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Created December 7, 2009 21:37
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// Simple Multi Layer program ... for CY2D7
// Has network with 2 inputs, 1 output, tested on XOR problem
// Can have linear or sigmoidal activation
// Also allows linear problem to be solved
// Dr Richard Mitchell 15/12/06 ... 17/3/08 ... 17/4/08
// Adapted by
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "mlplayer.h"
// define the classes for layers of neurons
#include "filedata.h"
// define the datasets class
using namespace std;
void passdata (LinActLayer *net, datasets & data, int printall) {
// pass each item in the data set, data, to network, net,
// and store the outputs which were calculated back into data
// if printall = 0; then just print SSE;
// if printall = 1, then also print ins/outs
// if printall = -1, print nothing
for (int ct=0; ct<data.numData(); ct++)
// for each item in data set
net -> TestNetwork (data.NthInputs(ct), data.NthOutputs(ct));
// pass inputs to network and calculate outputs
// return calculated outputs into data set
// NB calls to data return address of first
// input/output of ct'th item in data set
if (printall >= 0) data.printdata(printall);
} // if appropriate print result suitably
void learndata (LinActLayer *net, datasets &data, double learnparas[], int doprint) {
// pass all of training set in data to network net, and apply training
// for each item in set, pass to network, calc errors and adjust weights
// learning rate and momentum are in array learparas
// if doprint > 0 then print the SSE of the data;
for (int ct=0; ct<data.numData(); ct++) {
// for each item in data set
net -> TrainNetwork (data.NthInputs(ct), data.NthOutputs(ct),
data.NthTargets(ct), learnparas);
// pass inputs to network and return calculated outputs
// the train, based on targets using the learning parameters
// find addresses of first input/output/target from data set
if (doprint) {
cout << "Epoch " << doprint << " ";
void SetTheWeights (LinActLayer *net, int nopt) {
// if called this initialises network net with specific weights
// some weights array are defined for xor and three logic probs
double pictonweights[] = {0.862518, -0.155797, 0.282885,
0.834986, -0.505997, -0.864449,
0.036498, -0.430437, 0.481210};
// weights given in Picton's book
double logweights[] = {0.2, 0.5, 0.3, 0.3, 0.5, 0.1, 0.4, 0.1, 0.2};
// initial weights for neuron layer as used in lectures
if (nopt == 'X') // if doing XOR problem init with pictonweights
net -> SetTheWeights (pictonweights);
else if ( (nopt == 'L') || (nopt == 'S') ) // if doing logic problems, init with others
net -> SetTheWeights (logweights);
// otherwise the deafult (random) weights are left unchanged
LinActLayer * MakeNet (char nopt, int numhids, datasets &data) {
// create and return appropriate network type
// nopt specifies linear activation/sigmoidal or multi layer
// number of inputs/outputs defined in data set data
// for multilayer, numhids has number of nodes in hidden layers
if (nopt == 'L') // if specify linear layer
return new LinActLayer (data.numIns(), data.numOuts());
// call constructor for LinActLayer
else if (nopt == 'S') // if specify sigmoidal layer
return new SigActLayer (data.numIns(), data.numOuts());
// call constructor for SigActLayer
else // if multi-layer
return new SigActHidLayer (data.numIns(), numhids,
new SigActLayer (numhids, data.numOuts()) );
// call constructor for SigActLayer
} // whose next layer is a SigActLayer
char getcapch(void) {
// gets next character input by user from console,
// if lower case convert to equiv upper case
char och;
cin >> och; // get character
cin.ignore(1); // skip rest of line
if ( (och >= 'a') && (och <= 'z')) och = och - 32;
// if lower case convert
return och;
void showweights (LinActLayer *net) {
// function to print the weights of the neurons in the network net
// first get space for sufficient number of weights
double *warray = new double [net->HowManyWeights()];
// next get the weights from the network
net->ReturnTheWeights (warray);
// now print them out in turn
for (int ct=0; ct<net->HowManyWeights(); ct++)
cout << warray[ct] << ',';
cout << '\n';
// return array to heap
delete warray;
void testnet (char nopt, int ropt, char *filename, char *dataname, double learnparas[]) {
// routine to test the network
// nopt is network option selected (0 = Lin, 1 = Sig, 2 = Multi Layer XOR)
// ropt is 0 if specific initial weights are to be used, otehrwise default random ones
// s is name of file with training data
// lrate and mmtum are the learning rate and momentum for training
int emax, esofar = 0, ifprint; // maximum number of epochs, epochs so far and ifprint
char och = ' '; // character used for commands input by user
datasets data (filename, dataname); // get data sets from file
if (nopt == 'L') emax = 7; else emax = 1001;
// if sigmoidal/XOR have 1001 epochs ..
