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Created August 15, 2008 11:43
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[Fri Jun 03 15:32:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jun 03 15:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Casey: I was hoping there'd be some Rails Day folks around
[Fri Jun 03 15:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Which EST is being used? According to what I can find EST should be UTC-5
[Fri Jun 03 15:36:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I thought it was starting an hour ago :\
[Fri Jun 03 15:39:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Could you do this the easy way, and just put a countdown in hours on the site?
[Fri Jun 03 15:43:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I've just realised I'm starting at 4am
[Fri Jun 03 16:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Georaphy: that would depend what you're doing :P
[Fri Jun 03 16:16:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Casey: What the current time at UTC-5? I'm having trouble getting clocks sorted here
[Fri Jun 03 16:17:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Thanks :)
[Fri Jun 03 16:19:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> binary42: UTC is exactly GMT - during summer we move to BST, GMT is always the same
[Fri Jun 03 16:21:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Ok... I stand corrected :P
[Fri Jun 03 16:27:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> :-| "Sat 6:00 AM"
[Fri Jun 03 16:28:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> My start time keeps slipping!
[Fri Jun 03 16:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Grrr! I'm gonna lose 11 hours - I'm out tomorrow evening
[Fri Jun 03 16:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> aniero: You've got 5 hours left according to my clock.
[Fri Jun 03 16:37:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> aniero: Do it to find out if you can then!
[Fri Jun 03 16:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> rff: An object which is to to "acts_as_list"
[Fri Jun 03 16:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> s/to to/set to/
[Fri Jun 03 16:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> rff: Nope it's not a typo
[Fri Jun 03 16:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> :order => "position" in TodoList is ordering by the items by the field used by acts_as_list to set the order
[Fri Jun 03 16:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> So todo_list.first will return the the highest TodoItem in that list
[Fri Jun 03 16:52:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Kev_Clark: Get LJ to donate one :P
[Fri Jun 03 16:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> rff: Have you set it to include the items?
[Fri Jun 03 16:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> has_may :quiz_items, :order => "position"
[Fri Jun 03 17:01:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Do we have to use the release version, or can we use Rails from SVN?
[Fri Jun 03 17:11:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Kev_Clark: Whats making you think that?
[Fri Jun 03 17:12:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Are you getting any errors, or just no records?
[Fri Jun 03 17:14:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Kev_Clark: Have you checked the logs?
[Fri Jun 03 17:21:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Is there any reason it would be using the wrong database? Is the data you're trying to get in a different DB to everything else?
[Fri Jun 03 17:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Hmmm - I can't really think of why it would be using a different DB then.
[Fri Jun 03 17:27:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Sorry - can't think of anything other than your query not matching any results.
[Fri Jun 03 17:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Goynang: Yup
[Fri Jun 03 17:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> PHP
[Fri Jun 03 17:31:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Goynang: Don't - leave the legacy stuff, and do new stuff with Rails
[Fri Jun 03 17:32:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I've just switched over to Rails for my company, but the existing sites will stay in PHP until there's a solid reason to migrate
[Fri Jun 03 17:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Goynang: I'm with queso - they want a Rails only feature, they pay to migrate
[Fri Jun 03 17:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Goynang: Yup - last option, unless it's something that's definately seperate, in which case you could implement just that in Rails
[Fri Jun 03 17:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> That could get messy fast though
[Fri Jun 03 17:37:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Goynang: Yeah, that's one I didn't have to handle, since I'm the only developer.
[Fri Jun 03 17:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> What is there to not understand?
[Fri Jun 03 17:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Goynang: Heh - that one'll be fun. Testing is something you really have to do for a while before you see how useful it is
[Fri Jun 03 17:42:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> voodooc: That's the same sort of feeling I got moving from PHP!
[Fri Jun 03 17:43:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Epix: @session["key"] = value
[Fri Jun 03 17:44:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Epix: Nope - just start using it!
[Fri Jun 03 17:58:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Epix: (For logins)
[Fri Jun 03 18:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Epix: Cool :) I did the same, just wasn't sure if you needed it for something specific
[Fri Jun 03 18:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> cardmagic: Can I get a bonus on my entry if it's anywhere near finished on the basis that I'll have done it in 13 hours? :P
[Fri Jun 03 18:03:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> cardmagic: Heh - worth a try :P
[Fri Jun 03 18:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Kev_Clark: What was the problem?
[Fri Jun 03 18:05:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Epix: Are you trying to open /?
[Fri Jun 03 18:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Epix: It sounds like a broken route, but I'm not really experienced enough to be certain
[Fri Jun 03 18:07:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> That shouldn't be a problem
[Fri Jun 03 18:09:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Epix: development is the database you do day to day development on
[Fri Jun 03 18:09:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> test is the one that gets used when you run unit tests (and gets rebuilt everytime)
[Fri Jun 03 18:10:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> production is for when you go live, so you don't screw up the live site when you make changes
[Fri Jun 03 18:13:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> You can set them in config/environment.rb, or if you're just using Webrick set RAILS_ENV
[Fri Jun 03 18:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Epix: Are you missing an end?
[Fri Jun 03 18:16:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Epix: :P
[Fri Jun 03 18:16:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Epix: You can get emacs for anything. My toaster could probably run it.
[Fri Jun 03 18:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> cardmagic: I just had a thought - is it possible to get CIA setup for Rails Day SVN?
[Fri Jun 03 18:21:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> cardmagic: It automatically runs rake on each checkin, and then e-mails you if you've broken any tests
[Fri Jun 03 18:21:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Fri Jun 03 18:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> It's not essential, but it would definately be a nice thing if it was available
[Fri Jun 03 18:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Epix: Use whatever suits you best - I'm not someone who thinks the whole world should be using vim :P
[Fri Jun 03 18:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> But you'll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands if you want me to stop
[Fri Jun 03 18:24:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Epix: It's stunning once you're used to it, but if I'm honest I don't think it's better/worse than Emacs
[Fri Jun 03 18:24:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Just different
[Fri Jun 03 18:27:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Abica: Yeah - C-x C-s vs ESC:w
[Fri Jun 03 18:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I just seriously considered doing the cat /dev/random thing to my laptop that I don't use
[Fri Jun 03 18:34:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Abica: Is that the one where you literally kill processes with a shotgun?
[Fri Jun 03 18:34:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> And they shoot back
[Fri Jun 03 18:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> "The truly great sysadmins could have BFGs."
[Fri Jun 03 18:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> It's half the fun... it's like playing Russian roulette with your computer
[Fri Jun 03 18:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> schubert: nice!
[Fri Jun 03 18:42:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> chizh_zz: DamageControl runs unit tests on checkins if I remember right?
[Fri Jun 03 18:44:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> chizh_zz: Sounds a bit like CIA then -
[Fri Jun 03 18:44:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Grrr... middle clicked and got a /. article instead of the URL
[Fri Jun 03 18:45:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Fri Jun 03 18:45:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> schubert: Maybe, but CIA works :P
[Fri Jun 03 18:47:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> chizh_zz: yup
[Fri Jun 03 18:47:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> As far as I know anyway
[Fri Jun 03 18:47:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Ohhh - as in works with SVN?
[Fri Jun 03 18:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Rather than "available from SVN"
[Fri Jun 03 18:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> You could probably hack together a script that would work with CVS
[Fri Jun 03 18:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Yeah - switching to SVN is worth it anyway though :P
[Fri Jun 03 18:53:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Time I went to bed I think, gonna have to get up early for Rails Day tomorrow :)
[Fri Jun 03 18:53:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> "leaving"
[Sat Jun 04 04:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Jun 04 04:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Damn it! I slept through my alarm clock!
[Sat Jun 04 04:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> tberman: Yup - 4 hours ago :P
[Sat Jun 04 04:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> voodooc: Do you have a "type" field?
[Sat Jun 04 04:51:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> voodooc: Read the bit in the ActiveRecord docs on single table inheritance
[Sat Jun 04 04:51:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Oh... hmm
[Sat Jun 04 05:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anybody bother commenting Ruby code much?
[Sat Jun 04 05:17:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> kev_clark: It's useful if you have an action that's only going to return one or two tags
[Sat Jun 04 05:18:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I usually use it for them in the controller, rather than creating a view template for something completely trivial
[Sat Jun 04 06:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone know if Ruby has an equivalent to PHP's uniqid?
[Sat Jun 04 06:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> wtf? I just saved a model, and it got inserted 295 times
[Sat Jun 04 06:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Hmmm... weird.
[Sat Jun 04 06:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I changed the method name from send to create, and it works now
[Sat Jun 04 06:43:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Rytmis_: On the other side of a firewall, on a local network, with a password, I doubt it actually matters that much
[Sat Jun 04 06:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Rytmis_, Trix_: Out on the big bad Internet I agree, but I can't be bothered to run around setting up users on my local workstation which never has more than a days worth of work on it :P
[Sat Jun 04 06:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Use them both and you'll be able to retire in a week
[Sat Jun 04 06:55:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Hell yeah - they've all got far too much money, and no idea that they're being ripped off.
[Sat Jun 04 06:55:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Otherwise those crappy "emergency rechargers" for mobile phones would never have been invented
[Sat Jun 04 07:05:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Crap! The Odeo team have a Rails Day entry.
[Sat Jun 04 07:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> KNEATH: Planet Ruby on Rails
[Sat Jun 04 07:11:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> jbrw: I spend all week doing things that'll make me money, I thought I'd do something for fun for a change :P
[Sat Jun 04 07:19:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I think it's the noise a lactating pet makes
[Sat Jun 04 07:24:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Mmmm... coffee
[Sat Jun 04 07:24:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> brb
[Sat Jun 04 07:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone know why an ActionMailer would work fine in the console, but with the same arguments fail in the actual app?
[Sat Jun 04 08:13:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> coops: That's definately an issue! I've had to cut half my app
[Sat Jun 04 08:14:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> A site to do party/event invitations
[Sat Jun 04 08:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> The idea was that you could reply to the invitations by e-mail, but I've had to drop that :(
[Sat Jun 04 08:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Yeah - it's not the end of the world, just makes things a bit more clunky that I'd have liked
[Sat Jun 04 08:16:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Uck! I just clicked the wrong album and got David Gray
[Sat Jun 04 08:34:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> mrproper_: Are you a PHP developer? I'm sure I regognise your name
[Sat Jun 04 08:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Yeah
[Sat Jun 04 08:36:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I think about 3 weeks - I've already switched to doing new client jobs using it though :P
[Sat Jun 04 08:37:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Yeah - I'm expecting that, but I figure the best way to learn something is jump in and start using it
[Sat Jun 04 08:41:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Anyway - back to work for me :P I'm down to 6 hours left
[Sat Jun 04 08:42:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> :P It's less my timezone, and more the fact I'm meant to be going out 13 hours in
[Sat Jun 04 08:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Meh - it would appear not
[Sat Jun 04 08:53:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> coops: Take a look at MS's Channel 9 forums
[Sat Jun 04 08:53:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> They support posting inked entries
[Sat Jun 04 08:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> coops: Nope - they've written an ActiveX control so you can write it straight into the browser
[Sat Jun 04 08:55:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Yeah... the idea is nice though
[Sat Jun 04 08:55:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> And it's probably more legible than the crap written by some my users as well :P
[Sat Jun 04 08:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> coops: There's you're entry then - collabrative online whiteboards
[Sat Jun 04 08:58:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> coops: That's a 24 *minute* project :P
[Sat Jun 04 08:58:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I threw one together on my first day with Rails while waiting for a friend to get back from work :P
[Sat Jun 04 09:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> nroc: layout nil
[Sat Jun 04 09:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Just swap the naked head for a chimpanzee or something for the version you enter
[Sat Jun 04 09:05:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> kev_clark: You got that squirrel holding a notice board picture handy?
[Sat Jun 04 09:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Stick peoples heads on that
[Sat Jun 04 09:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> btw - form_remote_tag({ ajax_stuff }, { :action => "/blah" })
[Sat Jun 04 09:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> slowly :P
[Sat Jun 04 09:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Ok - that's it
[Sat Jun 04 09:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Why did my best friend have to go and get himself suspended from work today?
[Sat Jun 04 09:32:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> No - I don't work with him, but I feel bad leaving him to stew at home on his own
[Sat Jun 04 09:44:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> rhahn: add has_one :company to the model
[Sat Jun 04 09:45:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> And you'll have a company method which return a model for the company
[Sat Jun 04 09:45:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> rhahn: Yup - look at the ActiveRecord docs, under Associations I think
[Sat Jun 04 09:47:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> But only if you're a butcher ;)
[Sat Jun 04 09:51:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> norcle: You should have recorded it and then released a single
[Sat Jun 04 09:51:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> It can't be any worse than most of the crap being released
[Sat Jun 04 09:52:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Holy crap! My day just picked up again!
[Sat Jun 04 09:52:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> "You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of US$850,000.00"
[Sat Jun 04 09:52:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> No, I won the "CASH-OUT LOTTOS Sweepstake"
[Sat Jun 04 09:55:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> cl
[Sat Jun 04 09:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> coops: If you have unlimited money you can build a sound proove shed for it though
[Sat Jun 04 09:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> proof even
[Sat Jun 04 09:58:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> coops: Again - you just got unlimited money. Call up Apple and order one ;)
[Sat Jun 04 10:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Yeah... but rolling around in bundles of money isn't something you get paid for
[Sat Jun 04 10:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> lattice: No - you won't get paid for that either :P
[Sat Jun 04 10:09:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Time to leave, good luck to those of you still hacking on Rails Day apps
[Sun Jun 05 09:21:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Jun 05 09:25:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Down here as well
[Sun Jun 05 09:34:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> infoMonkey: Are you getting any errors?
[Sun Jun 05 09:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> infoMonkey: chmod +x .../dispatch.cgi
[Sun Jun 05 09:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> :-|
[Sun Jun 05 09:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Start off by setting it to 775 then ;)
[Sun Jun 05 23:10:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> "Lost terminal"
[Thu Jun 30 08:28:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jun 30 08:28:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Is there anyone around who can help with FastCGI, lighttpd, and virtual hosts?
[Thu Jun 30 08:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Cool :)
[Thu Jun 30 08:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> At the moment when I try to connect to a vhost I get sent dispatch.rcgi as a "BIN File", instead of the content
[Thu Jun 30 08:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> They do
[Thu Jun 30 08:31:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Do they have to be in the virtual host? I have them setup globally at the moment
[Thu Jun 30 08:31:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> In public/dispatch.fcgi right?
[Thu Jun 30 08:32:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Yup, +x
[Thu Jun 30 08:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> queuetue: Just fix the existing ones!
[Thu Jun 30 08:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Aha! I'm getting a 403 now at least
[Thu Jun 30 08:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Woot! Got it!
[Thu Jun 30 08:41:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Set server.indexfiles, and server.error-handler in the vhost and it works fine it seems
[Thu Jun 30 08:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> queuetue: Have you got ActionMailer settings in your environment.rb?
[Thu Jun 30 09:09:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Are there any suggestions people can make on setting up a production fcgi/lighttpd server?
[Thu Jun 30 09:09:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I think I'm done here, but I'm sure there must be some hidden tricks that you only find out about after running for a while
[Thu Jun 30 09:12:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> glum: Ask away
[Thu Jun 30 09:13:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> glum: You can use <%= render_component :controller => "controller", :action => "action" %> to render an action as part of the view
[Thu Jun 30 09:13:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> So something like:
[Thu Jun 30 09:14:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> <%= render_component :controller => "news", :action => "latest" %>
[Thu Jun 30 09:14:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> glum:
[Thu Jun 30 09:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> glum: It depends what you're doing (like most everything)
[Thu Jun 30 09:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I use it for rendering some summary "Latest News", "User Details" boxes in the layout template
[Thu Jun 30 09:18:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> queuetue: Nicely put :P
[Thu Jun 30 09:19:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> m0th: Set id="item-23" and check the value when you get the id
[Thu Jun 30 09:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Or you could just think of validation as a guide, and get on with life ;)
[Thu Jun 30 09:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> m0th: Set the ID and do some extra checking then
[Thu Jun 30 09:24:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> m0th: Yup, you'll need to parse out the tag_ bit before using it :P
[Thu Jun 30 09:58:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> htonl: What's the advantages of darcs?
[Thu Jun 30 10:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> m0th: Don't bother unless you have other people working on the app as well
[Thu Jun 30 11:05:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Epix: It's in /etc/apache2/
[Thu Jun 30 11:05:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> apache2.conf is the main configuration file, but there's a README in there as well
[Thu Jun 30 11:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> bleything, Epix: You can use a2ensite to symlink automatically... it's nice for scripts
[Thu Jun 30 11:16:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Epix_: Try running /usr/sbin/apache2ctl configtest
[Thu Jun 30 11:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Wow! You can do that?
[Thu Jun 30 11:21:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> spurton: What does the helper do?
[Thu Jun 30 11:21:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> It may be possible to do it in a cleaner way
[Thu Jun 30 11:28:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Epix_: Check 000-default and see it's using *:80
[Thu Jun 30 11:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> You could check /etc/apache2/ports.conf and see if it's using * there
[Thu Jun 30 11:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> *:80 says to be available on all IP addresses, would specify a specific IP to use
[Thu Jun 30 19:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> "Lost terminal"
[Sun Jul 03 10:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Jul 03 10:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone know why a has_and_belongs_to_many association is trying to hard code the ID in the join table, instead of letting auto_increment do it?
[Sun Jul 03 11:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> m0th: Can you explain how it does work then - at the moment I have a table like this for joins:
[Sun Jul 03 11:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> id int(11) not null auto_increment primary key,
[Sun Jul 03 11:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> size_id int(11),
[Sun Jul 03 11:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> photo_id int(11)
[Sun Jul 03 11:05:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Aha! That would be where I'm going wrong then... thanks :)
[Sun Jul 03 11:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> mmaestro: Go ahead
[Sun Jul 03 11:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Although possibly I'm not the one to ask given my record so far today :P
[Sun Jul 03 11:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> mmaestro: That's what a database is designed to do - it's a lot cleaner than dynamically creating tables around the place
[Sun Jul 03 11:21:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Before I start running around looking for a solution, does anyone know of a callback that gets triggered when a record is associated?
[Sun Jul 03 11:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> technoweenie: That sounds hacky :(
[Sun Jul 03 11:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> If it's the only way, I guess I'll go with it, but I'd rather not
[Sun Jul 03 11:26:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> intinig: It's in my.cnf somewhere
[Sun Jul 03 11:26:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> /etc/mysql/ under Debian
[Sun Jul 03 11:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> lifesdkver0_1: Yup
[Sun Jul 03 11:39:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'll repeat every 15 minutes until you're coding ;)
[Sun Jul 03 11:44:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> lucidifier: @note.users << @user
[Sun Jul 03 11:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> lucidifier: You need to save the note... and what do you my by "it seems to do nothing"
[Sun Jul 03 11:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does it actually not create the link, or just not tell you it is?
[Sun Jul 03 12:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> meph-: RMagick
[Sun Jul 03 12:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> meph-:
[Sun Jul 03 12:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> The docs cover things well
[Sun Jul 03 12:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> m0th: You used Rico much yet?
[Sun Jul 03 13:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> deerpark is an improvement under Linux as well - much, much faster
[Sun Jul 03 13:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> technoweenie: The eye dropper works with Deerpark
[Sun Jul 03 14:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> That track was huge for about a month over here :P
[Sun Jul 03 14:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> UK
[Sun Jul 03 15:01:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Anyone feel like hacking on some work for me in return for... ummm... endless gratitude?
[Sun Jul 03 15:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> rm_ccd: They won't be automatically loaded when you try to use the model.
[Sun Jul 03 15:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> If you have each one in a file you can just go @thing = and it'll auto load the file for you
[Sun Jul 03 15:41:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> And vim's tab completion won't work on a single file to get to the right class ;)
[Thu Jul 07 10:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jul 07 10:47:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone have any recomendations on building query conditions cleanly?
[Thu Jul 07 10:47:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> At the moment I'm appending conditions to an array, and then joining it with " AND ", but it seems messy
[Thu Jul 07 10:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> cbrinker_: I just upgraded an app from 0.12 to 0.13 in 15 minutes
[Thu Jul 07 10:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> jawong: Hey - it's my first time doing a rails upgrade :P
[Thu Jul 07 10:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Are autocompleting text fields really as stupidly easy as they look now?
[Thu Jul 07 10:51:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'm hesitant to try them out because I'm convinced they can't be that simple
[Thu Jul 07 10:53:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> cbrinker_: Database migrations?
[Thu Jul 07 10:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I havn't tried them yet - it looks good from what I've read though
[Thu Jul 07 10:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Defiler: Just beat the DBAs until they see sense :P
[Thu Jul 07 11:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Migrations are really that easy?
[Thu Jul 07 11:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> nextangle: Since you're here, thanks for Rails - you've made web development fun again :P
[Thu Jul 07 13:21:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> rend: Seems to be working here - I did quite a bit of messing around to get it working under 0.12 though
[Thu Jul 07 13:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> rend: Yeah - upgraded to .13 and everything just worked
[Thu Jul 07 13:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I think I spent more time branching in case it didn't work than actually migrating
[Thu Jul 07 13:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> rend: I think that was the main bit... maybe something else, but I can't remember
[Thu Jul 07 13:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> robertfox: Yup - it passes the actual interpreting of the file to ERb though
[Thu Jul 07 13:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> It's in the ActionView docs
[Thu Jul 07 14:12:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Should migrations be able to create the initial database for an app on the first revision?
[Thu Jul 07 14:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Dr-Leech: You don't need to, but it'll run faster if you do
[Thu Jul 07 14:17:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> francolas:
[Thu Jul 07 14:18:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> francolas: What version of Rails are you using?
[Thu Jul 07 14:19:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> francolas:
[Thu Jul 07 14:19:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> There's a helper for doing visual effects now
[Thu Jul 07 14:47:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone know how to set options like auto_increment and primary key when using migrations?
[Thu Jul 07 14:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> francolas: It's included in Rails
[Thu Jul 07 14:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> You may need to add javascript_include_tag :defaults to the header of your layout
[Thu Jul 07 14:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Which will load all the Prototype and Scriptaculous stuff
[Thu Jul 07 15:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> HydraSwitch:
[Thu Jul 07 15:18:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Is there anyone around who knows migrations?
[Thu Jul 07 15:32:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> TheMaecenati: svn switch
[Thu Jul 07 15:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> amogon: helpers/controller_helper.rb
[Thu Jul 07 15:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> amogon: Replace controller with the actual name of the controller
[Thu Jul 07 15:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> amogon: They are for views
[Thu Jul 07 15:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> If you need them for both controller and helper create the method in the appropriate controller, and then use helper_method :method_name
[Thu Jul 07 16:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> bitsweat: Why extend ApplicationController, and extend from that?
[Thu Jul 07 16:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> "Lost terminal"
[Fri Jul 08 11:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jul 08 11:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone know of somewhere I could download a complete copy of the API docs?
[Fri Jul 08 11:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Or how to build a copy
[Fri Jul 08 11:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> eventualbuddha: Wow - thanks :)
[Fri Jul 08 11:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I didn't know you could do that :P
[Fri Jul 08 11:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I've been rummaging around in /usr/lib/ruby/gems/... so far :P
[Fri Jul 08 11:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ngw: What for?
[Fri Jul 08 11:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ngw: It seems like your probably going about things the wrong way
[Fri Jul 08 11:24:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ngw: That's probably best done as a helper in the view
[Fri Jul 08 11:26:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ngw: So you'd create a helper method to parse it, and then run wiki_link_to("BigStringThatMustBeParsed")
[Fri Jul 08 11:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> emanuelez: Have you read any of the introductory tutorials? It sounds like you could use some background.
[Fri Jul 08 11:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> emanuelez: I don't mean that in an RTFM way, just saying that it'll probably make things less painful while learning
[Fri Jul 08 11:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> xal: Not yet, but it's on my todo list for next week
[Fri Jul 08 11:36:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> emanuelez: Take a look at "4 Days on Rails" - it covers how to build real apps in more detail
[Fri Jul 08 11:36:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> And realistically is unlikely to take you 4 days if you have some experience developing web apps in other languages
[Fri Jul 08 11:37:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> emanuelez: Keep reading :P
[Fri Jul 08 11:37:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Although as eventualbuddha says, the best source is the rails book
[Fri Jul 08 11:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Wow! I love migrations - I just setup an app on my laptop with an svn co, a couple of database creations, and a rake migrate
[Fri Jul 08 11:47:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> test34: Then you should be using /usr/lib/ instead of /usr/lib/mysql
[Fri Jul 08 11:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> rend: Which ones?
[Fri Jul 08 11:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> That seems like saying "PHP sites seem to be down so often"
[Fri Jul 08 11:52:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> rend: It's the same as anything else - if a site is maintained well, it'll stay up
[Fri Jul 08 11:55:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> rend: I've seen /. have downtime before :P
[Fri Jul 08 11:55:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Everyone has some downtime - in my experience Rails in no worse than anything else to keep running
[Fri Jul 08 11:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I just leave people guessing ;)
[Fri Jul 08 11:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> eventualbuddha: - nothing impressive or finished yet
[Fri Jul 08 11:58:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> And don't place any orders, because then my client will kill me for letting people see the site :P
[Fri Jul 08 11:58:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Grrr... it's working from here - lemme check the DNS
[Fri Jul 08 12:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> What's the error people are getting on that address?
[Fri Jul 08 12:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> eventualbuddha: None of the above?
[Fri Jul 08 12:01:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Call it vCard Database or something... one word names suck :P
[Fri Jul 08 12:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Hmmm... it's possible the server's just overloaded, it's on a home DSL line at the moment
[Fri Jul 08 12:03:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> lala`: There's some other sites on here as well... all fairly small, but sometimes they get bursts
[Fri Jul 08 12:03:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Try again
[Fri Jul 08 12:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Damn - it's working fine from this end
[Fri Jul 08 12:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> What IP is it resolving to?
[Fri Jul 08 12:05:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> lala`: Yeah - that's on a different server
[Fri Jul 08 12:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> lala`: tailing them now, can you reload?
[Fri Jul 08 12:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> No - nothings gettting here
[Fri Jul 08 12:07:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> brb - my ISP may have screwed the routing table again
[Fri Jul 08 12:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( left #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jul 08 12:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jul 08 12:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> "leaving"
[Fri Jul 08 12:09:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> lala`: Can you give it another try?
[Fri Jul 08 12:10:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> lala`: Grrr
[Fri Jul 08 12:10:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Anyway, I'm due to be out now - I'll have to fix it later
[Fri Jul 08 12:11:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Client Quit
[Mon Jul 11 08:28:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> (~jellybob@ joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Jul 11 08:39:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does counter_cache set itself automatically if it finds a field with the right name?
[Mon Jul 11 09:12:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Is there a way to set a different field to be used by counter_cache?
[Mon Jul 11 09:12:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> At the moment it's trying to use topic_messages_count, but I'd like it to be using messages_count
[Mon Jul 11 09:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> agenteo: I'm writing a patch for it at the moment - can't guarantee it'll be accepted though
[Mon Jul 11 09:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> agenteo: I think you may be thinking of something else actually - I'm writing a patch to specify which column the count gets saved in
[Mon Jul 11 09:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> For associated records that is
[Mon Jul 11 10:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> tar_: Just use > in the label
[Mon Jul 11 10:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Meh - or not...
[Mon Jul 11 10:07:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> tar_: Just entering that should do the job then
[Mon Jul 11 10:19:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ts_: I think it's more likely that theres no one around who knows DB2
[Mon Jul 11 10:42:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Is there any reason gem installs always take forever?
[Mon Jul 11 10:43:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> tar_: RDoc is fairly quick on this box, everything else crawls
[Mon Jul 11 10:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> djwm: Have a look at the AR docs for single table inheritance
[Mon Jul 11 11:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Has anyone managed to get the counter_cache option for belongs_to to work?
[Mon Jul 11 11:07:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Whatever I do the count doesn't seem to update
[Mon Jul 11 21:13:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> "Lost terminal"
[Tue Jul 12 09:28:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> (~jellybob@ joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jul 12 09:44:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Foo443, I think the whole point is there *isn't* an excuse for sloppy design
[Tue Jul 12 09:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> welly, yup
[Tue Jul 12 09:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'm curious - what is message qeueing used for?
[Tue Jul 12 09:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Sounds nice
[Tue Jul 12 09:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I don't think I'll have a use for it anytime soon, but it's a nice idea :P
[Tue Jul 12 10:07:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Ok - it's starting to sound more useful now - so like networkable observers?
[Tue Jul 12 10:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> drewie, you could also check the actionwebservice docs
[Tue Jul 12 10:36:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> [oZone], it means that browsers which don't support redirect codes (very few) get told where to go
[Tue Jul 12 10:36:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Most of the time no one will see it
[Tue Jul 12 10:37:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> [oZone], somethings broken then - do you have following redirects disabled?
[Tue Jul 12 10:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> sween, what version of rails are you using?
[Tue Jul 12 11:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> sween, you can use layout "layout_name", :except => [:actions, :to, :exclude]
[Tue Jul 12 11:01:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> sween, if you upgrade to 0.13 you can use render(:action -> "action", :layout => false)
[Tue Jul 12 11:07:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> eriberri, the HTML spec specifies that an unchecked checkbox doesn't get sent in the form reply
[Tue Jul 12 11:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Newhydra, use a partial
[Tue Jul 12 11:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Unless you're not using Rail's layouts system
[Tue Jul 12 12:39:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> "Leaving"
[Tue Jul 12 12:39:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> (~jellybob@ joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jul 12 12:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone know how to deal with svn saying a directory is not locked?
[Tue Jul 12 12:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> courtenay, thanks :)
[Tue Jul 12 12:55:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> cooldude227, don't you have something better than compiling to do with the rest of your life?
[Tue Jul 12 12:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> cooldude227, I have now - but this site was developed before I did, and I don't really have time to write tests now
[Tue Jul 12 13:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> supergiantrobot, have you setup a route for /?
[Tue Jul 12 13:26:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> drewie, just use .rxml templates for rest
[Tue Jul 12 14:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> [j3], have you read the API docs?
[Tue Jul 12 14:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> [j3],, look at the ActiveRecord::Associations section
[Tue Jul 12 14:25:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> cgl, I did them both at the same time
[Tue Jul 12 14:26:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> cgl, are you getting paid for this project?
[Tue Jul 12 14:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> MarkI, I tend to think of : as being like $ in other languages
[Tue Jul 12 14:34:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> eriberri, PHP 4 you really have to fight the language
[Tue Jul 12 14:34:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> 5 is less painful, but still not as fun as Ruby
[Tue Jul 12 14:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> schubert, check the components documentation
[Tue Jul 12 14:36:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> schubert, just give it a path then - controller/action
[Tue Jul 12 14:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> schubert, according to the docs you need a prefixed / if you're doing a full filesystem path
[Tue Jul 12 14:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> schubert, to do a different controller you use render(:file => "weblog/show")
[Tue Jul 12 14:39:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> schubert, ok, that is weird - lemme see if I can replicate it here
[Tue Jul 12 14:41:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> schubert, one minute - I'm having to upgrade Ruby on my workstation to run the rails command
[Tue Jul 12 14:42:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Everytime I think of a patch to write, someone else fixes it before I get started :P
[Tue Jul 12 14:44:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> schubert, have you checked your template root?
[Tue Jul 12 14:45:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> schubert, you shouldn't, but it'll at least rule something out if it is right
[Tue Jul 12 14:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Anyway - I'm gonna go catch the last of the sun before it goes down, this upgrade is taking forever
[Tue Jul 12 14:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> schubert, yes, but we can't tell *where* it's broken
[Tue Jul 12 14:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Nice :)
[Wed Jul 13 07:58:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone know why I'd be getting a "wrong number of arguments" error from Webbrick on a valid controller?
[Wed Jul 13 08:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'm getting a wrong number of arguments error thrown by the server script, on what appears to be a valid controller
[Wed Jul 13 08:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Is there somewhere I should start looking?
[Wed Jul 13 10:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> davesl, there's a paypal library?
[Wed Jul 13 10:09:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Damn... and I've been sat here reading their API docs trying to think of the best way :P
[Wed Jul 13 10:13:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> davesl, it gets easier - I've been using RoR for a few months now, and I'm starting to find my way around
[Wed Jul 13 10:19:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> xal, does the paypal library support individual cart items yet?
[Wed Jul 13 10:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> xal, ok - it's not a big problem, it would just have been nice :P
[Wed Jul 13 10:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> gilles, it works for any model
[Wed Jul 13 10:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Defiler, you could just use a for loop
[Wed Jul 13 10:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Although embarassingly I'm not sure what they look like in Ruby :-\ I've never had to use one
[Wed Jul 13 10:32:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> gilles, the class name
[Wed Jul 13 10:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> xal, is that actual code? [] * ...?
[Wed Jul 13 10:39:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> gilles, you need to include everything - one second and I'll find the code
[Wed Jul 13 10:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> gilles, javascript_include_tag :defaults
[Wed Jul 13 10:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Gah! Too slow :P
[Wed Jul 13 10:42:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Wow! Google just released Google Suggest to replace the search in Firefox
[Wed Jul 13 10:43:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> matram, what do you mean?
[Wed Jul 13 10:44:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Wed Jul 13 10:51:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> gilles, probably not - it uses SQL queries to do the automatic search
[Wed Jul 13 10:51:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> gilles, so you'll have to write the search methods
[Wed Jul 13 11:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> matram, don't worry, I'm there and don't have one either :P
[Wed Jul 13 11:05:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> huh? My home partition claims to be full
[Wed Jul 13 11:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> fd0, validate_confirmation_of will do it
[Wed Jul 13 11:16:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> fd0: Check the validation docs at - there's an example there
[Wed Jul 13 11:51:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> corp, nope - it's just you :P
[Wed Jul 13 11:53:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> 26c here... which is far too hot from where I'm sitting
[Wed Jul 13 11:55:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I use views/application/ - fits with layouts/application.rhtml
[Wed Jul 13 11:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> corp, expensive too :P
[Wed Jul 13 11:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Newhydra, use a layout
[Wed Jul 13 11:58:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> corp, of the software - don't you still need the hardware though?
[Wed Jul 13 12:05:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> anand, Newhydra: I usually use the content_for method to assign the page title from it's template
[Wed Jul 13 12:05:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> And have a default fallback if it isn't set.
[Wed Jul 13 12:09:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Newhydra, <% content_for_title do %> The title. <% end %>
[Wed Jul 13 12:09:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> And then in the title tag you can just drop in <%= content_for_title %>
[Wed Jul 13 12:10:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Newhydra, yup
[Wed Jul 13 12:10:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> You can probably create a helper to make it less verbose if you like
[Wed Jul 13 12:11:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Nope, other way round, which ends up being hugely useful in places
[Wed Jul 13 12:12:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> soma_, you can set it by hand in config/environment.rb, but you'll need to change it for each box you run the app on
[Wed Jul 13 12:17:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> soma_, pass - it can probably be done, but I don't know how
[Wed Jul 13 12:18:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Newhydra, yup
[Wed Jul 13 12:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Newhydra, don't know - I havn't had to use caching yet
[Wed Jul 13 12:25:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> soma_, cool :)
[Wed Jul 13 13:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> briansweeting, it's possible they havn't upgraded to 0.13 yet
[Thu Jul 14 17:37:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> (~jellybob@ joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jul 14 17:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone know where cattr_accessor went?
[Thu Jul 14 17:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I just did a gem update, and it doesn't seem to exist anymore
[Thu Jul 14 17:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Great - looks like my gem install is hosed
[Thu Jul 14 17:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Can anyone reccomend a way of fixing it, or is it just a case of resinstalling gems?
[Thu Jul 14 17:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> aramanth, perl and ruby regexps are the same aren't they?
[Thu Jul 14 18:34:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> chase, here works - post the code to
[Thu Jul 14 18:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> madrobby, does remote_function exist now?
[Thu Jul 14 18:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Or do you still need to write it yourself?
[Thu Jul 14 18:36:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> madrobby, where should documentation be added?
[Thu Jul 14 18:36:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Ok, lemme grab a copy of trunk and write some docs
[Thu Jul 14 18:37:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Probably - I just thought it would be good if it was at least mentioned
[Thu Jul 14 18:43:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> madrobby, ok, got a patch - should I just open a ticket?
[Thu Jul 14 18:47:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Done, #1740
[Thu Jul 14 18:52:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> robbyonrails, new patch attached
[Thu Jul 14 18:52:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Doh - I'm not thinking - my excuse is that it's too hot :P
[Thu Jul 14 18:53:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> danp, he's not read the docs then
[Thu Jul 14 18:53:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> danp, it's quite clear... the heading is called "Transactions"
[Thu Jul 14 20:11:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> When functional testing should I be testing if records have changed, or if the text saying they have is displayed?
[Thu Jul 14 20:12:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'll guess at checking if things have really happened
[Thu Jul 14 20:14:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> belorion, he was around an hour or so ago
[Thu Jul 14 20:36:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Fri Jul 15 09:31:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jul 15 09:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Is valid? cached anywhere? I'm having problems with unit tests failing, while the same code works in the console
[Fri Jul 15 09:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Should setting [association_name]_id in a fixture cause it to load the association, or do I need to do something else as well?
[Fri Jul 15 09:47:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> jamie007: You could use an enum for the states a house can be in
[Fri Jul 15 09:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> jamie007: Go with leeo's suggestion then
[Fri Jul 15 09:52:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Dreamer3: Nice - although why is there a minimum username length?
[Fri Jul 15 09:53:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Dreamer3: Ok, I'll let you off on that one
[Fri Jul 15 09:55:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Dreamer3: It's not a problem really :P And otherwise it's some nice stuff
[Fri Jul 15 09:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> cmo: Likely you've got no fields with the ID that your asking to observe
[Fri Jul 15 10:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> jamie007: You could just create a table which contains the states, but that would involve joining, which you don't seem to want to do
[Fri Jul 15 10:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Remote closed the connection
[Tue Jul 19 10:34:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jul 19 10:36:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone have an example of using sortable_element to reorder an ActiveRecord with acts_as_list set?
[Tue Jul 19 22:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Remote closed the connection
[Wed Jul 20 08:25:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jul 20 08:25:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Is anyone using the Paypal library?
