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Last active May 23, 2016 14:32
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Nixy Shake
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
import Control.Monad (when, foldM_, forM)
import Data.Functor
import Data.List
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.FilePath
import qualified System.Directory as Dir
import System.Posix.Files (touchFile)
main :: IO ()
main = shake shakeOptions $ do
let mainFiles = [ "", "stack.yaml" ]
rule = cachingRule "_build/cache"
want ["_build/main"]
rule "main" mainFiles $ \out -> do
putNormal "building main from scratch"
Stdout contents <- cmd "cat" mainFiles
writeFile' out contents
liftIO $ gcCache "_build/cache" 5
-- | A Rule which keeps a cache of whatever you build, so that if the files are in the same state as
-- they were in a previous build, they will not be rebuilt (even if there was an intermediate build
-- where the files WERE different).
cachingRule :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> (FilePath -> Action ()) -> Rules ()
cachingRule cacheDir target needs buildAction = do
-- _always_ hash the inputs, and then touch the cache directory, so even no-op rebuilds still let
-- the GC know that some artifacts have been used recently. Is this too slow?
hash <- liftIO $ hashAll needs
let hashDir = cacheDir </> hash
cacheTarget = hashDir </> target
fullTarget = "_build" </> target
liftIO $ do
e <- Dir.doesDirectoryExist hashDir
when e (touchFile hashDir)
-- We define two rules: one for doing the compilation, which runs the passed in action with an
-- output location inside the hash-named cache directory:
cacheDir </> "*" </> target %> buildAction
-- And another for copying from that cache directory to the final destination.
fullTarget %> \_ -> do
putNormal ("checking hash for " ++ target)
need (cacheTarget:needs)
copyFile' cacheTarget fullTarget
-- | Generate a single checksum of all the given files.
hashAll :: [FilePath] -> IO String
hashAll files = do
let files' = sort files
Stdout out <- cmd "md5sum" files'
Stdout final <- cmd (Stdin out) "md5sum"
case words final of
[checksum, "-"] -> return checksum
_ -> error ("strange output from md5sum: " ++ show final)
-- | If the `cacheDir` is more than `gcMax` megabytes, delete the oldest directories inside of it
-- until the size is under `gcMax`.
gcCache :: FilePath -> Int -> IO ()
gcCache cacheDir gcMax = do
Stdout duOutput <- cmd "du -m --max-depth=1" [cacheDir]
let sizesWithTotal :: [(FilePath, Int)]
sizesWithTotal = map parseLine (lines duOutput)
total = snd (last sizesWithTotal)
sizes = init sizesWithTotal
putStrLn $ "[GC] " ++ cacheDir ++ " is " ++ show total ++ " MB."
when (total > gcMax) $ putStrLn ("[GC] Performing GC on " ++ cacheDir)
fileInfo <- mapM (\(fn, size) -> (fn,size,) <$> Dir.getModificationTime fn) sizes
let fileInfoSorted = sortBy (comparing (\(_, _, mtime) -> mtime)) fileInfo
forFoldM_ total fileInfoSorted $ \reducedSize (filename, size, _) ->
if reducedSize < gcMax then
return reducedSize
else do
putStrLn $ "[GC] Removing " ++ show filename
Dir.removeDirectoryRecursive filename
return (reducedSize - size)
forFoldM_ base l action = foldM_ action base l
parseLine :: String -> (FilePath, Int)
parseLine l = case words l of
[s, fn] -> (fn, read s :: Int)
other -> error ("strange output from `du`: " ++ show other)
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radix commented May 21, 2016

I'm working on applying this to my company's build. I've found some issues.


  • hashing/touching is broken when working on dynamically built files (have a super inefficient workaround for now)
  • hardcoded _build (fixed locally)
  • doesn't work with rules that build multiple files (still working this out)

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Very cool! CC @snowleopard, as this is essentially lots of simultaneous input-output pairs at once, which is a prerequisite for something like Shake-on-a-server with multiple users.

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eborden commented May 23, 2016

@radix: What is the case for #3 (doesn't work with rules that build multiple files), could you elaborate?

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