LinActLayer *net = MakeNet (nopt, 2, data);
// create appropriate form of network
if (ropt == 0) SetTheWeights (net, nopt);
// if not random weights, initialise weights as appropriate.
passdata (net, data, 1); // test untrained net and print results
while (och != 'A') { // loop as follows depending on user commands
cout << "Enter L to learn, P to present data, W to find weights, A to abort >";
och = getcapch();
if (och == 'L') { // choose to train ... now learn emax epochs
for (int ct = 0; ct < emax; ct++) {
if ( (emax < 10) || (ct % 200 == 0) ) ifprint = ct + esofar; else ifprint = 0;
// print SSE every 200'th epoch if sigmoidal, else each time
learndata (net, data, learnparas, ifprint);
// pass data to network and update weights; print if needed
esofar = esofar + emax - 1;
else if (och == 'P') // choose to pass training data to network and print
passdata (net, data, 1);
else if (och == 'W') // choose to display weights of neurons
showweights (net);
* Function that is a bit like passdata but it returns a pointer to a double instead
* of printing the output, which is far more useful for calculations.
double * get_sse( datasets *data, LinActLayer *net )
for( int ct=0; ct < data->numData(); ct++ )
net->TestNetwork( data->NthInputs( ct ), data->NthOutputs( ct ) );
return data->CalcSSE();
* James E. Cleveland's numtest() function.
* Provides testing for numbers, offers validation set support.
void numtest( double learnparas[], int numhid, int emax, int usevalid, int wopt, char *tstr, char *vstr, char *ustr )
// test network on the numerical problem
// specified are the learning rate, momentum, number of hidden neurpons
// emax is max number of epochs for learning
// if usevalid then stop training when SSE on validation set starts to rise
// wopt is seed used to initialise random number generators used to initialise weights
// data files names are in tsr, vstr and ustr
// maximum number of epochs, epochs so far and ifprint
ifprint = 0,
// The number of epochs to take an average over when validating.
epoch_avg = 10;
och = ' ';
// A variable to hold SSE
// Total SSE for current epoch set
cur_total = 0,
// Total SSE for last epoch set
last_total = 99;
// Seed RNG
srand( wopt );
// Load the datasets into seperate objects.
datasets train ( tstr, "training" );
datasets unseen ( ustr, "unseen");
datasets valid ( vstr, "validation" );
// Create a network.
LinActLayer *net = MakeNet( 'N', numhid, train );
// Output to describe our current net.
cout << endl << "************************************"
<< endl << endl <<
"Testing a network with " << numhid << " hidden neurons, initial weight of "
<< wopt << ", learning rate of " << learnparas[ 0 ] << ", and momentum of "
<< learnparas[ 1 ] << "." << endl << endl;
// Pass respective data to net to print the SSEs.
passdata( net, train, 0 );
passdata( net, unseen, 0 );
if( usevalid == 1 )
passdata( net, valid, 0 );
// Train.
cout << "Training..." << endl;
for( int ct = 0; ct < emax; ct++ )
// Learn the data.
learndata( net, train, learnparas, ifprint );
// Compare the validation set's SSEs to see if they are rising.
if( usevalid == 1 )
// Get current SSE (my function) and add it to the current total.
sse = get_sse( &valid, net );
cur_total += *sse;
if( ct > 150 && ct % epoch_avg == 0 )
// Compare the real point averaging as they're both divided by epoch_avg anyway.
if( cur_total > last_total )
// Set the CT to emax so we don't loop again.
ct = emax;
// Set the last_total to the current total and reset the current total to zero.
last_total = cur_total;
cur_total = 0;
// Pass respective data to net to see the SSE.