[Wed Jul 20 09:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone know what's involved in making Money support GBP?
[Wed Jul 20 09:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Or even better, if it does already, and I just missed that
[Wed Jul 20 10:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> somekool, I think you have to access it without the @
[Wed Jul 20 10:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> somekool, strange - it's working fine for me on 0.13.1
[Wed Jul 20 10:24:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Is anyone using the Paypal library?
[Wed Jul 20 10:25:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> somekool, pick one and use it - that may be part of the problem
[Wed Jul 20 18:41:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> coops, are you willing to hire contractors?
[Wed Jul 20 18:43:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> coops, what sort of team size are you looking for?
[Wed Jul 20 18:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> FrankieShakes, are the pages aren't being cached on the client side?
[Wed Jul 20 18:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> FrankieShakes, have you tried sending a "don't cache" header - can't remember the exact header, but there's one around
[Wed Jul 20 19:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> "Hmmm... I think it's that cabl... (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))"
[Thu Jul 21 05:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jul 21 06:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> hatezilla, you'll need to create it
[Thu Jul 21 06:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> in app/views/
[Thu Jul 21 06:25:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Lathiat, is it just coming from the last action?
[Thu Jul 21 06:26:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Lathiat, use the flash then - flash[:whatever] = parameter
[Thu Jul 21 06:26:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> It'll stay there for one action, and then be removed
[Thu Jul 21 06:26:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Lathiat, yup
[Thu Jul 21 06:27:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> That's ok, flash[] is an array ;)
[Thu Jul 21 06:27:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Stick in all the options they selected
[Thu Jul 21 06:27:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Won't it get passed when they submit the form?
[Thu Jul 21 06:28:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Lathiat, pass it as the id parameter for the link
[Thu Jul 21 06:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> link_to "Event Name", :controller => "signups", :action => "new", :id => 1
[Thu Jul 21 06:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> And then you'll get the address /signups/new/1, and @params[:id] will contain the event_id
[Thu Jul 21 06:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Lathiat, are you using scaffolding at the moment?
[Thu Jul 21 06:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Lathiat, ok, just thought I'd check
[Thu Jul 21 06:31:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> hatezilla, - check ActiveRecord::Associations
[Thu Jul 21 06:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Lathiat, it's possible you'll just have to do it by hand
[Thu Jul 21 06:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> @signup.event = Event.find(@params["event"])
[Thu Jul 21 06:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Qerub, AR escapes the ID before it tries to do the lookup
[Thu Jul 21 06:58:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Qerub, the user is choosing the event though - and that would be better dealt with using validations anyway
[Thu Jul 21 07:01:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Qerub, is there any reason for that?
[Thu Jul 21 07:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Heh - fair enough
[Thu Jul 21 07:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> evl, it'll only be run if there's an associated record
[Thu Jul 21 07:03:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Qerub, nice, I didn't know you could do that
[Thu Jul 21 07:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> It's stunning... I've been using Rails full time for the past month or so now, and I still find some cool new feature most days :P
[Thu Jul 21 07:05:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I think I've hit most of the major parts - I tend to just go looking for things if I think it's likely they'll be around
[Thu Jul 21 07:14:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> s/though/thought/
[Thu Jul 21 07:21:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> _quik_, :except isn't a function - where is it being used?
[Thu Jul 21 07:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> _quik_, ActiionController::Layout
[Thu Jul 21 07:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> _quik_, you're probably better off calling the layout application - then it'll be used automatically
[Thu Jul 21 07:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> And in the login action you can just use "render :action => "login", :layout => nil"
[Thu Jul 21 07:26:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> _quik_, exactly where I said they are... you may have to actually read it
[Thu Jul 21 07:26:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Sorry about that
[Thu Jul 21 07:27:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> _quik_, it's under the heading "Conditonal layouts"
[Thu Jul 21 07:28:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> _quik_, using layout 'main', :except => "login"[line break]layout 'external', :only => "login" should do the job
[Thu Jul 21 07:28:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> tirkal, webrick is still running
[Thu Jul 21 07:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> The only way I've ever found is to find it's PID, and then use kill -9 on it
[Thu Jul 21 07:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> _quik_, ummm... short of direct thought transfer I'm not sure how else you would find them
[Thu Jul 21 07:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Unagi-san, @params[:action] is being overwritten with the called action name
[Thu Jul 21 07:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> _quik_, have you got Agile Web Development with Rails?
[Thu Jul 21 07:36:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> _quik_, that's the documentation for beginners, and covers everything you need
[Thu Jul 21 07:37:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> _quik_, I know what you mean, it does take a while to get into it at the moment
[Thu Jul 21 07:37:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> The same is true of any large framework though - there's a lot to cover
[Thu Jul 21 07:44:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> _quik_, you'll be better off renaming main.rhtml to application.rhtml, which will cause it to be used by default
[Thu Jul 21 07:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Lathiat, if you've got as far as the view you can use <%= debug @params %> to get a YAML version dumped to the page
[Thu Jul 21 07:52:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> _quik_, just use render :action => "login", :layout => "login" in your login method
[Thu Jul 21 07:52:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> _quik_, whats the error?
[Thu Jul 21 07:53:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> _quik_, have you got another render call in the method already?
[Thu Jul 21 07:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> jaket, yes... Rails isn't actually as completely revolutionary as everyone thinks
[Thu Jul 21 07:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> It's just really nicely done
[Thu Jul 21 07:55:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> _quik_, you can only render once, so you'll need to do something about the other one
[Thu Jul 21 07:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> jaket, is there a point to all this?
[Thu Jul 21 08:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> _quik_, sleep well
[Thu Jul 21 08:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> wnorrix, why do you need a flickr invite?
[Thu Jul 21 08:01:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> startled, form memory @params[:name].empty? would work
[Thu Jul 21 08:01:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> wnorrix, there is?
[Thu Jul 21 08:01:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> It's nice and all, but it's not the amazing stuff everyone seems to think
[Thu Jul 21 08:01:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> startled, thats .errors.empty?
[Thu Jul 21 08:03:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> wnorrix, well, anything would be better than the real thing
[Thu Jul 21 08:07:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> startled, use "unless params[:name].empty?" - it's easier to read
[Thu Jul 21 08:16:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> kfullert, keep an eye on the Rails blog
[Thu Jul 21 08:24:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> kfullert, at the moment?
[Thu Jul 21 08:26:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> HydraSwitch, you can use hide_action :edit if you don't want to delete it
[Thu Jul 21 08:34:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> HydraSwitch, it does the same thing as the scaffold command, but it generates the actual code so you can edit it
[Thu Jul 21 08:34:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Too slow
[Thu Jul 21 08:34:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> BBC has some actual news now
[Thu Jul 21 08:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> HydraSwitch, you're better off just writing it yourself - you'll spend longer trying to bend scaffolding to fit
[Thu Jul 21 08:42:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> HydraSwitch, yup... including from DHH
[Thu Jul 21 08:43:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> David Henemeir-Hanson, the guy who originally developed Rails
[Thu Jul 21 08:44:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> HydraSwitch, yup
[Thu Jul 21 08:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> evl, RubyMagick
[Thu Jul 21 10:31:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone know how to get RMagick to overlay an image?
[Thu Jul 21 10:31:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I've got some photos that need watermarks adding to them
[Thu Jul 21 10:31:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Aha - got it
[Thu Jul 21 11:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does setting @object = nil free the memory it was using?
[Thu Jul 21 11:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Is there anyway to force the memory to be freed? I'm doing transformations on several hundred images
[Thu Jul 21 11:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> pstickne, thanks :)
[Thu Jul 21 11:31:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> octopod, in English? :P
[Thu Jul 21 11:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> alienzx_, be thankful - I have to finish this site or I don't go on holiday tomorrow :P
[Thu Jul 21 11:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> alienzx_, :P
[Thu Jul 21 11:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> octopod, thanks
[Thu Jul 21 11:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> alienzx_, no, but it's better done with named routes
[Thu Jul 21 11:36:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> snowblink, you need to set @request.session["user"] I think
[Thu Jul 21 11:37:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone know what "Magick::ImageMagickError: unable to extend cache `./script/../config/../public/images/photos/1/51.jpg'" means?
[Thu Jul 21 11:42:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Lathi, that's because it already knows what they are
[Thu Jul 21 11:43:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> If you really want them displayed you can do map.show_memb_profile 'user/:user/:controller/:action'
[Thu Jul 21 11:43:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Lathi, "it" is the route
[Thu Jul 21 11:45:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Lathi, what's the result you're looking for?
[Thu Jul 21 11:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Ok, and you only want to have to use user_url(:user => 7)?
[Thu Jul 21 11:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> For that you could use map.show_memb_profile '/member_profiles/show/user/:user', :controller => 'member_profiles', :action => 'show'
[Thu Jul 21 11:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Lathi, that's because the end result the one on the wiki is looking for is address like http://host/user/7
[Thu Jul 21 11:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Lathi, have you looked at the actual API docs for it?
[Thu Jul 21 11:51:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Lathiat, "Lathi" - without the at :P
[Thu Jul 21 12:19:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> susfour, if they're anywhere, they'll be at
[Thu Jul 21 12:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Huh, anyone know what "pixel cache is not open" means?
[Thu Jul 21 12:26:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> KyokushinCraze, just pass it on in the flash again
[Thu Jul 21 12:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> hatezilla, lol - nice strategy
[Thu Jul 21 12:45:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> KyokushinCraze, you can set :dependant => true for the association I think, and that'll delete them for you
[Thu Jul 21 12:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> KyokushinCraze, I'd check the docs, my memory for option names sucks
[Thu Jul 21 12:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> It's something along those lines though
[Thu Jul 21 12:47:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'd guess so that people don't unexpectadly delete half their database
[Thu Jul 21 12:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> KyokushinCraze, I'm finishing the first today
[Thu Jul 21 12:51:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> KyokushinCraze, - it's a fairly dull corporate site, with a stock photo library
[Thu Jul 21 12:52:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> KyokushinCraze, the last month or so, on and off - I've had other things to do as well
[Thu Jul 21 12:52:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Probably a couple of weeks if done solidly
[Thu Jul 21 12:58:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> grant_, have you restarted the web server?
[Thu Jul 21 13:26:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> leeo, helper :helper_name
[Thu Jul 21 13:32:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> jdurham, it's in the JavascriptHelper docs
[Thu Jul 21 14:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Defiler, a living zip? Sounds dangerous
[Thu Jul 21 14:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Newhydra, well, what are we meant to do if their isn't the odd exploit - people would just forget we exist :P
[Thu Jul 21 15:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> kascote, huh?
[Thu Jul 21 19:53:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> "Hmmm... I think it's that cabl... (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))"
[Sat Jul 30 12:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Jul 30 15:05:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> "Hmmm... I think it's that cabl... (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))"
[Sun Jul 31 07:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Jul 31 07:45:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Is salted login less buggy these days?
[Sun Jul 31 07:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I need a user auth system, but I'm hesitant to use salted login because it was such a pain getting it to work last time
[Sun Jul 31 07:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Hmmm... no alternatives at the moment then?
[Sun Jul 31 07:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> It seems like too much for the site I'm working on - I don't need I18n or most of the other features it provides
[Sun Jul 31 09:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
[Fri Aug 05 10:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Aug 05 10:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone know why validates_acceptance_of wouldn't work using a checkbox?
[Fri Aug 05 10:37:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Is it possible to use blocks in the same way as partials?
[Fri Aug 05 10:37:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'd like to be able to do:
[Fri Aug 05 10:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> <%= content_block do %>
[Fri Aug 05 10:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> content
[Fri Aug 05 10:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> <% end %>
[Fri Aug 05 12:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Is it possible to pass parameters from the DOM using link_to_remote?
[Fri Aug 05 13:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone know how to pass a field value using link_to_remote?
[Fri Aug 05 13:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Fri Aug 05 14:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Aug 05 20:47:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Remote closed the connection
[Mon Aug 08 10:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Aug 08 10:47:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Is anyone using the Sequenced mixin from the wiki?
[Mon Aug 08 11:36:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Remote closed the connection
[Wed Aug 10 11:44:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Aug 10 11:45:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone know if setting @model.terms = true should be enough to make it pass a validate_acceptance_of validation?
[Wed Aug 10 11:45:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'm using one at the moment, and just setting to true is causing the validation to fail
[Wed Aug 10 14:03:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Remote closed the connection
[Fri Aug 19 09:32:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone know of a good example for creating a new acts_as_ type method to ActiveRecord?
[Fri Aug 19 09:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> corp, you got an URL for that, or is it Googleable?
[Fri Aug 19 09:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Got it
[Fri Aug 19 09:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> corp, thanks - looking through the code found me the magic command needed
[Fri Aug 19 09:41:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I just hadn't included the new act in AR
[Fri Aug 19 09:41:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> corp, heh :P
[Fri Aug 19 09:41:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> acts_as_tag
[Fri Aug 19 09:41:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Creates a quasi-text method which will create/link tags to something
[Fri Aug 19 09:42:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> So I can go news.tags = "something, test", and it'll go create and link the tags
[Fri Aug 19 09:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnWoo, it's possible, but it sounds like your asking for trouble
[Fri Aug 19 09:51:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnWoo, what result are you trying to get - modifying every string output seems like it's going to get messy fast
[Fri Aug 19 09:53:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnWoo, I can't help thinking you're still better off using a helper method - I doubt you want the HTML itself localised
[Fri Aug 19 09:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> rhalff, you should be able to just use your models straight up
[Fri Aug 19 09:55:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Try using ./script/console instead of irb - it loads your environment
[Fri Aug 19 09:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> jj` <<
[Fri Aug 19 10:03:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> robbyonrails, does sub-domains/vhosts at Planet Argon include real domain names/
[Fri Aug 19 10:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Excellent, thanks :)
[Fri Aug 19 10:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> robbyonrails, one more question - how easy is it to add new domains to an account after registration?
[Fri Aug 19 10:07:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'm split between managed hosting, or a dedicated server run by myself at the moment
[Fri Aug 19 10:10:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> And it's really $135/year?
[Fri Aug 19 10:12:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> robbyonrails, I just thought I'd check :P
[Fri Aug 19 10:19:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'm using it in a couple of apps at the moment
[Fri Aug 19 10:24:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> WalterSobchak, is there any reason you want the translations to be web accessible?
[Fri Aug 19 10:24:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> WalterSobchak, just don't put it in public/
[Fri Aug 19 10:43:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> corp, the lawyers ;)
[Fri Aug 19 10:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> corp, run away
[Fri Aug 19 10:47:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> corp, get something in writing anyway - no contract nearly always seems to lead to trouble later on
[Fri Aug 19 11:39:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> corp, at the moment I write a quick and dirty contract for each job, but I'm working on standard contracts for generic jobs
[Fri Aug 19 11:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> arthurgeek, it may be a little late, but could you just name your fields in portugese?
[Fri Aug 19 11:44:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Anyone remember the syntax for short if statements - the ones that use ? and : in an order I can never remember
[Fri Aug 19 11:44:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> technoweenie, thanks
[Fri Aug 19 11:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> WalterSobchak, put it in ApplicationController, and use helper_method :my_helper
[Fri Aug 19 12:13:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> arthurgeek, not sure - you may be able to override the pluralizer to work in Portugese
[Fri Aug 19 12:14:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> DarkUnicorn, link_to( image_tag("/images/blah.png")+" Hello, world!", :controller => "hello")
[Fri Aug 19 12:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> pstickne, I don't know of any that are publically available
[Fri Aug 19 12:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> To be honest it's a trivial job if you want static content though
[Fri Aug 19 12:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> pstickne, just route static pages to a "static" action which loads the right template
[Fri Aug 19 12:42:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> pstickne,
[Fri Aug 19 12:42:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> That's what I'm using
[Fri Aug 19 12:44:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> pstickne, not of the top of my head - it's not something I need to do often
[Fri Aug 19 12:44:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I just map a route as 'about/:id' anyway
[Fri Aug 19 12:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> pstickne, everything is disallowed by default
[Fri Aug 19 12:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Any public method defined in the controller can be accessed as an action
[Fri Aug 19 12:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> If a method is protected or private, it can't be used as an action
[Fri Aug 19 12:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> pstickne, why?
[Fri Aug 19 12:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> From where I'm sitting it seems like near perfect use of the public/private settings
[Fri Aug 19 12:51:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> pstickne, it seems completely railsish to me - you've already defined what's public, so why do it again?
[Fri Aug 19 13:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> wepy, have you *used* acts_as yet?
[Fri Aug 19 13:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> wepy, you should - they work beautifully.
[Fri Aug 19 13:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I had the same thoughts as you when I saw them, but they actually work just how you need them to
[Fri Aug 19 13:17:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> pstickne, the UserSecurity patch by Bruce Perens is a good starting point
[Fri Aug 19 13:17:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> It's still early though, so it needs quite a bit of hacking to be really useful
[Fri Aug 19 13:21:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> pstickne, no idea
[Fri Aug 19 13:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> lagsalot, is @post.user returning anything?
[Fri Aug 19 13:24:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Ok - it should be working then, try associating a user with it
[Fri Aug 19 13:24:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> @post.user = User.find_by_login('me')
[Fri Aug 19 13:24:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> lagsalot, No - and I doubt you want it guessing which user to associate with a post either :P
[Fri Aug 19 13:27:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> lagsalot, have you read the association docs yet?
[Fri Aug 19 13:27:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> - ActiveRecord::Associations
[Fri Aug 19 13:28:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> lagsalot, that's a quick overview - reading the API docs will give you a better idea of how things work
[Fri Aug 19 13:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> lagsalot, no - Post belongs_to User, because the User created it
[Fri Aug 19 13:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> From what I can see you just need to assign a User to the Post
[Sat Aug 20 09:41:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Jerdent, you can't call helper methods from the controller
[Sat Aug 20 09:41:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> If you need helpers in the controller you can create a new module for them, and include that
[Sat Aug 20 09:42:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'd put it in helpers
[Sat Aug 20 09:42:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> app/helpers/ even
[Sat Aug 20 09:42:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Grr - I just updated my Ubuntu install, and Firefox isn't starting
[Sat Aug 20 09:43:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Scruffypoo, yeah - it's failing on a Pango call
[Sat Aug 20 09:44:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'll probably just install Deerpark - I've been meaning to for a while anyway
[Sat Aug 20 09:45:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Firefox 1.1 Alpha
[Sat Aug 20 09:45:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Or whatever their going to version the next release
[Sat Aug 20 09:45:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Jerdent, MyHelperModule.myMethod(bar) I think
[Sat Aug 20 09:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> pesachzon, ask ahead
[Sat Aug 20 09:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> pesachzon, take a look at the Migrations documentation for ActiveRecord
[Sat Aug 20 09:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I think that's what you're looking for
[Sat Aug 20 09:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Jerdent, try just using require 'cms.rb'
[Sat Aug 20 09:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Jerdent, try just using require 'cms' even
[Sat Aug 20 10:07:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Jerdent, I'm out of ideas, sorry
[Sat Aug 20 10:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> metta, you could take a look at CodeZoo
[Sat Aug 20 14:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> wnorrix, 297
[Sat Aug 20 14:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Should be above the user list, although that'll depend on the client you're using
[Sat Aug 20 14:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> courtenay, what does that do?
[Sat Aug 20 15:09:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Pager per head? Where do I get it?
[Sat Aug 20 15:10:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Yeah#
[Sat Aug 20 15:11:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> rennard, you've obviously never developed on a dual-headed box :P
[Sat Aug 20 15:11:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> atmos, how stable is Enlightenment at the moment
[Sat Aug 20 15:12:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> atmos, hmmm... maybe once I get a new laptop then - I need my desktop to be stable at the moment
[Sat Aug 20 15:14:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> <- Wow, slick stuff
[Sat Aug 20 15:21:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> aheller, try setting :multiple => true in the options
[Sat Aug 20 15:24:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> corp, :P I'm convinced Rails is going to save me from lung cancer on that basis ;)
[Sat Aug 20 15:27:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> And on that note...
[Sat Aug 20 15:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> corp, :dependent or something along those lines
[Sat Aug 20 15:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Remote closed the connection
[Wed Aug 24 09:10:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Aug 24 09:11:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> robbyonrails, do you mind if I ask some questions about Planet Argon hosting?
[Wed Aug 24 09:18:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> technoweenie, how is switchtower?
[Wed Aug 24 09:19:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Is anyone using Planet Argon hosting?
[Wed Aug 24 09:28:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Rytmis, you could set an after_update callback which sets the timestamp
[Wed Aug 24 09:28:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Ahh - sorry - still on my first cup of coffee
[Wed Aug 24 10:03:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> sudoer2,
[Wed Aug 24 10:28:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> intrect, what sort of games?
[Wed Aug 24 10:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'm hacking on an online version of the 5 Degrees of Seperation game, where you link one famous person to another
[Wed Aug 24 10:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ugotnext, exactly like, but with anybody
[Wed Aug 24 10:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ange, what do you mean "for people"?
[Wed Aug 24 10:31:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ange, no problem :P
[Wed Aug 24 10:31:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Yeah - the idea is that other people do the links though
[Wed Aug 24 10:32:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> One user will nominate two people to link, and then everyone else gets to try and link them
[Wed Aug 24 10:32:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> DaCypher, no
[Wed Aug 24 10:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> technoweenie, yup
[Wed Aug 24 10:51:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> technoweenie, it's the new name for Rendezvous, if you know that
[Wed Aug 24 10:52:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Same thing, different name
[Wed Aug 24 10:55:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> technoweenie is being chased by the CIA
[Fri Sep 02 15:55:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Sep 02 15:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Sat Sep 03 09:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Sep 03 09:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Sat Sep 03 20:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Sep 03 20:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Sun Sep 04 10:12:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Sep 04 10:12:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Mon Sep 05 10:21:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Sep 05 10:21:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Mon Sep 05 22:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Sep 05 22:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Tue Sep 06 09:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Sep 06 09:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Tue Sep 06 11:58:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Sep 06 11:58:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Tue Sep 06 12:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Sep 06 12:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Wed Sep 07 09:25:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Sep 07 09:25:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Wed Sep 07 15:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Sep 07 15:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> courtenay: You around?
[Wed Sep 07 16:01:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Thu Sep 08 10:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Sep 08 10:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Fri Sep 09 10:51:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Sep 09 10:51:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Sat Sep 10 08:58:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Sep 10 08:58:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Sun Sep 11 11:13:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Sep 11 11:13:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Thu Sep 22 09:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Sep 22 10:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> nuny: log/development.log logs all the SQL statements being run
[Thu Sep 22 10:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> nuny: They generally map in a common sense way, I'm afraid I can't help much further than that
[Thu Sep 22 10:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> TINYINT(1) maps to a boolean
[Thu Sep 22 10:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> tikki: If you're using the form helpers it'll have an ID of inventory_type
[Thu Sep 22 10:05:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Are there any Javascript/ gurus around?
[Thu Sep 22 10:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> madrobby: :)
[Thu Sep 22 10:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Do you have an idea of how to make work properly? I'm trying to get images to zoom in on a mouseover, and out on a mouseout, with the image staying in place and overlapping adjacent images.
[Thu Sep 22 10:07:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> At the moment I'm setting postion: absolute, and then back to inline on zoom out, but things bounce around the place
[Thu Sep 22 10:07:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Sorry -
[Thu Sep 22 10:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> madrobby: All the time?
[Thu Sep 22 10:09:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Doing that reflows the images
[Thu Sep 22 10:10:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> jonah: Thanks :) They're not mine though :P
[Thu Sep 22 10:10:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'm trying to get it so the images stay in place, and overlay images, rather than reflow them to fit
[Thu Sep 22 10:12:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> jonah: Nice - I like the urban landscapes, mainly due to my soft spot for panaromas made up of individual images :)
[Thu Sep 22 10:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> madrobby: Are there any API docs for scriptaculous around?
[Thu Sep 22 10:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> mbeers: render :template => "directory/template"
[Thu Sep 22 10:24:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Or you can give it an absolute path if it's completely out of the app/ directory
[Thu Sep 22 10:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Woot! Almost got it now - just gotta get the scaling right :)
[Thu Sep 22 10:39:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I ended up scrapping having them zooming above everything else.
[Thu Sep 22 10:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> madrobby: Is there currently a way to use Effect.Scale to scale to absolute sizes, or am I gonna have to hack it in?
[Thu Sep 22 15:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Remote closed the connection
[Fri Sep 23 12:52:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Sep 23 12:53:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anybody know why an uploaded file would change from a File object to a String when passed to a model?
[Fri Sep 23 12:53:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> The image is 151k :-\
[Fri Sep 23 12:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I've never got why files get converted to StringIO when their small anyway - it just seems to add complications
[Fri Sep 23 12:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> fluffle: I'd do it in a filter, so that you only need to write it once
[Fri Sep 23 13:01:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Fri Sep 23 13:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> No problem :)
[Fri Sep 23 13:07:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> fluffle: You can use the database anywhere you like, just create a model and go for it :)
[Fri Sep 23 13:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does RMagick default to absolute paths?
[Fri Sep 23 13:16:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> fluffle: Probably Nav_Item
[Fri Sep 23 13:17:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> You can pick either and set the table manually though
[Fri Sep 23 13:18:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> fluffle: Yup
[Fri Sep 23 13:18:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Tables with an _ in them are generally reserved for link tables
[Fri Sep 23 13:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Has anyone had RMagick cut the begining of a files path off when use
[Fri Sep 23 13:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> This is the weirdest error I've seen in a while
[Fri Sep 23 13:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> fluffle: Not sure, try it in the console
[Fri Sep 23 13:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ./script/console will start up an interactive Rails environment where you can play with things like that
[Fri Sep 23 13:37:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> RMagick is stripping the begining off any path I pass it to load an image from
[Fri Sep 23 13:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> lwilliam: Drop the ../
[Fri Sep 23 13:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Just books/list will work
[Fri Sep 23 14:10:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnO: Try putting a space between database: and the db name
[Fri Sep 23 16:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Is there some magic thing I need to do to make page caching work?
[Fri Sep 23 16:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I have caches_page :index set in the controller, but nothing is being cached
[Fri Sep 23 16:03:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Aha! Caching is turned off in development mode.
[Fri Sep 23 16:10:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone know where cache sweepers are meant to go in the filesystem?
[Fri Sep 23 22:24:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Remote closed the connection
[Sat Sep 24 15:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Sep 24 15:34:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anybody know how I could use elements of a route to set the controller. I'm using controllers like submit/news, and would like news to be set using a :type parameter
[Sat Sep 24 15:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> technoweenie: I know you can use :controller, but I'd like to do something like :controller => "submit/#{:type}", but that doesn't work
[Sat Sep 24 15:42:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> mae: You can if you really want to :P
[Sat Sep 24 16:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> thread: I think you already sold it - tests are designed to find bugs like the one you've got there :P
[Sat Sep 24 16:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> This is probably OT, but does anyone know of a good Javascript reference for the core? Things like array syntax and strings
[Sat Sep 24 16:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> technoweenie: I just found with a quick Google, which has extracts from the Visibone Javascript reference cards
[Sat Sep 24 18:16:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone have example of using String.replace - the documentation is completely opaque to me, it appears to only do the same thing as setting the value.
[Sat Sep 24 18:18:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Ahhh - what's the syntax for doing a search & replace, or is it just a regexp?
[Sat Sep 24 18:18:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Thanks :)
[Sat Sep 24 18:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> poprocks: Storing in the database is likely to get small - are the photos only likely to be used in the web app, or for other purposes as well?
[Sat Sep 24 18:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> s/small/slow/
[Sat Sep 24 18:25:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Kickstart: Take a look at config/routes.rb - it's documented in there
[Sat Sep 24 18:25:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Kickstart: map.connect '', :controller => "home", :action => "index"
[Sat Sep 24 18:26:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> poprocks: If you cache the images you'll get a slight performance hit on each image's first view - after that it's served up from the filesystem
[Sat Sep 24 18:28:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> poprocks: If you've got the image in the database then any other applications just need a DB connection, rather than downloading each image from the web server
[Sat Sep 24 18:28:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> It really depends on the application though - for some it's worth it, for others it's not
[Sat Sep 24 18:31:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Should ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper.auto_link work if I'm adding a new method to String?
[Sat Sep 24 18:31:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'm getting a method not found error
[Sat Sep 24 18:37:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Kickstart: Create a home controller
[Sat Sep 24 18:43:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> sbraford: What's it meant to do?
[Sat Sep 24 18:45:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> sbraford: Nice :) I'm starting a new project next week, so I'll give it a try
[Sat Sep 24 18:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Grrr! I seem to have lost an unopened pack of cigarettes :(
[Sat Sep 24 18:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> The shops closed!
[Sat Sep 24 18:58:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> :P
[Sat Sep 24 18:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> alienzx: It's midnight on a Saturday here :P
[Sat Sep 24 19:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Not without going into the city centre - nowhere is 24 hour around here
[Sat Sep 24 19:03:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> alienzx: And you want someone to hack it and add your IP?
[Sat Sep 24 19:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Hmmm,,, looks like it's been eaten.
[Sat Sep 24 19:09:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> AdaLet: You enjoy yourself
[Sat Sep 24 19:16:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> joevandyk: Are the conditions ever likely to spring more attributes? Seems like you'd be better off just adding a column for it, rather than doing 2 queries so you can get the data
[Sat Sep 24 19:17:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Ahh, ok
[Sat Sep 24 19:19:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'd just order the ProductForSale list by the condition, but it's a bit hacky
[Sat Sep 24 19:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Is there a quick and easy way of escaping a string so you can use it in a regexp?
[Sat Sep 24 19:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Next regexp imbecile question :P
[Sat Sep 24 19:58:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> If I'm replacing a value using a regexp for the replacement, how can I include an existing string in it - #{value} is throwing an exception saying it can't convert a Regexp to a string
[Sat Sep 24 20:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'm using text.gsub!(/(\W)#{Regexp.escape(key)}(\W)/, /$1#{value}$2/) at the moment
[Sat Sep 24 20:01:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> gmcinnes: You could use single table inheritance for it, where you have a parent class which all your model elements inherit from
[Sat Sep 24 20:01:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> And then use acts_as_list to make sure they stay ordered
[Sat Sep 24 20:01:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> But then you store all that data in a single table
[Sat Sep 24 20:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> gmcinnes: acts_as_list needs to be used on the parent model
[Sat Sep 24 20:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> acts_as_list :elements
[Sat Sep 24 20:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> gmcinnes: If you put that in the model which has the has_many call, then it'll track the position of the child elements
[Sat Sep 24 20:19:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> gmcinnes: You're probably best reading the documentation for acts_as_list
[Sat Sep 24 20:19:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Sat Sep 24 20:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> brianm: Rails extends Fixnum with even? and odd? methods - they should help
[Sat Sep 24 20:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> toon_: I like the easy bits, it's when you get to dropping in values from the search, and arcane \ sequences I get a headache
[Sat Sep 24 20:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'm still sure it's picking what to replace at random :P
[Sat Sep 24 20:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> \s Should match newlines, and spaces right?
[Sat Sep 24 21:09:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> How would I go about replacing only part of the search regexp?
[Sat Sep 24 21:11:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> toon_: I'm using gsub
[Sat Sep 24 21:11:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Trying to find the text to replace using the text around it, but only replace part of that
[Sat Sep 24 21:11:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> At the moment it's eating the bits I'm matching to
[Sat Sep 24 21:13:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> toon_: I think that's what I mean - I'm stuck in the annoying area of knowing what I want things to do, but not knowing what it's called
[Sat Sep 24 21:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> It's an embarassingly simple problem :P
[Sat Sep 24 21:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I want to match emoticons, but only if theres a space, newline, or line end on either side
[Sat Sep 24 21:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> So " :p " would match, but "things:personal" wouldn't
[Sat Sep 24 21:16:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> The problem is that it's replacing the whitespace as well as the text
[Sat Sep 24 21:17:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> /(?:\s+)#{Regexp.escape(key)}(?:\s+)/, "#{img}"
[Sat Sep 24 21:17:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> As far as I can tell \s should match any whitespace
[Sat Sep 24 21:18:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I've tried variations on that - it seems to sometimes reinsert the whitespace, and other times not
[Sat Sep 24 21:19:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> #$1 etc should work to place captured items
[Sat Sep 24 21:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Hmm - doesn't seem to be reinserting still. I'm doing multiple passes so I can capture all the emoticons, which may be causing that
[Sat Sep 24 21:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Lemme take a screenshot
[Sat Sep 24 21:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Sat Sep 24 21:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> That's what's happening
[Sat Sep 24 21:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Woot! That's almost there - I just need to match newlines, which I should be able to do
[Sat Sep 24 21:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Thanks :)
[Sat Sep 24 21:25:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> #$1 instead of \\1 was wrong
[Sat Sep 24 21:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> linked: No idea, but if you find out, can you give me a shout?
[Sat Sep 24 21:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> It's about the only thing I miss from my PHP days
[Sat Sep 24 21:31:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> toon_: I'm afraid PHP's docs kick RoR right out of town, never mind the core Ruby docs, which read like a puddle of mud
[Sat Sep 24 21:32:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> They're ok in places, but a lot of it just says "method: Does #{method}"
[Sat Sep 24 21:45:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> toon_: Can you reccomend any good regexp books, I think I'm gonna have to pick one up once I'm done here.
[Sat Sep 24 21:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> linked, toon_: Thanks, I'll have a look around :)
[Sat Sep 24 21:53:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Are ^ and $ handled differently to everything else - I can't seem to do an alternate operation on them
[Sat Sep 24 21:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> maurycy: I know that :P It's not matching anything though
[Sat Sep 24 21:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> bougyman: I'm using a multiline at the moment - I assume they're start of line and end of line?
[Sat Sep 24 22:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> bougyman: From what I've read so far that may be the problem
[Sat Sep 24 22:05:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> /(^|\s)+?#{Regexp.escape(key)}(\s|$)+?/im isn't matching the start or end of a line
[Sat Sep 24 22:05:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Hang on - drop the ? there - I was just testing something
[Sat Sep 24 22:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> bougyman: In an attempt to match either of them
[Sat Sep 24 22:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Lemme drop the whole line
[Sat Sep 24 22:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> text.gsub!(/(^|\s)+#{Regexp.escape(key)}(\s|$)+/im, "\\1#{img}\\2")
[Sat Sep 24 22:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> bougyman: Yup - I'm matching emoticons, which need either the start or end of line, or a whitespace
[Sat Sep 24 22:07:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> bougyman: Yes - otherwise you get problems with partial matches going to the wrong emoticon
[Sat Sep 24 22:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> shows the source and result
[Sat Sep 24 22:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'll grab the map
[Sat Sep 24 22:09:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> is the whole method
[Sat Sep 24 22:10:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Sat Sep 24 22:14:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> toon_: Because it needs to match the absolute begining and end of the text as well
[Sat Sep 24 22:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> toon_: Same result with that
[Sat Sep 24 22:18:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> toon_: Hang on, I may have forgotten to restart webrick
[Sat Sep 24 22:19:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Nope - restarted, and the result is the same as the screenshot - first and last items on a line don't get replaced
[Sat Sep 24 22:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> How do you know I'm not blind, and listening to this with a screenreader?
[Sat Sep 24 22:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Admitadly I'm not, but you should think about these things :P
[Sat Sep 24 22:26:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> bougyman: Thanks :)
[Sat Sep 24 22:28:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> daork: I think that's a contest that should be won on slowness - maybe someday people'll stop using them
[Sat Sep 24 22:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> :D That's great
[Sat Sep 24 22:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> jay: You're missing SelectHelper ;)
[Sat Sep 24 22:41:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I think that'll make up for it
[Sat Sep 24 22:41:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> FormOptionsHelper even
[Sat Sep 24 22:42:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Time I went to bed, no doubt to dream of regexps
[Sat Sep 24 22:42:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> bougyman, toon_: Thanks for all your help :)
[Sat Sep 24 22:44:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> "Ex-Chat"
[Sun Sep 25 11:19:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Sep 25 11:19:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone have any experience with UploadProgress?
[Sun Sep 25 11:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Is there some magic I need to do to make it work on lighttpd 1.4? I've set it to enabled in my environment.rb, but I'm not getting any progress bars when I use the example in the API docs
[Sun Sep 25 11:21:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> And the :finish event isn't being triggered
[Sun Sep 25 11:32:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'm looking at a page that claims it does, but doing the setup there doesn't seem to work :(
[Sun Sep 25 11:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> jonahfox: Download managers, so you can get a count for each download
[Sun Sep 25 11:39:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I think I'm doing something wrong here. Should the upload_status_for point at the method that handles saving, or not?
[Sun Sep 25 11:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> alienzx: For some reason files <10k are sent as a StringIO object
[Sun Sep 25 11:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> alienzx: @params[:upload].size > 0
[Sun Sep 25 11:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> essevedequa: No (thank god)
[Sun Sep 25 11:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> alienzx: I just added an "upload" attribute, which gets assigned any new file uploads
[Sun Sep 25 11:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> technoweenie: Theres a database containing the track information
[Sun Sep 25 11:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> technoweenie: Google for libipod
[Sun Sep 25 12:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> dws, darkstego: Ubuntu Breezy definately ships with 1.83. now, but Ubuntu seems to have a patch to keep Rails working (bless 'em :P)
[Sun Sep 25 12:01:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ykoehler: ./script/breakpointer
[Sun Sep 25 12:01:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> darkstego: It may not be patched - according to technoweenie it works now
[Sun Sep 25 12:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ykoehler: Run that script, and then hit a page with a breakpoint set, it'll start an irb session when it hits the breakpoint
[Sun Sep 25 12:03:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ykoehler: It won't connect until you view a page with a breakpoint
[Sun Sep 25 12:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Yup - it's waiting for you to run the breakpointer
[Sun Sep 25 12:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ykoehler: Either way should work - are you on the same box as the web server?
[Sun Sep 25 12:09:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ykoehler: Hitting the button should insert a breakpoint for you at the effected place
[Sun Sep 25 12:52:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> technoweenie: Are you planning to release that sometime? I watched the demo a while ago, and it looks great :)
[Sun Sep 25 13:32:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Kickstart: Have you set @letters anywhere?
