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Last active October 3, 2018 17:40
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Puzzling CTE query

Initial Query

WITH valid_bins AS (
         SELECT a_1.intersection_uid,
            a_1.dt + b_1.b::time without time zone AS datetime_bin,
           FROM volumes.report_dates_view a_1
             CROSS JOIN (SELECT generate_series('2017-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone, '2017-01-01 23:45:00'::timestamp without time zone, '00:15:00'::interval)::TIME) b_1(b)
        ), int_avg AS (
         SELECT volumes_15min_by_class.intersection_uid,
            volumes_15min_by_class.datetime_bin::time without time zone AS time_bin,
            avg(volumes_15min_by_class.total_volume) AS avg_volume
           FROM volumes.volumes_15min_by_class
			INNER JOIN volumes.class_types USING (class_type_id)
          GROUP BY intersection_uid, class_type, class_type_id, period_type, dir, leg, time_bin
 , volumes_15 AS (
 SELECT a.intersection_uid,
    COALESCE(c.total_volume, b.avg_volume) AS volume
  FROM valid_bins a
     JOIN int_avg b USING (intersection_uid, class_type_id, period_type)
     LEFT JOIN volumes.volumes_15min_by_class c USING (datetime_bin, intersection_uid, class_type_id, dir, leg, period_type)
  WHERE b.time_bin = a.datetime_bin::time without time zone
  ORDER BY a.intersection_uid, a.period_type, a.datetime_bin, class_type, b.dir, b.leg
 intersection_days AS (
	SELECT intersection_uid, datetime_bin::date AS dt, COUNT(DISTINCT datetime_bin) AS num_daily_observations
	FROM volumes_15
	GROUP BY intersection_uid, dt
, daily AS(
 SELECT a.intersection_uid,
    a.datetime_bin::date AS dt,
    b.period_name || 
    CASE WHEN period_id = 7 THEN '' --24 hour
    ELSE --Append period range 
	(((' ('::text || to_char(lower(b.period_range)::interval, 'HH24:MM'::text)) || '-'::text) || to_char(upper(b.period_range)::interval, 'HH24:MM'::text)) || ')'::text 
    AS "period_name",
    sum(a.volume) AS total_volume
   FROM volumes_15 a
     CROSS JOIN volumes.periods b
     JOIN volumes.intersections c USING (intersection_uid)
     JOIN intersection_days d ON d.intersection_uid = a.intersection_uid AND a.datetime_bin::date = dt
  WHERE a.datetime_bin::time without time zone <@ b.period_range AND report_flag AND (a.dir = ANY (ARRAY['EB'::text, 'WB'::text])) 
	AND (period_id != 7 OR num_daily_observations > 23 * 4) --Make sure 24hour counts have data for most of the 24-hour period
	AND (c.street_cross = ANY (ARRAY['Bathurst'::text, 'Spadina'::text, 'Bay'::text, 'Jarvis'::text])) AND (c.street_cross = 'Bathurst'::text AND (a.leg = ANY (ARRAY['E'::text, 'S'::text, 'N'::text])) OR c.street_cross = 'Jarvis'::text AND (a.leg = ANY (ARRAY['W'::text, 'S'::text, 'N'::text])) OR (c.street_cross <> ALL (ARRAY['Bathurst'::text, 'Jarvis'::text])) AND (a.dir = 'EB'::text AND (a.leg = ANY (ARRAY['W'::text, 'N'::text, 'S'::text])) OR a.dir = 'WB'::text AND (a.leg = ANY (ARRAY['E'::text, 'N'::text, 'S'::text])))) AND NOT ((a.class_type = ANY (ARRAY['Vehicles'::text, 'Cyclists'::text])) AND (a.dir = 'EB'::text AND (c.street_main = ANY (ARRAY['Wellington'::text, 'Richmond'::text])) OR a.dir = 'WB'::text AND c.street_main = 'Adelaide'::text))
  GROUP BY a.intersection_uid, c.intersection_name, c.street_main, c.street_cross, a.period_type, a.class_type, a.dir, (a.datetime_bin::date), b.period_name, b.period_range, period_id
SELECT period_type as aggregation_period, intersections.int_id,
    centreline_intersection.intersec5 AS intersection_name, px,
            WHEN class_type = 'Buses'::text THEN 'Buses and streetcars'::text
            ELSE class_type
        END AS classification,
        dir, period_name, round(AVG(total_volume), -1)::int as volume
FROM daily
JOIN volumes.intersections USING (intersection_uid)
JOIN gis.centreline_intersection USING (int_id)
GROUP BY period_type, int_id, class_type, intersec5, px, dir, period_name;

Initial Query Plan

    "Plan": {
      "Node Type": "Aggregate",
      "Strategy": "Sorted",
      "Partial Mode": "Simple",
      "Parallel Aware": false,
      "Startup Cost": 2561227.12,
      "Total Cost": 2561227.21,
      "Plan Rows": 2,
      "Plan Width": 236,
      "Actual Startup Time": 111723.66,
      "Actual Total Time": 111770.631,
      "Actual Rows": 7364,
      "Actual Loops": 1,
      "Group Key": [
      "Plans": [
          "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
          "Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
          "Subplan Name": "CTE valid_bins",
          "Parallel Aware": false,
          "Join Type": "Inner",
          "Startup Cost": 0,
          "Total Cost": 72304.65,
          "Plan Rows": 4814000,
          "Plan Width": 25,
          "Actual Startup Time": 0.037,
          "Actual Total Time": 384.556,
          "Actual Rows": 422208,
          "Actual Loops": 1,
          "Plans": [
              "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Relation Name": "report_dates_view",
              "Alias": "a_1",
              "Startup Cost": 0,
              "Total Cost": 77.14,
              "Plan Rows": 4814,
              "Plan Width": 21,
              "Actual Startup Time": 0.013,
              "Actual Total Time": 2.506,
              "Actual Rows": 4398,
              "Actual Loops": 1
              "Node Type": "Materialize",
              "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Startup Cost": 0,
              "Total Cost": 20.01,
              "Plan Rows": 1000,
              "Plan Width": 8,
              "Actual Startup Time": 0,
              "Actual Total Time": 0.028,
              "Actual Rows": 96,
              "Actual Loops": 4398,
              "Plans": [
                  "Node Type": "Result",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Startup Cost": 0,
                  "Total Cost": 5.01,
                  "Plan Rows": 1000,
                  "Plan Width": 8,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.014,
                  "Actual Total Time": 0.054,
                  "Actual Rows": 96,
                  "Actual Loops": 1
          "Node Type": "Aggregate",
          "Strategy": "Sorted",
          "Partial Mode": "Simple",
          "Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
          "Subplan Name": "CTE int_avg",
          "Parallel Aware": false,
          "Startup Cost": 577039.96,
          "Total Cost": 667548.52,
          "Plan Rows": 2585959,
          "Plan Width": 112,
          "Actual Startup Time": 11665.269,
          "Actual Total Time": 14723.325,
          "Actual Rows": 589800,
          "Actual Loops": 1,
          "Group Key": [
            "((volumes_15min_by_class.datetime_bin)::time without time zone)"
          "Plans": [
              "Node Type": "Sort",
              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Startup Cost": 577039.96,
              "Total Cost": 583504.85,
              "Plan Rows": 2585959,
              "Plan Width": 66,
              "Actual Startup Time": 11665.243,
              "Actual Total Time": 12840.225,
              "Actual Rows": 2585959,
              "Actual Loops": 1,
              "Sort Key": [
                "((volumes_15min_by_class.datetime_bin)::time without time zone)"
              "Sort Method": "external merge",
              "Sort Space Used": 146824,
              "Sort Space Type": "Disk",
              "Plans": [
                  "Node Type": "Hash Join",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Join Type": "Inner",
                  "Startup Cost": 38.58,
                  "Total Cost": 89471,
                  "Plan Rows": 2585959,
