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Last active June 23, 2020 05:28
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* Implementation of a few algorithms around a `fetchNext` API.
import std.array : empty;
import std.traits : lvalueOf, rvalueOf;
import core.lifetime : move;
import std.stdio : File, writeln;
import std.typecons : Flag, Yes, No;
// Sigh...
mixin template YesIAmReallyNonCopyableThankYouVeryMuch()
@disable this(ref typeof(this)); // this should be enough...
@disable this(this);
template ElementType(R)
static if (is(R.ElementType))
alias ElementType = R.ElementType;
static assert(false);
enum bool isInputRange(R) =
is(ElementType!R) &&
is(typeof(lvalueOf!R.fetchNext(lvalueOf!(ElementType!R))) == bool);
size_t count(alias pred = "a == b", Range, Needle)(Range haystack, auto ref const Needle needle)
if (isInputRange!Range)
import std.functional : binaryFun, partial, reverseArgs;
alias cmp = partial!(reverseArgs!(binaryFun!pred), needle);
version (none)
// Alternative implementation - less efficient,
// at least until we get language moves
return move(haystack).count!cmp;
size_t result;
ElementType!Range tmp = ElementType!Range.init;
while (haystack.fetchNext(tmp))
result += !!cmp(tmp);
return result;
size_t count(alias pred, Range)(Range haystack)
if (isInputRange!Range)
size_t result;
import std.functional : unaryFun;
alias cmp = unaryFun!pred;
version (none)
// Alternative implementation - less efficient,
// at least until we get language moves
move(haystack).each!((e) { result += !!cmp(e); });
return result;
ElementType!Range tmp = ElementType!Range.init;
while (haystack.fetchNext(tmp))
result += !!cmp(tmp);
return result;
auto map(alias func = "a", Range)(Range range)
if (isInputRange!Range)
import std.functional : unaryFun;
alias f = unaryFun!func;
alias E = ElementType!Range;
alias M = typeof(f(E.init));
static struct Result
private Range src;
this(Range src)
this.src = move(src);
mixin YesIAmReallyNonCopyableThankYouVeryMuch!();
alias ElementType = M;
bool fetchNext(ref M e)
bool result;
E tmp = E.init;
if (src.fetchNext(tmp))
M x = f(move(tmp));
move(x, e);
result = true;
return result;
return Result(move(range));
auto filter(alias pred = "a == true", Range)(Range range)
if (isInputRange!Range)
import std.functional : unaryFun;
static struct Result
private Range src;
private alias cmp = unaryFun!pred;
alias ElementType = .ElementType!Range;
this(Range src)
this.src = move(src);
mixin YesIAmReallyNonCopyableThankYouVeryMuch!();
bool fetchNext(ref ElementType e)
bool result;
ElementType tmp = ElementType.init;
while (src.fetchNext(tmp))
if (cmp(tmp))
move(tmp, e);
result = true;
return result;
return Result(move(range));
`find` becomes weird: it's supposed to return a range
that starts with needle, but it can no longer keep
the type of input range. Result would have to be,
in principle, a chain of needle and remainder of the input.
Which can be realized either as an actual chain(),
a `fetchNext` range with an extra test, or a traditional "buffered"
input range.
This example implementation realizes a `fetchNext` API.
private struct FindResult(R)
alias ElementType = .ElementType!R;
private R src = R.init;
private bool _front = false;
private ElementType e = ElementType.init;
this(R src, ElementType e)
this.src = move(src);
this.e = move(e);
_front = true;
mixin YesIAmReallyNonCopyableThankYouVeryMuch!();
bool fetchNext(ref ElementType e)
bool result;
version (none)
This would be a wrong implementation:
We should not stomp over the buffered
element before caller has a chance to consume it.
E.g. a `byLine` would be yielding slices from a reused
buffer, so calling src.fetchNext immediately would corrupt
result returned to the caller.
if (_front)
move(this.e, e);
_front = !src.fetchNext(this.e);
result = true;
if (!_front)
result = src.fetchNext(e);
move(this.e, e);
_front = false;
result = true;
return result;
auto find(alias pred = "a == b", Range, Needle)(Range haystack, auto ref const Needle needle)
if (isInputRange!Range)
import std.functional : binaryFun, partial, reverseArgs;
alias cmp = partial!(reverseArgs!(binaryFun!pred), needle);
version (none)
// Alternative implementation - less efficient,
// at least until we get language moves
return move(haystack).find!cmp;
static if (is(Range == FindResult!Other, Other))
alias Result = Range;
alias Result = FindResult!Range;
ElementType!Range tmp = ElementType!Range.init;
while (haystack.fetchNext(tmp))
if (cmp(tmp))
return Result(move(haystack), move(tmp));
return Result.init;
auto find(alias pred, Range)(Range haystack)
if (isInputRange!Range)
static if (is(Range == FindResult!Other, Other))
alias Result = Range;
alias Result = FindResult!Range;
import std.functional : unaryFun;
alias cmp = unaryFun!pred;
ElementType!Range tmp = ElementType!Range.init;
while (haystack.fetchNext(tmp))
if (cmp(tmp))
return Result(move(haystack), move(tmp));
return Result.init;
Different than the eponymous algorithm for forward ranges:
this one cannot leave `haystack` untouched, so it simply returns
the remainder of `haystack` after `needle`, or an empty range
if no `needle` was found.
Perhaps it could also return a flag so the caller need not
arduously try the `fetchNext` only to find out there's nothing there.