[Sun Sep 25 13:34:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> At - not here :P
[Sun Sep 25 13:34:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> t-jogin: You pass it an element, and it removes it
[Sun Sep 25 13:34:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> $('element_id').remove
[Sun Sep 25 13:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Or possibly Element.remove('element_id') - I'm can't remember which
[Sun Sep 25 13:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Kickstart: URL?
[Sun Sep 25 13:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does ApplicationController have an index method?
[Sun Sep 25 13:37:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Kickstart: Ok - you'll need to create an index method which loads the letters then
[Sun Sep 25 13:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Kickstart: class HomeController < ApplicationController
[Sun Sep 25 13:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> end
[Sun Sep 25 13:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Sorry
[Sun Sep 25 13:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Sun Sep 25 13:38:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> No problem :)
[Sun Sep 25 13:39:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Kickstart: Get a copy of Agile Web Development with Rails
[Sun Sep 25 13:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Hey :)
[Mon Oct 03 11:18:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Oct 03 11:18:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone have any advice on debuggin RXML templates? When I get errors, they're always marked as line 1
[Mon Oct 03 12:31:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
[Tue Oct 25 09:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Oct 25 09:45:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Can anyone think of an obvious reason a mixed in module with protected methods wouldn't make those methods available to the controller that included it?
[Tue Oct 25 09:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> rigba: has the complete documentation for Rails
[Tue Oct 25 09:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> rigba: Check ActiveRecord::Associations
[Tue Oct 25 09:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> rigba: Which part are you having problems with? With AR associations the examples will generally be a couple of lines of code.
[Tue Oct 25 10:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> brenton_: Do you have shell access?
[Tue Oct 25 10:11:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> brenton_: For the future you can run ./script/console RAILS_ENV="production", and then enter User.create(:name => "test", :password => "mypassword", :login => "test", :email => "")
[Tue Oct 25 10:14:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> queuetue: What sort of thing are doing? Usually it'll be easier to create controllers for each function - it means theres more code in the single application, but you don't need to worry about getting links working
[Tue Oct 25 10:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> purestorm_: ./script/generate model MyModel
[Tue Oct 25 10:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> purestorm_: It creates unit tests in test/unit/
[Tue Oct 25 10:16:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> queuetue: It shouldn't be to too hard to bridge them, but you'll need to write the code yourself.
[Tue Oct 25 10:17:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> purestorm_: What would you prefer it to do?
[Tue Oct 25 10:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> purestorm_: I can't think of anything that'll do that - although if you find anything I'd be interested to know about it :)
[Tue Oct 25 10:31:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anybody know why including a module in a controller would fail to actually add any of the module's methods?
[Tue Oct 25 10:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> queuetue: Yup
[Tue Oct 25 10:41:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> queuetue: I'm not sure how you bind them to a specific version though - you're looking for information on binding Rails to a specific gem version
[Tue Oct 25 10:44:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> thomasmaas: validates_length_of :field, :minimum => 5, :if => !field.empty?
[Tue Oct 25 10:45:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> socialmoth: You gotta love Ruby ;)
[Tue Oct 25 10:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> htonl: Usually I would, but this one is broken in some unknown way
[Tue Oct 25 10:46:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I've been staring at the code for an hour or so now :(
[Tue Oct 25 10:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> thomasmaas: I probably got the syntax wrong, lemme check
[Tue Oct 25 10:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> thomasmaas: :if => { |user| user.signup_step > 2 } <- From the API docs
[Tue Oct 25 10:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> thomasmaas: allow_nil is designed to skip validation if it's not set at all - i.e. there's no field for it
[Tue Oct 25 10:50:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> If there's a field, but it's not filled in, it'll set to "", but if there's no field at all it'll be nil
[Tue Oct 25 10:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> htonl: requiring the module's file, and then using include ModuleName in the controller should mix it in right?
[Tue Oct 25 10:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> htonl: I've got some user auth code that I'm mixing into a controller.
[Tue Oct 25 10:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> htonl: I include the module, but attempting to call any of the methods in it from the controller gives me a method not found exception
[Tue Oct 25 10:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Munky^^: Read the *whole* article before panicing ;)
[Tue Oct 25 10:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Tue Oct 25 10:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> thomasmaas: It creates a method that checks if it should validate
[Tue Oct 25 10:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> So in your case :if => { |phone| !phone.empty? } would only validate if there's information in the field
[Tue Oct 25 11:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> |phone| puts the data to be validated in a variable
[Tue Oct 25 11:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> htonl: I wrote it
[Tue Oct 25 11:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> simmel: Quickstart rails is good for that - lemme grab an URL
[Tue Oct 25 11:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> simmel:
[Tue Oct 25 11:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> htonl: What's the magic step?
[Tue Oct 25 11:03:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> tirkal: Fraid so
[Tue Oct 25 11:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> htonl: Thanks :)
[Tue Oct 25 11:05:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> thomasmaas: No problem - my fault again. { |person| ! } - I thought it was the value being passed, rather than the whole object.
[Tue Oct 25 11:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> tirkal: include PreLogin
[Tue Oct 25 11:09:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> tirkal: No that I know of
[Tue Oct 25 11:10:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> thomasmaas: Because that's how it is - I'm sure if you submitted a patch to add an allow_empty option it would be accepted
[Tue Oct 25 11:11:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> htonl: Thanks again - that's got it working :)
[Tue Oct 25 11:13:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> htonl: Is that some sort of hip new word for "a good thing" in the XP world, or a hint to get a copy of the book?
[Tue Oct 25 11:17:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> simmel: public/ should be the webroot anyway - anything outside of public/ shouldn't be web accessible
[Tue Oct 25 11:17:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> htonl: lol - everyone'll be doing it soon
[Tue Oct 25 11:19:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> simmel: No idea - I've never run a RoR app from anywhere but /
[Tue Oct 25 11:19:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Beakid: You need a hash to index with anything other than numbers
[Tue Oct 25 11:20:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> { :key => "value" } rather than [ :key => "value" ]
[Tue Oct 25 11:21:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> bitsweat: Any chance of you posting a quick howto on that somewhere? I like the idea
[Tue Oct 25 18:40:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Wed Oct 26 08:53:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Oct 26 08:53:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone know how to use rails if I have to run the dispatcher from /cgi-bin/
[Wed Oct 26 09:25:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> lemonhead: :conditions => ["login like %?%", @params[:search_string] ]
[Wed Oct 26 09:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> lemonhead: More ?'s
[Wed Oct 26 09:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> ["login=? OR name=?", login, name]
[Wed Oct 26 09:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Yup, you should read the docs though -
[Wed Oct 26 09:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> kenphused: :)
[Wed Oct 26 09:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Beakid: "string to split".split(" ")
[Wed Oct 26 09:49:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Beakid: has API docs
[Wed Oct 26 09:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Beakid: You're attempting to split an Array, which doesn't support it being split like a string.
[Wed Oct 26 09:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Beakid: What are you trying to do with it?
[Wed Oct 26 09:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Beakid: Where are you getting it from?
[Wed Oct 26 09:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Beakid: @params[:computer][:id].split(',').each do |value|
[Wed Oct 26 10:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Beakid: lol, you coming over from the PHP world?
[Wed Oct 26 10:01:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> jeanjacques: before_filter :login_required, :except => [ :login, :signup ]
[Wed Oct 26 10:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> jeanjacques: Replace your existing login_required line
[Wed Oct 26 10:03:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> joedj: Lazy creation
[Wed Oct 26 10:05:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> jeanjacques: :) The coolest thing is that feeling never really goes away
[Wed Oct 26 10:29:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Beakid: Here, but not really able to talk
[Wed Oct 26 11:48:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> alienzx: No, but you'll regret it later :P
[Wed Oct 26 11:53:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> alienzx: Yup?
[Wed Oct 26 11:54:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> imajes: @whatever_it_is.categories will contain an array of Category objects
[Wed Oct 26 11:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> imajes: You can add categories to an object with @object.categories << category_object
[Wed Oct 26 12:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> francolas: What version of Rails are you using?
[Wed Oct 26 12:05:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> francolas: Ok, rake freeze_gems won't work for you then
[Wed Oct 26 12:05:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> francolas: Probably, they're not stable yet
[Wed Oct 26 12:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> mecraw: No he couldn't, because 0.13.1 doesn't inlcude the freeze_gems command
[Wed Oct 26 12:07:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> francolas: I'm just trying to track it down, I'm sure there is
[Wed Oct 26 12:07:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> marcbey: admin/news
[Wed Oct 26 12:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> marcbey: What version?
[Wed Oct 26 12:10:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> marcbey: Try upgrading to .3, there was a scaffold bug fixed there
[Wed Oct 26 12:12:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> marcbey: Sorry, my mistake - I was thinking RC3
[Wed Oct 26 12:14:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> marcbey: Probably... report it and find out
[Wed Oct 26 12:58:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnO: What are you trying to do?
[Wed Oct 26 13:03:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Beakid: You're probably trying to use an Array instead of a Hash
[Wed Oct 26 13:03:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Arrays can only have numeric keys, hashes can have strings and symbols
[Wed Oct 26 13:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> { :key => "value" } rather than [ :key => "value" ]
[Wed Oct 26 13:04:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnO: Loading it now
[Wed Oct 26 13:06:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnO: Associations have .create methods
[Wed Oct 26 13:07:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Beakid: Depends where you're calling add_limit! - wanna give a bit of context?
[Wed Oct 26 13:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Beakid:
[Wed Oct 26 13:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Beakid: Know it, love it! It's the only source of information you really need :P
[Wed Oct 26 13:28:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnO: I'm not sure you're gonna get much cleaner than that I'm afraid - I certainly can't think of anything built in to do it for you
[Wed Oct 26 13:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> drudru: You can probably mixin the Validations module - "include ActiveRecord::Validations" in your model
[Wed Oct 26 13:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnO: @article =[:article])
[Wed Oct 26 13:30:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnO: @article.comments.create(@params[:comment])
[Wed Oct 26 13:31:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob>
[Wed Oct 26 13:31:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> drudru: Check ActiveRecord's source to find out how it does it
[Wed Oct 26 13:32:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnO: Yup
[Wed Oct 26 13:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnO: No problem - the API docs are where I tend to look first, although that's probably a mindset thing - some people learn better from examples, some from checking what methods are available
[Wed Oct 26 13:34:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> @params[:text_areas].each do |index, value|
[Wed Oct 26 13:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I gotta go eat
[Wed Oct 26 13:35:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnO: and
[Wed Oct 26 14:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnO: Yeah, so you can find out what SQL is being run against the DB.
[Wed Oct 26 14:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Ohhh! Wouldn't! Sorry
[Wed Oct 26 15:01:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> I'm not sure where it's set, what version are you using?
[Wed Oct 26 15:01:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> rails -v?
[Wed Oct 26 15:02:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Heh... lovely
[Wed Oct 26 15:05:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> muhaha: If it's listing socket: that's how you need to connect on your machine
[Wed Oct 26 15:07:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> muhaha: Just add a host: line
[Wed Oct 26 15:07:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> muhaha: The syntax hasn't changed, it's just that Rails tries to autodetect your DB settings now
[Wed Oct 26 15:08:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> muhaha: I think just the release notes at the moment
[Wed Oct 26 15:09:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> mixonic: Wait until it's stable - it's not actually that different, just buggy at the moment
[Wed Oct 26 15:12:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> mixonic: I was gonna use .14 for a job I'm doing this week - I ended up reverting after burning too much time working around bugs
[Wed Oct 26 15:12:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> garrettmurray: Maybe, depends what the problem is
[Wed Oct 26 15:13:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> garrettmurray: has_many
[Wed Oct 26 15:13:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Not have_many
[Wed Oct 26 15:14:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> queuetue: It's only available to views
[Wed Oct 26 15:15:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> What's the error?
[Wed Oct 26 15:17:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> garrettmurray: Ahhh - sorry, comments belongs_to user
[Wed Oct 26 15:17:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnO: If you're trying to ping you need the whole thing ;)
[Wed Oct 26 15:18:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnO: Revising the name... I get a ping if someone says my name
[Wed Oct 26 15:19:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnO: Try using .build instead - .create is probably trying to access a non-existant primary key
[Wed Oct 26 15:21:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnO: Check the docs - it's something around that. ActiveRecord::Associations::ClassMethods documents all the methods that get added when you create an association
[Wed Oct 26 15:21:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnO: Is person a has_one?
[Wed Oct 26 15:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Ok, try build_person
[Wed Oct 26 15:22:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> You save the parent object
[Wed Oct 26 15:23:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnO: The second save isn't needed, because all the information is stored in the People table
[Wed Oct 26 15:24:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> .create will run .new, and then .save
[Wed Oct 26 15:24:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> .build just runs .new
[Wed Oct 26 15:24:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnO: Learn to love the API docs :)
[Wed Oct 26 15:28:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> martind: Just delete it then :)
[Wed Oct 26 15:33:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> sorry, I'm on the phone
[Wed Oct 26 15:47:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> JohnO: @input.create_person(value2)
[Wed Oct 26 15:51:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> domma: Add a field called position to your list item model
[Wed Oct 26 15:51:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> And then use acts_as_list on the model which is the actual list
[Wed Oct 26 15:52:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> borior: Have you got the fcgi gem installed?
[Wed Oct 26 15:52:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> domma: Do you know about the API docs?
[Wed Oct 26 15:53:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> domma:
[Wed Oct 26 15:55:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> domma: It takes a while to get a feel for where things are, but once you do it's all you need :)
[Wed Oct 26 15:56:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> domma: Yeah - calling acts_as_list adds the methods
[Wed Oct 26 15:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> queuetue: time_ago_in_words @post.created
[Wed Oct 26 15:57:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> domma: :D Definately get a copy of the Agile book - it covers the getting started bit great
[Wed Oct 26 15:58:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> procreate: Lemme dig up some code
[Wed Oct 26 15:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> procreate: I can't find the code, but it's like this:
[Wed Oct 26 15:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> belongs_to :news, :counter_cache => true
[Wed Oct 26 15:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> procreate: And then create the column comments_count in the news table
[Wed Oct 26 15:59:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> And make sure it defaults to 0 or it'll never increment
[Wed Oct 26 16:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> procreate: Got a copy on order, but heard nothing but good things about it
[Wed Oct 26 16:00:00 +0930 2005] <jellybob> Anyway, I gotta go.
[Wed Nov 02 07:37:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Nov 02 08:46:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> technoweenie: Was it you who was using a psql database for fixtures, instead of YAML files?
[Wed Nov 02 08:52:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> hulahub: Use self.attrib
[Wed Nov 02 08:53:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> technoweenie: Thanks :) I was just about to say I had no idea :P
[Wed Nov 02 08:54:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> hulahub: It's stored in an attributes variable, which acts like a hash
[Wed Nov 02 09:07:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone have any experience adding new assertations to Test::Unit?
[Wed Nov 02 09:07:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> I'm reopening the class and define some new methods in test_helper, but they're not being found
[Wed Nov 02 09:08:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> wukenx: 777, but it's safer to set the group on it to your web server's group and make it 775 if you can
[Wed Nov 02 09:08:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> 777 gives full access to anyone, including any other users on your server if you use a shared host
[Wed Nov 02 09:09:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> wukenx: If you can set the group to the web server's group it will
[Wed Nov 02 09:14:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> morn: If you do end up writing it yourself you should make it a rake task and submit a patch
[Wed Nov 02 09:32:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> joelmichael: Are you trying to get information from a web server?
[Wed Nov 02 09:33:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Have a look at net/http -
[Wed Nov 02 10:00:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> joelmichael: Try it the console and find out :)
[Wed Nov 02 10:01:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> ./script/console gives you an interactive shell for your application
[Wed Nov 02 10:04:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Lectrick: Check the wiki, I'm fairly sure there's a page on just that
[Wed Nov 02 10:14:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> kee-un: It's usually best to do whatever makes sense - if reloading after running the SQL is going to be neccesary in almost all cases, do it.
[Wed Nov 02 10:49:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> morn: Or you could use techoweenie's calculations plugin,
[Wed Nov 02 11:08:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gmcinnes, drd: You could use :if to bypass it if you get 0
[Wed Nov 02 11:09:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> validates_presence_of :attribute, :if => { |object| object.attribute != 0 }
[Thu Nov 03 09:51:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Nov 03 09:58:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> michel_v: It sounds to specialised for a standard helper, but it shouldn't be more than 10 minutes to write one
[Thu Nov 03 09:59:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> jcm_: I usually write format_text helper, and then stack things on top of each other
[Thu Nov 03 10:01:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> jcm_: Yup
[Thu Nov 03 10:01:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> jcm_: I'll dig it out, it's done me well so far :)
[Thu Nov 03 10:02:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> jcm_: I cheat - I rewrite it with regexps. I'm sure you can override in a cleaner way, but I just wanted it done.
[Thu Nov 03 10:04:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> I've never needed to, although I'm sure it's possible
[Thu Nov 03 10:04:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> markdown(auto_link(@content[:body])).gsub('<h1>', '<font size="6" face="Arial, Tahoma, sans-serif">').gsub('</h1>', '</font>')
[Thu Nov 03 10:04:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> That's my hacky formatting code to format HTML e-mail
[Thu Nov 03 10:05:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> t-jogin: Have a look at the docs for ActiveRecord::Callbacks
[Thu Nov 03 10:06:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> fatbrain: It's for HTML e-mail, and I've not yet found a reliable way to use CSS and have it render right in different clients
[Thu Nov 03 10:07:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> It makes me cringe everytime, but it makes me cringe less than explaining to clients I was too obsessed with standards to make the design work right
[Thu Nov 03 10:07:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> jcm_: Heh... I think everyone is waiting for something to fix HTML e-mail for them
[Thu Nov 03 10:10:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gearbox: Don't - this is Ruby, you can reopen ActiveRecord::Base and insert new methods ;)
[Thu Nov 03 10:11:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gearbox: What version of Rails are you using?
[Thu Nov 03 10:11:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gearbox: You can create a plugin to add the methods you want then
[Thu Nov 03 10:12:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gearbox: Ditto, you can reopen ActiveRecord and replace them
[Thu Nov 03 10:12:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gearbox: Do you know how plugins work?
[Thu Nov 03 10:13:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> michel_v: It's probably easier to just write one that does what you need it to, and nothing more
[Thu Nov 03 10:13:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gearbox: i.e. the Rails plugin system - lemme find an URL
[Thu Nov 03 10:14:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob>
[Thu Nov 03 10:15:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gearbox: Asset Timestamping is a good example plugin for overriding core behaviour
[Thu Nov 03 10:16:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gearbox: No problem :)
[Thu Nov 03 10:17:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> NubyOnRails: CAPTCHA style?
[Thu Nov 03 10:17:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> NubyOnRails:
[Thu Nov 03 10:17:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> :)
[Thu Nov 03 10:19:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gearbox: Yup - less code to maintain, and things are setup how you'd expect them to be
[Thu Nov 03 10:20:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gearbox: The Rails way is that models inherit from ActiveRecord::Base - anything else is a potential source of problems down the line
[Thu Nov 03 10:22:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gearbox: It's less code if you need to use again though, in which case you can just drop your plugin.
[Thu Nov 03 10:23:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> NubyOnRails: It's hit and miss as far as I can tell, some things seem to work in initialize, and others don't, so you're better off using a before_filter
[Thu Nov 03 10:24:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gearbox: Plugins are designed for reuse. In the end the main reason is because it's the standard way when using Ruby
[Thu Nov 03 10:24:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> NubyOnRails: Exactly that - you can stack them up as well
[Thu Nov 03 10:24:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> before_filter :method_to_call
[Thu Nov 03 10:25:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gearbox: Not really - your best bet is to start digging in the code to get an idea of how things fit together.
[Thu Nov 03 10:25:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> NubyOnRails: :P
[Thu Nov 03 10:25:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Take a look at the API docs for ActionController::Filters
[Thu Nov 03 10:25:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> You can use after_filter and around_filter as well
[Thu Nov 03 10:26:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> NubyOnRails: Yup
[Thu Nov 03 10:26:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> If you return false from the filter it'll stop processing
[Thu Nov 03 10:27:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> :)
[Thu Nov 03 10:29:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> michel_v: Well either write your own, or fix the helper and submit a patch
[Thu Nov 03 10:31:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> NubyOnRails: Yup
[Thu Nov 03 10:39:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> NubyOnRails: Version control your code - it's designed for cases like that where you don't know if code is going to work
[Thu Nov 03 10:40:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> drd: Do you mean it's creating admin/status instead of admin/statuses
[Thu Nov 03 10:40:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> drd: Or is it using the plural somewhere else?
[Thu Nov 03 10:40:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> drd: Strange... are you using 0.14.2?
[Thu Nov 03 10:42:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> drd, it should still work -
[Thu Nov 03 10:42:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> You can override the pluraliser if it gets things wrong
[Thu Nov 03 10:43:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> drd: Hmmm... that's odd
[Thu Nov 03 10:44:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> drd: Give it a shot, at least that way you can probably trace the problem
[Thu Nov 03 10:49:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> garrettmurray: Have you tried it? public/ should override any routes
[Thu Nov 03 10:50:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> garrettmurray: Routes only kick in if a file can't be found that matches the URL given
[Thu Nov 03 10:51:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> garrettmurray: Sure you can, just don't put any files at public/index.html
[Thu Nov 03 10:52:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> nathel: text_field links to an ActiveRecord model, and gets the value from there. text_field_tag needs to be given a value manually
[Thu Nov 03 10:55:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> NubyOnRails: before_filter :method, :except => :a_particular_action
[Thu Nov 03 10:55:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> NubyOnRails: You can give it an array of actions as well, or replace :except with :only
[Thu Nov 03 10:56:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> garrettmurray: Heh... the age old trailing slash problem :P
[Thu Nov 03 10:56:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> seven5: No - don't render twice
[Thu Nov 03 10:56:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> NubyOnRails: :except => [ :action_1, :action_2 ]
[Thu Nov 03 10:56:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> NubyOnRails: You need to give it an array, rather than a hash
[Thu Nov 03 10:57:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> seven5: Don't do that either ;) What are you trying to do - there may be another way
[Thu Nov 03 11:00:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> seven5: Use filters for the authorisation, and return false after the redirect if you need to do one
[Thu Nov 03 11:24:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> NubyOnRails: You've got an inifinite loop of redirects somewhere
[Thu Nov 03 11:25:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Firefox will stop trying to load after a certain number of redirects
[Thu Nov 03 11:38:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> dberg: Does that code not work?
[Thu Nov 03 11:38:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Try :loading => "#{myhelper('sometext')}"
[Thu Nov 03 11:39:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> kahn_: Do you have the mysql gem installed?
[Thu Nov 03 11:40:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> kahn_: That's your problem then
[Thu Nov 03 11:42:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> kahn_: Should be enough just to install it
[Thu Nov 03 11:48:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> NubyOnRails: You'd get a 500 for errors
[Thu Nov 03 11:49:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Abica: For methods that can't be reached I think it gives a 500
[Thu Nov 03 11:50:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> NubyOnRails: And make things private, so that they can't be accidently given a template - strange things happen when trying to get things finished at 5am ;)
[Thu Nov 03 11:50:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> jackdack: No, no reason
[Thu Nov 03 11:59:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> module ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
[Thu Nov 03 11:59:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> def textilize(x)
[Thu Nov 03 11:59:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> ...
[Thu Nov 03 12:00:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> end
[Thu Nov 03 12:05:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> jcm_: :)
[Thu Nov 03 12:05:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Ahh! Didn't see the next bit
[Thu Nov 03 12:05:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> jcm_: Try requiring the helper first
[Thu Nov 03 12:06:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> seven5: I'm not clear on what you're doing here - why is it submitting to itself?
[Thu Nov 03 12:13:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone know of an equivalent to PHP's uniqid function?
[Thu Nov 03 12:15:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> rickbradley: Generates a unique ID, presumably from some sort of random seed... I never really checked how it did things
[Thu Nov 03 12:22:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> NubyOnRails: rmagick
[Thu Nov 03 12:23:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Unless Ruby has an actual GD library as well
[Thu Nov 03 12:23:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> rickbradley: I'm just MD5ing the current usec count - should be unique enough for what I'm doing
[Thu Nov 03 12:24:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> jcm_: alias the method to something else, such as textilize_original, before you define the new method
[Thu Nov 03 12:25:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> NubyOnRails: rmagick is the Image Magick library, which does much the same thing as GD
[Thu Nov 03 12:26:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> seven5: - take a look at the docs for it
[Thu Nov 03 12:26:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> phantomdata: No idea - I've heard things about rmagick, but never had a problem with it myself
[Thu Nov 03 12:27:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> seven5: It does - the docs there give all the information you need on that method
[Thu Nov 03 12:28:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> seven5: Take a look at the options for date_select - they use the same option set
[Thu Nov 03 12:30:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> seven5: It's a bit hacky, but you can probably use date_select("Date", "today", :order => [ :day, :month, :year ])
[Thu Nov 03 12:30:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> No guarantees on that one though
[Thu Nov 03 12:32:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> seven5: You shouldn't - I can't imagine anyone forcing it to AR only
[Thu Nov 03 12:44:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> zdennis_: Only in development mode - it's getting the list of columns to provide accessors for
[Thu Nov 03 12:45:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> zdennis_: In production mode it only does it once, and then caches the result
[Thu Nov 03 12:47:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob>
[Fri Nov 04 06:47:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Nov 04 07:10:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> imajes: I'm just about to start on that... not that it'll be much help to you right now :P
[Fri Nov 04 07:11:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> imajes: I'm planning to just pass a sort_by and direction parameter to the page, which can then use them to order stuff.
[Fri Nov 04 07:13:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> I can't really see any reason to go any more complicated than that unless you want sorting on multiple columns
[Fri Nov 04 07:31:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Does anyone know how assert_raise works?
[Fri Nov 04 07:32:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> zdennis_: I know that far, I just can't get it to actually work - seems whatever I pass to it the exception still gets caught as an error
[Fri Nov 04 07:36:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> I think I may have it... looks like it needs a block
[Fri Nov 04 09:01:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gearbox, gablax: Refering to the same table is completely valid, and probably the best way to do it
[Fri Nov 04 09:02:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gearbox: No, just the one class - if it's referring to an object of the same type
[Fri Nov 04 09:13:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> I have a friend who's message is just "Hello?"
[Fri Nov 04 09:18:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> htonl: Have you looked at the Rails Engines plugins? It's components that work
[Fri Nov 04 09:22:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gablax: 4 or 5 months now... I started using it July-ish
[Fri Nov 04 09:24:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Gong: model.class
[Fri Nov 04 09:55:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> sucresemoule: The Auth generator is a bit hairy to get going the first time, but it's good stuff once it's setup
[Fri Nov 04 09:56:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> seven5: I think you can use hash.each do |index, value|
[Fri Nov 04 10:21:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Gong: pluralize(collection.size, object.class.to_s)
[Fri Nov 04 10:21:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gablax, drd: I think he's talking about the helper
[Fri Nov 04 10:23:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Gong: The count parameter is the number of objects, so that it knows wether to use singular or plural
[Fri Nov 04 10:24:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Gong: That'll always give you the plural - so you could end up with 1 People
[Fri Nov 04 10:24:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Gong: Whether that's a problem depends how your using it
[Fri Nov 04 10:26:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> "Ex-Chat"
[Fri Nov 04 10:26:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Nov 04 10:46:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> bougyman: Yup :)
[Fri Nov 04 10:47:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> bougyman: You got a screenshot?
[Fri Nov 04 10:48:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> bougyman: No problem :) I'll just install it and give it a try
[Fri Nov 04 10:51:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gablax: Yeah, funny stuff with the commentary
[Fri Nov 04 10:51:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Textmate
[Fri Nov 04 10:51:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> The main reason I want a Mac is for that editor :)
[Fri Nov 04 10:52:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> bougyman: Must have a rails tree in /home/jon/.rails
[Fri Nov 04 10:52:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> bougyman: Is that a checkout of rails itself, or the app I'm working on?
[Fri Nov 04 10:53:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> I used Eclipse for half a day or so, and got sick of typing :w every five minutes
[Fri Nov 04 10:53:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Someone needs to set it up for Vim keybindings, and then I'll try it out again
[Fri Nov 04 10:55:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gablax: Neither could I for a while, and now I use it in a console :P
[Fri Nov 04 11:00:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gablax:
[Fri Nov 04 11:00:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> gablax: That's how my desktop usually looks
[Fri Nov 04 11:01:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Yup - used to have XChat on another desktop, but it's easier to flick to it like this
[Fri Nov 04 11:02:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Loevborg: That's just the log split down there - it's usually Vim where IRC is
[Fri Nov 04 11:03:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Loevborg: No - fullscreened gnome-terminal and screen
[Fri Nov 04 11:12:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> UncleMantis: It was for me - it takes a while for things to click, and to learn your way around.
[Fri Nov 04 11:14:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> brandonrichards: You don't need it, but it's much faster
[Fri Nov 04 11:15:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> astinus-: Never used it, but heard lots of good things
[Fri Nov 04 11:16:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> My production box uses Apache w/FCGI, so that's what I use to develop on
[Fri Nov 04 11:19:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> xml-blog: How do you mean? Without the whole path?
[Fri Nov 04 11:19:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> telos: Layouts - all the way :)
[Fri Nov 04 11:19:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> telos: - look at ActionController::Layouts
[Fri Nov 04 11:20:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> should always be the first place to look, because it's generated straight from the source
[Fri Nov 04 11:21:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> telos: <% runs the code, <%= runs it, and then puts the result in that position
[Fri Nov 04 11:21:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> talin: @item = Atricle.find(:first) ;)
[Fri Nov 04 11:22:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> xml-blog: Ahhh - no, no way to get around that
[Fri Nov 04 11:23:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> xml-blog: You set the FastCgiServer in the virtual host
[Fri Nov 04 11:23:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> epitr0n: @controller.controller_name
[Fri Nov 04 11:24:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> xml-blog: Just don't include the IfModule
[Fri Nov 04 11:24:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> xml-blog: You can probably skip AddHandler, I think it's included in the .htaccess
[Fri Nov 04 11:25:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> epitr0n: You probably need to read one of the tutorials, or the Agile book
[Fri Nov 04 11:25:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> epitr0n: I don't want to sound nasty or anything :)
[Fri Nov 04 14:34:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> ( left #rubyonrails.
[Mon Nov 07 08:34:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Nov 07 09:17:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Rayman_: If you create app/views/layouts/application.rhtml it'll pick it up without a layout command
[Mon Nov 07 09:26:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Wow, someone redesigned ruby-doc
[Mon Nov 07 09:29:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> UncleMantis: You starting out with Rails? :P
[Mon Nov 07 09:29:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> I love watching people get all excited about it's coolness
[Mon Nov 07 09:41:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Is anyone using blocks in their views, and getting them to display some output?
[Mon Nov 07 09:42:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> I'm trying to use a helper which takes a block to create form fields, and it's just not happening :(
[Mon Nov 07 09:54:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> hap: It should just be there
[Mon Nov 07 09:55:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> hap: Do you have a has_one in the parent model?
[Mon Nov 07 09:55:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> hap: Yup - or it doesn't know it needs to load the model
[Mon Nov 07 09:57:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> soma_: It needs some heavy tweaking, but it can be persuaded to work
[Mon Nov 07 09:58:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> soma_: I'll dig around, I may still have the changes I made
[Mon Nov 07 10:01:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Rayman_: It lets you use the same code for multiple sites, replacing only the bits that need changing
[Mon Nov 07 10:02:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> delrakus: It's not my idea at all :P I've just made some changes to make it work with the latest RCs
[Mon Nov 07 10:04:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> delrakus:
[Mon Nov 07 10:04:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> <- A rails app with productize applied to it
[Mon Nov 07 10:05:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> I think it's slightly out of date, because it's one of my current apps with the application logic taken out. Completely untested, no warranty, yadda, yadda, yadda.
[Mon Nov 07 10:08:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> My copy of Civilization 4 arrived today, and I can't play it!
[Mon Nov 07 10:08:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Heh... try telling my clients that :P
[Mon Nov 07 10:12:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> delrakus: I do get to build stuff :P I'd still rather be playing games though
[Mon Nov 07 10:13:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> madrobby: :P
[Mon Nov 07 10:14:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> eriberri: It's called expressing an opinion ;) You're allowed to have a different one as well.
[Mon Nov 07 10:14:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> delrakus: Which redesign?
[Mon Nov 07 10:16:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> delrakus: I'm with you on that, it's never seemed to be quite enough, although it may just be that it doesn't fit my way of working.
[Mon Nov 07 10:17:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Bollo: for project in @projects unless @prjects.nil? might work, although I havn't tried it.
[Mon Nov 07 10:18:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Rayman_: Too long behind a keyboard ;)
[Mon Nov 07 10:18:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> kjaer: Give your controllers an array of menu items, and display the nav menu if array.size > 0
[Mon Nov 07 10:20:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> delrakus: I actually have the beginings of a Basecamp killer here, but it got squashed out by a lack of time
[Mon Nov 07 10:20:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> And it was back when I was first learning Rails, so it's a mess :P
[Mon Nov 07 10:21:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Bollo: You'll have to do it the old fashioned way then :)
[Mon Nov 07 10:33:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> duncanmv: If you've got that many you're probably better off cloning a database of fixtures before each test run.
[Mon Nov 07 10:34:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> hap: What are you trying to model with it?
[Mon Nov 07 10:35:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> hap: And are you allowed to change the schema?
[Mon Nov 07 10:43:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> hap: Take a look at acts_as_tree
[Mon Nov 07 10:56:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> bastilian: In the public folder ;)
[Mon Nov 07 11:04:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> soma_: I guess so, they're CC licensed anyway though
[Mon Nov 07 11:04:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> soma_: Someone elses -
[Mon Nov 07 11:05:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> bastilian: An error... check the logs
[Mon Nov 07 11:07:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> rickbradley: Working fine here
[Mon Nov 07 11:31:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> will-c: From the looks of the docs, the same way as find
[Mon Nov 07 11:32:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> count(conditions = nil, joins = nil)
[Mon Nov 07 11:32:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Just pass the conditions as the first parameter
[Mon Nov 07 11:34:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> will-c: Should work... give it a try, the worst that'll happen is it doesn't work
[Mon Nov 07 11:51:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> pontiacman: Use mixins
[Mon Nov 07 11:52:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> delrakus: I usually use cookies for comment tracking, because checking every comment is going to pound on the database
[Mon Nov 07 11:52:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> pontiacman: Check the pickaxe book -
[Mon Nov 07 11:53:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> delrakus: In that case the best you can do is last_comment then
[Mon Nov 07 11:54:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> delrakus: :P It's how you learn
[Mon Nov 07 11:56:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> timr: Just use the model, it doesn't need to be linked anywhere
[Mon Nov 07 11:57:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> UncleMantis: Don't be scared of code in your templates - so long as it's code that is connected to how the data is displayed, that's where it belongs
[Mon Nov 07 11:58:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> UncleMantis: I know it goes against everything said in the PHP world :P
[Mon Nov 07 11:59:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Woot! End of the day for me :)
[Mon Nov 07 12:00:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Remote closed the connection
[Thu Nov 10 08:20:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Nov 10 08:28:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> jwilf:
[Thu Nov 10 08:51:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> ( left #rubyonrails.
[Fri Nov 11 09:56:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Nov 11 09:57:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Has anyone used Postgresql's blob columns?
[Fri Nov 11 10:00:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> boci^: Make it protected
[Fri Nov 11 10:00:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> boci^: One second while I write an example
[Fri Nov 11 10:01:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> boci^: Ahhh, ok
[Fri Nov 11 10:01:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> I can't remember how, but you can set a method to not be a valid action
[Fri Nov 11 10:01:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> boci^: Yup :)
[Fri Nov 11 10:02:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> boci^: hide_action :internal_method
[Fri Nov 11 10:02:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> boci^: Do you know about the API docs?
[Fri Nov 11 10:02:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> They should be your best friend :)
[Fri Nov 11 10:04:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> rtomayko: All of it I think
[Fri Nov 11 10:04:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> rtomayko: There's a brief mention of changing session options in envrionment.rb - I havn't been able to find any docs on configuration options though
[Fri Nov 11 10:36:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> [w3bsmith]: Do you have the MySQL gem installed?
[Fri Nov 11 10:41:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Thewrdnrd: It supports static pages, I don't know if they're included in search results though
[Fri Nov 11 10:47:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> PlutoniumDragon: You could just use Timesheet.find_by_sql - I'm not sure the generic find methods will be much help there
[Fri Nov 11 10:48:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> PlutoniumDragon: Projects.find_by_sql(sql_statement) that's it :)
[Fri Nov 11 10:49:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> You just pass it the SQL you want to run against the database, and it'll give you an array of matching Project objects
[Fri Nov 11 10:50:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> PlutoniumDragon: I'm the last person to ask about SQL :P The main reason I love Rails is because I don't have to worry about SQL so much
[Fri Nov 11 10:57:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> loob2: Try #[my|postgre]sql it sounds like a database specific problem
[Fri Nov 11 10:59:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> loob2: Dump the actual schema from mysql - I don't really trust myadmin when things get messed up
[Fri Nov 11 11:00:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> aidehua: Is the requirement Ruby on Rails, or good quality forum software? There's some good stuff out there, but not really anything in RoR so far
[Fri Nov 11 11:01:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> loob2: I have no idea - I've never had to do anything but English sites
[Fri Nov 11 11:02:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> loob2: It's gotta be better than HTML e-mails
[Fri Nov 11 11:02:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> aidehua:
[Fri Nov 11 11:03:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> It's in PHP, but I've heard really good things about it
[Fri Nov 11 11:32:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> [w3bsmith]: It's not too bad - if you use a Ruby schema dump it'll take no effort at all
[Fri Nov 11 11:32:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> [w3bsmith]: Robby has something about it on his blog somewhere
[Fri Nov 11 12:27:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> timr: What are you trying to do with it?
[Fri Nov 11 12:36:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> timr: Yup, what stretch said.
[Fri Nov 11 12:44:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> railsroad: What was the error?
