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Created May 19, 2014 13:03
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Sample gulpfile from a recent project
var gulp = require('gulp');
// Using this plugin, you won't manually have to require each plugin you add. This does the work for you.
// Just remember you'll have to prepend 'plugins' to your plugin function when you build your tasks.
var gulpLoadPlugins = require('gulp-load-plugins');
// Turn lazy loading of plugins off to make the connect plugin work
var plugins = gulpLoadPlugins({lazy: false});
// Check out the autoprefixer docs to see how to build settings for gulp-autoprefixer
var prefixerSetting = ['last 1 versions', '> 1%'];
// 'default' is the task that runs when you simply type 'gulp'. I usually use this for my development task.
// This one runs compass, concatenates JS (which probably shouldn't be done for dev, but I do it anyway), runs
// a development server, and starts the watch task.
gulp.task('default', function () {
gulp.start('', 'js', 'connect');
// A watch task will watch a directory for whatever pattern you specify and run a series of tasks when changes happen.
// This one looks for changes in Sass or SCSS and runs the task when those occur.'./sass/**/{*.sass,*.scss}', ['']);'./javascripts/**/*.js', ['js'])
// This task runs when you type 'gulp build' in the project directory. This one uses compass production settings
// and minifies images as well.0
gulp.task('build', function () {
gulp.start('compass.production', 'imagemin', 'js');
// Development settings for compass. This leaves the sass uncompressed to make it more readable during development
gulp.task('', function () {
config_file: './config.rb',
css: './stylesheets',
sass: './sass'
// Autoprefixer makes sure we have the correct prefixes to meet the compatibility we set in the string at the top.
.pipe(plugins.autoprefixer.apply(this, prefixerSetting))
// pixrem automatically generates pixel fallbacks for rem values. Huge time-saver.
// Production settings for compass. This outputs the minified CSS.
gulp.task('compass.production', function () {
style: 'compressed',
comments: false,
css: './stylesheets',
sass: './sass'
.pipe(plugins.autoprefixer.apply(this, prefixerSetting))
// Minifies images
gulp.task('imagemin', function () {
// Concatenates and uglifies JS
gulp.task('js', function () {
// Runs a development server
gulp.task('connect', function() {
plugins.connect.server({root: './'});
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