passdata( net, train, 0 );
passdata( net, unseen, 0 );
if( usevalid == 1 )
passdata( net, valid, 0 );
void main()
// function to create and test single/multi layer network
int wopt = 0, hopt = 10, emax = 1001; // initialse key options
double learnparas[2]; learnparas[0] = 0.2; learnparas[1] = 0.5;
char och = 'A', nopt = 'L', usevalid = 'Y';
cout << "RJMs Perceptron network adapted by RJM and extended by James E. Cleveland\n";
while (och != 'Q') { // loop til quit
cout << "\nNetwork is "; // display current set up
if (nopt == 'L') cout << "Linear Layer; ";
else if (nopt == 'S') cout << "Sigmoidal Layer; ";
else if (nopt == 'X') cout << "for XOR; ";
else cout << "for Lin Prob with " << hopt << " hidden neurons; ";
cout << "\nInit weights seed " << wopt << " ";
cout << "Learning rate " << learnparas[0] << " momentum " << learnparas[1] << "\n";
cout << "Choose (T)est network, set (N)etwork, set learning (C)onstants, (I)nitialise weights, or (Q)uit (V)=numtest1 > ";
// specify user's options
och = getcapch();
if( och == 'V' )
learnparas[0] = 0.2; learnparas[1] = 0.5;
numtest (learnparas, 10, 200, 1, wopt, "train.txt", "valid.txt", "unseen.txt");
learnparas[ 0 ] = 0.1; learnparas[ 1 ] = 0.6;
numtest (learnparas, 10, 200, 1, 0, "train.txt", "valid.txt", "unseen.txt");
numtest (learnparas, 10, 200, 1, 10, "train.txt", "valid.txt", "unseen.txt");
numtest (learnparas, 10, 200, 1, 25, "train.txt", "valid.txt", "unseen.txt");
numtest (learnparas, 10, 200, 1, 37, "train.txt", "valid.txt", "unseen.txt");
numtest (learnparas, 15, 200, 1, 0, "train.txt", "valid.txt", "unseen.txt");
numtest (learnparas, 15, 200, 1, 10, "train.txt", "valid.txt", "unseen.txt");
learnparas[ 0 ] = 0.1; learnparas[ 1 ] = 0.4;
numtest (learnparas, 15, 200, 1, 0, "train.txt", "valid.txt", "unseen.txt");
learnparas[ 0 ] = 0.15; learnparas[ 1 ] = 0.4;
numtest (learnparas, 15, 200, 1, 0, "train.txt", "valid.txt", "unseen.txt");
} // read user's choice
if( och == 'B' )
learnparas[0] = 0.1; learnparas[1] = 0.6;
numtest (learnparas, 10, 200, 0, wopt, "train.txt", "valid.txt", "unseen.txt");
} // read user's choice
if( och == 'M' )
learnparas[0] = 1; learnparas[1] = 1;
numtest (learnparas, 100, 500, 0, wopt, "train.txt", "valid.txt", "unseen.txt");
} // read user's choice
if (och == 'N') { // user to choose network
cout << "For Network enter (L)inear layer (S)igmoidal (X)OR else (N)umerical Prob > ";
nopt = getcapch();// get network type
if ( (nopt != 'L') && (nopt != 'S') && (nopt != 'X')) {
cout << "Enter number of nodes in hidden layer > ";
cin >> hopt; // if approp, get num hidden nodes also
cout << "Enter max number of epochs for learning >";
cin >> emax; // if approp, get num hidden nodes also
cout << "Use validation set to stop learning (Y/N) > ";
usevalid = getcapch();
else if (och == 'C') { // user to set learning rate and momentum
cout << "Enter l-rate & momentum (both in range 0..1) > ";
cin >> learnparas[0] >> learnparas[1];
else if (och == 'I') { // user to specify initial weights
if ( (nopt != 'L') && (nopt != 'S') && (nopt != 'X'))
cout << "Enter 0 to use weights in notes, else set random weights> ";
cout << "Enter seed used for random weights> ";
cin >> wopt;
else if (och == 'T') { // option to test network
if ( (nopt == 'L') || (nopt == 'S') ) // test single layer network
testnet (nopt, wopt, "logdata.txt", "AndOrXor", learnparas);
else if (nopt == 'X') // test MLP on XOR
testnet (nopt, wopt, "xordata.txt", "XOR", learnparas);
else // test on numerical problem
numtest (learnparas, hopt, emax, usevalid == 'Y', wopt, "train.txt", "valid.txt", "unseen.txt");
printf( "TEST FINISH\n" );
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