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Last active March 23, 2017 18:51
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Exercicio - transformar string
Transformar uma string em outra na qual cada letra do alfabeto deve ser a proxima mantendo o resto igual. ex: a -> b, z -> a, f -> g.
Após a transformação gerar uma nova string onde toda vogal deve ser maiúscula.
Input:"fun times!"
Output:"gvO Ujnft!"
const str = "hello*3d";
const stringToArray = (str, strLength = 0, arr = []) => {
if(strLength === str.length) return arr;
return stringToArray(str, strLength + 1, arr );
const isLetter = char => char.match(/\w/) !== null;
const isLetterZ = char => char === "z";
const isVowel = char => {
let t = char.match(/[aeiou]/)
return t ? t[0].toUpperCase() : char;
const vowelToUpper = fn => char => fn(char);
const changeLetter = char => {
return isLetterZ(char) ? "a" :
isLetter(char) ?
String.fromCharCode(char.charCodeAt(0) + 1) : char;
const map = fn => xs =>;
const join = (xs, separator = "") => xs.join(separator);
const derivedWord = map(changeLetter)(stringToArray(str));
const newWord = map(vowelToUpper(isVowel))(derivedWord)
const finalWord = join(newWord);
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