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Created April 3, 2014 07:32
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Interchange5 Session Crossover Plugin
package Dancer::Plugin::Interchange5::SessionCrossover;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Dancer::Plugin;
use Dancer qw/:syntax/;
use Storable qw/thaw freeze/;
# this plugin nesting is not going to work with D2, until further notice :-\
use Dancer::Plugin::Database;
our $VERSION = '0.0001';
sub _get_session_id {
my $name = plugin_setting->{cookie_name} || 'MV_SESSION_ID';
my $code = cookie $name;
sub _read_key {
my ($name, @keys) = @_;
debug("$name, @keys");
die "Name is mandatory to read a key!" unless (defined($name) && @keys);
my $ref = _read_session($name);
debug to_dumper($ref);
return unless $ref;
my @out;
foreach my $k (@keys) {
push @out, $ref->{$k};
wantarray ? return @out : return $out[0];
sub _write_key {
my ($name, @args) = @_;
die "Missing name" unless $name;
# if no args is passed, just return without barfing
return unless @args;
# locking here
die "Wrong usage! You have to pass pairs of keys/values to write in $name"
if (@args % 2);
my %data = @args;
# get a fresh copy of the session
my $freshdata = _read_session($name);
# unlock and return
# no session available
return unless $freshdata;
debug to_dumper($freshdata);
foreach my $k (keys %data) {
$freshdata->{$k} = $data{$k};
debug "Writing $name with above data";
# replace
my $exit = _write_session($name, $freshdata);
# unlock
return $exit;
sub _read_session {
my ($self, @args) = plugin_args(@_);
# 1. check for the cookie, if it's not there, we can't do anything
my $code = _get_session_id;
return unless $code;
# 2. get the conf
my $dbconf = _get_db_conf();
# 3. read the session
my $data = $dbconf->{dbh}->quick_select($dbconf->{table},
{ $dbconf->{code_column}, $code });
# no data, return, but it's fishy
return unless $data;
# 4. deserialize
my $session = thaw($data->{$dbconf->{session_column}});
# 5. return the key if asked so, or the whole thing
if (@args) {
return $session->{$args[0]};
else {
return $session;
sub _write_session {
my ($self, @args) = plugin_args(@_);
my $code = _get_session_id;
return unless $code;
die ("Wrong usage, write_ic5_session wants two arguments, key and value")
unless @args == 2;
# Locking is missing right now
my ($key, $val) = @args;
# first, get a fresh copy of the session
my $fresh_data = _read_session();
# if we fail to get fresh data, the session is not available, so return
return unless $fresh_data;
# replace
$fresh_data->{$key} = $val;
# and store
my $frozen = freeze($fresh_data);
my $dbconf = _get_db_conf();
{ $dbconf->{code_column}, $code },
{ $dbconf->{session_column}, $frozen });
return $fresh_data;
sub _get_db_conf {
# look up the configuration
my $conf = plugin_setting || {};
my %dbconf;
# get the handler
# no database key means use the default one for D::P::Database
if ($conf->{database}) {
$dbconf{dbh} = database($conf->{database});
else {
$dbconf{dbh} = database;
die q{The table value } . __PACKAGE__ . " settings is mandatory"
unless $conf->{table};
# table name
$dbconf{table} = $conf->{table};
# hardcoded values
$dbconf{code_column} = $conf->{code_column} || 'code';
$dbconf{session_column} = $conf->{session_column} || 'session';
return \%dbconf;
sub _get_conf {
return plugin_setting() || {};
register read_ic5_session => sub {
my ($self, @args) = plugin_args(@_);
return _read_session(@args);
register write_ic5_session => sub {
my ($self, @args) = plugin_args(@_);
return _write_session(@args);
register read_ic5_scratch => sub {
my ($self, @args) = plugin_args(@_);
return _read_key(scratch => @args)
register write_ic5_scratch => sub {
my ($self, @args) = plugin_args(@_);
return _write_key(scratch => @args);
register read_ic5_value => sub {
my ($self, @args) = plugin_args(@_);
return _read_key(values => @args)
register write_ic5_value => sub {
my ($self, @args) = plugin_args(@_);
return _write_key(values => @args);
register ic5_values => sub {
return _read_session('values');
register ic5_scratch => sub {
return _read_session('scratch');
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