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Last active June 20, 2022 20:44
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Bars Visibility utilities in Jetpack Compose. For cases when you want to hide a bottom navigation bar or top bar on a screen that does not need them.
* The base properties and methods that each item will need.
* Just to make it easier to add more bars item that can need hiding.
* Eg. scroll bars, navigation rails, etc.
interface BarVisibilityState {
val isVisible: Boolean
fun hide()
fun show()
* The default bar visibility state implementation.
* The class is marked with @Parcelize to make it easier to save it into a bundle so that it
* survives configuration changes. This uses kotlin-parcelize.
* Without parceling this class you would have to implement your own Saver to be used with
* rememberSaveable{ }.
* You could also use kotlinx-serialize (@Serializable) for using in Compose Multiplatform or
* just make your own Saver.
private class DefaultBarVisibilityState(
private val defaultVisibility: Boolean = true
) : BarVisibilityState, Parcelable {
private val _isVisible = mutableStateOf(defaultVisibility)
override val isVisible: Boolean by _isVisible
override fun hide() {
_isVisible.value = false
override fun show() {
_isVisible.value = true
private companion object : Parceler<DefaultBarVisibilityState> {
override fun create(parcel: Parcel): DefaultBarVisibilityState {
val isVisibleBool = BooleanArray(1)
return DefaultBarVisibilityState(defaultVisibility = isVisibleBool[0])
override fun DefaultBarVisibilityState.write(parcel: Parcel, flags: Int) {
* The bars you want to change their visibility for.
* The items are of the interface [BarVisibilityState] for uniformity.
interface BarsVisibility {
val topBar: BarVisibilityState
val bottomBar: BarVisibilityState
// StatusBar and NavBar items are useful for triggering immersive mode
val statusBar: BarVisibilityState
val navigationBar: BarVisibilityState
* A remember function for [BarsVisibility]. It survives configuration changes
* It should be used at the top level Composable or where the root NavHost is located
* and should be passed down to child Composables as needed.
fun rememberBarVisibility(): BarsVisibility {
val topBarState = rememberSaveable { DefaultBarVisibilityState() }
val bottomBarState = rememberSaveable { DefaultBarVisibilityState() }
val statusBarState = rememberSaveable { DefaultBarVisibilityState() }
val navigationBarState = rememberSaveable { DefaultBarVisibilityState() }
val barsVisibility: BarsVisibility by remember {
derivedStateOf {
object : BarsVisibility {
override val topBar: BarVisibilityState
get() = topBarState
override val bottomBar: BarVisibilityState
get() = bottomBarState
override val statusBar: BarVisibilityState
get() = statusBarState
override val navigationBar: BarVisibilityState
get() = navigationBarState
return barsVisibility
fun App() {
val navController = rememberNavController()
val barsVisibility = rememberBarVisibility()
modifier = Modifier,
bottomBar = {
visible = barsVisibility.bottomBar.isVisible, // Bottom Bar visibility used here
enter = slideInVerticallyFadeReversed(),
exit = slideOutVerticallyFadeReversed()
) {
ReluctBottomNavBar(navController = navController)
) { innerPaddings ->
modifier = Modifier,
navController = navController,
startDestination = Graphs.DashboardDestinations.route,
route = Graphs.RootDestinations.route
) {
// Dashboard
navController = navController,
barsVisibility = barsVisibility
// Screen 2
navController = navController,
barsVisibility = barsVisibility
// Screen 3
navController = navController,
barsVisibility = barsVisibility
// Let's say you want to hide the bottom bar when you open the Seach page found in screen3NavGraph
fun NavGraphBuilder.screen3NavGraph(
navController: NavHostController,
barsVisibility: BarsVisibility
) {
route = "uniqueRoute",
startDestination = "uniqueRoute"
) {
// Tasks Page
composable(route = "uniqueRoute") { // Show the bottom bar when on Tasks page
onBackClicked = { navController.popBackStack() }
// Search Page
composable(route = "uniqueRoute") {
barsVisibility.bottomBar.hide() // Hide the bottom bar
onNavigateToDetails = {
onBackClicked = { navController.popBackStack() }
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