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Last active September 24, 2023 03:50
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__label__bug "A porta de acesso ao servidor não é mostrada corretamente na página 'latest news' Ao acessar a página inicial ou a página 'latest news' no menu à esquerda, pode-se ver o campo 'featured article', o qual contém informações como IP e porta do servidor e versão do 'client' a ser utilizado. A porta, no entanto, é sempre mostrada como 7171 independentemente da escolhida no arquivo de configuração do servidor."
__label__bug "scala presentation compiler Scala presentation compiler can only be accessed on designated thread. This crash is easily reproducible for me if I select a name in any nontrivial piece of code. `````` ____ _ / ___|___ | |__ _ __ __ _ TM | | / _ \| '_ \| '__/ _` | | |__| (_) | |_) | | | (_| | \____\___/|_.__/|_| \__,_| ________________________________________ | version 1.0.5 - (c) 2016 Martin Ring | [INFO] [06/23/2016 10:37:09.033] [] [scratch] serving presentation from /Users/psp/scratch/cobra-scratch/scratch [INFO] [06/23/2016 10:37:09.034] [] [scratch] server is listening on localhost:8080 [INFO] [06/23/2016 10:37:10.300] [] [scratch] initializing new scala document 'code_snippet_1' [ERROR] [06/23/2016 10:37:15.677] [] [] guardian failed, shutting down system java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: Race condition detected: You are running a presentation compiler method outside the PC thread.[phase: <no phase>] Please file a ticket with the current stack trace at at at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$Symbol.rawInfo(Symbols.scala:1590) at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$Symbol.signatureString(Symbols.scala:2676) at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$Symbol.defString(Symbols.scala:2724) at scala.reflect.internal.TypeDebugging$$anonfun$typeParamsString$1.apply(TypeDebugging.scala:149) at scala.reflect.internal.TypeDebugging$$anonfun$typeParamsString$1.apply(TypeDebugging.scala:149)``` `````` "
__label__bug "Failed to create an external role because the URL validation is incorrect According to the [API Reference](, the External Role Name (URL) is at most contains 6 slashes (""/""). https://{UnitFQDN}/{CellName}/__role/__/{ExtRoleName} Function [externalRole.prototype.getExternalRoleInfo]( must be fixed. "
__label__bug support inline image link bot unsupport inlink image link for example: use inlint bot [@bold](https/ send custom markdown `[image](`
__label__bug "I have 0 idea on what is going on other than its very interesting(Observing bug) So I was observing a game that just finished then got pulled into another one and was being pulled back and forth between the two. Don't know what I did to get this but it happened. Console was also normal, didn't show anything. ![movies tv 12_31_2017 5_48_39 am]( "
__label__bug """Link Accounts"" option does not render correctly server side The ""Link Accounts"" option - that is displayed on the profile page when a user is signed in - does not show linked accounts when rendered with server side rendering. This should be updated to show how to achieve the same functionality rendering both client and server side pages. There are multiple different ways to achieve this."
__label__bug "Moving payments between cars If a user wants to move an online payment to a different car, we currently don't have the GUI for that even though the database update is super simple. "
__label__bug "Add ability to use PIDs of existing objects Providing a full pid in the `-n` option will ingest an object with that PID; if an object with that PID already exists, the operation is skipped and logged. Problem/bug is, we can only provide a single PID in `-n`, and there could be many object input directories. So we need a way to get PIDs for every object in the input directory. Work in #5 will let us get a PID from the FOXML, if it is present in the input directory (currently under development). Perhaps we can provide an option indicating that the object input directory encodes the pid. Of course, there are some characters that may exist in PIDs that you don't want in directory names, e.g., `:` on Windows), so they should be URL-encoded. "
__label__bug "High DPI scaling is off I'm using a Surface Pro 2 connected to an external 1920x1080 display. Some text looks really small since it isn't being scaled properly. ![pic]( "
__label__bug "Issue triggering old pre-compiled synthdefs in v3.9 I tried to throw `v3.9-beta1` into Sonic Pi but ran into an issue triggering the pre-compiled synthdefs. This behaviour can be reproduced with vanilla SuperCollider: ``` s = s.boot // s.sendMsg( '/d_loadDir', ""/Users/sam/Development/sonic-pi/etc/synthdefs/compiled/tmp/"" ); s.sendMsg(""/s_new"", ""sonic-pi-beep"", x = s.nextNodeID, 1, 1); ``` Where the `tmp` directory contains a single synthdef: EDIT (Brian): v1 file here: The behaviour I observe is that scsynth silently dies when attempting to trigger the synthdef. This may be because support for the older synthdef byte code has been deprecated? Sonic Pi's synthdefs are compiled with Overtone, which hasn't yet been updated to support the latest byte code format. If support for older synthdefs has been deprecated, it would be nice for SuperCollider to not silently die and instead print a warning explaining that the older byte code format has been deprecated - it should also probably listed as a breaking change in the release notes :-) "
__label__bug "Error 500 when visiting /notifications ``` [2018-01-03T17:28:37] INFO PID-7302 TID-23392020 Rails: Started GET ""/notifications"" for X.X.X.X at 2018-01-03 17:28:37 +0100 [2018-01-03T17:28:37] INFO PID-7302 TID-23392020 ActionController::Base: Processing by NotificationsController#index as HTML [2018-01-03T17:28:37] INFO PID-7302 TID-23392020 ActionController::Base: Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 392ms (ActiveRecord: 110.2ms) [2018-01-03T17:28:37] FATAL PID-7302 TID-23392020 Rails: [2018-01-03T17:28:37] FATAL PID-7302 TID-23392020 Rails: ActionView::Template::Error (invalid date): [2018-01-03T17:28:37] FATAL PID-7302 TID-23392020 Rails: 11: .media-object.pull-left 12: = person_image_link note.actors.first, :size => :thumb_small, :class => 'hovercardable' 13: .media-body 14: = notification_message_for(note) 15: %div 16: = timeago(note.updated_at) [2018-01-03T17:28:37] FATAL PID-7302 TID-23392020 Rails: [2018-01-03T17:28:37] FATAL PID-7302 TID-23392020 Rails: app/helpers/notifications_helper.rb:93:in `strptime' app/helpers/notifications_helper.rb:93:in `locale_date' app/helpers/notifications_helper.rb:50:in `opts_for_birthday' app/helpers/notifications_helper.rb:20:in `object_link' app/helpers/notifications_helper.rb:77:in `notification_message_for' app/views/notifications/_notification.haml:14:in `_app_views_notifications__notification_haml___3417256652389374919_83805620' app/views/notifications/index.html.haml:71:in `block (2 levels) in _app_views_notifications_index_html_haml___1645221757046757183_94675240' app/views/notifications/index.html.haml:70:in `each' app/views/notifications/index.html.haml:70:in `block in _app_views_notifications_index_html_haml___1645221757046757183_94675240' app/views/notifications/index.html.haml:58:in `each' app/views/notifications/index.html.haml:58:in `_app_views_notifications_index_html_haml___1645221757046757183_94675240' ``` @Rete2 maybe you want to have a look at that?"
__label__bug The reset view button is not working in the Explorer The Location Widget's reset button should reset the view to north-up and nadir.
__label__bug "MDC Select floating label overflows to top ### What MDC-Web Version are you using? 0.0.27 ### What browser(s) is this bug affecting? Chrome (also others I guess) ### What OS are you using? Mac ### What are the steps to reproduce the bug? 1. Create a select box with very small options e.g. `Opt1, Opt2, Opt3` 2. Put the surface label bigger than options length e.g. `Select an option` 3. When selection an option in browser, notice that floating label is broken ### What is the expected behavior? If the floating label is quite big to display, may be add ellipses to it. ### What is the actual behavior? The text overflows out of the select viewport <img width=""145"" alt=""screen shot 2017-12-24 at 8 52 31 am"" src=""""> "
__label__bug Unable to easily reset view to north-up and nadir - [ ] The [R] key should reset the view - [ ] The reset button associated with the Location Widget should reset the view
__label__bug "Ram percentage higher than 100% System stats: PHP 5.6.12 Win 10 v. 1703 (OS Build 15063.674) CPU: Ryzen 1700 32 GB Ram ![image]( CPU seems correct, ping seems correct, uptime is stuck at 0, RAM is over 100% "
__label__bug Make Contr. color same as game chat make them same yollowy orange pls
__label__bug Player profiles should be deleted when an account is banned or deleted @jbasrai if you're interested grab it if not I can do it when I get around to it I'm sure.
__label__bug unární mínus dodělat nefungují záporné hodnoty
__label__bug "Setting restricted to a numeric range doesn't restrict when changed and changed again After atom/atom#6526 is merged, this can be tested with the following steps: 1. Open Settings View 2. Move to ""Font Size"" field 3. Add three zeros 4. Wait for the value to change to 100 5. Add three zeros again **Expected:** Atom to change the value in the text field back to 100 **Actual:** Atom leaves the bad value in the text field (though the good value of 100 in the `config.cson` is saved) I haven't yet been able to find another setting that has a numeric range with a maximum value. "
__label__bug ETCD configuration problem ``` # etcdctl cluster-health cluster may be unhealthy: failed to list members Error: client: etcd cluster is unavailable or misconfigured error #0: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused error #1: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused ```
__label__bug "v16: KeyError: 0 in get_head_blob_hash for old failed downloads <!-- Thanks for reporting an issue to LBRY and helping us improve! To make it possible for us to help you, please fill out below information carefully. Before reporting any issues, please make sure that you're using the latest version. - App releases: - Standalone daemon: We are also available on Slack at --> ## The Issue Noticed this issue while starting up the latest version of the daemon. I have an older install, so it looks like it tries to start some previously uncomplete/failed downloads while iterating through my claims. This could be part of a bigger issue, I'll see if I can get it to reproduce in other ways. Couple examples where this happens are in the logs at the end. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Start Daemon 2. Check logs for errors 3. See Key error after previously failed downloads try to start. ### Expected behaviour Error more gracefully? ### Actual behaviour KeyError ## System Configuration <!-- For the app, this info is in the About section at the bottom of the Help page. You can include a screenshot instead of typing it out --> <!-- For the daemon, run: curl 'http://localhost:5279/lbryapi' --data '{""method"":""version""}' and include the full output --> - LBRY Daemon version: 0.16RC1 - LBRY App version: 0.16RC1 - LBRY Installation ID: - Operating system: Windows ## Anything Else <!-- Include anything else that does not fit into the above sections --> ``` 2017-09-19 09:47:51,891 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://battlefront-ii-storytrailer (5c3d3c) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:51,904 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://hitmans-bodyguard-trailer (3303b0) is running 2017-09-19 09:47:51,914 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://thelovewitch-trailer (59edac) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:51,964 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://bellflower-trailer (618fbb) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:51,986 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://itsadisaster-threesome (395066) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:51,987 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://jinglebellrocks-trailer (224aa1) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:52,009 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://pub (57fdb5) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:52,025 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://lbryscrreen1 (2dab0b) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:52,072 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://lbryscrreen1 (2dab0b) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:52,082 INFO lbrynet.core.client.ConnectionManager:42: Connection Manager The Hitman’s Bodyguard - Redband Trailer (2017).mp4 initialized 2017-09-19 09:47:52,084 INFO lbrynet.core.client.ConnectionManager:42: Connection Manager 1 - 'Fear the Boom and Bust' - Keynes vs. Hayek Rap Battle.mp4 initialized 2017-09-19 09:47:52,099 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://kedi-trailer (5731e9) is stopped 2017-09-19 09:47:52,114 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://kedi-trailer (5731e9) is stopped 2017-09-19 09:47:52,142 CRITICAL twisted:154: Unhandled error in Deferred: 2017-09-19 09:47:52,144 CRITICAL twisted:154: Traceback (most recent call last): File ""site-packages\twisted\internet\"", line 1299, in _inlineCallbacks File ""site-packages\lbrynet\core\client\"", line 70, in get_new_peers_for_head_blob File ""site-packages\lbrynet\core\client\"", line 103, in get_head_blob_hash KeyError: 0 2017-09-19 09:47:52,150 CRITICAL twisted:154: Unhandled error in Deferred: 2017-09-19 09:47:52,150 CRITICAL twisted:154: Traceback (most recent call last): File ""site-packages\twisted\internet\"", line 1299, in _inlineCallbacks File ""site-packages\lbrynet\core\client\"", line 70, in get_new_peers_for_head_blob File ""site-packages\lbrynet\core\client\"", line 103, in get_head_blob_hash KeyError: 0 ``` ``` 2017-09-19 09:47:52,316 INFO lbrynet.core.client.ConnectionManager:42: Connection Manager 04 - Casually Explained - How to Make a S̶̷̶u̶̷̶c̶̷̶c̶̷̶e̶̷̶s̶̷̶s̶̷̶f̶̷̶u̶̷̶l YouTube Channel.mp4 initialized 2017-09-19 09:47:52,319 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://wonderwoman (cafe79) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:52,331 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://linked-ep5 (8abb1d) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:52,357 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://itsadisaster-sd (620a0d) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:52,358 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://webpagetest1 (860df8) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:52,362 CRITICAL twisted:154: Unhandled error in Deferred: 2017-09-19 09:47:52,364 CRITICAL twisted:154: Traceback (most recent call last): File ""site-packages\twisted\internet\"", line 1299, in _inlineCallbacks File ""site-packages\lbrynet\core\client\"", line 70, in get_new_peers_for_head_blob File ""site-packages\lbrynet\core\client\"", line 103, in get_head_blob_hash KeyError: 0 2017-09-19 09:47:52,394 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://three-2 (a87310) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:52,430 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://bellflower (d3fb4a) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:52,444 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://itsadisaster-trailer (c7e6d3) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:52,460 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://ucb--TvGZVGAFEY (f97e0b) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:52,466 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://rare-exports (3ac065) is running 2017-09-19 09:47:52,480 INFO lbrynet.core.client.ConnectionManager:42: Connection Manager RareExports_Oscilloscope_LBRY.mp4 initialized 2017-09-19 09:47:52,496 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://ucb-iC-NIQmjyBw (b2d739) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:53,085 CRITICAL twisted:154: Unhandled error in Deferred: 2017-09-19 09:47:53,085 CRITICAL twisted:154: Traceback (most recent call last): File ""site-packages\twisted\internet\"", line 1299, in _inlineCallbacks File ""site-packages\lbrynet\core\client\"", line 70, in get_new_peers_for_head_blob File ""site-packages\lbrynet\core\client\"", line 103, in get_head_blob_hash KeyError: 0 2017-09-19 09:47:53,104 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://ucb-WtrLpRZv8qg (ac3d09) is finished ``` ``` 2017-09-19 09:47:53,115 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://bladerunner2049-trailer (e7e40a) is running 2017-09-19 09:47:53,115 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://3047760w (fef2f6) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:53,118 INFO lbrynet.core.client.ConnectionManager:42: Connection Manager Blade Runner 2049 - Official Trailer (2017 Release).mp4 initialized 2017-09-19 09:47:53,118 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://tomtestpub001 (4401a1) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:53,148 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://skylabrecords (4b8f4c) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:53,164 CRITICAL twisted:154: Unhandled error in Deferred: 2017-09-19 09:47:53,164 CRITICAL twisted:154: Traceback (most recent call last): File ""site-packages\twisted\internet\"", line 1299, in _inlineCallbacks File ""site-packages\lbrynet\core\client\"", line 70, in get_new_peers_for_head_blob File ""site-packages\lbrynet\core\client\"", line 103, in get_head_blob_hash KeyError: 0 2017-09-19 09:47:53,180 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://sl-cIGaEBWcJ5w (8461b4) is stopped 2017-09-19 09:47:53,194 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://sl-cIGaEBWcJ5w (8461b4) is stopped 2017-09-19 09:47:53,203 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://sl-cIGaEBWcJ5w (8461b4) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:53,232 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://sl-cIGaEBWcJ5w (8461b4) is finished ``` ``` 2017-09-19 09:47:53,963 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://boomandbust (fe94ab) is running 2017-09-19 09:47:53,966 INFO lbrynet.core.client.ConnectionManager:42: Connection Manager 1 - 'Fear the Boom and Bust' - Keynes vs. Hayek Rap Battle.mp4 initialized 2017-09-19 09:47:53,971 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://re-3kPfCEo5Wgw (6e5c8c) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:54,000 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://tjm-G1SdCNdPDL8 (83fe62) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:54,013 CRITICAL twisted:154: Unhandled error in Deferred: 2017-09-19 09:47:54,013 CRITICAL twisted:154: Traceback (most recent call last): File ""site-packages\twisted\internet\"", line 1299, in _inlineCallbacks File ""site-packages\lbrynet\core\client\"", line 70, in get_new_peers_for_head_blob File ""site-packages\lbrynet\core\client\"", line 103, in get_head_blob_hash KeyError: 0 2017-09-19 09:47:54,032 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://coloradobridge (2657d5) is finished 2017-09-19 09:47:54,043 INFO lbrynet.file_manager.EncryptedFileDownloader:32: lbry://samhyde2070 (78b1c9) is finished ``` ## Screenshots <!-- If a screenshot would help explain the bug, please include one or two here --> "
__label__bug "v4.4.3 最后一个配置文件被buttom bar(?)遮住了 Please read FAQ then answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks! ### Environment * Android version: Android O (OPM1.171019.011) * Device: Nexus 6P * Shadowsocks version: v 4.4.3 * Last version that did not exhibit the issue (if applicable): ### Configuration _Put an `x` inside the [ ] that applies._ * [ x] IPv4 server address * [ ] IPv6 server address * [x ] Client IPv4 availability * [ ] Client IPv6 availability * Encrypt method: * Route * [ x] All * [ ] Bypass LAN * [ ] Bypass China * [ ] Bypass LAN & China * [ ] GFW List * [ ] China List * [ ] Custom rules * [ ] IPv6 route * [ ] Apps VPN mode * [ ] Bypass mode * Remote DNS: * [x ] DNS Forwarding * Plugin configuration (if applicable): * [x ] Auto Connect * [ ] TCP Fast Open * If you're not using VPN mode, please supply more details here: ### What did you do? 添加多个配置文件 ### What did you expect to see? 配置文件能全部展现 ### What did you see instead? 最后一个配置文件被buttom bar(还是navigation bar ?)遮住。向上拉也不能完全展示 "
__label__bug 固件升级-安装按钮字体待调整 显示字体极小
__label__bug "[4.0.0-beta.7] Reloading in deep component leads to reloading the whole state (root component) I have pretty big project with a lot of decorators. In v3 reloading in a deep and independent component leaded to reload only that component. Now if I reload `<Footer/>`, the whole `<App/>` will be reloaded as well. My rough code structure: ``` import {hot} from 'react-hot-loader'; import React from 'react'; import {render} from 'react-dom'; import {Provider, connect} from 'react-redux'; import {BrowserRouter, withRouter} from 'react-router-dom'; import App from './App'; import store from './App/store'; const HotApp = hot(module)(App); const HotConnectedApp = () => ( <Provider store={store}> <BrowserRouter> <HotApp/> </BrowserRouter> </Provider> ); render( <HotConnectedApp/>, document.getElementById('root'), ); @withRouter @connect(...) class App extends Component { state = { initialFetchWasMade: false, }; componentWillMount() { this.makeInitialFetchAndOnlyThenShowContent(); } makeInitialFetchAndOnlyThenShowContent = () => { setTimeout( () => this.setState(() => ({initialFetchWasMade: true})), 3000, ); }; render() { const {initialFetchWasMade} = this.state; if (initialFetchWasMade) return <Spinner/>; return ( <div> <Header/> <Footer/> </div> ); } } ``` Now, if I make a change in `<Footer/>`, the whole `<App/>` reloads and `makeInitialFetchAndOnlyThenShowContent` is called every time (and it takes pretty long time sometimes). In v3 only `<Footer/>` was reloaded. Is it a known bug? Should I create a repro?"
__label__bug create issue fails in atomista-multiorg Slack team that uses GHE Correlation ID: ca90c55e-293b-4404-88ec-ed163651a5fb
__label__bug MbTiles unit tests don't work with .NET Standard Unit testing of SQLite functionality has always been complicated by the dependency on native libraries. In the .NET framework solution of v1.0 this worked automatically. For the v2.0 .NET Standard solution this is broken again. Perhaps turning the Test libs into .NET Core libraries might fix it.
__label__bug "`Df_Localization_Model_Realtime_Dictionary->hasEntry('Empty')`: «Parsing a JSON document failed with the message «Syntax error»» ``` Parsing a JSON document failed with the message «Syntax error». The document: #0 app\code\local\Df\Core\lib\fp\serialize.php(68): df_error('Parsing a JSON ...', 'Syntax error') #1 app\code\local\Df\Localization\Model\Realtime\Dictionary.php(336): df_json_decode(false) #2 app\code\local\Df\Localization\Model\Realtime\Dictionary.php(32): Df_Localization_Model_Realtime_Dictionary->hasEntry('Empty') #3 app\code\local\Df\Localization\Model\Realtime\Translator.php(46): Df_Localization_Model_Realtime_Dictionary->translate('Empty', 'Mage_Page::Empt...') #4 app\code\local\Df\Core\Model\Translate.php(416): Df_Localization_Model_Realtime_Translator->translate('Empty', 'Mage_Page::Empt...') #5 app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\Translate.php(401): Df_Core_Model_Translate->_getTranslatedString('Empty', 'Mage_Page::Empt...') #6 app\code\core\Mage\Core\Helper\Abstract.php(186): Mage_Core_Model_Translate->translate(Array) #7 app\code\core\Mage\Page\Model\Config.php(77): Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract->__('Empty') #8 app\code\core\Mage\Page\Model\Config.php(56): Mage_Page_Model_Config->_appendPageLayouts('global/page/lay...') #9 app\code\core\Mage\Page\Model\Config.php(106): Mage_Page_Model_Config->_initPageLayouts() #10 app\code\core\Mage\Page\Helper\Layout.php(44): Mage_Page_Model_Config->getPageLayout('one_column') #11 app\code\core\Mage\Cms\Helper\Page.php(104): Mage_Page_Helper_Layout->applyHandle('one_column') #12 app\code\core\Mage\Cms\Helper\Page.php(52): Mage_Cms_Helper_Page->_renderPage(Object(Mage_Cms_IndexController), 'home') #13 app\code\core\Mage\Cms\controllers\IndexController.php(45): Mage_Cms_Helper_Page->renderPage(Object(Mage_Cms_IndexController), 'home') #14 app\code\core\Mage\Core\Controller\Varien\Action.php(418): Mage_Cms_IndexController->indexAction() #15 app\code\core\Mage\Core\Controller\Varien\Router\Standard.php(254): Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Action->dispatch('index') #16 app\code\core\Mage\Core\Controller\Varien\Front.php(172): Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Router_Standard->match(Object(Mage_Core_Controller_Request_Http)) #17 app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\App.php(365): Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Front->dispatch() #18 app\Mage.php(683): Mage_Core_Model_App->run(Array) #19 index.php(93): Mage::run('', 'store') #20 {main} ```"
__label__bug "Express-Gateway should fail to boot if a policy is missing an action The following (wrong) configuration file for the gateway is making eg boot correctly, although the defined policy is missing an action (which should be mandatory) ```yaml http: port: 8080 admin: port: 9876 hostname: localhost apiEndpoints: api: host: '*' serviceEndpoints: httpbin: url: '' policies: - proxy - rewrite pipelines: - name: basic apiEndpoints: - api policies: - rewrite: - condition: name: 'match' match: '/calendar/:test/hello' - action: rewrite: 'hello/:test/calendar' - proxy: - action: serviceEndpoint: httpbin changeOrigin: true ```"
__label__bug Spinner for sorting Recent Post and Older Post not working yet Gotta find a way to reverse the ListView using Collections.reverse( ) function T_T
__label__bug Pixelaration shifts to the lower right. Shader should use `round` instead of `floor`.
__label__bug Redirect is not supported go-github-selfupdate only checks if the status is 200 or not. So 302 is not handled. Actually redirect may occur when repository is moved after the release was made public.
__label__bug bigramのカウントがおかしくなる bigramが出てくるのを考慮せずにワードクラウドのライブラリの外の word_list から数を数えたため発生した単純なバグ bigram判定はワードクラウドライブラリの内部か?
__label__bug shift+space in terminal amek it stahp prints the ugly or am i just dumb
__label__bug "Arduino IDE: Unpredictable Errors while Uploading Sketches These errors have been happening to me a lot lately with the Adafruit Bluefruit Feather M0: First it gets stuck at this stage for way longer than usual-- ![error2]( Then pressing reset (either once or twice) gets me to here-- ![error2 5]( A less frequent, but still annoying error (separate from the above error)-- ![error1]( I have a feeling it's not just a problem with the Arduino IDE because I've tried to upload via Visual Studio and I've had no luck. (I've also never successfully uploaded via Visual Studio before either. I only tried Visual Studio to see if it was a problem with the Arduino IDE.)"