[Fri Nov 11 12:44:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> timr: Try ./script/console
[Fri Nov 11 12:45:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> railsroad: Ahh, it's not your session causing it
[Fri Nov 11 12:46:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> timr: Check the first line of script/console, it may have the wrong path for Ruby
[Fri Nov 11 12:46:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> railsroad: Don't worry - I'm just thinking out loud at the end of a Friday :P
[Fri Nov 11 12:48:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> railsroad: Try changing :name to something else, it's possible name is reserved
[Fri Nov 11 12:49:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> PlutoniumDragon: Take a look at update_element_function - you should be able to use it with link_to_function
[Fri Nov 11 12:50:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Hmmm, guess it's not reserved then
[Fri Nov 11 12:53:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> railsroad: I can't see why that wouldn't work
[Fri Nov 11 12:54:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> _Slick_Rick: It's not able to get at the MySQL gem
[Fri Nov 11 12:54:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> I take it it's chroot as in the file system root has been changed?
[Fri Nov 11 12:55:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> flippyhead: The envrionment files have changed - create a new rails app, and merge in the environment changes by hand
[Fri Nov 11 12:57:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> railsroad: I can't see any reason it wouldn't work
[Fri Nov 11 12:57:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> aanand: Fire awawy
[Fri Nov 11 12:58:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> aanand: Where is the helper defined?
[Fri Nov 11 12:58:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> aanand: Paste the file to
[Fri Nov 11 12:59:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> timr: What version of Linux are you using
[Fri Nov 11 12:59:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> timr: You may need to install an IRB package - I don't know what it would be called under FC though
[Fri Nov 11 13:02:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> nkabbara: You can probably call it, but it sounds like you'd be better off with a mixin
[Fri Nov 11 13:03:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> nkabbara: What does the method do?
[Fri Nov 11 13:06:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> nkabbara: Yup - if you mix it into ActionController::Base and ActiveRecord::Base the rest should handle itself though
[Fri Nov 11 13:06:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> You can mark controller methods as helpers
[Fri Nov 11 13:06:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> I think it's helper_method :method, but I'm not 100% on thtat
[Fri Nov 11 13:07:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> nkabbara: No problem :)
[Fri Nov 11 13:08:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> _Slick_Rick: Probably... I've not really used chroots though
[Fri Nov 11 13:11:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> _Slick_Rick: Think so
[Fri Nov 11 13:21:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> flippyhead: AR will throw the exception for you if nothing is found
[Fri Nov 11 13:26:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> flippyhead: You don't need to include anything - just use a begin...rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound block
[Fri Nov 11 13:27:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> flippyhead: Yup, it's part of the ActiveRecord module
[Thu Nov 17 06:16:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Nov 17 06:16:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> Is anyone using Switchtower, and creating symlinks to upload directories?
[Thu Nov 17 06:21:00 +1030 2005] <jellybob> ( left #rubyonrails.
[Fri Apr 08 12:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Apr 08 12:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so i hear ruby on rails with ajax is the hip new thing in web dev
[Fri Apr 08 20:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Mon May 02 20:55:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue May 03 00:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i just wanted to say that i am doing the tutorial "Rolling with Ruby on Rails" and i am GIDDY AS A SCHOOLGIRL.
[Tue May 03 00:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> where has this been all my life
[Tue May 03 22:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> bleything, that is a question i have pondered too
[Tue May 03 22:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm not sure what the solution is
[Tue May 03 22:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> schubert, but it can be time costly to make averages and whatnot on the fly
[Tue May 03 22:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> coops makes a good point
[Tue May 03 22:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but caching table has the problem of design overhead
[Tue May 03 22:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'd do it on a case-by-case
[Tue May 03 22:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> either that, or ALWAYS use a caching table, so it's common practice
[Tue May 03 22:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i can't think of any situation where updates would be more frequent than reads
[Tue May 03 22:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but maybe i'm just small-minded
[Tue May 03 22:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> actually, just about any statistics-gathering program would fit that bill
[Tue May 03 22:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i just installed rails, and it's pitifully slow on my host (DreamHost). i hear things about fastcgi. does it really make a huge difference?
[Tue May 03 22:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> schubert, excellent :)
[Tue May 03 22:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> coops: sounds like a very good suggestion
[Tue May 03 22:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i just did a tutorial on rails ("Rolling with Ruby on Rails") last night, and it was AMAZING. i think ruby on rails is going to be wildly popular
[Wed May 04 00:11:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> does ruby on rails play nice with postgresql or am i better off sticking with mysql?
[Wed May 04 00:12:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> fantastic
[Wed May 04 02:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
[Wed May 04 02:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed May 04 04:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm having trouble getting postgresql to work with RoR. when i run rake, i get this error: MissingSourceFile: No such file to load -- postgres
[Wed May 04 04:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> no, that could likely be it, i'll try it
[Wed May 04 04:43:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> hmm now i am getting an Application error, but rake returns no problems :(
[Wed May 04 04:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i did 'ruby script/generate scaffold User', and i have a users table in my database. and yet i get this:
[Wed May 04 04:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> can someone help me understand :(
[Wed May 04 04:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> durr
[Wed May 04 04:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks
[Wed May 04 04:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> hehe
[Wed May 04 04:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yay !
[Wed May 04 04:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it still doesn't work in apache though :(
[Wed May 04 04:52:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> which log file should i check?
[Wed May 04 04:55:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> [Wed May 04 03:52:14 2005] [crit] (13)Permission denied: FastCGI: can't create (dynamic) server "/usr/ports/apache2/rails/public/dispatch.fcgi": bin
[Wed May 04 04:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> returns nothing (apparantly works?)
[Wed May 04 04:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> -rwxr-xr-x 1 joel admin 784B May 4 03:36 dispatch.fcgi
[Wed May 04 04:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> probably what theys hould be...
[Wed May 04 04:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> #!/usr/ports/bin/ruby
[Wed May 04 04:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yes that's right
[Wed May 04 04:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> hmm
[Wed May 04 05:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> this is the error i seem to be getting now:
[Wed May 04 05:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> [Wed May 04 04:09:05 2005] [error] [client] file /tmp/ruby_sess.623eac0d1b9871c3 not readable
[Wed May 04 05:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> which is just weird
[Wed May 04 05:11:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> that file doesn't exist btw
[Wed May 04 05:11:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i want back to regular cgi for simplicity's sake
[Wed May 04 05:11:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> went*
[Wed May 04 05:12:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it worked!
[Wed May 04 05:12:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Wed May 04 05:12:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> now to try fastcgi :)
[Wed May 04 05:12:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> fastcgi doesn't work :)
[Wed May 04 05:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i think my install of fastcgi sucks
[Wed May 04 05:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> [Wed May 04 04:12:48 2005] [crit] (13)Permission denied: FastCGI: can't create (dynamic) server "/usr/ports/apache2/rails/public/dispatch.fcgi": bind() failed [/usr/ports/apache2/logs/fastcgi/dynamic/e8b39c56169caf5f2d47bb651462786d]
[Wed May 04 05:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> exciting
[Wed May 04 05:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> no, it just does nothing
[Wed May 04 05:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> returns nothing
[Wed May 04 05:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ruby 1.8.2
[Wed May 04 05:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> mac os x 10.4
[Wed May 04 05:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but, i installed my own copy via darwin ports (hence /usr/ports for everything)
[Wed May 04 05:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> my guess is fastcgi was just installed improperly
[Wed May 04 05:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> some things were really messed up i had to go back and try to fix
[Wed May 04 05:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> permissions and whatnot
[Wed May 04 05:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i haven't altered dispatch.fcgi at all
[Wed May 04 05:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> the error_log is saying it keeps dying?
[Wed May 04 05:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> [Wed May 04 04:16:48 2005] [warn] FastCGI: (dynamic) server "/usr/ports/apache2/rails/public/dispatch.fcgi" started (pid 7334)
[Wed May 04 05:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> [Wed May 04 04:16:51 2005] [warn] FastCGI: (dynamic) server "/usr/ports/apache2/rails/public/dispatch.fcgi" (pid 7334) terminated by calling exit with status '0'
[Wed May 04 05:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> [Wed May 04 04:16:53 2005] [warn] FastCGI: (dynamic) server "/usr/ports/apache2/rails/public/dispatch.fcgi" restarted (pid 7336)
[Wed May 04 05:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> then it times out
[Wed May 04 05:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it restarts it three times
[Wed May 04 05:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Wed May 04 05:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> chappi:/usr/ports/apache2/rails joel$ ruby public/dispatch.rb
[Wed May 04 05:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> (offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)
[Wed May 04 05:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> that worked
[Wed May 04 05:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> dispatch.cgi worked too
[Wed May 04 05:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> LoadError: No such file to load -- fcgi
[Wed May 04 05:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> from (irb):1:in `require'
[Wed May 04 05:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> from (irb):1
[Wed May 04 05:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i never even did a gem install fcgi
[Wed May 04 05:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but i just tried it
[Wed May 04 05:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and it had an error in that process, but i guess at least we found out why fcgi wasn't working :)
[Wed May 04 05:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> here's what i get when i try to install fcgi :(
[Wed May 04 05:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yes
[Wed May 04 05:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> got it working
[Wed May 04 05:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Wed May 04 05:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks court3nay for all of your help !
[Thu May 05 01:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Thu May 05 01:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu May 05 04:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i know i'm dumb but how do i go about setting the default action for when someone accesses the webroot
[Thu May 05 04:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> awesome
[Thu May 05 04:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thank you
[Thu May 05 04:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i was in routes.rb and reading the routing thing and still at a loss but that explains it nicely
[Thu May 05 04:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> oh it says it right here in the comments, i guess i truly am dumb
[Thu May 05 04:33:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i want to add a menu, but i don't want the code to be duplicated in each layout file i have. can i put layouts within layouts or something, or how do i solve this?
[Thu May 05 04:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Kondro: i'm new to this, so such things do not come easily to me. Thanks a lot though :)
[Thu May 05 04:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i created an "application.rhtml" file in app/views/layouts/, but it doesn't seem to be calling it
[Thu May 05 04:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> wait i see
[Thu May 05 04:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it goes with the controller layout
[Thu May 05 04:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> if i have one specified?
[Thu May 05 04:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> indeed it does
[Thu May 05 04:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks :)
[Thu May 05 19:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i want to find all comments where post_id is the id in params
[Thu May 05 19:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> how do i do this?
[Thu May 05 19:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> like, i've got something like this: @comments = Comment.find(@params[:id])
[Thu May 05 19:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ah i think this is it: Person.find(:first, :conditions => [ "user_name = ?", user_name])
[Thu May 05 19:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> how can i check if an array is empty?
[Thu May 05 19:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> can someone please help me figure out how to check if my @comments var is empty or not :)
[Thu May 05 19:53:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks octopod, i'll try it out
[Thu May 05 19:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> indeed it does, thanks :)
[Thu May 05 20:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i have a select field wherein the options are posts. a post_id is passed in through the parameters. how do i make it so i can show the passed post_id as selected?
[Thu May 05 20:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it appears i can't access @params in the view.
[Thu May 05 20:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so, i figure i have to set a 'selected' boolean in the Post object
[Thu May 05 20:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> does anyone have any insight for me...?
[Thu May 05 21:00:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> someone.. my problem must be a normal one
[Thu May 05 21:06:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i use the eruby.vim thing and sometimes the <% %> tags are set with black foreground yellow background, and other times just purple foreground
[Thu May 05 21:06:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i can't for the life of me tell why it one way sometimes, and the other way other times
[Thu May 05 21:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> does anyone know how to convert from a string to an int?
[Thu May 05 21:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> cool, thanks
[Thu May 05 21:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is doing "@selected_post_id = @params[:post_id].to_i" in the controller the preferred way to set a selected option in the template?
[Thu May 05 21:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> or is there a way i should set a 'selected' member in the Post object or what
[Fri May 06 01:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there a howto or tutorial on RoR sessions anywhere?
[Fri May 06 01:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm trying to make a simple login system
[Fri May 06 01:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and i'm not sure where to even starts... is there a @session var or what?
[Fri May 06 01:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i looked all around the docs and google searched but couldn't find much.
[Fri May 06 01:59:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ok
[Fri May 06 01:59:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks
[Fri May 06 03:33:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so are there jobs in ruby on rails yet? :P
[Fri May 06 03:33:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> in that case i will continue writing this little blog software of mine to learn it :)
[Fri May 06 03:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> can't have enough blogs
[Fri May 06 03:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> good luck finding a host with RoR
[Fri May 06 03:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> the documentation on RoR is so sparse and outdated because of its rapid changes though :(
[Fri May 06 03:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> court3nay, curse that response to free software. i forget nobody gets paid to do this
[Fri May 06 03:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so now i'm trying to figure out how rails uses my 'development', 'test', and 'production' databases
[Fri May 06 03:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i see, nifty
[Fri May 06 03:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> how do i put rails in production mode?
[Fri May 06 03:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks as usual :)
[Fri May 06 03:55:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ok i'm too stupid to figure out how to set RAILS_ENV
[Fri May 06 03:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ah apache SetEnv
[Fri May 06 03:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> got it ;]
[Fri May 06 04:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there any way to set separate RAILS_ENV variables using FastCgi and Apache for a dev and production version?
[Fri May 06 04:30:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i found out how to set it for FastCGI server-wide
[Fri May 06 04:30:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but i can't set it in a virtual host or anything
[Fri May 06 04:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah, i'm using that
[Fri May 06 04:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but, it's server wide
[Fri May 06 04:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i tried FastCgiServer but it didn't seem to do anything :(
[Fri May 06 04:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah that's what i feared
[Fri May 06 04:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> -processes 1 might matter
[Fri May 06 04:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i copied this and modified it for my purposes: FastCgiServer /var/www/applications/myapp/public/dispatch.fcgi -initial-env RAILS_ENV=production
[Fri May 06 04:33:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i set this: FastCgiServer /var/www/blog-production/public/dispatch.fcgi -processes 1 -initial-env RAILS_ENV=production
[Fri May 06 04:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but it is not being convinced evidently :(
[Fri May 06 04:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> still using dev db
[Sat May 07 04:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Success
[Sat May 07 15:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat May 07 16:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)
[Sat May 07 17:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat May 07 19:08:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)
[Sun May 08 17:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun May 08 19:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Connection timed out
[Mon May 09 16:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon May 09 23:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)
[Tue May 10 01:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue May 10 02:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)
[Tue May 10 02:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue May 10 18:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Tue May 10 20:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu May 12 04:00:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Thu May 12 04:00:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri May 13 05:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Fri May 13 11:53:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri May 13 16:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> eriberri, that's common practice for multiple-user servers
[Fri May 13 16:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it's a security issue
[Fri May 13 16:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it sucks, yes...
[Fri May 13 16:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it's done because by forcing PHP to run as CGI, they can use suexec, and therefore assure PHP scripts are run as their owned user and not as the web server.
[Fri May 13 16:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> which means you cannot access the materials of other users on the server
[Fri May 13 16:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> well then that just sucks :)
[Fri May 13 16:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i use Dreamhost, they do a pretty good job. i hope they get ruby on rails set up with fastcgi soon though.
[Fri May 13 16:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> they're certainly economical anyway
[Fri May 13 16:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> really? it's a good deal, lots of people i know use them
[Fri May 13 16:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> $10/mo gives you 120 gb throughput, 2.4 gigs storage, a super fast pipe, and all the subdomains, mailboxes, and mysql databases you can eat
[Fri May 13 16:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> for production uses, yeah, but for personal blogs and other such miscellaneous nonsense i'm not gonna colocate
[Fri May 13 16:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> image hosting and whatnot
[Fri May 13 16:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> the occasional mp3 album (shhh)
[Fri May 13 16:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> that is a good point :)
[Fri May 13 16:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'd get some friends together and make a shared colo, but i fear the distro wars that would probably result
[Fri May 13 16:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> plus i don't trust some of my friends with root and the 'rm' command
[Fri May 13 16:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> hope you like parantheses
[Sun May 15 10:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Mon May 16 11:33:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon May 16 19:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Mon May 16 21:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon May 16 22:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> hey all. i'm trying to use the FastCgiServer directive so as to run multiple rails servers with different RAILS_ENV variables set.
[Mon May 16 22:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but i keep getting this error: [Mon May 16 21:35:24 2005] [crit] (13)Permission denied: FastCGI: can't create server "/var/www/mini-dev/public/dispatch.fcgi": bind() failed [/usr/ports/apache2/logs/fastcgi/69c0f
[Mon May 16 22:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> anyone know what to make of this
[Mon May 16 22:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it's set 777
[Mon May 16 22:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it says to use 777 in the rails intro
[Mon May 16 22:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> on the public and logs dir
[Mon May 16 22:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> er, says to use 775
[Mon May 16 22:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> he log and public directories must be writable to the web server (chmod -R 775 log and chmod -R 775 public).
[Mon May 16 22:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but the web server is 'other'... wouldn't the last one have to be 7 to be writeable to the web server?
[Mon May 16 22:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'll give it a shot
[Mon May 16 22:43:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> its giving the same error with dispatch.fcgi chowned www:www
[Mon May 16 22:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i found a fix here:
[Mon May 16 22:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i needed to add a -socket argument to the FastCgiServer directives
[Mon May 16 22:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yay :)
[Mon May 16 22:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i don't see any reason to set 'public' 777, but i'll keep log and its contents 777
[Tue May 17 02:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
[Thu May 19 18:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> what's the best way of checking if certain params exist? @params[:foo] != nil ?
[Thu May 19 18:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there a special rails way of making sure all the required params exist before doing operations on them
[Thu May 19 18:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> like validation or some such... or maybe i could use try {} catch or something. i dunno.
[Thu May 19 18:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks evl
[Thu May 19 18:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> that's why i asked :)
[Thu May 19 18:55:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i have a class "Map" which has_many "Sections". i know i can access @map.sections and get them all in an array. But is there a way to make it do ORDER BY without overriding the function in the Map model?
[Thu May 19 18:55:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> (or does it try a default order by?)
[Thu May 19 18:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks
[Thu May 19 18:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i was trying :order => but i wasn't sure where to look in the manual for this
[Thu May 19 19:01:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> oh awesome i got it to work
[Fri May 20 02:06:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> hey guys, i have a bunch of radio buttons and i want to figure out how to define them properly, so they return as an array or something
[Fri May 20 02:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i have multiple questions on a page, and each question has a multiple-choice answer
[Fri May 20 02:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so, i need some way to work the question_id into the name of the answer radio buttons
[Sun May 22 03:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon May 23 22:59:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> controller validates and handles the request and prepares the necessary data for the view
[Mon May 23 22:59:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> the views are just templates
[Mon May 23 23:00:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> models are pretty much akin to database tables and their relations
[Mon May 23 23:01:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> do a rails tutorial
[Mon May 23 23:01:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it'll make it very clear
[Mon May 23 23:02:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> the 'rolling with ruby on rails' one is kind of out of date
[Mon May 23 23:02:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but effective
[Mon May 23 23:02:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i did it anyway
[Mon May 23 23:02:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> rails creates all the models, controllers, and views for you already, you just have to modify them for your purposes
[Mon May 23 23:02:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> because rails generates so much crap for you, you have LOTS of example code
[Mon May 23 23:02:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> makes it very easy to learn
[Mon May 23 23:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> well, it gets the necessary items.
[Mon May 23 23:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ruby is more similar to java than php, as everything is an object
[Mon May 23 23:05:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> render_text is just confusing :)
[Mon May 23 23:05:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> WALoeIII, please, do a tutorial -- come in here if you have any questions about the tutorial
[Mon May 23 23:06:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> don't get defensive, i'm just trying to help you out
[Mon May 23 23:06:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> there's no reason to try to explain all this when it's so clearly shown in the tutorials
[Mon May 23 23:09:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> PHP has no such parallels
[Mon May 23 23:09:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> PHP is merely a language, not a framework
[Mon May 23 23:09:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> MVC is a Rails thing, not a Ruby thing
[Mon May 23 23:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Mon May 23 23:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> try 'rolling with ruby on rails', it helped me a lot
[Mon May 23 23:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> even if it is kind of dated
[Mon May 23 23:11:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> in general, relationships between objects are either one to one, one to many, or many to many
[Mon May 23 23:12:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> most commonly they are one to many
[Mon May 23 23:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i've only written one sql statement thus far in my rails app -- for a specific purpose, which rails might actually handle, but i couldn't find it
[Mon May 23 23:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> why would you do that
[Mon May 23 23:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> well then we have different needs :)
[Mon May 23 23:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah, once you know assembly, why use C
[Mon May 23 23:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> :p
[Mon May 23 23:15:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i think rails does a pretty good job.
[Mon May 23 23:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i used Login Generator. it's decent
[Mon May 23 23:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> you'll want to hack it a bit, probably
[Mon May 23 23:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> well, you'll probably need authentication for most of the app...
[Mon May 23 23:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> no
[Mon May 23 23:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i merged a scaffold in with the login generator manually
[Mon May 23 23:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i also changed 'signup' into 'new' and 'create' for consistency with other scaffold stuff
[Mon May 23 23:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> whenever i've wanted to learn some new web platform, i've written a simple blog in it
[Mon May 23 23:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> hehe yes, rails is quite nice
[Mon May 23 23:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> has anyone actually seen these alleged ten lines
[Mon May 23 23:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> all you'd really need is a posts table you can list
[Mon May 23 23:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> the scaffold
[Mon May 23 23:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> does that mean you have to tweak it
[Mon May 23 23:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> doesn't load faster for me :)
[Mon May 23 23:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm curse about the various other httpd options
[Mon May 23 23:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> curious*
[Tue May 24 17:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there a way to define my own plural for a model
[Tue May 24 17:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i generated a scaffold MaritalStatus to go with my table, marital_statuses
[Tue May 24 17:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and it's not happy with that
[Tue May 24 17:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> any idea how i can do that?
[Tue May 24 17:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> when i did scaffold, it generated everything with the singular names
[Tue May 24 17:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> e.g. marital_status_controller
[Tue May 24 17:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i renamed all of them
[Tue May 24 17:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and when i go to do MaritalStatus.find_all
[Tue May 24 17:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it claims the 'marital_status' table doesn't exist (it's marital_statuses)
[Tue May 24 17:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i renamed the controller and the helper yes
[Tue May 24 17:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> marital_statuses
[Tue May 24 17:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but yeah
[Tue May 24 17:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> that should do it, thanks
[Tue May 24 17:43:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> worked like a charm
[Tue May 24 17:43:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks
[Tue May 24 23:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
[Tue May 24 23:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed May 25 00:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> how can i just do generic sql queries?
[Wed May 25 00:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm using validates_inclusion_of
[Wed May 25 00:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and i want it to check to see that foo_id is amongst the available ids in the "foos" table
[Wed May 25 00:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> chizhx, you can set the RAILS_ENV in Apache
[Wed May 25 00:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> development
[Wed May 25 00:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> rails/environments/environment.rb
[Wed May 25 00:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> one problem though
[Wed May 25 00:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> RAILS_ENV doesn't work with FastCgi
[Wed May 25 00:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> hmm, i should write a blog entry about it
[Wed May 25 00:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> since it took me a while to figure out
[Wed May 25 00:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> er
[Wed May 25 00:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i meant: rails/config/environment.rb
[Wed May 25 00:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> you can hardcode it there
[Wed May 25 00:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but, thats no good
[Wed May 25 00:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> chizhx,
[Wed May 25 00:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Wed May 25 00:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> there i wrote something about it
[Wed May 25 00:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yay
[Wed May 25 01:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> bah i just realized why i was getting the error i was with fastcgi
[Wed May 25 01:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i deleted my post because it looks stupid in retrospect :x
[Wed May 25 03:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
[Wed May 25 03:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
[Thu May 26 03:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Thu May 26 03:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu May 26 15:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
[Thu May 26 15:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
[Thu May 26 19:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
[Thu May 26 20:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu May 26 23:43:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is it possible to set the default database "order" on a model?
[Thu May 26 23:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ok, thanks
[Fri May 27 06:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
[Fri May 27 06:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
[Fri May 27 06:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
[Fri May 27 06:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
[Fri May 27 07:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
[Fri May 27 07:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
[Fri May 27 20:00:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Fri May 27 21:15:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat May 28 03:08:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yay
[Sat May 28 03:09:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> who could possibly have a vendetta against rails
[Sat May 28 03:11:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i found it hard to contact an ircop about it. it seems the only way is to individually msg staffers
[Sat May 28 03:11:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> there should probably be a channel where people can report incidents like this
[Sat May 28 03:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> its hard to walk into a channel on freenode and not end up in a channel full of coders :)
[Sat May 28 03:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> they put a rainbow in their mast image
[Sat May 28 03:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> how... cute
[Mon May 30 23:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Tue May 31 03:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue May 31 04:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Tue May 31 05:11:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue May 31 10:43:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Tue May 31 11:12:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue May 31 13:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
[Tue May 31 13:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
[Tue May 31 17:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Mon Jun 06 12:01:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Jun 06 20:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Connection timed out
[Wed Jun 08 03:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jun 08 04:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Wed Jun 08 11:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jun 08 13:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Wed Jun 08 16:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jun 08 17:15:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Wed Jun 08 19:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jun 08 19:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
[Wed Jun 08 20:01:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jun 08 21:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
[Wed Jun 08 21:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jun 08 21:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Wed Jun 08 21:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jun 09 02:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)
[Thu Jun 09 14:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jun 10 00:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
[Fri Jun 10 01:11:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jun 10 01:52:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> how do i assign by reference in rails? (or are things done that way by default?)
[Fri Jun 10 01:53:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i want to do @result = @session[:result] so that changes to @result affect the session var.
[Fri Jun 10 01:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but not the other way around ..? i'm trying to recall @result from the session, just as shorthand so i don't have to type @session[:result] every time
[Fri Jun 10 01:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah i think that's how it is too
[Fri Jun 10 01:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah, @result is an object
[Fri Jun 10 02:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i just found out ruby has no foo++
[Fri Jun 10 02:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i defined a method in a class, but rails is still saying 'undefined method'. is there something i have to do
[Fri Jun 10 02:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> nevermind, i didn't define it as
[Fri Jun 10 02:30:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Fri Jun 10 09:30:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jun 10 20:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Fri Jun 10 22:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Jun 11 05:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Sat Jun 11 14:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Jun 11 18:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Sat Jun 11 18:12:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Jun 11 20:06:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Sat Jun 11 20:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Jun 11 20:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> hey all
[Sat Jun 11 20:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm getting this fastcgi error: [Sat Jun 11 17:31:28 2005] [error] [client] FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server "/usr/local/www/data/essi/public/dispatch.fcgi"
[Sat Jun 11 20:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> any ideas?
[Sat Jun 11 20:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks
[Sat Jun 11 21:15:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ah here's a problem
[Sat Jun 11 21:15:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> how can i switch my entire rails over to use another ruby install
[Sat Jun 11 21:15:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i want to make it use /usr/local/bin/ruby
[Sat Jun 11 21:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> er nm
[Sat Jun 11 21:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i got it :)
[Sat Jun 11 21:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks :)
[Sun Jun 12 06:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Sun Jun 12 15:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Jun 12 21:08:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Connection timed out
[Sun Jun 12 21:09:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> (~joel@ joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Jun 12 23:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Connection timed out
[Sun Jun 12 23:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Jun 12 23:59:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
[Mon Jun 13 01:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Jun 13 03:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there any good way for creating an object over multiple pages, and still have each page validate its part?
[Mon Jun 13 06:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Connection timed out
[Mon Jun 13 09:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Jun 13 15:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> hey all
[Mon Jun 13 15:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm trying to find a way to pass these arguments to start_form_tag properly
[Mon Jun 13 15:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i have this: <%= start_form_tag :action => 'create', :id => 'demographics' %>
[Mon Jun 13 15:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i want it to have the right action, but i want 'demographics' to be the id of the form
[Mon Jun 13 15:55:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> not part of the action url
[Tue Jun 14 01:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
[Tue Jun 14 01:05:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jun 14 01:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
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[Tue Jun 14 12:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
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[Tue Jun 14 13:33:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)
[Tue Jun 14 15:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> excellent
[Tue Jun 14 15:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> I shall try it, thanks
[Tue Jun 14 15:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> good to cover all the bases ;)
[Tue Jun 14 18:06:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Tue Jun 14 18:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jun 14 22:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there any relative path i can put images in CSS to?
[Tue Jun 14 23:06:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Tue Jun 14 23:08:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jun 14 23:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Wed Jun 15 02:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jun 15 02:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Client Quit
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[Wed Jun 15 04:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Wed Jun 15 14:11:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jun 16 16:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> hey guys, how can i check if a var is an integer?
[Fri Jun 17 04:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Connection timed out
[Fri Jun 17 04:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jun 17 04:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)
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[Fri Jun 17 10:00:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Operation timed out
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[Fri Jun 17 17:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
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[Fri Jun 17 17:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Client Quit
[Fri Jun 17 17:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Jun 18 04:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> not 'companies_controller"?
[Sat Jun 18 04:08:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i mean
[Sat Jun 18 04:08:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> you have it as the singular
[Sat Jun 18 04:08:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> company_controller
[Sat Jun 18 04:08:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> as opposed to companies_controller
[Sat Jun 18 04:08:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yes
[Sat Jun 18 04:12:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> why are you requiring models
[Sat Jun 18 04:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there a constant for the rails path?
[Sat Jun 18 04:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> perhaps you could prepend that to your local address
[Sat Jun 18 04:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i don't know it either
[Sat Jun 18 04:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> someone here must, but... it's pretty late
[Sat Jun 18 04:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> there's gotta be a constant
[Sat Jun 18 04:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> sudoer2, lots of rails webapps :)
[Sat Jun 18 04:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> not likely sudoer2
[Sat Jun 18 04:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ruby is an interpreted language, generally regarded as best suited for the web and scripts
[Sat Jun 18 04:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> like perl or python
[Sat Jun 18 04:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> besides i don't think APIs are written in Ruby for any GUIs
[Sat Jun 18 04:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> shows what i know :p
[Sat Jun 18 05:43:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Sat Jun 18 14:33:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Jun 18 14:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
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[Sat Jun 18 20:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Connection timed out
[Fri Jun 24 22:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jun 24 23:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Connection timed out
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[Mon Jun 27 03:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
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[Mon Jun 27 04:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
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[Mon Jun 27 16:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
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[Tue Jun 28 01:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
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[Tue Jun 28 01:33:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Client Quit
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[Tue Jun 28 17:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there any way to kind of 'merge' the development and production database
[Tue Jun 28 17:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> or does it always have to be done by hand
[Tue Jun 28 18:00:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> well, clients being what they are, we now have a very much in-development program being used, so i can't just overwrite the production version of the database (like i normally do)
[Tue Jun 28 18:00:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> looks like i'll have to just coppy the changes over by hand
[Tue Jun 28 18:01:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> well, it's both structure and content
[Tue Jun 28 18:01:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> basically, new content has been added to production...
[Tue Jun 28 18:01:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but i altered the structure of the development
[Tue Jun 28 18:02:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it seems like a fairly inevitable problem
[Tue Jun 28 18:02:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> there has to be a way to replace the production database with the development's structure without losing its content
[Tue Jun 28 18:02:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but i fear it must be done by hand, or some home-brew scripts
[Tue Jun 28 18:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> susfour: yeah, i think that's going to have to be it
[Tue Jun 28 18:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> well the sooner we deal with it the better, so we can become experienced in it :)
[Tue Jun 28 18:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i should have been trying to preserve the production's content from the beginning, just as practice
[Tue Jun 28 18:05:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> neat rummanda
[Tue Jun 28 18:06:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> er.. neat protocool :)
[Tue Jun 28 18:06:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm not sure, but it's worth investigating
[Tue Jun 28 20:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)
[Wed Jun 29 02:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jun 29 04:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
[Wed Jun 29 04:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jun 29 06:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
[Wed Jun 29 15:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jun 29 22:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Wed Jun 29 23:15:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jun 29 23:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Client Quit
[Wed Jun 29 23:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jun 29 23:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Client Quit
[Wed Jun 29 23:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jun 29 23:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Thu Jun 30 01:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm trying to make it so that an email field is optional. if they enter an email address, though, i want to validate it.
[Thu Jun 30 01:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> any ideas how i can do that?
[Thu Jun 30 01:43:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i've tried doing it with regex such that it accepts either nothing or a valid email
[Thu Jun 30 01:43:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> validates_format_of :email, :with => /^([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})$/
[Thu Jun 30 01:43:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i checked the api, it didn't show allow_nil as an option for validates_format_of
[Thu Jun 30 01:43:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i could try it
[Thu Jun 30 01:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but i tried just adding a pipe to othe end of the regex and grouping the whole bit
[Thu Jun 30 01:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but then it just accepted everythinig :(
[Thu Jun 30 01:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah, allow_nil didn't work :(
[Thu Jun 30 01:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm not sure why just adding a pipe to the regex didn't work
[Thu Jun 30 01:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> to allow 'nothing' as an option
[Thu Jun 30 01:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> possibly
[Thu Jun 30 01:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it'll be a job for a later day though, for now, anything is accepted :)
[Thu Jun 30 01:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> there's a .museum ?
[Thu Jun 30 01:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i got that regex from the api
[Thu Jun 30 01:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it was an example
[Thu Jun 30 01:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i want a .museum email addres.
[Thu Jun 30 01:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> not to mention all of the .(insert country code here)
[Thu Jun 30 01:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ah i see
[Thu Jun 30 01:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> 2 characters, a-z
[Thu Jun 30 01:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> you're a regex god it sounds... why doesn't adding a pipe to the end catch either nothing or the valid string?
[Thu Jun 30 01:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> or to the beginning
[Thu Jun 30 01:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> like so: /^|(([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,}))$/
[Thu Jun 30 01:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it ends up catching everything.
[Thu Jun 30 01:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> oh nice
[Thu Jun 30 01:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> duh
[Thu Jun 30 01:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks
[Thu Jun 30 01:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> indeed it works
[Thu Jun 30 03:06:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Thu Jun 30 04:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jun 30 05:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Thu Jun 30 08:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jun 30 11:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Thu Jun 30 12:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jun 30 12:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there a way to change the 'media' argument on the stylesheet link using the shortcut
[Thu Jun 30 12:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> bish0p, it's a bit of a trick
[Thu Jun 30 12:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> you do something like this
[Thu Jun 30 12:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> start_form_tag( { url_options }, { regular options } )
[Thu Jun 30 12:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so like
[Thu Jun 30 12:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> start_form_tag ( { :action => 'show' }, { :name => 'show_form' } )
[Thu Jun 30 12:59:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> if you don't use the curly brackets, it assumes name is a url option rather than a regular option
[Thu Jun 30 12:59:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i think you need the parens too
[Thu Jun 30 12:59:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> if you think that's rare you haven't been going to slashdot very long :)
[Thu Jun 30 13:00:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah it does that from time to time. sometimes for as long as an hour or so
[Thu Jun 30 13:01:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> well then queso, you don't refresh it as obsessively as i do then ;)
[Thu Jun 30 13:02:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i am not familiar with digg
[Thu Jun 30 13:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> hey all, i'm confused a bit by the mailer
[Thu Jun 30 13:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i read this tutorial:
[Thu Jun 30 13:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and got it to deliver a message to me
[Thu Jun 30 13:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> however, the template system doesn't seem to work as described there
[Thu Jun 30 13:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> like i defined @body['login'] in the mailer method, and then tried to access that as @login in the view,
[Thu Jun 30 13:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but it just sent nothing
[Thu Jun 30 13:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> anyone got any ideas
[Thu Jun 30 13:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> (nothing for @login)
[Thu Jun 30 13:52:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah
[Thu Jun 30 13:52:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> said no method [] in nilclass :/
[Thu Jun 30 13:52:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it probably just doesn't work quite as advertised there. maybe i can find another tutorial
[Thu Jun 30 13:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> this uses a different syntax for defining the body things:
[Thu Jun 30 13:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm gonna try it out
[Thu Jun 30 14:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i tried the other syntax but it didn't work either :(
[Thu Jun 30 14:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> agh does anyone know how to use actionmailer? this problem is killing me
[Thu Jun 30 15:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> can you make an array from a to z by doing 'a' .. 'z' ?
[Thu Jun 30 15:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> how can i reference the current instantiated object when i'm writing a member method in a model class
[Thu Jun 30 15:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i know 'self' references the class itself
[Thu Jun 30 15:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there a 'this'?
[Thu Jun 30 15:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i thought of that, but if i want to compare the object itself, that won't do
[Thu Jun 30 15:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i've got this
[Thu Jun 30 15:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> def is_first_in_section
[Thu Jun 30 15:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and i want to do an sql query for the first in section, and compare it against the object
[Thu Jun 30 15:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> actually nevermind
[Thu Jun 30 15:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i know what i should do
[Thu Jun 30 22:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
[Thu Jun 30 23:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jun 30 23:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Thu Jun 30 23:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jun 30 23:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Client Quit
[Thu Jun 30 23:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jul 01 01:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Fri Jul 01 02:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jul 01 05:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Fri Jul 01 11:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jul 01 11:52:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Client Quit
[Fri Jul 01 12:09:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jul 01 12:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Fri Jul 01 17:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Jul 02 00:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Sat Jul 02 01:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Jul 02 02:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> every time i try to set @session[:user] i get a rails application error and have to delete the /tmp/ruby_sess files
[Sat Jul 02 02:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it seems like i can set other session variables without that happening :(
[Sat Jul 02 03:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i want there to be a @user object available to every template. can i just define a method in application.rb which instantiates a @user and put a before_filter that calls it?
[Sat Jul 02 03:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> or something like that
[Sat Jul 02 03:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it is in the session
[Sat Jul 02 03:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but, i don't want the template to have to be conscious of sessions
[Sat Jul 02 03:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i guess it's pedantic
[Sat Jul 02 03:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> (i used to just program with the template checking for @session[:user]
[Sat Jul 02 03:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but, i want to do it more properly this time
[Sat Jul 02 03:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> here is a paste of what i'm trying:
[Sat Jul 02 03:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it doesn't seem to work though
[Sat Jul 02 03:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i just get nilclass when i try to access @user
[Sat Jul 02 03:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> well here's what i want
[Sat Jul 02 03:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> an example is a menu, right?
