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Last active January 18, 2022 08:54
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  • Save radstevee/56ba8b15e7e975170c8705d716932a53 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Counts the world files that start with Speedrun # or New World from every open minecraft instance and displays it
; Script by Radsteve
; Forked from Specnr's MoveWorlds-Script
#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
global count := 0
global McDirectories := []
global rawPIDs := []
global instances := 0
sleep, 500
dhw := A_DetectHiddenWindows
DetectHiddenWindows, On
Run, %ComSpec%,, Hide, cPid
WinWait, ahk_pid %cPid%
DetectHiddenWindows, %dhw%
DllCall("AttachConsole", "uint", cPid)
Shell := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell")
Exec := Shell.Exec(Command)
Result := Exec.StdOut.ReadAll()
Process, Close, %cPid%
Return Result
command := Format("powershell.exe $x = Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter \""ProcessId = {1}\""; $x.CommandLine", pid)
rawOut := RunHide(command)
if (InStr(rawOut, "--gameDir")) {
strStart := RegExMatch(rawOut, "P)--gameDir (?:""(.+?)""|([^\s]+))", strLen, 1)
return SubStr(rawOut, strStart+10, strLen-10) . "\"
} else {
strStart := RegExMatch(rawOut, "P)(?:-Djava\.library\.path=(.+?) )|(?:\""-Djava\.library.path=(.+?)\"")", strLen, 1)
if (SubStr(rawOut, strStart+20, 1) == "=") {
strLen -= 1
strStart += 1
return StrReplace(SubStr(rawOut, strStart+20, strLen-28) . ".minecraft\", "/", "\")
GetInstanceTotal() {
idx := 1
global rawPIDs
WinGet, all, list
Loop, %all%
WinGet, pid, PID, % "ahk_id " all%A_Index%
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_pid %pid%
if (InStr(title, "Minecraft*")) {
rawPIDs[idx] := pid
idx += 1
return rawPIDs.MaxIndex()
global McDirectories
global instances := GetInstanceTotal()
; Generate mcdir and order PIDs
Loop, %instances% {
mcdir := GetMcDir(rawPIDs[A_Index])
McDirectories[A_Index] := mcdir
for i, mcdir in McDirectories {
saves := mcdir . "saves\"
Loop, Files, %saves%*, D
If (InStr(A_LoopFileName, "New World") || InStr(A_LoopFileName, "Speedrun #")) {
count := count+1
msgbox, %count%
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