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Created June 25, 2019 12:28
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tag image using face_recognition, animeface, and color detector
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from typing import List
import logging
from PIL import Image, ImageStat # type: ignore
from tqdm import tqdm # type: ignore
import animeface as af # type: ignore
import click
import face_recognition as fr # type: ignore
import hydrus
def detect_color_image(file=None, pil_img=None, thumb_size=40, MSE_cutoff=22, adjust_color_bias=True):
assert any([file, pil_img]), 'file or PIL Image required'
if file:
pil_img =
bands = pil_img.getbands()
res = {}
if bands == ('R','G','B') or bands== ('R','G','B','A'):
thumb = pil_img.resize((thumb_size,thumb_size))
SSE, bias = 0, [0,0,0]
if adjust_color_bias:
bias = ImageStat.Stat(thumb).mean[:3]
bias = [b - sum(bias)/3 for b in bias ]
for pixel in thumb.getdata():
mu = sum(pixel)/3
SSE += sum((pixel[i] - mu - bias[i])*(pixel[i] - mu - bias[i]) for i in [0,1,2])
MSE = float(SSE)/(thumb_size*thumb_size)
if MSE <= MSE_cutoff:
res['color'] = "grayscale"
res['color'] = "color"
res['mse'] = MSE
res['mse int'] = int(MSE)
elif len(bands)==1:
res['color'] = 'black and white'
res['bands'] = bands
res['color'] = 'unknown'
res['bands'] = bands
return res
@click.argument('tag', nargs=-1)
def main(tag, access_key):
tags = tag
client = hydrus.Client(access_key=access_key)
fids = client.search_files(tags)
mds = client.file_metadata(file_ids=fids, only_identifiers=True)
for md in tqdm(mds):
img_hash = md['hash']
with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f:
file_content = client.get_file(hash_=img_hash)
with open(, 'wb') as ff:
image_filename =
pil_img =
except OSError:
fr_count = len(fr.face_locations(fr.load_image_file(image_filename)))
af_count = len(af.detect(pil_img))
except ValueError:
af_count = None # type: ignore
dc_res = detect_color_image(pil_img=pil_img)
tags = []
tags.append('face:fr {}'.format(fr_count))
if af_count is not None:
tags.append('face:af {}'.format(af_count))
if dc_res.get('mse', None):
tags.append('color_detect:mse {}'.format(dc_res['mse int']))
if dc_res.get('color', '') in ('black and white', 'unknown'):
tags.append('color_detect:{} {}'.format(dc_res['color'], dc_res['bands']))
tqdm.write('hash:{}\n{}'.format(img_hash, '\n'.join(tags)))
client.add_tags([img_hash], services_to_tags={'local tags': tags})
if __name__ == '__main__':
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