[Sat Jul 02 03:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i just want to, in the template, always be able to access @user. so like, if @user.is_logged_in
[Sat Jul 02 03:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and since the menu is used on every action, the @user has to be defined on every action
[Sat Jul 02 03:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i mean i could manually do it in every method but that would suck.
[Sat Jul 02 03:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ok i will try that
[Sat Jul 02 03:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there just a way to pass along the user to the template
[Sat Jul 02 03:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> because you don't seem to be understanding my problem
[Sat Jul 02 03:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it seems like only variables defined in the method being called are passed along to the view template
[Sat Jul 02 03:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but i want to define some outside of that
[Sat Jul 02 03:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> since 'user' is used regardless of what method you are calling
[Sat Jul 02 03:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> since it's used in the menu template
[Sat Jul 02 03:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and i shouldn't have to define user in every method
[Sat Jul 02 03:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i tried defining it as $user but i still get nilclass :(
[Sat Jul 02 03:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it looks just like what i pasted before, except with $user instead of @user
[Sat Jul 02 03:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm calling $user.is_logged_in
[Sat Jul 02 03:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is_logged_in just compares it against @session[:user] but
[Sat Jul 02 03:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thats kind of irrelevant considering it says $user is nil
[Sat Jul 02 03:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Sat Jul 02 03:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i tried making it private but no luck
[Sat Jul 02 03:52:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> def is_logged_in
[Sat Jul 02 03:52:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> return @session[:user] == self
[Sat Jul 02 03:52:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> end
[Sat Jul 02 03:55:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> amazing
[Sat Jul 02 03:55:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i think it was giving that because @session itself was nil?
[Sat Jul 02 03:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> actually -- i wonder if the models have access to @session
[Sat Jul 02 04:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it really doesn't like it when i try to define @user[:is_logged_in] = true
[Sat Jul 02 04:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> just gives a blank screen
[Sat Jul 02 04:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ha
[Sat Jul 02 04:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ok
[Sat Jul 02 04:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> defining is_logged_in as return id != nil works
[Sat Jul 02 04:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and i didn't have to use the globals
[Sat Jul 02 04:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> probably in @request
[Sat Jul 02 06:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Sat Jul 02 13:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Jul 02 13:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Client Quit
[Sat Jul 02 13:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Jul 02 13:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Sat Jul 02 14:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Jul 02 15:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there a helper or something to convert "log_in" to "Log in" ?
[Sat Jul 02 15:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks !
[Sat Jul 02 15:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> that worked beautifully
[Sat Jul 02 15:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> <3 rails
[Sat Jul 02 16:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i keep getting syntax errors when i try to do case @controller.action_name
[Sat Jul 02 16:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> anyone have any ideas about that/
[Sat Jul 02 16:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> hold on, let me do some pasting.
[Sat Jul 02 16:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Sat Jul 02 16:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> that's my code
[Sat Jul 02 16:05:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Sat Jul 02 16:05:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> that's my error
[Sat Jul 02 16:06:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> slightly updated code:
[Sat Jul 02 16:06:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> still doesn't work
[Sat Jul 02 16:08:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah i know. but i've had problems with case in templates before
[Sat Jul 02 16:08:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i always ended up resorting to if/elsif
[Sat Jul 02 16:09:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but i'd kind of like to solve it
[Sat Jul 02 16:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> could just be a flaw in rails ?
[Sat Jul 02 16:11:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah that's what i'm thinking
[Sat Jul 02 16:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> its because it's trying to put an _erbout.concat where it doesn't belong. you can't just put that in between 'case' and 'when'
[Sat Jul 02 16:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> like you can with 'if' and something else
[Sat Jul 02 16:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i was able to solve the problem by putting the first 'when' statement in the same line as the 'case'
[Sat Jul 02 16:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> like so: <% case @controller.action_name
[Sat Jul 02 16:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> when 'log_in', 'authenticate' %>
[Sat Jul 02 16:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> well it works delightfully now :)
[Sat Jul 02 16:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but yeah, erb should not try to concat an "\n" after a 'case' statement.
[Sat Jul 02 16:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> er, not necessarily in the same line as the case, just within the same <% %> encasing
[Sat Jul 02 16:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> well now i know :)
[Sat Jul 02 16:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> this works perfectly and is reasonably elegant:
[Sat Jul 02 16:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> hmm... i should store a pretty version of the action name in the action itself so i can use it throughout the program
[Sat Jul 02 16:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm not sure how exactly.
[Sat Jul 02 16:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm in the action, and i tried self.user_action_name = 'Log in' for example
[Sat Jul 02 16:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so i could just access @controller.user_action_name
[Sat Jul 02 16:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> not working tho
[Sat Jul 02 16:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i just tried that. didn't work for some reason.
[Sat Jul 02 16:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> said undefined method
[Sat Jul 02 16:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> er wait
[Sat Jul 02 16:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ok that works :)
[Sat Jul 02 16:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> well that's just gorgeous how that worked out
[Sat Jul 02 16:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i ended up defining two methods in the controller which i'm using
[Sat Jul 02 16:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> one is 'user_action_name' which does a case on self.action_name and returns the appropriate one
[Sat Jul 02 16:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so i can just spit out @controller.user_action_name in the template
[Sat Jul 02 16:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> the other is 'initial_form_focus_id' which also does a case on the action name, and returns a form id to focus on
[Sat Jul 02 16:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so, my application layout template is very clean because of that
[Sat Jul 02 16:59:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> maybe they should be a helper instead
[Sat Jul 02 17:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah i moved them to the helper, works wonderfully. finally used helpers :)
[Sat Jul 02 17:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ok, so i'm defining 'user_action_name (options = {})'
[Sat Jul 02 17:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but when i try to pass options to it, it gives, "wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)"
[Sat Jul 02 17:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> any ideas?
[Sat Jul 02 17:33:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it works fine when i don't pass any arguments
[Sat Jul 02 17:33:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> the reason i want options is for the menu, like so: 2: <%= link_to user_action_name(:controller => 'users', :action => 'log_out'), :controller => 'users', :action => 'log_out' %>
[Sat Jul 02 17:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> where it defaults to the current controller and action if none are supplied
[Sat Jul 02 17:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> here's the function definition, in application_helper.rb
[Sat Jul 02 17:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Sat Jul 02 17:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ok, i'll try
[Sat Jul 02 17:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> nope, same problem
[Sat Jul 02 17:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> here's the error
[Sat Jul 02 17:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it happened outside of the link_to mess, as well
[Sat Jul 02 17:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ha
[Sat Jul 02 17:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> as i suspected
[Sat Jul 02 17:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it was just a weird caching problem
[Sat Jul 02 17:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i killed /tmp/ruby_sess* and restarted the server, works fine now
[Sat Jul 02 17:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> (the method used to have no arguments)
[Sat Jul 02 17:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i now define the 'pretty names' of my actions in application_helper.rb and that translated to the title, the h2 on the page, and to the menu links
[Sat Jul 02 17:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> awesome ;}
[Sat Jul 02 17:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yes actually
[Sat Jul 02 17:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i've seen ajax drag and drop stuff
[Sat Jul 02 18:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> how can i check if something belongs to a class
[Sat Jul 02 18:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> if blah.class === String ?
[Sat Jul 02 18:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks
[Sat Jul 02 18:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> what's the difference
[Sat Jul 02 18:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> duck typing?
[Sat Jul 02 18:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i wanted my method to take either strings or symbols
[Sat Jul 02 18:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there a better way to do it?
[Sat Jul 02 18:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> (i'm converting everything to symbols)
[Sat Jul 02 18:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ah ok
[Sat Jul 02 18:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> makes sense
[Sat Jul 02 18:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ok this kind of sucks
[Sat Jul 02 18:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i use postgresql. when i run rake, i get this error:
[Sat Jul 02 18:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> psql:db/development_structure.sql:13: ERROR: must be owner of schema public
[Sat Jul 02 18:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i have a user for this webapp, but it obviously doesn't own the public schema
[Sat Jul 02 18:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> eh forget it, i'm just going to run the app with the postgres user
[Sat Jul 02 18:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it was just something that said the owner of public was 'postgres'
[Sat Jul 02 18:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> no sense in changing the owner of public, so i might as well just make the app run as postgres
[Sat Jul 02 19:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm not the only person who has the book, and was excited about getting the book, but hasn't read it yet am i?
[Sat Jul 02 19:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i've had it for weeks
[Sat Jul 02 19:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i only have it as pdf. is the finished version in stores yet?
[Sat Jul 02 19:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'd probably read it if i had a tactile version
[Sat Jul 02 19:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so, those of you who have read most of it...
[Sat Jul 02 19:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> what do you think?
[Sat Jul 02 19:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> did you learn stuff?
[Sat Jul 02 19:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i think everyone here is pretty much new to rails
[Sat Jul 02 19:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i mean some are more experienced than others but, i think i'd still learn a lot from the book
[Sat Jul 02 19:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i've developed an entire webapp in rails for a client
[Sat Jul 02 19:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and only yesterday did i learn what the @ before a variable means
[Sat Jul 02 19:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> like a personality test thing
[Sat Jul 02 19:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Sat Jul 02 19:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it was a great learning experience
[Sat Jul 02 19:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm working on my own project now
[Sat Jul 02 19:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i love that about rails nemik
[Sat Jul 02 19:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i always felt hopeless when it came to organizing php
[Sat Jul 02 19:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> this makes it pretty easy to keep shit in check
[Sat Jul 02 19:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> did you do any tutorials? they helped me understand rails a lot better
[Sat Jul 02 19:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i think i picked it up pretty quick
[Sat Jul 02 19:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> well what i've learned about rails is... nobody really uses scaffolds ;}
[Sat Jul 02 19:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah, me too
[Sat Jul 02 19:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i developed an app and defined every object in it as a scaffold
[Sat Jul 02 19:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> then i realized i had tons of extra files and went through and un-scaffolded everything
[Sat Jul 02 19:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but the scaffolds made it a lot easier for me to get used to stuff
[Sat Jul 02 19:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> the validation in rails is beautiful
[Sat Jul 02 19:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> mly: yeah, but with my new app here i'm only defining models and controllers manually
[Sat Jul 02 19:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but thats because i'm used to howo rails does things
[Sat Jul 02 19:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i just went through and deleted the unneeded files and methods
[Sat Jul 02 19:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i did script generate/scaffold
[Sat Jul 02 19:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> which makes tons of files
[Sat Jul 02 19:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> the scaffold :foo way
[Sat Jul 02 19:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is much better
[Sat Jul 02 19:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah
[Sat Jul 02 19:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> don't use the scaffold generator
[Sat Jul 02 19:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> just use the scaffold line, it's a lot cleaner.
[Sat Jul 02 19:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> there is nothing like it in php, though. rails combines testing, templating, and MVC all very well
[Sat Jul 02 19:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and jesus you never have to write a query
[Sat Jul 02 19:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> well sort of ;]
[Sat Jul 02 19:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> sure beats using php with smarty and some horrible MVC framework with some godawful testing framework
[Sat Jul 02 19:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> here is my present little project:
[Sat Jul 02 19:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> all you can do is define a user and log in
[Sat Jul 02 19:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but i'm focusing on the design big time, since i learned a lot from my last attempt
[Sat Jul 02 19:30:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> oh great it's broken
[Sat Jul 02 19:30:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> haha
[Sat Jul 02 19:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> wtf happened
[Sat Jul 02 19:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yup
[Sat Jul 02 19:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> unless it's broken, and you want help
[Sat Jul 02 19:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> then it mysteriously fixes itself
[Sat Jul 02 19:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yup... it was a caching issue
[Sat Jul 02 19:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> restarted apache and it works now
[Sat Jul 02 19:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> bah
[Sat Jul 02 19:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> that happens a lot with rails i find
[Sat Jul 02 19:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i've defined some useful helper methods here i think. and it's a lot cleaner than the login generator (in my opinion)
[Sat Jul 02 19:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and
[Sat Jul 02 19:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> columbus came here in 1492 ! but he was only the first person to exploit the indigenous peoples.
[Sat Jul 02 19:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> some viking found it earlier i think
[Sat Jul 02 19:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i wonder when they first found out america wasn't asia
[Sat Jul 02 19:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> they must've been like 'oh'
[Sat Jul 02 19:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> no they thought they saw china too
[Sat Jul 02 19:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i read about it !
[Sat Jul 02 19:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> india is part of asia after all
[Sat Jul 02 19:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i don't know.
[Sat Jul 02 19:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah why didn't they just look it up in google maps?
[Sat Jul 02 19:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> stupid conquistadors
[Sat Jul 02 19:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> they only had a mac :(
[Sat Jul 02 19:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> hehe
[Sat Jul 02 19:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i am a mac user too. i wish i could use google earth though
[Sat Jul 02 19:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> lots of bleeding edge web devvers tend to be mac users i find
[Sat Jul 02 19:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> somewhere, right now, some poor bastard is trying to program a site in java
[Sat Jul 02 19:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah, my app is running off my mac right now
[Sat Jul 02 19:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i understand that wnorrix but they thought hcina was right next door
[Sat Jul 02 19:52:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> did i mention the date stuff in rails is awesome
[Sat Jul 02 19:53:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thats pretty damning of asp
[Sat Jul 02 19:53:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i have never used asp
[Sat Jul 02 19:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> whoa an asp fan in #ror
[Sat Jul 02 23:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Sun Jul 03 00:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Jul 03 16:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
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[Tue Jul 05 13:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Connection reset by peer
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[Tue Jul 05 17:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there a way i can use link_to to link to an anchor?
[Tue Jul 05 17:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> like, results/show/#example
[Tue Jul 05 17:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ok
[Tue Jul 05 17:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> cool
[Tue Jul 05 17:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks
[Tue Jul 05 20:59:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Tue Jul 05 21:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jul 05 21:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Client Quit
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[Wed Jul 06 00:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Wed Jul 06 02:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jul 06 14:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there anything for rails for generating graphs? or should i just use a php graph library like jpgraph
[Wed Jul 06 14:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> since it's called independently
[Wed Jul 06 14:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks everyone for your suggestions, i will look through them
[Wed Jul 06 14:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> most of these aren't nearly as full featured as jpgraph it appears
[Wed Jul 06 14:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> actionmailer is pretty cool
[Wed Jul 06 14:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> still more complicated than mail() though ;}
[Wed Jul 06 14:33:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> 'Thread' is a reserved word? bummer for forums developers
[Wed Jul 06 14:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and what if i run a Rake selling website? :(
[Wed Jul 06 14:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i run a site selling rakes, thread, and logs
[Wed Jul 06 20:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> what's hipper, find_all or find(:all
[Wed Jul 06 20:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> then i use the cool one 8)
[Wed Jul 06 21:12:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> too many people talk about joel on software. always highlights :(
[Wed Jul 06 21:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i wasn't commenting on him at all, just that the name 'joel' triggers my irc client ;]
[Thu Jul 07 12:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
[Thu Jul 07 13:33:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jul 07 17:05:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Thu Jul 07 18:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jul 07 21:30:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> require_dependency 'user'
[Thu Jul 07 21:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> this is ApplicationController
[Thu Jul 07 21:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> actually model :user seems to work just as well as require_depencency 'user'
[Thu Jul 07 21:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> shows what i know
[Thu Jul 07 21:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> did you switch to production mode or something
[Thu Jul 07 21:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> maybe it's using the wrong db
[Thu Jul 07 21:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> pass params through question marks and you should be good
[Thu Jul 07 21:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it'll just stringify any attempt at sql injection
[Thu Jul 07 21:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it is a thing of beauty
[Thu Jul 07 22:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Thu Jul 07 23:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jul 07 23:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Client Quit
[Thu Jul 07 23:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jul 08 05:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
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[Sat Jul 09 02:00:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
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[Sat Jul 09 10:00:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
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[Sat Jul 09 12:09:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Sat Jul 09 18:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Jul 09 20:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
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[Sat Jul 09 20:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Client Quit
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[Sat Jul 09 22:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
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[Sun Jul 10 11:12:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Sun Jul 10 17:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Jul 10 17:52:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it means params is nil
[Sun Jul 10 17:53:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ow8
[Sun Jul 10 22:33:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
[Sun Jul 10 22:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Jul 10 23:15:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Mon Jul 11 01:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Jul 11 02:52:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
[Mon Jul 11 03:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got lost in the net-split.
[Mon Jul 11 03:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Jul 11 06:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
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[Mon Jul 11 15:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Mon Jul 11 21:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Jul 11 21:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so here's a problem
[Mon Jul 11 21:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i have a model 'concept'
[Mon Jul 11 21:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> each concept can belong to, and contain, multiple other concepts
[Mon Jul 11 21:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so it requires a join table for the many-to-many relationship
[Mon Jul 11 21:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but i can't just call it "concepts_concepts" and have two columns called "concept_id"
[Mon Jul 11 23:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Mon Jul 11 23:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Jul 11 23:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> rails isn't really into the idea of me making a model have a many-to-many relationship with itself
[Mon Jul 11 23:43:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so i might make a separate one-to-one model purely for that purpose
[Mon Jul 11 23:43:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> a tree would be one to many
[Mon Jul 11 23:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> this allows for multiple parents
[Mon Jul 11 23:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> not a traditional tree no
[Mon Jul 11 23:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there special tree support ?
[Mon Jul 11 23:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it makes for some messy situations. my model is called 'concept'. the join table would be 'concepts_concepts', and then two columns called 'concept_id'
[Mon Jul 11 23:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> which doesn't work
[Mon Jul 11 23:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so i'd have to redefine them in the habtm arguments
[Mon Jul 11 23:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> which MIGHT work
[Mon Jul 11 23:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and create like parent_concept_id and child_concept_id as the columns
[Mon Jul 11 23:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i don't know. would i then call concept.parent_concepts ?
[Mon Jul 11 23:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> not necessarily, but it's good enough here
[Mon Jul 11 23:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah that would make sense
[Mon Jul 11 23:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> would the methods be defined that way if i pass the :foreign_key argument to habtm?
[Mon Jul 11 23:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah. that's why i think the 1 to 1 table for the 'concept' model
[Mon Jul 11 23:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> would be easieir
[Mon Jul 11 23:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm using it as a tagging-style system, but where the tags themselves have tags. make sense?
[Mon Jul 11 23:52:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it's only a limitation of rails. the cleanest way database-wise is to just have a model table and the join table.
[Mon Jul 11 23:52:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> we'll see if it is a limitation or not
[Tue Jul 12 02:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so what is the best solution for implementing a "has_and_belongs_to_itself" kind of thing
[Tue Jul 12 02:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there a way i'm missing, or should i subclass activerecord, or what
[Tue Jul 12 02:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but that doesn't work because then i have to rename the columns in the join table :(
[Tue Jul 12 02:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> well i will try it i haven't even tried it
[Tue Jul 12 02:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> if i call it parent_id and child_id
[Tue Jul 12 02:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> can i then access parents() and childs()
[Tue Jul 12 02:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> er
[Tue Jul 12 02:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> children()
[Tue Jul 12 02:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> or do i have to manually do that
[Tue Jul 12 02:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah but i need it to use a join table
[Tue Jul 12 02:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> in order for the many-to-many association to work
[Tue Jul 12 02:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> hmm
[Tue Jul 12 12:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Tue Jul 12 12:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jul 12 12:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Client Quit
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[Tue Jul 12 16:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
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[Thu Jul 14 07:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
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[Thu Jul 14 12:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
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[Thu Jul 14 17:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
[Thu Jul 14 17:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
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[Thu Jul 14 17:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jul 14 18:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Remote closed the connection
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[Thu Jul 14 22:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
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[Fri Jul 15 12:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
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[Sat Jul 16 07:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
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[Sun Jul 17 00:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
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[Sun Jul 17 18:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
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[Sun Jul 17 20:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
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[Mon Jul 18 01:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Remote closed the connection
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[Mon Jul 18 23:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Connection reset by peer
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[Tue Jul 19 00:09:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
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[Tue Jul 19 04:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
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[Tue Jul 19 05:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> security is overrated
[Tue Jul 19 05:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> want security? don't piss people off
[Tue Jul 19 05:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it doesn't matter how "secure" your openbsd or whatever box is. the real holes come in the form of social engineering
[Tue Jul 19 05:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> anyway that said, honestly, all of the linux distros and unix boxes are made of 99% the same shit
[Tue Jul 19 05:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> the only real difference is some preset packages and the package management
[Tue Jul 19 05:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and how they manage certain things like startup
[Tue Jul 19 05:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> the best way is to use a distro which updates reasonably frequently with stable systems (e.g. fedora or freebsd) and spend the time to switch over to a newer version of the distro whenever you have the need (which will likely be infrequent, or a product of boredom/curiosity/the desire to be bleeding edge)
[Tue Jul 19 05:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> umair, it's really a pretty small preference issue
[Tue Jul 19 05:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i think linux is a little easier in general
[Tue Jul 19 05:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> hell learn both :)
[Tue Jul 19 05:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> what is this SELinux
[Tue Jul 19 05:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ugh RHEL
[Tue Jul 19 05:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> just use Fedora
[Tue Jul 19 05:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it depends. updating applications can be good and bad
[Tue Jul 19 05:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it's better to have stable systems which only update minor bug fixes and security things
[Tue Jul 19 05:43:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and then eventually update your entire system to match newer major releases
[Tue Jul 19 05:43:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> apt-get is great, but debian waited so horribly long before releasing sarge as stable that i don't know if they could be trusted really
[Tue Jul 19 05:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i think if i had a distro i would have yearly stable releases
[Tue Jul 19 05:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> every few years is just too much :(
[Tue Jul 19 05:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> when was woody made stable?
[Tue Jul 19 05:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> you're thinking sarge, woody was the old stable
[Tue Jul 19 05:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah 2002 maybe
[Tue Jul 19 05:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> a year is good. gives it enough time that it's probably worth upgrading to, and leaves a year between upgrade fests so system admins can have time to worry about other things
[Tue Jul 19 05:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i used to be in favor of continuously updating things like debian unstable and gentoo
[Tue Jul 19 05:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but, they're just that... unstable
[Tue Jul 19 05:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah, that's a sensible time
[Tue Jul 19 05:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ubuntu is easily the best desktop linux, even if it is a bit hippy-ish
[Tue Jul 19 05:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but then so is linux :)
[Tue Jul 19 05:53:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
[Tue Jul 19 11:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jul 19 13:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Tue Jul 19 13:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jul 19 13:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Tue Jul 19 13:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jul 19 14:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
[Tue Jul 19 14:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jul 19 20:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> how do i make a model inherit from another model?
[Tue Jul 19 20:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> all i need to know is the ruby syntax for subclasses
[Tue Jul 19 21:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so how does anyone in here make separate databases for branches?
[Tue Jul 19 21:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> do you just edit the 'development' database in the database.yml in the branch?
[Tue Jul 19 21:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> or is it possible to create other things that 'development'?
[Tue Jul 19 21:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> oh probably with RAILS_ENV
[Tue Jul 19 21:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ok cool. do i just basically make something new in database.yml and then pass a RAILS_ENV?
[Tue Jul 19 22:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Tue Jul 19 23:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jul 19 23:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
[Wed Jul 20 03:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jul 20 03:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Client Quit
[Wed Jul 20 14:43:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jul 20 16:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i was wondering that myself Newhydra
[Wed Jul 20 16:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> there appears to be an "if" parameter
[Wed Jul 20 16:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> which calls a function
[Wed Jul 20 16:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> e.g. :if => :allow_validation
[Wed Jul 20 16:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and then you'd def allow_validation
[Wed Jul 20 16:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> actually i guess you can just put your condition right there?
[Wed Jul 20 16:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> just as a strong
[Wed Jul 20 16:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> a string*
[Wed Jul 20 16:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> :if => "foo == 42"
[Wed Jul 20 16:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> not sure
[Wed Jul 20 16:30:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> all of the cool kids use subversion.
[Wed Jul 20 16:30:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ;)
[Wed Jul 20 16:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and svk is the distributed version !
[Wed Jul 20 16:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> newhydra, it might be new, i'm not sure. i'm just looking at the api.
[Wed Jul 20 16:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Wed Jul 20 16:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i don't know, i've never used svk
[Wed Jul 20 16:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so i can't recommend it
[Wed Jul 20 16:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> svn seems rock solid to me though
[Wed Jul 20 16:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> much less prone to stupid shit happening than cvs, that's for sure..
[Wed Jul 20 23:33:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Connection reset by peer
[Thu Jul 21 00:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> you mean php on rails not trails right
[Thu Jul 21 00:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i believe 'on rails' comes from the idea that it's supposed to be fast to develop in
[Thu Jul 21 06:08:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Thu Jul 21 10:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jul 21 10:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Client Quit
[Thu Jul 21 10:55:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jul 21 13:02:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Thu Jul 21 13:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jul 21 15:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> let's say i have a model "result" which has_many "answers". is there a way i can override .save on result to actually save the answers as well, and validate on them (such as that there is an answer for every question, and that each answer is between a range, for instance)
[Thu Jul 21 15:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> have you seen the drag/drop examples around the web Defiler ?
[Thu Jul 21 15:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> or is your question more rails-specific
[Thu Jul 21 15:52:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> oh well, here's some more links to throw at you which you might find useful:
[Thu Jul 21 15:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so, i'm still trying to find a way to make sure something requires an association be saved at the same time of it
[Thu Jul 21 15:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so like if i call it will also saves its many children
[Thu Jul 21 16:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i defined an application_helper which defined all of the 'pretty names' of various actions
[Thu Jul 21 16:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> most of them are just action.humanize
[Thu Jul 21 16:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but the exceptions can be easily defined just once
[Thu Jul 21 16:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> wait a moment and i'll get the source (not presently immediately available)
[Thu Jul 21 16:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but i defined a method called user_action_name in application_helper
[Thu Jul 21 16:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> which took options as arguments (e.g. controller, action -- use the active controller and action if not supplied)
[Thu Jul 21 16:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and then would just return a string based on the passed options
[Thu Jul 21 16:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so, in the template, for hte title, i could put...
[Thu Jul 21 16:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> <title><%= user_action_name %></title>
[Thu Jul 21 16:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and in links, i could do... link_to user_action_name(:controller => 'foo', :action => 'bar'), :controller => 'foo', :action=> 'bar'
[Thu Jul 21 16:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> basically anywhere i needed pretty version of the action name
[Thu Jul 21 16:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> that's what i did coops
[Thu Jul 21 16:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> that's exactly what i'm talking about
[Thu Jul 21 16:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> oh yeah
[Thu Jul 21 16:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i mean i guess i could do that
[Thu Jul 21 16:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> oh let me get the source up
[Thu Jul 21 16:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> <-- application helper, defines user_action_name
[Thu Jul 21 16:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> there's more in that subdir
[Thu Jul 21 16:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> here's my layout code:
[Thu Jul 21 16:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> here's an initial form id thing, for auto-selecting form inputs:
[Thu Jul 21 16:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> using it in the menu,
[Thu Jul 21 16:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> that's a good point coops, i should make a link wrapper.
[Thu Jul 21 16:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yes the good ol' .. operator :)
[Thu Jul 21 18:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Thu Jul 21 21:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jul 21 22:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Thu Jul 21 22:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jul 21 23:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Fri Jul 22 04:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jul 22 22:00:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Sat Jul 23 04:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Jul 23 07:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Sat Jul 23 11:55:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Jul 24 01:02:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Sun Jul 24 01:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Sun Jul 24 04:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Jul 24 21:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Sun Jul 24 21:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Jul 24 21:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Client Quit
[Mon Jul 25 00:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Jul 25 06:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Mon Jul 25 11:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> (~joel@ joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Jul 25 13:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
[Mon Jul 25 15:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Jul 25 15:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i have a big problem
[Mon Jul 25 15:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> my stable (and live) version of the site just started throwing this error: ERROR C42601 Msyntax error at or near "LIMIT" P73 Fscan.l L630 Ryyerror: SELECT * FROM answers WHERE answers.question_id = 165 AND result_id = LIMIT 1
[Mon Jul 25 15:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it appears to be some sort of internal error? i have no idea.
[Mon Jul 25 15:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i rolled back to earlier versions of the source and they're showing the same error. i'm really confused
[Mon Jul 25 15:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i don't know, i can't even tell where the error is happening exactly
[Mon Jul 25 15:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ah here it is
[Mon Jul 25 15:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> oh man
[Mon Jul 25 15:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i know what's wrong
[Mon Jul 25 15:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> wow
[Mon Jul 25 15:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it was in my freaking code, which makes no sense. it was working before
[Mon Jul 25 15:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i had this
[Mon Jul 25 15:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> answer = question.answers.find(:first, :conditions => [ "result_id = ", ])
[Mon Jul 25 15:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> forgot the question mark
[Mon Jul 25 15:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> now i'm just confused. when did that get deleted
[Mon Jul 25 15:30:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> sorry for the anticlimactic ending
[Mon Jul 25 15:30:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> the reason was i pushed an older revision over as a 1.0 branch and that revision had a bug left in it. and that branch has been live a while :(
[Mon Jul 25 15:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ok, i have a method called "next". and then i have this method:
[Mon Jul 25 15:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> def last?
[Mon Jul 25 15:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> return next.nil?
[Mon Jul 25 15:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> end
[Mon Jul 25 15:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and i get a "void value expression" error
[Mon Jul 25 15:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> anyone know what that means?
[Mon Jul 25 15:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah that did it
[Mon Jul 25 15:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i didn't know you had to use self when calling methods like that oops
[Mon Jul 25 15:55:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> does find() return nil if it doesn't find anything?
[Mon Jul 25 15:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i have this: if question.answers.find(:first, :conditions => [ 'scale_result_id = ?', ]).nil?
[Mon Jul 25 15:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> basically i want it to check to see if anything in the db matches
[Mon Jul 25 15:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ok cool
[Tue Jul 26 12:30:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Tue Jul 26 13:15:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jul 26 14:43:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Tue Jul 26 15:06:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> that's a pretty unlikely combo
[Tue Jul 26 18:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Tue Jul 26 18:15:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jul 26 19:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> my array here seems to have problems telling what is first() and last()
[Tue Jul 26 19:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm not sure if my ruby is broken or what
[Tue Jul 26 19:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i have this: if element != elements.last
[Tue Jul 26 19:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> params = params + '&'
[Tue Jul 26 19:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> end
[Tue Jul 26 19:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and yet it's obviously not adding the & even when it's not the last element
[Tue Jul 26 19:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> seemingly at random?
[Tue Jul 26 19:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> no
[Tue Jul 26 19:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> params ia a string
[Tue Jul 26 19:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> elements is an array
[Tue Jul 26 19:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> well i've found a pattern at least
[Tue Jul 26 19:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ah-ha. interesting
[Tue Jul 26 19:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> OH i know why
[Tue Jul 26 19:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it's because they're equal in value to the last item
[Tue Jul 26 19:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> durr
[Tue Jul 26 19:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> even if they aren't the last item itself
[Tue Jul 26 19:30:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm making arguments for a php script
[Tue Jul 26 19:30:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> all of the elements must be made into a string like so
[Tue Jul 26 19:30:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> array_name[]=element[1]&array_name[]=element[2] and so on
[Tue Jul 26 19:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> they must also all be preceded by something.
[Tue Jul 26 19:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "array_name[]="
[Tue Jul 26 19:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> after that they could be joined
[Tue Jul 26 19:33:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> you see why i iterated?
[Tue Jul 26 19:33:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ok, i'll try that
[Tue Jul 26 19:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> each element must be preceded
[Tue Jul 26 19:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> not the whole string
[Tue Jul 26 19:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> anyway i would like to be able to compare if an element is the last element in the list without doing it by value
[Tue Jul 26 19:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'll just do it by length the old fashioned way
[Tue Jul 26 19:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> xdsg i said exactly what i wanted
[Tue Jul 26 19:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> xdsg, return elements.collect{|e| (array_name.to_s + "[]=")<<e}.join("&")
[Tue Jul 26 19:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> er wait
[Tue Jul 26 19:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm getting some symbol to string errro
[Tue Jul 26 19:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ok here's the method
[Tue Jul 26 19:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it's in a helper
[Tue Jul 26 19:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> def array_to_php_params (elements, array_name)
[Tue Jul 26 19:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> return (elements.collect{|e| (array_name.to_s + "[]=")<<e}.join("&")).to_s
[Tue Jul 26 19:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> end
[Tue Jul 26 19:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it's then outputted in a view you see
[Tue Jul 26 19:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> that gives cannot convert Symbol into String
[Tue Jul 26 19:43:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> wait i know why
[Tue Jul 26 19:43:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i needed e.to_s
[Tue Jul 26 19:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> array_name is a string, i was just duck typing
[Tue Jul 26 19:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> whatever's on the last line of a function returns?
[Tue Jul 26 19:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> works like a charm
[Tue Jul 26 19:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks
[Tue Jul 26 19:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i need to get into these ruby-isms
[Tue Jul 26 19:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> still too much php/C cruft
[Tue Jul 26 19:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> what does |e| mean anyway
[Tue Jul 26 19:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so is collect mainly used for quick string operations like this on elements?
[Tue Jul 26 19:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> gotcha
[Tue Jul 26 20:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
[Tue Jul 26 20:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jul 26 21:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
[Tue Jul 26 22:30:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jul 26 23:30:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Wed Jul 27 00:15:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jul 27 00:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
[Wed Jul 27 01:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jul 27 12:59:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Wed Jul 27 19:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Wed Jul 27 21:08:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jul 28 11:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
[Thu Jul 28 11:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jul 28 13:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Thu Jul 28 14:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jul 28 21:25:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Thu Jul 28 22:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jul 29 23:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
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[Sat Jul 30 00:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
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[Sat Jul 30 04:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
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[Sat Jul 30 08:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Sat Jul 30 16:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Jul 30 22:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
[Sat Jul 30 22:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
[Sun Jul 31 07:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Sun Jul 31 16:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Aug 01 14:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> designers can't build views.
[Mon Aug 01 14:05:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it's easier to just let the designer make their design and then integrate it in yourself as the programmer
[Mon Aug 01 14:06:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> the designer is being paid for their art not their implementation
[Mon Aug 01 14:06:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i mean seriously you think they know what a for loop is
[Mon Aug 01 14:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> even with subversion?
[Mon Aug 01 14:08:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> you'd be mad not to
[Mon Aug 01 17:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> real quick whats the command to generate a uri with the controller/action path
[Mon Aug 01 17:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> eh nm i found it
[Mon Aug 01 17:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> does rails have anything like +=
[Mon Aug 01 17:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> or a quick way to increment something by one
[Tue Aug 02 01:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "Leaving"
[Tue Aug 02 12:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Aug 02 13:33:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Tue Aug 02 14:15:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Aug 02 18:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Tue Aug 02 19:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Aug 03 04:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 113 (No route to host)
[Wed Aug 03 04:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Aug 03 05:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
[Wed Aug 03 05:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Aug 03 23:01:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> does anyone here know of any info regarding the speed of RoR compared to other options
[Thu Aug 04 13:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Thu Aug 04 14:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Aug 04 14:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Thu Aug 04 15:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Aug 04 15:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> anyone want to help me learn date conversions? :)
[Thu Aug 04 15:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i've got an sql timestamp
[Thu Aug 04 15:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and i want to convert it to a pretty date. standard really
[Thu Aug 04 15:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah, i saw to_formattedD_s
[Thu Aug 04 15:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i called them 'conversions' because that's what the rails api calls them
[Thu Aug 04 15:36:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is my timestamp already of type 'Date'?
[Thu Aug 04 15:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> mine is of type "timestamp with time zone" in postgresql
[Thu Aug 04 15:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but i guess i can use to_date()
[Thu Aug 04 15:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> or i could just format it with Time functions
[Thu Aug 04 15:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Thu Aug 04 15:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there anywhere i can see a list of the different formatting options? (e.g. %H, %M, etc.)
[Thu Aug 04 15:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> what's more "rails-like", to_formatted_s or strftime?
[Thu Aug 04 15:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks you guys rock as usual. i shall give it a shot
[Thu Aug 04 15:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> oh i see
[Thu Aug 04 15:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'll try :long
[Thu Aug 04 15:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> to_formatted_s(:long) worked perfectly, but i wanted am/pm instead of 24-hour time
[Thu Aug 04 15:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so i did this:"%B %e, %Y %I:%M %p")
[Thu Aug 04 15:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but it just shows the db timestamp :(
[Thu Aug 04 15:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> oh, i see. is to_formatted_s limited to only the :db, :short, and :long formats?
[Thu Aug 04 15:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i guess i have to use strftime for custom formats
[Thu Aug 04 16:01:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there a way to put conditionals on validation?
[Thu Aug 04 16:01:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i don't like that leaving a field blank gives three error messages
[Thu Aug 04 16:01:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> on right... the :if => thing right?
[Thu Aug 04 16:01:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> which evals?
[Thu Aug 04 16:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> my problem is i wanted validate something exists and also validate inclusion on it.
[Thu Aug 04 16:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but i want it so that if they don't fill it in, it only gives the "doesn't exist" error
[Thu Aug 04 16:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but i can't figure out how to really use the conditions
[Thu Aug 04 16:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> how can i do an if so that it checks to make sure it hasn't already thrown the other error?
[Thu Aug 04 16:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> what's a "Proc"?
[Thu Aug 04 16:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> interesting
[Thu Aug 04 16:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm trying to figure out how to use the :if attribute on validates_inclusion_of to somehow check whether or not something passed validates_presence_of
[Thu Aug 04 16:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but i don't really know how to start :/
[Thu Aug 04 16:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah, i'm just not sure what kind of method to check if it's already validated.
[Thu Aug 04 16:59:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> the fieldWithErrors div is really frustrating, because it puts all of the fields on a new line, separating them from their labels.
[Thu Aug 04 16:59:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> have anyone experienced this and know a workaround?
[Thu Aug 04 17:00:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> semyaza, can you explain
[Thu Aug 04 17:00:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> hmm that's an option
[Thu Aug 04 17:01:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> good ol' tables always there in a pinch :)
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> "This computer has gone to sleep"
[Thu Aug 04 18:01:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
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[Sun Aug 07 23:59:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i think i'm the only person who doesn't know what any of the news anchors look like
[Mon Aug 08 00:01:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i don't think jennings is notorious for being conservative
[Mon Aug 08 00:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
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[Thu Aug 11 14:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
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[Thu Aug 18 16:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> just ask the question
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[Sat Aug 20 17:02:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> isn't that the point
[Sat Aug 20 17:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> in the authenticate() method
[Sat Aug 20 17:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> OH email verification?
