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Last active September 2, 2020 05:11
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inline gamma->linear (...)
inline (c)
if (c <= 0.04045)
c / 12.92
((c + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4
inline tile@ (level width height p)
let p = (floor p)
let x y = (p.x as i32) (p.y as i32)
if (or
(x >= width)
(x < 0)
(y >= height)
(y < 0))
deref (level @ ((y * width) + x))
let sky-color = (vec4 (vec3 (gamma->linear 0 0.498039 1)) 1)
let ground-color = (vec4 (vec3 (gamma->linear 0.498039 0.498039 0.498039)) 1)
let fb-width = 1024:u32
let fb-height = 768:u32
let level-width = 9
let level-height = 9
let level-data =
arrayof u32
\ 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
\ 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
\ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
\ 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
\ 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
\ 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
\ 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
\ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
\ 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
struct VertexAttributes plain
position : vec2
texcoord : vec2
color : vec4
struct RCData plain
position : vec2
orientation : f32
define-scope shaders
using import glsl
using math
fn vertex ()
buffer attributes : (tuple (array VertexAttributes))
set = 0
binding = 0
out vtexcoord : vec2
location = 0
out vcolor : vec4
location = 1
attr := (extractvalue attributes 0) @ gl_VertexIndex
gl_Position = (vec4 attr.position 0 1)
vcolor = attr.color
vtexcoord = attr.texcoord
fn textured-quad-fragment ()
in vtexcoord : vec2
location = 0
out fcolor : vec4
location = 0
uniform diffuse-t : texture2D
set = 1
binding = 0
uniform diffuse-s : sampler
set = 1
binding = 1
fcolor = (texture (sampler2D diffuse-t diffuse-s) vtexcoord)
fn fb-fragment ()
in vtexcoord : vec2
location = 0
out fcolor : vec4
location = 0
uniform distance-map : texture1D
set = 1
binding = 0
uniform tex-sampler : sampler
set = 1
binding = 1
let wall-distance =
texelFetch (sampler1D distance-map tex-sampler) ((vtexcoord.x * fb-width) as i32) 0
let column-height = (1 / wall-distance.r)
let top = (0.5 + (column-height / 2))
let bottom = (0.5 - (column-height / 2))
let wall-color = (vec4 (vec3 column-height) 1)
let rowh = (1 / fb-height)
y := vtexcoord.y
if (y < 0.5)
let t =
smoothstep (bottom - (rowh / 2)) (bottom + (rowh / 2)) y
fcolor = (mix ground-color wall-color t)
let t =
smoothstep (top - (rowh / 2)) (top + (rowh / 2)) y
fcolor = (mix wall-color sky-color t)
fn rays-fragment ()
uniform rcdata : RCData
set = 1
binding = 0
in vtexcoord : vec2
location = 0
out fdistance : f32
location = 0
local level-data = level-data
# Each level quadrant has a unit of 1 meter.
inline raycast (origin angle)
loop (cur-hit iter = (deref origin) 0)
if (iter >= MAX_ITERATIONS)
break Inf
if ((tile@ level-data level-width level-height cur-hit) > 0)
break (distance cur-hit origin)
let ss = (sign (sin angle))
let cs = (sign (cos angle))
# first intersection with an 'horizontal' tile boundary
vvv bind hy
if (ss > 0)
ceil cur-hit.y
elseif (ss < 0)
floor cur-hit.y
? (cs > 0) (ceil cur-hit.x) (floor cur-hit.x)
iter + 1
# idem for vertical boundary
vvv bind vx
if (cs > 0)
ceil cur-hit.x
elseif (cs < 0)
floor cur-hit.x
? (ss > 0) (ceil cur-hit.y) (floor cur-hit.y)
iter + 1
# FIXME: confusing names
dx := (hy - cur-hit.y) / (tan angle)
dy := (vx - cur-hit.x) * (tan angle)
hx := cur-hit.x + dx
vy := cur-hit.y + dy
let iv = (vec2 vx vy)
let ih = (vec2 hx hy)
inline offset-intersection (i)
i.x + (0.0001 * (cos angle))
i.y + (0.0001 * (sin angle))
let distv = (distance iv cur-hit)
let disth = (distance ih cur-hit)
let hit =
if (distv < disth)
offset-intersection iv
offset-intersection ih
_ hit (iter + 1)
let FOV = (pi / 3)
let position = rcdata.position
let orientation = rcdata.orientation
let aoffset = (gl_FragCoord.x * (FOV / fb-width))
# /
# / +
# -----
# \ -
# \
let rangle =
orientation + (FOV / 2) - aoffset
let hitlen = (raycast position rangle)
# correct distortion caused by angled rays being longer
fdistance = (max 0.0001 (hitlen * (cos (rangle - orientation))))
fn minimap-fragment ()
uniform rcdata : RCData
set = 1
binding = 0
in vtexcoord : vec2
location = 0
out fcolor : vec4
location = 0
using math
local level-data = level-data
angle := rcdata.orientation
position := rcdata.position
# the minimap area is 4x4 units
# tbh I don't get why I have to invert the x axis here
vtexcoord := vtexcoord * (vec2 -1 1) + (vec2 1 0)
let tile-samplep =
+ position
((vtexcoord - (vec2 0.5 0.5)) * 6)
(angle + (pi / 2))
let t = (tile@ level-data level-width level-height tile-samplep)
if ((distance vtexcoord (vec2 0.5)) < 0.025)
fcolor = (vec4 1 0 0 1)
fcolor = (mix ground-color (vec4 1) t)
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