__label__bug "Inconsistent catalog replies for non-existent nodes and services When querying a non-existent service, you get a successful response with an empty array: ``` $ curl -i http://localhost:8500/v1/catalog/service/foo HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json X-Consul-Index: 3 X-Consul-Knownleader: true X-Consul-Lastcontact: 0 Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 11:20:38 GMT Content-Length: 2 [] ``` (One could argue a 404 makes more sense, but this will do). When querying a non-existent node however, you get a successful response with null: ``` $ curl -i http://localhost:8500/v1/catalog/node/foo HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json X-Consul-Index: 3 X-Consul-Knownleader: true X-Consul-Lastcontact: 0 Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 11:20:43 GMT Content-Length: 4 null ``` Which isn't considered ""valid"" JSON by some parsers out of the box (and the spec isn't totally clear). I haven't dug further through the API to see where else there might be problems like this. Consistency would be good here! "
__label__bug "sudo: jupyter: command not found Hi! Thanks for using Jupyter's docker-stacks images. If you are requesting a library upgrade or addition in one of the existing images, please state the desired library name and version here and disregard the remaining sections. If you are reporting an issue with one of the existing images, please answer the questions below to help us troubleshoot the problem. Please be as thorough as possible. **What docker image you are using?** `jupyter/datascience-notebook` **What complete docker command do you run to launch the container (omitting sensitive values)?** `docker run -dit --name datascience --user root -e GRANT_SUDO=yes -e NB_UID=1000 -e NB_GID=1000 --restart always -p 80:8888 -v /vagrant:/home/jovyan/work --NotebookApp.notebook_dir=work --NotebookApp.token=''` **What steps do you take once the container is running to reproduce the issue?** docker logs datascience Set username to: jovyan usermod: no changes Set jovyan GID to: 1000 Granting jovyan sudo access Executing the command: jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.notebook_dir=work --NotebookApp.token= sudo: jupyter: command not found Set username to: jovyan usermod: no changes Granting jovyan sudo access **What do you expect to happen?** see the jupyter notebook initialization logs **What actually happens?** the server does not start as the sudo user does not find jupyter "
__label__bug 执行抓取任务遭遇配置异常 抓取我的歌单的时候,出现了这个问题,不知道是什么意思,其他的歌单都没有问题,就这个歌单有问题。 spider163 get --playlist 127473345 执行抓取任务遭遇配置异常: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encode'
__label__bug " Apache Lucene version upgrade needed as current version (4.7.2) contains know vulnerability CVE-2017-12629 We found that the version of the Lucene which current version of dependency check is using (lucene-queryparser-4.7.2) contain a know vulnerability Current version : lucene-queryparser-4.7.2 Expected version : lucene-queryparser-7.1 or above We need to upgrade the version of lucene-queryparse in DependencyCheck "
__label__bug "xmlsec-1.4.6.jar not being detected as containing CVE is listed for version 1.4.6 of the xmlsec.jar Running the scan correctly identifies the jar: ``` xmlsec-1.4.6.jar File Path: C:\tmp\testowasp\dependency-check-3.0.2-release\lib\xmlsec-1.4.6.jar MD5: d2008d3b8d655b5fe0caac768af07c01 SHA1: b56eff7e86e9efa2c32a1ab08693e2d6eb4b88de Evidence Identifiers cpe: cpe:/a:apache:santuario_xml_security_for_java:1.4.6 Confidence:Low maven: org.apache.santuario:xmlsec:1.4.6 ✓ Confidence:Highest cpe: cpe:/a:xmlsec_project:xmlsec:1.4.6 Confidence:Low ``` but was not flagged as a vulnerability. See json output attatched: [dependency-check-report.txt]( To reproduce: 1. Download 3.0.2 CLI tool 2. download xmlsec 1.4.6 jar [maven link]( 3. run tool pointing at the folder containing the jar , for example `/dependency-check/bin/dependency-check.bat --scan lib/ --out . --project test --format JSON` Note this also slips by the gradle plugin, not just the CLI tool. "
__label__bug "$ACT is modified even if no action is taken The `$ACT` global variable is always modified even if no action is taken by this plugin. While the specific modification (i.e. replacing it with cleaned `$ACT`) is not wrong per se, it unnecessarily breaks other plugins that are listening for their own `?do=` key, if that key includes uppercase letters. suggested fix: 1) use early return before modifying any globals if this isn't the plugin's action 2) use only `$event->data`, not `$ACT`"
__label__bug "050导入资产时下载模板报错 [简述你的问题] ##### 使用版本 050 ##### 问题复现步骤 1.web上依次点击资产管理-资产-导入-模板-下载 ##### 具体表现[截图可能会更好些,最好能截全] 1.![image]( ##### 其他 [traceback]( 因为使用了nginx+luna,所以网址会从80直接做跳转,但即使改成IP:8080的方式访问依然会有此报错 [注:] 完成后请关闭 issue "
__label__bug "Resposta Automática - Aparentemente não está salvando Primeiro cadastrei os preços abaixo: ![image]( Depois quando sai e voltei os preços ""não"" estavam salvo aparentemente: ![image]( "
__label__bug "Verify that all the texts for the buttons are in uppercase <img width=""561"" alt=""screen shot 2018-01-05 at 6 28 14 am"" src=""""> "
__label__bug "Can not cancel password switch off <!--- Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above --> Switching password off action couldn't be canceled ## Expected Behavior <!--- If you're describing a bug, tell us what should happen --> If I changed my mind and do not want to turn off password requesting, clicking CANCEL button should close pop - up and password should stay turned on <!--- If you're suggesting a change/improvement, tell us how it should work --> ## Current Behavior <!--- If describing a bug, tell us what happens instead of the expected behavior --> It says that password is needed for both button OK and Cancel <!--- If suggesting a change/improvement, explain the difference from current behavior --> ## Possible Solution <!--- Not obligatory, but suggest a fix/reason for the bug, --> <!--- or ideas how to implement the addition or change --> ## Steps to Reproduce (for bugs) <!--- Provide a link to a live example, or an unambiguous set of steps to --> <!--- reproduce this bug. Include code to reproduce, if relevant --> 1. Go to settings 2. Choose Security 3. Click Request spending restrictions 4. Set correct password 5. Then click Request spending restriction again (typing correct password and clicking ok will switch password off) 6. Click cancel button ## Context <!--- How has this issue affected you? What are you trying to accomplish? --> <!--- Providing context helps us come up with a solution that is most useful in the real world --> ## Your Environment <!--- Include as many relevant details about the environment you experienced the bug in --> * Version used: 1.3.4 * Environment name and version (e.g. Chrome 39, node.js 5.4): * Operating System and version (desktop or mobile): all * Link to your project:"
__label__bug "I can only see the last 10 messages in a thread When I scroll up to load older messages, older messages are not loaded as expected"
__label__bug "hammr image delete command fails when try to delete the image which is generated from scan *Environment* hammr UForge V3.6-7 *Steps to reproduce* - How to reproduce 1.generate the image using hammr scan build command 2.delete the image which is result of 1 using hammr image delete command <pre> # hammr scan list --url -u root -p XXXX Getting scans for [root] ... +----+---------------------------------+--------+-----------------+ | Id | Name | Status | Distribution | +====+=================================+========+=================+ | 19 | hammr_25 | | CentOS 6 x86_64 | +----+---------------------------------+--------+-----------------+ | 32 | hammr_25 Scan #1 | Done | | +----+---------------------------------+--------+-----------------+ # cat create.json { ""builders"": [ { ""type"": ""OVF or OVA"", ""hardwareSettings"": { ""memory"": 1024 }, ""installation"": { ""diskSize"": ""12288"" } } ] } # hammr scan build --id 32 --file create.json --url -u root -p XXXX |>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| 100%: Done, created on ... |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<| Validating the template file [create.json] ... OK: Syntax of template file [create.json] is ok Generating 'OVF or OVA' image (1/1) OK: Generation 'OVF or OVA' ok # hammr image list --url -u root -p XXXX Getting all images and publications for [root] ... Images: +----+------------+---------+------+-----------------+---------------------+------+------------+-------------------+ | Id | Name | Version | Rev. | Format | Created | Size | Compressed | Generation Status | +====+============+=========+======+=================+=====================+======+============+===================+ | 30 | hammr_25 | Scan #1 | 1 | OVF or OVA | 2017-01-31 20:23:46 | 0B | X | Done | +----+------------+---------+------+-----------------+---------------------+------+------------+-------------------+ # hammr image delete --id 30 --url -u root -p XXXX Searching image with id [30] ... +----+----------+---------+------+------------+---------------------+------+------------+--------+ | Id | Name | Version | Rev. | Format | Created | Size | Compressed | Status | +====+==========+=========+======+============+=====================+======+============+========+ | 30 | hammr_25 | Scan #1 | 1 | OVF or OVA | 2017-01-31 20:23:46 | 0B | X | Done | +----+----------+---------+------+------------+---------------------+------+------------+--------+ Do you really want to delete image with id 30 [Y/n] ERROR: UForge Error '404' with method: DELETE Message: Appliance with id [32] not found. ================== </pre> *Root cause(s)* The next error messages are displayed in the logs: 2017-02-02 09:31:43,537 uforge-web-service INFO ( - *machineImage_delete* - PP_uid=root,PP_aid=1,PP_itid=2 2017-02-02 09:31:43,540 uforge-web-service WARN ( - Appliance with id [1] not found in database 2017-02-02 09:31:44,875 uforge-web-service CLIENT ( - Appliance with id [1] not found. but when image is deleted from UI the messages in log is: 2017-02-02 09:35:18,200 uforge-web-service INFO ( - *scanImageGeneration_delete -* PP_uid=root,PP_siid=1,PP_sid=1,PP_sitid=2 "
__label__bug "Cleverbot API Cleverbot API crashes the bot for some unknown reason. Was fine until yesterday however it broke today. undefined:1 <!DOCTYPE html> ^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0 at JSON.parse (<anonymous>) at Request._callback (C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\jackbot\node_modules\\app.js:37:14) at Request.self.callback (C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\jackbot\node_modules\request\request.js:186:22) at emitTwo (events.js:126:13) at Request.emit (events.js:214:7) at Request.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\jackbot\node_modules\request\request.js:1163:10) at emitOne (events.js:116:13) at Request.emit (events.js:211:7) at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\jackbot\node_modules\request\request.js:1085:12) "
__label__bug Test Test
__label__bug "formatted sql from $columns with quantile function is wrong `quantile` function requires a float number between 0 - 1, e.g. 0.95, but it is formatted as `0 .95`, note this space between `0` and `.95`. ``` $columns(process_name, quantile(0.95)(duration) duration) FROM xx ``` ```sql SELECT t, groupArray((process_name, duration)) as groupArr FROM ( SELECT (intDiv(toUInt32(event_datetime), 5) * 5) * 1000 as t, process_name, quantile(0 .95)(duration) duration FROM xx WHERE event_date >= toDate(1514966917) AND event_datetime >= toDateTime(1514966917) GROUP BY t, process_name ORDER BY t, process_name ) GROUP BY t ORDER BY t FORMAT JSON ```"
__label__bug "Money gone for a tick While testing branch `b0.10.0` I see my finds, ETH or GNT becoming empty for one or more ticks. Tested this on source and binaries, mac and linux both have the same result. ETH gone: ``` 2017-12-15 12:28:35 INFO Peer count: 311 2017-12-15 12:28:35 INFO ETH: 0.01581288 2017-12-15 12:28:36 INFO GNT: 1034.0833333333333 2017-12-15 12:28:48 INFO Peer count: 312 2017-12-15 12:28:48 ERROR golem.ethereum Ethereum RPC: {'message': 'missing trie node 5da8866484b97dcac37baa6b54e3474e6e01954488564832e5ca1ab5711e2fe4 (path 03030202)', 'code': -32000} 2017-12-15 12:28:48 INFO ETH: 0.0 2017-12-15 12:28:48 INFO Requesting tETH 2017-12-15 12:28:49 ERROR golem.ethereum tETH Faucet error code 400 2017-12-15 12:29:01 INFO Peer count: 311 2017-12-15 12:29:02 INFO ETH: 0.01581288 2017-12-15 12:29:02 INFO GNT: 1034.0833333333333 ``` GNT gone: ``` 2017-12-15 13:58:16 INFO Peer count: 315 2017-12-15 13:58:16 INFO ETH: 0.00164276 2017-12-15 13:58:16 INFO GNT: 0.0 2017-12-15 13:58:16 INFO Requesting tGNT 2017-12-15 13:58:17 ERROR golem Service Error: Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/usr/local/Cellar/python3/3.6.3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/"", line 916, in _bootstrap_inner File ""/usr/local/Cellar/python3/3.6.3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/"", line 864, in run File ""/Users/buildbot-worker/worker/buildpackage_macOS/build/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/_threads/"", line 46, in work File ""/Users/buildbot-worker/worker/buildpackage_macOS/build/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/_threads/"", line 190, in doWork --- <exception caught here> --- File ""/Users/buildbot-worker/worker/buildpackage_macOS/build/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/python/"", line 250, in inContext File ""/Users/buildbot-worker/worker/buildpackage_macOS/build/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/python/"", line 266, in <lambda> File ""/Users/buildbot-worker/worker/buildpackage_macOS/build/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/python/"", line 122, in callWithContext File ""/Users/buildbot-worker/worker/buildpackage_macOS/build/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/python/"", line 85, in callWithContext File ""/Users/buildbot-worker/worker/buildpackage_macOS/build/golem/ethereum/"", line 392, in _run File ""/Users/buildbot-worker/worker/buildpackage_macOS/build/golem/ethereum/"", line 368, in get_gnt_from_faucet File ""/Users/buildbot-worker/worker/buildpackage_macOS/build/golem/ethereum/"", line 79, in send File ""/Users/buildbot-worker/worker/buildpackage_macOS/build/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/eth_utils/"", line 85, in inner File ""/Users/buildbot-worker/worker/buildpackage_macOS/build/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/web3/"", line 253, in sendRawTransaction File ""/Users/buildbot-worker/worker/buildpackage_macOS/build/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/web3/providers/"", line 52, in request_blocking builtins.ValueError: {'code': -32000, 'message': 'insufficient funds for gas * price + value'} ```"
__label__bug "bug: eventlist widget not reloading ### Expected behavior ### Actual behavior Eventlist widget not start load events after bot restart if page was opened before restart. ### Steps to reproduce ### Additional informations Bot version: Node.js version: Npm version: Database engine: ##### Attach your logs/exception.log file if bot crashes "
__label__bug "Panel: clicking on panel shows the focus indicator jumping See video: ![before]( "
__label__bug Fix contributor order While fixing the branch for #507 the order of contributors wasn't considered. In the branch WIP-637 it's right. See for example
__label__bug CartsControllerTest - Fehler ab PHP 7.1.12 Kein Test vom CartsControllerTest geht mehr - Login scheitert.
__label__bug "If a leading zero missed, a new set is created For example, '2016-12-01' != '2016-12-1' (a separate set will be created for each of both)."
__label__bug "Obsolete static Makefile Package's Makefile supports only installation into live filesystem, that is obsolete for many years, but not building a package. Also, 'install' as first (and default) target confuses and breaks default algorythm. When using proper (from package) installation, uninstall target in Makefile is not needed. For minimal, quick and easy solution of this issue I've used the following patch: files/Makefile.patch diff -Naur m17n-cu-master.orig/Makefile m17n-cu-master/Makefile --- m17n-cu-master.orig/Makefile 2015-03-22 20:39:04.000000000 +0300 +++ m17n-cu-master/Makefile 2016-06-02 11:53:02.000000000 +0300 @@ -1,14 +1,19 @@ -INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -m 644 -DEST = /usr/share/m17n -ICONDEST = /usr/share/m17n/icons -LOCALEDEST = /usr/share/i18n/locales +SHELL = /bin/sh +DESTDIR ?= / +INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -m 644 -D +DEST = $(DESTDIR)usr/share/m17n +ICONDEST = $(DESTDIR)usr/share/m17n/icons +LOCALEDEST = $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/i18n/locales install: + mkdir -p $(DEST) $(INSTALL) _.mim $(DEST) $(INSTALL) *.lnm $(DEST) + mkdir -p $(ICONDEST) $(INSTALL) icons/_.png $(ICONDEST) + mkdir -p $(LOCALEDEST) $(INSTALL) cu_RU $(LOCALEDEST) - localedef -f UTF-8 -i cu_RU cu_RU + #localedef -f UTF-8 -i cu_RU cu_RU uninstall: Probably, you'll want to perform more advanced improvements. Consult [upstream docs]( for that. "
__label__bug Rephrase placeholders For some fields default placeholder is grammatically incorrect
__label__bug "Sometimes replace with does nothing ### Steps to reproduce No apparent steps to reproduce, but to use the Designer and then try to replace one layout. ### Actual behavior Replace with... does nothing. Not even with multiple tries. Modifying and saving the design and then retrying sometimes help. ### Expected behavior Replace with... works 100% of the time. ### IDE, Designer and OS version OS: Windows 10 10.0 amd64 Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko Java: 1.8.0_121 Eclipse: org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.product Designer: 2.1.0.beta1 Vaadin: 8.0.5 "
__label__bug "Fatal error while opening topics with attachments Fatal error: Call to a member function convertTypoScriptArrayToPlainArray() on a non-object in [...]/typo3conf/ext/typo3_forum/Classes/Domain/Model/Forum/Attachment.php on line 79 "
__label__bug " broken I want to make you aware of this: ![image]( "
__label__bug Incorrect line number reported Gas reports the line number as the first line when reporting statements which span multiple lines. ```go sql := ` SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x.col = ?` + criteria ``` In the above example gas reports the line starting with ```sql := ``` instead of ```WHERE...``` this breaks gometalinter tailing comment no lint option e.g. ```go sql := ` SELECT x FROM tbl WHERE x.col = ?` + criteria // nolint: gas ```
__label__bug "NoClassDefFoundError: org/junit/runner/JUnitCore I can run tests in a single module project, but as soon as I have multiple modules (e.g. opening up since that was what I was working on), I get this: ``` Error occured: Exception in thread ""main"" Error occured: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/junit/runner/JUnitCore at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass( at at at$100( at$ at$ at Method) at at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( Error occured: at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.junit.runner.JUnitCore at at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ... 13 more ```"
__label__bug "Some collection didn't get notify even site is reached alert and marked as notify reporter Please use collection 'Alert Notification 2.8-rc' as an example to reproduce this bug as it's produced sometimes "
__label__bug "broken -v/--verbose, not taken into account when specified before the subcommand The command `craftr -v export` will not produce verbose output, but `craftr export -v` will."
__label__bug "Load Forgot / Reset Password endpoints before Registration endpoint This is to prevent issues when both the login & registration forms are on the same page, which would result in the current endpoint for Forgot/Reset to be the registration page. "
__label__bug " app:shadowDx,shadowDy not working ### Error I set shadowDx,Dy in xml like this ``` app:shadowDx=""50"" app:shadowDy=""50"" ``` but it not working ### Reason in ShadowView.kt, this code in init method ``` shadowDx = a.getFloat(R.styleable.ShadowView_shadowDx, 0f) shadowDy = a.getFloat(R.styleable.ShadowView_shadowDy, 0f) bgPaint.setShadowLayer(shadowRadius, 0f, 1f,shadowColor) ``` I don't understand, why???"
__label__bug "Segfault when using --tid uftrace replay crashes when using `--tid` option. Here is the steps to reproduce. ``` $ uftrace record tests/t-fork $ uftrace replay --tid [one of recorded tid] Segmentation fault (core dumped) ``` The crash point and its backtrace are as follows: ``` 1694│ else { /* must be perf event */ 1695│ struct uftrace_perf_reader *perf; 1696│ 1697│ assert(handle->last_perf_idx >= 0); 1698│ perf = &handle->perf[handle->last_perf_idx]; 1699│ 1700│ if (rstack->addr == EVENT_ID_PERF_COMM) { 1701├───────────────────────> memcpy(task->t->comm, perf->u.comm.comm, 1702│ sizeof(task->t->comm)); 1703│ } 1704│ 1705│ perf->valid = false; 1706│ handle->last_perf_idx = -1; 1707│ } (gdb) p task->t $1 = (struct uftrace_task *) 0x0 (gdb) bt #0 __fstack_consume (task=task@entry=0x5555557c6500, kernel=kernel@entry=0x0, cpu=cpu@entry=-1) at /home/honggyu/src/uftrace/git/uftrace/utils/fstack.c:1701 #1 0x00005555555827b8 in __read_rstack (handle=handle@entry=0x7fffffffd0a0, taskp=taskp@entry=0x7fffffffd048, consume=consume@entry=true) at /home/honggyu/src/uftrace/git/uftrace/ utils/fstack.c:1817 #2 0x0000555555582d7a in read_rstack (handle=handle@entry=0x7fffffffd0a0, task=task@entry=0x7fffffffd048) at /home/honggyu/src/uftrace/git/uftrace/utils/fstack.c:1840 #3 0x000055555556cef5 in command_replay (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>, opts=<optimized out>) at /home/honggyu/src/uftrace/git/uftrace/cmd-replay.c:928 #4 0x000055555555bda5 in main (argc=5, argv=0x7fffffffde48) at /home/honggyu/src/uftrace/git/uftrace/uftrace.c:996 ```"
__label__bug In site links do not go to top of page When clicking a link (i.e view an event) the scrollbar does not move to the top of the page.
__label__bug Zclassic stopped due to version deprecation. I'm running zclassic version 1001051 Zclassic stopped due to version deprecation few minutes ago. I could only run it again with below command disabledeprecation=1.0.10-1 Please fix this.
__label__bug "PermissionError when trying to analyze boot.img IRC Log: ``` <OctoNezd> also, I get command failed % mkdir -p /home/octo/.local/var/pmbootstrap/cache_http <matt07211> ^ Same happend to me lastnight. Fix: take ownership of the files usig chown and make them RW with chmod <ata2001[m]> octoenzd: what error/retcode <OctoNezd> PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/octo/.local/var/pmbootstrap/log.txt' ``` Workaround: ``` <matt07211> chown octo:octo /home/octo/.local/var/pmbootstrap/ <matt07211> and <matt07211> chmod -R 755 /home/octo/.local/var/pmbootstrap/ ``` Log: ``` octo@ubuntu:~$ pmbootstrap log Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/usr/local/bin/pmbootstrap"", line 26, in <module> sys.exit(pmb.main()) File ""/home/octo/pmbootstrap/pmb/"", line 35, in main pmb_logging.init(args) File ""/home/octo/pmbootstrap/pmb/helpers/"", line 86, in init setattr(args, ""logfd"", open(args.log, ""a+"")) PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/octo/.local/var/pmbootstrap/log.txt' ``` Running on Ubuntu Server 17.10 in Oracle VM Virtualbox"
__label__bug Most recently changed not working Customer reported that their search results are not most recently changed despite saying so.
__label__bug 修改账单信息的时候判重了 修改账单信息的时候,也进行了判重
__label__bug "Selected tag isn't highlighted ### Issue For Bulma 0.6.1 selected tags aren't highlighted. ### Possible fix The bulma css class modifier `is-active` doesn't exist for the class `tag`. Changing all `is-active` occurences in tagsinput.js to any valid tag class modifier, e.g. `is-primary`, seems to do the job."
__label__bug "Choose User role **Currently, it is not possible to choose user role.** Possibility to choose between ROLE_USER and ROLE_ADMIN. When modifying user, possibility to change it's role. _Time estimate : 1 day._ "
__label__bug "Errors on column 0 get a length of 0 ![image]( "
__label__bug "STT /request message is showing ETH ### Description *Type*: Bug *Summary*: It is a separate issue related to erc20 branch but @jeluard and @goranjovic will work on it a bit later and we don't want to block Goran's work awaiting for the fix in branch. When I /request tokens (STT) and select a contact from contact list - the request message shows ETH #### Expected behavior When STT / SNT was requested I want it to be clearly indicated in /reauest message for both sender and requestor #### Actual behavior ![image]( ### Reproduction - Open Status - Go to wallet and tap request - Choose STT and recipient and tap send ### Additional Information * Status version: 0.9.10-499-ge52c53c3+ (2056) * Operating System: Android, iOS #### Logs TF (from 2:58)"
__label__bug "Empty repo “code” shows “cannot load issues” ![GitHawk Upload by BasThomas]( <details> <summary>Bug Report Dump (Auto-generated)</summary> <pre> Version 1.17.0 (1514903367) Device: iPad7,3 (iOS 11.2.1) TestFlight: true </pre> </details>"
__label__bug "paper-progress-circular's stroke-dashoffset is NaN ![image]( Hi, I've encountered (probably a bug) with progress-circular, I pass it a value either string, or number between 1-100, and the problem is that the circle is ALWAYS filled, no matter what, it is filled, and when I inspected it's path element, I saw that stroke is NaN. So I was meddling with the component inside node_modules, and value is passed to it, and on the line 167 the value itself is already NaN. ``` {{paper-progress-circular diameter=100 value=progress}} {{minutes-to-hours summarizedDays.worked}} / {{minutes-to-hours}} <br> {{progress}}% {{yield}} ``` progress here is numerical, but I've been trying to pass it a raw ""20"" for instance too. ``` ""ember-paper"": ""^1.0.0-beta.2"", ""ember-cli"": ""^2.16.2"", ""ember-data"": ""2.17.0"", ember is 2.17.0 ``` I've checked progress-cilcular on different versions of ember i.e same one that stands on, and ember paper 1.0.0.-beta.4 and 0.2.5"
__label__bug "Won't sim SoO Heirlooms* Tried to sim my character whilst levling with the Hellscream's Cleaver (id=104404) and it just won't sim, haven't tried with the other heirlooms but I suspect the bug also affects them as well. - It spits out the error msg: ""Error that Seri forgot to handle"". - Have tried it on other browsers as just to see if it was a cache problem - Tried swapping out the weapons to something that worked before in this case Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge (id=122351) and it worked fine."