                  "Plan Width": 66,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.084,
                  "Actual Total Time": 3036.375,
                  "Actual Rows": 2585959,
                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                  "Hash Cond": "(volumes_15min_by_class.class_type_id = class_types.class_type_id)",
                  "Plans": [
                      "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Relation Name": "volumes_15min_by_class",
                      "Alias": "volumes_15min_by_class",
                      "Startup Cost": 0,
                      "Total Cost": 47410.59,
                      "Plan Rows": 2585959,
                      "Plan Width": 32,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.013,
                      "Actual Total Time": 925.844,
                      "Actual Rows": 2585959,
                      "Actual Loops": 1
                      "Node Type": "Hash",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Startup Cost": 22.7,
                      "Total Cost": 22.7,
                      "Plan Rows": 1270,
                      "Plan Width": 36,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.016,
                      "Actual Total Time": 0.016,
                      "Actual Rows": 3,
                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                      "Hash Buckets": 2048,
                      "Original Hash Buckets": 2048,
                      "Hash Batches": 1,
                      "Original Hash Batches": 1,
                      "Peak Memory Usage": 17,
                      "Plans": [
                          "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Relation Name": "class_types",
                          "Alias": "class_types",
                          "Startup Cost": 0,
                          "Total Cost": 22.7,
                          "Plan Rows": 1270,
                          "Plan Width": 36,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 0.007,
                          "Actual Total Time": 0.008,
                          "Actual Rows": 3,
                          "Actual Loops": 1
          "Node Type": "Sort",
          "Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
          "Subplan Name": "CTE volumes_15",
          "Parallel Aware": false,
          "Startup Cost": 1818023.77,
          "Total Cost": 1818043.23,
          "Plan Rows": 7781,
          "Plan Width": 172,
          "Actual Startup Time": 50259.145,
          "Actual Total Time": 52145.605,
          "Actual Rows": 3224216,
          "Actual Loops": 1,
          "Sort Key": [
          "Sort Method": "external merge",
          "Sort Space Used": 167616,
          "Sort Space Type": "Disk",
          "Plans": [
              "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Join Type": "Left",
              "Startup Cost": 1695873.8,
              "Total Cost": 1817520.9,
              "Plan Rows": 7781,
              "Plan Width": 172,
              "Actual Startup Time": 20497.646,
              "Actual Total Time": 40203.912,
              "Actual Rows": 3224216,
              "Actual Loops": 1,
              "Plans": [
                  "Node Type": "Merge Join",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Join Type": "Inner",
                  "Startup Cost": 1695873.37,
                  "Total Cost": 1813415.46,
                  "Plan Rows": 7781,
                  "Plan Width": 176,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 20497.573,
                  "Actual Total Time": 24404.679,
                  "Actual Rows": 3224216,
                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                  "Merge Cond": "((a.intersection_uid = b.intersection_uid) AND (a.class_type_id = b.class_type_id) AND (a.period_type = b.period_type) AND (((a.datetime_bin)::time without time zone) = b.time_bin))",
                  "Plans": [
                      "Node Type": "Sort",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Startup Cost": 926782.23,
                      "Total Cost": 938817.23,
                      "Plan Rows": 4814000,
                      "Plan Width": 48,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 2122.595,
                      "Actual Total Time": 2287.545,
                      "Actual Rows": 422201,
                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                      "Sort Key": [
                        "((a.datetime_bin)::time without time zone)"
                      "Sort Method": "external sort",
                      "Sort Space Used": 20640,
                      "Sort Space Type": "Disk",
                      "Plans": [
                          "Node Type": "CTE Scan",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "CTE Name": "valid_bins",
                          "Alias": "a",
                          "Startup Cost": 0,
                          "Total Cost": 96280,
                          "Plan Rows": 4814000,
                          "Plan Width": 48,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 0.041,
                          "Actual Total Time": 778.676,
                          "Actual Rows": 422208,
                          "Actual Loops": 1
                      "Node Type": "Materialize",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Startup Cost": 769091.14,
                      "Total Cost": 782020.93,
                      "Plan Rows": 2585959,
                      "Plan Width": 176,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 18374.969,
                      "Actual Total Time": 19638.129,
                      "Actual Rows": 3224216,
                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                      "Plans": [
                          "Node Type": "Sort",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Startup Cost": 769091.14,
                          "Total Cost": 775556.04,
                          "Plan Rows": 2585959,
                          "Plan Width": 176,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 18374.964,
                          "Actual Total Time": 18627.244,
                          "Actual Rows": 589800,
                          "Actual Loops": 1,
                          "Sort Key": [
                          "Sort Method": "external sort",
                          "Sort Space Used": 35880,
                          "Sort Space Type": "Disk",
                          "Plans": [
                              "Node Type": "CTE Scan",
                              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                              "CTE Name": "int_avg",
                              "Alias": "b",
                              "Startup Cost": 0,
                              "Total Cost": 51719.18,
                              "Plan Rows": 2585959,
                              "Plan Width": 176,
                              "Actual Startup Time": 11665.274,
                              "Actual Total Time": 15414.759,
                              "Actual Rows": 589800,
                              "Actual Loops": 1
                  "Node Type": "Index Scan",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Scan Direction": "Forward",
                  "Index Name": "volumes_15min_by_class_datetime_bin_intersection_uid_class__idx",
                  "Relation Name": "volumes_15min_by_class",
                  "Alias": "c",
                  "Startup Cost": 0.43,
                  "Total Cost": 0.52,
                  "Plan Rows": 1,
                  "Plan Width": 32,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.003,
