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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Consul Events
Consul must first be installed and configured using the Getting Started guide on
There are also other checks that I had to do on my own including health checks and registering services before
this was up and running properly. I initially started to use Atlas, a nice UI interface, to test and show stats
but the team decided against that method for now.
All these represent AWS EC2 node instances
Run on the server node:
[root@ip-10-168-16-98 pearson]# consul agent -server -bootstrap-expect 1 -data-dir /tmp/consul -node=server-boss -bind=
You should see this message from the server node:
2015/03/05 17:05:49 [INFO] consul: cluster leadership acquired
2015/03/05 17:05:49 [INFO] consul: New leader elected: server-boss
Run on first agent:
[root@ip-10-168-18-181 pearson]# consul agent -data-dir /tmp/consul -node=agent-two -bind=
Run again on another server if you would like to connect another agent:
[root@ip-10-168-15-13 pearson]# consul agent -data-dir /tmp/consul -node=agent-three -bind=
Connect the Servers using the server node. Do this until all agents are connected
[pearson@ip-10-168-16-98 ~]$ consul join
[pearson@ip-10-168-16-98 ~]$ consul join
Successfully joined cluster by contacting 1 nodes.
You should see a message similar to this on the agent side once the server begins to join the agents:
2015/03/05 17:15:09 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: agent-two
2015/03/05 17:15:09 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: server-boss
2015/03/05 17:15:09 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: agent-four
2015/03/05 17:15:09 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: agent-three
2015/03/05 17:15:09 [INFO] consul: adding server server-boss (Addr: (DC: dc1)
2015/03/05 17:15:09 [INFO] consul: New leader elected: server-boss
Notice that each server, whether server or agent, joins the group and 'gossips.'
Type the command 'consul members' and you should see all the connections:
[pearson@ip-10-168-16-98 ~]$ consul members
Node Address Status Type Build Protocol
server-boss alive server 0.5.0 2
agent-three alive client 0.5.0 2
agent-two alive client 0.5.0 2
agent-four alive client 0.5.0 2
agent-five alive client 0.5.0 2
This command can be used on any connected agent or server.
I placed a shell script in /usr/bin/ that would execute if a particular event happened:
[root@ip-10-168-16-98 pearson]# consul watch -type event -name web-deploy /usr/bin/ &
[1] 16798 -> pid
Notice I am running this in the background so I can use the same terminal. I don't care about the output
This 'watch' is being run on the main server in this example. The shell script spits out a .txt file in the server's
home directory. The name of the 'event' being 'watched' for is 'web-deploy'
On an agent, I issue this command:
[pearson@ip-10-168-15-13 ~]$ consul event -name web-deploy
Event ID: d0d4aeb8-772b-4c95-b0c6-131608351c0d
The agent 'watching' for the event now has a consul.txt file in the home directory. In this case it is in the home diectory
of the main server.
Now I want to make another agent watch for an event:
[root@ip-10-168-15-13 pearson]# consul watch -type event -name web-deploy-agent /usr/bin/ &
[1] 3734
[root@ip-10-168-15-13 pearson]# ps -ef | grep consul
root 3734 28263 0 19:01 pts/1 00:00:00 consul watch -type event -name web-deploy-agent /usr/bin/
This new event is called 'web-deploy-agent'
I now put a new 'event' command inside the bash script for 'web-deploy,' which was the initial event. The new 'event'
added will be 'web-deploy-agent'. Now issue this command from the original server:
[root@ip-10-168-16-98 pearson]# consul event -name web-deploy
This triggers the 'watch' for 'web-deploy' and 'web-deploy-agent' which creates a new file in the home directory of the
original server and agent. Once a 'watch' is issued on one of the agents or servers, an 'event' with a particular attribute
will trigger the 'watch' and execute a specified command.
Now, I am adding a new 'watch' to the main server to append to the consul.txt file:
[root@ip-10-168-16-98 pearson]# ps -ef | grep consul
root 16680 16650 0 17:05 pts/2 00:00:30 consul agent -server -bootstrap-expect 1 -data-dir /tmp/consul -node=server-boss -bind=
root 16798 16781 0 17:36 pts/3 00:00:00 consul watch -type event -name web-deploy /usr/bin/
root 17123 16781 0 20:16 pts/3 00:00:00 consul watch -type event -name add-to-consul /usr/bin/
root 17130 16781 0 20:16 pts/3 00:00:00 grep consul
Once the 'add-to-consul' 'event' happens, a line will be appended to the file:
[root@ip-10-168-16-98 pearson]# consul event -name add-to-consul
This is what is contained in consul.txt after running the event twice:
This is some Consul testing
This is appending to consul.txt in a seaprate event
This is appending to consul.txt in a separate event
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