__label__bug "Reinstate placeholder choice Currently when search for a name in the taxon chooser, I see a placeholder option with a checkmark, but tapping it does nothing. When editing or creating an observation that should set the `species_guess`"
__label__bug "userinfo endpoint always returns last user to authenticate I've found that when going to /profile/oidc/userinfo?access_token=<token> that the information returned is for the account that most recently authenticated against the IdP. If I authenticate with userA and get an access token of xyz then I can authenticate as userB (access token abc), the information at /profile/oidc/userinfo?access_token=xyz is for userB, not userA. I am using latest git code with Shibboleth IdP 3.2.1. I am running the IdP under Tomcat 8.0.36 that is proxied behind Apache 2.4. The SP is mod_auth_openidc. "
__label__bug "Can't compile JS templates **Godot version:** 0c86c1ad152d2b523dc125eb79e838563b3d5f69 **OS/device including version:** `Linux 4.14.8-300.fc27.x86_64` **Issue description:** ```bash $ scons platform=javascript tools=no target=release_debug scons: Reading SConscript files ... WebM SIMD optimizations are disabled. Check if your CPU architecture, CPU bits or platform are supported! Checking for C header file mntent.h... (cached) no scons: done reading SConscript files. scons: Building targets ... [Initial build] Compiling ==> platform/javascript/javascript_main.cpp platform/javascript/javascript_main.cpp:73:11: error: allocating an object of abstract class type 'OS_JavaScript' os = new OS_JavaScript(argv[0], NULL); ^ core/os/os.h:329:15: note: unimplemented pure virtual method 'set_custom_mouse_cursor' in 'OS_JavaScript' virtual void set_custom_mouse_cursor(const RES &p_cursor, CursorShape p_shape, const Vector2 &p_hotspot) = 0; ^ 1 error generated. ERROR:root:compiler frontend failed to generate LLVM bitcode, halting scons: *** [platform/javascript/javascript_main.javascript.opt.debug.bc] Error 1 scons: building terminated because of errors. ``` **Steps to reproduce:** ```bash $ scons platform=javascript tools=no target=release_debug # Or: $ scons platform=javascript tools=no target=release ``` "
__label__bug "Mono: build errors are no longer displayed Using current master, when a build fails due to a syntax error in a .cs file, the build error is no longer displayed in the editor or CLI."
__label__bug "Fixing Wine problems during compilation in Debian 8 I couldn't compile the development version with VST support. First I got the following message after running `cmake ..`, and then `make` would fail after some time compiling, when it got to the VST plugins. > Carla Patchbay & Rack : not found, please install the latest carla > SoundFont2 player : OK > Stk Mallets : OK > VST-instrument hoster : not found, please install (lib)wine-dev (or similar) - 64 bit systems additionally need gcc-multilib and g++-multilib > VST-effect hoster : not found, please install (lib)wine-dev (or similar) - 64 bit systems additionally need gcc-multilib and g++-multilib > CALF LADSPA plugins : OK > CAPS LADSPA plugins : OK > CMT LADSPA plugins : OK > TAP LADSPA plugins : OK > SWH LADSPA plugins : OK > GIG player : OK The solution was to add /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine/bin to PATH (`export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine/bin`). After removing CMakeCache.txt and running `cmake ..` again, I still got the message above, but I was able to run `make` without issues. The VSTs work normally after compiling this way. Note that it's necessary to have libwine-dev:i386 installed for this to work. Should this information be on the INSTALL file, as a note for Debian users? "
__label__bug "Sorting Configuration Wizard columns, entities, and value Not possible Note: @pgathogo You have not much to do here as the title suggests. :D @pgathogo and @gkahiu I know sorting and re-ordering of items in the wizard that are added in the db or written to might be a bit difficult or imppossible. However, it could be possible to sort items also reflect in the database and before they are created. Currently, it is possible to change the order of items is by just editing them so that they are pushed to last in the list. As a default behavior it is good but this might not be desirable in some case. For instance, if a user has created 10 columns and wants the first one to be first_name. Then if he/she decides to make edits to first_name column after all columns are created, the first_name will be the last column. To make it the first column again, the user has to edit all others so that the first_name can be first in the list. This is a bit tedious. Considering the time I have, I decide to add a drag and drop sort feature so it is used by the Configuration Wizard. I add it under [utils/]( so that other modules can use it. In addition to the wizard, this feature can enhance other modules such as Document Generator and the Import Wizard. I have already incorporated the feature in Document Generator in t[his commit]( but I didn't incorporate it to the Import Wizard considering the time. It can be incorporated in STDM 2.0. I feel it would be great to incorporate the sort feature in the Configuration Wizard. You can implement it in the Entities creation page, the columns, and lookup values. The method is tested on QTableView and QListView so you just need to do the following to add it in the wizard. ``` from stdm.utils.util import enable_drag_sort # In a code block where you target new profiles with no configuration and db enable_drag_sort(self.tbvColumns) enable_drag_sort(self.lvLookupValues) enable_drag_sort(self.pftableView) ``` "
__label__bug "[UEFI-Only] Installer not starting, troubleshooting didn't solve the issue #### Qubes OS versions : 3.2 and 4.0-RC3 --- ### Steps to reproduce the behavior : My new Thinkpad laptop is UEFI-Only, Secure-boot is disabled. My .iso checksum is valid. I'm booting from a USB key made with livecd-tools on Fedora (according to the troubleshooting guide for Lenovo's). I added /mapbs /noexitboot and --efi=attr=uc to chainloader (I tried all possibilities). Grub is booting. ### Expected behavior : When entering ""Install"", Xen should boot and Anaconda should start. ### Actual behavior : Nothing is happening when I enter ""Install"" (the screen goes black for less than 1 second and grub restarts). ### General notes : I tried to boot xen.efi directly, but it's not working (the laptop freezes at ""initrd.img"")."
__label__bug Dispensers do not recharge cloak Dispensers do not recharge cloak on either allied spies or enemy spies disguised as allies. Health and ammo is refilled but cloak is not.
__label__bug "Replaced tiles have a tendency to blink default animation. There is probably a quirk in the way tiles are animeted or my code for replacing them is wrong, but sometimes they show up with the default animation for a frame."
__label__bug Remove previous release / dev tag when present e.g. `Version 1.000; DEV` should convert to `Version 1.000; RELEASE` (and not `Version 1.000; RELEASE; DEV`) when the dev tag identified and vice versa. TODO: - [x] update docs with how this is approached as of v0.3.0 - [x] fix DEV/RELEASE duplication - [x] fix `sha1`-dev/`sha1`-release duplication - [x] fix `sha1` only dupes
__label__bug datetime - local Operation begin end logged timestamps are one hour back from local datetime: ```== review - 2017-11-24 08:29:29``` ```== [END] - 2017-11-24 08:29:58``` It should be same as system local datetime. Computer local datetime is correct. (debian8)
__label__bug "URI is not hierarchical gitmoji version: 1.0 ```kotlin URI is not hierarchical java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI is not hierarchical at<init>( at io.github.biezhi.plugins.GitmojiCompletionContributor.<init>(GitmojiCompletionContributor.kt:27) at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance( at org.picocontainer.defaults.InstantiatingComponentAdapter.newInstance( at com.intellij.util.pico.CachingConstructorInjectionComponentAdapter.doGetComponentInstance( at com.intellij.util.pico.CachingConstructorInjectionComponentAdapter.instantiateGuarded( at com.intellij.util.pico.CachingConstructorInjectionComponentAdapter.getComponentInstance( at com.intellij.openapi.extensions.AbstractExtensionPointBean.instantiate( at com.intellij.openapi.extensions.CustomLoadingExtensionPointBean.instantiateExtension( at com.intellij.lang.LanguageExtensionPoint.access$000( at com.intellij.lang.LanguageExtensionPoint$1.compute( at com.intellij.openapi.util.NotNullLazyValue.getValue( at com.intellij.lang.LanguageExtensionPoint.getInstance( at com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.CompletionPreloader.preload( at com.intellij.openapi.application.Preloader.a( at com.intellij.openapi.progress.impl.CoreProgressManager.a( at com.intellij.openapi.progress.impl.CoreProgressManager.a( at com.intellij.openapi.progress.impl.CoreProgressManager.executeProcessUnderProgress( at com.intellij.openapi.progress.impl.ProgressManagerImpl.executeProcessUnderProgress( at com.intellij.openapi.progress.impl.CoreProgressManager.runProcess( at com.intellij.openapi.application.Preloader.a( at com.intellij.util.concurrency.BoundedTaskExecutor$ at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at ```"
__label__bug "Log Collection Error 现象: CM2系统UAV Agent采集日志导致CPU占用高120-170% root cause: TaildirLogComponent main loop清理 idleInodes 时报NPE,导致 idleInodes内存泄漏。 临时fix: 1)idleFileCheckerRunnable 增加tyr catch (throwable) 2)closeTailFiles 增加try finally {clear} "
__label__bug "301 error ![screen shot 2017-10-13 at 11 05 45 am]( "
__label__bug "Limit this to Instagram only Currently, not bounded by any URL pattern, works on all. We need it to be only operated on"
__label__bug "JAZZ INSTALLATION ERROR :Requesting your assistance ### Description [An error is generated when I try to install jazz framework. When I run the installation process, after providing Jenkins details and credentials throws a critical error as follows: Traceback (most recent call last): File ""./"", line 86, in <module> if check_jenkins_user(jenkinsServerELB, jenkinsuser, jenkinspasswd): File ""./"", line 50, in check_jenkins_user os.remove('jenkins-cli.jar') OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'jenkins-cli.jar' Can you help me define what this error means and why it is shown? Also I was unable to find a documentation to help us through the possible errors during the installation, Please help me out in this regard along with this issue's resolution if you can. ] ### Steps to Reproduce 1. Run the jazz installation process 2. After finishing certain amount of downloads, It asks for jenkins URL, I have provided the valid jenkins URL 3. Then asks for tag name to prefix your stack, I provided the name. 4. After that I gave the username and password. It threw the error mentioned in description **Expected behavior:** [Go to next step of installation] **Actual behavior:** [Threw an OS error] **Reproduces how often:** [It never went past it even after multiple tries with difference details and credentials] ### Additional Information I have setup a Jenkins server with an instance as specified in jazz installation guide in github wiki. I tested it and it works without any problem. I opened the to investigate and tried changing the hard coded port number but still no change. **Do ask me for any details you want in extra** "
__label__bug "IconManager throws NPE for missing icon When SDRTrunk is executed from a command prompt/terminal, much more information is displayed, compared to 'double-clicking' the file. The following was displayed in the command window: 16:21:39.473 INFO i.g.d.s.t.TunerManager - usb device [0BDA:2838] LOADED: RTL2832 SDR/R820T 00000001 [14MB/62MB 23%] 16:21:39.475 INFO i.g.d.s.t.TunerManager - usb device [0BC2:AB24] NOT LOADED: Unknown Device [14MB/62MB 23%] 16:21:39.476 INFO i.g.d.s.t.TunerManager - usb device [8087:0020] NOT LOADED: Unknown Device [14MB/62MB 23%] 16:21:39.479 INFO i.g.d.s.t.TunerManager - usb device [0BDA:5801] NOT LOADED: Unknown Device [14MB/62MB 23%] 16:21:43.677 INFO i.g.d.icon.IconManager - loading icons file [C:\Users\IanM\SDRTrunk\settings\icons.xml] [13MB/62MB 22%] 16:21:44.864 INFO i.g.d.p.PlaylistManager - Attempting to load version 2 playlist file [C:\Users\IanM\SDRTrunk\playlist\playlist_v2.xml] [18MB/62MB 29%] Exception in thread ""AWT-EventQueue-0"" java.lang.NullPointerException at io.github.dsheirer.icon.IconManager.getScaledIcon( at io.github.dsheirer.icon.IconManager.getIcon( at io.github.dsheirer.icon.IconListCellRenderer.getListCellRendererComponent( at io.github.dsheirer.icon.IconListCellRenderer.getListCellRendererComponent( I copied the sdr-trunk-all-0.3.3-beta.2.jar file to the previous version program folder & the GUI was still missing. Note: I thought the missing data folders (config, images, libs) created from previous versions was a problem. After further testing, it seems the 0.3.3-beta.2 does not create/require these folders?) I renamed the users/.../SDRTrunk folder to SDRTrunk.bak & started again - Now I see the GUI but now have an empty playlist.. I restored the users/.../SDRTrunk folder & tried again - fail. There is a file called icons.xml in the users/..../SDRTrunk/settings/ directory - I deleted this file & the GUI now works with the previous playlist I don't understand exactly what changed? "
__label__bug "crash of auto-completion on 'python ""filename' (double quote left hanging) ### Background info ``` > fish --version 2.6.0 > echo $version 2.6.0 > lsb_release -a Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 16.10 Release: 16.10 Codename: yakkety > uname -a Linux bato 4.8.0-59-generic #64-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 29 19:38:34 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux > echo $TERM # using terminator xterm-256color ``` ### How to reproduce ``` > python ""a <tab complete> python ""a- (line 1): Unexpected end of string, quotes are not balanced begin; set files ""a*.py ^ from sourcing file - called on line 60 of file /usr/share/fish/functions/ in function “eval” called on line 39 of file /usr/share/fish/functions/ in function “__fish_complete_suffix” called on standard input with parameter list “.py” in command substitution called on standard input source: Error while reading file “-” ``` - asciinema: - Reproduced with a clean fish install - Looks similar to #1707"
__label__bug "Wrong total disk size on large size disk on macOS using APFS format #### Description Glances report wrong total disk size on my large 20TB disk on macOS 10.13 using APFS format. The total usage size is correct and disk size is in green color. ``` _ore Data 33.7G 2.19T ``` When switching to showing available size, the disk size is also in green color. ``` _ore Data 2.16T 2.19T ``` There is no error on computing the usage size and usage percentage. It seems it is just a bug for formatting the total disk size. `df -h` reports the right one. ``` /dev/disk5s1 19T 34G 19T 1% /Volumes/Core Data ``` #### Versions * Glances (glances -V): v2.11.1 * PSutil (glances -V): v5.4.0 * Operating System (lsb_release -a): macOS 10.13 #### Logs "
__label__bug Sign up allows mismatch of passwords Mismatching passwords are allowed when signing up
__label__bug "Build metadata is broken The GitHub version reported by the deployed application is `HEAD`, which is incorrect. Need to fix to what the code did before #161."
__label__bug Optimize memory utilization * *
__label__bug Compilation error on Arduino Mega internal reference not available
__label__bug "Condition S[4988..4999] == false ? Bonjour ! Via une condition event, j'ai inséré le code suivant : S[4988..4999] == false et essayé également : not S[4988..4999] La condition n'est jamais remplie. Où ai-je fait une erreur ? :( Merci d'avance. :3 "
__label__bug Bug: encodeBytesIntoData mishandles input bit sequences beginning with zero This is probably a misconstrual. It encodes numbers just fine. What we need to be aware of is that we can have 'unconditional zero prefixes' resulting from awkward ranges.
__label__bug "PR calculation returns NaN ```Balki on EU: Battles: 1950 Winrate: 60.67% PR: NaN Avg. Damage: 44578,Balki/ ``` ``` [OMNI]Flamu on EU: Battles: 9646 Winrate: 67.96% PR: NaN Avg. Damage: 85687,Flamu/ ``` Player IDs are in the URLs."
__label__bug Saving a document wipes code blocks clean Steps to repro: 1. Compose a document with a code block 2. Save 3. Code block is now empty
__label__bug "CTRL-V, paste when searching with / For starters, I GREATLY appreciate all the work you've done for this project. I use VsVim daily and thankful for this project. Awhile ago, issue #623 was opened but it was said it works as designed. The latest update allowed CTRL-V on the executable line, even if Visual Studio was set to handle CTRL-V. I was wondering if there were plans to allow CTRL-V from the search line as well? Or even Shift+Insert would be great. Thanks again! "
__label__bug Ajax error handling Not all ajax calls include error handling. Add this in.
__label__bug KTabBar do not handle the default tab when refreshed Select an organisation => select the event-templates tab => select another organisation => the default tab is not refreshed
__label__bug 后台系统重大bug:搜索条件在分页中无法维持的问题 复现步骤:1、后台中新增15个管理员,比如用户名从 A1-A15, 2、然后以A为关键字搜索用户,会搜索出2页共15个用户 3、之后点选第2页,上方检索条件会丢失,并且后台未接收到用户名检索条件
__label__bug "模板管理-变量数据为array时删除出错,代码里出现明显的命名错误 ->app\admin\controller\ThemeController.php 544行开始 <pre><code> if ($tab == 'var') { foreach ($more['vars'] as $mVarName => $mVar) { if ($mVarName == $varName && $mVar['type'] == 'array') { if (!empty($var['value']) && is_array($var['value']) && isset($var['value'][$itemIndex])) { array_splice($more['vars'][$mVarName]['value'], $itemIndex, 1); } else { $this->error('指定数据不存在!'); } break; } } } </code></pre> foreach中value值为mVar,而if中的value变为了var,导致删除变量数据一致报错。请注意! "
__label__bug Shouldn't override file if it's existed As title
__label__bug For Media Upload question if the user selects media from Gallery then the Gallery remains open for more than a second. The Gallery should be closed immediately and the control should return to the app.
__label__bug Donation fails with A2 Optimized plugin This plugin is a fork of W3TC and our W3TC code is causing a fatal error upon checkout: ``` PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function w3tc_flush_post() in /path/to/site/wp-content/plugins/charitable/includes/compat/charitable-w3tc-compat-functions.php:24 ```
__label__bug Drawbacks of import plugin in projectSetting A certain problem such as inherited partials is not getting included which causes issues while publishing.
__label__bug "Firefox support Currently u2f-core crashes when trying to read a message when Firefox tries to authenticate with Logs: ``` Jan 03 10:46:32.241 DEBG Begin transaction, payload_len: 8, command: Init, channel_id: 0xFFFFFFFF Jan 03 10:46:32.242 DEBG Received entire payload, payload_len: 8 Jan 03 10:46:32.242 DEBG RequestMessage::Init, new_channel_id: 0x000001 Jan 03 10:46:32.243 DEBG Send response, message: Init, channel_id: 0xFFFFFFFF Jan 03 10:46:32.247 DEBG Begin transaction, payload_len: 8, command: Ping, channel_id: 0x000001 Jan 03 10:46:32.247 DEBG Received entire payload, payload_len: 8 Jan 03 10:46:32.248 DEBG RequestMessage::Ping, data.len: 8 Jan 03 10:46:32.248 DEBG Send response, message: Pong, channel_id: 0x000001 Jan 03 10:46:32.251 DEBG Begin transaction, payload_len: 9, command: Msg, channel_id: 0x000001 Jan 03 10:46:32.251 DEBG Received entire payload, bytes: 0x000300000000000000, len: 9 Jan 03 10:46:32.251 DEBG RequestMessage::EncapsulatedRequest, data.len: 9 thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Error { repr: Custom(Custom { kind: UnexpectedEof, error: StringError(""failed to fill whole buffer"") }) } ', /checkout/src/libcore/ ``` Snipped stack backtrace: ``` 9: core::result::unwrap_failed at /checkout/src/libcore/ 10: <core::result::Result<T, E>>::unwrap at /checkout/src/libcore/ 11: u2f_core::Request::decode at u2f-core/src/ 12: <u2fhid_protocol::protocol_state_machine::StateMachine<S>>::handle_request at ./u2fhid-protocol/src/ 13: <u2fhid_protocol::protocol_state_machine::StateMachine<S>>::try_complete_receive at ./u2fhid-protocol/src/ 14: <u2fhid_protocol::protocol_state_machine::StateMachine<S>>::accept_packet at ./u2fhid-protocol/src/ 15: <u2fhid_protocol::U2FHID<T, S> as futures::future::Future>::poll at ./u2fhid-protocol/src/ ``` "
__label__bug "Probable errors in the website for 0.11.0-beta.1 release page <!-- PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING. WE MAY CLOSE INCOMPLETE ISSUES. --> **Select one ...** (check one with ""x"") ``` [x] bug [ ] feature request [ ] enhancement ``` ### Expected behavior <!-- Describe the expected behavior. --> NPM Packages should mention and link to @clr/\<module\>. Currently they link to clarity-\<module\>. Probably @ng/\<module\> should be @clr/\<module\>. ### Actual behavior <!-- Describe the actual behavior and provide a minimal app that demonstrates the issue. Fork one of the Clarity Plunker Templates and recreate the issue. Then submit your link with the issue. --> ![image]( ### Reproduction of behavior <!-- Include a working plunker link reproducing the behavior. --> <!-- Clarity Plunker Templates --> * Include a link to the reproduction scenario you created by forking one of the Clarity Plunker Templates: <!-- Clarity Version: [Latest]( --> <!-- Clarity Version: [0.9.20]( --> ### Environment details * **Angular version:** 4.x.x * **Clarity version:** 0.11.0-beta.1 * **OS and version:** * **Browser:** [all | Chrome XX | Firefox XX | IE XX | Safari XX | Mobile Chrome XX | Android X.X Web Browser | iOS XX Safari | iOS XX UIWebView | iOS XX WKWebView ] "
__label__bug "Correct situation that cannot un-select comparison once selected Per Austin: if you click to have a comparison but then change your mind, you can't unclick it and the blokcing error will persist. Maybe there can be an option of 'Non' for the comparison that is selected by default so users can revert to it if they decide not to set max and min?"
__label__bug "Fix descriptor write on Android > From #21 I tried working around this by doing this after the call to `gattServer.NotifyCharacteristicValue`: ``` Guid notifyDescriptorId = Guid.Parse(""00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb""); await gattServer.WriteDescriptorValue(myServiceUuid, myCharacteristicUuid, notifyDescriptorId, new byte[] { 0x02, 0x00 }); ``` but I get an NRE in `OnDescriptorWrite`: ``` 12-08 16:58:07.322 I/MonoDroid(20572): UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: 12-08 16:58:07.347 I/MonoDroid(20572): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. 12-08 16:58:07.347 I/MonoDroid(20572): at _Nc._Ab (_Nc+_jb , Java.Util.UUID , System.Action`1[T] ) [0x00054] in <6a3dedf7a0504e8380533e727c93d50b>:0 12-08 16:58:07.347 I/MonoDroid(20572): at _Nc._AA (Android.Bluetooth.GattStatus , Android.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattDescriptor ) [0x000d7] in <6a3dedf7a0504e8380533e727c93d50b>:0 12-08 16:58:07.347 I/MonoDroid(20572): at _Nc+_gb.OnDescriptorWrite (Android.Bluetooth.BluetoothGatt gatt, Android.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor, Android.Bluetooth.GattStatus status) [0x0000a] in <6a3dedf7a0504e8380533e727c93d50b>:0 12-08 16:58:07.347 I/MonoDroid(20572): at Android.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattCallback.n_OnDescriptorWrite_Landroid_bluetooth_BluetoothGatt_Landroid_bluetooth_BluetoothGattDescriptor_I (System.IntPtr jnienv, System.IntPtr native__this, System.IntPtr native_gatt, System.IntPtr native_descriptor, System.Int32 native_status) [0x00017] in <c82a099136944d8aa96281cf061cbc12>:0 12-08 16:58:07.348 I/MonoDroid(20572): at (wrapper dynamic-method) System.Object:2e98fcf3-a2e2-4e76-8046-8bdd747a9455 (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,int) ``` "
__label__bug 起点中文网无法过滤广告,IE模式 在IE模式里,以前是能过滤点,现在不能。步骤是随便点进一本小说里,IE模式,除了小说正文,两旁就是网页游戏的广告
__label__bug "comments - updated by display updated by user "
__label__bug "repeating comments comments are repeating across list relationships "
__label__bug "Problem with --ld User report that the use of --ld cause a memory malloc error, which is likely caused by memory problems. Also, --keep and --remove seems to be applied to the --ld file too. (So, likely that --ld-keep and --ld-keep doesn't work) "
__label__bug "Upgrade to 1.0.0 I have tried to upgrade my botkit project to use testmybot 1.0.0 But whenever I run tests they fail with timeout: ``` INFO: Ask FAQ question failed: Error: Queue.pop timeout after undefined at QueueTimeoutError (...\node_modules\botium-core\src\helpers\QueueTimeoutError.js:3:5) at timeoutRequest (...\node_modules\botium-core\src\helpers\Queue.js:46:18) at Timeout.timeoutCallback [as _onTimeout] (...\node_modules\async\dist\async.js:4922:13) at ontimeout (timers.js:386:14) at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:250:5) at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:214:5) ``` Do I need to modify my testmybot.json file? It still contains ```json { ""containermode"": ""local"" } ``` just like My testmybot.spec.js contains this code: ```js var env = require('node-env-file'); env(__dirname + '/../.env'); const testmybot = require('testmybot'); const mochaHelper = testmybot.helper.mocha(); const botkitHelper = testmybot.helper.botkit(); const Botkit = require('botkit'); const bot = require('../build/bot').default; const controller = Botkit.facebookbot({access_token: 'test', verify_token: 'test'}); bot(controller); botkitHelper.wireWithBotkit(function() { controller.memory_store.users = {}; return controller; }); mochaHelper.setupMochaTestSuite(60000); ``` It worked before, the diff is: ```diff -const botkitHelper = require('testmybot/helper/botkit'); -const mochaHelper = require('testmybot/helper/mocha'); +const testmybot = require('testmybot'); +const mochaHelper = testmybot.helper.mocha(); +const botkitHelper = testmybot.helper.botkit(); ``` "
__label__bug "Memory leak with MPI_Alloc_mem ## Background information I have found what appears to be a memory leak within OpenMPI. This was seen in a CFD code we use in our research group, which uses the Boost MPI library. As part of its serialization of std::vectors, Boost makes use of MPI_Alloc_mem (balanced by MPI_Free_mem), and this appears to be the cause of a memory leak which eventually results in some of our simulations crashing due to lack of memory. ### OpenMPI versions affected v2.1.2 and v3.0.0 have the problem described below. v1.10.7 does not. ### System and OpenMPI installation Both the above versions were compiled from source Platform: Ubuntu 16.04 Hardware: Intel 64-bit Compiler: gcc-5.4.0 (default as on Ubuntu 16.04) Configure flags: ./configure --prefix=/local/data/public/pmblakely/openmpi-3.0.0-install ## Minimal example The short program below exhibits the problem: ```c++ #include <mpi.h> int main(void) { int i=0; MPI_Init(&i, NULL); char* result; for(size_t i=0 ; i < 10000 ; i++) { MPI_Alloc_mem(100, MPI_INFO_NULL, &result); MPI_Free_mem(result); } MPI_Finalize(); } ``` ### Compilation /local/data/public/pmblakely/openmpi-3.0.0-install/bin/mpicc ./memory_leak_check_minimal.C -o ./memory_leak_check_minimal-3.0.0 -g -O0 ### Testing valgrind --tool=massif --threshold=0.1 --detailed-freq=1 ./memory_leak_check_minimal-3.0.0 Then, ms_print --threshold=0.1 ./massif.out shows: ``` ->62.52% (1,615,768B) 0x59F6D75: opal_free_list_grow_st (in /local/data/public/pmblakely/openmpi-3.0.0-install/lib/ ``` near the beginning, and ``` ->80.07% (4,312,304B) 0x59F6D75: opal_free_list_grow_st (in /local/data/public/pmblakely/openmpi-3.0.0-install/lib/ ``` near the end of the test-run (the final mentions of opal_free_list_grow_st show that the memory is eventually freed, but probably by MPI_Finalize()). I have tested the same program against MPICH 3.2.1 and it doesn't have the memory leak."