Range findSkip(alias pred = "a == b", Range, Needle)(Range haystack, auto ref const Needle needle)
if (isInputRange!Range)
import std.functional : binaryFun, partial, reverseArgs;
alias cmp = partial!(reverseArgs!(binaryFun!pred), needle);
version (none)
// Alternative implementation - less efficient,
// at least until we get language moves
return move(haystack).findSkip!cmp;
ElementType!Range tmp = ElementType!Range.init;
while (haystack.fetchNext(tmp) && !cmp(tmp)) {}
return move(haystack);
Range findSkip(alias pred, Range, Needle)(Range haystack)
if (isInputRange!Range)
import std.functional : unaryFun;
alias cmp = unaryFun!pred;
ElementType!Range tmp = ElementType!Range.init;
while (haystack.fetchNext(tmp) && !cmp(tmp)) {}
return move(haystack);
template reduce(funcs...) if (funcs.length >= 1)
auto reduce(Range, Seeds...)(Range range, auto ref Seeds seeds)
if (isInputRange!Range &&
(!Seeds.length || Seeds.length == funcs.length))
import std.functional : binaryFun;
import std.meta : AliasSeq, Repeat, staticMap;
import std.traits : ReturnType;
alias fs = staticMap!(binaryFun, funcs);
// deduce reduce!
// that is, deduce return types for each function
static if (funcs.length == 1)
static if (!Seeds.length)
alias Result = typeof(fs[0](lvalueOf!(ElementType!Range), lvalueOf!(ElementType!Range)));
alias Result = typeof(fs[0](lvalueOf!(Seeds), lvalueOf!(ElementType!Range)));
static if (!Seeds.length)
alias ActualSeeds = Repeat!(funcs.length, ElementType!Range);
alias ActualSeeds = Seeds;
template deduce(size_t i = 0)
static if (i == fs.length)
alias deduce = AliasSeq!();
alias func = fs[i];
alias deduce = AliasSeq!(typeof(func(lvalueOf!(ActualSeeds[i]), lvalueOf!(ElementType!Range))), deduce!(i + 1));
static struct Result
deduce!() items;
alias items this;
// No seeds given - use first element of the range
// The element type would have to be copyable in this case.
static if (!Seeds.length)
import core.lifetime : emplace;
Result result = void;
ElementType!Range tmp = ElementType!Range.init;
if (range.fetchNext(tmp))
emplace(&result, Repeat!(funcs.length, tmp));
throw new Exception("empty range");
import core.lifetime : forward;
auto result = Result(forward!seeds);
ElementType!Range tmp = ElementType!Range.init;
while (range.fetchNext(tmp))
static if (funcs.length == 1)
auto x = fs[0](result, tmp);
move(x, result);
foreach (i, f; fs)
auto x = f(result.items[i], tmp);
move(x, result.items[i]);
return result;
private struct ByLineImpl(Char, Terminator)
private File file;
Terminator term;
Flag!"keepTerminator" keepTerm;
private Char[] buffer;
this(File f, Terminator term, Flag!"keepTerminator" keepTerm)
this.file = f;
this.term = term;
this.keepTerm = keepTerm;
mixin YesIAmReallyNonCopyableThankYouVeryMuch!();
alias ElementType = const(Char)[];
bool fetchNext(ref const(Char)[] s)
bool result;
if (file.isOpen)
auto line = buffer;
file.readln(line, term);
if (!line.empty)
if (line.length > buffer.length)
buffer = line;
if (keepTerm == No.keepTerminator)
static if (is(typeof(term.length)))
const tlen = term.length;
if (line[$ - tlen .. $] == term)
line = line[0 .. $ - tlen];
if (line[$-1] == term)
line = line[0 .. $-1];
s = line;
result = true;
line = null;
buffer = null;
return result;
auto byLine2(Terminator = char, Char = Terminator)(File f, Terminator term = '\n', Flag!"keepTerminator" keepTerm = No.keepTerminator)
return ByLineImpl!(Char, Terminator)(move(f), term, keepTerm);
auto array(Range)(Range range)
if (isInputRange!Range)
import std.array : appender;
alias E = ElementType!Range;
auto builder = appender!(E[]);
E tmp = E.init;
while (range.fetchNext(tmp))
return builder[];
// the below comment is just for testing `find` on a `byLine`
`each` is different: if early stopping is possible,
it'll return both the flag and the remainder of the range.
auto each(alias func = "a", Range)(Range range)
if (isInputRange!Range)
import std.functional : unaryFun;
alias f = unaryFun!func;
ElementType!Range tmp;
static if (is(typeof(f(move(tmp))) == Flag!"each"))
Flag!"each" result = Yes.each;
while (range.fetchNext(tmp))
static if (is(typeof(f(move(tmp))) == Flag!"each"))
result = f(move(tmp));
if (result == No.each)
static if (is(typeof(f(move(tmp))) == Flag!"each"))
// Due to
// construct our own return type
version (none)
import std.typecons : tuple;
return tuple!("each", "remainder")(result, move(range));
static struct Result
Flag!"each" each;
Range remainder;
return Result(result, move(range));
// Returns a foreach wrapper for a `fetchNext` input range
auto munch(Range)(auto ref Range range)
if (isInputRange!Range)
static struct Result
static if (__traits(isRef, range))
Range* range;
this(return ref Range range)
this.range = ⦥
Range range;
this(Range range)
this.range = move(range);
mixin YesIAmReallyNonCopyableThankYouVeryMuch;
// TODO: more overloads. Lots and lots more overloads.
int opApply(int delegate(ref ElementType!Range) dg)
int result;
ElementType!Range tmp = ElementType!Range.init;
while (range.fetchNext(tmp))
result = dg(tmp);
if (result)
return result;
int opApply(int delegate(size_t, ref ElementType!Range) dg)
int result;
size_t index;
ElementType!Range tmp = ElementType!Range.init;
while (range.fetchNext(tmp))
result = dg(index++, tmp);
if (result)
return result;
import core.lifetime : forward;
return Result(forward!range);
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