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Last active June 20, 2019 23:47
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Modified Hoare State Monad
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Require Import LibTactics.
Require Import Program.
Require Import List.
Require Import Omega.
Section hoare_state_monad.
Variable st : Set.
Definition Pre : Type := st -> Prop.
Definition Post (a : Type) : Type := st -> a -> st -> Prop.
Program Definition HoareState (E : Set) (pre : Pre) (a : Type) (post : Post a) : Type :=
forall i : {t : st | pre t}, {c : sum (a * st) E |
match c with
| inl (x, f) => post (proj1_sig i) x f
| inr _ => True
Definition top : Pre := fun st => True.
Program Definition ret {B : Set} (a : Type) : forall x,
@HoareState B top a (fun i y f => i = f /\ y = x) := fun x s => exist _ (inl (x, s)) _.
Program Definition bind : forall a b P1 P2 Q1 Q2 B,
(@HoareState B P1 a Q1) -> (forall (x : a), @HoareState B (P2 x) b (Q2 x)) ->
@HoareState B (fun s1 => P1 s1 /\ forall x s2, Q1 s1 x s2 -> P2 x s2)
(fun s1 y s3 => exists x, exists s2, Q1 s1 x s2 /\ Q2 x s2 y s3) :=
fun B a b P1 P2 Q1 Q2 c1 c2 s1 => match c1 s1 as y with
| inl (x, s2) => c2 x s2
| inr R => _
Next Obligation.
eapply p.
cbv in Heq_y.
destruct c1.
destruct x0.
- simpl in y.
destruct p0.
inversion Heq_y.
- simpl in y.
inversion Heq_y.
Next Obligation.
destruct (c2 x).
destruct x0.
cbv in Heq_y.
simpl in *.
destruct p0.
exists x s2.
destruct c1.
destruct x0.
destruct p0.
simpl in *.
inversion Heq_y.
inversion Heq_y.
simpl in *.
Next Obligation.
simpl in *.
inversion Heq_y.
exists (@inr (a * st) Q2 R).
Program Definition failT {B : Set} (b : B) (A : Type) : @HoareState B top A (fun _ _ _ => True) := fun s => exist _ (inr b) _.
Program Definition get {B : Set} : @HoareState B top st (fun i x f => i = f /\ x = i) := fun s => exist _ (inl (s, s)) _.
Program Definition put {B : Set} (x : st) : @HoareState B top unit (fun _ _ f => f = x) := fun _ => exist _ (inl (tt, x)) _.
End hoare_state_monad.
Infix ">>=" := bind (right associativity, at level 71).
Delimit Scope monad_scope with monad.
Open Scope monad_scope.
Notation "x <- m ; p" := (m >>= fun x => p)%monad
(at level 68, right associativity,
format "'[' x <- '[' m ']' ; '//' '[' p ']' ']'") : monad_scope.
Close Scope monad_scope.
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