__label__bug "Duplicate Key Warn/Error in Stage Collection I'm seeing the warning below when running the annotation pipeline in 1.3.0-rc for multiple studies with the following command: ``` $OPENCGA_BIN/ variant index \ --file $WGS_FILE \ --outdir $WORK_DIR \ --calculate-stats \ --annotate \ --annotator cellbase_db_adaptor \ -s $STUDY \ -S $TOKEN ``` Is there anything to be concerned about with this warning? ``` 2017-12-24 22:32:15 [pool-2-thread-7] WARN MongoDBVariantStageLoader:189 - Catch error : BulkWriteError{index=83, code=11000, message='E11000 duplicate key error collection: opencga_user_project.stage index: _id_ dup key: { : "" 2: 91519059:G:C"" }', details={ }} 2017-12-24 22:32:15 [pool-2-thread-7] WARN MongoDBVariantStageLoader:190 - DupKey exception inserting ' 2: 91519059:G:C'. Retry! ``` Furthermore, the pipeline throws and error and fails when it comes across one of these duplicate keys that has some binary encoding in the key. This may be a separate issue, but do you have any ideas why there would be binary characters (e.g., `{ : "" 2: 91523836:��z""wy#|��VqMI�f�pn�lu:*"" }`) in the keys? ``` 2017-12-24 22:32:21 [pool-2-thread-7] ERROR MongoDBVariantStageLoader:192 - WriteError with code 11000 does not match with the pattern ^.*dup key: \{ : ""([^""]*)"" \}$ 2017-12-24 22:32:21 [pool-2-thread-7] ERROR ParallelTaskRunner:830 - Error writing batch 50413 com.mongodb.MongoBulkWriteException: Bulk write operation error on server localhost:27017. Write errors: [BulkWriteError{index=45, code=11000, message='E11000 duplicate key error collection: opencga_user_project.stage index: _id_ dup key: { : "" 2: 91523836:��z""wy#|��VqMI�f�pn�lu:*"" }', details={ }}]. at com.mongodb.connection.BulkWriteBatchCombiner.getError( at com.mongodb.connection.BulkWriteBatchCombiner.throwOnError( at com.mongodb.connection.BulkWriteBatchCombiner.getResult( at com.mongodb.operation.MixedBulkWriteOperation$ at com.mongodb.operation.MixedBulkWriteOperation$ at com.mongodb.operation.OperationHelper.withConnectionSource( at com.mongodb.operation.OperationHelper.withConnection( at com.mongodb.operation.MixedBulkWriteOperation.execute( at com.mongodb.operation.MixedBulkWriteOperation.execute( at com.mongodb.Mongo.execute( at com.mongodb.Mongo$2.execute( at com.mongodb.MongoCollectionImpl.bulkWrite( at org.opencb.commons.datastore.mongodb.MongoDBNativeQuery.update( at org.opencb.commons.datastore.mongodb.MongoDBCollection.update( at at at at$ at$ at at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at 2017-12-24 22:32:21 [pool-2-thread-7] WARN ParallelTaskRunner:836 - Abort writing thread on fail 2017-12-24 22:52:21 [main] WARN ParallelTaskRunner:446 - Catch interrupted exception! java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Queue got stuck with 12 items!!! ```"
__label__bug "Metadata Doesn't Reflect Changes in CellType When using the `convert_data_type` method on `TiledRasterLayer`s, the resulting layer's metadata does not reflect the conversion in CellType. However, the `Tile`s will have the correct data type. ``` In [18]: tiled.layer_metadata.cell_type Out[18]: 'uint8raw' In [19]: converted = tiled.convert_data_type(gps.CellType.INT16, -500) In [20]: converted.layer_metadata.cell_type Out[20]: 'uint8raw' In [21]: converted.to_numpy_rdd().first()[1] Out[21]: Tile(cells=array([[[ 0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, ..., 66, 66, 68], ..., [ 0, 0, 62, ..., 87, 63, 53], [ 0, 0, 68, ..., 83, 82, 62], [ 0, 0, 61, ..., 58, 90, 68]]], dtype=int16), cell_type='SHORT', no_data_value=-500.0) ``` The cause of this is because the `convertDataType` method uses `withRDD` to construct the result, which provides the wrong metadata "
__label__bug Dijkstra crashes if no path found The problem is caused by a lack of null checking when reconstructing the supposed ideal path to the node at the end of `Pathfinder::dijkstra`. To be fixed in next release. ``` std::list<Node*> path; path.push_front(current); while (current->getName() != start->getName()) { current = nodeInfo[current].bestPath; path.push_front(current); } return path; ```
__label__bug "Visible lag introduced in recent changes The connections hangs for a short time when doing `echo ""health"" | nc localhost 30303`."
__label__bug "Degree symbol is making reader break In the `~Parameter Information` section of the attached here, the `` is throwing an error presumably when it encounters the degree symbol in the latitude and longitude fields. ``` LATI . 0° 0' 0 N :Latitude LONG . 0° 0' 0 E :Longitude ``` The error message I'm getting has something to do with codecs. Is this something we can fix with the reader or it a problem that has to do with my Python installation? [1045387215_top100ft.txt] ( "
__label__bug "Core dump due to ""out of host memory"" Hi, I just ran `./thundersvm-train /tmp2/b03902086/data/news20.binary` on a workstation machine, and resulted in the following: ``` 2017-12-31 02:14:28,273 INFO [default] training start . 2017-12-31 02:14:51,947 INFO [default] rho = -0 2017-12-31 02:14:51,947 INFO [default] #sv = 1024 2017-12-31 02:14:52,008 INFO [default] #total unique sv = 1024 2017-12-31 02:15:06,078 FATAL [default] out of host memory 2017-12-31 02:15:06,079 WARNING [default] Aborting application. Reason: Fatal log at [/home/student/03/b03902086/thundersvm/src/thundersvm/thundersvm-train.cpp:90] Aborted (core dumped) ``` The machine has 70G memory, and the dataset [news20]( is just 134M large. Is there anything I miss? Thanks in advance! "
__label__bug discovery deadlock in large set Using a large size such as: ./baccli discover -s 50000 causes a deadlock
__label__bug missing float scope in Query.scope_query When a value is a float the function scope_query fails.
__label__bug stacker script doesn't work out of the box on Windows Windows doesn't do the right thing with [scripts/stacker]( -- just having the shebang at the top of the file doesn't get the python interpreter invoked. Looks like awscli handles this by shipping a [separate invocation script for windows](
__label__bug "Can't build the project with Firebase UI Auth 3.1.1 / 3.1.2 ### Step 2: Describe your environment * Android OS version: N/A build time issue * Firebase/Play Services SDK version: 11.6.2 * FirebaseUI version: 3.1.1, 3.1.2 ### Step 3: Describe the problem: Cannot build the project when the Firebase auth dependency is added. #### Steps to reproduce: 1. add following libraries 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui-auth:3.1.1' to app/build.gradle (using `compile` as we're using older Gradle version) ``` compile '' compile '' compile '' compile '' compile '' compile '' compile '' compile '' compile '' compile '' compile 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui-auth:3.1.2' ``` #### Observed Results: ``` The project build fails with following error: (...)/app/build/intermediates/res/merged/dev/homologation/layout/fui_phone_layout.xml Error:(16, 57) No resource found that matches the given name (at 'layout_constraintBaseline_toBaselineOf' with value '@id/phone_layout'). ``` #### Expected Results: The app to build #### Relevant Code: `` ``` #Mon Dec 18 18:10:48 BRST 2017 distributionBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME distributionPath=wrapper/dists zipStoreBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME zipStorePath=wrapper/dists distributionUrl=https\:// ``` `build.gradle` ```buildscript { repositories { jcenter() mavenCentral() flatDir { dirs 'libs' } } dependencies { classpath '' classpath 'me.tatarka:gradle-retrolambda:3.2.3' classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.8' classpath '' classpath 'com.jakewharton.hugo:hugo-plugin:1.2.1' dependencies { classpath ""org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder:http-builder:0.7.1"" } } } allprojects { repositories { jcenter() flatDir { dirs 'libs' } } } ``` `app/build/intermediates/res/merged/dev/homologation/layout/fui_phone_layout.xml` ``` < android:id=""@+id/country_list"" style=""@style/FirebaseUI.CountrySpinner"" app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf=""parent"" app:layout_constraintBaseline_toBaselineOf=""@id/phone_layout"" /> ```"
__label__bug "S3 file viewing doesn't show folders for ""static"" builds Example: We thus run out of room for viewing all of the files on this screen. <img width=""1026"" alt=""screen shot 2017-12-21 at 10 37 44 am"" src=""""> "
__label__bug "Perform bool to uint8_t conversion at the notation level For @JasonGross, by way of a discussion with me and @andres-erbsen. Any mistakes in the transcription are mine. The synthesized code works with one-bit integers a lot for carries and the like. This is nominally a `bool`, but C didn't get support for this until C99, so instead things got rounded up to `uint8_t` at some point down the line. This was done by way of making `TWord 3` a `uint8_t` while leaving `TWord 0` a `bool`, then somewhere telling the bounds-checker to round to `TWord 3` instead of `TWord 0`. This has two problems. First, the unused `TWord 0` notations are not actually correct. Adding two `bool`s together is *not* addition mod 2. It is actually saturating. It's because C first casts the two `bool`s to `int`, adds them, and casts back down to `bool` by checking `2 != 0`. Second, converting to `TWord 3` forces `AddWithCarry` and `SubWithBorrow` implementations to be pessimistic. They must take in a full 8 bits of precision in the carry bit and output 8 bits. This means one can't use the [real compiler intrinsics](, which treat any non-zero input as a 1. Also, for instance, [this]( `subborrow_u64` implementation isn't correct. The effect is particularly pronounced for, say, `addcarryx_u26` and `subborrow_u26`. In theory, these could be implemented as: ``` static uint8_t addcarryx_u26(uint8_t c, uint32_t a, uint32_t b, uint32_t *low) { uint32_t x = a + b + c; *low = x & ((1 << 26) - 1); return (x >> 26) & 1; } static uint8_t subborrow_u26(uint8_t c, uint32_t a, uint32_t b, uint32_t *low) { uint32_t x = a - b - c; *low = x & ((1 << 26) - 1); return x >> 31; } ``` These functions need only extract 26+1 = 27 bits of output, so a `uint32_t` is a sufficient temporary. However, if the `uint8_t` output is treated as a true `uint8_t`, rather than a stand-in for a `uint1_t`, we need 26+8 = 34 bits of output, and we must go up a word size, even though that's not actually necessary. Proposal: 1. Fix the `TWord 0` notations to, rather than using `bool`, which doesn't work, use `uint8_t` with manual truncations. So, adding two bools would be `uint8_t c = (a + b)&1`. (Though I'd be surprised if you ever emitted that one.) 2. Remove the `TWord 0` to `TWord 3` conversion and leave all `TWord 0`s as-is. 3. Remove the `TWord 3` notation cases for `addcarryx` and `subborrow`. Only select those intrinsics when the carry bits are `TWord 0`. "
__label__bug "Make `Streamers`' `iterate()` return a copy of the streamer As identified in #111, when activated, each `Streamer` generator maintains the state of the original object. This is a bug in situations such as `PoissonMux(mode='with_replacement')`, where the stream can be used multiple times. (See discussion in #111 for more details). Proposals for fixing: * Have the context manager make a copy of the streamer to activate, which is then used instead of `self` within the context. Questions / Clarifications: * Is returning a shallow copy sufficient? * Option for deep copy? (i.e. `deep=True/False`) * Maybe provide an option in `.iterate()` to set whether a copy happens or not, for the following case identified by @bmcfee: > ... I think it's fair to expect each streamer (reference) to behave independently. *Where this gets really nasty is when stacking muxen, which could have deep state to copy.* "
__label__bug "Stop page from refreshing when the X button is pressed in Assessment Plan (Learning Object)Assessment Plan — When you click the “new outcome assessment” button and then click the red X button, it refreshes the page entirely. This is only for Safari, apparently. "
__label__bug "LowercaseUrls = true in RouteOptions doesn't affect URLs with non-Roman characters In ASP.NET MVC CORE 2.0 ``` public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { services.Configure<RouteOptions>(options => options.LowercaseUrls = true); services.AddMvc(); } ``` `<a asp-action=""New-Post"">New post</a>` works fine giving URL like http://domain/controller/new-post But this one `<a asp-action=""Новая-Публикация"">Новая публикация</a>` produces URL like http://domain/controller/Новая-Публикация **Seems like RouteCollection uses ToLowerInvariant() to lower-case the URL:**"
__label__bug "Make OwinFeatureCollection mutable OwinFeatureCollection does not currently allow you to replace features, so to use it in the pipeline you have to wrap it in a FeatureCollection. Make it mutable instead. "
__label__bug "a file called ""0"" cannot be uploaded by chunking ### Steps to reproduce 1. create a 20MB file and call it ""0"" 2. upload that file via WebUI ### Expected behaviour file should be uploaded correctly ### Actual behaviour file is not uploaded, Error message is shown: `File with name //0 could not be located` ### Server configuration **Operating system**: Ubuntu 17.10 **Web server:** Apache2 **Database:** MySQL **PHP version:** 7.1 **ownCloud version:** (see ownCloud admin page) 10.0.3 (git) **Updated from an older ownCloud or fresh install:** fresh **Where did you install ownCloud from:** git **The content of config/config.php:** ``` { ""system"": { ""instanceid"": ""oc9xsmdtnlru"", ""passwordsalt"": ""***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***"", ""secret"": ""***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***"", ""trusted_domains"": [ ""localhost"" ], ""datadirectory"": ""\/home\/artur\/www\/owncloud-core\/data"", ""overwrite.cli.url"": ""http:\/\/localhost\/owncloud-core"", ""dbtype"": ""sqlite3"", ""logtimezone"": ""UTC"", ""installed"": true, ""license-key"": ""***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***"", ""default_language"": ""en"", ""theme"": """", ""loglevel"": 0, ""maintenance"": false, ""log_type"": ""owncloud"", ""dbname"": ""owncloud"", ""dbhost"": ""localhost"", ""dbtableprefix"": ""oc_"", ""dbuser"": ""***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***"", ""dbpassword"": ""***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***"", ""debug"": false, ""skeletondirectory"": ""\/home\/artur\/www\/owncloud-core\/tests\/ui\/skeleton"", ""version"": """", ""csrf.disabled"": true, ""files_external_allow_create_new_local"": ""true"" } } ``` **List of activated apps:** ``` Enabled: - comments: 0.3.0 - dav: 0.3.2 - diagnostics: 0.1.0 - enterprise_key: 0.1.3 - federatedfilesharing: 0.3.1 - federation: 0.1.0 - files: 1.5.1 - files_external: 0.7.1 - files_sharing: 0.10.1 - files_texteditor: 2.2 - files_trashbin: 0.9.1 - files_versions: 1.3.0 - firewall: 2.4.2 - gallery: 16.0.2 - market: 0.2.1 - notifications: 0.3.1 - provisioning_api: 0.5.0 - systemtags: 0.3.0 - testing: 0.1.0 - updatenotification: 0.2.1 Disabled: - customgroups - files_antivirus - multidirtest - password_policy - theme-example - user_ldap ``` **Are you using external storage, if yes which one:** local/smb/sftp/... no **Are you using encryption:** yes/no no **Are you using an external user-backend, if yes which one:** LDAP/ActiveDirectory/Webdav/... no ### Client configuration **Browser:** FF 56 **Operating system:** Ubuntu 17.10 ### Logs #### ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log) ``` {""reqId"":""3MEjkf334sbgcdmDs5mT"",""level"":0,""time"":""2017-11-16T14:44:34+00:00"",""remoteAddr"":"""",""user"":""admin"",""app"":""webdav"",""method"":""MOVE"",""url"":""\/owncloud-core\/remote.php\/dav\/uploads\/admin\/web-file-upload-3578060c2c3fee1a31d85366bab7a6ee-1510843470131\/.file"",""message"":""Exception: {\""Message\"":\""HTTP\\\/1.1 404 File with name \\\/\\\/0 could not be located\"",\""Exception\"":\""Sabre\\\\DAV\\\\Exception\\\\NotFound\"",\""Code\"":0,\""Trace\"":\""#0 \\\/home\\\/artur\\\/www\\\/owncloud-core\\\/lib\\\/composer\\\/sabre\\\/dav\\\/lib\\\/DAV\\\/Tree.php(76): OCA\\\\DAV\\\\Connector\\\\Sabre\\\\Directory->getChild('0')\\n#1 \\\/home\\\/artur\\\/www\\\/owncloud-core\\\/apps\\\/dav\\\/lib\\\/Connector\\\/Sabre\\\/CopyEtagHeaderPlugin.php(74): Sabre\\\\DAV\\\\Tree->getNodeForPath('files\\\/admin\\\/0')\\n#2 [internal function]: OCA\\\\DAV\\\\Connector\\\\Sabre\\\\CopyEtagHeaderPlugin->afterMove('uploads\\\/admin\\\/w...', 'files\\\/admin\\\/0')\\n#3 \\\/home\\\/artur\\\/www\\\/owncloud-core\\\/lib\\\/composer\\\/sabre\\\/event\\\/lib\\\/EventEmitterTrait.php(105): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)\\n#4 \\\/home\\\/artur\\\/www\\\/owncloud-core\\\/lib\\\/composer\\\/sabre\\\/dav\\\/lib\\\/DAV\\\/CorePlugin.php(648): Sabre\\\\Event\\\\EventEmitter->emit('afterMove', Array)\\n#5 [internal function]: Sabre\\\\DAV\\\\CorePlugin->httpMove(Object(Sabre\\\\HTTP\\\\Request), Object(Sabre\\\\HTTP\\\\Response))\\n#6 \\\/home\\\/artur\\\/www\\\/owncloud-core\\\/lib\\\/composer\\\/sabre\\\/event\\\/lib\\\/EventEmitterTrait.php(105): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)\\n#7 \\\/home\\\/artur\\\/www\\\/owncloud-core\\\/lib\\\/composer\\\/sabre\\\/dav\\\/lib\\\/DAV\\\/Server.php(479): Sabre\\\\Event\\\\EventEmitter->emit('method:MOVE', Array)\\n#8 \\\/home\\\/artur\\\/www\\\/owncloud-core\\\/lib\\\/composer\\\/sabre\\\/dav\\\/lib\\\/DAV\\\/Server.php(254): Sabre\\\\DAV\\\\Server->invokeMethod(Object(Sabre\\\\HTTP\\\\Request), Object(Sabre\\\\HTTP\\\\Response))\\n#9 \\\/home\\\/artur\\\/www\\\/owncloud-core\\\/apps\\\/dav\\\/lib\\\/Server.php(256): Sabre\\\\DAV\\\\Server->exec()\\n#10 \\\/home\\\/artur\\\/www\\\/owncloud-core\\\/apps\\\/dav\\\/appinfo\\\/v2\\\/remote.php(31): OCA\\\\DAV\\\\Server->exec()\\n#11 \\\/home\\\/artur\\\/www\\\/owncloud-core\\\/remote.php(175): require_once('\\\/home\\\/artur\\\/www...')\\n#12 {main}\"",\""File\"":\""\\\/home\\\/artur\\\/www\\\/owncloud-core\\\/apps\\\/dav\\\/lib\\\/Connector\\\/Sabre\\\/Directory.php\"",\""Line\"":257,\""User\"":\""admin\""}""} ``` #### Browser log ![image]( "
__label__bug 文档里安装最新代码链接错误 由于需要发送小程序,pip上的还没更新,就按照文章上的链接装github的master分支, 结果文档里是这样写的 pip install 这是一个fork的版本,我研究了好久,怎么都装不了最新的,以为碰到了灵异事件,仔细核对才发现链接不对。。。
__label__bug "[Data Tables] - Checkbox in Fixed headers is not aligned ### Description The checkbox is not aligned in table header when header is fixed. ### Images/Screenshots ![image]( ### Link to a gist or code sample where the issue can be reproduced ### Version - React - - React-MD - 1.2.9 - Browser - firefox 57.0.3, Chromium 63.0.3239.84 (on ubuntu 16.04) "
__label__bug "Tag in BBcode links to old website Feels weird as the only instance that I know of where the new site could link backwards to the old site. This would also kind of solve the issue of not using ID links when using [profile] tags, since the new site does that automatically."
__label__bug "Placed Flag isn't set any more # Problem Report ## Describe the Issue The placed-flag was working properly, until a special point in time. But now it doesn't any more. Actual behaveour: the left column (References) gets colored from yellow over blue to green - this is as expected. But the checkboxes all stay unchecked when processing the job. When I do check them manually, they get saved and restored as expected, when closing and reloading the job. Also the job processor skips that parts which were loaded with a checked placed-flag - again as expected. What I am aware of what is different to before: * I've merged Jason's patch regarding the affine transform for the board area * added fiducials to the board (which I added manually to the board's parts list) * marked several parts of the board to be ignored ## Steps to Reproduce How can a developer reproduce the issue you are experiencing? Use a step by step format like this: 1. Start OpenPnP 2. Load a job 3. Start the Job ## Expected Result The checkboxes should be checked one after the other (according to the green state of the referenc-column) ## Actual Result the checkboxes don't get checked ## Notes, Log Files, Screen Captures, Videos, etc. to Show the Issue If it helps, I could provide some additional files - please tell me. Discussion:!topic/openpnp/4MKg7JaUTAk <bountysource-plugin> --- Want to back this issue? **[Post a bounty on it!](** We accept bounties via [Bountysource]( </bountysource-plugin>"
__label__bug Unit test for formatDate() fails if you run it on 1st January ``` 1) Text formatters formatDate() when given the beginning of this year should return 'january': Error: Test case failed: expected 'january' to equal 'today' at TestCaseError (node_modules/sazerac/lib/errors.js:24:10) at deepEqual (node_modules/sazerac/lib/deepEqual.js:16:37) at testExecuter (node_modules/sazerac/lib/describer.js:68:27) at Context.<anonymous> (node_modules/sazerac/lib/describer.js:49:11) ``` I think this is because the test is written in such a way that the test is non-deterministic rather than because `formatDate()` is broken.