[Sat Aug 20 21:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Mon Aug 22 02:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
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[Tue Aug 23 19:21:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> auto_link "text", :all, :target => "_blank"
[Tue Aug 23 19:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> depends really
[Wed Aug 24 15:02:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Thu Aug 25 04:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> def self.find_by_name
[Thu Aug 25 07:08:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Tue Sep 06 21:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> how can i make it so errors show something other than Application error (Rails)
[Tue Sep 06 21:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> like have it redirect to a page, or something
[Wed Sep 07 00:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> does anyone know how to change the production rails error message
[Wed Sep 07 00:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> to perhaps go to an html page or something instead of just Application error (Rails)
[Wed Sep 07 00:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> apache
[Wed Sep 07 00:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks guys
[Wed Sep 07 04:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Wed Sep 07 13:59:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Wed Sep 07 20:02:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> if a function takes too long to execute would i get a "Rails application failed to start properly" error
[Wed Sep 07 20:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it only happens when i try to run this one function i made which is like an aggregation function
[Wed Sep 07 20:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Wed Sep 07 20:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Sep 07 22:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there an equivalent to 'continue' in ruby
[Wed Sep 07 23:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm defining this: belongs_to :first_incomplete_scale, :class_name => "Scale"
[Wed Sep 07 23:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but when i try to access (a member of the Scale class) it gives me a nilclass error
[Wed Sep 07 23:15:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there something i'm doing wrong here
[Wed Sep 07 23:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> nm i needed the foreign_key argument as well
[Thu Sep 08 04:06:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Fri Sep 09 18:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> darwin ports is better than fink
[Fri Sep 09 18:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> fink is a travesty
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[Mon Sep 12 15:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i want to do a validates_inclusion_of (or something similar) to make sure that the answer is greater than -1
[Mon Sep 12 15:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> the reason is that my select fields have a 'Please Select One' option with a value of -1
[Mon Sep 12 15:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there a way i can do just a 'greater than 0' instead of an inclusion between a min and max?
[Mon Sep 12 21:12:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Mon Sep 19 18:11:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
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[Mon Sep 19 21:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i need to select count(something). how can i do this? find_by_sql wants to return an object, right?
[Mon Sep 19 21:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ah lovely :) thank you
[Mon Sep 19 22:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Tue Sep 20 17:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
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[Tue Sep 20 21:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm not quite sure how to use the "join" option with the find or paginate commands
[Tue Sep 20 21:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i want to do this query: select r.* from results r, codes c where r.code_id = and c.organization_id = ?
[Tue Sep 20 21:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and i've been using find_by_sql
[Tue Sep 20 21:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but can i do it with the join option?
[Tue Sep 20 21:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks techno
[Tue Sep 20 21:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> what's AR?
[Tue Sep 20 21:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> oh, activerecord
[Tue Sep 20 21:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> aye, i suppose i shoulda looked at the source
[Tue Sep 20 21:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it appears paginate cannot take the "select" option :(
[Tue Sep 20 21:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> strange, since it takes the "join" option.
[Tue Sep 20 21:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ah
[Tue Sep 20 21:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there any way i can use the join without select?
[Tue Sep 20 21:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> does it basically just do a * for the select then?
[Tue Sep 20 21:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i guess i'll just make a Paginator for now then for the custom query.
[Tue Sep 20 22:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Tue Sep 27 00:08:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
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[Wed Sep 28 16:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Wed Sep 28 16:53:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there a way i can make it so a certain action does a different mime type
[Wed Sep 28 16:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm trying to set up an export action which will output a csv text file in application/octet-stream
[Wed Sep 28 16:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and i need a way to muss with the http headers for just that action
[Wed Sep 28 16:55:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> dunno what send_data is
[Wed Sep 28 16:55:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> was just going to set the header to octet-stream and then output like normal
[Wed Sep 28 16:55:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it's a dynamically created file
[Wed Sep 28 16:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> am i going to have to output it to a file, and then use send_data ?
[Wed Sep 28 16:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ah i see
[Wed Sep 28 16:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> nifty
[Wed Sep 28 16:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> jesus send_data is awesome ok thanks
[Wed Sep 28 17:00:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> speaking of csv, is there anything to help me with creating csv files in rails
[Wed Sep 28 17:01:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Wed Sep 28 17:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> icblenke have you ever made them
[Wed Sep 28 17:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> the only weird thing you have to do with csv files is handle strings
[Wed Sep 28 17:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> by putting quotes around strings and escaping any quotes within the string
[Wed Sep 28 17:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> now i could reinvent the wheel in this way or i could use the standard ruby library
[Wed Sep 28 17:06:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> alternatively i guess you could just escape the commas within strings really
[Wed Sep 28 17:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> joelmichael != joevandyk
[Wed Sep 28 18:09:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> stupid ruby question: how do i do the equivalent of perl's "use CSV" so i can use these CSV functions
[Wed Sep 28 18:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> require 'csv.rb' seems to have worked
[Wed Sep 28 19:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
[Wed Sep 28 19:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
[Wed Sep 28 19:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
[Wed Sep 28 19:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
[Wed Sep 28 19:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
[Wed Sep 28 19:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
[Wed Sep 28 20:02:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> its enough to make me want to change my nick
[Wed Sep 28 22:15:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Sep 29 01:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Mon Oct 03 12:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Mon Oct 03 13:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Oct 03 17:31:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so what's the best way to include a javascript file in the application layout file
[Mon Oct 03 17:33:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ah
[Mon Oct 03 21:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Mon Oct 03 22:02:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Oct 05 17:02:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
[Wed Oct 05 17:08:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
[Thu Oct 06 00:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ok, i'm trying to find my way around these date_select or select_date functions.
[Thu Oct 06 00:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there a way i can take the params and just make them into a simple Date object or something?
[Thu Oct 06 00:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> basically, i'm doing an sql query for a range between a minimum and maximum date. so i use date_select. but i can't figure out how to get the date into a useable format after it goes to post.
[Thu Oct 06 00:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ok, i'll experiment with that, thanks
[Thu Oct 06 00:52:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i just can't find these Date methods in the api
[Thu Oct 06 13:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Thu Oct 06 14:22:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Oct 06 20:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Sat Oct 08 00:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
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[Sun Oct 09 08:09:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Sun Oct 09 11:59:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Oct 09 12:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
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[Mon Oct 10 12:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Mon Oct 10 14:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Mon Oct 10 15:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> @items.last
[Mon Oct 10 15:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> the tests never seem to play nice with postgresql so i always gave up on them.
[Mon Oct 10 15:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is it infinite loopping
[Mon Oct 10 15:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> looping*
[Mon Oct 10 15:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> honestly i nearly always use +
[Mon Oct 10 15:44:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i didn't know about #{} so i will probably convert
[Mon Oct 10 15:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah. and strangely enough, i used the php way
[Mon Oct 10 15:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it has {$} too for arrays or something
[Mon Oct 10 15:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> {$myArray[$index]}
[Mon Oct 10 15:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> or {$string}_{$string2}
[Mon Oct 10 15:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> php still has its uses
[Mon Oct 10 15:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i actually use it with my rails app dynamic graph generation
[Mon Oct 10 15:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> app for*
[Mon Oct 10 15:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> using JpGraph
[Mon Oct 10 15:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> iratik, of course
[Mon Oct 10 15:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> <% if cond %> conditional html <% end %>
[Mon Oct 10 15:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> chode seems to be your insulting word of choice
[Mon Oct 10 15:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> a lot of PHP programmers use template libraries like smarty mainly for the cleaner syntaxs.
[Mon Oct 10 15:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> syntax*
[Mon Oct 10 15:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> nothing beats the syntax of ruby though, imho
[Mon Oct 10 15:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah that sucks
[Mon Oct 10 15:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> what a nightmare that would be for templating too
[Mon Oct 10 15:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> does anyone know a way to make vi treat auto-indentation with ruby intelligently?
[Mon Oct 10 15:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm getting sick of manually updating the indents
[Mon Oct 10 15:52:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it would indent blocks.
[Mon Oct 10 15:52:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks debugger
[Mon Oct 10 15:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but yeah php will still be useful largely due to its vast amount of image libraries
[Mon Oct 10 15:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and it's still good for quick-and-dirty scripts
[Mon Oct 10 17:06:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> design question
[Mon Oct 10 17:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i have three different types of user accounts. they're all completely different, although some functionality overlaps.
[Mon Oct 10 17:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is it better to have one user object with multiple roles and lots of conditionals or separate methods for each role within the users controller,
[Mon Oct 10 17:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> or just separate objects for each user type
[Mon Oct 10 17:12:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> what about sub-controllers. can i do something like /user/admin/welcome
[Mon Oct 10 17:12:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so i could define role-specific methods within a special controller
[Mon Oct 10 17:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> also, what's the de facto standard here, do people use the plural or the singular in controller names
[Mon Oct 10 17:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> scaffold generate makes plurals so i've been using that
[Mon Oct 10 17:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but login generator makes singular, heh
[Mon Oct 10 17:15:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i tend to agree
[Mon Oct 10 17:15:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> /user/login looks nicer than /users/login
[Mon Oct 10 17:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> well that settles it, i'm switching to singular.
[Mon Oct 10 17:17:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it might be. i just need some way to manage three different roles for user accounts
[Mon Oct 10 17:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i don't want three different login systems
[Mon Oct 10 17:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> seems unnecessarily redundant
[Mon Oct 10 17:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> better to have user roles
[Mon Oct 10 17:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm not blaming the generator
[Mon Oct 10 17:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i never even mentioned the generator outside of its preference for singular controller names
[Mon Oct 10 17:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm just asking for advice on a design decision
[Mon Oct 10 17:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> where is the wiki?
[Mon Oct 10 17:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> show_products sounds more like an action than a controller
[Mon Oct 10 19:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Mon Oct 10 20:33:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Oct 10 21:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Wed Oct 12 02:08:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Wed Oct 12 15:09:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> how can i access a method in another controller
[Wed Oct 12 15:09:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> basically i'd like to have certain methods in the users controller be accessible only to admins
[Wed Oct 12 15:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so i want to do something like, before_filter AdminsController::login_required, :only => [ ]
[Wed Oct 12 15:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is this possible
[Wed Oct 12 15:11:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yes
[Wed Oct 12 15:11:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> why override login_required when you can just override authorize?
[Wed Oct 12 15:12:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i suppose. would be nice to just use the AdminController's login_required though
[Wed Oct 12 16:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> can i make a controller abstract?
[Wed Oct 12 16:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i subclasses User into three different classes, Partner, Admin, and Customer
[Wed Oct 12 16:47:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> subclassed*
[Wed Oct 12 16:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and i want to be able to inherit the method of UsersController without actually being able to access the UsersController methods directly
[Wed Oct 12 16:48:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> basically the login/logout/password retrieval stuff
[Wed Oct 12 16:49:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i just want it so going to /users/login won't work
[Wed Oct 12 16:52:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ok
[Wed Oct 12 16:53:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks
[Wed Oct 12 16:53:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm in the middle of refactoring right now. i was going to do that, but the different types of users don't even share any similar views
[Wed Oct 12 16:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> and i didn't want to duplicate the login code
[Wed Oct 12 16:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> so i figured, subclass.
[Wed Oct 12 16:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> rather than have welcome_customer welcome_partner and welcome_admin methods (amongst others)
[Wed Oct 12 17:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Wed Oct 12 17:09:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Oct 12 17:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Client Quit
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[Tue Oct 18 23:24:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
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[Thu Oct 20 13:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Thu Oct 20 13:59:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Oct 20 20:05:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i want to do: if date < - 21 days
[Thu Oct 20 20:05:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> basically, whether or not it's more than 21 days old
[Thu Oct 20 20:05:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> any tips?
[Thu Oct 20 20:06:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> wow really
[Thu Oct 20 20:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> awesome
[Thu Oct 20 20:07:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks
[Thu Oct 20 20:20:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Fri Oct 21 02:09:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
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[Fri Oct 21 02:19:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
[Fri Oct 21 04:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
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[Fri Oct 21 06:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
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[Fri Oct 21 20:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Sat Oct 22 04:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> the internet is a fad
[Sun Oct 23 04:29:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Mon Oct 24 15:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Mon Oct 24 18:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i need to subtract two dates and find the number of days in between them
[Mon Oct 24 18:50:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> any tips ?
[Mon Oct 24 18:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> you heard wrong friend
[Mon Oct 24 18:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> in ruby preferably :)
[Mon Oct 24 18:55:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> figured the Date class would have a nifty way
[Mon Oct 24 18:55:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i tried that but i get an abnormally large number
[Mon Oct 24 18:55:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> which makes me think it's giving seconds or something
[Mon Oct 24 18:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Yeah they're actually Time objects i think. let me convert them to Dates
[Mon Oct 24 18:56:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i don't need times
[Mon Oct 24 18:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> hmm. well, dates always have the added advantage of truncating info
[Mon Oct 24 18:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i want to detect how many days it's been since a user created a certain object.
[Mon Oct 24 18:57:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> if i created it yesterday at 5 pm, though, i want it to show up as 'one day since' if i log in the next day at 10 am
[Mon Oct 24 18:58:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> magical.
[Mon Oct 24 18:59:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> undefined method `time_ago_in_words' for Thu Oct 20 16:34:22 PDT 2005:Time
[Mon Oct 24 18:59:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> :/
[Mon Oct 24 19:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> thanks for the time_ago_in_words tip :)
[Mon Oct 24 20:16:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Mon Oct 24 21:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Oct 24 21:26:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Tue Oct 25 18:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Tue Oct 25 18:51:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Oct 25 20:45:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> another date/time question. I have a Time object. I need to find out how many days have passed since that object.
[Tue Oct 25 20:46:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i tried t.ago but I get an error saying I'm missing an argument
[Tue Oct 25 21:18:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> can someone help me figure out how to find out how many days have elapsed since this Time object
[Tue Oct 25 21:34:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i still can't solve this problem. I need the numeric amount of days that have passed since a certain Time object.
[Tue Oct 25 21:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> subtracting one from the other gives me seconds (i think). there's' no nice way to convert seconds to days, though
[Tue Oct 25 21:35:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> aside for the simple math
[Tue Oct 25 21:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> there is a function called time_ago_in_words which does that
[Tue Oct 25 21:37:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but i just want the amount of days ago
[Tue Oct 25 21:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> days gives the day of the month
[Tue Oct 25 21:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> what is is july 2nd and old_time.days is june 29th
[Tue Oct 25 21:38:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> er wait... 'days' isnt even a method. 'day' gives that
[Tue Oct 25 21:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> there's months_ago and years_ago and functions like that
[Tue Oct 25 21:39:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but no days_ago. so i presume there's some means of simply converting seconds to days
[Tue Oct 25 21:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> er wait, munths_ago doesn't work like i thought
[Tue Oct 25 21:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> months*
[Tue Oct 25 21:40:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it returns a new Time
[Tue Oct 25 21:41:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i don't know if what i want to do is possible in a "rails" way
[Tue Oct 25 21:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah, i figured i could do that :/
[Tue Oct 25 21:42:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ah well
[Wed Oct 26 22:54:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Wed Oct 26 23:27:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Oct 26 23:28:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> Client Quit
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[Thu Oct 27 03:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Thu Oct 27 13:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Thu Oct 27 15:00:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> just installed a new rails app. database.yml has "socket" instead of "host" now. can i just use host? or do i have to find out where postgresql keeps it's socket file
[Thu Oct 27 15:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> psql:db/development_structure.sql:13: ERROR: must be owner of schema public
[Thu Oct 27 15:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there any way around this error in rake?
[Thu Oct 27 15:04:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> whenever i try changing the public schema owner (which seems silly to me...) it just sets it back
[Thu Oct 27 15:08:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> is there any way to run rake with postgresql?
[Thu Oct 27 15:08:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> surely someone must do it.
[Thu Oct 27 15:09:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> how do you avoid the error i mentioned above?
[Thu Oct 27 15:09:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> do you just run the app as user pgsql?
[Thu Oct 27 15:10:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it seems to reset the public schema to being owned by pgsql every time i run rake and then throw that error.
[Thu Oct 27 15:11:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> oh well, i'll just try using pgsql as the user
[Thu Oct 27 15:11:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yes
[Thu Oct 27 15:12:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> it's no biggie, it's a closed system anyway
[Thu Oct 27 15:12:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i set the database and public schema to be owned by the user
[Thu Oct 27 15:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> dunno
[Thu Oct 27 15:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> no big deal
[Thu Oct 27 15:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> yeah
[Thu Oct 27 15:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> createdb -O myapp myapp_production
[Thu Oct 27 15:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> then i went in and: alter schema public owner to myapp
[Thu Oct 27 15:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> on each db
[Thu Oct 27 15:13:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> but it resets it to pgsql after i run rake
[Thu Oct 27 15:14:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> well using pgsql as the user solved the problem so i'm happy :)
[Thu Oct 27 15:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Thu Oct 27 15:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> what's the deal with this
[Thu Oct 27 15:23:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i just made a users table, and now i get this error
[Thu Oct 27 19:11:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> where's a good place to start on using ajax with rails
[Thu Oct 27 19:12:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i'm familiar with ajax in php, but i haven't used prototype or any of these nifty frameworks
[Thu Oct 27 19:12:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> i think i have the book somewhere
[Thu Oct 27 20:09:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
[Thu Oct 27 21:32:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Oct 28 21:03:00 +0930 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Sun Oct 30 19:32:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Mon Oct 31 12:39:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
[Mon Oct 31 13:27:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Oct 31 15:05:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i'm looking for something fancy for implementing a calendar on my site
[Mon Oct 31 15:06:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> is there anything written for rails i can mooch off of
[Mon Oct 31 16:21:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> what does <%=h mean
[Mon Oct 31 16:22:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> cool
[Mon Oct 31 18:39:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i'm using observe_field and it keeps sending the raw_post as gaze&_=
[Mon Oct 31 18:39:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> er, text&_=
[Mon Oct 31 18:40:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> is there a way to submit it that doesn't have the &_= on the end?
[Mon Oct 31 18:40:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> (or a way to retrieve it?)
[Mon Oct 31 18:41:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> how long ago are we talking?
[Mon Oct 31 18:41:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> :/
[Mon Oct 31 18:42:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> can i reasonly upgrade my rails or is it gonna be a pain
[Mon Oct 31 18:43:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i see.. thanks
[Mon Oct 31 18:45:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> thanks, works wonderuflly now
[Mon Oct 31 19:02:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> is there a sensible way to use the :conditions => [ ] setup when doing LIKE comparisons?
[Mon Oct 31 19:02:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> specifically, '%mytext%'
[Mon Oct 31 19:03:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> neat
[Mon Oct 31 19:03:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> thanks
[Mon Oct 31 19:04:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> yeah, i am postgres
[Mon Oct 31 19:04:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i've never seen that syntax
[Mon Oct 31 19:14:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> hmm... what can i do by means of having an info pane show up at the mouse when i mouseover a link?
[Mon Oct 31 19:19:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> the 'acronym' tag?
[Mon Oct 31 19:33:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> what's the array function for say, contains()
[Mon Oct 31 19:33:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> e.g. elements.contains?(element))
[Mon Oct 31 19:33:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> cool
[Mon Oct 31 20:12:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
[Tue Nov 01 16:24:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Nov 02 03:20:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
[Wed Nov 02 03:26:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Nov 02 03:51:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> hey guys. i need some getting started info regarding reading rss feeds.
[Wed Nov 02 03:52:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> for starters i'd like to read a specified feed and display the entries back to the user
[Wed Nov 02 03:53:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> so... i guess i need to know how rails does xml parsing?
[Wed Nov 02 03:54:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> no i haven't
[Wed Nov 02 03:55:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> so are neither of these built into rails?
[Wed Nov 02 03:55:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> or wait, rss.rb is
[Wed Nov 02 04:21:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> man this rss stuff is intimidating :(
[Wed Nov 02 09:31:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> how can i get the contents of a url and just store it in a string? is this what i have to do with the RSS parse function?
[Wed Nov 02 09:32:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i'm trying to read an rss feed
[Wed Nov 02 09:33:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> so yes
[Wed Nov 02 09:53:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ok, i got the http request thing to work. i'm still lost on using this RSS parser though.
[Wed Nov 02 09:54:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i'm calling RSS.parser(res.body) and res.body is a string containing the the full of the RSS feed
[Wed Nov 02 09:54:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> full text*
[Wed Nov 02 09:54:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> and i mean, RSS::Parser.parse(res.body), heh
[Wed Nov 02 09:54:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> trouble is i'm not sure what this returns or how to use it
[Wed Nov 02 09:56:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> when it's saved i think
[Wed Nov 02 12:49:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ok, what exactly is returned when i call RSS::Parser.parse() ?
[Wed Nov 02 13:29:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> can anyone here help me with the RSS functions? i just called parse() and now i need to know how to access the resultant object.
[Wed Nov 02 13:29:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> is not proving terribly useful on those front
[Wed Nov 02 13:29:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> this*
[Wed Nov 02 13:31:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i found this actually:;name=RSS+Parser%3A%3ATutorial.en
[Wed Nov 02 13:42:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> anyone know how i can parse atom feeds?
[Wed Nov 02 17:36:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
[Wed Nov 02 17:40:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Nov 03 12:51:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
[Thu Nov 03 13:36:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Nov 03 16:05:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i have a feed method in my Blog class. does calling blog.feed go through the entire process or retrieving and parsing the feed each time, or does it cache it after the first time?
[Thu Nov 03 16:05:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i'm basically wondering if I should do @feed = blog.feed
[Thu Nov 03 16:18:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> thread, my feed method retrieves and parses an rss feed and returns an rss object
[Thu Nov 03 16:18:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i'm wondering if accessing @blog.feed is going to go through the whole method every time or will just access the object
[Thu Nov 03 16:18:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> if it's the former i'll probably rename it to get_feed or something
[Thu Nov 03 16:20:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> yeah, not a bad idea
[Thu Nov 03 16:20:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> kind of like manually cacheing it
[Thu Nov 03 16:32:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
[Thu Nov 03 16:38:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Nov 03 16:56:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> how can i make crashes redirect to a friendlier page than simply Application error (Rails)
[Thu Nov 03 17:01:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i haven't experimented with lighttpd but i probably should. thus far i've stayed with apache because of familiarity
[Thu Nov 03 17:02:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> seriously, you spend ages figuring out how to use the various ins and outs of apache, getting stuff to work with it. the idea of switching web servers frightens me
[Thu Nov 03 20:04:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
[Thu Nov 03 21:28:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Nov 07 10:02:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
[Mon Nov 07 12:37:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Nov 07 12:38:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i have a big of a problem. the ruby stdlib docs say to use either Net::HTTP.post_form or Net::HTTP::Post.set_form_data
[Mon Nov 07 12:38:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> yet both of these give "undefined method" errors.
[Mon Nov 07 12:56:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> can someone help me send a simple post request
[Mon Nov 07 12:56:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> the little tutorial here: seems completely inconsistent with how post requests now function
[Mon Nov 07 12:57:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> both the post_form and set_form_data functions seem to not exist
[Mon Nov 07 12:57:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> looking through net/http.rb all i see is a post() function which i can't quite get to work right
[Mon Nov 07 13:30:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> what do you use to parse xml in ruby
[Mon Nov 07 14:26:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
[Mon Nov 07 15:09:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Nov 07 17:38:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> is there a way to define class variables? like basically static variables
[Mon Nov 07 17:38:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> maybe there's just a cleaner way to do what i'm doing...
[Mon Nov 07 17:39:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i'm querying an api which returns paginated content which i then assign to objects. but i need a way to keep track of what the current and total pages are (which are returned via the api). so i'm thinking of keeping the returned XML as a member of the class without being part of the instance
[Mon Nov 07 17:40:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> the only other alternative i can see is making an ObjectList class or something to manage the page info
[Mon Nov 07 17:41:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> so i guess it would be like, Object.query(mySearch)... but then i can access Object.current_page and Object.total_pages too
[Mon Nov 07 17:42:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i feel dirty assigning variables to the class itself
[Mon Nov 07 17:43:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i suppose i could
[Mon Nov 07 17:43:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i mean, i could also return an array of (objects, current_page, total_page)
[Mon Nov 07 17:44:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> there's various ways to do it
[Mon Nov 07 17:44:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i'm just trying to think of the "best" way
[Mon Nov 07 17:45:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> there's always the horrible option of performing the query multiple times
[Mon Nov 07 17:47:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> it would just be the current and total page info. putting it in the session seems abusive of the session though
[Mon Nov 07 19:13:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
[Mon Nov 07 19:14:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Nov 07 19:53:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Thu Nov 10 13:12:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
[Thu Nov 10 14:08:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Nov 10 17:16:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> what's the command to change the display name of a model?
[Thu Nov 10 17:16:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> mainly for the error handling bit. if it's possible
[Thu Nov 10 19:13:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> how can i change the display name of a model?
[Thu Nov 10 19:49:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
[Thu Nov 10 21:31:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Nov 10 21:33:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> Client Quit
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[Sat Nov 12 12:54:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
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[Sun Nov 13 21:34:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
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[Sun Nov 13 22:03:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
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[Mon Nov 14 00:11:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> "cu"
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[Wed Nov 16 15:55:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> Success
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[Mon Nov 21 00:50:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
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[Tue Nov 29 14:00:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
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[Wed Nov 30 13:11:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Wed Nov 30 14:58:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> does this work?: page = options[:page] or 1
[Wed Nov 30 14:58:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i basically want it to see if options[:page] is set or otherwise set it as 1
[Wed Nov 30 14:58:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> is there a clean way to do this
[Wed Nov 30 14:58:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> besides making an if block :)
[Wed Nov 30 14:59:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ok, thanks
[Wed Nov 30 15:00:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> well, || works and or doesn't =]
[Wed Nov 30 15:01:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i used to just do page = 1 in the arguments but i switched to using hash arguments
[Wed Nov 30 15:01:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> so i'm trying to find a good alternative
[Wed Nov 30 15:03:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ok, here's a ruby question (i need to get used to its fun syntax)
[Wed Nov 30 15:04:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i want to make a simple query based on a hash. standard stuff. key=value&key2=value2 etc
[Wed Nov 30 15:04:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> and all of this is in the hash 'options'
[Wed Nov 30 15:06:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i know i can do something like options.each_pair { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }
[Wed Nov 30 15:08:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i said a few lines up: i want to make a simple query based on a hash. standard stuff. key=value&key2=value2 etc
[Wed Nov 30 15:13:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> yes
[Wed Nov 30 15:13:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> a string
[Wed Nov 30 15:15:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i'm trying this: params += (options.each { |key, value| "#{key}=#{value}&" })
[Wed Nov 30 15:15:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> but it's not doing what i want
[Wed Nov 30 15:16:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> actually this is what i wanted: options.each { |key, value| params += "#{key}=#{value}&" }
[Wed Nov 30 15:20:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> nice
[Wed Nov 30 15:23:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i want to do it so i can send post parameters to an api
[Wed Nov 30 15:24:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> is there a better way?
[Wed Nov 30 15:56:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> "cu"
[Wed Nov 30 16:50:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Nov 30 17:50:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> here's a question. i have to do, on a :conditions addition to a find lookup, something like this: :conditions => [ 'name = ? and address = ? and city = ?', name, address, city ]
[Wed Nov 30 17:51:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> but what if the name or address is null? it does name = NULL, which doesn't work in postgresql, which requires the "is null" syntax
[Wed Nov 30 17:51:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> this has to support optionally null parameters, so is there any way i can allow these to be null without doing a bunch of conditionals
[Wed Nov 30 17:52:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> (or alternatively a way to make = NULL work as 'is null')
[Wed Nov 30 17:53:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> that's a bit overkill :/
[Wed Nov 30 17:55:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> actually.
[Wed Nov 30 17:55:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i just realized my final plan doesn't involve doing these queries anyway. so the problem is solved due to luck
[Wed Nov 30 18:23:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> how can i have a model run a method every time it updates
[Wed Nov 30 18:23:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> cool thanks
[Wed Nov 30 18:24:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> does that include creation
[Wed Nov 30 18:24:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> perfect
[Wed Nov 30 18:24:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> thanks
[Wed Nov 30 20:03:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Wed Nov 30 22:27:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Dec 01 12:47:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Thu Dec 01 14:44:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> /nick joelmichael
[Thu Dec 01 14:45:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> oops
[Thu Dec 01 15:18:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Thu Dec 01 15:28:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Dec 01 17:58:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
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[Fri Dec 02 13:18:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> "cu"
[Fri Dec 02 14:11:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Dec 02 17:31:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> this is weird. when i try to use link_to_remote on this, i get a 'application error', but when i call the ajax url itself i get no such error
[Fri Dec 02 17:32:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> is there any way i can get a more descriptive error message
[Fri Dec 02 17:32:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> yeah
[Fri Dec 02 17:38:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i'm getting an "incomplete headers" error in the error_log
[Fri Dec 02 17:39:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> anyone know why i would get this :(
[Fri Dec 02 17:52:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i keep getting these "incomplete headers" errors when i try to use ajax here.
[Fri Dec 02 17:52:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> except it doesn't ALWAYS happen, it was working fine just now, but now it consistently gives me the error again
[Fri Dec 02 17:52:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> it's enough to drive a man mad.
[Fri Dec 02 17:53:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server
[Fri Dec 02 17:54:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ah, it seems to be caused by clicking things before the page is done loading
[Fri Dec 02 18:16:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> does prototype have anything so that i click a checkbox and it automatically calls an ajax function
[Fri Dec 02 18:16:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> nifty
[Fri Dec 02 19:21:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
[Fri Dec 02 20:27:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Dec 02 20:28:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> Client Quit
[Fri Dec 02 20:28:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Dec 03 01:26:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> don't mind warreng
[Sat Dec 03 01:26:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> he's a landlubber
[Mon Dec 05 09:33:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
[Mon Dec 05 11:58:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Dec 06 13:03:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
[Tue Dec 06 14:02:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> (n=joel@ joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Dec 06 16:44:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> what is the best way to go about auto-detecting RSS feeds? any libraries for this?
[Tue Dec 06 18:22:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> how can i overwrite the new() constructor and have it still call the normal constructor
[Tue Dec 06 18:22:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> is it or something?
[Tue Dec 06 18:24:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i can't make my own object constructor?
[Tue Dec 06 18:24:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i want it to do some autodetection stuff. :(
[Tue Dec 06 18:24:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> is there a cleaner way to do what i desire?
[Tue Dec 06 18:25:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i'm creating a Blog object with params such as 'uri'. i want it to go to the uri and try to autodetect rss feeds or xml-rpc apis and put it in the object.
[Tue Dec 06 18:25:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> figured i might as well put that in new()
[Tue Dec 06 18:26:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> it's a model
[Tue Dec 06 18:26:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i want to do => '') and have it autodetect the info it needs based on that.
[Tue Dec 06 18:27:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> maybe that is bad.
[Tue Dec 06 18:27:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> Blog.new_from_uri perhaps, or something
[Tue Dec 06 18:27:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i guess. that would only work if i save it though
[Tue Dec 06 18:28:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> which i am doing, but it seems like i shouldn't HAVE to save it.
[Tue Dec 06 18:28:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i have other objects that i'm not saving.
[Tue Dec 06 18:28:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> yeah. that's what i was thinking of doing from the start
[Tue Dec 06 20:48:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
[Tue Dec 06 21:50:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Dec 07 13:39:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Wed Dec 07 18:57:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
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[Wed Dec 07 19:26:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
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[Thu Dec 08 10:24:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
[Thu Dec 08 16:56:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Dec 08 19:11:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> how can i write to the log file
[Thu Dec 08 19:16:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> anyone? the log command?
[Thu Dec 08 19:17:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i really hate when i get "Application error."
[Thu Dec 08 19:17:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> no
[Thu Dec 08 19:18:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> neither log.debug nor debug.log work
[Thu Dec 08 19:18:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> thanks loop. and yet i do
[Thu Dec 08 19:19:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> and of course i have no idea what's causing it.
[Thu Dec 08 19:20:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i've tailed dev, nothing useful comes of it
[Thu Dec 08 19:21:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> evidently fastcgi is crashing
[Thu Dec 08 19:24:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i am not in production mode.
[Thu Dec 08 19:25:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> log.debug says that "log" does not exist
[Thu Dec 08 19:25:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ok, this is what i'm getting:
[Thu Dec 08 19:25:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> [Thu Dec 08 16:50:00 2005] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: dispatch.cgi, referer:
[Thu Dec 08 19:26:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> any idea what would cause that
[Thu Dec 08 19:26:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i disabled fastcgi
[Thu Dec 08 19:28:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i'm not sure what that would mean. my database should be fine
[Thu Dec 08 19:29:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ok, what should i do within this console?
[Thu Dec 08 19:30:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> no errors
[Thu Dec 08 19:30:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i was getting errors and fixing them, and now suddenly it just gives me an application error.
[Fri Dec 09 13:23:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> "cu"
[Fri Dec 09 14:19:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Dec 09 14:23:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i'm getting a zero byte script header error which causes Application error (in dev mode)
[Fri Dec 09 14:23:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> does anyone know what to do about this
[Fri Dec 09 14:24:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> it's kind of stopped my progress.
[Fri Dec 09 14:24:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> at the very least, being able to write to the log would help, does anyone know how to write to the log
[Fri Dec 09 14:24:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> how can i find that?
[Fri Dec 09 14:25:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i have done that, and i've looked at log/development.log with little avail
[Fri Dec 09 14:25:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> maybe there's something i'm not seeing in it
[Fri Dec 09 14:25:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> let me paste it.
[Fri Dec 09 14:26:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> here:
[Fri Dec 09 14:26:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> that's what it rights to my development.log when i try
[Fri Dec 09 14:27:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> is there a command i can use to write to the log file
[Fri Dec 09 14:27:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> hopefully i can debug by printing to it.
[Fri Dec 09 14:45:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> is there anything i should know about rails and subclassing?
[Fri Dec 09 14:45:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i think that's what's going wrong
[Fri Dec 09 15:13:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( left #rubyonrails.
[Fri Dec 09 15:13:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Dec 09 15:14:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i've got this weird error. i have this code here: and when i try to run it, i get an error that blog_id is null when it calls
[Fri Dec 09 15:14:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> which is weird. if blog fails to save, shouldn't it throw an error for that first?
[Fri Dec 09 15:56:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> for some reason, on this isn't working. any ideas?
[Fri Dec 09 15:56:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> a hash with blog[uri] is being sent in
[Fri Dec 09 15:57:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> it doesn't throw an error or anything. is there a way i can log what happens?
[Fri Dec 09 16:22:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
[Fri Dec 09 16:23:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
[Fri Dec 09 16:51:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> Connection reset by peer
[Fri Dec 09 17:20:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> so evidently, saving a model which is a subclass of another model saves it in the parent's database table.
[Fri Dec 09 17:20:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> is there any way i can make it save in its own database table?
[Fri Dec 09 17:22:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i don't see why that's necessary :(
[Fri Dec 09 17:22:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> rails kind of makes subclassing useless if it saves to the parent's table
[Fri Dec 09 21:06:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> "cu"
[Fri Dec 09 22:14:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Dec 12 00:35:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> "cu"
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[Mon Dec 12 12:49:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Mon Dec 12 17:49:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> is there anything i can use for parsing html? (i'm trying to do feed/api auto-detection)
[Mon Dec 12 17:49:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i'm trying REXML but it seems to choke on HTML, unless someone can suggest a way to make it more forgiving
[Mon Dec 12 17:50:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i found a library called "ymhtml"
[Mon Dec 12 19:41:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i'm still confused as to how to write to the log file while debugging. can someone tell me how?
[Mon Dec 12 19:43:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ok, thanks
[Wed Dec 14 18:00:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> "cu"
[Wed Dec 14 18:37:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Dec 15 13:20:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Thu Dec 15 14:14:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> Remote closed the connection
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[Mon Dec 19 13:28:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Mon Dec 19 14:45:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
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[Mon Dec 19 15:12:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ok. i try to subtract a date from a date, and instead of getting the days difference, i evidently get a string like this: "--- #" where # is the days difference
[Mon Dec 19 15:13:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> anyone ever seen this?
[Mon Dec 19 15:14:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> this is the relevant code
[Mon Dec 19 15:22:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i found out that my problem was related to it returning a rational.
[Mon Dec 19 15:24:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> can someone explain to me what causes the "incomplete headers" application error?
[Mon Dec 19 15:26:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> anybody? this is a common problem.
[Mon Dec 19 18:02:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> is there a way to use certain ajax things upon page load (based on passed params to make a default for example) besides onload?
[Mon Dec 19 21:05:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
[Mon Dec 19 22:35:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Dec 19 23:00:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> "cu"
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[Wed Dec 21 13:22:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
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[Wed Dec 21 20:19:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Fri Dec 23 12:57:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
[Fri Dec 23 13:48:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Dec 23 15:22:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i need some REXML help. I'm trying to get the text out of a <content> field which contains xhtml. but elements['content'].text doesn't work
[Fri Dec 23 15:46:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> does anyone know how i can get the raw text form an elements and all of its children
[Fri Dec 23 15:46:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> with rexml
[Fri Dec 23 15:46:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> form=from
[Fri Dec 23 17:28:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> does anyone know how to get the raw text from an xml element rather than having its children parsed (for instance, an element containing xhtml)
[Fri Dec 23 17:28:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> using REXML
[Fri Dec 23 18:09:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> does anyone know how to get the raw pre-parsed text from an element in REXML (such as an element that contains XHTML)
[Fri Dec 23 18:35:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> are there any alternative libraries to REXML?
[Fri Dec 23 18:54:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> how can i unescape html?
[Fri Dec 23 18:55:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> no. i mean converting &lt; to <
[Fri Dec 23 18:56:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i have discovered that parsing RSS feeds is a difficult task. everyone goes about it some different way
[Fri Dec 23 18:56:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> it shouldn't be hard, really. there's a static set of &entities
[Fri Dec 23 18:56:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> it's a simple mapping
[Fri Dec 23 18:57:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> well, there's rss 0.9, rss 1.0, rss 2.0, atom 0.3. but then, there's also all the weird way people use each one.
