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Created July 29, 2020 12:34
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<%= simple_form_for @material, url: ( ? material_path(@material) : materials_path) do |f| %>
<%= f.simple_fields_for :product do |p| %>
<div class='row-fluid'>
<%= p.input :only_movements_with_barcode, as: :boolean,
inline_label: true,
label: false,
wrapper_html: { class: 'span2' }
<%= p.input :uniq_barcode_mode,
collection: ProductUniqBarcodeMode.to_a,
wrapper_html: {
class: 'span3'
input_html: {
class: 'span12'
<%= p.input :name,
wrapper_html: {
class: 'span3'
input_html: {
class: 'span12 toUpperCase',
maxlength: 100,
rows: 2,
cols: 100
<%= p.input :nickname,
wrapper_html: {
class: 'span2'
input_html: {
class: 'span12 toUpperCase',
maxlength: 256
<%= p.input :code,
wrapper_html: {
class: 'span2'
input_html: {
class: 'span12 toUpperCase',
size: 5, maxlength: 5, autofocus: true
<div class='row-fluid'>
<%= p.input :family,
required: true,
collection:, :id).to_a,
wrapper_html: {
class: 'span2'
input_html: {
class: 'span12'
<%= f.input :description,
as: :text,
wrapper_html: {
class: 'span4'
input_html: {
class: 'span12 toUpperCase',
rows: 3
<%= p.input :catmat_code,
wrapper_html: {
class: 'span2'
input_html: {
class: 'span12 toUpperCase',
maxlength: 20
<%= p.input :sigaf_barcode,
wrapper_html: {
class: 'span2'
input_html: {
class: 'span12 toUpperCase'
<%= p.input :integration_identifier,
wrapper_html: {
class: 'span2'
input_html: {
class: 'span12 toUpperCase',
maxlength: 256
<div class='row-fluid'>
<%= f.input :material_type,
collection: MaterialType.to_a,
wrapper_html: {
class: 'span2'
input_html: {
class: 'span12'
<div class='control-group span3'>
<%= p.label :presentation_unit %>
<%= p.input_field :presentation_unit,
class: 'autocomplete span12',
data: {
'js-identifier' => 'typeahead-autocomplete',
'autocomplete-url' => '/products/presentation_units/autocomplete',
'key' => 'name'
} %>
<div class='control-group span3'>
<%= p.label :unit %>
<%= p.input_field :unit,
class: 'autocomplete span12',
data: {
'js-identifier' => 'typeahead-autocomplete',
'autocomplete-url' => '/products/units/autocomplete',
'key' => 'name'
} %>
<%= p.input :quantity_unit,
as: :string,
required: true,
wrapper_html: {
class: 'span2'
input_html: {
class: 'span12',
value: p.object.quantity_unit.present? ? number_with_precision(p.object.quantity_unit, precision: 2) : ''
<%= p.input :active, as: :boolean,
inline_label: true,
label: false,
wrapper_html: { class: 'span2' }
<%= f.input :perishable, as: :boolean,
inline_label: true,
label: false,
wrapper_html: { class: 'span2' }
<div class="form-actions">
<%= f.submit nil, class: 'btn btn-success', data: { disable_with: 'Salvando...' } %>
<%= link_to 'Voltar', materials_path, class: 'btn' %>
<% end %>
prefix: "",
centsSeparator: ",",
thousandsSeparator: ".",
centsLimit: 2,
limit: 10
.live("blur", function () {
if (this.value === "0,00") { this.value = "" }
<% end %>
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