__label__bug "Addresses with PO Boxes do not display Member edit record as displayed Member record being edited However, when editing the address, the PO Box # is displayed. Probably the PO Box should be displayed to reduce chance for having to check to see if the address is correct. Saves keystrokes! "
__label__bug "Weird blending and texturing problems in Serious Sam - The Second Encounter There are weird blending and texturing problems in Serious Sam. Sometimes textures get darker, brighter or even change colors completely. Its possible that all these issues have the same cause. First Map: ![serious sam - weird]( Technology Demo - Reflections. This whiteish veil isn't supposed to be there. ![serious sam - weird2]( Technology Demo - Lens Flares. Don't work at all. ![serious sam - weird3]( Technology Demo - Hall of Effects. The floor texture suddenly changed its apperance. ![serious sam - weird4]( "
__label__bug "Fix nasty issue with timeouts Example: ``` $ ya ssh Using config file: /Users/raravena/.ya.yaml Timed out! ``` "
__label__bug "Smoke sprite stuck on screen After continuous underwater building destruction on Nautilot, the smoke gets stuck on the screen. <img width=""331"" alt=""screen shot 2017-11-11 at 9 07 27 am"" src=""""> "
__label__bug "Flyout service amputates ids with a hash character ""#"" In the [suggest API](, it seems like the flyout service returns a partial id string if the id has a ""#"" character. For example, if the id is `somedomain#sometopic` and the flyout endpoint is `/api/flyout`, openrefine will try to make a request to `.../api/flyout?id=somedomain` instead of `.../api/flyout?id=somedomain#sometopic` This can be reproduced in OpenRefine2.8 on Mac OS 10.13 Any idea? "
__label__bug "Wrong bypass-lan.acl [Bug] Here is , that SS-android uses to proxy everything, except for LAN, but it hasn't { [proxy_all] [bypass_list] } construction. Here is, that SS-android uses to proxy everything, except for LAN and China, but it has { [proxy_all] [bypass_list] } construction. Is it an error? Why first list hasn't got it?"
__label__bug "struts2 jquery grid plugin cause javascript error when grid data is not loaded We are using struts2 jquery plugin 4.0.2. We use sjg:grid to load data from an action. ```java <sjg:grid gridModel=""gridModel"" action=""\data-provider.action"".... ``` The action is ```java @Action(value = ""data-provider"", results = { @Result(type = ""json"",params = { ""root"", ""action"" }) }) dataProvider(){ try{ List<Model> = doBusiness(); setGridModel(List<Model>); return SUCCESS; }catch{ HttpServletResponse response = this.getServletResponse(); response.setContentType(""application/json""); response.getWriter().write(""{ \""errors\"":\""false\""}""); return SUCCESS; } } ``` Also some javascript to handle error cases: ```javascript $(document).ajaxComplete(function(event, xhr, settings) { var response = jQuery.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); if (response.errors) { alert(""Could not load grid""); } }) ``` It works fine whether the grid loads or not. How ever when I set the sortableRows=""true"" things change!! When there is no exception in action and grid data is loaded things are working. However when there is exception and we write our custom json ( {""error"",""true""} ), JavaScript exception happens. The error is : ````java Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'beforeStop' of undefined at HTMLTableElement.params.gridComplete (eval at globalEval (jquery-2.2.4.js:343), <anonymous>:331:22) at HTMLTableElement.updatepager (eval at globalEval (jquery-2.2.4.js:343), <anonymous>:2301:59) at addJSONData (eval at globalEval (jquery-2.2.4.js:343), <anonymous>:1985:20) at Object.success (eval at globalEval (jquery-2.2.4.js:343), <anonymous>:2387:15) at fire (jquery-2.2.4.js:3187) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery-2.2.4.js:3317) at done (jquery-2.2.4.js:8757) at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (jquery-2.2.4.js:9123) ```` I find the error is in jquery.grid.struts2.js here is the code partition which seems to make error: ````javascript if (o.sortableRows) { self.log('sortable rows for : ' +; if (!soo) { soo = eval(""( "" + soos + "" )""); } else { soo = {}; } soo.beforeStop = self.pubTops($elem, o.onalw, o.sortableonbeforestoptopics); soo.stop = self.pubTops($elem, o.onalw, o.sortableonstoptopics); soo.start = self.pubTops($elem, o.onalw, o.sortableonstarttopics); soo.sort = self.pubTops($elem, o.onalw, o.sortableonsorttopics); soo.activate = self.pubTops($elem, o.onalw, o.sortableonactivatetopics); ```` It was ok in struts2 jquery plugin 3.7.1 any comments"
__label__bug "App icon is missing after upgrading to 0.4.5 Happened after I do an in-place upgrade (check for updates->update) ![image]( "
__label__bug "Can't sort by Base Path Fresh install (at commit dcf8a366335cf2d98086c526682b7854d70400ff) on a Linux host. After enabling the Base Path column I find I can't sort by it (helpful to see which torrents I've yet to move to their permanent homes). While it doesn't sort by path, it does seem to remove other sorts. This is a different issue than #395 as I can successfully sort by Creation Date if I enable that (and also the UI for sorting seems to have changed considerably)."
__label__bug "Update `magnetic` attribute in design guide Its listed as a single value but should actually be an `x, y, z` tuple like `acceleration`."
__label__bug "Wrong route is selected if custom action name matches If config looks like this: add(new DBConnectionFilter(""default"", true)).to(HomeController.class).forActions(""gallery""); then it will match any controller whose action is ""gallery"". "
__label__bug "Login Redirected to Login Page Passbolt version 1.6.5 CentOS 7 PHP 5.6.2 Apache 2.4.29 (cPanel) MySQL Ver 14.14 Chrome 63.0.3239.84 I installed Passbolt as per [the guide]( Healthcheck is clear. Register user as per the guide, walked through setup, logged in. I expected to be logged in but instead it returns to the login screen. Nothing in the browser console. In error.log, this is appended every time a login attempt fails (but in no other cases): ``` Error: [ForbiddenException] You need to login to access this location Request URL: /auth/checkSession.json Stack Trace: #0 /home/pacificsky/ GpgAuthenticate->unauthenticated(Object(CakeRequest), Object(CakeResponse)) #1 /home/pacificsky/ AuthComponent->_unauthenticated(Object(AuthController)) #2 [internal function]: AuthComponent->startup(Object(AuthController)) #3 /home/pacificsky/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #4 [internal function]: ObjectCollection->trigger(Object(CakeEvent)) #5 /home/pacificsky/ call_user_func(Array, Object(CakeEvent)) #6 /home/pacificsky/ CakeEventManager->dispatch(Object(CakeEvent)) #7 /home/pacificsky/ Controller->startupProcess() #8 /home/pacificsky/ Dispatcher->_invoke(Object(AuthController), Object(CakeRequest)) #9 /home/pacificsky/ Dispatcher->dispatch(Object(CakeRequest), Object(CakeResponse)) #10 {main} ``` "
__label__bug Tooltips not showing well on mobile see tooltip when creating flashcard or deck modal
__label__bug "Enter Key does not confirm In accordance with #9 - AJAX - We created a bunch of ""mini-forms"" - but now the enter key does not work. We'll have to check what forms are open and what control is active!"
__label__bug "Add hand limit Hand size should be limited to fixed number of cards to prevent overflow bug (cards can't be played when they are covered by other cards). Size limit should be set to 10. If there are 10 cards in hand, another card won't be added to the hand. "
__label__bug Audacious as default file manager In live iso and after installation audacious is set as default file manager. It's must be bug with mimetypes.
__label__bug "CSS is broken in NC 13 Hello, i upgraded my cloud to NC13, but it seems that the Layout is brocken. Can you fix it? ![ocdownlaoder_nc13]( "
__label__bug "Some Intrinsic functions are missing The `allocatable` declaration statement isn't highlighted, as well as some Intrinsic functions like `dsqrt` and `move_alloc`. Logical statements like `.and.` , `.or.`, `>=` and `==` are missing too. More examples in the figure below: ![highlight3]( If adding this keywords is as simple as adding names to a file, tell me the file i have to look at and i can do it if you want."
__label__bug "pressing yes in radiogroup after no doesn't make the price to roll back to 5$ in the code inside `` the method which updates the value of the price for each cup of coffee, it only does when no is pressed, so when yes was pressed (after no) the change doesn't take place. help"
__label__bug rotation to landscape hides the top view in credentials/login/signup xmls add yourself to `````` on ```master``` using the following format: ``` - <you-full-name>[<(@your-github.username)>](<link-to-your-github-profile>) For example: - Sambhav Jain [(@sambhav2612)]( ``` it should look like this: - Sambhav Jain [(@sambhav2612)](
__label__bug "Unexpected token export #### Environment(required) | 环境(必填) - roadhog version(roadhog版本)2.0.1 - Nodejs and Npm version(Nodejs 和 Npm 版本)9.3.0 - Operating environment (e.g. OS name) and its version(操作系统版本): macOS 10.12.6 #### What did you do? Please provide steps to re-produce your problem.(请提供复现步骤) 参看 升级到2.0之后,使用.webpackrc.js的形式编写roadhog配置,并使用ES6的语法来 export default {} #### What do you expected?(预期的正常效果) 执行roadhog dev应正常运行 #### What happen?(发生了何种非正常现象) 报错 **Unexpected token export**,如换成module.exports可正常运行,但在webpack.config.js中也会报错无法识别import/export等ES6语法。之前1.x都是没问题的。项目无额外babel配置文件,也执行过yarn upgrade清理并重新安装了所有其它依赖库。 "
__label__bug "cant add to scroll view hi there, when i add speedview to scroll layout, its not visible, can you please have look into it code ---------- <?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?> <ScrollView xmlns:android="""" xmlns:app="""" xmlns:tools="""" android:layout_width=""match_parent"" android:layout_height=""match_parent"" android:orientation=""vertical"" tools:context=""""> <RelativeLayout android:layout_width=""match_parent"" android:layout_height=""match_parent""> <com.github.anastr.speedviewlib.SpeedView android:id=""@+id/speedView"" android:layout_width=""250dp"" android:layout_height=""wrap_content"" android:layout_marginBottom=""16dp"" android:layout_marginLeft=""16dp"" android:layout_marginRight=""16dp"" android:layout_marginTop=""16dp"" app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf=""parent"" app:layout_constraintHorizontal_bias=""0.539"" app:layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf=""parent"" app:layout_constraintRight_toRightOf=""parent"" app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf=""parent"" app:sv_centerCircleColor=""@color/colorPrimaryDark"" app:sv_endDegree=""360"" app:sv_indicator=""NeedleIndicator"" app:sv_indicatorColor=""@color/colorAccent"" app:sv_indicatorWidth=""20dp"" app:sv_lowSpeedPercent=""20"" app:sv_markColor=""@android:color/black"" app:sv_maxSpeed=""140"" app:sv_mediumSpeedPercent=""60"" app:sv_minSpeed=""40"" app:sv_speedTextColor=""@color/colorAccent"" app:sv_speedometerWidth=""5dp"" app:sv_startDegree=""180"" app:sv_tickNumber=""11"" app:sv_tickPadding=""16dp"" app:sv_unitTextColor=""@color/colorAccent"" app:sv_withTremble=""false"" /> </RelativeLayout> </ScrollView> "
__label__bug "Summation of percent of production of resources Summation of percent of production of resources How correctly are the interest accrued for the additional profits from oases and plus? Is the percentage added to the initial performance? Ie we had a production of 2000 per hour, we included the travian plus (+ 25%) and seized the oasis (+ 25%). At us now manufacture became (2000 + 25% = 2500 + 25%) = 3125 or (2000 + (25% + 25%)) = 3000. As it is not very clear to me the calculations of this. While I was writing all this, I thought that most likely the percentages are added up and added to the initial productivity. 2000 + (all percentages in total)."
__label__bug "Run script on 'pjax:success' event Currently the extension is only running on a hard refresh of the page. Github uses [Pjax](, meaning the script should run on the named event as well."
__label__bug uglifyjs errors must add $inject array or the app will go wrong in prod mode
__label__bug "BUG: after reg. school - SN detention - repeats after getting home After going through the events for detention with SN, and coming home, the events start over (while still at home)."
__label__bug Local script paths in ./run are ambiguous Both of the commands below look for the script in the framework's script folder: ./run tests/1 ./run ./tests/1
__label__bug Remove unnecessary title and alt attributes Anchor elements don't need titles if they contain text or images with `alt` text.
__label__bug latest IDF update has I2C changes that cause compile errors with cpp_utils I2C.cpp Looks like some IDF changes related to the driver API's: i2c_master_read(..) and i2c_master_read_byte(..) using i2c_ack_type_t
__label__bug "[bug] Mp3 file issues. Mp3 Diags results. ID3V2 tag has an APIC frame (which is used to store images), but the image couldn’t be loaded. Unsupported text encoding for APIC frame in ID3V2 tag. No normalization undo information found. The song is probably not normalized by MP3Gain or a similar program. As a result, it may sound too loud or too quiet when compared to songs from other albums."
__label__bug "Registration password field is accepting any type of password, but it should accept password at least 6 characters long."
__label__bug "Pressing Start on the Taskbar causes a Crash Version: Just pulled it off of this Repo Pretty much self-explanatory, clicked Start on New Taskbar = Crash"
__label__bug "Need Center alignment in vitals at doctor for only height, feet, inches (see the attachment for reference) ![aligment issue at doctor side]( "
__label__bug "Rotation bug I have Xperia z5 nougat 7.1.1.. When I go and open one game and set resolution when rotation my phone in landscape mode the only I see is black screen and after all games inside the emulator don't work and must delete the emulator "
__label__bug "group by IP type column with null value <!-- If reporting a bug: --> **CrateDB version**: 2.2.5 **JVM version**: 1.8.0_151 **OS version / environment description**: Ubuntu 16.04.1 **Problem description**: group by query occurs error when null-IP type value exists. Maybe bug? Other column types look like work well. Thanks. **Steps to reproduce**: <!-- please include table schema & some sample records if possible --> ![image]( <!-- If requesting a feature --> **Use case**: **Feature description**: "
__label__bug "Internal and Internet-Facing Aws-Load-Balancer-Scheme Cannot Coexist I just experienced an issue where the Ingress Controller doesn't create an internal/internet-facing ALB stack when the other type already exists. **How to Reproduce**: 1. Create an ingress with the internet-facing ingress with "" internal"" annotation. 2. Create another ingress for the same domain (not the same host) but with "" internet-facing"" annotation (or without any annotations at all, internet-facing being the default). **Expected**: A new stack gets created as the first one cannot be used due to the fact that it's of a different scheme. **What Happens**: The Ingress Controller doesn't create a new stack and reports the following in its logs: ``` 2017/12/21 20:55:53 Start polling sleep 30s 2017/12/21 20:56:23 Found 2 ingresses 2017/12/21 20:56:23 Found 1 stacks 2017/12/21 20:56:23 Have 1 models 2017/12/21 20:56:23 updated ingress not needed default/my-first-internal-app with DNS name ""internal-k8s-the-rest-of-aws-alb-name"" 2017/12/21 20:56:23 updated ingress not needed default/my-internet-facing-app with DNS name ""internal-k8s-the-rest-of-aws-alb-name"" ``` Note that the ALB DNS is that of the original ALB created for the first ""internal"" app. I'm using the latest image for the controller: Here're the Ingress manifests: **Internal**: ```yaml apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: ""my-first-internal-app"" annotations: internal namespace: default labels: app: ""my-first-internal-app"" spec: rules: - host: """" http: paths: - backend: serviceName: ""my-first-internal-app"" servicePort: 80 ``` **Internet-Facing**: ```yaml apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: ""my-internet-facing-app"" annotations: internet-facing namespace: default labels: application: ""my-internet-facing-app"" spec: rules: - host: """" http: paths: - backend: serviceName: ""my-internet-facing-app"" servicePort: 80 ``` I also tried omitting the annotation altogether for the seconds manifest. Creating the internet facing ALB first leads to the same behaviour in reverse. "
__label__bug "syntax error, unexpected 'else' (T_ELSE) Hello, I encountered an issue with the following code: ```pug if wp_footer !=wp_footer else script(src=""//"") script(src=""/assets/vendor.js"") if(prod) script(src=""//"") else script(src=""//"") script(src=""//"") script(src=""//"") script(src=""//"") script(src="",vue/raven.min.js"" crossorigin=""anonymous"") if(prod) script. Raven.config('#{api.sentry}').install(); $(document).ajaxError(function(event, jqXHR, ajaxSettings, thrownError) { Raven.captureMessage(thrownError || jqXHR.statusText, { extra: { type: ajaxSettings.type, url: ajaxSettings.url, data:, status: jqXHR.status, error: thrownError || jqXHR.statusText, response: jqXHR.responseText ? jqXHR.responseText.substring(0, 100) : '' } }); }); script(src=""/assets/app.js"") ``` In nested `if else` else is causing error: ```html if(prod) script(src=""//"") else ``` Thanks!"
__label__bug "Numeric step ""0"" prevents graphs from opening If someone creates a numeric question with step ""0"", the graphs do not open. Customizing/global/plugins/Services/Repository/RepositoryObject/MobileQuiz/classes/class.ilObjMobileQuizGUI.php : 1091 wird nie verlassen. Habe mir mal die $numeric_values ausgeben lassen, hier die Ausgabe: $numeric_min . ', ' . $numeric_max . ', ' . $numeric_step . ', ' . $numeric_correct . ', ' . $numeric_tolerance 0, 5, 0, 3, 0 D.h., dass $numeric_step 0 ist und somit die Schleife nie zum Ende kommt... "
__label__bug "Background does not work on large monitors Nic knows about what I'm talking about "
__label__bug "Fix the fucking clock Doesn't restart properly "
__label__bug " (over)-writes /etc/motd unconditioned My (cf. makes lib/ (over)-write /etc/motd unconditioned even on the original system in simulation mode: <pre> # wc /etc/motd 0 0 0 /etc/motd # usr/sbin/rear -s recover ... Simulation mode activated ... # cat /etc/motd Welcome to Relax-and-Recover. </pre> "
__label__bug "DataSearch / CategorySearch: Suggestions edge-case **Issue Type:** <!-- Please specify if this is a 'bug' or an 'enhancement' issue. --> Bug **Description:** <!-- Describe the bug or feature request. Attach Screenshots if it helps --> By default, only `10` suggestions are fetched via the search query. The same matching field may be present in all the returned hits, resulting in only one suggestion (or very few) appearing in the UI. The **fix** is to improve the odds of showing more suggestions by setting a higher query size, e.g. `20`. At the same time, cap the UI to show a maximum of 10 suggestions. **Screenshots:** <!-- Attach Screenshots if it helps --> ![]( Showing a barebones DataSearch component which only shows one suggestion in the result because all 10 of the returned hits have the same matching field. **Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions:** <!-- If the current behavior is a bug or you can illustrate your feature request better with an example, please provide the *STEPS TO REPRODUCE* and if possible a *MINIMAL DEMO* of the problem via or similar. --> ```js <ReactiveBase app=""good-books-ds"" credentials=""nY6NNTZZ6:27b76b9f-18ea-456c-bc5e-3a5263ebc63d"" > <DataSearch componentId=""mainSearch"" dataField={[""original_title"", """", ""authors"", """"]} queryFormat=""and"" /> </ReactiveBase> ``` **Reactivesearch version:** x.y.z <!-- Check whether this is still an issue in the most recent stable version --> v2.0.0-beta **Browser:** [all | Chrome XX | Firefox XX | Edge XX | IE XX | Safari XX | Mobile Chrome XX | Android X.X Web Browser | iOS XX Safari | iOS XX UIWebView | iOS XX WKWebView ] <!-- All browsers where this could be reproduced (and Operating System if relevant) --> Backend issue **Anything else:** <!-- e.g. stacktraces, related issues, suggestions how to fix --> "
__label__bug Testing issues on github label:bug Some dummy issues for testing purpose #1 @Decoder-Paul label:bug
__label__bug "Check lightweight edges on vertex delete ### OrientDB Version: 2.2.30 ## Expected behavior Vertices are correctly updated when a vertex linked with lightweight edges is removed ## Actual behavior Stale links ## Steps to reproduce Enable Lightweight Edges CREATE CLASS SimpleV EXTENDS V CREATE CLASS SimpleE EXTENDS E INSERT INTO SimpleV CONTENT {""name"":""A""} // this is #25:0 INSERT INTO SimpleV CONTENT {""name"":""B""} // this is #25:1 CREATE EDGE SimpleE FROM #25:0 TO #25:1 SELECT FROM SimpleE // empty result, provides that Lightweight Edge was used DELETE VERTEX #25:1 SELECT FROM SimpleV // returns #25:0, with OUT still showing link to #25:1 "
__label__bug "Events should be named in simple past tense. An Event happended in the past. I see this event named `DeliveryStatusEvent`: Events (any kind, Domain Events, Integration Events, etc.) should be named in simple past tense. An event is something that has happened in the past. As Greg Young highlights here: An event is something that has happened in the past. **All events should be represented as verbs in the past tense** such as CustomerRelocated, CargoShipped, etc. Also, see here:"
__label__bug "Upgrade to react 16 warning ""cloudinary-react@1.0.3"" has incorrect peer dependency ""react@^15.3.1""."
__label__bug "Adapter minor incorrections The GenericMultipleLayoutAdapter#remove(List<IGenericRecyclerViewLayout> items) is named incorrectly: ""removed"" instead of the correct ""remove"". Furthermore, GenericMultipleLayoutAdapter#updateViewTypes() is being called twice in some instances."
__label__bug "Opinion Changes from Events change own opinion As Qing all the Events that impove or decrease the opinion of Qing in the eyes of another nation is bugged. It changes my (Qings) opinion of the other country. For example I gave Russia the territories back from Mopngolia, now my opinion of russia is increased and they still hate me. [e.g. Windows 10] [0.5.4b] <!-- Explanation of the issue --> - [N ] Do you have this issue in vanilla? - [N ] Were you in multiplayer? - [Y ] Were you running other mods (music mod doesn't count)? Only coloured buttons and extended production interface. **Screenshots / Video:** ![opinion]( "
__label__bug Expanding from just drive name broken ``` dir e: ``` becomes ``` dir .\builds ```
__label__bug "OpenRiaServices.Silverlight - compilation errors in generated code I just upgraded OpenRiaServices.Silverlight to version and I'm now getting a number of compilation errors in the generated code: ERROR #1: The type or namespace name 'Task' could not be found in the global namespace (are you missing an assembly reference?) ERROR #2: The type or namespace name 'CancellationToken' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Generated code: /// <summary> /// Asynchronously invokes the 'AddImageVersionVersion' method of the DomainService. /// </summary> /// <param name=""imageVersionId"">The value for the 'imageVersionId' parameter of this action.</param> /// <param name=""versionId"">The value for the 'versionId' parameter of this action.</param> /// <param name=""changeDescription"">The value for the 'changeDescription' parameter of this action.</param> /// <param name=""cancellationToken"">A cancellation token that can be used to cancel the work</param> /// <returns>An operation instance that can be used to manage the asynchronous request.</returns> public global::Task<global::OpenRiaServices.DomainServices.Client.InvokeResult<global::CommBank.ACDC.Model.DTOs.ImageVersionUpdateTimeStamp>> AddImageVersionVersionAsync(int imageVersionId, int versionId, string changeDescription, global::System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { global::System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new global::System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>(); parameters.Add(""imageVersionId"", imageVersionId); parameters.Add(""versionId"", versionId); parameters.Add(""changeDescription"", changeDescription); this.ValidateMethod(""AddImageVersionVersion"", parameters); return this.InvokeOperationAsync<global::CommBank.ACDC.Model.DTOs.ImageVersionUpdateTimeStamp>(""AddImageVersionVersion"", parameters, true, cancellationToken); } ERROR #3: The type or namespace name 'HasSideEffectsAttribute' could not be found in the global namespace (are you missing an assembly reference?) ERROR #4: The type or namespace name 'HasSideEffects' could not be found in the global namespace (are you missing an assembly reference?) Generated code: [global::HasSideEffects(true)] [global::System.ServiceModel.OperationContractAttribute(AsyncPattern=true, Action="""", ReplyAction="""")] global::System.IAsyncResult BeginAddImageVersionVersion(int imageVersionId, int versionId, string changeDescription, global::System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState); The generated code doesn't have any using statements in it. I'm using Visual Studio 2013 Update 3 The server-side OpenRiaServices library is a .NET Framework 4 class library (referenced by an ASP.NET project). The client-side OpenRiaServices library is a Silverlight 5 class library (referenced by a Silverlight Application project). Microsoft® Silverlight® 5 SDK is installed Version of OpenRiaServices was working fine Build Output is attached #### Attachments [Build Output.txt]( #### This work item was migrated from CodePlex CodePlex work item ID: '60' Vote count: '2' "
__label__bug Fix setupToolbar crash java.lang.RuntimeException: at ( at ( at ( at ( at$H.handleMessage ( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage ( at android.os.Looper.loop ( at ( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Native Method) at$ ( at ( Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: at ( at com.veniosg.dir.activity.BaseActivity.setupToolbar ( at com.veniosg.dir.activity.SearchableActivity.onCreate ( at ( at ( at (
__label__bug "DataSearch and CategorySearch UI/Ux Issues **I'm submitting a ...** <!-- (check one with ""x"") --> - [x] bug report **Current behavior:** <!-- Describe how the bug manifests / how the current features are insufficient. Attach Screenshots if it helps --> There are UI/Ux issues with DataSearch and CategorySearch. - [x] There is a container div within DataSearch with background set to #fff. This creates a problem in that a user needs to explicitly set the background to this child div. Example: ![screen shot 2017-12-30 at 10 51 07 pm]( - [x] The search icon disappears when `autosuggest` prop is set to `false`. The autosuggest prop should've no impact on the icon's appearance, even setting showIcon to `true` doesn't show the icon. ![screen shot 2017-12-30 at 10 52 16 pm]( - [x] When setting `iconPosition` to ""left"", it overlaps with the placeholder text. ![screen shot 2017-12-30 at 10 58 52 pm]( - [x] There should be a subtle background tone change when search becomes focused. - [x] When applying an innerClass on `input`, the specificity prevents colliding CSS properties (background, padding, etc) from being overridden. - [ ] Test out various use cases **Reactivesearch version:** x.y.z <!-- Check whether this is still an issue in the most recent stable version --> 2.0.0-alpha-12 **Browser:** [all | Chrome XX | Firefox XX | Edge XX | IE XX | Safari XX | Mobile Chrome XX | Android X.X Web Browser | iOS XX Safari | iOS XX UIWebView | iOS XX WKWebView ] <!-- All browsers where this could be reproduced (and Operating System if relevant) --> Chrome v63"
__label__bug "empty space with Dropdown Menu using the Dropdown menu with AutomationAllowed set to Off, have the possibility to give the ""Name"" to the Value "" "", so an empty space."