                  "Actual Total Time": 0.004,
                  "Actual Rows": 1,
                  "Actual Loops": 3224216,
                  "Index Cond": "((a.datetime_bin = datetime_bin) AND (a.intersection_uid = intersection_uid) AND (a.class_type_id = class_type_id) AND (b.dir = dir) AND (b.leg = leg) AND (a.period_type = period_type))",
                  "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0
          "Node Type": "Aggregate",
          "Strategy": "Sorted",
          "Partial Mode": "Simple",
          "Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
          "Subplan Name": "CTE intersection_days",
          "Parallel Aware": false,
          "Startup Cost": 677.95,
          "Total Cost": 765.48,
          "Plan Rows": 778,
          "Plan Width": 16,
          "Actual Startup Time": 58313.412,
          "Actual Total Time": 60587.315,
          "Actual Rows": 1466,
          "Actual Loops": 1,
          "Group Key": [
          "Plans": [
              "Node Type": "Sort",
              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Startup Cost": 677.95,
              "Total Cost": 697.4,
              "Plan Rows": 7781,
              "Plan Width": 16,
              "Actual Startup Time": 58311.396,
              "Actual Total Time": 59316.434,
              "Actual Rows": 3224216,
              "Actual Loops": 1,
              "Sort Key": [
              "Sort Method": "external sort",
              "Sort Space Used": 81952,
              "Sort Space Type": "Disk",
              "Plans": [
                  "Node Type": "CTE Scan",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "CTE Name": "volumes_15",
                  "Alias": "volumes_15",
                  "Startup Cost": 0,
                  "Total Cost": 175.07,
                  "Plan Rows": 7781,
                  "Plan Width": 16,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 50259.157,
                  "Actual Total Time": 54724.473,
                  "Actual Rows": 3224216,
                  "Actual Loops": 1
          "Node Type": "Aggregate",
          "Strategy": "Sorted",
          "Partial Mode": "Simple",
          "Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
          "Subplan Name": "CTE daily",
          "Parallel Aware": false,
          "Startup Cost": 376.02,
          "Total Cost": 376.1,
          "Plan Rows": 1,
          "Plan Width": 332,
          "Actual Startup Time": 104282.447,
          "Actual Total Time": 111196.089,
          "Actual Rows": 39498,
          "Actual Loops": 1,
          "Group Key": [
          "Plans": [
              "Node Type": "Sort",
              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Startup Cost": 376.02,
              "Total Cost": 376.02,
              "Plan Rows": 1,
              "Plan Width": 300,
              "Actual Startup Time": 104281.558,
              "Actual Total Time": 109340.91,
              "Actual Rows": 2124224,
              "Actual Loops": 1,
              "Sort Key": [
              "Sort Method": "external merge",
              "Sort Space Used": 234336,
              "Sort Space Type": "Disk",
              "Plans": [
                  "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Join Type": "Inner",
                  "Startup Cost": 330.87,
                  "Total Cost": 376.01,
                  "Plan Rows": 1,
                  "Plan Width": 300,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 60659.586,
                  "Actual Total Time": 90256.361,
                  "Actual Rows": 2124224,
                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                  "Join Filter": "((a_2.intersection_uid = c_1.intersection_uid) AND ((a_2.class_type <> ALL ('{Vehicles,Cyclists}'::text[])) OR (((a_2.dir <> 'EB'::text) OR (c_1.street_main <> ALL ('{Wellington,Richmond}'::text[]))) AND ((a_2.dir <> 'WB'::text) OR (c_1.street_main <> 'Adelaide'::text)))) AND (((c_1.street_cross = 'Bathurst'::text) AND (a_2.leg = ANY ('{E,S,N}'::text[]))) OR ((c_1.street_cross = 'Jarvis'::text) AND (a_2.leg = ANY ('{W,S,N}'::text[]))) OR ((c_1.street_cross <> ALL ('{Bathurst,Jarvis}'::text[])) AND (((a_2.dir = 'EB'::text) AND (a_2.leg = ANY ('{W,N,S}'::text[]))) OR ((a_2.dir = 'WB'::text) AND (a_2.leg = ANY ('{E,N,S}'::text[])))))))",
                  "Rows Removed by Join Filter": 1062548,
                  "Plans": [
                      "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Join Type": "Inner",
                      "Startup Cost": 330.72,
                      "Total Cost": 375.7,
                      "Plan Rows": 1,
                      "Plan Width": 244,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 60659.547,
                      "Actual Total Time": 78432.053,
                      "Actual Rows": 4408132,
                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                      "Join Filter": "(((a_2.datetime_bin)::time without time zone <@ b_1.period_range) AND ((b_1.period_id <> 7) OR (d.num_daily_observations > 92)))",
                      "Rows Removed by Join Filter": 8343036,
                      "Plans": [
                          "Node Type": "Hash Join",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Join Type": "Inner",
                          "Startup Cost": 330.72,
                          "Total Cost": 353.1,
                          "Plan Rows": 1,
                          "Plan Width": 184,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 60659.511,
                          "Actual Total Time": 64049.505,
                          "Actual Rows": 1593896,
                          "Actual Loops": 1,
                          "Hash Cond": "((d.intersection_uid = a_2.intersection_uid) AND (d.dt = (a_2.datetime_bin)::date))",
                          "Plans": [
                              "Node Type": "CTE Scan",
                              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                              "CTE Name": "intersection_days",
                              "Alias": "d",
                              "Startup Cost": 0,
                              "Total Cost": 15.56,
                              "Plan Rows": 778,
                              "Plan Width": 16,
                              "Actual Startup Time": 58313.414,
                              "Actual Total Time": 60589.055,
                              "Actual Rows": 1466,
                              "Actual Loops": 1
                              "Node Type": "Hash",
                              "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                              "Startup Cost": 330.69,
                              "Total Cost": 330.69,
                              "Plan Rows": 2,
                              "Plan Width": 172,
                              "Actual Startup Time": 2247.704,
                              "Actual Total Time": 2247.704,
                              "Actual Rows": 1593896,
                              "Actual Loops": 1,
                              "Hash Buckets": 65536,
                              "Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
                              "Hash Batches": 64,
                              "Original Hash Batches": 1,
                              "Peak Memory Usage": 3585,
                              "Plans": [
                                  "Node Type": "CTE Scan",
                                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                                  "CTE Name": "volumes_15",
