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# A client showing how to use Bio::Biblio module, a module for # accessing and querying a bibliographic repository. # It also shows how to use modules Bio::Biblio::IO::medlinexml # Bio::Biblio::IO::medline2ref which converts XML MEDLINE #
#!perl -w
# A client showing how to use Bio::Biblio module, a module for
# accessing and querying a bibliographic repository.
# It also shows how to use modules Bio::Biblio::IO::medlinexml
# Bio::Biblio::IO::medline2ref which converts XML MEDLINE
# citations into a simple hash table and into full Perl objects.
# It has many options in order to cover as many methods as
# possible. Because of that, it can be also used as a fully
# functional command-line client for querying repository and
# retrieving citations from it.
# Usage: biblio.PLS -h
# February 2002
use strict;
sub get_usage {
# add path to the directory with this script
my $mylib;
($mylib = $0) =~ s|/[^/]+$||;
unshift @INC, $mylib;
# be prepare for command-line options/arguments
use Getopt::Std;
# general options
use vars qw/ $opt_h $opt_v $opt_q /;
# specialized options
use vars qw/ $opt_a $opt_b $opt_c $opt_d $opt_D $opt_e $opt_k $opt_n $opt_p $opt_r $opt_s /;
# options with a value
use vars qw/ $opt_f $opt_F $opt_g $opt_i $opt_l $opt_m $opt_O $opt_V /;
my $switches = 'fFgilmOV'; # these are switches taking an argument (a value)
getopt ($switches);
# help wanted?
if ($opt_h) {
print get_usage;
exit 0;
use Bio::Biblio; # to read data via SOAP
use Bio::Biblio::IO; # to convert resulting XML to Biblio objects
use Data::Dumper; # to print resulting data in a raw form
# --- print version and exit
if ($opt_v) {
print "$Bio::Biblio::VERSION\n";
print "$Bio::Biblio::Revision\n";
exit 0;
# --- deal with a local file
&convert_and_print ($opt_f) if $opt_f;
# --- create a Biblio object;
# the new() method understands the following parameters
# (but none of them is mandatory - unless the default service location
# is not where you want to go today):
# -location (taken from '-l' option if given)
# -collection_id (taken from '-i' option if given)
# -destroy_on_exit (set to false if '-k' or '-p' or '-i' are given)
# And just for information (these can be used from your script but
# they are not set-able by this script):
# -access => 'soap' (not set-able here, a default value will be used)
# -namespace => '...' (not set-able here, a default value will be used)
# -soap (not set-able here)
# Additionally, it uses env. variable HTTPPROXY to create parameter
# '-httpproxy'.
my @location = ('-location', $opt_l) if defined $opt_l;
my @collection = ('-collection_id', $opt_i) if defined $opt_i;
my @destroy = ('-destroy_on_exit', 0) if $opt_k or $opt_p or $opt_i;
my @httpproxy = ('-httpproxy', $ENV{'HTTPPROXY'}) if defined $ENV{'HTTPPROXY'};
my $biblio = new Bio::Biblio (@location, @collection, @destroy, @httpproxy);
die "Stopped. No success in accessing the bibliographic repository.\n" unless $biblio;