__label__bug "Same-name scripts will be overwritten if placed in the same directory. Exporting two scripts that have the exact same name will end up overwriting each other, along with exporting same-name scripts into the same directory. **Example**: Script named 'Handler' gets exported to project. Another script by the exact same name also gets exported to project. The second script will overwrite the first one's file."
__label__bug "rgt-hint differential ""GPL Ghostscript 8.70: Can't find initialization file"" Hi, After running rgt-hint differential I noticed that no output was produced even though the job looks as if it had completed successfully. When looking at the error output file I see the following error: ``` GPL Ghostscript 8.70: Can't find initialization file GPL Ghostscript 8.70: Can't find initialization file GPL Ghostscript 8.70: Can't find initialization file GPL Ghostscript 8.70: Can't find initialization file ``` The error file contained multiple lines with this error. Any suggestions on how to resolve this? Thanks, Michael"
__label__bug "Use whole event Instead of fitting all necessary data into key/value, stop filtering out the `hostname`, `timestamp`, `localEnvironment`, etc fields. This should help resolve the issue of renaming inputs. "
__label__bug "Playground doesn't work when using non-standard graphql path in dev mode In production mode, the endpoint is passed correctly to the playground, in dev mode, it isn't."
__label__bug "[WooCommerce 3.3.0] Failures in tests that expect a payment error The error is still thrown, but the HTML is not identical: ``` 1) WordPoints_WooCommerce_Points_Gateway_Test::test_processing_payment Failed asserting that two strings are identical. --- Expected +++ Actual @@ @@ -<ul class=""woocommerce-error""> +<ul class=""woocommerce-error"" role=""alert""> <li>WordPoints_WooCommerce_Points_Gateway_Test</li> </ul> /Users/johngrimes/git/_wordpoints-modules/woocommerce/tests/phpunit/tests/points/gateways/points.php:521 /Users/johngrimes/git/_wordpoints-modules/woocommerce/tests/phpunit/tests/points/gateways/points.php:193 ``` We should ideally make the tests a bit more generic, I guess."
__label__bug There's not enough entropy in the output filenames At the moment only the request URL is used as an input to the filename hash. It should really be a hash of the entire output to avoid overwriting files from matching URLs where the output might have changed.
__label__bug "The age of a notification is for some reason 12 hours ahead. For some reason right after creating a notification it will already show that it existed 12 hours already. Also the phrasing should be according to the actual time. It should show: > יום, 3 שעות, 13 דקות and not > 1 יום, 11 שעה, 12 דקה (The 1 should be on the other side. Mixing Hebrew and English in this isn't great, here's an image though the numbers are a bit different there because I took another notification as an example) ![image]( "
__label__bug "Debug-log generated when v1.4.5 loads It's never good to rush! The issue was introduced by a last-minute change to the plugin's observer-class, where the parentheses are not properly placed."
__label__bug reload doesnt update messages.yml was simply trying to change the name shown on the prefix for the plugin but the /duelmeadmin reload command doest seem to cover the messages.yml in the reload.
__label__bug "[1.12.2] /dank/null Docking Station GUI desync Just putting this here before I push to Curse because I am aware of this, but it's going to take some time to figure out how to fix it. This is only a visual bug, and I just want to get a release out."
__label__bug "The name of the city is formatted wrong It should be allowed to type e.g. 'Den Haag' (big letter H), not 'Den haag'. "
__label__bug 标准重定向后获得的内容中包含有`Enter Password:`字样 - `tsdump -h -P 3307 -u root mydb student > ./` - ``文件开头就含有`Enter Password:`字样
__label__bug "Failed to open library database after update from 3.1 to 3.2 It occurs everytime when I open playnite and after update. ![capture]( []( []( "
__label__bug "Blank fields in store metadata overwrite existing data Encountered in version 3.3: I randomly own _The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection_ on Origin, and Playnite found no Developer or Publisher from Origin, so I scraped it from a Wiki. I then re-downloaded the Origin metadata to make sure that what it provided was authoritative, and it cleared the Developer and Publisher without giving me an option to avoid the clear (other than to cancel the metadata save). A empty/blank field received via a metadata scrape should never overwrite a filled-in field, even if the empty/blank field is explicitly provided by the source. Alternatively, it should be possible for the user to reject the clear by un-checking the box next to the field."
__label__bug "Mobile player controls If turning, player stops moving when vertical again rather than continuing to turn or move (on mobile, not keyboard) "
__label__bug """Not enough memory"" error on Windows and PHP 7.1+ I am getting `Not enough memory.` error immediately on WP CLI launch, outside of WP context altogether. I seem to get it consistently on PHP 7.1 in my dev stack and clean vanilla download of PHP 7.2 ``` C:\server>php --version && php ext/wp-cli.phar PHP 7.1.1 (cli) (built: Jan 18 2017 18:51:14) ( ZTS MSVC14 (Visual C++ 2015) x86 ) Copyright (c) 1997-2017 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.1.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Zend Technologies Not enough memory. ``` ``` C:\server>""php72/php"" --version && ""php72/php"" ext/wp-cli.phar PHP 7.2.0 (cli) (built: Nov 29 2017 00:17:00) ( ZTS MSVC15 (Visual C++ 2017) x86 ) Copyright (c) 1997-2017 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Zend Technologies Not enough memory. ``` No error on clean vanilla download of PHP 7.0 ``` C:\server>""php70/php"" --version && ""php70/php"" ext/wp-cli.phar PHP 7.0.26 (cli) (built: Nov 22 2017 13:18:45) ( ZTS ) Copyright (c) 1997-2017 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Zend Technologies NAME wp DESCRIPTION Manage WordPress through the command-line. ... ``` Unaffected by `memory_limit` configuration."
__label__bug "skipsdist option bothers developers. ### Problem - Since #4338, `skipsdist` option was introduced to our tox.ini - Surely, it makes our test faster - But it bothers local development #### Procedure to reproduce the problem ``` $ tox -e py27 # => success $ rm sphinx/ # => try to make tests failed $ tox -e py27 # => but it still succeeds... $ tox -r -e py27 # => it fails after recreate tox environment ``` #### Expected results - tox should refer latest source code ### Environment info - OS: Mac - Python version: All version - Sphinx version: master branch "
__label__bug "Certain scenarios illegally overwrite callgraph_buckets memory When callgraph profiling a large Laravel code base at some point a frame is allocated into the callgraph_buckets memory for whatever reason: ``` Hardware watchpoint 4: -location tideways_xhprof_globals.callgraph_buckets[3993] Old value = (xhprof_callgraph_bucket *) 0x2 New value = (xhprof_callgraph_bucket *) 0x1 tracing_exit_frame_callgraph () at /tmp/php-profiler-extension/tracing.h:211 211 TXRG(callgraph_frames) = TXRG(callgraph_frames)->previous_frame; ``` ``` Hardware watchpoint 4: -location tideways_xhprof_globals.callgraph_buckets[3993] Old value = (xhprof_callgraph_bucket *) 0x1 New value = (xhprof_callgraph_bucket *) 0x2 tracing_enter_frame_callgraph (execute_data=0x7ffff3814bd0, root_symbol=0x0) at /tmp/php-profiler-extension/tracing.h:149 149 current_frame->recurse_level = recurse_level; ```"
__label__bug NgRestRelation identifiers wrong data Provider use ActiveQuery instead of ActiveDataProvider.
__label__bug "Look into `!unset` not correctly working. Happens with themehouse `Section` component. "
__label__bug EditInlineMessageTextAsync should accept reply markup only as InlineKeyboardMarkup `ITelegramBotClient.EditInlineMessageTextAsync` should accept reply markup only as `InlineKeyboardMarkup` and not as `IReplyMarkup`. `editMessageText` accepts only inline keyboards. A user can pass wrong keyboard. _NuGet Package Version:_ 13.4.0-rc2
__label__bug "bearer interceptor being created before keycloak.init Hello again, I have just upgraded to 1.2.1, to get the new changes, hoping to fix the #4 issue, but now I'm facing a new one. This time I'm not sure where the problem is. The `KeycloakBearerInterceptor` is constructed before my initialization code (`keycloak.init()`), where I define the `bearerExcludedUrls` option. In the constructor we have this: ``` var excludedUrls = this.keycloak.getBearerExcludedUrls(); this.excludedUrlsRegex = (urlPattern) { return new RegExp(urlPattern, 'gi'); }); ``` So the `excludedUrlsRegex` variable is set before my initialization function is called, and afterwards, during an intercept, the original, empty, `excludedUrlsRegex` is used. Just to have something working, I have moved those two lines to the beginning of the intercept method, so it uses the latest `this.keycloak.getBearerExcludedUrls()`. Now... I'm kinda new to Angular2+, so maybe I have done something wrong on my side. What do you think? Is it possible to make my initialization code run before the construction of the interceptor? "
__label__bug "SSAPropagator::Run hangs on a complex shader Running the standard set of optimization passes: tools.RegisterSizePasses(); tools.RegisterPerformancePasses(); On the attached shader hangs the optimizer; it looks like the loop in SSAPropagator::Run never terminates. This is most likely a semi-recent regression - the shader built & optimized fine with glslang & SPIRV-Tools around 1 month ago. []( "
__label__bug "ImportError: cannot import name Features (Natural Language Understanding) While I try to use NLU, and I run the following import line: `from watson_developer_cloud.natural_language_understanding_v1 import Features, SentimentOptions` I get the following error: `ImportError: cannot import name Features` In the example in this Github repo, I see the exact same import. I'm on the latest version of the SDK (`pip install --upgrade watson-developer-cloud` doesn't upgrade). Any idea as to why I may be receiving this error?"
__label__bug "Punctuation interferes with spell checking Originally reported in but this probably deserves an issue on its own. There are two issues I can report: ## Incorrect spell checking Sometimes, Caret thinks that a punctuation after the word is part of it. I had a text ""bla bla config, bla bla"" (note the comma), I've added the word ""config"" into dictionary but actually, ""config,"" was added: ![image]( Now, the ""config"" word is still unknown and marked as incorrect. ## Incorrect correction Before: ![image]( Accepting correction: ![image]( After: ![image]( (the comma is gone)."
__label__bug "Filter Component keeps the simple search rule when deleting the search text ## Expected Behavior When clearing the simple search filter's input, then the underlying filter should be removed. ## Actual Behavior When clearing the simple search filter's input, then the underlying filter remains in the internal memory structures and used for determining the filter's count presented to the user. Even though an empty string filter doesn't affect the results (since `includes()` returns `true`) the filter object in held in memory and can even be stored as part of a view. After using simple search and clearing the input, whenever you try to save the current view, the saved view will have a +1 filter count and contain an empty simple search filter. ## Steps to Reproduce the Problem 1. Add a filter through the ""Add filter"" button - the filter count becomes 1 1. Fill the simple search filter's input - the filter count becomes 2 1. Clear the simple search input - the filter count remains 2 ## Screenshots ![peek 2018-01-05 12-30]( "
__label__bug "size parameter not being shown in print Hi Alex, First I wanted to say thanks, you've done a great job with this library. I'm finding it to be exactly what I need to prototype a few ideas without having to hassle too much with logstash to mutate and move my data. Just a very small issue. It seems when setting the size, when I print I am not seeing the size in the output. This doesn't affect the actual query itself but wanted to report it anyways. `my_small_query <- query('{ ""match_all"": {} }', 10) ` ` print(my_small_query)` > { > ""query"": { > ""match_all"": { > > } > } > } `print(my_small_query + avg_sepal_width)` > { > ""size"": 0, > ""query"": { > ""match_all"": { > > } > }, > ""aggs"": { > ""avg_sepal_width_per_species"": { > ""terms"": { > ""field"": ""species"", > ""size"": 3 > }, > ""aggs"": { > ""avg_sepal_width"": { > ""avg"": { > ""field"": ""sepal_width"" > } > } > } > } > } > } looking at the source: > query <- function(json, size = 0) { > > stopifnot(valid_json(json)) > api_call <- paste0('""query"":', json) > structure(list(""api_call"" = api_call, ""size"" = size), > class = c(""elastic_query"", ""elastic_api"", ""elastic"")) > } You are actually setting it, but it was just a bit confusing starting out. Thanks! "
__label__bug "Console error on opening email for editing and more places ![image]( 1. create email 2. edit it 02:02:43 ERROR io.milton.http.http11.GetHandler - Exception sending content for:/_fields of resource type: co.kademi.server.fields.FieldsResource 02:02:43 java.lang.NullPointerException 02:02:43 at co.kademi.server.content.AssetTypeManager.getAssetTypes( 02:02:43 at 02:02:43 at co.kademi.server.fields.FieldsService.appendFields( 02:02:43 at co.kademi.server.fields.FieldsService.getAllFields( 02:02:43 at co.kademi.server.fields.FieldsService.getAllFieldBeans( 02:02:43 at co.kademi.server.fields.FieldsResource.lambda$getFields$0( 02:02:43 at 02:02:43 at co.kademi.server.fields.FieldsResource.getFields( 02:02:43 at co.kademi.server.fields.FieldsResource.sendContent( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.CompressingResponseHandler.respondContent( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.AbstractWrappingResponseHandler.respondContent( 02:02:43 at 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.http11.GetHandler.sendContent( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.http11.GetHandler.processExistingResource( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.ResourceHandlerHelper.processResource( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.http11.GetHandler.processResource( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.ResourceHandlerHelper.process( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.http11.GetHandler.process( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.StandardFilter.process( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.FilterChain.process( 02:02:43 at co.kademi.server.subscription.KademiSubscriptionFilter.process( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.FilterChain.process( 02:02:43 at co.kademi.server.idp.IDPFilter.process( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.FilterChain.process( 02:02:43 at$1.execute( 02:02:43 at io.milton.context.RootContext.execute( 02:02:43 at 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.FilterChain.process( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.HttpManager.process( 02:02:43 at co.kademi.server.Kademi$1.service( 02:02:43 at org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpHandler$ 02:02:43 at org.glassfish.grizzly.threadpool.AbstractThreadPool$Worker.doWork( 02:02:43 at org.glassfish.grizzly.threadpool.AbstractThreadPool$ 02:02:43 at 02:02:43 ERROR io.milton.http.StandardFilter - exception sending content 02:02:43 java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.http11.GetHandler.sendContent( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.http11.GetHandler.processExistingResource( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.ResourceHandlerHelper.processResource( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.http11.GetHandler.processResource( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.ResourceHandlerHelper.process( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.http11.GetHandler.process( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.StandardFilter.process( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.FilterChain.process( 02:02:43 at co.kademi.server.subscription.KademiSubscriptionFilter.process( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.FilterChain.process( 02:02:43 at co.kademi.server.idp.IDPFilter.process( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.FilterChain.process( 02:02:43 at$1.execute( 02:02:43 at io.milton.context.RootContext.execute( 02:02:43 at 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.FilterChain.process( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.HttpManager.process( 02:02:43 at co.kademi.server.Kademi$1.service( 02:02:43 at org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpHandler$ 02:02:43 at org.glassfish.grizzly.threadpool.AbstractThreadPool$Worker.doWork( 02:02:43 at org.glassfish.grizzly.threadpool.AbstractThreadPool$ 02:02:43 at 02:02:43 Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException 02:02:43 at co.kademi.server.content.AssetTypeManager.getAssetTypes( 02:02:43 at 02:02:43 at co.kademi.server.fields.FieldsService.appendFields( 02:02:43 at co.kademi.server.fields.FieldsService.getAllFields( 02:02:43 at co.kademi.server.fields.FieldsService.getAllFieldBeans( 02:02:43 at co.kademi.server.fields.FieldsResource.lambda$getFields$0( 02:02:43 at 02:02:43 at co.kademi.server.fields.FieldsResource.getFields( 02:02:43 at co.kademi.server.fields.FieldsResource.sendContent( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.CompressingResponseHandler.respondContent( 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.AbstractWrappingResponseHandler.respondContent( 02:02:43 at 02:02:43 at io.milton.http.http11.GetHandler.sendContent( 02:02:43 ... 21 more"
__label__bug Bug: Redirecting the page to 'all disciplines' page while accessing discipline wise labs from disciplines drop down menu. Bug: Redirecting the page to 'all disciplines' page while accessing discipline wise labs from disciplines drop down menu.
__label__bug "php warning : addition and substraction with non numeric values Hi When importing devices from FusionInventory, we may have the following error (PHP 7.1 only seems impacted) For example a processor with the value **frequence** (in french in the DB !) ``` *** PHP Warning(2): A non-numeric value encountered Backtrace : inc/commondevice.class.php:414 ...ventory/inc/inventorycomputerlib.class.php:2158 CommonDevice->import() ...nventory/inc/inventorycomputerlib.class.php:390 PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerLib->addMemory() ...ry/inc/inventorycomputerinventory.class.php:577 PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerLib->updateComputer() ...inventory/inc/inventoryruleimport.class.php:810 PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerInventory->rulepassed() inc/rule.class.php:1436 PluginFusioninventoryInventoryRuleImport->executeActions() inc/rulecollection.class.php:1461 Rule->process() ...ry/inc/inventorycomputerinventory.class.php:378 RuleCollection->processAllRules() ...ry/inc/inventorycomputerinventory.class.php:126 PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerInventory->sendCriteria() ...fusioninventory/inc/communication.class.php:235 PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerInventory->import() ...fusioninventory/inc/communication.class.php:463 PluginFusioninventoryCommunication->import() plugins/flyvemdm/inc/agent.class.php:1231 PluginFusioninventoryCommunication->handleOCSCommunication() plugins/flyvemdm/inc/agent.class.php:455 PluginFlyvemdmAgent->enrollByInvitationToken() inc/commondbtm.class.php:891 PluginFlyvemdmAgent->prepareInputForAdd() ...s/suite-integration/PluginFlyvemdmAgent.php:938 CommonDBTM->add() ...ts/suite-integration/PluginFlyvemdmAgent.php:91 tests\units\PluginFlyvemdmAgent->loginAndAddAgent() vendor/atoum/atoum/classes/test.php:1270 tests\units\PluginFlyvemdmAgent->testDeviceCountLimit() .../atoum/atoum/classes/test/engines/inline.php:43 mageekguy\atoum\test->runTestMethod() vendor/atoum/atoum/classes/test.php:1807 mageekguy\atoum\test\engines\inline->run() vendor/atoum/atoum/classes/test.php:1716 mageekguy\atoum\test->runEngine() vendor/atoum/atoum/classes/test.php:1384 mageekguy\atoum\test->runEngines() ...vemdm/vendor/atoum/atoum/classes/runner.php:597 mageekguy\atoum\test->run() ...dor/atoum/atoum/classes/scripts/runner.php:1250 mageekguy\atoum\runner->run() ...vemdm/vendor/atoum/atoum/classes/script.php:285 mageekguy\atoum\scripts\runner->doRun() .../atoum/atoum/classes/script/configurable.php:80 mageekguy\atoum\script->run() ...ndor/atoum/atoum/classes/scripts/runner.php:214 mageekguy\atoum\script\configurable->run() ...ndor/atoum/atoum/classes/scripts/runner.php:699 mageekguy\atoum\scripts\runner->run() : mageekguy\atoum\scripts\runner::mageekguy\atoum\scripts\{closure}() ``` As the input data comes from an XML the values are string, not numbers."
__label__bug date format changes in table remove 0000000 milliseconds and human readable.
__label__bug "Front end DB name validation no longer working Somewhere along the line the database name validation broke (possibly at the form reorder). To reproduce, simply type in ""test-database"" when creating/importing a db and notice that there are no errors (the dash is not allowed for mysql for example)"
__label__bug "Add song playlist custom start and stop times This is a feature request to add in custom start and stop times for playlist songs. In the Manage:Songs page the start and stop times are in edit boxes that don't do anything currently. I would like them to be editable and saved to the playlist DB to change the start time and stop time for the playlist items. For example: This song is length 04:11 Song: WSUFzC6_fp8 Start: 00:00:03 Stop: 00:03:14 "
__label__bug "path too long on windows when saving report with screenshots I have following code to generate screenshots in reports ``` if xfail or report.failed: **extra.append(pytest_html.extras.image(pytest.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64(), ''))** extra.append(pytest_html.extras.html('<div><h2 style=""color: red; "">{}</h2></div>'.format(test_name))) elif report.passed: extra.append(pytest_html.extras.html( '<div><h2 style=""color: black; text-decoration: underline"">{}</h2></div>'.format(test_name))) pytest_html.extras.html('<div style=""color: black; margin: 10px;"">'.format(test_name)) for step in test_steps: extra.append(pytest_html.extras.html('<p style=""margin: 5px;"">{}</p>'.format(step))) pytest_html.extras.html('</div>') report.extra = extra ``` And you have line in where you get file content and validate if its path. And in my case file content contains binary representation of image. When windows is trying to validate this long path, it fails into INTERNAL ERROR. INTERNALERROR> File ""c:\python36\lib\site-packages\pytest_html\"", line 112, in __init__ INTERNALERROR> self.append_extra_html(extra, extra_index, test_index) INTERNALERROR> File ""c:\python36\lib\site-packages\pytest_html\"", line 164, in append_extra_html INTERNALERROR> os.path.isfile(content): INTERNALERROR> File ""c:\python36\lib\"", line 30, in isfile INTERNALERROR> st = os.stat(path) INTERNALERROR> ValueError: stat: path too long for Windows "
__label__bug Broken: /records API Does not contain data.
__label__bug Supplier: it refreshes to the previous error. It refreshes to the previous error.
__label__bug "Error: ReferenceError: merge is not defined since 1.2.2 We are using this in our CI to merge results. 1.2.2 is broken for us, reverted to 1.2.1 from npm. <img width=""537"" alt=""grafik"" src=""""> "
__label__bug Auto refresh token Token is not being automatically refreshed while user is still logged in and using system
__label__bug "Remove --network-plugin-dir argument from kubelet The command line argument `--network-plugin-dir` has been removed from kubelet starting with v1.7 [v1.7]( vs [v1.6]( Starting in v1.9, this causes kubelet to be unable to come up. Impacted files: * ansible/roles/kraken.nodePool/kraken.nodePool.master/templates/units.kubelet.part.jinja2 * ansible/roles/kraken.nodePool/kraken.nodePool.master/templates/v1.7/units.kubelet.part.jinja2 * ansible/roles/kraken.nodePool/kraken.nodePool.node/templates/units.kubelet.part.jinja2 * ansible/roles/kraken.nodePool/kraken.nodePool.node/templates/v1.7/units.kubelet.part.jinja2"
__label__bug "z80asm: consolidated object file erroneously eliminates globally exported defc I'll come up with a test example tomorrow, but this is what I am seeing from a consolidated object file: ``` GLOBAL _game_end 2599 09FF EXTERN l_ret 2600 09FF defc _game_end = l_ret ``` Error at file 'game_engine.c' line 2600: symbol '_game_end' not defined I quickly tried creating a plain object file using something similar to the above but that seemed to work fine. "
__label__bug "Problem saving ontologies in Turtle OWLAPI seems to have a problem saving an ontology in Turtle format when one of the IRIs contains a reserved character escape sequence ([Section 6.4 of the Turtle specification]( The problem (perhaps) stems from how some part of the code resolves prefixes. The following application (sorry, file upload is failing) creates an ontology with a single individual whose local name is given on the command line. Try running it with ""x,y"" as the argument. In the resulting Turtle file, the IRI is just "":y"". ```java package org.ida.irisaver; import; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.apibinding.OWLManager; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.*; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.formats.TurtleDocumentFormat; public class App { private OWLOntology ontology; private OWLOntologyManager manager; private final static String ONT_IRI = """"; public static void main(String[] args) { App app = new App(); app.createManager(); try { app.createOnt(); } catch ( OWLOntologyCreationException e ) { System.out.println(""Error creating ontology: "" + e.getLocalizedMessage()); return; } app.createIndividual(args[0]); try { app.saveOnt(); } catch ( OWLOntologyStorageException e ) { System.out.println(""Error saving ontology: "" + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } public void createManager() { manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager(); } public void createOnt() throws OWLOntologyCreationException { IRI ontIRI = IRI.create(ONT_IRI); ontology = manager.createOntology(ontIRI); } /** * Create a single individual whose IRI is the ontology's suffixed with ""/localName"". * @param localName */ public void createIndividual(String localName) { IRI ontologyIRI = ontology.getOntologyID().getOntologyIRI().get(); IRI individualIRI = IRI.create(ontologyIRI.getIRIString() + ""/"" + localName); OWLDataFactory factory = manager.getOWLDataFactory(); OWLNamedIndividual individual = factory.getOWLNamedIndividual(individualIRI); OWLAxiom axiom = factory.getOWLDeclarationAxiom(individual); AddAxiom addAxiom = new AddAxiom(ontology, axiom); manager.applyChange(addAxiom); } /** * Save the ontology in Turtle format. * @throws OWLOntologyStorageException */ public void saveOnt() throws OWLOntologyStorageException { File saveIn = new File(""OneIndividual.ttl""); IRI fileIRI = IRI.create(saveIn.toURI()); TurtleDocumentFormat turtleFormat = new TurtleDocumentFormat(); turtleFormat.setDefaultPrefix(ontology.getOntologyID().getOntologyIRI().get().getIRIString() + ""/""); manager.saveOntology(ontology, turtleFormat, fileIRI); } } ``` "
__label__bug "A change in the channel not detected if only the channel settings are changed ## Summary Updated the thumbnail, title and channel description but made no content changes to the channel. Publish button was not clickable when just making updates to the channel settings. ## Cateogry BUG ## How to reproduce Make a change to the channel settings of a channel and attempt to re-publish ## Real-life consequences (anything community should be aware of, for instance how it affects end users) If I want to add a thumbnail and description later, I can't publish these updates unless I also make some changes to the content "
__label__bug """Source database"" needs to be corrected as ""destinations database"" ![image]( "
__label__bug "vshare submits never received Submissions for the vshare plugin are never received at the other end, I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because the plugin contains only translations in the `js` sub array?"
