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Last active December 19, 2015 00:39
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  • Save rackergs/537e4fd9b5983f70a19d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rackergs/537e4fd9b5983f70a19d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ERROR 2013-06-26 18:35:16 pulp_rest #6456] "https://katello-n01.blah/pulp/api/v2/users/", "{\"login\":\"myldaplogin\",\"name\":\"myldaplogin\",\"password\":\"\"}", "Accept"=>"application/json", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate", "Authorization"=>"OAuth oauth_body_hash=\"\", oauth_consumer_key=\"katello\", oauth_nonce=\"\", oauth_signature=\"\", oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\", oauth_timestamp=\"1372271716\", oauth_version=\"1.0\"", "Content-Length"=>"68", "Content-Type"=>"application/json", "pulp-user"=>"greg5320"
| \n# => 409 Conflict | application/json 197 bytes
[ WARN 2013-06-26 18:37:33 app 93dca7e63082523c319aa2215b1b0756 #6628] Request is unauthenticated_ui for
[ WARN 2013-06-26 18:37:46 app a8971987bb495d4c48c3670cde795b97 #6674] Request is unauthenticated_ui for
[root@katello-n01 ~]# cat my-answer-file
# Path of the answer file.
answer_file =
# Katello administrative user (default: admin)
user_name = myldapuser
# Katello user's password
#user_pass =
# Katello user's email (default: root@localhost)
user_email = root@localhost
# Katello initial Organization (default: ACME_Corporation)
org_name = MyOrg
# HTTP Proxy URL (example:
proxy_url = NONE
# HTTP Proxy port (default: 3128)
proxy_port = NONE
# HTTP Proxy user (proxy username, if auth is required)
proxy_user = NONE
# HTTP Proxy pass (proxy password, if auth is required)
proxy_pass = NONE
# Katello database name.
# PostgreSQL database name used to store the Katello database
# objects.
db_name = katelloschema
# Katello database user.
db_user = katellouser
# Katello database password.
db_password = katellopw
# Candlepin database user
candlepin_db_user = candlepin
# Candlepin databse password
candlepin_db_password = candlepin
# Candlepin database name
candlepin_db_name = candlepin
# Deployment type (one of "katello", "headpin", "cfse", "sam")
deployment = katello
# Non-interactive installer mode
non_interactive = true
# SSL CA password
ssl_ca_password = katellocapw
# SSL CA country
ssl_ca_country = US
# SSL CA state
ssl_ca_state = Texas
# SSL CA city
ssl_ca_city = Dallas
# SSL CA organization
ssl_ca_org = MyDayJob
# SSL CA organization unit
ssl_ca_org_unit = Product
# SSL CA common name
ssl_ca_cn = katellegration
# SSL CA e-mail address
ssl_ca_email =
# SSL certificate expiration (in days)
ssl_cert_expiration = 365
# SSL CA password file path
ssl_ca_password_file = /etc/katello/ssl_ca_password-file
# Candlepin CA password file path
candlepin_ca_password_file = /etc/katello/candlepin_ca_password-file
# Keystore password file path for Candlepin
keystore_password_file = /etc/katello/keystore_password-file
# NSS db password file path
nss_db_password_file = /etc/katello/nss_db_password-file
# NSS database path
nss_db_dir = /etc/pki/katello/nssdb
# PKCS12 password file path
ssl_pk12_password_file = /etc/katello/pk12_password-file
# Authentication method (database, ldap)
auth_method = ldap
# LDAP server hostname
ldap_server =
# LDAP server hostname
ldap_port = 636
# LDAP server type (:posix, :active_directory, :free_ipa)
ldap_server_type = :posix
# Encryption method used in communication with LDAP server (<empty>, start_tls)
ldap_encryption = :simple_tls
# Base DN for users accounts
ldap_users_basedn = ou=Users,o=mydayjob
# Base DN for users groups
ldap_groups_basedn = ou=POSIXGroups,o=mydayjob
# Use LDAP for roles membership definition (true, false)
ldap_roles = false
# Allow anonymous queries (true, false) for AD or FreeIPA
ldap_anon_queries = true
# Service username for non-anon queries (IPA, AD)
ldap_service_user =
# Service password for non-anon queries (IPA, AD)
ldap_service_pass =
# Domain for AD LDAP queries
ldap_ad_domain =
# ElasticSearch ES_MIN_MEM java heap setting
es_min_mem = 256m
# ElasticSearch ES_MAX_MEM java heap setting
es_max_mem = 256m
# PostgreSQL superuser password (NONE for no password)
psql_password_file = NONE
# OAuth token file
oauth_token_file = /etc/katello/oauth_token-file
# Pulp user password file
pulp_user_password_file = /etc/katello/pulp_user_password-file
# Set to 'YES' to erase all databases.
# WARNING: This is dangerous option! Only value of 'YES' (uppercase)
# triggers the action. (This value is not remembered in
# katello-configure.conf).
reset_data = NONE
# Set to 'YES' to erase RPM packages from Pulp.
# Erases downloaded RPM packages from /var/lib/pulp/packages.
# Only value of 'YES' (uppercase) triggers the action. (This value
# is not remembered in katello-configure.conf).
reset_cache = NONE
# Background job workers (default 1)
job_workers = 1
# Katello thin workers (the default is computed from system resources)
katello_web_workers = NONE
# Foreman thin workers (the default is computed from system resources)
foreman_web_workers = NONE
irb(main):046:0> uid=nil
=> nil
irb(main):047:0> password=nil
=> nil
irb(main):048:0> ldap.auth "uid=#{uid},#{@base}", password
=> {:method=>:simple, :username=>"uid=,", :password=>nil}
irb(main):049:0> ldap.bind
Net::LDAP::LdapError: Invalid binding information
from /opt/rh/ruby193/root/usr/share/gems/gems/net-ldap-0.2.2/lib/net/ldap.rb:1224:in `bind_simple'
from /opt/rh/ruby193/root/usr/share/gems/gems/net-ldap-0.2.2/lib/net/ldap.rb:1203:in `bind'
from /opt/rh/ruby193/root/usr/share/gems/gems/net-ldap-0.2.2/lib/net/ldap.rb:712:in `bind'
from (irb):49
from /opt/rh/ruby193/root/usr/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'
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