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Created March 21, 2014 11:41
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HTML2FLUTE - rough try
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Spec;
use File::Copy::Recursive qw/rcopy/;
use File::Find;
use Data::Dumper;
use XML::Twig;
use File::Path qw/mkpath/;
use Getopt::Long;
use Archive::Extract; # core module
use Cwd;
my $cwd = getcwd();
my $orig = 'orig';
my $public = 'public';
my $viewdir = 'views';
my $layout_from = 'home.html';
my $layouts = "layouts";
my $content_el = "div";
my $content_att = "class";
my $content_name = "content";
my $bindir = 'bin';
my $help;
"files=s" => \$orig,
"layout-from=s" => \$layout_from,
"public=s" => \$public,
"views=s" => \$viewdir,
"layouts=s" => \$layouts,
"content-el=s" => \$content_el,
"content-att=s" => \$content_att,
"content-name=s" => \$content_name,
"bindir=s" => \$bindir,
"help" => \$help,
or die ("Error in command line arguments\n");
if ($help) {
mkpath ($orig);
mkpath ($public);
mkpath ($viewdir);
my $layout_dir = File::Spec->catdir($viewdir, $layouts);
mkpath ($layout_dir);
mkpath ($bindir);
if (my $zip = $ARGV[0]) {
die "$zip is not a file\n" unless -f $zip;
my $ae = Archive::Extract->new(archive => $zip);
$ae->extract(to => $orig) || die "Cannot extract $zip $!";
die "Missing directory $orig with HTML files!" unless -d $orig;
opendir (my $dho, $orig) or die "Can't opendir $orig!";
my @root = grep { $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' } readdir ($dho);
closedir $dho;
if (@root == 0) {
die "$orig is empty!";
elsif (@root == 1) {
my $ziproot = shift(@root);
my $neworig = File::Spec->catdir($orig, $ziproot);
if (-d $neworig) {
warn "Found a single directory $neworig inside $orig, using that";
$orig = $neworig;
warn "Coping all the original files in $public\n";
rcopy($orig, $public);
opendir (my $dh, $orig) or die "can't opendir $orig";
my @templates = grep { /\.html$/ } readdir ($dh);
closedir $dh;
my $content_xpath = q{//} . $content_el .
q{[@} . $content_att . q{="} . $content_name . q{"]};
warn "Using $content_xpath to get the content\n";
foreach my $template (@templates) {
# clean up the public directory
my $stray_html_in_public = File::Spec->catfile($public, $template);
if (-f $stray_html_in_public) {
warn ("Removing $stray_html_in_public");
unlink $stray_html_in_public
or die "Couldn't remove $stray_html_in_public $!";
my $parser = XML::Twig->new(start_tag_handlers => {
'[@src]' => \&fix_path_src,
'[@href]' => \&fix_path_href,
twig_handlers => {
script => \&preserve_script,
$parser->set_pretty_print( 'indented');
my $html = $parser->safe_parsefile_html(File::Spec->catfile($orig, $template));
my @children = $html->root->get_xpath($content_xpath);
die "Got more elements than expected!" unless @children == 1;
my @content = shift(@children)->cut_children;
my $view;
foreach my $el (@content) {
$view .= $el->sprint;
open (my $fh, ">:encoding(utf-8)",
File::Spec->catfile($viewdir, $template)) or die $!;
print $fh $view;
close $fh;
my $spec = $template;
$spec =~ s/\.html$/.xml/;
my $specfile = File::Spec->catfile($viewdir, $spec);
unless (-f $specfile) {
warn "Creating specification file $spec\n";
open (my $fhx, ">:encoding(utf-8)", $specfile) or die $!;
print $fhx "<specification>\n</specification>\n";
close ($fhx);
my $layoutparser = XML::Twig->new(start_tag_handlers => {
'[@src]' => \&fix_path_src,
'[@href]' => \&fix_path_href,
twig_handlers => {
script => \&preserve_script,
my $sample_layout_file = File::Spec->catfile($orig, $layout_from);
die "Couldn't find the layout file $sample_layout_file" unless -f $sample_layout_file;
my $html = $layoutparser->safe_parsefile_html($sample_layout_file);
$layoutparser->set_pretty_print( 'indented');
my @children = $html->root->get_xpath($content_xpath);
die "Got more elements than expected!" unless @children == 1;
foreach (@children) {
$_->cut_children; # delete the children;
open (my $fh, ">:encoding(utf-8)",
File::Spec->catfile($layout_dir, "main.html")) or die $!;
print $fh $html->sprint;
close $fh;
my $layoutspec = File::Spec->catfile($layout_dir, 'main.xml');
unless (-f $layoutspec) {
warn "Creating main layout spec\n";
open (my $fhx, ">:encoding(utf-8)", $layoutspec) or die $!;
print $fhx qq{<specification>\n<value name="content" $content_att="$content_name" op="hook"/>\n</specification>\n};
close ($fhx);
my $testapp = File::Spec->catfile($bindir, "");
unless (-f $testapp) {
open (my $fht, ">:encoding(utf-8)", $testapp) or die $!;
print $fht create_test_app();
close $fht;
warn "Test app left in $testapp\n";
sub create_test_app {
my $app = <<'EOR';
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Dancer;
set layout => 'main';
set charset => 'UTF-8';
set template => 'template_flute';
get qr{/([\w-]+)} => sub {
my ($t) = splat;
template $t;
return $app;
sub fix_path_src {
my ($twig, $elt) = @_;
fix_path(src => $twig, $elt);
sub fix_path_href {
my ($twig, $elt) = @_;
fix_path(href => $twig, $elt);
sub fix_path {
my ($target, $twig, $elt) = @_;
return unless $elt->att($target);
my $link = $elt->att($target);
return unless -f File::Spec->catfile($public, $link);
# print "$target => $link\n";
$elt->set_att($target, "/" . $link);
sub preserve_script {
my ($twig, $elt) = @_;
# $elt->print;
sub get_help {
my $help_string = <<'HELP';
Usage html2flute [ options ] [ ]
If the first argument (which should be a compressed archive with the
HTML files), the option --files is mandatory.
The script will copy the files in the public Dancer directory, move
all the html files at root level in views, splitting layout and
content and creating the stub specification files if missing.
The content is identified by element, attribute and name, defaulting
to "div", "class", "content", and mapping it to the "div" element with
class content. All these options can be overwritten.
Assuming that all the html files has the same layout, you have to
specify a file to be use as reference, via the --layout-from option,
pointing to the name of the html file.
--files <directory>: the directory where the files resides or where
they will be extracted. Default: "orig"
--layout-from <file>: The HTML file to use as reference for the
layout. Default: "home.html"
--content-el: the element to use to get the content. Default: "div"
--content-att: the attribute of the element to get the content.
Default: "class". (The only other sensible value is "id").
--content-name: the value of the content attribute. Default: "content"
The following options are already set to the Dancer defaults and
should not be changed, but they are provided nevertheless.
--public: the public directory ("public")
--views: the views directory ("views")
--layouts: the layouts subdirectory ("layouts")
--bindir: the bin directory ("bin")
--help: print this help and exit;
print $help_string;
exit 2;
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