                                  "Alias": "a_2",
                                  "Startup Cost": 0,
                                  "Total Cost": 330.69,
                                  "Plan Rows": 2,
                                  "Plan Width": 172,
                                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.028,
                                  "Actual Total Time": 1316.475,
                                  "Actual Rows": 1593896,
                                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                                  "Filter": "((dir = ANY ('{EB,WB}'::text[])) AND ((leg = ANY ('{E,S,N}'::text[])) OR (leg = ANY ('{W,S,N}'::text[])) OR ((dir = 'EB'::text) AND (leg = ANY ('{W,N,S}'::text[]))) OR ((dir = 'WB'::text) AND (leg = ANY ('{E,N,S}'::text[])))))",
                                  "Rows Removed by Filter": 1630320
                          "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Relation Name": "periods",
                          "Alias": "b_1",
                          "Startup Cost": 0,
                          "Total Cost": 16.3,
                          "Plan Rows": 315,
                          "Plan Width": 68,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
                          "Actual Total Time": 0.004,
                          "Actual Rows": 8,
                          "Actual Loops": 1593896,
                          "Filter": "report_flag",
                          "Rows Removed by Filter": 2
                      "Node Type": "Index Scan",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Scan Direction": "Forward",
                      "Index Name": "intersections_intersection_uid_idx",
                      "Relation Name": "intersections",
                      "Alias": "c_1",
                      "Startup Cost": 0.15,
                      "Total Cost": 0.25,
                      "Plan Rows": 1,
                      "Plan Width": 100,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
                      "Actual Total Time": 0.001,
                      "Actual Rows": 1,
                      "Actual Loops": 4408132,
                      "Index Cond": "(intersection_uid = d.intersection_uid)",
                      "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
                      "Filter": "(street_cross = ANY ('{Bathurst,Spadina,Bay,Jarvis}'::text[]))",
                      "Rows Removed by Filter": 0
          "Node Type": "Sort",
          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
          "Parallel Aware": false,
          "Startup Cost": 2189.14,
          "Total Cost": 2189.15,
          "Plan Rows": 2,
          "Plan Width": 198,
          "Actual Startup Time": 111723.626,
          "Actual Total Time": 111739.057,
          "Actual Rows": 39498,
          "Actual Loops": 1,
          "Sort Key": [
          "Sort Method": "external merge",
          "Sort Space Used": 4088,
          "Sort Space Type": "Disk",
          "Plans": [
              "Node Type": "Hash Join",
              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Join Type": "Inner",
              "Startup Cost": 9.57,
              "Total Cost": 2189.13,
              "Plan Rows": 2,
              "Plan Width": 198,
              "Actual Startup Time": 111472.902,
              "Actual Total Time": 111521.997,
              "Actual Rows": 39498,
              "Actual Loops": 1,
              "Hash Cond": "(centreline_intersection.int_id = intersections.int_id)",
              "Plans": [
                  "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Relation Name": "centreline_intersection",
                  "Alias": "centreline_intersection",
                  "Startup Cost": 0,
                  "Total Cost": 1978.94,
                  "Plan Rows": 53494,
                  "Plan Width": 30,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.01,
                  "Actual Total Time": 21.861,
                  "Actual Rows": 53494,
                  "Actual Loops": 1
                  "Node Type": "Hash",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Startup Cost": 9.54,
                  "Total Cost": 9.54,
                  "Plan Rows": 2,
                  "Plan Width": 172,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 111446.126,
                  "Actual Total Time": 111446.126,
                  "Actual Rows": 39498,
                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                  "Hash Buckets": 65536,
                  "Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
                  "Hash Batches": 2,
                  "Original Hash Batches": 1,
                  "Peak Memory Usage": 3585,
                  "Plans": [
                      "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Join Type": "Inner",
                      "Startup Cost": 4.16,
                      "Total Cost": 9.54,
                      "Plan Rows": 2,
                      "Plan Width": 172,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 104282.48,
                      "Actual Total Time": 111415.645,
                      "Actual Rows": 39498,
                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                      "Plans": [
                          "Node Type": "CTE Scan",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "CTE Name": "daily",
                          "Alias": "daily",
                          "Startup Cost": 0,
                          "Total Cost": 0.02,
                          "Plan Rows": 1,
                          "Plan Width": 164,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 104282.453,
                          "Actual Total Time": 111264.266,
                          "Actual Rows": 39498,
                          "Actual Loops": 1
                          "Node Type": "Bitmap Heap Scan",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Relation Name": "intersections",
                          "Alias": "intersections",
                          "Startup Cost": 4.16,
                          "Total Cost": 9.5,
                          "Plan Rows": 2,
                          "Plan Width": 16,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 0.002,
                          "Actual Total Time": 0.002,
                          "Actual Rows": 1,
                          "Actual Loops": 39498,
                          "Recheck Cond": "(intersection_uid = daily.intersection_uid)",
                          "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
                          "Exact Heap Blocks": 39498,
                          "Lossy Heap Blocks": 0,
                          "Plans": [
                              "Node Type": "Bitmap Index Scan",
                              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                              "Index Name": "intersections_intersection_uid_idx",
                              "Startup Cost": 0,
                              "Total Cost": 4.16,
                              "Plan Rows": 2,
                              "Plan Width": 0,
                              "Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
                              "Actual Total Time": 0.001,
                              "Actual Rows": 1,
                              "Actual Loops": 39498,
                              "Index Cond": "(intersection_uid = daily.intersection_uid)"
    "Planning Time": 2.475,
    "Triggers": [],
    "Execution Time": 111923.894

Updated Query

We added a few extra joins and an extra filter in the daily CTE.

