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Created June 26, 2013 23:29
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Ruby script to flesh out the OnionOrNot headlines JSON file
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
require 'xmlsimple'
require 'json'
require 'pry'
def get_rss(url)
# Fetches an RSS feed from the URL
# Returns it as a Ruby object
uri = URI.parse(url)
rss = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri).body
# Convert XML to a Ruby hash
def parse_headlines(url, title_field, link_field)
# Parses headlines with links from the URL of an RSS feed
# When passing the link_field, you may pass a field that begins with an HTML link to the headline or a field with only the URL
# Returns a an array of hashes each with a headline and url key
data = get_rss(url)
new_items = []
# Iterate through the XML returned from the feed
data['channel'][0]['item'].each_with_index do |item, index|
item.each do |k, v|
# Pull out the title and link fields
if [title_field, link_field].include? k
# Create a new hash inside the array unless it exists
new_items.insert(index, {}) unless new_items[index]
# Add the title or URL to the hash at the current index
new_items[index].merge!(:title => v[0]) if k == title_field
if k == link_field && v[0].match(/^<a\shref=/)
new_items[index].merge!(:url => v[0].match(/"(http:\/\/.*)"/)[1])
elsif k == link_field
new_items[index].merge!(:url => v[0]) if k == link_field
def load_headlines_json(file)
# Loads a JSON file
# Returns a Ruby object of the file's contents
def add_onion_value!(object, onion)
# Pass the object and a boolean for 'onion'
# Modifies the object in place adding the boolean passed as the 'onion' hash key
object.each do |headline|
headline.merge!(:onion => onion)
def save_headlines_json!(object, file)
# Dumps a JSON string of an object and writes it to a file
# Add 'headlines' to the top level of the hash
object = {:headlines => object}
IO.write(file, JSON.dump(object))
def merge_headlines(*headlines_objects)
# Merges multiple headlines objects insuring values are unique
headlines_objects.inject(:+).inject([]) {|result,h| result << h unless result.include?(h); result }
# App interface
all = []
while true do
print "Feed URL (leave blank if done): "
url = gets.chomp
if url == ""
print "Headline title field: "
title_field = gets.chomp
print "Link field: "
link_field = gets.chomp
puts "Fetching headlines..."
feed = parse_headlines(url, title_field, link_field)
print "Onion stories? ('true' or 'false'): "
onion = gets.chomp
add_onion_value!(feed, onion)
all << feed
print "Path of JSON file to merge (blank for none): "
other_file = gets.chomp
other_file = load_headlines_json(other_file) unless other_file == ""
all << other_file unless other_file == ""
print "Path and filename for output: "
output = gets.chomp
save_headlines_json!(merge_headlines(*all), output)
puts "File #{output} saved."
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