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rafaelcaricio / gist:f1cca605ab669d66af5a
Created October 31, 2014 21:26
Verifying that +rafaelcaricio is my Bitcoin username. You can send me #bitcoin here:
rafaelcaricio /
Created November 26, 2014 11:40
Shows geolocation stored in EXIF of image
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
from PIL import Image
from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS, GPSTAGS
except ImportError:
print "You need to install PIL. Please check:"
def decode_gps_info(exif):
rafaelcaricio / fizzbuzz.erl
Created December 23, 2014 13:31
FizzBuzz in Erlang
for(Number) when Number rem 3 == 0 andalso Number rem 5 == 0 ->
for(Number) when Number rem 3 == 0 ->
for(Number) when Number rem 5 == 0 ->
rafaelcaricio / all_emails.txt
Created January 7, 2015 21:26
Readable version of emails communication with Alchemia staff
Dear Alchemia staff,
It's with profound disappointment I am writing you this e-mail to describe a racist situation towards my friends and I coming from your security guards on the night of Saturday 04/01/2015 to Sunday 05/01/2015.
I am a foreigner which regularly visits Krakow as I am always in love with this city and its people. Having coming here for so many years, I ended up making many local friends and one of our favourite spots is Alchemia in Plac Nowy.
Unfortunately yesterday an event left me shocked and very sad. Whilst having a good time with my friends, having a chat and laughs, two of your hired security staff, sitting on a table in the corner, began to shout racist comments and gestures against our table. It was not a joke - the prejudice was towards us, a group of foreigners and locals, and it was deliberate. We could hear sounds and gestures that imitated a monkey as well as sayings like "kurwa malpa", which according to our local friends, meant "fucking monkeys".
As an esteemed customer
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am rafaelcaricio on github.
* I am rafaelcaricio ( on keybase.
* I have a public key whose fingerprint is 08D9 4BF8 357C 744E 8964 FBB0 75AE 057C EE9E DF0C
To claim this, I am signing this object:
Version: Keybase OpenPGP v2.0.1
(defn fizzbuzz [max_value]
(fizzbuzz_acc max_value 1))
(defn fizzbuzz_acc [max_value acc]
(if (<= acc max_value)
(do (if (is_fizzbuzz acc)
(println "fizzbuzz")
(if (is_fizz acc)
(println "fizz")
(if (is_buzz acc)
rafaelcaricio / gist:659798
Created November 2, 2010 15:46
Instalando o NGINX
rafaelcaricio@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install nginx
rafaelcaricio / gist:659792
Created November 2, 2010 15:41
Instalando e iniciando o memcached
rafaelcaricio@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install memcached
rafaelcaricio@ubuntu:~$ memcached -d -m 512 -l -p 11211
rafaelcaricio / gist:659797
Created November 2, 2010 15:45
Verificando o status do memcached
rafaelcaricio@ubuntu:~$ ps ax | grep memcached
4185 ? Ssl 0:00 memcached -d -m 512 -l -p 11211