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Created January 25, 2021 17:30
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Raymarching for Dummies in Scopes
// "ShaderToy Tutorial - Ray Marching for Dummies!"
// by Martijn Steinrucken aka BigWings/CountFrolic - 2018
// License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
// This shader is part of a tutorial on YouTube
Scopes version by Westerbly (radgeRayden) Snaydley.
let MAX_STEPS = 100
let MAX_DIST = 100
let SURF_DIST = .01
fn GetDist (p)
let s = (vec4 0 1 6 0.25)
let plane-dist = p.y
sphere-dist := (length (p - - s.w
let d = (min sphere-dist plane-dist)
fn RayMarch (ro rd)
fold (d0 = 0:f32) for i in (range MAX_STEPS)
p := ro + rd * d0
let dS = (GetDist p)
if ((d0 > MAX_DIST) or (dS < SURF_DIST))
return d0
d0 + dS
fn GetNormal (p)
let d = (GetDist p)
let _e = (vec2 .01 0)
d - (vec3 (GetDist (p - _e.xyy)) (GetDist (p - _e.yxy)) (GetDist (p - _e.yyx)))
fn GetLight (p)
local light-pos = (vec3 0 5 6)
light-pos.xz += (vec2 (sin iTime) (cos iTime)) * 2
let l = (normalize (light-pos - p))
let n = (GetNormal p)
local dif = (clamp (dot n l) 0:f32 1:f32)
let d = (RayMarch (p + n * SURF_DIST * 2) l)
if (d < (length (light-pos - p)))
dif *= .1
UV := (fragCoord - 0.5 * iResolution.xy) / iResolution.x
local col : vec3
let ro = (vec3 0 1 0)
let rd = (normalize (vec3 UV 1))
let d = (RayMarch ro rd)
p := ro + rd * d
let dif = (GetLight p)
col = (pow (vec3 dif) (vec3 .4545)) # gamma correction
fragColor = (vec4 col 1)
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