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Created May 27, 2011 16:42
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non-recursive binary search tree without return
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "numbers.h" //
struct node {
int key;
struct node *l;
struct node *r;
This exists because I wanted to:
* make a non-recursive binary search tree
* not have to use a global structure
* not have to return the structure after insertion
* have a headache
On average, this is 10% faster than the similar recursive
styled insertion, with and without -O3
For worst case (sorted array), insertion is 4 times faster, but
also, still very slow!
For 10,000 values, insertion takes about 20s for non-recursive
and 1m 20s for the recursive.
void insertNode(struct node **p, int key)
// don't judge me
struct node *blarg;
blarg = NULL;
int flarg;
if (*p != NULL)
blarg = *p; // hang on to the original memory location of the structure
flarg = 0; // enter into a while loop
} else {
flarg = 1; // don't enter the while loop
*p = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
(*p)->key = key;
(*p)->l = NULL;
(*p)->r = NULL;
// honey badger don't care
while (flarg != 1)
if (key < (*p)->key)
if ((*p)->l == NULL)
(*p)->l = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
flarg = 1;
*p = (*p)->l;
} else {
*p = (*p)->l;
} else {
if ((*p)->r == NULL)
(*p)->r = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
flarg = 1;
*p = (*p)->r;
} else {
*p = (*p)->r;
if (flarg == 1)
(*p)->key = key;
(*p)->l = NULL;
(*p)->r = NULL;
// honey badger don't give a fuck!
if (blarg != NULL)
*p = blarg;
// will work on making all of this less of a steaming pile later
struct node *searchTree(struct node *p, int key)
struct node *orig, *copy;
orig = *p;
while (*p != NULL && key != (*p)->key)
*p = (key < (*p)->key) ? (*p)->l : (*p)->r;
copy = *p;
*p = orig;
return copy;
void removeNode(struct node **p, int key)
struct node *c, *x, *t, *pr;
pr = *p;
x = *p;
while (key != x->key)
pr = x; x = (key < x->key) ? x->l : x->r;
t = x;
if (t->r == NULL) x = x->l;
else if (t->r->l == NULL)
x = x->r;
x->l = t->l;
} else {
c = x->r;
while (c->l->l != NULL)
c = c->l;
x = c->l;
c->l = x->r;
x->l = t->l;
x->r = t->r;
if (key < pr->key) pr->l = x; else pr->r = x;
void printAll(struct node* p)
if (p != NULL)
printf("key: %d\n", p->key);
could be a lot prettier
| |-10
| `-7
| |-9
| `-8
| `-6
| `-5
| `-3
| `-9
| `-8
` |-6
void asciiTree(struct node *p, char *buffer)
char tmpbuff[256];
int buflen;
char rchar = '|';
//strcpy(tmpbuff, buffer);
buflen = strlen(buffer);
if (p != NULL)
printf("%s-%d\n", buffer, p->key);
if (buflen > 3)
buffer[buflen-3] = '\0';
if (p->l == NULL)
rchar = '`';
strcat(buffer, " ");
strcat(buffer, &rchar);
asciiTree(p->r, buffer);
buffer[buflen-3] = '\0';
asciiTree(p->l, strcat(buffer, " `"));
} else {
if (p->l == NULL)
rchar = '`';
strcat(buffer, " ");
strcat(buffer, &rchar);
asciiTree(p->r, buffer);
buffer[buflen] = '\0';
asciiTree(p->l, strcat(buffer, " `"));
int main()
struct node *head;
char buffer[256];
buffer[0] = '\0';
head = NULL;
struct numbers myNumbers = generateRandoms(-11, 1000);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < myNumbers.size; i++)
insertNode(&head, myNumbers.values[i]);
struct node *x;
x = searchTree(&head, -100);
if (x != NULL)
printf("found: %d\n", x->key);
printf("no value found\n");
asciiTree(head, buffer);
return 0;
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