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Last active February 15, 2016 17:05
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Cantida de ticket en relacion de Queue y Estado
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use DBI;
use DBD::mysql;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use warnings;
my $host = "localhost";
my $database = "otrs";
my $port = 3306;
my $tablename = "user";
my $user = "root";
my $pw = "12345";
use POSIX qw(strftime);
$datestring = strftime "%a %e %b %Y %r", localtime;
##$datestring = strftime "%a %e %b %Y %H:%M", localtime;
##my $date = strftime "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M", localtime;
my $titulo = "QUEUES - ESTADOS - ".$datestring;
my $linkActuliza = "";
my $linkExcel = "";
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$host;port=$port",
$user, $pw)
or die "Cannot connect to MySQL server: $DBI::errstr";
my $consula = "SELECT q.Name AS QUEUE , SUM(En_Progreso) AS 'En Progreso' ,SUM(Devolucion) AS 'Devolucion', SUM(Resuelto) AS 'Resuelto'
,SUM(Cliente_notificado) AS 'Cliente notificado' , SUM(Completado) AS 'Completado', SUM(TOTAL) AS 'TOTAL'
SELECT t.queue_id AS queue_id , COUNT(TICKET_STATE_ID ) AS 'En_Progreso' ,0 AS 'Devolucion', 0 AS 'Resuelto'
,0 AS 'Cliente_notificado',0 AS 'Completado', 0 AS 'TOTAL'
FROM ticket t
WHERE t.TICKET_STATE_ID = 17 AND customer_id = 'crediq' GROUP BY t.queue_id
SELECT t.queue_id AS queue_id , 0 AS 'En_Progreso' ,COUNT(TICKET_STATE_ID ) AS 'Devolucion', 0 AS 'Resuelto'
,0 AS 'Cliente_notificado',0 AS 'Completado', 0 AS 'TOTAL'
FROM ticket t
WHERE t.TICKET_STATE_ID = 18 AND customer_id = 'crediq' GROUP BY t.queue_id
SELECT t.queue_id AS queue_id , 0 AS 'En_Progreso' ,0 AS 'Devolucion', COUNT(TICKET_STATE_ID ) AS 'Resuelto'
,0 AS 'Cliente_notificado',0 AS 'Completado', 0 AS 'TOTAL'
FROM ticket t
WHERE t.TICKET_STATE_ID = 16 AND customer_id = 'crediq' GROUP BY t.queue_id
SELECT t.queue_id AS queue_id , 0 AS 'En_Progreso' , 0 AS 'Devolucion', 0 AS 'Resuelto'
,COUNT(TICKET_STATE_ID ) AS 'Cliente_notificado',0 AS 'Completado', 0 AS 'TOTAL'
FROM ticket t
WHERE t.TICKET_STATE_ID = 20 AND customer_id = 'crediq' GROUP BY t.queue_id
SELECT t.queue_id AS queue_id , 0 AS 'En Progreso' , 0 AS 'Devolucion', 0 AS 'Resuelto'
,0 AS 'Cliente_notificado',COUNT(TICKET_STATE_ID ) AS 'Completado', 0 AS 'TOTAL'
FROM ticket t
WHERE t.TICKET_STATE_ID = 19 AND customer_id = 'crediq' GROUP BY t.queue_id
SELECT t.queue_id AS queue_id , 0 AS 'En_Progreso' , 0 AS 'Devolucion', 0 AS 'Resuelto'
,0 AS 'Cliente_notificado',0 AS 'Completado', COUNT(TICKET_STATE_ID ) AS 'TOTAL'
FROM ticket t
WHERE customer_id = 'crediq' AND t.TICKET_STATE_ID IN (17,18,16,19,20) GROUP BY t.queue_id
JOIN queue q on q.ID = z.queue_id GROUP BY z.queue_id order by q.Name";
# prepare SQL statement
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($consula)
or die "prepare statement failed: $dbh->errstr()";
$sth->execute() or die "execution failed: $dbh->errstr()";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# print the header
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\n";
print "\n";
print "\n";
print "<!DOCTYPE html \n";
print " PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \n";
print " \"\"> \n";
print "<html xmlns=\"\" lang=\"en-US\" xml:lang=\"en-US\"> \n";
print "<meta charset=\"utf-8\"> \n";
print "<title>Reporte OTRS</title> \n";
print "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1\"> \n";
print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/css/zerogrid.css\"> \n";
print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/css/style.css\"> \n";
print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/css/lightbox.css\"> \n";
print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/css/tablas.css\"> \n";
print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/css/submenu.css\"> \n";
print "<link href=\"/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"> \n";
print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/css/menu.css\"> \n";
print "<script src=\"/js/jquery1111.min.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script> \n";
print "<script src=\"/js/script.js\"></script> \n";
print "</head> \n";
print "<body> \n";
print "<div class=\"wrap-body\"> \n";
print "<header class=\"zerogrid\"> \n";
print "<div class=\"logo\"><img src=\"/images/logo3.png\" alt=\"\"/></div> \n";
print "<div id='cssmenu' class=\"align-center\"> \n";
print "<ul> \n";
print "<li><a href='/index.html'><span>Home</span></a></li> \n";
print "</ul> \n";
print "</div> \n";
print "</header> \n";
print " \n";
print " \n";
print "<section id=\"container\"> \n";
print "<div class=\"wrap-container\"> \n";
print "<div id=\"main-container\" class=\"zerogrid\"> \n";
# PONER ANTES DE LA TABLA! print "<div class=\"CSSTableGenerator\"> \n";
print "<h3>$titulo</h3> \n";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#print "<div class=\"submenu\"> \n";
print "<nav id=\"main-menu\"> \n";
print "<ul class=\"nav-bar\"> \n";
print " <li class=\"nav-button-refresh\"><a href=$linkActuliza>REFRESH</a></li> \n";
print " <li class=\"nav-button-excel\"><a href=$linkExcel >GENERAR EXCEL</a></li> \n";
print " </ul>\n";
print " </nav>\n";
#print "<A HREF=\"\"> REFRESH </A>\n";
#print "<br/>\n";
#print "<A HREF=\"\"> GENERAR EXCEL </A>\n";
#print "</div> \n";
# HTML for the beginning of the table
# we are putting a border around the table for effect
print "<div class=\"CSSTableGenerator\"> \n";
print "<table > \n";
# print your table column headers
# print your table column headers
print "<tr><td>Nombre</td><td>En Progreso</td><td>Devolucion</td><td>Resuelto</td><td>Cliente Notificado</td><td>Completado</td><td>Total</td></tr>\n";
# retrieve the values returned from executing your SQL statement
while (@data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$name_first = $data[0];
$name_last = $data[1];
$column3 = $data[2];
$column4 = $data[3];
$column5 = $data[4];
$column6 = $data[5];
$column7 = $data[6];
# print your table rows
print "<tr><td>$name_first</td><td>$name_last</td><td>$column3</td><td>$column4</td><td>$column5</td><td>$column6</td><td>$column7</td></tr>\n";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
print "</div> \n";
print "</section> \n";
#print "<footer class=\"zerogrid\"> \n";
#print "<div class=\"zerogrid\"> \n";
#print "<div class=\"wrap-footer\"> \n";
#print "<div class=\"row\"> \n";
#print "<div class=\"col-1-2\"> \n";
#print "<div class=\"wrap-col\"> \n";
#print "<span>Admin:</span><br/> \n";
#print "</div> \n";
#print " </div>\n";
#print "</div> \n";
#print "</div> \n";
#print "</div> \n";
#print "</footer> \n";
print "</body> \n";
print "</html> \n";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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