__label__bug "Only first instance of PDF is rendered when using Element-UI Multiple PDFs do not work with Element-UI versions later than 1.0.0-rc5. [Working]( with element-ui 1.0.0-rc5 [Not working]( with element-ui 1.0.0-rc6 "
__label__bug "[BUG] ""Show Examples"" not working in Firefox <!--- In case it's a bug, otherwise delete this section--> <!--- Make sure there isn't already an open issue for your problem --> ## [BUG] ""Show Examples"" window not showing any code in Firefox ### Expected Behavior <!--- If you're describing a bug, tell us what should happen --> When clicking ""Show Examples"" a window should expand with a code snippet. <!--- If you're suggesting a change/improvement, tell us how it should work --> ### Current Snippet Behavior <!--- If describing a bug, tell us what happens instead of the expected behavior --> When clicking ""Show Examples"" (in Firefox v58.0b13 (64-bit) for Mac) a window expands but its content is blank (see image) ![show example firefox bug]( However, when scrolling past the section, and then scrolling to it again, the code is rendered "
__label__bug "Error: bearerExcludedUrls ignored Hello there, found a little bug. My **bearerExcludedUrls** option was being ignored, and the problem was in the KeycloakBearerInterceptor. Had to change from ``` var addHeader = excludedUrls.find(function (urlPattern) { return /urlPattern/gi.test(urlRequest); }); ``` to ``` var addHeader = excludedUrls.find(function (urlPattern) { return new RegExp(urlPattern, 'gi').test(urlRequest); }); ``` Before, the code was always comparing with the pattern 'urlPattern', not the variable urlPattern... which returned always false.... Want me to do a PR or something? "
__label__bug "NPE in ExportFactory prevents JabRef from starting Start JabRef -> NPE @tobiasdiez You have introduced a circular dependency In the creation of the exportFactory the getfileExtension is called, which internally acesses Globals.exportFactory which is at that point not yet initialized ``` 11:06:58.982 [AWT-EventQueue-0] ERROR org.jabref.FallbackExceptionHandler - Uncaught exception occurred in Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main] java.lang.NullPointerException: null at org.jabref.preferences.CustomExportList.getFileExtension( ~[main/:?] at org.jabref.preferences.CustomExportList.createFormat( ~[main/:?] at org.jabref.preferences.CustomExportList.readPrefs( ~[main/:?] at org.jabref.preferences.CustomExportList.getCustomExportFormats( ~[main/:?] at org.jabref.logic.exporter.ExporterFactory.create( ~[main/:?] at org.jabref.JabRefMain.start( ~[main/:?] at org.jabref.JabRefMain.lambda$0( ~[main/:?] ```"
__label__bug "Remise en pourcentage qui ne tombe pas rond Un client a remonté un problème de lib Il faut remplacer ""float"" par ""int"" dans ""lib/oyst-php-master/src/Api/OystPaymentApi.php"" à la ligne 36 Apperemment votre API s'attend à ce que amount->value soit un entier. Si ce n'est pas un entier, ça plante, au lieu d'arrondir le montant (avoir des demi-centimes n'a pas de sens)."
__label__bug "comments - updated by display updated by user "
__label__bug "BUG: breakfast-food not defined - after slacking off on first day (no bike repair) If you chose not to work on the bike, go back inside and into the kitchen, the breakfast food is not defined, and crashes the game."
__label__bug "CaptionWatcher - Crash when selecting+cutting all the content I was able to crash the demo app by just selecting all the content and then cutting it. Steps to Repro: 1. Start the demo app 2. Tap on a word and choose `Select All` 3. Select `Cut` in the menu 4. The app crashes Stack Trace: ``` 12-28 14:29:52.131 7592-7592/org.wordpress.aztec E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: org.wordpress.aztec, PID: 7592 java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: charAt: 0 >= length 0 at android.text.SpannableStringBuilder.charAt( at android.text.CharSequenceCharacterIterator.current( at android.text.CharSequenceCharacterIterator.first( at at at android.text.method.WordIterator.isBoundary( at android.widget.Editor$SelectionHandleView.positionAtCursorOffset( at android.widget.Editor$HandleView.invalidate( at android.widget.Editor$SelectionModifierCursorController.invalidateHandles( at android.widget.Editor.invalidateHandlesAndActionMode( at android.widget.TextView.spanChange( at android.widget.TextView$ChangeWatcher.onSpanRemoved( at android.text.SpannableStringBuilder.sendSpanRemoved( at android.text.SpannableStringBuilder.removeSpan( at android.text.SpannableStringBuilder.removeSpan( at org.wordpress.aztec.util.SpanWrapper.remove(SpanWrapper.kt:9) at org.wordpress.aztec.plugins.shortcodes.watchers.CaptionWatcher.onTextChanged(CaptionWatcher.kt:62) at org.wordpress.aztec.AztecText.onTextChanged(AztecText.kt:840) at android.widget.TextView.sendOnTextChanged( at android.widget.TextView.handleTextChanged( at android.widget.TextView$ChangeWatcher.onTextChanged( at android.text.SpannableStringBuilder.sendTextChanged( at android.text.SpannableStringBuilder.replace( at android.text.SpannableStringBuilder.delete( at android.text.SpannableStringBuilder.delete( at org.wordpress.aztec.AztecText.onTextContextMenuItem(AztecText.kt:1155) at android.widget.Editor$TextActionModeCallback.onActionItemClicked( at$ActionModeCallback2Wrapper.onActionItemClicked( at$3.onMenuItemSelected( at at at at at$-com_android_internal_view_FloatingActionMode_4856( at$Lambda$IoKM3AcgDw3Ok5aFi0zlym2p3IA.$m$0(Unknown Source:4) at$Lambda$IoKM3AcgDw3Ok5aFi0zlym2p3IA.onMenuItemClick(Unknown Source:0) at$FloatingToolbarPopup$2.onClick( at android.view.View.performClick( at android.view.View$ at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at$ at 12-28 14:29:52.137 440-6447/system_process W/ActivityManager: Force finishing activity org.wordpress.aztec/.demo.MainActivity 12-28 14:29:52.142 440-456/system_process I/ActivityManager: Showing crash dialog for package org.wordpress.aztec u0 ```"
__label__bug "Git log for a file is has all changes which involve submodules too - [x] I was not able to find an [open]( or [closed]( issue matching what I'm seeing ### Setup - Which version of Git for Windows are you using? Is it 32-bit or 64-bit? ``` $ git --version --build-options git version built from commit: eba7af3dbb4c846c6303c5f64102acee696c9ab0 sizeof-long: 4 machine: x86_64 ``` - Which version of Windows are you running? Vista, 7, 8, 10? Is it 32-bit or 64-bit? Windows 10 FCU ``` $ cmd.exe /c ver Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.16299.64] ``` - What options did you set as part of the installation? Or did you choose the defaults? ``` # One of the following: > type ""C:\Program Files\Git\etc\install-options.txt"" $ cat /etc/install-options.txt Path Option: CmdTools SSH Option: OpenSSH CURL Option: OpenSSL CRLF Option: CRLFAlways Bash Terminal Option: ConHost Performance Tweaks FSCache: Enabled Use Credential Manager: Enabled Enable Symlinks: Enabled ``` - Any other interesting things about your environment that might be related to the issue you're seeing? Using ConEmu. ### Details - Which terminal/shell are you running Git from? e.g Bash/CMD/PowerShell/other Bash, CMD, Powershell, WSL Bash - What commands did you run to trigger this issue? If you can provide a [Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example]( this will help us understand the issue. I'm filing this issue from this stackoverflow question: Reproduce it by: * running this [shell-script]( in WSL or git bash. And then, ``` 1. Open powershell, type `git log .\[__Odd__].txt` 2. Open CMD, type `git log ./""[__Odd__].txt""` 3. Open WSL bash, type `git log ./\[__Odd__\].txt` 4. Still in WSL, type `git.exe log ./\[__Odd__\].txt` ``` - What did you expect to occur after running these commands? All git log outputs should have been the same. - What actually happened instead? The output of 1, 2, 4 is different from the output of 3. The output of 3 is correct (git log should not show changes for submodules while viewing git log for a particular file). Hence, it follows that git-for-windows' `git.exe` might have a bug. - If the problem was occurring with a specific repository, can you provide the URL to that repository to help us with testing? "
__label__bug Unix terminal delete word support (alt + backspace) `Alt + Backspace` is common shortcut across unix terminals to delete word (to the first non alphanum character). Add it's support please.
__label__bug BGP speaker test failure due to VLAN IP conflict on t0-64 is received from the northbound while is configured on the Vlan1000. This causes issue that the device cannot ping the servers under the VLAN.
__label__bug "[2] Bug in new Account Creation migrated the new sign-up, and while I was able to create an account yesterday, tests today show errors. ![]( this needs attention prior to the release @wmbutler @xeroc "
__label__bug "Fix problems with shrink query reply There are two problems around shrink query replies: (1) we did not add the connection to our disposables, so shutdown would not happen cleanly if there was still such a connection (2) our external sender did not correctly handle the incoming data for a query reply."
__label__bug "Numerical udnderflows in multiple_mahalanobis This occurs whenever the covariance matrices have very low values. "
__label__bug "DeveloperMode not respected in event tracking **Note: for support questions, please use one of these channels:** [Chat: Gitter]( * **I'm submitting a ...** [x] bug report [ ] feature request [ ] question about the decisions made in the repository * **Do you want to request a *feature* or report a *bug*?** Feature/Bug * **What is the current behavior?** When setting developerMode to true then analytics is still working and events are send to Google Analytics. * **If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of the problem** via or similar (you can use this template as a starting point: * **What is the expected behavior?** TurnOff all tracking possibility if developerMode is true and let's provide it trough the Module configuration. Setting this value in app.component is to late as the router events are already fired. * **What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?** * **Please tell us about your environment:** - Angular version: 2.1.2 - Browser: [all | Chrome XX | Firefox XX | IE XX | Safari XX | Mobile Chrome XX | Android X.X Web Browser | iOS XX Safari | iOS XX UIWebView | iOS XX WKWebView ] * **Other information** (e.g. detailed explanation, stacktraces, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, eg. stackoverflow, gitter, etc) "
__label__bug "The file list is partially visible behind the header When the files vertically overflow the list and the list is scrolled its contents are partially visible behind the file list header. Origin: ![files-header-origin]( Scrolled: ![files-header-scrolled]( @nextcloud/designers "
__label__bug "Make workload_version default to [0.0.0,INFINITY) on /workloadconfig API This means the configured variable values apply to any version of the workload."
__label__bug "Integrate the FUSE IPC into the main loop instead of current out of band implementation Currently the fuse IPC is running in an seperate Haskell thread (forkIO) and injects events back into the main loop over the injector mechanism. This is a bad approach. While we can introspect all Haskell values in a secondary thread without troubles, wlroots may free some C objects while we iterate them (e.g. output modes). Libfuse can be integrated into our mainloop, with the `session_read_buffer` and `session_dispatch_buffer` (or similar, let me be lazy) but HFuse doesn't currently export those properly. This approach would be better than the current hack. When this is done, the mount/unmount should probably also be moved into a `Control.Exception.bracket` like construct, so it triggers deterministicly when we exit the compositor."
__label__bug "Plotly/Webpack Warning Error when starting the dev server: ``` WARNING in ./~/plotly.js/dist/plotly.js Critical dependencies: 7:479-486 This seems to be a pre-built javascript file. Though this is possible, it's not recommended. Try to require the original source to get better results. @ ./~/plotly.js/dist/plotly.js 7:479-486 ``` "
__label__bug platform names should be lower case Running detect on some operating systems returns upper case values: ``` inspec detect -t ssh://vagrant@ -i /Users/chartmann/Development/tests/freebsd-11/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key == Operating System Details Name: FreeBSD Family: freebsd Release: 11.1-RELEASE-p1 Arch: ``` This leads to wrong behavior where we do checks like ``` %w{freebsd}.include?(os[:name]) ```
__label__bug "Ammunition Reload Issues ### Environment What version of MekHQ does your issue apply to? **0.43.6** What operating system are you using? Windows, Mac, or Linux? **windows** What java version are you using? If unsure it will state your java version at the top of the mekhqlog.txt file. **Version 8 Update 151** ### Description Some Mechs stay in the Repair Bay requiring additional ammunition. No matter how many times I try to replace the ammunition it stays. After many times of adding ammunition, I discovered that the ammunition was accumulating without limit. ![mad cat mk ii 2 ammunition issue]( ### Files Provide the .cpnx campaign file that this issue occurs in. [Rascally]( Provide any custom units that you are using in this campaign so that it will load on the developers machine. [Rascally]( Provide any other files that you have customized in this campaign like the factions.xml for example. And provide the mekhqlog.txt file for any NPE's or errors that MekHQ might be reporting. Do not paste the entire logfile text into this ticket. Just attach the actual mekhqlog.txt file [mekhqlog.txt]( "
__label__bug "python.d/mysql.conf: MySQL user & GRANT OPTION Hello, In the default file python.d/mysql.conf file there is the SQL request to create a SQL user needed by netdata. ``` # > create user 'netdata'@'localhost'; # > grant usage on *.* to 'netdata'@'localhost' with grant option; # > flush privileges; ``` Is the ""grant option"" really needed ? If yes, could you explain why ? Here is the official doc (from for the the GRANT OPTION Privilege : > Use the WITH GRANT OPTION clause to give users the ability to grant privileges to other users at the given privilege level. Users with the GRANT OPTION privilege can only grant privileges they have. They cannot grant privileges at a higher privilege level than they have the GRANT OPTION privilege. > > The GRANT OPTION privilege cannot be set for individual columns. If you use WITH GRANT OPTION when specifying column privileges, the GRANT OPTION privilege will be granted for the entire table. > > Using the WITH GRANT OPTION clause is equivalent to listing GRANT OPTION as a privilege. Thank you. "
__label__bug "Monitoring page SQL Unexpected RuntimeException I have a pull request coming. A very simple fix. I wanted to have an issue number to refer to in git commit message. ``` Last cause: unexpected token: perm near line 1, column 103 [SELECT DISTINCT perm.user FROM de.tudarmstadt.ukp.clarin.webanno.model.ProjectPermission AS permWHERE perm.project = :project ORDER BY perm.user ASC]WicketMessage: Can't instantiate page using constructor 'public throws org.apache.uima.UIMAException,,java.lang.ClassNotFoundException'. An exception has been thrown during construction! --"
__label__bug "Tags for including Bootstrap4 I'm thinking of removing the template tags for inclusion of JS and CSS. When using local source/dist a dev should know what to include, may use webpack or another tool to combine static files, et cetera. So the only viable use case for including through tags would be CDN. This would burden us with keeping up with Bootstrap releases to adjust CDN URL's and signatures. Any input on this matter?"
__label__bug "Cannot acquire exclusive lock to create or update server farm. Hi there, ### Terraform Version ``` $ terraform.exe -v Terraform v0.10.6 ``` ### Affected Resource(s) - app_service_plan ### Terraform Configuration Files Terraform resources configuration: Variables: ### Debug Output Resource: /subscriptions/eXXXXXX-cXXX-4XXX-bXXX-dXXXXXX/resourceGroups/agid-rg-test/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/agid-app-test Output running terraform: ``` Error applying plan: 1 error(s) occurred: * azurerm_app_service_plan.azurerm_app_service_plan: 1 error(s) occurred: * azurerm_app_service_plan.azurerm_app_service_plan: web.AppServicePlansClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=0 -- Original Error: Put http: ContentLength=131 with Body length 0 ``` From Azure resource group logs: ``` Cannot acquire exclusive lock to create or update this server farm. Retry the request later.` ``` ### Expected Behavior The resource should have been created. ### Actual Behavior Terraform exits with errors. ### Steps to Reproduce Run `terraform apply` with the provided configuration. ### Important Factoids The error goes away running 'terraform apply' twice. "
__label__bug "Error on terraform apply with datastores with spaces in the name ### Terraform Version Run `terraform -v` to show the version. If you are not running the latest version of Terraform, you can try upgrading, depending on if your problem is with the provider or with Terraform core itself. Terraform v0.10.7 ### Affected Resource(s) - vsphere provider ### Description I recall this being an issue with an older version of the vsphere provider; but it had been fixed. Similar to except the VM is actually created correctly, terraform just spits out an error at the end of a terraform apply operation. `[ERROR] Failed trying to parse disk path: [Compellent VMWare 5] centos-7-test/centos-7-test.vmdk` ### Expected Behavior `terraform apply` should have created a single VM. ### Actual Behavior `terraform apply` creates the VM but has an error at the end of the operation regarding being unable to parse the disk path. ### Steps to Reproduce 1. Create a VMWare datastore with spaces in the name and reference it in your config file 2. `terraform apply` "
__label__bug " does not include linting The ""coverage"" call does not include linting."
__label__bug Build Is Not Triggered On Travis Automatically - Only the latest commit on master branch should trigger a new build on Travis CI
__label__bug "BUG: Referenced scalar volume not loaded when loading SR/SEG into Slicer caused by "
__label__bug "AUTOCORR2D.h not installed unless RDK_BUILD_DESCRIPTORS3D but is required MolDescriptors.h has the line: ``` #include <GraphMol/Descriptors/AUTOCORR2D.h> ``` but this header file is only installed if the Cmake build flag ""RDK_BUILD_DESCRIPTORS3D"" was specified. Where this is not specified, importing MolDescriptors.h causes a build error in client code. A potential fix would be to put an #ifdef guard around the line above and any others that are dependent on the cmake build flag. Alternatively, if that is not a 3D descriptor, it should perhaps be installed even where RDK_BUILD_DESCRIPTORS3D is False."
__label__bug "[2] Bug in new Account Creation migrated the new sign-up, and while I was able to create an account yesterday, tests today show errors. ![]( this needs attention prior to the release @wmbutler @xeroc "
__label__bug "Riot shows 1:1 conversations I left in the right profile menu [![bounty](]( <!-- This is a bug report template. By following the instructions below and filling out the sections with your information, you will help the us to get all the necessary data to fix your issue. You can also preview your report before submitting it. You may remove sections that aren't relevant to your particular case. Text between <!-- and --​> marks will be invisible in the report. --> ### Description When I click on someone's avatar to bring up their profile, I can see the 1:1 conversations I've opened with them. However, if I leave that 1:1 conversation, I wouldn't expect it to show up - but it does. ### Steps to reproduce - Have a friend/second account to test with - Open a 1:1 conversation with that friend - (unsure if required) Have the friend accept the invite - Leave the room - Open your friends profile, note that the 1:1 is still shown I would have expected the 1:1 to disappear from the list. Particularly if both parties have left because the room is completely inaccessible (which is the case in the screenshot below, despite one end thinking there's someone in it). ![image]( Log: not sent (sourced from a Riot install without bug reporting) <!-- Include screenshots if possible: you can drag and drop images below. --> ### Version information <!-- IMPORTANT: please answer the following questions, to help us narrow down the problem --> - **Platform**: web (in-browser) For the web app: - **Browser**: Chrome 55 - **OS**: Windows - **URL**: Riot 0.9.7 install (web). CAn be reproduced on "
__label__bug "labelSelector not working with heapster and hpa Following the example here I create a k8s deployment and an hpa but it never gets metrics i.e. in events I see Warning FailedGetMetrics {horizontal-pod-autoscaler } unable to get metrics for resource cpu: no metrics returned from heapster with some instrumenting I see the podautoscaler is calling which is the correct label for this deployment and to verify, a describe pod show ``` Labels: pod-template-hash=2185300881 run=php-apache ``` Using kubectl proxy to make the same call I see { ""metadata"": {}, ""items"": null } which makes sense with the above warning I see from events for reference, this is how the container is configured in k8s ``` heapster: Container ID: docker://611e849048d60153240069a4b48d2c21bf5e862accd8b154105f95428bab425b Image: Image ID: docker://sha256:7cd51f2f6a9741aee93a73dfc48ee22db540a8c8d08147e0ee23ddeef10e9442 Port: Command: /heapster --source=kubernetes.summary_api:'' --sink=influxdb:http://monitoring-influxdb:8086 Limits: cpu: 88m memory: 204Mi Requests: cpu: 88m memory: 204Mi State: Running Started: Sat, 24 Dec 2016 23:55:20 -0800 Ready: True Restart Count: 0 Liveness: http-get http://:8082/healthz delay=180s timeout=5s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3 Volume Mounts: /var/run/secrets/ from default-token-vt89s (ro) Environment Variables: <none> ``` In digging into that a little, I don't see a concept of labels being output from kubelet's stat summary api so have no idea how a labelselector could even then work. At a bit of a loss. creating the issue here as encountering it as a heapster api get issue, but perhaps its something else."