WITH valid_bins AS (
         SELECT a_1.intersection_uid,
            a_1.dt + b_1.b AS datetime_bin,
           FROM volumes.report_dates_view a_1
             CROSS JOIN ( SELECT generate_series('2017-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone, '2017-01-01 23:45:00'::timestamp without time zone, '00:15:00'::interval)::time without time zone AS generate_series) b_1(b)
             LEFT JOIN volumes.exceptions c ON a_1.intersection_uid = c.intersection_uid AND a_1.class_type_id = c.class_type_id AND (a_1.dt + b_1.b) <@ c.excluded_datetime
          WHERE c.exceptions_uid IS NULL
        ), int_avg AS (
         SELECT volumes_15min_by_class.intersection_uid,
            volumes_15min_by_class.datetime_bin::time without time zone AS time_bin,
            avg(volumes_15min_by_class.total_volume) AS avg_volume
           FROM volumes.volumes_15min_by_class
          GROUP BY volumes_15min_by_class.intersection_uid, volumes_15min_by_class.class_type_id, volumes_15min_by_class.period_type, volumes_15min_by_class.dir, volumes_15min_by_class.leg, (volumes_15min_by_class.datetime_bin::time without time zone)
        ), volumes_15 AS (
         SELECT a.intersection_uid,
            COALESCE(c.total_volume, b.avg_volume) AS volume
           FROM valid_bins a
             JOIN int_avg b USING (intersection_uid, class_type_id, period_type)
             LEFT JOIN volumes.volumes_15min_by_class c USING (datetime_bin, intersection_uid, class_type_id, dir, leg, period_type)
          WHERE b.time_bin = a.datetime_bin::time without time zone
        ), intersection_days AS (
         SELECT volumes_15.intersection_uid,
            volumes_15.datetime_bin::date AS dt,
            count(DISTINCT volumes_15.datetime_bin) AS num_daily_observations
           FROM volumes_15
          GROUP BY volumes_15.intersection_uid, (volumes_15.datetime_bin::date)
        ), daily AS (
         SELECT a.intersection_uid,
            a.datetime_bin::date AS dt2,
            b.period_name ||
                    WHEN b.period_id = 7 THEN ''::text
                    ELSE (((' ('::text || to_char(lower(b.period_range)::interval, 'HH24:MM'::text)) || '-'::text) || to_char(upper(b.period_range)::interval, 'HH24:MM'::text)) || ')'::text
                END AS period_name,
            sum(a.volume) AS total_volume
           FROM volumes_15 a
             CROSS JOIN volumes.periods b
             JOIN volumes.intersections c USING (intersection_uid)
             JOIN intersection_days d ON d.intersection_uid = a.intersection_uid AND a.datetime_bin >= d.dt AND a.datetime_bin < (d.dt + '1 day'::interval)
             JOIN volumes.class_types USING (class_type_id)
          WHERE a.datetime_bin::time without time zone <@ b.period_range AND b.report_flag AND (a.dir = ANY (ARRAY['EB'::text, 'WB'::text])) AND ((b.period_id <> ALL (ARRAY[4, 8])) OR b.period_id = 8 AND d.num_daily_observations > (23 * 4) OR b.period_id = 4 AND d.num_daily_observations > (13 * 4)) AND (c.street_cross = ANY (ARRAY['Bathurst'::text, 'Spadina'::text, 'Bay'::text, 'Jarvis'::text])) AND (c.street_cross = 'Bathurst'::text AND (a.leg = ANY (ARRAY['E'::text, 'S'::text, 'N'::text])) OR c.street_cross = 'Jarvis'::text AND (a.leg = ANY (ARRAY['W'::text, 'S'::text, 'N'::text])) OR (c.street_cross <> ALL (ARRAY['Bathurst'::text, 'Jarvis'::text])) AND (a.dir = 'EB'::text AND (a.leg = ANY (ARRAY['W'::text, 'N'::text, 'S'::text])) OR a.dir = 'WB'::text AND (a.leg = ANY (ARRAY['E'::text, 'N'::text, 'S'::text])))) AND NOT ((class_types.class_type = ANY (ARRAY['Vehicles'::text, 'Cyclists'::text])) AND (a.dir = 'EB'::text AND (c.street_main = ANY (ARRAY['Wellington'::text, 'Richmond'::text])) OR a.dir = 'WB'::text AND c.street_main = 'Adelaide'::text))
          GROUP BY a.intersection_uid, c.int_id, c.px, c.intersection_name, c.street_main, c.street_cross, a.period_type, class_types.class_type, a.dir, (a.datetime_bin::date), b.period_name, b.period_range, b.period_id
 SELECT daily.period_type AS aggregation_period,
    centreline_intersection.intersec5 AS intersection_name,
            WHEN daily.class_type = 'Buses'::text THEN 'Buses and streetcars'::text
            ELSE daily.class_type
        END AS classification,
    avg(daily.total_volume)::integer AS volume
   FROM daily
     JOIN gis.centreline_intersection USING (int_id)
  GROUP BY daily.period_type, daily.int_id, daily.class_type, centreline_intersection.intersec5, daily.px, daily.dir, daily.period_name;

Query plan 2

    "Plan": {
      "Node Type": "Subquery Scan",
      "Parallel Aware": false,
      "Alias": "ksp_miovision_summary",
      "Startup Cost": 818773.88,
      "Total Cost": 818773.93,
      "Plan Rows": 1,
      "Plan Width": 170,
      "Actual Startup Time": 20032901.73,
      "Actual Total Time": 20032939.83,
      "Actual Rows": 6956,
      "Actual Loops": 1,
      "Plans": [
          "Node Type": "Aggregate",
          "Strategy": "Sorted",
          "Partial Mode": "Simple",
          "Parent Relationship": "Subquery",
          "Parallel Aware": false,
          "Startup Cost": 818773.88,
          "Total Cost": 818773.92,
          "Plan Rows": 1,
          "Plan Width": 228,
          "Actual Startup Time": 20032901.729,
          "Actual Total Time": 20032936.985,
          "Actual Rows": 6956,
          "Actual Loops": 1,
          "Group Key": [
          "Plans": [
              "Node Type": "Hash Join",
              "Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
              "Subplan Name": "CTE valid_bins",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Join Type": "Right",
              "Startup Cost": 150377.78,
              "Total Cost": 302344.27,
              "Plan Rows": 1,
              "Plan Width": 25,
              "Actual Startup Time": 434.037,
              "Actual Total Time": 727.44,
              "Actual Rows": 402132,
              "Actual Loops": 1,
              "Hash Cond": "((c.intersection_uid = a_1.intersection_uid) AND (c.class_type_id = a_1.class_type_id))",
              "Join Filter": "((a_1.dt + ((generate_series('2017-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone, '2017-01-01 23:45:00'::timestamp without time zone, '00:15:00'::interval))::time without time zone)) <@ c.excluded_datetime)",
              "Rows Removed by Join Filter": 468936,
              "Filter": "(c.exceptions_uid IS NULL)",
              "Rows Removed by Filter": 27000,
              "Plans": [
                  "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Relation Name": "exceptions",
                  "Alias": "c",
                  "Startup Cost": 0,
                  "Total Cost": 2.99,
                  "Plan Rows": 99,
                  "Plan Width": 34,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.015,
                  "Actual Total Time": 0.063,
                  "Actual Rows": 99,
                  "Actual Loops": 1
                  "Node Type": "Hash",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Startup Cost": 54801.78,
                  "Total Cost": 54801.78,
                  "Plan Rows": 4377000,
                  "Plan Width": 29,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 429.327,
                  "Actual Total Time": 429.327,
                  "Actual Rows": 420192,
                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                  "Hash Buckets": 65536,
                  "Original Hash Buckets": 65536,
                  "Hash Batches": 128,
                  "Original Hash Batches": 128,
                  "Peak Memory Usage": 852,
                  "Plans": [
                      "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Join Type": "Inner",
                      "Startup Cost": 0,
                      "Total Cost": 54801.78,
                      "Plan Rows": 4377000,