[Fri Dec 23 18:57:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> some people escape the html. others don't.
[Fri Dec 23 18:57:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> some people use a certain field name and others will use another.
[Fri Dec 23 18:58:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> i could build my own method for all the entities, skolem, but i'd be surprised if one isn't included
[Fri Dec 23 19:00:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> here is for example a pvp function that does what i need:
[Fri Dec 23 19:03:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> REXML has an "unnormalize" method I might be able to use, i dunno
[Fri Dec 23 19:56:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> "cu"
[Fri Dec 23 20:59:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Dec 24 15:40:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael>
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[Fri Dec 30 15:06:00 +1030 2005] <joelmichael> what's a good way to generate random keys
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[Wed Jan 04 16:35:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
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[Thu Jan 05 19:27:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> is there a handy way to get a subset of array e.g. indices 0-4?
[Thu Jan 05 19:27:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> thanks
[Thu Jan 05 19:54:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
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[Thu Jan 12 14:03:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
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[Fri Jan 13 01:41:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jan 13 13:05:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Fri Jan 13 14:05:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jan 13 15:26:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> is it possible to pass an entire object through a url
[Fri Jan 13 15:26:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> i've realized it seems to pass an object reference at times
[Fri Jan 13 21:42:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Fri Jan 13 22:40:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Jan 15 19:15:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
[Mon Jan 16 01:14:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Jan 16 13:08:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
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[Mon Jan 16 22:35:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Client Quit
[Tue Jan 17 03:20:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jan 17 13:18:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Tue Jan 17 14:19:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jan 17 16:12:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Remote closed the connection
[Tue Jan 17 18:17:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> i have a class with many subclasses. i want to have a page which queries on this class but is able to determine what the subclass is. is this possible without a) storing the subclass type in the parent class attributes b) querying all of the subclasses
[Tue Jan 17 18:18:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> only if it's been insantiated as that subclass. i made a parent model, based on table which the subclass inherits from
[Tue Jan 17 18:19:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> for instance, with parent class Person and subclasses Student and Bartender, i'd like to query People.find_all and be able to determine for each one whether it is a student or a bartender.
[Tue Jan 17 18:19:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Person.find_all*
[Tue Jan 17 18:23:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> i think i'm going to resort to adding a "subclass_name" column to the parent class
[Tue Jan 17 18:23:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> motion, @people[x].class would return Person
[Tue Jan 17 18:23:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> not Student or Bartender
[Tue Jan 17 18:26:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> yes
[Tue Jan 17 18:26:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> oh really?
[Tue Jan 17 18:27:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> nope. now i know :)
[Tue Jan 17 18:28:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> thanks
[Tue Jan 17 19:16:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> is there a way to make an initialize method which is inherited?
[Tue Jan 17 19:21:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> yeah but then i have to call super.initialize in every subclass
[Tue Jan 17 20:54:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> how do i cast a class as another class
[Tue Jan 17 21:16:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Tue Jan 17 22:23:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jan 18 22:32:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
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[Thu Jan 19 13:08:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Thu Jan 19 14:06:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jan 19 19:46:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> is there a way to access an array of subclass for an item?
[Thu Jan 19 19:46:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> subclasses*
[Thu Jan 19 19:51:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> is there any way to determine the subclasses of a given class
[Thu Jan 19 20:51:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Fri Jan 20 13:43:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jan 20 21:05:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( left #rubyonrails.
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[Sat Jan 21 18:42:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
[Sun Jan 22 04:11:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Jan 23 13:28:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Mon Jan 23 14:31:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Jan 23 14:31:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ace.
[Mon Jan 23 22:09:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
[Mon Jan 23 22:58:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jan 25 12:47:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Wed Jan 25 13:41:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Jan 25 20:11:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> the "subclasses" method is returning certain subclasses but not all of them :(
[Wed Jan 25 21:37:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Thu Jan 26 03:11:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jan 26 13:16:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Thu Jan 26 14:15:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jan 26 14:15:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Broken pipe
[Thu Jan 26 14:16:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jan 26 16:22:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> i have a few models that inherit from another model. all of these inheriting models have require statements for their parent model. however, if i call the subclasses method on the parent object, it gets some of them but not all of them
[Thu Jan 26 16:22:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> is there any reason why certain subclasses might be getting loaded but not others?
[Thu Jan 26 16:24:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> that's a possibility. although i think two of the subclasses are reasonably similar when it comes to their demand, but i might be mistaken. is there a way to manually load them?
[Thu Jan 26 16:24:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ok
[Thu Jan 26 16:24:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> thanks
[Thu Jan 26 18:20:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Thu Jan 26 19:35:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Jan 26 19:36:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Client Quit
[Fri Jan 27 01:10:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jan 27 13:19:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Fri Jan 27 14:15:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jan 27 23:35:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
[Sat Jan 28 18:56:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Jan 30 13:16:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
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[Wed Feb 01 13:29:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Wed Feb 01 14:32:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Feb 01 18:32:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> i can't seem to access url_for within a notifier view
[Wed Feb 01 18:32:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> is there any way i can include it or something
[Wed Feb 01 18:33:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> by notifier i mean actionmailer
[Wed Feb 01 20:29:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> how can i pass an array of parameters via get in rails? (in php, i'd name multiple variables "thing[]" and then have an array called "thing")
[Wed Feb 01 20:30:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ok thanks
[Wed Feb 01 21:21:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Wed Feb 01 22:26:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Feb 02 19:48:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
[Thu Feb 02 23:55:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Feb 03 02:30:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
[Fri Feb 03 02:32:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
[Fri Feb 03 13:22:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Fri Feb 03 14:17:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Feb 03 17:26:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> is there any way i can get around using the "object/method" means of passing variables in forms
[Fri Feb 03 17:26:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> what if i just want to send a string
[Fri Feb 03 17:26:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> i feel like i can't use the select method
[Fri Feb 03 17:26:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> because i need an object and method
[Fri Feb 03 17:26:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ah ok
[Fri Feb 03 17:27:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> didn't realize there was one for select thanks
[Fri Feb 03 17:29:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> there isyeah so basically it's very different :/
[Fri Feb 03 17:29:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> i can use a combination of select_tag and options_for_select
[Fri Feb 03 17:29:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> but it seems like i should just be able to use select.
[Fri Feb 03 17:29:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> unfortunate
[Fri Feb 03 17:31:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> select_tag doesn't seem to allow for html options either
[Fri Feb 03 17:31:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> so no onchange for me!
[Fri Feb 03 17:40:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> even if i used the object/method for select, i'd have to define some sort of existing object with a method that returns the string i want so it could prefill the value
[Fri Feb 03 21:35:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Fri Feb 03 22:47:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Feb 06 15:15:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
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[Mon Feb 06 20:22:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
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[Mon Feb 06 21:41:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
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[Thu Feb 09 03:56:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Remote closed the connection
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[Thu Feb 09 04:22:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
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[Thu Feb 09 15:04:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
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[Thu Feb 09 19:05:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
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[Sun Feb 12 22:36:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
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[Mon Feb 13 12:54:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
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[Mon Feb 13 13:26:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Mon Feb 13 14:26:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Feb 13 18:18:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> anyone know how i can encode a string for http?
[Mon Feb 13 21:44:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
[Mon Feb 13 22:28:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Feb 14 19:11:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
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[Wed Feb 15 12:52:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Wed Feb 15 14:01:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Feb 15 21:18:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> where can i define a global function i want to use in various models?
[Wed Feb 15 21:18:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> i have a "canonize_uri" method which i use in various places, but have arbitrarily stuck in one of my models
[Wed Feb 15 21:20:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> that sounds good, thanks
[Wed Feb 15 22:07:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Wed Feb 15 23:06:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Feb 16 13:17:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Thu Feb 16 14:13:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Feb 16 14:53:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> i just wanted to pop in real quick and say i love migrations
[Thu Feb 16 14:54:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> that is all
[Thu Feb 16 16:05:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Thu Feb 16 22:59:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Feb 17 12:53:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
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[Sat Feb 18 00:47:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
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[Sun Feb 19 15:53:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
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[Sun Feb 19 21:14:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
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[Mon Feb 20 14:38:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
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[Tue Feb 21 12:03:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
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[Tue Feb 21 13:47:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
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[Tue Feb 21 20:13:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
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[Wed Feb 22 02:41:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
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[Wed Feb 22 13:10:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
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[Fri Feb 24 13:03:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
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[Mon Feb 27 04:37:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
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[Mon Feb 27 13:00:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
[Mon Feb 27 13:59:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Feb 27 15:56:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> does anyone know what might cause this error?
[Mon Feb 27 15:56:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> i have various classes inheriting from the class Thing
[Mon Feb 27 16:39:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> is there a way to make sure all models get loaded without explicitely listing them all in require statements
[Mon Feb 27 17:03:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Mon Feb 27 18:07:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Feb 27 21:45:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
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[Mon Feb 27 21:57:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
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[Wed Mar 01 03:41:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
[Wed Mar 01 12:02:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Mar 01 16:08:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> is there a way to use foreign keys or table inheritance with migrations?
[Wed Mar 01 19:31:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
[Wed Mar 01 19:37:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Mar 03 02:56:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
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[Fri Mar 03 20:35:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
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[Sat Mar 04 00:50:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Connection reset by peer
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[Sat Mar 04 02:05:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
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[Sat Mar 04 02:19:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
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[Sat Mar 04 02:32:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
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[Sat Mar 04 02:35:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
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[Thu Mar 09 15:53:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( returned to #rubyonrails.
[Sat Mar 11 05:02:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael>
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[Sat Mar 11 14:55:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Client Quit
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[Sat Mar 11 22:25:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
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[Sun Mar 12 03:23:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
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[Mon Mar 13 06:37:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( got netsplit.
[Mon Mar 13 06:48:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( got lost in the net-split.
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[Tue Mar 14 03:47:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
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[Fri Mar 17 03:56:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
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[Sun Mar 19 15:37:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
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[Mon Mar 20 18:46:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> does anyone have any subversion advice for making it so users won't commit local versions of the database.yml?
[Mon Mar 20 18:53:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> thanks pete. that's a good idea, just providing a default version of the database.yml for new checkouts.
[Mon Mar 20 18:56:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> i already have log/* on ignore
[Mon Mar 20 18:56:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> no windows users, but thanks for the tip
[Tue Mar 21 19:31:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> i have a rails app on a shared server, so i can't reset apache. it's running with fastcgi and in production mode. if i want to make changes to it, how do i avoid the inevitable cacheing errors which ensue?
[Tue Mar 21 19:33:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> killing the processes worked, thanks
[Thu Mar 23 20:12:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Thu Mar 23 21:05:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> is it possible to use text_field_with_auto_complete multiple times on a page for the same value?
[Thu Mar 23 21:05:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> or can i make multiple auto_complete_for methods which call upon the same table column
[Thu Mar 23 21:07:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> blossom5, i think what you're describing is correct
[Thu Mar 23 21:09:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> no, your host already has ruby, rails, and certainly a database installed
[Fri Mar 24 13:19:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Fri Mar 24 20:01:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> fresH, you have just blown my mind
[Fri Mar 24 20:02:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> i still use vim. but maybe it's time i try this textmate everyone's all excited about
[Fri Mar 24 20:04:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> i'll do its trial
[Fri Mar 24 20:20:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> i'm looking through textmate now and it looks pretty awesome
[Fri Mar 24 20:21:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ?39? yeesh
[Fri Mar 24 21:52:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
[Sat Mar 25 12:42:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Wed Mar 29 15:41:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> do i have to do anything special to require a plugin i install?
[Wed Mar 29 15:41:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> i'm trying to get this RailsCron plugin to work
[Wed Mar 29 15:42:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ok, thanks seancribbs
[Wed Mar 29 16:16:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> is there a method or something which will tell whether something will evaluate as true or false in a conditional?
[Wed Mar 29 16:20:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> i guess 0 evaluates as true in ruby.
[Wed Mar 29 16:20:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> which blows my mind
[Wed Mar 29 16:21:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> i've been programming ruby and rails for like a year now and i've never noticed
[Wed Mar 29 16:21:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> i'm prone to writing "if foo > 0" anyway for readability
[Wed Mar 29 16:21:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> that allows negatives :)
[Wed Mar 29 16:22:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> we have perfectly good operaters, we don't need to rewrite them all
[Wed Mar 29 16:25:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> no, it's actually more complex than that
[Wed Mar 29 16:25:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> appears to be a problem with certain netgear and linksys routers
[Wed Mar 29 16:25:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> those affected can avoid it by logging into irc via a nonstandard port
[Wed Mar 29 16:25:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> (that's what i do)
[Wed Mar 29 16:25:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> but yeah, it affects users of all different operating systems and clients
[Wed Mar 29 16:25:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> the dcc send bug
[Wed Mar 29 16:26:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> writing DCC SE.ND followed by 14 characters will trigger it
[Wed Mar 29 16:26:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> minus the period
[Wed Mar 29 16:27:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> eriberri, the fact it disconnects people is a bug
[Wed Mar 29 16:28:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> i don't know that one because i wasn't affected by it
[Wed Mar 29 18:06:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
[Wed Mar 29 18:06:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Mar 29 18:09:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Client Quit
[Wed Mar 29 18:09:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Mar 30 08:50:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
[Thu Mar 30 10:56:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Thu Mar 30 12:41:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Fri Mar 31 00:21:00 +1030 2006] <joelmichael> "cu"
[Tue Jan 10 16:39:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jan 10 16:40:00 +1030 2006] <leethal>
[Sun Jan 15 05:47:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Jan 15 05:48:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i am having problems making rails work on a RedHat cPanel server. I own the server, and have root SSH access, but after compiling and installing ruby, gems and then rails, i only get this:
[Sun Jan 15 05:48:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> both gems and rails work as commands trough SSH, so they are obviously installed
[Sun Jan 15 05:48:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> anyone have any idea?
[Sun Jan 15 05:50:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> tried.. it sais premature script headers or something
[Sun Jan 15 05:50:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> Depili: doh, silly me. i did not check such a simple thing..!
[Sun Jan 15 05:51:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> corgi: i have tried that also, the same error. just have not configured this one
[Sun Jan 15 05:51:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> goodi_: so i will get an error like this when i dont configure the sql properly?
[Sun Jan 15 05:52:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> depili: just fixed permissions, still the same error
[Sun Jan 15 05:52:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hehe
[Sun Jan 15 05:52:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> it is the rails deafult
[Sun Jan 15 05:52:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> nothing to hide there
[Sun Jan 15 05:54:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> corgi: fcgi is not installed _at all_ xD
[Sun Jan 15 05:54:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> corgi: doesn't it use normal cgi when fcgi is not present?
[Sun Jan 15 05:55:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> think i just realized that i have not checked cgi or fcgi
[Sun Jan 15 05:55:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> will go trough those, and then bother you again if i cannot find it out
[Sun Jan 15 05:56:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sorry for not checking things toroughly before asking...!
[Sun Jan 15 06:42:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> any guide around on getting rails to run on a redhat/cpanel server (i'm root)?
[Sun Jan 15 06:46:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> google is my friend:
[Sun Jan 15 06:46:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sic: yeah, i forgot to google it before i asked...
[Sun Jan 15 07:45:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> can this be anything else than incorrect credentials in database.yml?
[Sun Jan 15 07:47:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> denis_ceara: uhm, i'm pretty noob with this stuff. you know what else it could be?
[Sun Jan 15 07:47:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> denis_ceara: and i'm pretty sure the credentials are fine
[Sun Jan 15 07:49:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> denis_ceara: lock..? sorry for the noobishness..
[Sun Jan 15 07:51:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> denis_ceara: i'm really new to ruby, so i'm using a scaffold :site
[Sun Jan 15 07:51:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> denis_ceara: ah, no. no lock
[Sun Jan 15 07:54:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> bdash: the last one.. Just compiled and installed. It seems like it does not matter what is in the database.yml - right and wrong credentials produce this same error
[Sun Jan 15 07:55:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> denis_ceara: yeah, phpMyAdmin and such works fine
[Sun Jan 15 07:55:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> bdash: oh, any tuts on that around? not touched anything like that
[Sun Jan 15 07:56:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> bdash: redhat cPanel. used gem install rails
[Sun Jan 15 07:57:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> bdash: and that wont screw up mysql as it is now, i hope? it just installs a connection of some kind?
[Sun Jan 15 08:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> bdash: hmm.. still the same here, it seems
[Sun Jan 15 08:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> bdash: and i am very sure the credentials are correct, sockent and everything
[Sun Jan 15 08:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> bdash: nope.. succsessfully installed mysql-2.7, and no error messages
[Sun Jan 15 08:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> bdash: "checking for mysql.h... no" is the only thing with no
[Sun Jan 15 08:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> bdash: is that a badly needed one?
[Sun Jan 15 08:03:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> bdash: ah.. nope =D
[Sun Jan 15 08:06:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> bdash: works like a dream! thanks a _lot_!
[Sun Jan 15 08:06:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> bdash: should have noticed the note in the database.yml - it sais exacly what you have told me.. =D
[Sun Jan 15 08:06:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> bdash: indeed
[Sun Jan 15 09:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> uhm.. ?
[Sun Jan 15 09:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> application error?
[Sun Jan 15 09:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> nobody here responsible for the site?
[Sun Jan 15 09:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> naughty application error in the tutorial
[Sun Jan 15 11:46:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> can anyone here tell me how to get RHTML syntax highlighting in emacs?
[Sun Jan 15 13:33:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hey, is still down..!
[Sun Jan 15 15:19:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hooray, just made my first rails application! How did i withstand php all these years?
[Sun Jan 15 15:20:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aehen: uh, i did not pay attention
[Sun Jan 15 15:21:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> r3sp4wn (boy is your nick hard to write) ill check the log now
[Sun Jan 15 15:21:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> to find out your problem
[Sun Jan 15 15:21:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> or can you give a brief description?
[Sun Jan 15 15:21:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: sounds awesome. googling it now
[Sun Jan 15 15:25:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> resp4wn: what could you not get running?
[Sun Jan 15 15:26:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> uhm.. never used windows with rails. I'm on OS X, and that OS is so good that even rails is plug and play
[Sun Jan 15 15:29:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> _hard_?
[Sun Jan 15 15:30:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> r3sp4wn: this is not rails, this is a silly server
[Sun Jan 15 15:30:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> r3sp4wn: the best thing you can do (i am serious) is to install linux ( i recomend ubuntu) and do it there
[Sun Jan 15 15:31:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> fishy: ouch.. no way
[Sun Jan 15 15:32:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> fishy: that would have been a bit fishy, don't you think? (ho ho ho)
[Sun Jan 15 15:34:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> r3sp4wn: why can you not just start over?
[Sun Jan 15 15:34:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> r3sp4wn: one hour to just install a .exe installer...?
[Sun Jan 15 15:35:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> r3sp4wn: 5 mins to install .exe, 1 minute to make skeleton?
[Sun Jan 15 15:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> r3sp4wn: how can it be any worse than install .exe and make application?
[Sun Jan 15 15:38:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> r3sp4wn: calm down. sure it is not the telnet that does it?
[Sun Jan 15 15:38:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> r3sp4wn: uh.. you are installing rais local or remote trough telnet?
[Sun Jan 15 15:39:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> r3sp4wn: why do you use telnet when it is local?
[Sun Jan 15 15:39:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> r3sp4wn: dammit, i dont want to help you. you are a bitch
[Sun Jan 15 15:40:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> darn.. i was just about to show r3sp4wn
[Sun Jan 15 15:41:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> emk: oh, i did not realize he was that deep into it...
[Sun Jan 15 15:44:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> emk: great
[Sun Jan 15 15:53:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> are there any rails open source CMS around?
[Sun Jan 15 16:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Leaving"
[Mon Jan 16 02:08:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Jan 16 02:13:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i have a simple scaffold blog with comments. how can i delete the entire post and delete the comments in one operation?
[Mon Jan 16 02:13:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> the comments belonging to the deleted post, that is
[Mon Jan 16 02:15:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> will it? oh my, rails _is_ the king of the hill
[Mon Jan 16 02:18:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> just anotder "low level question": any tutorials or guides on how to create a navigation trough the many controllers? I guess rails do that, and that i won't have to use static HTML? My google searches return nothing what i look for..
[Mon Jan 16 02:23:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> no tips on navigation?
[Mon Jan 16 02:24:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: Hmm.. I'll just wait for the book that i ordered and read there =D I'm very new to rails, so i have no idea how to do that xD
[Mon Jan 16 02:25:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: well, if i use RHTML i guess i'll figure something out.
[Mon Jan 16 02:49:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how can i scaffold in alphabetical order from, say, the title field of the entries?
[Mon Jan 16 03:17:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> d723: Entries.find(:all, :order_by => 'title') gives me "Unknown key(s): order_by"
[Mon Jan 16 03:17:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> great, works like a dream
[Mon Jan 16 03:20:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> douthat: it is called Site, actually. just an example from d723
[Mon Jan 16 03:20:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> douthat: actually, it is called Sites, as it is a controller
[Mon Jan 16 03:24:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how can i do that sorting via some variable? so that one can choose how to sort the entries
[Mon Jan 16 03:30:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: my last question for today: where do i define that variable? I changed controller to :order => @order, and added @order = "title" to the list.rhtml. no error messages, but it does not order by title
[Mon Jan 16 03:31:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: ok. my skills in ruby seems to be the next thing to improve.
[Mon Jan 16 03:33:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: logical enough for me. I guess i can insert what would be a get variable in PHP to the controller, so that a URL parameter gives that variable?
[Mon Jan 16 03:35:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> dagbrown: do i want that?
[Mon Jan 16 03:35:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hellekin: thanks =D
[Mon Jan 16 03:38:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hellekin: sorry for filling this room with really noobish stuff, but..: what is _the_ way to create links in the list.rhtml (the file that has the ordering) that contains different values for the @params var?
[Mon Jan 16 03:40:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hellekin: if ruby is on rails, php is cliffhanging
[Mon Jan 16 03:42:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> deeply: good one =D
[Mon Jan 16 03:42:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> depili, sorry
[Mon Jan 16 04:09:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> is there any way to reorder the fields in a table with phpMyAdmin? Alternatively: what is the SQL query to do such a thing?
[Mon Jan 16 04:12:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> fantomas: i created a people table, but forgot an adress2-field. And i dont want that one at the bottom of the table.
[Mon Jan 16 04:13:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> bot_builder: whet i use nothing but a scaffold, it does
[Mon Jan 16 04:13:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> bot_builder: exactly
[Mon Jan 16 04:14:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> depili: ok
[Mon Jan 16 04:14:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> depili: i get the pictune =D
[Mon Jan 16 04:14:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> bot_builder: i am just getting starded =D
[Mon Jan 16 04:15:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> picture*
[Mon Jan 16 04:16:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> fantomas: done that so far.
[Mon Jan 16 04:58:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> a naughty scenario (at least for me): i have a lites list. every site has multiple todos (like comments). sites model has_many :todos, and todo model belongs_to people. I also have a persons list, and i want to assign every todo to a person in that table. I try, but it seems like the todo model don't like to belong_to both :sites and :people. Whet i save a todo, the person-field only gets 0 as value. Phew. Anyone?
[Mon Jan 16 04:58:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> lites = sites
[Mon Jan 16 04:59:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ouch.. the todo model of course belongs to sites, not people
[Mon Jan 16 05:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> actually both...
[Mon Jan 16 05:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aw, sorry. one more time, without typos: i have a sites list. every site has multiple todos (like comments). sites model has_many :todos, and todo model belongs_to sites. I also have a persons list, and i want to assign every todo to a person in that table. I try, but it seems like the todo model don't like to belong_to both :sites and :people. Whet i save a todo, the person-field only gets 0 as value. Phew. Anyone?
[Mon Jan 16 05:03:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i have a select box; select name="todos[person_id]">, with a loop for creating elements in it
[Mon Jan 16 05:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: should it be todo, not todos? Table is called todos, model called todo
[Mon Jan 16 05:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ha ha, what a simple ploblem. now it works =D
[Mon Jan 16 05:05:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: no idea.. pasted it from a tutorial somewhere
[Mon Jan 16 05:06:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> another thing just occured to me.. now, in the saved todos, the name ID shows, not the name itself. how do i grap the name from the names database? Tow i have a todo.person_id in the todo write loop
[Mon Jan 16 05:07:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> and just so i get it right: controllers: plural, models singular?
[Mon Jan 16 05:08:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: i see. thanks a lot for bearing out with me, you have been very helpful!
[Mon Jan 16 05:09:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> =D
[Mon Jan 16 05:10:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i must also say that rails is truly awesome. In one day, i have created a almost complete intranet for my company!
[Mon Jan 16 05:12:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: eh.. you have any help on the name thing?
[Mon Jan 16 05:12:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: now i get the name ID from the todos table, it certainly appears better if it pulls the name field from the corresponding person in the people table
[Mon Jan 16 05:13:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: the select i use now is <select name="todo[person_id]">
[Mon Jan 16 05:14:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: not the helper, it seems
[Mon Jan 16 05:21:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: ok, the helper works fine now, creating a select box with the names in it. cant figure out what to do to display the name tough..
[Mon Jan 16 05:21:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: in the todo list
[Mon Jan 16 05:23:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i get undefined method `person' for #<Todo:0xbef0ed98>i is that because it is inside a <% for todo in @sites.todos %> maby?
[Mon Jan 16 05:25:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: it has a belongs_to :people, yes
[Mon Jan 16 05:26:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ouch.. i really got to learn this prural stuff in ruby
[Mon Jan 16 05:27:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: meant rails =D
[Mon Jan 16 05:27:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: yeah, i am pretty satisfied after all, concerning my time with rails so far
[Mon Jan 16 05:28:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: aeden: uhm.. still got undefined method `name' for #<Person:0xbee2d1b8>
[Mon Jan 16 05:29:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: anything else very obvious i may have missed? =D
[Mon Jan 16 05:29:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ah, hehe. did not notice
[Mon Jan 16 05:29:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: any idea?
[Mon Jan 16 05:30:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ah.. forgot the database is in norwegian, it was "navn" =D
[Mon Jan 16 05:31:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i have used "navn" all the time so far, exept from now
[Mon Jan 16 05:31:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> great!
[Mon Jan 16 05:35:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ah.. i have so many questions. like "how can i link the name in the todo list to the show page for that name in the people controller", "how do i get the id of the site show page so that i can redirect back to show and not list after deleting todo", "how do i create a menu that is displayed on all the sites (dynamically generated based on controllers or my own HTML, doesn't matter)". and so on. I guess i'll have to do a lot of rails and
[Mon Jan 16 05:35:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> find out more myself, just so that you guys dont get mad at me
[Mon Jan 16 05:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> of course, if anyone wanna answer, fire at will =D
[Mon Jan 16 05:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: that book is on the way from amav
[Mon Jan 16 05:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sorry
[Mon Jan 16 05:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> from amazon now
[Mon Jan 16 05:37:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: yeah, i hope so. How have you learned rails?
[Mon Jan 16 05:38:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: ah, great. can't wait!
[Mon Jan 16 05:40:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> just a little thing that i find the most important at the moment, and i'll shut up: how can i greate a sort of global menu in all the controllers? I guess i won't have to insert it manually on every view rhtml page? Someone mentioned a helper here a little earlier, i think?
[Mon Jan 16 05:41:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: nice, thanks a lot
[Mon Jan 16 05:42:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> aeden: i see
[Mon Jan 16 05:53:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> good night!
[Mon Jan 16 05:53:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> thanks a lot for all help
[Mon Jan 16 06:13:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> uhm.. what can be wrong when any other controller than one specific controller displays absolutely nothing? Totally blank, no HTML at all.
[Mon Jan 16 06:16:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> goodi_ i created a blank application.rhtml. removed that, and voila
[Mon Jan 16 07:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how can i redirect from /application_root to /application_root/controller automatically?
[Mon Jan 16 07:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hellekin: i'm looking at it now - what should i do there?
[Mon Jan 16 07:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ah, sorry
[Mon Jan 16 07:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> did not read the comments...
[Mon Jan 16 07:10:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how do i create a link to a specific controller + a suffix with a link_to?
[Mon Jan 16 07:11:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> uhm.. i might need to be a bit more specific.. =D
[Mon Jan 16 07:13:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i have a controller that sorts a bunch of items, based on an URL variable. How do i create a link to that controller + the variable? I need the link to point to that exact controller.
[Mon Jan 16 07:25:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> RobHu: i don't see exactly where i add the get variable?
[Mon Jan 16 07:26:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> anyone know how to add a get variable to a link_to link?
[Mon Jan 16 07:29:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> dc__: so how will a link look if the variable is "name"?
[Mon Jan 16 07:31:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> dc__ uhm... im quite new to ruby.. how wil the complete link_to look like? So far, it is <%= link_to "Sort by " + sort.downcase, { :action => "list } %>
[Mon Jan 16 07:32:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> dc__: do what...?
[Mon Jan 16 07:32:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> dc__: sorry for being totally blank on this. not used ruby much
[Mon Jan 16 07:33:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> dc__: thats the problem.. how should the code look like? Where should i insert params[id]?
[Mon Jan 16 07:33:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> dc__: adding a param variable to a link_to link
[Mon Jan 16 07:33:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> =D
[Mon Jan 16 07:34:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> so how would a param variable look like..?
[Mon Jan 16 07:41:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> dc__: now i have <%= link_to "Sort by" + sort.downcase, { :action => "list", :param => sort } %>. But this gives e.g. list?param=name, and the param is not param but order..
[Mon Jan 16 07:43:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> dc__ doh.. should have thought of that! thanks!
[Mon Jan 16 07:45:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> are there any way to get the active controller in a variable?
[Mon Jan 16 07:46:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> dc__: it said undefined method.. any other tips?
[Mon Jan 16 07:47:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> dc__: i'll use it to create active menu highlighting
[Mon Jan 16 07:53:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> dc__: cant get it working. Any other suggestions on getting current controller?
[Mon Jan 16 07:56:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> anyone else knows how to get the name of the active controller in a variable?
[Mon Jan 16 07:59:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i should learn to use google before asking here.. controller.controller_name
[Mon Jan 16 08:18:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> wohoo, i made it! =D I'm gonna make a tribute hymn to rails!
[Mon Jan 16 08:19:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> why do i get a 400 error when not adding a trailing slash?
[Mon Jan 16 09:24:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how can i create an each loop with two values per loop? I need a menu loop with different values for the name and the link
[Mon Jan 16 09:28:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> qdiddy: erm, im quite new to programming in general. Now I at least know what to google for =D
[Mon Jan 16 09:57:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how can i change for key in 0...keys.length to not sort by lenght? Its a paste from a tutorial..
[Mon Jan 16 09:57:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "for key in 0...keys.length"
[Mon Jan 16 09:58:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hellekin: uhm.. not sure
[Mon Jan 16 09:59:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> briggs_: - go to the Hash-section
[Mon Jan 16 09:59:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> the last examle under HASH
[Mon Jan 16 10:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i want to display it the way it is originally ordered
[Mon Jan 16 10:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> maby this is more for #ruby-lang..
[Mon Jan 16 10:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> yeah, but i need two values per loop
[Mon Jan 16 10:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> then i have to use hash, haven't I?
[Mon Jan 16 10:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> briggs_: care to do a google for me?
[Mon Jan 16 10:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> briggs_: no idea what to search for..
[Mon Jan 16 10:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> qdiddy: ....!
[Mon Jan 16 10:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hellekin: where k and v is?
[Mon Jan 16 10:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hellekin: that gives me a syntax error...
[Mon Jan 16 10:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> briggs_: how to use an array of arrays?
[Mon Jan 16 10:11:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Leaving"
[Mon Jan 16 16:03:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Jan 16 17:06:00 +1030 2006] <leethal>
[Thu Jan 19 12:31:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> what is this rails engines?
[Thu Jan 19 12:31:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ruby on rails on rails?
[Thu Jan 19 12:32:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ave: hmm.. i think i want to create something myself
[Thu Jan 19 12:35:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Leaving"
[Fri Jan 20 16:56:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Jan 20 17:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> just ordered the agile book. does it contain pretty much all i need to learn?
[Fri Jan 20 17:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> working trough that one too! you mean the pragmatic?
[Fri Jan 20 17:05:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> the first edition is available online
[Fri Jan 20 17:05:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> but its nice to have a book too
[Fri Jan 20 17:05:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i prefer to reed in a book than read on a screen
[Fri Jan 20 17:05:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> yeah, new stuff in ruby as well as improvements and bug fixes =D
[Fri Jan 20 17:33:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Carrots are nice"
[Sat Jan 21 12:28:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Jan 21 15:52:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Carrots are nice"
[Sun Jan 22 15:39:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Jan 22 15:40:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> Are there any good guides on user authentication out there? And i mean guides, not the system.
[Sun Jan 22 15:42:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hmm.. i guess i'll just have to wait for the agile book to arrine, then...
[Sun Jan 22 16:43:00 +1030 2006] <leethal>
[Mon Jan 23 05:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Jan 23 08:06:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> simprix: link to tutorial?
[Mon Jan 23 08:09:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> simprix: what have you done with mysql? Installed anything?
[Mon Jan 23 08:12:00 +1030 2006] <leethal>
[Tue Jan 31 13:32:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Tue Jan 31 13:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> This is typo, but i guess it is the same in rail and typo: i have a typo installation at I want to have a SMF forum at, but then i only get "recognition failed for "/forum/" - unless i use /forum/index.php. How can i fix it so that on /forum/ it looks for index.php in that folder, and not a conroller?
[Tue Jan 31 13:39:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> anyone?
[Tue Jan 31 13:43:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how can i make a rewrite that overwrites the rails controller system, so that i can get a separate forum system at /forum, without rails looking for a controller called /forum?
[Tue Jan 31 13:45:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> anyone...?
[Tue Jan 31 13:46:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> zpao: i don't want it to be a controller, but a separate forum system (phpbb or something)
[Tue Jan 31 13:48:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> zpao: it is not a rails forum, it is phpBB. I want the /forum to lead to phpBB, not a rails controller
[Tue Jan 31 13:50:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> zpao: the forum is
[Tue Jan 31 13:50:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> stympy: how would such a rewrite rule be? I tried to alias /forum /forum/index.php in rails' .htacces, but that gave a 500 error
[Tue Jan 31 13:51:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> stympy: what do i need to do? It is on a dedicated server, and i have root access, so i can do _anything_ =D
[Tue Jan 31 13:54:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> stympy: Ehm.. i am not sure how the syntak will be.. Can you help me?
[Tue Jan 31 14:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal>
[Wed Feb 08 18:09:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Feb 08 18:10:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> anyone know some tutorials or something on how to create a blog with category sorting, and maby also subcategories etc.?
[Wed Feb 08 18:11:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> coda_hale: good idea, will do that
[Wed Feb 08 18:13:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> coda_hale: wasn't aware of that one
[Wed Feb 08 18:39:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> maxdoubt:
[Wed Feb 08 18:45:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> maxdoubt: yeah, i've got that book. It's awesome. Will explain all the basics for you.
[Wed Feb 08 18:59:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Carrots are nice"
[Fri Feb 10 17:45:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Feb 10 17:59:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Carrots are nice"
[Sat Feb 11 15:29:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Feb 11 15:30:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i want to write a contact form, and don't understand much about the ActionMailer.. Anyone?
[Sat Feb 11 15:31:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> benanne: anything on the wiki?
[Sat Feb 11 15:31:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> benanne: have it myself. I'll just go trough the whole thing. Won't hurt me.
[Sat Feb 11 17:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how can i omit a <%= => if its empty, without having to wrap it in a "if not"?
[Sat Feb 11 17:05:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> doh..
[Sat Feb 11 17:43:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i'm having some trouble with ActionMailer. I have tried to follow to send a mail to the user when it is edited (this is normal scaffold), but it doesnt work..
[Sat Feb 11 17:44:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> undefined local variables and stuff..
[Sat Feb 11 17:55:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Carrots are nice"
[Sat Feb 11 18:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Feb 11 18:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how can i make the actionmailer using a textarea for body instead of a template?
[Sat Feb 11 18:14:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Carrots are nice"
[Sat Feb 11 18:32:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Feb 11 18:59:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Carrots are nice"
[Sat Feb 11 20:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Feb 11 20:37:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how does rails handle post data? If i want to display the data from <%= text_area 'message', 'body' %>, how do I do that?
[Sat Feb 11 20:39:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> anyone?
[Sat Feb 11 20:41:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> code_ninja: that displays nothing..
[Sat Feb 11 20:44:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> code_ninja: params[:param] is get, isn't it?
[Sat Feb 11 20:44:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> controller?param=value
[Sat Feb 11 20:45:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> will display "value" in the template containing <%= params[:value] %>
[Sat Feb 11 20:46:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> nobody here knows how to display postdata in views?
[Sat Feb 11 20:47:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> do i have to do something in the controller first?
[Sat Feb 11 20:48:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> jdurham: i'm not sure. I have a form, with eg. <%= text_area 'message', 'body' %> - how do i display the value of that text area in the view?
[Sat Feb 11 20:51:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> erh..
[Sat Feb 11 20:52:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> the thing is that i have postdata
[Sat Feb 11 20:52:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i know that
[Sat Feb 11 20:52:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how do i display it is something else
[Sat Feb 11 20:52:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> the params.inspect shows everything, and it seems to be correct
[Sat Feb 11 20:52:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> but i cannot find out how to display portions of the post data, such as only one specific field of a form
[Sat Feb 11 20:55:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> jdurham: i'm one step further =D the field <%= text_field 'person', 'epost' %> trough <%= params[:message] %> gives me bodyThis is the content
[Sat Feb 11 20:55:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sorry
[Sat Feb 11 20:55:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> <%= text_area 'message', 'body' %>
[Sat Feb 11 20:56:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> so how can i show only the body?
[Sat Feb 11 20:57:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> {"message"=>{"body"=>"This is the body"}, "commit"=>"Send", "action"=>"send_mail", "controller"=>"people", "person"=>{"epost"=>""}}
[Sat Feb 11 20:57:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> epost is norwegian for email, in case you wondered
[Sat Feb 11 20:58:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> jdurham: i tried <%= params[:message => 'body'] %> , but that did not work.. my knowledge is pretty limited..
