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Created November 29, 2012 01:08
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Smart Spreadsheet reading with Ruby
require 'roo'
require 'pp'
# A Excel spreadsheet reader that can clean up column names and convert data.
# Assumptions: The data is read off the first sheet of the workbook. The sheet
# has column headers. Column names are cleaned up, so as to tolerate small
# errors (see "read_headers"). Each row has the same number of entries /
# columns.
# This happens Excel95 (xls) and Excel XML (xlsx).
# @example How to use this class
#    rdr = XlsReader('my-excel.xls')
# { |rec| print rec }
class ExcelReader
   attr_accessor :wbook, :syn_dict, :headers
   # Initialise the reader.
   # @param [String] infile   the path to the spreadsheet to be read in.
   # @param [Hash] syn_dict   a remapping of column names, to allow synonyms
   # @example How to create a reader
   #    rdr = XlsReader('my-excel.xls')
   #    rdr = XlsReader('my-excel.xls', {'foo_bar'=> 'foobar'})
   def initialize(infile, file_type)
      # NOTE: roo insists that files end with the right extension
      tmpfile =['excel', ".#{file_type}"])
      tmpfile_hndl =
      tmpfile_hndl.write (open(infile, 'r').read)
      if file_type == 'xls'
         @wbook =
      elsif file_type == 'xlsx'
         @wbook =
         raise ArgumentError("unrecognised filetype '#{file_type}'")
      # NOTE: in roo, you don't select a worksheet, you name the current one
      @wbook.default_sheet = wbook.sheets.first
      @syn_dict = {}
   # Read the sheet, and return each non-header row to the passed block.
   # This first reads the headers and cleans them up (see "read_headers"). When
   # each row is read, the values are stored in a hash with the cleaned up
   # column names as keys. If a method exists called "method_", this is
   # used to convert the value. Spreadsheet seems to convert floats but dates
   # are returned as Excel serial values.
   # @param [Block] blk  An executable block
   def read(&blk)
      ## Preconditions:
      # NOTE: you can't grab a row or just read a line in roo, you have to ask
      # about the bounds and explcitly iter over the cell contents.
      row_start = @wbook.first_row
      row_stop = @wbook.last_row
      col_start = @wbook.first_column
      col_stop = @wbook.last_column
      if row_start != 1
         raise RuntimeError, "data must start on the first row not #{row_start}"
      if col_start != 1
         raise RuntimeError, "data must start in the first column not #{col_start}"
      # Main:
      # grab and parse headers
      @headers = read_headers(col_stop)
      # read each row
      (2..row_stop).each { |i|
         row_data = (1..col_stop).collect { |j| @wbook.cell(i,j) }
         row_zip =
         row_hash = Hash[*row_zip]
         row_hash.each_pair { |k,v|
            meth_name = "convert_#{k}"
            if (self.respond_to?(meth_name))
               row_hash[k] = self.send(meth_name, v)
               row_hash[k] = convert(v)
   # Clean up the title of a column to something reasonable
   # If the header is recognised or a synonym, return it in the canonical
   # i.e. a symbol. Otherwise send back the raw form (a string with space
   # stripped from flanks)
   def clean_col_header (hdr)
      # Conversion is:
      # - strip flanking space
      # - convert all internal non-alphanumerics to underscores
      # reduce consequetive underscores to a single one
      # TODO: strip flanking underscores
      clean_str = hdr.downcase.strip.gsub(/\W+/, '_')
      return clean_str.gsub(/_+/, '_')
   # Return the canonical set of headers.
   # This makes everything lowercase, strips flankning space, and substitutes
   # underscores for spaces. Override to validate or for further process headers.
   def read_headers (col_stop)
      # collect header row
      headers = (1..col_stop).collect { |j|
      # drop case, strip flanking spaces, replace gaps with underscores
      return headers.collect { |h|
         raw_val = h.strip()
         h_str = clean_col_header (raw_val)
         @syn_dict.fetch(h_str, raw_val)
   # General conversion of spreadsheet cell values
   def convert(val)
      # clean up strings and return nil for
      if val.class == String
         if ["?", "unknown"].member?(val.downcase())
            return nil
      return val
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