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Forked from bdunagan/youtube-api-v3.rb
Created December 26, 2015 08:14
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Ruby code for YouTube API v3 integration from
# List of all uploaded videos and playlists on a YouTube Channel
# Note that YouTube API v3 requires a key. Create a browser API key with a referer at
# Here are the steps using "curl" that matches the Ruby code below:
# Get channel information.
# curl --referer "YOUR_REFERER" ",contentDetails,statistics,status&maxResults=50&forUsername=YOUR_USERNAME&key=YOUR_KEY"
# Find "Uploads" playlist ID at items => contentDetails => relatedPlaylists => uploads.
# Find Channel ID at items => id.
# Get playlist items for "Uploads".
# curl --referer "YOUR_REFERER" ""
# curl --referer "YOUR_REFERER" ""
# Get playlists for channel.
# curl --referer "YOUR_REFERER" ""
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
def youtube_v3_api(path)
# Create URI.
uri = URI.parse("{path}")
# Create API request.
request =, uri.port)
request.use_ssl = true
request.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
# Execute request.
response = request.get(uri.request_uri, {"Referer" => "#{@referer}"})
# Parse response if any.
return (response.code == "200") ? JSON.parse(response.body) : nil
# Setup environment.
@api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
@referer = "YOUR_REFERER"
@username = "YOUR_USERNAME"
# Get "Uploads" playlist ID for username
results = youtube_v3_api("channels?part=snippet,contentDetails,statistics,status&maxResults=50&forUsername=#{@username}&key=#{@api_key}")
jj results
@uploads_playlist_id = results["items"][0]["contentDetails"]["relatedPlaylists"]["uploads"]
# Get "Uploads" playlist items.
results = youtube_v3_api("playlistItems?part=snippet&maxResults=50&playlistId=#{@uploads_playlist_id}&key=#{@api_key}")
playlist_items = results["items"]
while results["nextPageToken"]
# Add additional items if results are paged.
results = youtube_v3_api("playlistItems?part=snippet&maxResults=50&pageToken=#{results["nextPageToken"]}&playlistId=#{@uploads_playlist_id}&key=#{@api_key}")
playlist_items += results["items"]
# Get videos with statistics for playlist items.
videos = []
playlist_items.each_slice(10) do |items|
video_ids = items.collect {|item| item["snippet"]["resourceId"]["videoId"] }
results = youtube_v3_api("videos?part=snippet,statistics,contentDetails&id=#{video_ids.join(",")}&key=#{@api_key}")
videos += results["items"]
jj videos
# Get playlists for username.
results = youtube_v3_api("channels?part=snippet,contentDetails,statistics,status&maxResults=50&forUsername=#{@username}&key=#{@api_key}")
@channel_id = results["items"][0]["id"]
results = youtube_v3_api("playlists?part=snippet&maxResults=50&channelId=#{@channel_id}&key=#{@api_key}")
playlists = results["items"]
jj playlists
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