                      "Plan Width": 29,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.038,
                      "Actual Total Time": 257.539,
                      "Actual Rows": 420192,
                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                      "Plans": [
                          "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Relation Name": "report_dates_view",
                          "Alias": "a_1",
                          "Startup Cost": 0,
                          "Total Cost": 71.77,
                          "Plan Rows": 4377,
                          "Plan Width": 21,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 0.018,
                          "Actual Total Time": 1.652,
                          "Actual Rows": 4377,
                          "Actual Loops": 1
                          "Node Type": "Materialize",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Startup Cost": 0,
                          "Total Cost": 20.01,
                          "Plan Rows": 1000,
                          "Plan Width": 8,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 0,
                          "Actual Total Time": 0.019,
                          "Actual Rows": 96,
                          "Actual Loops": 4377,
                          "Plans": [
                              "Node Type": "Result",
                              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                              "Startup Cost": 0,
                              "Total Cost": 5.01,
                              "Plan Rows": 1000,
                              "Plan Width": 8,
                              "Actual Startup Time": 0.015,
                              "Actual Total Time": 0.041,
                              "Actual Rows": 96,
                              "Actual Loops": 1
              "Node Type": "Aggregate",
              "Strategy": "Sorted",
              "Partial Mode": "Simple",
              "Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
              "Subplan Name": "CTE int_avg",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Startup Cost": 449693.34,
              "Total Cost": 504895.18,
              "Plan Rows": 256753,
              "Plan Width": 60,
              "Actual Startup Time": 13479.235,
              "Actual Total Time": 16124.335,
              "Actual Rows": 586728,
              "Actual Loops": 1,
              "Group Key": [
                "((volumes_15min_by_class.datetime_bin)::time without time zone)"
              "Plans": [
                  "Node Type": "Sort",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Startup Cost": 449693.34,
                  "Total Cost": 456112.16,
                  "Plan Rows": 2567527,
                  "Plan Width": 32,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 13479.212,
                  "Actual Total Time": 14497.599,
                  "Actual Rows": 2567527,
                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                  "Sort Key": [
                    "((volumes_15min_by_class.datetime_bin)::time without time zone)"
                  "Sort Method": "external merge",
                  "Sort Space Used": 116264,
                  "Sort Space Type": "Disk",
                  "Plans": [
                      "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Relation Name": "volumes_15min_by_class",
                      "Alias": "volumes_15min_by_class",
                      "Startup Cost": 0,
                      "Total Cost": 53491.09,
                      "Plan Rows": 2567527,
                      "Plan Width": 32,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.011,
                      "Actual Total Time": 1122.932,
                      "Actual Rows": 2567527,
                      "Actual Loops": 1
              "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
              "Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
              "Subplan Name": "CTE volumes_15",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Join Type": "Left",
              "Startup Cost": 0.47,
              "Total Cost": 9315.82,
              "Plan Rows": 1,
              "Plan Width": 144,
              "Actual Startup Time": 14681.194,
              "Actual Total Time": 35488.395,
              "Actual Rows": 2988824,
              "Actual Loops": 1,
              "Plans": [
                  "Node Type": "Hash Join",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Join Type": "Inner",
                  "Startup Cost": 0.04,
                  "Total Cost": 9307.35,
                  "Plan Rows": 1,
                  "Plan Width": 144,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 14681.133,
                  "Actual Total Time": 19951.372,
                  "Actual Rows": 2988824,
                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                  "Hash Cond": "((b.intersection_uid = a.intersection_uid) AND (b.class_type_id = a.class_type_id) AND (b.period_type = a.period_type) AND (b.time_bin = (a.datetime_bin)::time without time zone))",
                  "Plans": [
                      "Node Type": "CTE Scan",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "CTE Name": "int_avg",
                      "Alias": "b",
                      "Startup Cost": 0,
                      "Total Cost": 5135.06,
                      "Plan Rows": 256753,
                      "Plan Width": 142,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 13479.238,
                      "Actual Total Time": 16598.955,
                      "Actual Rows": 586728,
                      "Actual Loops": 1
                      "Node Type": "Hash",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Startup Cost": 0.02,
                      "Total Cost": 0.02,
                      "Plan Rows": 1,
                      "Plan Width": 48,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 1201.785,
                      "Actual Total Time": 1201.785,
                      "Actual Rows": 402132,
                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                      "Hash Buckets": 65536,
                      "Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
                      "Hash Batches": 8,
                      "Original Hash Batches": 1,
                      "Peak Memory Usage": 3585,
                      "Plans": [
                          "Node Type": "CTE Scan",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "CTE Name": "valid_bins",
                          "Alias": "a",
                          "Startup Cost": 0,
                          "Total Cost": 0.02,
                          "Plan Rows": 1,
                          "Plan Width": 48,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 434.042,
                          "Actual Total Time": 1006.986,
                          "Actual Rows": 402132,
                          "Actual Loops": 1
                  "Node Type": "Index Scan",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Scan Direction": "Forward",
                  "Index Name": "volumes_15min_by_class_datetime_bin_intersection_uid_class__idx",
                  "Relation Name": "volumes_15min_by_class",
                  "Alias": "c_1",
                  "Startup Cost": 0.43,
                  "Total Cost": 8.46,
                  "Plan Rows": 1,
                  "Plan Width": 32,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.004,
                  "Actual Total Time": 0.004,
                  "Actual Rows": 1,
                  "Actual Loops": 2988824,
                  "Index Cond": "((a.datetime_bin = datetime_bin) AND (a.intersection_uid = intersection_uid) AND (a.class_type_id = class_type_id) AND (b.dir = dir) AND (b.leg = leg) AND (a.period_type = period_type))",
