag = '{}{}:{}'.format(prepend_text, x[0], x[1]).strip()
values.append((current_tag, new_tag))
replace_tag(values, access_key, add_tag)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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