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Created November 20, 2021 18:02
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Lost in Bookstores
I have a suspect interest for wondering from bookstore to another, I almost love more wondering and buying books than sometimes reading them.
This time got me close to my favorite Coffee / coworking spot... my misery is that often I buy more books than I can read. Here I am trying to write about those books to maybe create more attachement to reading them (what would I not try), let's hope that I finish them before I feel the urge again to wonder in a bookstore and buy more of them.
This time my quest started with a book that I have been strongly recommanded from Ahmet Altan (I Will Never See the World Again), having hard time to find the book I asked the bookstore owner, who loves the author and recommanded Madame Hayatt that she didn't have yet, will keep it in mind for next time.
She also recommanded some other books, three particuliarly kept my attention, the first is a tiny, really beautiful book. A piece of art: in Feodor Sologoub "A little man" write a critics of the Russian society in a humouristic book (just the cover is amazing with and reminds the Matryoshka doll).
Followed by "Impossible" by Erri De Luca which is a passionnate discussion between a suspected criminal and a judge, from an italian author (I never read an italian author well this will fix it ^^).
The last book recommmanded by the bookstore owner is prize winner (Goncourt 2021), "La plus secrère mémoire des hommmes" by Mohamed Mbougar Sarr, her passion about this book was so communicative that I had to take it (loved the cover too).
And I finished by a very small book an autstic author writing about the autistic brain, "Voyage au centre d'un cerveau d'autiste" Babouillec.
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