# all remaining command-line arguments (if any remains after getopts) are:
# -find <keywords> [-attrs <attributes>]
# and these (up-to-)pairs can be repeated...
# ...and it creates a query collection (perhaps more than one) and
# assigns it (or the last one in case on 'chained' finds) to $biblio
my ($keywords, $attrs, $next);
while ($next = shift) {
if ($next eq '-find') {
$biblio = &_find ($biblio, $keywords, $attrs) if $keywords;
$keywords = shift;
undef $attrs;
} elsif ($next eq '-attrs') {
$attrs = shift;
$biblio = &_find ($biblio, $keywords, $attrs) if $keywords;
# now we have either the top-level collection (if there were no -find
# arguments), or a resulting collection from the -find queries above
# ...let's do with it what was asked by options
# ...print the number of citations
print $biblio->get_count . "\n" if $opt_c;
# ...get one particular citation (this method does not use any -finds above)
&convert_and_print ($biblio->get_by_id ($opt_g)) if $opt_g;
# ...print all citation IDs
print join ("\n", @{ $biblio->get_all_ids }) . "\n" if $opt_d;
# ...print all citations - returned as one big string from the server
&convert_and_print ($biblio->get_all) if $opt_s;
# ... reset iteration in the collection again to the first citation
if ($opt_r) {
print "Reset OK.\n" unless $opt_q;
# ...print more citations (perhaps all) - returned as an array of citations
$opt_m = 100000000 if $opt_a;
if (defined $opt_m) {
foreach my $cit (@{ $biblio->get_more ($opt_m) }) {
&convert_and_print ($cit);
# ...print next citation from the current collection
&convert_and_print ($biblio->get_next) if $opt_n;
# ...check existence of a collection and completeness of its iterator
if ($opt_e) {
my $exists = $biblio->exists;
my $has_next = $biblio->has_next if $exists;
$exists = '0' unless $exists;
$has_next = '0' unless $has_next;
if ($opt_q) {
print "$exists\n$has_next\n";
} else {
print "Exists: $exists\tHas next: $has_next\n";
# ...destroy collection
if ($opt_D) {
print "Destroyed OK.\n" unless $opt_q;
# ...print the collection ID
if ($opt_p) {
my $id = $biblio->get_collection_id;
print "$id\n" if $id;
# ...controlled vocabularies
if ($opt_V) {
# ...print all vocabulary names (-Vn)
if ($opt_V =~ /^n/) {
print join ("\n", @{ $biblio->get_vocabulary_names }) . "\n";
} else {
my ($arg, $name, $value) = split (/\:\:/, $opt_V, 3);
# ...print all values from a given vocabulary (-Vv::<name>)
if ($opt_V =~ /^v/) {
print join ("\n", @{ $biblio->get_all_values ($name) }) . "\n";
# ...print all entries from a given vocabulary (-Va::<name>)
} elsif ($opt_V =~ /^a/) {
print Data::Dumper->Dump ( [$biblio->get_all_entries ($name)], ['All entries']);
# ...print description of a given vocabulary entry (-Vd::<name>::<value>)
} elsif ($opt_V =~ /^d/) {
print $biblio->get_entry_description ($name, $value) . "\n";
# ...check existence of a vocabulary value (-Ve::<name>::<value>)
} elsif ($opt_V =~ /^e/) {
my $contains = $biblio->contains ($name, $value);
$contains = '0' unless $contains;
print "Value '$value' in vocabulary '$name': $contains\n" unless $opt_q;
print "$contains\n" if $opt_q;
sub _find {
my ($biblio, $keywords, $attrs) = @_;
$| = 1;
print "Looking for '$keywords'" . ($attrs ? " in attributes '$attrs'..." : "...")
unless $opt_q;
my ($new_biblio) = $biblio->find ($keywords, $attrs);
print "\tFound " . $new_biblio->get_count . "\n"
unless $opt_q;
print "\tReturned collection is '" . $new_biblio->get_collection_id . "'.\n"
if $opt_k and not $opt_q;
return $new_biblio;
sub convert_and_print {
my ($citation) = @_;
# if no -O option given or if it is -Ox we are happy returning XML string
unless (defined $opt_O and $opt_O !~ /^x/) {
return if $opt_f; # we do not do a simple file reading
&print_one ($citation);
my @args;
# -Or means to return a raw hash, everything else means to return
# Biblio objects - but there may be more types of them depending
# also on -F (which format the citation is in)
if ($opt_O =~ /^r/) {
push (@args, ('-result' => 'raw'));
} elsif ($opt_F and $opt_F =~ /^p/) {
push (@args, ('-result' => 'pubmed2ref'));
# default: -result => 'medline2ref'
# an argument to specify that we want parse XML (which we always want
# but there can be various XML formats)
if ($opt_F and $opt_F =~ /^p/) {
push (@args, ('-format' => 'pubmedxml'));
} else {
push (@args, ('-format' => 'medlinexml'));
# where to take the citation from
if ($opt_f) {
push (@args, ('-file' => $citation));
} else {
push (@args, ('-data' => $citation));
# make an instance of a converter
my $io = new Bio::Biblio::IO (@args);
# and finally make the conversion
while (my $bibref = $io->next_bibref) {
&print_one ($bibref);
# return $io->next_bibref;
sub print_one {
my ($citation) = @_;
return unless defined $citation;
if (ref (\$citation) eq 'SCALAR') {
print $citation;
} elsif (ref ($citation) =~ /^HASH|ARRAY|SCALAR$/o) {
print Data::Dumper->Dump ( [$citation], ['Citation']);
} else {
print $citation->print_me;
=head1 NAME
biblio.PLS - bioperl client for accessing and querying a bibliographic
biblio.PLS [vh]
biblio.PLS [bcFgOpq] [-l <URL>]
biblio.PLS [abcdDeFknmOpqrs] [-l <URL>] -i <collection-ID>
biblio.PLS [abcdDeFknmOpqrs] [-l <URL>] - -find <keywords> \
[-attrs <attrs>]...
biblio.PLS [Vq] [-l <URL>]
biblio.PLS [FOq] [-f <filename>]
A client showing how to use Bio::Biblio module, a module for accessing
and querying a bibliographic repository. It also shows how to use
modules Bio::Biblio::IO::medlinexml Bio::Biblio::IO::medline2ref which
converts XML MEDLINE citations into a simple hash table and into full
Perl objects.
