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Created March 1, 2017 18:55
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Pytest and django - check admin pages of own apps - reading
addopts = --reuse-db
python_files = test_*.py *
# For the adoption - change lines 27 and 36 for your custom user model
# + change line 41 listing your own apps you need to test
import pytest
from django.apps import apps
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, NoReverseMatch
# adopted from django-pytest for custom User model
def a_user(db, django_user_model, django_username_field):
"""A Django admin user.
This uses an existing user with username "admin", or creates a new one with
password "password".
Modified from django-pytest due to the custom User model.
UserModel = django_user_model
username_field = django_username_field
user = UserModel._default_manager.get(**{username_field: 'admin'})
except UserModel.DoesNotExist:
extra_fields = {}
user = UserModel._default_manager.create_superuser(
email='admin', password='password', **extra_fields)
# 'admin', '', 'password', ** extra_fields)
return user
# adopted from django-pytest for custom User model
def aclient(db, a_user):
from django.test.client import Client
client = Client()
auth_result = client.login(email="admin", password="password")
# client.login(username=admin_user.username, password='password')
return client
admin_urls = []
apps_to_test = ["myapp1", "myapp2"]
for app_to_test in apps_to_test:
app_models = apps.all_models[app_to_test]
for model in app_models:
# admin list URI
admin_urls.append(reverse("admin:%s_%s_changelist" % (app_to_test, model,)))
# admin edit form URI (add)
admin_urls.append(reverse("admin:%s_%s_add" % (app_to_test, model,)))
except NoReverseMatch:
def admin_page(request):
url = request.param
yield url
def test_admin_pages(aclient, admin_page):
r = aclient.get(admin_page)
assert r.status_code == 200
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