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Forked from while0pass/listchars.vim
Created June 9, 2020 12:30
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show/hide hidden characters in Vim
" hide hidden chars
:set nolist
" show hidden characters in Vim
:set list
" settings for hidden chars
" what particular chars they are displayed with
:set lcs=tab:▒░,trail:▓,nbsp:░
" or
:set listchars=tab:▒░,trail:▓,nbsp:░
" \u2592\u2591 are used for tab, \u2593 for trailing spaces in line, and \u2591 for nbsp.
" In Vim help they suggest using ">-" for tab and "-" for trail.
" change showbreak when line numbers are on or off.
" show no char when line numbers are on, and \u21aa otherwise.
au OptionSet number :if v:option_new | set showbreak= |
\ else | set showbreak=↪ |
\ endif
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