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Created June 11, 2010 15:41
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(ns myrbot.core
(:use irclj.irclj))
;;; cond-re macro
(defn- re-clause-to-if [s [re bindings body] else]
`(if-let [[~'_ ~@bindings] (re-find ~re ~s)]
(defn- re-clauses-to-ifs [s clauses]
(when-first [clause clauses]
(if (and (not (next clauses))
(= (count clause) 1))
(first clause)
(re-clause-to-if s clause (re-clauses-to-ifs s (rest clauses))))))
(defmacro cond-re [s & clauses]
(re-clauses-to-ifs s (partition 3 3 nil clauses)))
;;; The IRC bot
(def ignored #{"=D" "=)"})
(defn on-message [{:keys [irc channel nick message]}]
(when-not (ignored message)
(cond-re message
#"^=(.*)" [exp] (send-message irc channel (format "Eval command \"%s\"" exp))
#"^~(.*)" [str] (send-message irc channel (format "Squiggly command \"%s\"" str))
#"jumbo/LARGE" [] (send-message irc channel "Hey! No in-jokes!"))))
(def bot (connect (create-irc {:name "myrbot"
:server ""
:fnmap {:on-message #'on-message}})
:channels ["#d1d" "#myrbot"]))
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