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Created December 3, 2009 18:31
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// Library Module Implementing Layers of Perceptrons for CY2D7
// Dr Richard Mitchell 18/12/06 ... 17/3/08 ...12/8/09
// Adapted by
#include "mlplayer.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <iomanip>
void dcopy (int num, const double fromarray[], double toarray[]) {
/// copy num doubles from the fromarray to the toarray
for (int ct=0; ct<num; ct++)
toarray[ct] = fromarray[ct];
double myrand (void) {
// return a random number in the range -1..1
// do so calling the rand function in math library
return -1.0 + (2.0 * rand() / RAND_MAX);
// Implementation of LinActLayer *****************************
LinActLayer::LinActLayer (int numIns, int numOuts) {
// constructor for Layer of linearly activated nodes
// it is passed the numbers of inputs and of outputs
// there are numOuts neurons in the layer
// each neuron has an output, a delta and an error -
// so have an array of outputs, deltas and errors
// each neuron has numIns+1 weights (first being the bias weight)
// so have large array of weights, and of weight changes
int ct;
numInputs = numIns; // store number inputs
numNodes = numOuts; // and of outputs in object
numWeights = (numInputs + 1) * numNodes;// for convenience also calc number of weights
outputs = new double [numNodes]; // get space for array for outputs
deltas = new double [numNodes]; // and Deltas
errors = new double [numNodes]; // and Errors
weights = new double [numWeights]; // get space for weights
deltaWeights = new double [numWeights]; // and change in weights
for (ct=0; ct<numWeights; ct++) {
weights[ct] = myrand(); // initialise weights randomly
deltaWeights[ct] = 0; // initialise deltaweights to 0
for (ct=0; ct <= numNodes; ct++) { // initialise outputs, errors and deltas
outputs[ct] = 0;
deltas[ct] = 0;
errors[ct] = 0;
LinActLayer::~LinActLayer() {
// destructor ... returns all 'new' memory to heap
delete [] weights; // return array of weights to heap
delete [] deltaWeights; // return deltaweights to heap
delete [] outputs; // return outputs array
delete [] deltas;
delete [] errors;
void LinActLayer::CalcOutputs(const double ins[]) {
// calculate sum of weighted inputs ins for each neuron
// store in array of outputs
int weightct = 0; // counter for which weight
// note each weight used in order
for (int nodect=0; nodect < numNodes; nodect++) { // for each neuron in layer
outputs[nodect] = weights[weightct++]; // output = bias +
for (int inct=0; inct<numInputs; inct++) // each input * assoc. weight
outputs[nodect] += ins[inct] * weights[weightct++];
void LinActLayer::TestNetwork(const double ins[], double outs[]) {
// calculate network outputs given the inputs ins
// and return outputs in the array in outs
CalcOutputs (ins); // calculate the weighted sum of ins
dcopy (numNodes, outputs, outs); // and copy from outputs to outs array
void LinActLayer::CalcErrors (const double targets[]) {
// calculate errors : being difference between targets and actual outputs
// store in errors array
for( int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++ )
errors[i] = targets[i] - outputs[i]; // set the errors for each neuron to the targets minus the outputs
void LinActLayer::ErrorsToDeltas (void) {
// calculate deltas from the errors
dcopy( numNodes, errors, deltas );// for LinActLayer, deltas are same as errors
void LinActLayer::ChangeAWeight(int weightct, double inp, double delta, const double learnparas[]) {
// change weightct'th weight of neuron
// using associated deltaWeight (which has weight change last time), sclaed by momentum
// and current delta, input inp and learning rate
// learnparas = [learning rate, momentum]
deltaWeights[weightct] = ( deltaWeights[weightct] * learnparas[1] ) + ( delta * inp * learnparas[0] );
// Set deltaWeight to the right value as described in the brief.
weights[weightct] += deltaWeights[weightct];
// Add it to weight
void LinActLayer::ChangeAllWeights (const double ins[], const double learnparas[]) {
// Change all weights in layer - using inputs ins and [learning rate, momentum]
// for each neuron, change bias weight (inherent input 1) and then other weights using ins
double k;
int w = 0, z;
// Avoided nested loop as this more accurately reflects the
// memory structure I enquired about as in lectures.
for( int i = 0; i < numNodes * ( numInputs+1 ); i++ )
if( i % ( numInputs + 1 ) == 0 )
// If we're on a bias
z = 0; // reset input counter
k = 1; // input = 1
w = i / ( numInputs + 1 ); // the node we're on
// If we're on an input, set k to the input.