                  "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0
              "Node Type": "Aggregate",
              "Strategy": "Sorted",
              "Partial Mode": "Simple",
              "Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
              "Subplan Name": "CTE intersection_days",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Startup Cost": 0.03,
              "Total Cost": 0.06,
              "Plan Rows": 1,
              "Plan Width": 16,
              "Actual Startup Time": 26568.811,
              "Actual Total Time": 28778.646,
              "Actual Rows": 1458,
              "Actual Loops": 1,
              "Group Key": [
              "Plans": [
                  "Node Type": "Sort",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Startup Cost": 0.03,
                  "Total Cost": 0.04,
                  "Plan Rows": 1,
                  "Plan Width": 16,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 26568.286,
                  "Actual Total Time": 27721.586,
                  "Actual Rows": 2988824,
                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                  "Sort Key": [
                  "Sort Method": "external merge",
                  "Sort Space Used": 76000,
                  "Sort Space Type": "Disk",
                  "Plans": [
                      "Node Type": "CTE Scan",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "CTE Name": "volumes_15",
                      "Alias": "volumes_15",
                      "Startup Cost": 0,
                      "Total Cost": 0.02,
                      "Plan Rows": 1,
                      "Plan Width": 16,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.004,
                      "Actual Total Time": 23874.424,
                      "Actual Rows": 2988824,
                      "Actual Loops": 1
              "Node Type": "Aggregate",
              "Strategy": "Sorted",
              "Partial Mode": "Simple",
              "Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
              "Subplan Name": "CTE daily",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Startup Cost": 38.88,
              "Total Cost": 38.96,
              "Plan Rows": 1,
              "Plan Width": 344,
              "Actual Startup Time": 20026460.124,
              "Actual Total Time": 20032588.365,
              "Actual Rows": 34866,
              "Actual Loops": 1,
              "Group Key": [
              "Plans": [
                  "Node Type": "Sort",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Startup Cost": 38.88,
                  "Total Cost": 38.88,
                  "Plan Rows": 1,
                  "Plan Width": 312,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 20026459.494,
                  "Actual Total Time": 20031359.598,
                  "Actual Rows": 1457328,
                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                  "Sort Key": [
                  "Sort Method": "external merge",
                  "Sort Space Used": 183960,
                  "Sort Space Type": "Disk",
                  "Plans": [
                      "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Join Type": "Inner",
                      "Startup Cost": 4.32,
                      "Total Cost": 38.87,
                      "Plan Rows": 1,
                      "Plan Width": 312,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 43511.139,
                      "Actual Total Time": 20009091.008,
                      "Actual Rows": 1457328,
                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                      "Join Filter": "((class_types.class_type <> ALL ('{Vehicles,Cyclists}'::text[])) OR (((a_2.dir <> 'EB'::text) OR (c_2.street_main <> ALL ('{Wellington,Richmond}'::text[]))) AND ((a_2.dir <> 'WB'::text) OR (c_2.street_main <> 'Adelaide'::text))))",
                      "Rows Removed by Join Filter": 185900,
                      "Plans": [
                          "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Join Type": "Inner",
                          "Startup Cost": 4.16,
                          "Total Cost": 30.67,
                          "Plan Rows": 1,
                          "Plan Width": 288,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 43511.114,
                          "Actual Total Time": 20000007.775,
                          "Actual Rows": 1643228,
                          "Actual Loops": 1,
                          "Join Filter": "((a_2.datetime_bin >= d.dt) AND (a_2.intersection_uid = c_2.intersection_uid) AND (a_2.datetime_bin < (d.dt + '1 day'::interval)) AND ((b_1.period_id <> ALL ('{4,8}'::integer[])) OR ((b_1.period_id = 8) AND (d.num_daily_observations > 92)) OR ((b_1.period_id = 4) AND (d.num_daily_observations > 52))) AND (((c_2.street_cross = 'Bathurst'::text) AND (a_2.leg = ANY ('{E,S,N}'::text[]))) OR ((c_2.street_cross = 'Jarvis'::text) AND (a_2.leg = ANY ('{W,S,N}'::text[]))) OR ((c_2.street_cross <> ALL ('{Bathurst,Jarvis}'::text[])) AND (((a_2.dir = 'EB'::text) AND (a_2.leg = ANY ('{W,N,S}'::text[]))) OR ((a_2.dir = 'WB'::text) AND (a_2.leg = ANY ('{E,N,S}'::text[])))))))",
                          "Rows Removed by Join Filter": 4796975944,
                          "Plans": [
                              "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
                              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                              "Join Type": "Inner",
                              "Startup Cost": 0,
                              "Total Cost": 21.07,
                              "Plan Rows": 1,
                              "Plan Width": 212,
                              "Actual Startup Time": 14681.234,
                              "Actual Total Time": 38090.606,
                              "Actual Rows": 4334796,
                              "Actual Loops": 1,
                              "Join Filter": "((a_2.datetime_bin)::time without time zone <@ b_1.period_range)",
                              "Rows Removed by Join Filter": 7474804,
                              "Plans": [
                                  "Node Type": "CTE Scan",
                                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                                  "CTE Name": "volumes_15",
                                  "Alias": "a_2",
                                  "Startup Cost": 0,
                                  "Total Cost": 0.04,
                                  "Plan Rows": 1,
                                  "Plan Width": 144,
                                  "Actual Startup Time": 14681.202,
                                  "Actual Total Time": 18416.123,
                                  "Actual Rows": 1476200,
                                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                                  "Filter": "((dir = ANY ('{EB,WB}'::text[])) AND ((leg = ANY ('{E,S,N}'::text[])) OR (leg = ANY ('{W,S,N}'::text[])) OR ((dir = 'EB'::text) AND (leg = ANY ('{W,N,S}'::text[]))) OR ((dir = 'WB'::text) AND (leg = ANY ('{E,N,S}'::text[])))))",
                                  "Rows Removed by Filter": 1512624
                                  "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                                  "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                                  "Relation Name": "periods",
                                  "Alias": "b_1",
                                  "Startup Cost": 0,
                                  "Total Cost": 16.3,
                                  "Plan Rows": 315,
                                  "Plan Width": 68,
                                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
