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Created January 2, 2012 18:33
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Parallelized scipy.optimize.brute
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Provide a parallelized version of scipy.optimize.brute for 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional arguments.
Needed to parallelize the steps of a grid-based global optimization, so I copied the "brute" code, replaced "vectorize" with nested maps for specific numbers of arguments, and replaced the outer-most map() with a Likely this could be generalized to any number of arguments (e.g. by zipping the grid and iterating in parallel over the tuples) but I didn't feel like figuring that out just now.
This should perform help for routines that spend a lot of time in numpy code, but I imagine that a pure Python routine might get caught-up by the GIL. Possibly using a process pool instead of a thread pool would fix it. Currently I'm using it for a routine that spends all its time in fftconvolve() so it wasn't a problem for me.
parbrute() takes the same arguments as scipy.optimize.brute(), with the addition of thread=N for the number of threads you want in the pool. Defaults to 4 threads.
If anyone in the SciPy community feels like incorporating this, or something like it, feel free to consider it covered by the BSD license, as found at
Stephen Sinclair (radarsat1), Jan. 2, 2012
__all__ = ['parbrute']
from numpy import vectorize, mgrid, squeeze, asarray, shape, argmin, zeros, arange
import scipy.optimize as opt
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
def gridmap1(grid, func, threads):
Jout = zeros(len(grid[0]))
pool = ThreadPool(threads)
def h(j):
return func(grid[0][j])
Jout[:] =, xrange(len(grid[0])))
return Jout
def gridmap2(grid, func, threads):
Jout = zeros(grid[0].shape)
pool = ThreadPool(threads)
def h(j):
def g(k):
fargs = []
for i in xrange(grid.shape[0]):
return func(tuple(fargs))
return map(g, xrange(grid.shape[1]))
Jout[:] =, xrange(grid.shape[2]))
return Jout
def gridmap3(grid, func, threads):
Jout = zeros(grid[0].shape)
pool = ThreadPool(threads)
def h(j):
def g(k):
def f(l):
fargs = []
for i in xrange(grid.shape[0]):
return func(tuple(fargs))
return map(f, xrange(grid.shape[1]))
return map(g, xrange(grid.shape[2]))
Jout[:] =, xrange(grid.shape[3]))
return Jout
def parbrutemap(func, ranges, gridmap, args=(), Ns=20, full_output=0, finish=opt.fmin, threads=4):
N = len(ranges)
if N > 40:
raise ValueError, "Brute Force not possible with more " \
"than 40 variables."
lrange = list(ranges)
for k in range(N):
if type(lrange[k]) is not type(slice(None)):
if len(lrange[k]) < 3:
lrange[k] = tuple(lrange[k]) + (complex(Ns),)
lrange[k] = slice(*lrange[k])
if (N==1):
lrange = lrange[0]
def _scalarfunc(*params):
params = squeeze(asarray(params))
return func(params,*args)
vecfunc = vectorize(_scalarfunc)
grid = mgrid[lrange]
if (N==1):
grid = (grid,)
Jout = gridmap(grid, func, threads)
Nshape = shape(Jout)
indx = argmin(Jout.ravel(),axis=-1)
Nindx = zeros(N,int)
xmin = zeros(N,float)
for k in range(N-1,-1,-1):
thisN = Nshape[k]
Nindx[k] = indx % Nshape[k]
indx = indx / thisN
for k in range(N):
xmin[k] = grid[k][tuple(Nindx)]
Jmin = Jout[tuple(Nindx)]
if (N==1):
grid = grid[0]
xmin = xmin[0]
if callable(finish):
vals = finish(func,xmin,args=args,full_output=1, disp=0)
xmin = vals[0]
Jmin = vals[1]
if vals[-1] > 0:
print "Warning: Final optimization did not succeed"
if full_output:
return xmin, Jmin, grid, Jout
return xmin
# Code lifted from in the SciPy packages.
def parbrute(func, ranges, args=(), Ns=20, full_output=0,
finish=opt.fmin, threads=4):
"""Minimize a function over a given range by brute force, using a thread pool for calculation.
Supports only up to 3-dimensional argument structures.
func : callable ``f(x,*args)``
Objective function to be minimized.
ranges : tuple
Each element is a tuple of parameters or a slice object to
be handed to ``numpy.mgrid``.
args : tuple
Extra arguments passed to function.
Ns : int
Default number of samples, if those are not provided.
full_output : bool
If True, return the evaluation grid.
threads : int
Number of threads to use (default=4)
:Returns: (x0, fval, {grid, Jout})
x0 : ndarray
Value of arguments to `func`, giving minimum over the grid.
fval : int
Function value at minimum.
grid : tuple
Representation of the evaluation grid. It has the same
length as x0.
Jout : ndarray
Function values over grid: ``Jout = func(*grid)``.
Find the minimum of a function evaluated on a grid given by
the tuple ranges.
if len(ranges)==1:
return parbrutemap(func, ranges, gridmap1, args=args, Ns=Ns,
finish=finish, threads=threads)
elif len(ranges)==2:
return parbrutemap(func, ranges, gridmap2, args=args, Ns=Ns,
finish=finish, threads=threads)
elif len(ranges)==3:
return parbrutemap(func, ranges, gridmap3, args=args, Ns=Ns,
finish=finish, threads=threads)
raise Exception('Only argument dimensions of 1, 2, or 3 supported.')
if __name__=="__main__":
def f(args):
return abs(array(args)).prod()
print opt.brute(f, [(1,20)])
print parbrute(f, [(1,20)], threads=2)
print opt.brute(f, [(1,20), (1,20)])
print parbrute(f, [(1,20), (1,20)], threads=2)
print opt.brute(f, [(1,20), (1,20), (1,20)])
print parbrute(f, [(1,20), (1,20), (1,20)], threads=2)
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