k = ins[z++];
// Run ze function
ChangeAWeight( i, k, deltas[w], learnparas );
void LinActLayer::FindDeltas (const double targets[]) {
// find the deltas using targets and object's outputs
// first calculate errors (outputs - targets) and thence deltas
CalcErrors(targets); // find the errors
ErrorsToDeltas(); // hence find the deltas
void LinActLayer::TrainNetwork (const double ins[], double outs[], double targets[], const double learnparas[]) {
// pass inputs ins to network, calculating outputs putting them in outs
// Then find errors and deltas, using targets
// and then adjust weights by applying the delta rule
// where learnparas[0] is learning rate; learnparas[1] is momentum
TestNetwork(ins, outs); // pass data to network
FindDeltas(targets); // find errors and thence deltas
ChangeAllWeights(ins, learnparas); // and change all the weights
void LinActLayer::SetTheWeights (const double initWt[]) {
// set the weights of the layer to the values in initWt
// do so by copying from initWt into object's weights
dcopy (numWeights, initWt, weights); // copy from initWt to Weights
int LinActLayer::HowManyWeights (void) {
// return the number of weights in layer
return numWeights;
void LinActLayer::ReturnTheWeights (double theWts[]) {
// return in theWts the current value of the weights in the layer
dcopy( numWeights, weights, theWts ); // copy the layer's weights to array theWts
void LinActLayer::WeightedDeltas( double wdeltas[] )
// return weighted sum of deltas (used in back prop)
// wdeltas is array whose size is number of outputs of prev layer (ie numInputs)
for( int ic = 0; ic < numInputs; ic++ ) // ic: input counter
wdeltas[ ic ] = 0; // Initialise this as zero, just in case.
for( int nc = 0; nc < numNodes; nc++ ) // wc: node counter
int w = ic + ( 1 + ( numInputs + 1 ) * nc ); // Find the weight array index that we want.
wdeltas[ ic ] += deltas[ nc ] * weights[ w ]; // Add the current delta * weigh to the total
// Implementation of SigActLayer *****************************
SigActLayer::SigActLayer (int numIns, int numOuts)
:LinActLayer (numIns, numOuts) {
// just use inherited constructor - no extra variables to initialise
SigActLayer::~SigActLayer() {
// destructor - does not need to do anything other than call inherited destructor
void SigActLayer::CalcOutputs(const double ins[]) {
// Calculate Outputs being Sigmoid (WeightedSum of ins)
LinActLayer::CalcOutputs( ins );
for( int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++ )
outputs[ i ] = 1 / ( 1.0 + exp( - outputs[ i ] ) );// sigmoidal function
void SigActLayer::ErrorsToDeltas (void) {
// Calculate the Deltas for the layet - processing Errors
// Deltas are Outputs * (1 - Outputs) * Errors
for( int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++ )
deltas[ i ] = outputs[i] * ( 1 - outputs[i] ) * errors[ i ]; // Set the deltas to the errors
// Implementation of SigActHidLayer *****************************
SigActHidLayer::SigActHidLayer (int numIns, int numOuts, LinActLayer *tonextlayer)
:SigActLayer (numIns, numOuts) {
// construct a hidden layer with numIns inputs and numOuts outputs
// where (a pointer to) its next layer is in tonextlayer
// use inherited constructor for hidden layer
// and attach the pointer to the next layer that is passed
nextlayer = tonextlayer;
SigActHidLayer::~SigActHidLayer() {
delete nextlayer; // remove output layer, then auto-call inherited destructor
void SigActHidLayer::TestNetwork( const double ins[], double outs[] )
SigActLayer::CalcOutputs(ins); // This takes the inputs and runs them though the hidden layer
nextlayer ->TestNetwork(outputs,outs); // This takes the outputs of the hidden layer and inputs it into the second layer
void SigActHidLayer::FindDeltas( const double targets[] )
// find all deltas in the network
// do so by funding errors and deltas in next layer
// and then the errors and deltas in this layer
nextlayer->FindDeltas( targets );//find errors in next layer layer
nextlayer->WeightedDeltas( errors ); //find weighted sum of deltas and weights in next layer
SigActLayer::ErrorsToDeltas(); //set errors of hidden layer into deltas
void SigActHidLayer::ChangeAllWeights( const double ins[], const double learnparas[] )
// Change all weights in network - do this layer then next layet
SigActLayer::ChangeAllWeights( ins, learnparas );
nextlayer->ChangeAllWeights( outputs, learnparas );
void SigActHidLayer::SetTheWeights( const double initWt[] )
// load all weights in network using values in initWt
// initWt[0..numWeights-1] are weights for this layer
// rest are weights for next layer
SigActLayer::SetTheWeights( initWt ); // first n weights for this layer
nextlayer->SetTheWeights( &initWt[ numWeights ] );
} // rest are for output layer
int SigActHidLayer::HowManyWeights( void )
// return the number of weights in network
// these are those in this layer + those in nextlayer
int nw = nextlayer->HowManyWeights() + numWeights; // Pull the number of weights for nextlayer. Could also do nextlayer->numWeights but it seems indecent to directly access a property like that.
return nw; // nw is the number of weights.
void SigActHidLayer::ReturnTheWeights( double theWts[] )
// return the weights of the network into theWts
// theWts[0..numWeights-1] are weights for this layer
// rest are weights for next layer
SigActLayer::ReturnTheWeights( theWts ); // Shove the weights for SigActHidLayer into theWts array.
nextlayer->ReturnTheWeights( &theWts[ numWeights ] ); // Call the SigActLayer's ReturnTheWeights that dcopies the weights into theWts STARTING after the last weight of the SigActHidLayer.
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