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Created March 23, 2015 00:43
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Scraper for WordInfo
import scrapy
class WordUnit(scrapy.Item):
# define the fields for your item here like:
# name = scrapy.Field()
name = scrapy.Field()
link = scrapy.Field()
small_desc = scrapy.Field()
desc = scrapy.Field()
words = scrapy.Field()
class WordInfoSpyder(scrapy.Spider):
name = "wordinfo"
allowed_domains = [""]
# just a quick hack
start_urls = [
"{0}".format(i) for i in range(1, 184)
def parse(self, response):
Build up a list of urls to visit to actually grab information
for url in response.xpath('//*[@id="Units"]/div/a/@href').extract():
request = scrapy.Request("" + url, callback=self.parse_word_unit, dont_filter=False)
request.meta['wordunit'] = None
yield request
def parse_word_unit(self, response):
Grab the list of all words for a given wordunit
note: this could be a paginated subrequest
if response.meta['wordunit']:
# we've already seen this before
wordunit = response.meta['wordunit']
# grab all the information
wordunit = WordUnit()
wordunit['name'] = response.css("h1.title").extract()[0].strip()
wordunit['link'] = response.url
wordunit['desc'] = "".join(response.css(".description p").extract())
wordunit['small_desc'] = response.css("h4.comment").extract()[0].strip()
wordunit['words'] = []
assert type(wordunit) == type(WordUnit())
# grab all the words on the page
for word in response.css('.word'):
'word' : word.xpath("div[1]/text()[1]").extract()[0].strip(),
'definition' : word.css(".definition").extract()[0].strip(),
'part_of_speech' : word.css("a b").extract()[0].strip() if len(word.css("a b").extract()) else ""
# hella sketchy
a = response.xpath('//*[@id="Unit"]/div[4]/div/span/a/img/@src').extract()
if len(a) == 2 and a[0] != "/img/right_arrow_sm.gif":
# then return this thing
yield wordunit
# now add new links (automatic filtering prevents extra links)
for url in response.xpath('//*[@id="Unit"]/div[4]/div[1]/span/a/@href').extract():
request = scrapy.Request("" + url, callback=self.parse_word_unit, dont_filter=False)
request.meta['wordunit'] = wordunit
yield request
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