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Created October 3, 2023 14:39
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Spin and Large Language Models</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<div class="chat-container">
<div class="chat-header">
<h1>Chat with Spin and Llama2!</h1>
<div class="chat-history"></div>
<div class="chat-input">
<input type="text" id="message-input" placeholder="Type your message here...">
<button id="send-button">Send</button>
<button id="clear-button">Clear</button>
<h3>Send messages in the chat area above, then clear all data from the server when you are done.</h3>
<script src="main.js"></script>
const chatHistory = document.querySelector('.chat-history');
const messageInput = document.getElementById('message-input');
const sendButton = document.getElementById('send-button');
const clearButton = document.getElementById('clear-button');
const conversationIdKey = "conversationId";
let conversationId = getOrSetConversationId();
(async () => {
let history = await fetch(`/api/${conversationId}`);
console.log(`Fetching conversation ID: ${conversationId}`);
if (history.ok) {
let chat = await history.json();
if (chat) {
chat.prompts.forEach(c => {
addMessageToChatHistory(c.role, c.content);
notify("Loaded conversation from history.");
} else {
notify("Created new conversation.");
function getOrSetConversationId() {
let conversationId;
if (window.localStorage.getItem(conversationIdKey)) {
conversationId = window.localStorage.getItem(conversationIdKey);
} else {
conversationId = uuidv4();
console.log(`Conversation ID: ${conversationId}`);
window.localStorage.setItem(conversationIdKey, conversationId);
return conversationId;
// Function to add a new message to the chat history
function addMessageToChatHistory(role, content) {
if (role == "System") {
const msg = content.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
const newMessage = document.createElement('div');
if (role == "User") {
newMessage.className = "user-chat-message";
} else {
newMessage.className = "assistant-chat-message";
newMessage.innerText = `${role}: ${msg}`;
chatHistory.scrollTop = chatHistory.scrollHeight;
// Function to add a new message to the chat history with typing animation
function typeMessage(role, content) {
const msg = content.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
const newMessage = document.createElement('div');
if (role == "User") {
newMessage.className = "user-chat-message";
} else {
newMessage.className = "assistant-chat-message";
let i = 0;
const typingAnimation = setInterval(() => {
newMessage.innerText = `${role}: ${msg.substring(0, i++)}_`;
if (i > msg.length) {
newMessage.innerText = `${role}: ${msg}`;
chatHistory.scrollTop = chatHistory.scrollHeight;
}, 30);
// Function to handle sending a message to the generation API
async function sendMessageToAPI(id, content) {
let response = await fetch("/api/generate", { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ id: id, content: content }) });
typeMessage("Assistant", await response.text());
// Event listener for send button click
sendButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
const message = messageInput.value.trim();
if (message) {
addMessageToChatHistory('User', message);
messageInput.value = '';
sendMessageToAPI(conversationId, message);
// Event listener for enter key press
messageInput.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
if (event.key === 'Enter') {
const message = messageInput.value.trim();
if (message) {
addMessageToChatHistory('User', message);
messageInput.value = '';
sendMessageToAPI(conversationId, message);
clearButton.addEventListener('click', async () => {
conversationId = getOrSetConversationId();
notify("Clearing history and starting new conversation.");
chatHistory.innerHTML = '';
// await fetch(`/api/${conversationId}`, { method: "DELETE" });
function uuidv4() {
return ([1e7] + -1e3 + -4e3 + -8e3 + -1e11).replace(/[018]/g, c =>
(c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16)
function notify(message) {
const notification = document.createElement('div');
notification.textContent = message;
// Add the notification to the body
// Set a timeout to remove the notification after 3 seconds
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000);
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