                                  "Actual Total Time": 0.006,
                                  "Actual Rows": 8,
                                  "Actual Loops": 1476200,
                                  "Filter": "report_flag",
                                  "Rows Removed by Filter": 2
                              "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
                              "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                              "Join Type": "Inner",
                              "Startup Cost": 4.16,
                              "Total Cost": 9.54,
                              "Plan Rows": 1,
                              "Plan Width": 128,
                              "Actual Startup Time": 0.009,
                              "Actual Total Time": 4.303,
                              "Actual Rows": 1107,
                              "Actual Loops": 4334796,
                              "Plans": [
                                  "Node Type": "CTE Scan",
                                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                                  "CTE Name": "intersection_days",
                                  "Alias": "d",
                                  "Startup Cost": 0,
                                  "Total Cost": 0.02,
                                  "Plan Rows": 1,
                                  "Plan Width": 16,
                                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.006,
                                  "Actual Total Time": 0.368,
                                  "Actual Rows": 1458,
                                  "Actual Loops": 4334796
                                  "Node Type": "Bitmap Heap Scan",
                                  "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                                  "Relation Name": "intersections",
                                  "Alias": "c_2",
                                  "Startup Cost": 4.16,
                                  "Total Cost": 9.51,
                                  "Plan Rows": 1,
                                  "Plan Width": 112,
                                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
                                  "Actual Total Time": 0.002,
                                  "Actual Rows": 1,
                                  "Actual Loops": 6320132568,
                                  "Recheck Cond": "(intersection_uid = d.intersection_uid)",
                                  "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
                                  "Filter": "(street_cross = ANY ('{Bathurst,Spadina,Bay,Jarvis}'::text[]))",
                                  "Rows Removed by Filter": 0,
                                  "Exact Heap Blocks": 6320132568,
                                  "Lossy Heap Blocks": 0,
                                  "Plans": [
                                      "Node Type": "Bitmap Index Scan",
                                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                                      "Index Name": "intersections_intersection_uid_idx",
                                      "Startup Cost": 0,
                                      "Total Cost": 4.16,
                                      "Plan Rows": 2,
                                      "Plan Width": 0,
                                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
                                      "Actual Total Time": 0.001,
                                      "Actual Rows": 1,
                                      "Actual Loops": 6320132568,
                                      "Index Cond": "(intersection_uid = d.intersection_uid)"
                          "Node Type": "Index Scan",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Scan Direction": "Forward",
                          "Index Name": "class_types_pkey",
                          "Relation Name": "class_types",
                          "Alias": "class_types",
                          "Startup Cost": 0.15,
                          "Total Cost": 8.17,
                          "Plan Rows": 1,
                          "Plan Width": 36,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 0.002,
                          "Actual Total Time": 0.002,
                          "Actual Rows": 1,
                          "Actual Loops": 1643228,
                          "Index Cond": "(class_type_id = a_2.class_type_id)",
                          "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0
              "Node Type": "Sort",
              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Startup Cost": 2179.6,
              "Total Cost": 2179.6,
              "Plan Rows": 1,
              "Plan Width": 198,
              "Actual Startup Time": 20032901.691,
              "Actual Total Time": 20032912.782,
              "Actual Rows": 34866,
              "Actual Loops": 1,
              "Sort Key": [
              "Sort Method": "external merge",
              "Sort Space Used": 3544,
              "Sort Space Type": "Disk",
              "Plans": [
                  "Node Type": "Hash Join",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Join Type": "Inner",
                  "Startup Cost": 0.03,
                  "Total Cost": 2179.59,
                  "Plan Rows": 1,
                  "Plan Width": 198,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 20032688.124,
                  "Actual Total Time": 20032717.775,
                  "Actual Rows": 34866,
                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                  "Hash Cond": "(centreline_intersection.int_id = daily.int_id)",
                  "Plans": [
                      "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Relation Name": "centreline_intersection",
                      "Alias": "centreline_intersection",
                      "Startup Cost": 0,
                      "Total Cost": 1978.94,
                      "Plan Rows": 53494,
                      "Plan Width": 30,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.006,
                      "Actual Total Time": 18.954,
                      "Actual Rows": 53494,
                      "Actual Loops": 1
                      "Node Type": "Hash",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Startup Cost": 0.02,
                      "Total Cost": 0.02,
                      "Plan Rows": 1,
                      "Plan Width": 172,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 20032669.655,
                      "Actual Total Time": 20032669.655,
                      "Actual Rows": 34866,
                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                      "Hash Buckets": 65536,
                      "Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
                      "Hash Batches": 1,
                      "Original Hash Batches": 1,
                      "Peak Memory Usage": 3935,
                      "Plans": [
                          "Node Type": "CTE Scan",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "CTE Name": "daily",
                          "Alias": "daily",
                          "Startup Cost": 0,
                          "Total Cost": 0.02,
                          "Plan Rows": 1,
                          "Plan Width": 172,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 20026460.13,
                          "Actual Total Time": 20032648.092,
                          "Actual Rows": 34866,
                          "Actual Loops": 1
    "Planning Time": 1.539,
    "Triggers": [],
    "Execution Time": 20033041.691
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