It has many options in order to cover as many methods as possible.
Because of that, it can be also used as a fully functional
command-line client for querying repository and retrieving citations
from it.
=head1 OPTIONS
=head2 What service to contact:
-l <URL> ... a location where a Bibliographic Query service is
provided as a WebService
=head2 What query collection to use:
Some options do not need to specify a collection, some do.
-i <collection_id> ... the collection ID can be obtained in a
previous invocation by specifying argument
'-p' (print ID)
-find <keywords> [-attrs <attrs>]
... create a collection from citations
containing given keywords - either in all
default attributes, or only in the given
it is possible to repeat it, for example:
-find brazma -attrs authors -find -study
(the repetitions refine previous results)
both <keywords> and <attrs> may be
comma-delimited multi-values;
note that '-find' must be separated from
the rest of options by '-';
note that this script is a bit stupid
regarding quoted keywords, or keywords
containing commans... TBD better
what XML format is used for citations:
-Fm ... MEDLINE (default)
-Fp ... PubMed
=head2 What to do (with the query collection):
-g <id> ... get citation <id>
-c ... get count (a number of citations)
-p ... print collection ID (which may be used in the next
invocation as an '-i' argument); it implies also '-k'
-b ... print citations in a non-XML format (TBD)
Other options can be used only on a sub-collection - which can be
obtained directly by specifying '-i' argument, or indirectly by
specifying one or more queries by '-find' arguments:
-d ... get all citation IDs
-n ... get next citation
-m [<how_many>] ... get 'how_many' more
-r ... reset iteration to the first citation in the collection
(now you can use '-n' or '-m' again)
-a ... get all citations - as an array
-s ... as '-a' but get it as one string
-e ... check if given collection exists and has more citations
-k ... keep resulting collection persistent (makes sense only
when collection IDs are being printed otherwise you
would not know how to contact the persistent collection
next time)
-D ... destroy given collection (makes sense together with '-i')
Options specifying output format of the results:
-Ox ... output in XML format (default)
-Oo ... output as Biblio objects
-Or ... output as a raw hashtable
The options above can be used also for converting an XML MEDLINE
local file without using any SOAP connection at all;
-f <filename> ... an XML file to be read and converted
Options dealing with controlled vocabularies:
-Vn ... get all vocabulary names
-Vv::<name> ... get all values from vocabulary <name>
-Va::<name> ... get everything from vocabulary <name>
-Vd::<name>::<value> ... get description of <value>
from vocabulary <name>
-Ve::<name>::<value> ... return 1 if <value> exists
in vocabulary <name>
And the remaining options:
-h ... get help
-v ... get version
-q ... be quiet (less verbose)
biblio.PLS - -find Java -attrs abstract -find perl
Several separate invocations sharing the same query collection:
biblio.PLS -p -q - -find Brazma,Robinson > b.tmp
biblio.PLS -i `cat b.tmp` -d
biblio.PLS -i `cat b.tmp` -g 10693778
<MedlineCitation Status="Completed">
biblio.PLS -i `cat b.tmp` -e
Exists: 1 Has next: 1
biblio.PLS -i `cat b.tmp` -D
Destroyed OK.
biblio.PLS -i `cat b.tmp` -e
Exists: 0 Has next: 0
Access to controlled vocabularies:
biblio.PLS -Vn
biblio.PLS -Vv::MEDLINE2005/JournalArticle/properties
Converting local XML MEDLINE file:
biblio.PLS -g 10693778 > a_file.xml
biblio.PLS -f a_file.xml -Oo ... to Perl objects
biblio.PLS -f a_file.xml -Or ... as a raw hash
HTTPPROXY = <HTTP proxy server>
Use this if you use this script on a machine which needs to access
remote HTTP targets via a proxy server. For example:
biblio.PLS -c
=head2 Mailing Lists
User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to
the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated. - General discussion - About the mailing lists
=head2 Reporting Bugs
Report bugs to the Bioperl bug trackingi system to help us keep track
of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
=head1 AUTHOR - Martin Senger
=head1 HISTORY
Written February 2002
Updated July 2005
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