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Created August 1, 2014 04:20
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Hourly request counts on an Nginx log file
# Usage: ruby nginx-requests.rb logfilename 31 Jul 2014
logfilename = ARGV[0]
day = ARGV[1]
month = ARGV[2]
year = ARGV[3]
hours = (0..24).to_a
hours.each do |hour|
hour_str = sprintf("%02d", hour)
cmd = %{grep "#{day}/#{month}/#{year}:#{hour_str}:" #{logfilename} | wc -l}
puts cmd
result = `#{cmd}`
puts result
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The output here is different, and this isn't filtering for the day (although you could add that to the grep), but it only takes one pass over the input file:

cat <nginx logfile> | grep -oE '\[.*\]' | cut -c 14-15 | uniq -c

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