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Created December 19, 2015 09:25
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// Dumb (and really slow)
import Foundation
func combinations(height: Int, _ level: Int) -> Int {
if (level == 1) {
return height + 1
} else {
var sum = 0
for i in 0...height {
sum += combinations(i, level - 1)
return sum
let solve = { i in combinations(i, i) }
let start = NSDate()
let end = NSDate()
print(end.timeIntervalSinceDate(start) * 1000)
// Same, but memoized
import Foundation
struct IntPair: Hashable {
let a: Int
let b: Int
var hashValue: Int {
return (a << 8) | b
func == (l: IntPair, r: IntPair) -> Bool {
return l.a == r.a && l.b == r.b
var memoization: [IntPair: Int] = [:]
func combinations(height: Int, _ level: Int) -> Int {
if level == 1 {
return height + 1
} else if let result = memoization[IntPair(a: height, b: level)] {
return result
} else {
var sum = 0
for i in 0...height {
sum += combinations(i, level - 1)
memoization[IntPair(a: height, b: level)] = sum
return sum
let solve = { i in combinations(i, i) }
let start = NSDate()
let result = solve(20)
let end = NSDate()
print(end.timeIntervalSinceDate(start) * 1000)
// Dynamic programming
import Foundation
let n = 33
let start = NSDate()
var matrix = Array(count: n, repeatedValue: Array(count: n + 1, repeatedValue: 0))
for level in 0..<n {
for height in 0...n {
if level == 0 {
matrix[level][height] = height + 1
} else {
var sum = 0
if height > 0 {
sum += matrix[level][height - 1]
sum += matrix[level - 1][height]
matrix[level][height] = sum
let result = matrix[n - 1][n]
let end = NSDate()
print(end.timeIntervalSinceDate(start) * 1000)
// Optimized
import Foundation
let n = 20
let start = NSDate()
var matrix = Array(count: n - 1, repeatedValue: 0)
for i in 1..<n {
for h in (i-1)...(n-2) {
let left: Int
if i == 1 {
left = h + 3
} else {
left = matrix[h]
let above: Int
if h == i - 1 { // first
above = left
} else {
above = matrix[h - 1]
matrix[h] = left + above
let result = matrix[n - 2]
let end = NSDate()
print(end.timeIntervalSinceDate(start) * 1000)
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