[Sat Feb 11 20:59:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> jdurham: {"message"=>{"body"=>"This is the body"}, "commit"=>"Send", "action"=>"send_mail", "controller"=>"people", "person"=>{"epost"=>""}}
[Sat Feb 11 20:59:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> pasted that a couple a minutes ago too =D
[Sat Feb 11 21:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> =D
[Sat Feb 11 21:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> soma_, any clue?
[Sat Feb 11 21:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> erh..
[Sat Feb 11 21:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> soma_, any clue
[Sat Feb 11 21:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> w00t!
[Sat Feb 11 21:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> wierd
[Sat Feb 11 21:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i try to write so, any clue
[Sat Feb 11 21:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> wierd nick auto completion
[Sat Feb 11 21:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sorry soma_.. =D
[Sat Feb 11 21:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> jdurham, any idea?
[Sat Feb 11 21:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hehe
[Sat Feb 11 21:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> no problem ; D
[Sat Feb 11 21:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i see
[Sat Feb 11 21:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> jdurham: great, that worked!
[Sat Feb 11 21:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> params[:message][:body]
[Sat Feb 11 21:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> thanks a lot!
[Sat Feb 11 21:07:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> =D
[Sat Feb 11 21:09:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Carrots are nice"
[Sat Feb 11 21:57:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sat Feb 11 21:58:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> is it possible to make this one a toggle link? <%= link_to_remote(, :update => 'mydiv', :url => { :action => 'mail', :id => person}) %>
[Sat Feb 11 21:58:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> epost = norwegian for email
[Sat Feb 11 21:58:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> really?
[Sat Feb 11 21:59:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> soma_, does anyone know _how_?
[Sat Feb 11 22:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> erh..
[Sat Feb 11 22:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> my nick autocompletion makes "so," to "soma_"
[Sat Feb 11 22:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> again: so, does anyone know _how_?
[Sat Feb 11 22:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> tried some typo code, and that worked
[Sat Feb 11 22:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> element.toggle
[Sat Feb 11 22:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> but that does not make it remote, with i need it to be
[Sat Feb 11 22:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> which*
[Sat Feb 11 22:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> Mutru, been there, done that
[Sat Feb 11 22:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> erh
[Sat Feb 11 22:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i'm not used to this autocompretion at all
[Sat Feb 11 22:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> MUsDraven, what is your problem?
[Sat Feb 11 22:05:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> anything specific?
[Sat Feb 11 22:05:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> what is in your .htaccess?
[Sat Feb 11 22:05:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> dispatch.cgi or dispatch.fcgi?
[Sat Feb 11 22:06:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> the rewrite rules?
[Sat Feb 11 22:06:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> with the dispatch?
[Sat Feb 11 22:07:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ok..
[Sat Feb 11 22:07:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> does the script header in dispatch.fcgi mach ruby?
[Sat Feb 11 22:07:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> match*
[Sat Feb 11 22:08:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> and what happens if you run /usr/bin/env ruby ?
[Sat Feb 11 22:08:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> in command line?
[Sat Feb 11 22:09:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i see
[Sat Feb 11 22:09:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> and everything has the proper permissions?
[Sat Feb 11 22:10:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> and by the way: which error message do you get?
[Sat Feb 11 22:10:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> dispatch.fcgi needs execute
[Sat Feb 11 22:10:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i'm not sure about the details, tough
[Sat Feb 11 22:17:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> MUsDraven, erhm.. I'm no expert. Barely got it running myself. Anything on google?
[Sat Feb 11 22:17:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> yeah
[Sat Feb 11 22:18:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> try this
[Sat Feb 11 22:18:00 +1030 2006] <leethal>
[Sat Feb 11 22:18:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> made for typo, but typo is made with rails
[Sat Feb 11 22:18:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> go trough those, and see if that helps
[Sat Feb 11 22:18:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> what were the error message?
[Sat Feb 11 22:18:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> what is*
[Sat Feb 11 22:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> MUsDraven, is it a local server?
[Sat Feb 11 22:39:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Carrots are nice"
[Sun Feb 12 05:17:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> (n=OverDriv@ joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Feb 12 05:18:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how can i make a part of a partial template show on view and hide on list?
[Sun Feb 12 05:20:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> if [what] ?
[Sun Feb 12 05:20:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i'll explain a bit more in depth
[Sun Feb 12 05:21:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> the partial template lists a person with some fancy codes and stuff. that's why i made it a partial template. now, the i want the adress part of the partial template to display on 'view', and not in 'list'
[Sun Feb 12 05:23:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> so how do i check which "funcion" (don't know what they are called) that is currently active?
[Sun Feb 12 05:24:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> forea_ch, yeah
[Sun Feb 12 05:24:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> guess so =D
[Sun Feb 12 05:26:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> backAgain, erh.. sorry no
[Sun Feb 12 05:26:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> backAgain, never used helpers and stuff like that
[Sun Feb 12 05:28:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> opc0de, have no idea how to do that. I'm kinda new to rails
[Sun Feb 12 05:30:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i don't follow this at all..
[Sun Feb 12 05:30:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> but the if construct worked well for me
[Sun Feb 12 05:31:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> why the partial?
[Sun Feb 12 05:31:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> is't it just as easy with an if ... end around the stuff that should display and not?
[Sun Feb 12 05:32:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i've done that
[Sun Feb 12 05:32:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> <% if params[:action] == 'show' %>
[Sun Feb 12 05:33:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i have wrapped the code in the partial with <% if params[:action] == 'show' %> stuff here <% end %>
[Sun Feb 12 05:33:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i'll have to do that with :partial, :param => 'list' or 'show' too, don't I?
[Sun Feb 12 05:33:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> somehow i will someplace have to define the name of the action?
[Sun Feb 12 05:34:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> no matter how I do it?
[Sun Feb 12 05:34:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ah, of course
[Sun Feb 12 05:35:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> but then i'll have to change it in the place where the partial is called if i change the name of the action, no?
[Sun Feb 12 05:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> but it is easier to change the action name one time in the partial, rather than changing it wherever the partial is called, or? Damn, im stupid..
[Sun Feb 12 05:37:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> well, renaming the "show" action probably won't happen anyway..
[Sun Feb 12 05:38:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ok, i don't seem to have understood this at all. How can i not base it on the action name?
[Sun Feb 12 05:38:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> yep
[Sun Feb 12 05:38:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> yeah
[Sun Feb 12 05:39:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> agh..
[Sun Feb 12 05:39:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i understood now
[Sun Feb 12 05:44:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> lobstu, that gives me undefined local variable or method 'is_list', from the partial
[Sun Feb 12 05:47:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> lobstu, thanks a lot!
[Sun Feb 12 05:48:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> forea_ch, thans for the locals addition =D
[Sun Feb 12 05:49:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> another thing: i have a link_to_remote that displays a mail action. Can i make that link a toggle thingy, so that it toggles between displaying the action and hiding it?
[Sun Feb 12 05:49:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> forea_ch, thanks!
[Sun Feb 12 05:52:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> anyone..?
[Sun Feb 12 05:57:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> lobstu, so you have not done this yet?
[Sun Feb 12 05:57:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> opc0de, yeah, ajax
[Sun Feb 12 05:59:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hmm.. as you say, someone _must_ have done this before
[Sun Feb 12 06:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> typo uses a toggle thing on comments, but that is only showing a div tag - not rendeiring an external action
[Sun Feb 12 06:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hrm..
[Sun Feb 12 06:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> in typo, yes
[Sun Feb 12 06:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> can you populate a div with an external actiot..? =D
[Sun Feb 12 06:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> action*
[Sun Feb 12 06:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i mean directly in the code
[Sun Feb 12 06:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> without link to remote
[Sun Feb 12 06:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i have a person listing, with a link_to_remote for emailing that person
[Sun Feb 12 06:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> in that code
[Sun Feb 12 06:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> yeah
[Sun Feb 12 06:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> in a div
[Sun Feb 12 06:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> but i want to be able to close it. that's the problem
[Sun Feb 12 06:03:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> erh..?
[Sun Feb 12 06:03:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how?
[Sun Feb 12 06:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> soup-, i can have a link_to_remote that toggles like described above?
[Sun Feb 12 06:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> gah!
[Sun Feb 12 06:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i cant write "so," after i turned on nick auto completion..!
[Sun Feb 12 06:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> again: so, i can have a link_to_remote that toggles like described above?
[Sun Feb 12 06:05:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> besquared, can I?
[Sun Feb 12 06:06:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> besquared: that is what i have now. I just want it to be the same link as opened it
[Sun Feb 12 06:06:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> =D
[Sun Feb 12 06:07:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how do i change the link?
[Sun Feb 12 06:07:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> what's RJS?
[Sun Feb 12 06:08:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ah..
[Sun Feb 12 06:08:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> soup-, with 1.1 i can have that toggle link?
[Sun Feb 12 06:08:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> gah!!
[Sun Feb 12 06:08:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sorry soup-..
[Sun Feb 12 06:08:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> =D
[Sun Feb 12 06:08:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> lobstuuuuu?
[Sun Feb 12 06:09:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> it should be possible to make the onclick="new Ajax.Updater(...)" toggling, not just opening..?
[Sun Feb 12 06:10:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> so that it becomes another link?
[Sun Feb 12 06:10:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i see
[Sun Feb 12 06:11:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> yeah..
[Sun Feb 12 06:11:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> think i'll stick to what i have now
[Sun Feb 12 06:19:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> besquared, how do i make a link_to_remote that empties out the div tag that the original link_to_remote populated?
[Sun Feb 12 06:19:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> opc0de, how?
[Sun Feb 12 06:19:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> =D
[Sun Feb 12 06:20:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how to i use element.toggle together with the link_to_remote?
[Sun Feb 12 06:26:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> erh.. how do I add a CSS class to a link_to_function..?
[Sun Feb 12 06:30:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> besquared, so where in this link will that be? <%= link_to_function("Avbryt", "Element.toggle('emaildiv" + + "')") %>
[Sun Feb 12 06:30:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> everything i try gives me a compile error
[Sun Feb 12 06:33:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> opc0de, ok, now i have <%= link_to_remote(, :before => "Element.toggle('emaildiv')", :update => 'emaildiv' +, :url => { :action => 'mail', :id => @person}) %>. I'll have to press two times to make it show, but at least it toggles =D
[Sun Feb 12 06:33:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> any idea?
[Sun Feb 12 06:35:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> opc0de, ?
[Sun Feb 12 06:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> anyone else?
[Sun Feb 12 06:37:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> awh great!
[Sun Feb 12 06:38:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> besquared, I did it! Thanks to opc0de
[Sun Feb 12 06:40:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> besquared: <%= link_to_remote(, :update => 'emaildiv' +, :url => { :action => 'mail', :id => @person}, :before => "Element.toggle('emaildiv" + + "')") %>
[Sun Feb 12 06:40:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> <div id="emaildiv<%= %>" style="display:none;"></div>
[Sun Feb 12 06:40:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i can simplify it a bit, hold on
[Sun Feb 12 06:41:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> <%= link_to_remote(, :update => 'emaildiv' :url => { :action => 'mail', :id => @person}, :before => "Element.toggle('emaildiv')") %> <%= link_to_remote(, :update => 'emaildiv' :url => { :action => 'mail', :id => @person}, :before => "Element.toggle('emaildiv')") %> <%= link_to_remote(, :update => 'emaildiv' :url => { :action => 'mail', :id => @person}, :before => "Element.toggle('emaildiv')") %>
[Sun Feb 12 06:41:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> erh..
[Sun Feb 12 06:41:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> <%= link_to_remote(, :update => 'emaildiv' :url => { :action => 'mail', :id => @person}, :before => "Element.toggle('emaildiv')") %>
[Sun Feb 12 06:41:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> that's the link
[Sun Feb 12 06:41:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> <div id="emaildiv" style="display:none;"></div>
[Sun Feb 12 06:42:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> that's where it toggles
[Sun Feb 12 06:42:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> works like a dream!
[Sun Feb 12 06:42:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> yeah
[Sun Feb 12 06:42:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> that's right
[Sun Feb 12 06:46:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> lobstu|edge, your list is shorter now =D
[Sun Feb 12 06:47:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> can't private.. not registered user
[Sun Feb 12 06:47:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i pasted it above here
[Sun Feb 12 06:47:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> what's the |edge?
[Sun Feb 12 06:48:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> where can i read abotut edge?
[Sun Feb 12 06:51:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> 3 hours!
[Sun Feb 12 06:51:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> oh
[Sun Feb 12 06:52:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> what's he talking about?
[Sun Feb 12 06:52:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i see
[Sun Feb 12 06:52:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hmm.. i wanna go to rails-conf
[Sun Feb 12 06:53:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> Why the Lucky Stiff is coming xD
[Sun Feb 12 06:53:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> that's far enough..
[Sun Feb 12 07:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> where do i put a :class => 'button" in this link?
[Sun Feb 12 07:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> <%= link_to_function("Avbryt" ,"Element.toggle('emaildiv" + + "')") %>
[Sun Feb 12 07:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i've tried everything i could think of. Anyone have an idea?
[Sun Feb 12 07:31:00 +1030 2006] <leethal>
[Sun Feb 12 17:17:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Feb 12 17:22:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how does link_to_remote handle post data?
[Sun Feb 12 17:23:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Carrots are nice"
[Sun Feb 12 18:09:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Sun Feb 12 18:10:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Carrots are nice"
[Wed Feb 15 11:19:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Feb 15 11:20:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how can i make rails write NULL to the database, instead of just empty, if the form for that field has no content on save? Guess that it is just pretty basic model stuff?
[Wed Feb 15 11:21:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> anyone?
[Wed Feb 15 11:21:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> it is varchar, yes
[Wed Feb 15 11:22:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> so it is done in the database?
[Wed Feb 15 11:22:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> nah, i need it to be NULL
[Wed Feb 15 11:22:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> SplitIndex, it is actually NULL as deafuld now...
[Wed Feb 15 11:22:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> any idea?
[Wed Feb 15 11:23:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> oh, sorry. It is text, not varchar
[Wed Feb 15 11:23:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> it is when i manually set it to NULL it works like i want it to
[Wed Feb 15 11:23:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> Newhydra, where do I do that?
[Wed Feb 15 11:23:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> in the model?
[Wed Feb 15 11:24:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> masukomi: erh.. im kinda noob, but.. where do i define that method? In the model itself?
[Wed Feb 15 11:24:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ok
[Wed Feb 15 11:25:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> somekool, how do i write it?
[Wed Feb 15 11:26:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sorry, that was not to you somekool
[Wed Feb 15 11:29:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> Newhydra, how do i set it to null? When i try that, it treats NULL as the content, not a real, functionable NULL
[Wed Feb 15 12:16:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how can i check postdata in a model? I am checking if a field is blank.
[Wed Feb 15 12:16:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> if (postdata is empty) self.field = nil
[Wed Feb 15 12:17:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> masukomi, i have to define it in the controller?
[Wed Feb 15 12:17:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ok
[Wed Feb 15 12:48:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> can i make @content_for_layout add indent on all lines?
[Wed Feb 15 12:48:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> just to make the code look good..
[Wed Feb 15 12:49:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> Newhydra, because that would make the total code output look nicer
[Wed Feb 15 12:50:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> Newhydra, yeah, i know. IT was just for the effect =D
[Wed Feb 15 12:51:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> Newhydra, i see
[Wed Feb 15 12:51:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> any guides out there on creating a controller for administering an act_as_tree list?
[Wed Feb 15 12:52:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> creating subcategories etc
[Wed Feb 15 13:23:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> masukomi, do you use dvorak?
[Wed Feb 15 13:23:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> me too
[Wed Feb 15 13:23:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> great stuff
[Wed Feb 15 13:23:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> the writing becomes an exstension of my soul and inner feelings rather than something I do
[Wed Feb 15 13:24:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> I can be in a meeting, sit there and look at the person that speeks and pay attention, and take notes at the same time. Don't have to look, almost no typos
[Wed Feb 15 13:24:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> that's true..
[Wed Feb 15 13:25:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i humbly try to ask again: anyone know of any guides on how to create a category system with act_as_tree?
[Wed Feb 15 13:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> How cas i set up a subcategory system? Anyone?
[Wed Feb 15 13:37:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> can*
[Wed Feb 15 13:38:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i'm trying acts_as_tree now, but i can't manage to set up the views and controller to make it work
[Wed Feb 15 13:41:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i have googled too, couldn't find anything
[Wed Feb 15 13:45:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i'll se what i can find there, thank you =D
[Wed Feb 15 14:19:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how can I make a helper out of this?
[Wed Feb 15 14:19:00 +1030 2006] <leethal>
[Wed Feb 15 14:20:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> anyone?
[Wed Feb 15 14:41:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> has anyone here managed to get this one up and running?
[Wed Feb 15 14:42:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> where do i control wich database field the editor field controls?
[Wed Feb 15 15:24:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> where is that list of plugins on the wiki? can't find it
[Wed Feb 15 15:32:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Carrots are nice"
[Mon Feb 20 12:43:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Feb 20 12:44:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> where do i put the textilize(text)? In the view?
[Mon Feb 20 12:46:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> so wy do I get undefined method `textilize' when i do thaw?
[Mon Feb 20 12:46:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> that*
[Mon Feb 20 12:47:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> yeah, i have root trough ssh. But, I still get the same error message.. O_o
[Mon Feb 20 12:48:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> do I need to link to something somewhere?
[Mon Feb 20 12:48:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> and i guess textilize(post.intro) is correct syntax?
[Mon Feb 20 12:49:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> zigzag: with redcloth and textilize, you can format with human fiendly syntax in input fields
[Mon Feb 20 12:49:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> like _italic_, *bold* and stuff like that
[Mon Feb 20 12:49:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "my homepage": is another one
[Mon Feb 20 12:49:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> d510, actually no.. xD Will do
[Mon Feb 20 12:50:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> d510, I never learn. I should have checked here first..
[Mon Feb 20 12:53:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> d510, I added this one def textilize(text)
[Mon Feb 20 12:53:00 +1030 2006] <leethal>
[Mon Feb 20 12:53:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> end
[Mon Feb 20 12:53:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> but then i get uninitialized constant RedCloth.... -_-
[Mon Feb 20 12:53:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i did
[Mon Feb 20 12:53:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Successfully installed RedCloth-3.0.4"
[Mon Feb 20 12:54:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> motion, how..?
[Mon Feb 20 12:55:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> motion, i kinda did. I used gem to install it, so why not.
[Mon Feb 20 12:55:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> jcm: installing 3.0.3 now.
[Mon Feb 20 12:55:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> but how do I load it?
[Mon Feb 20 12:56:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> motion, erh.. I don't know. I'm nub.
[Mon Feb 20 12:58:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> motion, i added that require line to the environments.rb, and when i now use textilize(text), i'll have a "uninitialized constant RedCloth" waiting for me
[Mon Feb 20 12:59:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> anyone know what to do?
[Mon Feb 20 13:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> no?
[Mon Feb 20 13:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> this is one of those "gah, I don't wanna spend time on boring technical problems again!"-sutiations?
[Mon Feb 20 13:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> situations*
[Mon Feb 20 13:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> d510; erh.. rails 1.0 ?
[Mon Feb 20 13:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> is that the platform?
[Mon Feb 20 13:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> linux
[Mon Feb 20 13:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> redhat server
[Mon Feb 20 13:03:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> joe333: validates_uniqueness_of :field1, :field2, :field3
[Mon Feb 20 13:03:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> joe333, or that was maby not what you looked for?
[Mon Feb 20 13:03:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> lobstu, exactly..
[Mon Feb 20 13:05:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> motion, i have not wridden my own
[Mon Feb 20 13:06:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> jesuspr, controller.controller_name is the controller
[Mon Feb 20 13:06:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> d510: same thing...
[Mon Feb 20 13:06:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> uninitialized constant RedCloth
[Mon Feb 20 13:07:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> d510, erh?
[Mon Feb 20 13:13:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> /cheer
[Mon Feb 20 13:25:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Carrots are nice"
[Mon Feb 20 14:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Feb 20 14:03:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> I have a admin interface for this blog thingy. There, the comments of every post is listed, with a destroy-link that links to action destroy_comment. Now, how can i return to the post that the commend belonged to after deleting? how do i get the post id?
[Mon Feb 20 14:03:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i tried the regular @post = Post.find(params[:id]) stuff, but that gave the commend id, it seemed
[Mon Feb 20 14:11:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Carrots are nice"
[Mon Feb 20 15:10:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Feb 20 15:11:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> can anyone show me how the code for counting the amount of entries in a table? I'm gonna use it to show the amount of comments for every post in a blog system
[Mon Feb 20 15:24:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> can link_to make name links for tocs etc?
[Mon Feb 20 15:24:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> <a name="goto_here">
[Mon Feb 20 15:24:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> and corresponding <a href="controller/action/#goto_here">?
[Mon Feb 20 17:38:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> where should i place application wide partials?
[Mon Feb 20 17:38:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> or would that be a helper?
[Mon Feb 20 17:39:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> anyone?
[Mon Feb 20 17:39:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> evilmegaman: yes!
[Mon Feb 20 17:40:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> evilmegaman, I am reading trough it now, truly awesome
[Mon Feb 20 17:40:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> Ciaran, anywhere?
[Mon Feb 20 17:41:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> evilmegaman: Well, you should have some experience in creating web pages with scripting languages. For example a open source CMS or something
[Mon Feb 20 17:41:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> evilmegaman, but it starts out pretty basic
[Mon Feb 20 17:42:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ciaran: do i have to set up a route or something? My views won't find the partitial by itself when i create app/views/application
[Mon Feb 20 17:43:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> evilmegaman: you should know some scripting and coding, that is all
[Mon Feb 20 17:43:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> evilmegaman, but it is not a must, really
[Mon Feb 20 17:44:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> evilmegaman, the thing is that the more you have done stuff like that before, the more easy will it be for you to get started
[Mon Feb 20 17:44:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> evilmegaman, stuff like that = scripting and coding
[Mon Feb 20 17:44:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> evilmegaman, not very advanced stuff, you should just know what it is
[Mon Feb 20 17:45:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> evilmegaman, google, the rails wiki and this channel is all you need besides the book
[Mon Feb 20 17:46:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> evilmegaman, no problem. You will me amazed how easy it is to create pretty advanced stuff
[Mon Feb 20 17:46:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> evilmegaman, as all other things, you just have to spend lots of time with it and experience how stuff works. You learn a lot from doing mistakes
[Mon Feb 20 17:47:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> evilmegaman, the little project i am working on now =D
[Mon Feb 20 17:48:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> evilmegaman: veeery simple, but not too bad concidered it has a admin panel and that i have used 3 hours to make it
[Mon Feb 20 17:48:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> no problem, evilmegaman =D
[Mon Feb 20 18:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> can i make rails fill empty fields with nil instead of blank content? Now i have this little code:
[Mon Feb 20 18:03:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> if params[:post][:body] == ""
[Mon Feb 20 18:03:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> params[:post][:body] = nil
[Mon Feb 20 18:03:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> end
[Mon Feb 20 18:03:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> but when validating five fields, it is not actually very dry..
[Mon Feb 20 18:06:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> Newhydra, can you give me a little lead?
[Mon Feb 20 18:06:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> Newhydra, i know how to do it manually with self.body, self.title etc, but i want it to check all fields
[Mon Feb 20 18:08:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> self.columns is all the columns in the table entry?
[Mon Feb 20 18:23:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> motion: i can't write that script with my knowledge.. have no idea how to do it.. How do i write it? if self.columns (replace "" with nil if collumn entry equals "")
[Mon Feb 20 18:28:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> motion: please don't go I'm pro you're not on me.. That won't help nobody.. O_o
[Mon Feb 20 18:28:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> motion: i am quite aware of the fact that I learn more from doing it myself, but after trying for one hour I thought I'd might ask..
[Mon Feb 20 18:29:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen, from my point of view he was
[Mon Feb 20 18:29:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen, not you as well?
[Mon Feb 20 18:30:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> darn, I did the "nub tries to meddle with the affairs of the pros"-thingy and will get ignored..
[Mon Feb 20 18:31:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> Ciaran, have beet awake fro quite some time now. Or did i misinteprer you?
[Mon Feb 20 18:31:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> what did i do? Seriously?
[Mon Feb 20 18:31:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> I just asked"
[Mon Feb 20 18:32:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen, yes i did
[Mon Feb 20 18:33:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> motion, what is a mixing, how do i write that method?
[Mon Feb 20 18:33:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> maby I'll just stop bothering you guys
[Mon Feb 20 18:33:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> HEY!! What is the matter with you guys???
[Mon Feb 20 18:34:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> Seriously!
[Mon Feb 20 18:34:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> Not easy
[Mon Feb 20 18:34:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> Ciaran, where? Can't remeber that..
[Mon Feb 20 18:35:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> why not
[Mon Feb 20 18:35:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> I am doing that, actually
[Mon Feb 20 18:35:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> Reading the pragmatic book about ruby
[Mon Feb 20 18:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> shut up and stop treating me like a complete idiot
[Mon Feb 20 18:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> did I call you an idiot?
[Mon Feb 20 18:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> when and where did I call you an idiot?
[Mon Feb 20 18:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> gah..
[Mon Feb 20 18:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> akward
[Mon Feb 20 18:37:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i really did the "messed with the affairs of pro people and tried to convince them I'm not a complete noob but could not manage to keep my temper because the pros keept picking down on me"-thingy
[Mon Feb 20 18:37:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> oh, and thanks, besquared.. =D
[Mon Feb 20 18:38:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> motion, going trough it now
[Mon Feb 20 19:41:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> what can you use instead of puts inside a <% %> ?
[Mon Feb 20 19:53:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> helpers apply in controllers to, don't they?
[Mon Feb 20 19:54:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i have a piece of code i'd like to keep dry, I have it on both "update" and "create" now
[Mon Feb 20 19:54:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> but if i define something in application_helper.rb, it sais unknown method when trying to insert that method in a controller
[Mon Feb 20 19:56:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> anyone?
[Mon Feb 20 20:06:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Carrots are nice"
[Mon Feb 20 20:15:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Mon Feb 20 20:16:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> this line params[:post].each { |a,b| b = nil if b ==""} works fine if if i have it in a view, but in a controller it doesn't alter the contents of params[:post]. Why?
[Mon Feb 20 20:17:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> doesn't each loops work in controllers, or what is the issue?
[Mon Feb 20 20:18:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> params[:post].each { |a,b| b = nil if b ==""} should just replace b if it is in a controller just as well as in a view?
[Mon Feb 20 20:20:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> anyone? I have tried google, in case anyone wondered
[Mon Feb 20 20:34:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> why does this code @a.each { |a,b| b = "This is a test" if b ==""} work if i place it in a view, and doesn't work when it is in the controller?
[Mon Feb 20 20:35:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> b does not get changed to "this is a test"
[Mon Feb 20 20:35:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> no error messages returned
[Mon Feb 20 20:35:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> but nothing happens when it is in the controller
[Mon Feb 20 20:35:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> the exact same code in the view works fine
[Mon Feb 20 20:35:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> the @ is defined in the controller
[Mon Feb 20 20:35:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, how? Any suggestions?
[Mon Feb 20 20:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> I'm no pro programmer..
[Mon Feb 20 20:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, but nevertheless, it still doesn't work..?
[Mon Feb 20 20:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> dws, any idea?
[Mon Feb 20 20:37:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, erh.. It doesn't work..? No errors.
[Mon Feb 20 20:39:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> the @a is @a = params[:post] in the controller
[Mon Feb 20 20:40:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, didn't expect that, no
[Mon Feb 20 20:40:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> but what will that @a.inspect do?
[Mon Feb 20 20:43:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, the raise gives the _exact_ same thing
[Mon Feb 20 20:46:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> dws, the inspect is full of stuff, and the inspects from both view and controller are identical
[Mon Feb 20 20:48:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, how do i do that..?
[Mon Feb 20 20:48:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, if i do params[:post][:body] = "this is the content", it will get altered too
[Mon Feb 20 20:48:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> from the controller
[Mon Feb 20 20:49:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, @a = params[:post]
[Mon Feb 20 20:50:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> =D
[Mon Feb 20 20:53:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto: this works: @a = {"intro"=>"This is the intro", "body"=>"", "title"=>"3G"}
[Mon Feb 20 20:53:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> @a['body'] = "This is a test"
[Mon Feb 20 20:54:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, this doesn't work: @a = {"intro"=>"This is the intro", "body"=>"", "title"=>"3G"}
[Mon Feb 20 20:54:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> @a.each { |a,b| b = "This is a test" if b ==""}
[Mon Feb 20 20:55:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> jnoon: what do you mean? When you escape HTML, you do it when you call the content, don't you?
[Mon Feb 20 20:55:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> jnoon, so if you want it to be with HTML, just call it without the escaping method
[Mon Feb 20 20:56:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, any idea at all about my issue here? Seems like each loops is not good in controllers..
[Mon Feb 20 20:56:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, what do you mean?
[Mon Feb 20 20:57:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, oh.. =D
[Mon Feb 20 20:57:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> but it works in the view?
[Mon Feb 20 20:58:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> jnoon: mysql does'n limit the contents. Can you describe a bit more detailed what happens?
[Mon Feb 20 20:58:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ImCat: was that for me?
[Mon Feb 20 20:59:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, yep
[Mon Feb 20 21:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> well, as i said: @a['body'] = "This is a test" works, @a.each { |a,b| b = "This is a test" if b ==""} doesn't
[Mon Feb 20 21:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ImCat: how was that collect thingy working?
[Mon Feb 20 21:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, what is collect/map?
[Mon Feb 20 21:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, but what confuses me is that it works in the view
[Mon Feb 20 21:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> works like a dream there
[Mon Feb 20 21:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> but nothing happens with the each when it is in the controller
[Mon Feb 20 21:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> doesn't controllers do each loops?
[Mon Feb 20 21:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ImCat, no, still the same thing.. the b that is "" stays ""
[Mon Feb 20 21:03:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> this is so strange that it has to be a bug.
[Mon Feb 20 21:03:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> anyone has a better explanation for what's happening?
[Mon Feb 20 21:03:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, great! =D
[Mon Feb 20 21:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> really?
[Mon Feb 20 21:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> O_o
[Mon Feb 20 21:09:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, yeah.. Erh.. I am not sure if i understand that example. I think the best solution will be to just get on with it, forget this problem and wait until I get better at this.
[Mon Feb 20 21:11:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, yeah. I tried php, but got exhausted after one week of thying to learn functions.
[Mon Feb 20 21:11:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, i understand each =D
[Mon Feb 20 21:11:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, thanks a lot for the help, tough!
[Mon Feb 20 21:12:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> oh.. =D
[Mon Feb 20 21:12:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> =D
[Mon Feb 20 21:13:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> but again.. I am _confused_ about the fact that it works fine in my view.. wierd stuff
[Mon Feb 20 21:13:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> I see
[Mon Feb 20 21:15:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> reto, seems so, yes
[Mon Feb 20 21:16:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ImCat: will take a look at that
[Mon Feb 20 21:25:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Carrots are nice"
[Wed Feb 22 16:27:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Feb 22 16:30:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i need some advice on keeping my application dry. Have a list of students and a list of instruments. Instrument belongs_to :pupils, and pupil has_one :instrumen. I use @instruments = Instrument.find(:all, :order => "name").map {|u| [,] } to create a list of instruments in the pupils edit and new method
[Wed Feb 22 16:30:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how can i avoid to repeat that code in both the new and edit action?
[Wed Feb 22 16:31:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i tried to create a helper in pupil_helper.rb, but i get undefined local variable or method
[Wed Feb 22 16:31:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> basically: can I use helpers in controllers?
[Wed Feb 22 16:34:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen, that was to much for a simple mind like me.. =D Anyway, I just as well added it in the _form.rhtml, should be the same thing. It is DRY now, at least
[Wed Feb 22 17:58:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i have a list of people and a list of instruments they play. I want to list all the people playing instrument X. The database is a regular belongs_to and has_many, with instrument_id in the people-table. Can anyone just give me a starter or a tip on how to dot his?
[Wed Feb 22 17:59:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> typo intepreter :i meant how to do
[Wed Feb 22 18:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen: is it _that_ easy? woha..
[Wed Feb 22 18:00:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> how should i set up controllers and views?
[Wed Feb 22 18:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen, I don't know what to look for there.. But when you say it, ::Associations should be pretty obvious
[Wed Feb 22 18:01:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> besquared: xD
[Wed Feb 22 18:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> but I am a bit confused on how to set up the controller and views..
[Wed Feb 22 18:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i have the list of people, and there the instrument they play show
[Wed Feb 22 18:02:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i want to click that instrument to see all the people playing that instrument
[Wed Feb 22 18:03:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> or all the people with the same instrument_id, to be correct
[Wed Feb 22 18:03:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hmm.. I'll try to think
[Wed Feb 22 18:11:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen, in the people controller, i added @parent = Instrument.find(params[:id]), and the view has <% %> (the table is nameb pupils, not people). Then it returns undefined method `pupils' for "The instrument":String
[Wed Feb 22 18:11:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen, i guess i misunderstood something..?
[Wed Feb 22 18:12:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen, this was done in the "pupils" controller
[Wed Feb 22 18:13:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen, sorry for bothering you with this, but.. What should i do instead of .pupils then?
[Wed Feb 22 18:14:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen, yes, because pupils obviously is a string, and no method. I need a different method, probably?
[Wed Feb 22 18:15:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen, guess you're right. Will consult the pragmatic ruby book that i have never managed to get started on..
[Wed Feb 22 18:16:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen, yes - <%= %> shows the name of the instrument from the id in the url
[Wed Feb 22 18:17:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen, somehow i managet to twist that into instrument being replaced with the instrument i wanted to show
[Wed Feb 22 18:18:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen, so where in instrument.pupils should it be told which instrument to show..?
[Wed Feb 22 18:18:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen, oh, never mind. I'll learn ruby instuad of bothering you =D
[Wed Feb 22 18:19:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen, if i say instrument.pupils only, there is no way that rails can know which instrument i want to display..?
[Wed Feb 22 18:20:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen, @parent.pupils displays who #'s =D At least i am on the right track now.
[Wed Feb 22 18:21:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen, and it just became clear what i did wrong
[Wed Feb 22 18:21:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> bloc76_ I see, that is what @parent is here. hooray, i get it
[Wed Feb 22 18:24:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen, i just managet to understand that i needed a loop too. I'll probably be _answering_ qestions here in not to long xD
[Wed Feb 22 18:26:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> sethrasmussen, yeah, i have been trough that. I need to understand what the different thing rails does actually is, seen from a ruby view.
[Wed Feb 22 18:34:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> can i start a loop in a helper without ending it? I will start the loop with the helper, then have the loop content stuff, and end it in the view - but if i don't end it in the view, I'll logically enough get errors
[Wed Feb 22 18:55:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Carrots are nice"
[Wed Feb 22 22:04:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Feb 22 22:09:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> where should i look if i want to transfer validation error messages produced by rails? Do i have to edit rails core (if so; where), or is that somewhat configurable in the models?
[Wed Feb 22 22:09:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> transfer = translate..
[Wed Feb 22 22:11:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> does anyone now where to look for that?
[Wed Feb 22 22:17:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> where in the application is the live site URL set? I need to change it from to
[Wed Feb 22 22:18:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> anyone?
[Wed Feb 22 22:20:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> where in the application is the live site URL set? I need to change it from to
[Wed Feb 22 22:24:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> where in the application is the live site URL set...???? I need to change it from to
[Wed Feb 22 22:28:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> since nobody seems to know where in the application is the live site URL set (need to change from to, I warm up with a simpler question: what is two times five?
[Wed Feb 22 22:29:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> (hint: add two together five times)
[Wed Feb 22 22:30:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> am I a ghost? I get no response whatsoever O_o
[Wed Feb 22 22:31:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> let's try this: I hate ruby on rails
[Wed Feb 22 22:32:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> noganbp: great =D Strange, tough, this has worked all by itself before
[Wed Feb 22 22:33:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hoganbp: Cpanel did it for me, so I'm not sure about the exact details; but it is a vhost.
[Wed Feb 22 22:34:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hoganbp: for some reason it just started to work again without me doing anything. Maby I am drunk, or in fact a _real_ ghost.
[Wed Feb 22 22:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> another thing: do i have to use a form submit button to submit a form, or can i use a <a> to do that? I guess this is more a question for #html, but i throw it out here anyway.
[Wed Feb 22 22:39:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hoganbp, well, the thing is that it would be nice to submit the form trough a link outside the form, on a sidebar with all the available actions
[Wed Feb 22 22:40:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hoganbp, should i use ajax maby?
[Wed Feb 22 22:40:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> hoganbp, the trouble is that it is outside the <form> tag..
[Wed Feb 22 22:55:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> erh.. does rails ignore elseif, or am I going mad?
[Wed Feb 22 22:56:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> jacs, tripple doh. Sure it was elsif
[Wed Feb 22 23:17:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Carrots are nice"
[Wed Feb 22 23:35:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> ( joined #rubyonrails.
[Wed Feb 22 23:36:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i have a list of instruments. On the new-page, I'd like to have some fancy ajax that adds a instrument field, so that i can add more instruments at the same submit. Anyone have any tips, or at least know what to google for?
[Wed Feb 22 23:37:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> Skwid_, the simplest would be to create a standalone HTML and JavaScript-thingy, i guess
[Wed Feb 22 23:38:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> you could do that as well, for sure
[Wed Feb 22 23:40:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> anyone have any clue on my little ajax thingy?
[Thu Feb 23 00:23:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> i have application.rhtml in layouts. Can i make the contloller.rhtml somewhat add to that, and be a part of @content_for_layout?
[Thu Feb 23 01:08:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> "Carrots are nice"
[Fri Feb 24 06:42:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> (i=me@ joined #rubyonrails.
[Fri Feb 24 06:48:00 +1030 2006] <leethal> freenode should have a script that automatically returned a google query from the first message of all users logging on to the channel for the first time
[Fri Feb 24 06:49:00 +1030 2006] <leethal>
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