Webcam parts:
- Raspberry Pi Zero W Rev 1.1
- Raspberry Pi Camera v2 (8-megapixel)
- Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera (12.3-megapixel)
- Raspbian Buster Lite 2020-02-13
Webcam works with:
- Windows 10
- Windows 10 "Camera" app
- Google Hangouts via Chrome
- Zoom
- start with a fresh install of
Raspbian Buster Lite 2020-02-13
. - enable ssh access & connect to network.
- connect the camera to the Raspberry Pi.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install git -y
sudo raspi-config
Interfacing Options
> P1 Camera
> Enable
to the bottom of /boot/config.txt
(sudo vi /boot/config.txt
then add dtoverlay=dwc2
to the end.)
after the rootwait
in /boot/cmdline.txt
(sudo vi /boot/cmdline.txt
then add modules-load=dwc2,libcomposite
at the end.)
then add the following from g.letourneur on
mkdir /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4
echo 0x1d6b > /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/idVendor
echo 0x0104 > /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/idProduct
echo 0x0100 > /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/bcdDevice
echo 0x0200 > /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/bcdUSB
echo 0xEF > /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/bDeviceClass
echo 0x02 > /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/bDeviceSubClass
echo 0x01 > /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/bDeviceProtocol
mkdir /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/strings/0x409
echo 100000000d2386db > /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/strings/0x409/serialnumber
echo "Samsung" > /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/strings/0x409/manufacturer
echo "PI4 USB Device" > /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/strings/0x409/product
mkdir /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/configs/c.1
mkdir /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/configs/c.1/strings/0x409
echo 500 > /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/configs/c.1/MaxPower
echo "UVC" > /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/configs/c.1/strings/0x409/configuration
mkdir /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/functions/uvc.usb0
mkdir -p /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/functions/uvc.usb0/control/header/h
ln -s /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/functions/uvc.usb0/control/header/h /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/functions/uvc.usb0/control/class/fs
mkdir -p /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/functions/uvc.usb0/streaming/mjpeg/m/720p
cat <<EOF > /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/functions/uvc.usb0/streaming/mjpeg/m/720p/dwFrameInterval
cat <<EOF > /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/functions/uvc.usb0/streaming/mjpeg/m/720p/wWidth
cat <<EOF > /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/functions/uvc.usb0/streaming/mjpeg/m/720p/wHeight
cat <<EOF > /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/functions/uvc.usb0/streaming/mjpeg/m/720p/dwMinBitRate
cat <<EOF > /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/functions/uvc.usb0/streaming/mjpeg/m/720p/dwMaxBitRate
cat <<EOF > /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/functions/uvc.usb0/streaming/mjpeg/m/720p/dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize
mkdir /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/functions/uvc.usb0/streaming/header/h
cd /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/functions/uvc.usb0/streaming/header/h
ln -s ../../mjpeg/m
cd ../../class/fs
ln -s ../../header/h
cd ../../class/hs
ln -s ../../header/h
cd ../../../../..
ln -s /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/functions/uvc.usb0 /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/configs/c.1/uvc.usb0
udevadm settle -t 5 || :
ls /sys/class/udc > /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/pi4/UDC
make the new script executable
chmod +x
clone whle's uvc-gadget repo
git clone
build it
cd uvc-gadget && make
sudo reboot 0
ls -ls /dev
should have video0
if your Raspberry Pi Camera is hooked up and enabled.
ls -la /sys/class/udc
should have:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 May 11 22:21 20980000.usb -> ../../devices/platform/soc/20980000.usb/udc/20980000.usb
ls -la /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget
should exist.
Start with your Pi just hooked up to power, not connected to another computer.
note which is the physical camera connected
ls /dev/video*
will probably be video0
sudo ./
if it returns with no errors, it worked.
note which one is new from running the
ls /dev/video*
will probably be video1
if your camera is video0
and your UVC gadget is video1
~/uvc-gadget/uvc-gadget -v /dev/video0 -u /dev/video1 -r 1 -f 1
note the options on the repo, this will output 1280x720 MJPEG
You should have output like this:
pi@campi:~ $ ~/uvc-gadget/uvc-gadget -v /dev/video0 -u /dev/video1 -r 1 -f 1
V4L2 device is mmal service 16.1 on bus platform:bcm2835-v4l2
V4L2: Getting current format: JPEG 1024x768
V4L2: Setting format to: MJPG 1280x720
V4L2: Getting current format: MJPG 1280x720
v4l2 open succeeded, file descriptor = 3
uvc device is 20980000.usb on bus gadget
uvc open succeeded, file descriptor = 4
V4L2: Buffer 0 mapped at address 0xb6cf4000.
V4L2: Buffer 1 mapped at address 0xb6c13000.
V4L2: 2 buffers allocated.
you should see a bunch of logs on the rPi when you connect the cable, like:
control request (req 86 cs 04)
control request (req 81 cs 02)
control request (req 86 cs 09)
control request (req 81 cs 02)
control request (req 86 cs 02)
on the RaspberryPi you should see logs like:
streaming request (req 81 cs 01)
streaming request (req 01 cs 01)
setting probe control, length = 26
streaming request (req 81 cs 01)
streaming request (req 83 cs 01)
streaming request (req 82 cs 01)
streaming request (req 01 cs 01)
setting probe control, length = 26
streaming request (req 81 cs 01)
streaming request (req 01 cs 02)
setting commit control, length = 26
UVC: 2 buffers allocated.
V4L2: Starting video stream.
UVC: Starting video stream.
control request (req 81 cs 02)
control request (req 81 cs 02)
control request (req 81 cs 02)
control request (req 01 cs 02)
setting unknown control, length = 2
V4L2: Brightness control changed to value = 0x7f
Control Request data phase (cs 02 entity 02)
control request (req 81 cs 02)
control request (req 81 cs 02)
Rerunning the script should work fine. You can unplug the Pi and move it to a different computer, etc.
try setting the brightness to something like 65
, as it may default to 0
leaving you with an all-black image.
Used these resouces to get this working
- Pi Zero + Camera Board = USB webcam gadget? - Raspberry Pi Forums
- How do you configure the Pi Zero to act as a USB webcam using the plug in camera? - StackExchange
- g.letourneur's UVC ConfigFS Gadget configuration script
- Kieran Bingham's UVC ConfigFS Gadget configuration tool
- wlhe's uvc-gadget app
- Turning your Raspberry Pi Zero into a USB Gadget - Adafruit