__label__bug "jdk_lang : java/lang/System/finalization/ failed with Execution failed: `main' threw exception: java.lang.AssertionError: interrupt bit was cleared <pre> 23:05:31 ACTION: main -- Failed. Execution failed: `main' threw exception: java.lang.AssertionError: interrupt bit was cleared 23:05:31 REASON: User specified action: run main FinInterrupt 23:05:31 TIME: 0.011 seconds 23:05:31 messages: 23:05:31 command: main FinInterrupt 23:05:31 reason: User specified action: run main FinInterrupt 23:05:31 Mode: agentvm 23:05:31 Agent id: 1 23:05:31 elapsed time (seconds): 0.011 23:05:31 configuration: 23:05:31 Boot Layer 23:05:31 class path: /Users/jenkins/workspace/test_x86-64_experimental/openjdkbinary/j2sdk-image/jre/bin/../../lib/tools.jar 23:05:31 /Users/jenkins/workspace/test_x86-64_experimental/openjdk-test/TestConfig/lib/jtreg/lib/javatest.jar 23:05:31 /Users/jenkins/workspace/test_x86-64_experimental/openjdk-test/TestConfig/lib/jtreg/lib/jtreg.jar 23:05:31 23:05:31 Test Layer 23:05:31 class path: /Users/jenkins/workspace/test_x86-64_experimental/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/0/java/lang/System/finalization/FinInterrupt.d 23:05:31 /Users/jenkins/workspace/test_x86-64_experimental/openjdk-test/OpenJDK_Playlist/openjdk-jdk/jdk/test/java/lang/System/finalization 23:05:31 23:05:31 rerun: 23:05:31 HOME=/Users/jenkins \ 23:05:31 PATH=/bin:/usr/bin \ 23:05:31 /Users/jenkins/workspace/test_x86-64_experimental/openjdkbinary/j2sdk-image/jre/bin/../../bin/java \ 23:05:31 -Dtest.class.path.prefix=/Users/jenkins/workspace/test_x86-64_experimental/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/0/java/lang/System/finalization/FinInterrupt.d:/Users/jenkins/workspace/test_x86-64_experimental/openjdk-test/OpenJDK_Playlist/openjdk-jdk/jdk/test/java/lang/System/finalization \ 23:05:31 -Dtest.src=/Users/jenkins/workspace/test_x86-64_experimental/openjdk-test/OpenJDK_Playlist/openjdk-jdk/jdk/test/java/lang/System/finalization \ 23:05:31 -Dtest.src.path=/Users/jenkins/workspace/test_x86-64_experimental/openjdk-test/OpenJDK_Playlist/openjdk-jdk/jdk/test/java/lang/System/finalization \ 23:05:31 -Dtest.classes=/Users/jenkins/workspace/test_x86-64_experimental/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/0/java/lang/System/finalization/FinInterrupt.d \ 23:05:31 -Dtest.class.path=/Users/jenkins/workspace/test_x86-64_experimental/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/0/java/lang/System/finalization/FinInterrupt.d \ 23:05:31 -Dtest.vm.opts='-ea -esa -Xmx512m' \ 23:05:31 -Dtest.tool.vm.opts='-J-ea -J-esa -J-Xmx512m' \ 23:05:31 -Dtest.compiler.opts= \ 23:05:31 \ 23:05:31 -Dtest.jdk=/Users/jenkins/workspace/test_x86-64_experimental/openjdkbinary/j2sdk-image/jre/bin/../.. \ 23:05:31 -Dcompile.jdk=/Users/jenkins/workspace/test_x86-64_experimental/openjdkbinary/j2sdk-image/jre/bin/../.. \ 23:05:31 -Dtest.timeout.factor=4.0 \ 23:05:31 -classpath /Users/jenkins/workspace/test_x86-64_experimental/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/0/java/lang/System/finalization/FinInterrupt.d:/Users/jenkins/workspace/test_x86-64_experimental/openjdk-test/OpenJDK_Playlist/openjdk-jdk/jdk/test/java/lang/System/finalization:/Users/jenkins/workspace/test_x86-64_experimental/openjdkbinary/j2sdk-image/jre/bin/../../lib/tools.jar:/Users/jenkins/workspace/test_x86-64_experimental/openjdk-test/TestConfig/lib/jtreg/lib/javatest.jar:/Users/jenkins/workspace/test_x86-64_experimental/openjdk-test/TestConfig/lib/jtreg/lib/jtreg.jar \ 23:05:31 FinInterrupt 23:05:31 STDERR: 23:05:31 java.lang.AssertionError: interrupt bit was cleared 23:05:31 at FinInterrupt.main( 23:05:31 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 23:05:31 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( 23:05:31 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( 23:05:31 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( 23:05:31 at com.sun.javatest.regtest.agent.MainActionHelper$ 23:05:31 at 23:05:31 23:05:31 JavaTest Message: Test threw exception: java.lang.AssertionError 23:05:31 JavaTest Message: shutting down test 23:05:31 23:05:31 23:05:31 TEST RESULT: Failed. Execution failed: `main' threw exception: java.lang.AssertionError: interrupt bit was cleared </pre>"
__label__bug "DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_SEQUENTIAL issue after the update on DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_SEQUENTIAL commit I started getting non stop spam of D3D11 INFO: ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetRenderTargets: Forcing OM Render Target slot 0 to NULL , since calling Present for DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_SEQUENTIAL SwapChains unbinds backbuffer 0 from all GPU writeable bind points, except for DXGI_PRESENT_DO_NOT_SEQUENCE or DXGI_PRESENT_TEST usage. [ STATE_SETTING INFO #49: OMSETRENDERTARGETS_UNBINDDELETINGOBJECT]. Also getting a crash in ``` void FrameBufferD3D11::create(uint16_t _denseIdx, void* _nwh, uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height, TextureFormat::Enum _depthFormat) ``` seems like it cant create the swap chain. My code has been working for months without this issue also the version before this commit works fine. I have multiple windows setup. "
__label__bug Controllo disponibilità al checkout iperbuggato
__label__bug "Link error on macOS 10.12.6 error: linking with `cc` failed: exit code: 1 | = note: ""cc"" ""-m64"" ""-L"" ""/Users/nigelbarber/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-x86_64-apple-darwin/lib/rustlib/x86_64-apple-darwin/lib"" ""/Users/nigelbarber/Documents/github/pathfinder/demo/server/target/release/deps/pathfinder_server-d81cfa61efd7b6db.pathfinder_server0.rcgu.o"" ""-o"" ""/Users/nigelbarber/Documents/github/pathfinder/demo/server/target/release/deps/pathfinder_server-d81cfa61efd7b6db"" ""/Users/nigelbarber/Documents/github/pathfinder/demo/server/target/release/deps/pathfinder_server-d81cfa61efd7b6db.crate.allocator.rcgu.o"" ""-Wl,-dead_strip"" ""-nodefaultlibs"" ""-L"" ""/Users/nigelbarber/Documents/github/pathfinder/demo/server/target/release/deps"" ""-L"" ""/Users/nigelbarber/Documents/github/pathfinder/demo/server/target/release/build/fontsan-72fd1c942a3f2fa9/out/lib"" ""-L"" 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""/Users/nigelbarber/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-x86_64-apple-darwin/lib/rustlib/x86_64-apple-darwin/lib/libcompiler_builtins-3f172fbe1067a0ac.rlib"" ""-framework"" ""ApplicationServices"" ""-l"" ""c++"" ""-framework"" ""CoreGraphics"" ""-framework"" ""CoreGraphics"" ""-framework"" ""CoreGraphics"" ""-framework"" ""CoreGraphics"" ""-framework"" ""CoreGraphics"" ""-framework"" ""CoreGraphics"" ""-framework"" ""CoreGraphics"" ""-framework"" ""CoreGraphics"" ""-framework"" ""CoreGraphics"" ""-framework"" ""CoreGraphics"" ""-framework"" ""CoreGraphics"" ""-framework"" ""CoreFoundation"" ""-l"" ""freetype"" ""-framework"" ""Security"" ""-l"" ""System"" ""-l"" ""resolv"" ""-l"" ""pthread"" ""-l"" ""c"" ""-l"" ""m"" = note: ld: library not found for -lfreetype clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) error: aborting due to previous error error: Could not compile `pathfinder_server`."
__label__bug "Too wide line height **OS:** Windows 10 **Version:** 0.1.2 **Commit/Build:** [e.g. 426e106] <!-- Explanation of the issue --> I know that @AaronVanGeffen made line height of bottom status bars looks better in CJK, but it seems weird as you can see. It is placed upward too much. I think there should be more top margin. - [ ] Reproducible in RCT2 (vanilla)? - [ ] Multiplayer? **Screenshots / Video:** ![2017-12-28 23-37-33]( (Mouse hovered) ![image]( "
__label__bug "search box grammar issue ![screen shot 2018-01-04 at 12 25 58 pm]( ""1 matches"""
__label__bug "Unable To View Archived page. Archive hex's show up, but the loading indicator goes forever whenever one is clicked."
__label__bug "Problem with Certificate Authorization Problem with Certificate Authorization on v I used to work on V1.9.5.0-beta1 but then had problems on renewals so I installed So I am following this procedure: 1) open cmd line in Administrator mode 2) N = create a new certificate 3) 1 = Single Binding of an IIS site 4) Select site 141 5) I select the Authorization method (alternative Authorization methods listed below) > 5.1) if i click 1 = [tls-sni-01] Use IIS as endpoint ``` [DBUG] Send POST request to [DBUG] AcmeWebException: AcmeWebException {WebException=WebException {Status=ProtocolError, Response=HttpWebResponse {I sMutuallyAuthenticated=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", Cookies=""The property access or threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", Headers=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedExcept ion"", SupportsHeaders=True, ContentLength=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", ContentEn coding=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", ContentType=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", CharacterSet=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", S erver=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", LastModified=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", StatusCode=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", Sta tusDescription=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", ProtocolVersion=""The property access or threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", ResponseUri=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedEx ception"", Method=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", IsFromCache=False}, Message=""The r emote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request."", Data=[], InnerException=null, TargetSite=System.Net.WebResponse Get Response(), StackTrace="" at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()\r\n at ACMESharp.AcmeClient.RequestHttpPost(Uri uri, Object message)"", HelpLink=null, Source=""System"", HResult=-2146233079}, Response=AcmeHttpResponse {StatusCode=BadRe quest, Headers=[""Boulder-Requester"", ""Replay-Nonce"", ""Pragma"", ""Connection"", ""Content-Length"", ""Cache-Control"", ""Content -Type"", ""Date"", ""Expires"", ""Server""], Links=[], RawContent=System.Byte[], ContentAsString=""{\n \""type\"": \""urn:acme:err or:badNonce\"",\n \""detail\"": \""JWS has invalid anti-replay nonce 2Is7hcfhw8tZwokxM28_382jz0xT5TuYy09s4Vl29Rk\"",\n \""st atus\"": 400\n}"", IsError=True, Error=WebException {Status=ProtocolError, Response=HttpWebResponse {IsMutuallyAuthenticat ed=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", Cookies=""The property accessor threw an exceptio n: ObjectDisposedException"", Headers=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", SupportsHeader s=True, ContentLength=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", ContentEncoding=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", ContentType=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDis posedException"", CharacterSet=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", Server=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", LastModified=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDis posedException"", StatusCode=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", StatusDescription=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", ProtocolVersion=""The property accessor threw an exceptio n: ObjectDisposedException"", ResponseUri=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", Method=""Th e property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", IsFromCache=False}, Data=[], Message=""The remote serve r returned an error: (400) Bad Request."", InnerException=null, TargetSite=System.Net.WebResponse GetResponse(), StackTra ce="" at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()\r\n at ACMESharp.AcmeClient.RequestHttpPost(Uri uri, Object message) "", HelpLink=null, Source=""System"", HResult=-2146233079}, ProblemDetail=ProblemDetailResponse {Type=""urn:acme:error:badNo nce"", Title=null, Status=400, Detail=""JWS has invalid anti-replay nonce 2Is7hcfhw8tZwokxM28_382jz0xT5TuYy09s4Vl29Rk"", In stance=null, OrignalContent=""{\n \""type\"": \""urn:acme:error:badNonce\"",\n \""detail\"": \""JWS has invalid anti-replay no nce 2Is7hcfhw8tZwokxM28_382jz0xT5TuYy09s4Vl29Rk\"",\n \""status\"": 400\n}""}}, Message=""Unexpected error\n +Response from server:\n\t+ Code: BadRequest\n\t+ Content: {\n \""type\"": \""urn:acme:error:badNonce\"",\n \""detail\"": \""JWS has invalid anti-replay nonce 2Is7hcfhw8tZwokxM28_382jz0xT5TuYy09s4Vl29Rk\"",\n \""status\"": 400\n}"", Data=[DictionaryEntry {Key=""Pr oblemDetail"", Value=""{\n \""type\"": \""urn:acme:error:badNonce\"",\n \""detail\"": \""JWS has invalid anti-replay nonce 2Is7 hcfhw8tZwokxM28_382jz0xT5TuYy09s4Vl29Rk\"",\n \""status\"": 400\n}""}], InnerException=WebException {Status=ProtocolError, Response=HttpWebResponse {IsMutuallyAuthenticated=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", C ookies=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", Headers=""The property accessor threw an exce ption: ObjectDisposedException"", SupportsHeaders=True, ContentLength=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDi sposedException"", ContentEncoding=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", ContentType=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", CharacterSet=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", Server=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", LastModified=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", StatusCode=""The property accessor threw an exception: Ob jectDisposedException"", StatusDescription=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", ProtocolV ersion=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", ResponseUri=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", Method=""The property accessor threw an exception: ObjectDisposedException"", IsFromC ache=False}, Data=[], Message=""The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request."", InnerException=null, TargetSite =System.Net.WebResponse GetResponse(), StackTrace="" at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()\r\n at ACMESharp.Acme Client.RequestHttpPost(Uri uri, Object message)"", HelpLink=null, Source=""System"", HResult=-2146233079}, TargetSite=ACMES harp.AuthorizationState AuthorizeIdentifier(System.String), StackTrace="" at ACMESharp.AcmeClient.AuthorizeIdentifier(S tring dnsIdentifier)\r\n at LetsEncrypt.ACME.Simple.Program.Authorize(Target target)\r\n at LetsEncrypt.ACME.Simple. Program.Auto(Target binding)\r\n at LetsEncrypt.ACME.Simple.Program.CreateNewCertificate()\r\n at LetsEncrypt.ACME.S imple.Program.Main(String[] args)"", HelpLink=null, Source=""ACMESharp"", HResult=-2146233088} [EROR] AcmeWebException: Unexpected error +Response from server: + Code: BadRequest + Content: { ""type"": ""urn:acme:error:badNonce"", ""detail"": ""JWS has invalid anti-replay nonce 2Is7hcfhw8tZwokxM28_382jz0xT5TuYy09s4Vl29Rk"", ""status"": 400 } [DBUG] Loading signer from C:\Users\evan.camilleri\AppData\Roaming\letsencrypt-win-simple\httpsacme-v01.api.letsencrypt .org\Signer [DBUG] Getting AcmeServerDirectory [DBUG] Send GET request to [DBUG] Loading registration from C:\Users\evan.camilleri\AppData\Roaming\letsencrypt-win-simple\httpsacme-v01.api.letse\Registration [DBUG] Certificate folder: C:\Users\evan.camilleri\AppData\Roaming\letsencrypt-win-simple\httpsacme-v01.api.letsencrypt .org [DBUG] Certificate store: WebHosting [DBUG] Renewal period: 60 ``` another time this ``` [DBUG] Send POST request to [INFO] Authorizing using tls-sni-01 validation (IIS) [INFO] Installing certificate in the certificate store [DBUG] Opened certificate store WebHosting [INFO] Adding certificate 11e370afb958bb6f575013c6de8d9eb9.695bdccbf83296f13f28de311ca1bb83.acme.invalid to store WebHo sting [VERB] CN=11e370afb958bb6f575013c6de8d9eb9.695bdccbf83296f13f28de311ca1bb83.acme.invalid - CN=11e370afb958bb6f575013c6d e8d9eb9.695bdccbf83296f13f28de311ca1bb83.acme.invalid (0DC4E2A636FDBA2A2AAE3287D5D12345B0C2AC1F) [DBUG] Closing certificate stores [INFO] Adding new https binding 11e370afb958bb6f575013c6de8d9eb9.695bdccbf83296f13f28de311ca1bb83.acme.invalid:443 [WARN] No HTTP binding for 11e370afb958bb6f575013c6de8d9eb9.695bdccbf83296f13f28de311ca1bb83.acme.invalid on W5_MFCS [DBUG] Submitting answer [DBUG] Send POST request to 16GI/2613333205 [DBUG] Refreshing authorization [DBUG] Send GET request to [INFO] Authorization result: invalid [INFO] Uninstalling certificate from the certificate store [DBUG] Opened certificate store WebHosting [INFO] Removing certificate 11e370afb958bb6f575013c6de8d9eb9.695bdccbf83296f13f28de311ca1bb83.acme.invalid from store W ebHosting [DBUG] Closing certificate store [EROR] ACME server reported type urn:acme:error:connection [EROR] ACME server reported detail Connection reset by peer [EROR] ACME server reported status 400 [EROR] Create certificate [IIS] (SiteId 85) [ @ C:\COMPANY\Applications\W5_MFCS\WEB\WEB-root] failed [DBUG] Loading signer from C:\Users\evan.camilleri\AppData\Roaming\letsencrypt-win-simple\httpsacme-v01.api.letsencrypt .org\Signer [DBUG] Getting AcmeServerDirectory [DBUG] Send GET request to [DBUG] Loading registration from C:\Users\evan.camilleri\AppData\Roaming\letsencrypt-win-simple\httpsacme-v01.api.letse\Registration [DBUG] Certificate folder: C:\Users\evan.camilleri\AppData\Roaming\letsencrypt-win-simple\httpsacme-v01.api.letsencrypt .org [DBUG] Certificate store: WebHosting [DBUG] Renewal period: 60 ``` > 5.2) if i click 4 = [http-01] Create temporary application in IIS (recommended) ``` [DBUG] Send POST request to [INFO] Authorizing using http-01 validation (IIS) [DBUG] Writing web.config [INFO] Answer should now be browsable at sGrUjrx5Xd4Exb3w [DBUG] Submitting answer [DBUG] Send POST request to h0E8/2613446895 [DBUG] Refreshing authorization [DBUG] Send GET request to [INFO] Authorization result: invalid [DBUG] Deleting web.config [DBUG] Deleting answer [DBUG] Additional files or folders exist in C:\COMPANY\Applications\W5_MFCS\WEB\WEB-root\.well-known, not deleting. [EROR] ACME server reported type urn:acme:error:unauthorized [EROR] ACME server reported detail Invalid response from 0m4uGCUKPS_tx1sssGrUjrx5Xd4Exb3w: ""<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Configuration Error</title> <meta name=""viewport"" content=""width=de"" [EROR] ACME server reported status 403 [EROR] Create certificate [IIS] (SiteId 85) [ @ C:\COMPANY\Applications\W5_MFCS\WEB\WEB-root] failed [DBUG] Loading signer from C:\Users\evan.camilleri\AppData\Roaming\letsencrypt-win-simple\httpsacme-v01.api.letsencrypt .org\Signer [DBUG] Getting AcmeServerDirectory [DBUG] Send GET request to [DBUG] Loading registration from C:\Users\evan.camilleri\AppData\Roaming\letsencrypt-win-simple\httpsacme-v01.api.letse\Registration [DBUG] Certificate folder: C:\Users\evan.camilleri\AppData\Roaming\letsencrypt-win-simple\httpsacme-v01.api.letsencrypt .org [DBUG] Certificate store: WebHosting [DBUG] Renewal period: 60 ``` **Client version**: = **Windows version**: = Windows Server 2012 R2 "
__label__bug "SelfHosting plugin doesn't work while Apache is running (and no clear error message) ### Issue description `Create certificate failed` error without any error details. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Run `letsencrypt.exe` 2. Choose `N: Create new certificate` 3. Choose `4: Manually input host names` 4. Input `` 5. Choose `5: [http-01] Self-host verification files (recommended)` 6. Choose `2: Do not run any installation steps` **Client version**: **Windows version**: Windows Server 2016 **Relevant part of log file**: ``` PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop> C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\letsencrypt-win-simple.v1.9.8.0-beta7\letsencrypt.exe [DBUG] Options: Options {BaseUri="""", Test=False, Verbose=False, Renew=False, ForceRenewal=False, Plugin=null, SiteId=null, ExcludeBindings=null, HideHttps=False, ManualHost=null, ManualTargetIsIIS=False, Validation=null, ValidationMode=""http-01"", WebRoot=null, ValidationSiteId=null, Warmup=False, UserName=null, Password=null, AzureTenantId=null, AzureClientId=null, AzureSecret=null, AzureSubscriptionId=null, AzureResourceGroupName=null, DnsCreateScript=null, DnsDeleteScript=null, KeepExisting=False, CentralSslStore=null, CertificateStore=null, Installation=[], InstallationSiteId=null, SSLPort=443, Script=null, ScriptParameters=null, CloseOnFinish=False, NoTaskScheduler=False, UseDefaultTaskUser=False, Cancel=False, AcceptTos=False, EmailAddress=null} [DBUG] Config folder: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\letsencrypt-win-simple\ [VERB] Using registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\letsencrypt-win-simple\ [VERB] Settings SettingsService {ConfigPath=""C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Roaming\\letsencrypt-win-simple\\"", RenewalStore=[""{\""Date\"":\""2017-12-20T17:08:46.7634928Z\"",\""Binding\"":{\""Host\"":\""\"",\""WebRootPath\"":\""C:\\\\Websites\\\\TechnicSolder\\\\public\"",\""SiteId\"":0,\""AlternativeNames\"":null,\""PluginName\"":\""Manual\"",\""Plugin\"":{\""Name\"":\""Manual\""}},\""CentralSsl\"":null,\""San\"":\""False\"",\""KeepExisting\"":\""False\"",\""Script\"":null,\""ScriptParameters\"":null,\""Warmup\"":false}"", ""{\""Date\"":\""2017-12-21T09:48:09.8013824Z\"",\""Binding\"":{\""Host\"":\""\"",\""WebRootPath\"":\""C:\\\\Websites\\\\Multicraft Panel\"",\""SiteId\"":0,\""AlternativeNames\"":null,\""PluginName\"":\""Manual\"",\""Plugin\"":{\""Name\"":\""Manual\""}},\""CentralSsl\"":null,\""San\"":\""False\"",\""KeepExisting\"":\""False\"",\""Script\"":null,\""ScriptParameters\"":null,\""Warmup\"":false}""], HostsPerPage=50} [VERB] .NET Framework 4.6.2 detected [INFO] Let's Encrypt Windows Simple (LEWS) [INFO] Software version 198.0.6563.39986 (RELEASE) [INFO] IIS not detected [INFO] ACME Server [INFO] Please report issues at [VERB] Verbose mode logging enabled [DBUG] Renewal period: 1 ... Menu navigation ... [INFO] Plugin Manual generated target [Manual] [1 binding -] ... Menu navigation ... [DBUG] Loading signer from C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\letsencrypt-win-simple\\Signer [DBUG] Getting AcmeServerDirectory [DBUG] Send GET request to [DBUG] Loading registration from C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\letsencrypt-win-simple\\Registration [DBUG] Send POST request to [EROR] Create certificate failed N: Create new certificate L: List scheduled renewals R: Renew scheduled S: Renew specific A: Renew *all* V: Revoke certificate C: Cancel scheduled renewal X: Cancel *all* scheduled renewals Q: Quit Please choose from the menu: ```"
__label__bug "Can't add images through wysiwyg editor Program hosts and other site users need to be able to add images and other content through the wysiwyg editor, but this is not currently allowed. also can't place images in layout of the page."
__label__bug Prefixs +# Energy Sheild for items set wrongly +# to Armor is used instead of ES for the equipment build.
__label__bug Data not retrieved after initial login The console registers a complaint about cross-origins. Unfortunately I didn't capture the complaint at this time.
__label__bug "Component not accepted by Hot Loader if using react-refetch Hi! congrats on v3! I have been trying to switch from `react-transform-hmr` to `react-hot-loader@3`and facing some issues. It looks like I can't get Hot Loader to properly works with components wrapped with HOC (and since my parent App component is also wrapped, none on the children components are accepted) ``` React Hot Loader: this component is not accepted by Hot Loader. Please check is it extracted as a top level class, a function or a variable. Click below to reveal the source location: ƒ RefetchConnect(props, context) { _classCallCheck(this, RefetchConnect); var _this2 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this,, props, context)); _this2.version … ``` It looks really related to react-refetch (my App component is wrapped with multiple HOCs using `compose` from `recompose` and hot reload properly works as soon as I remove the `react-refetch` HOC). Any idea?"
__label__bug "3.2.0 doctrine-orm-bundle error with assosiation-key entities in admin-list ## Subject I've got entity with foreing relation as id: ``` Myorg\SearchBundle\Entity\RegionSettings: type: entity table: search__region_settings repositoryClass: Myorg\SearchBundle\Repository\RegionSettingsRepository id: Region: { associationKey: true } fields: searchDepartureId: { type: bigint, column: search_departure_id } oneToOne: Region: targetEntity: Myorg\DictionaryBundle\Entity\Region joinColumn: { name: id, referencedColumnName: id } lifecycleCallbacks: { } ``` Sonata admin list page for this entity worket well, but after composer update (sonata-doctrine-orm from 3.1.6 to 3.2.0) it stop worked with error: Invalid PathExpression. Must be a StateFieldPathExpression. Error is somewhere in query: SELECT DISTINCT IDENTITY(o.Region) as Region, o.Region FROM Myorg\SearchBundle\Entity\RegionSettings o ORDER BY o.Region ASC I've updated to ""sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle"": ""3.1.*"" and error is gone ## Steps to reproduce 1) Create entity with assosiation-key, 2) create admin for that entity, 3) use 3.2.0 of sonata doctrine orm admin bunlde ## Expected results Admin list working ## Actual results Admin list NOT working ### Environment ubuntu 16.04 #### Sonata packages ``` sonata-project/admin-bundle 3.28.0 The missing Symfony Admin Generator sonata-project/block-bundle 3.8.0 Symfony SonataBlockBundle sonata-project/cache 2.0.1 Cache library sonata-project/classification-bundle 3.5.0 Symfony SonataClassificationBundle sonata-project/core-bundle 3.7.1 Symfony SonataCoreBundle sonata-project/datagrid-bundle 2.3.0 Symfony SonataDatagridBundle sonata-project/doctrine-extensions 1.0.2 Doctrine2 behavioral extensions sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.2.0 Symfony Sonata / Integrate Doctrine ORM into the ... sonata-project/easy-extends-bundle 2.3.0 Symfony SonataEasyExtendsBundle sonata-project/exporter 1.8.0 Lightweight Exporter library sonata-project/google-authenticator 2.0.0 Library to integrate Google Authenticator into a ... sonata-project/intl-bundle 2.4.0 Symfony SonataIntlBundle sonata-project/media-bundle 3.10.0 Symfony SonataMediaBundle sonata-project/notification-bundle 3.2.0 Symfony SonataNotificationBundle sonata-project/user-bundle 3.6.0 Symfony SonataUserBundle ``` #### Symfony packages ``` $ composer show --latest 'symfony/*' symfony/monolog-bundle v2.12.1 Symfony MonologBundle symfony/phpunit-bridge v2.8.32 Symfony PHPUnit Bridge symfony/polyfill-apcu v1.6.0 Symfony polyfill backporting apcu_* functions to ... symfony/polyfill-intl-icu v1.6.0 Symfony polyfill for intl's ICU-related data and ... symfony/polyfill-mbstring v1.6.0 Symfony polyfill for the Mbstring extension symfony/polyfill-php54 v1.6.0 Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 5.4+ featur... symfony/polyfill-php55 v1.6.0 Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 5.5+ featur... symfony/polyfill-php56 v1.6.0 Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 5.6+ featur... symfony/polyfill-php70 v1.6.0 Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 7.0+ featur... symfony/polyfill-util v1.6.0 Symfony utilities for portability of PHP codes symfony/security-acl v3.0.0 Symfony Security Component - ACL (Access Control ... symfony/swiftmailer-bundle v2.6.7 Symfony SwiftmailerBundle symfony/symfony v2.8.32 The Symfony PHP framework ``` #### PHP version ``` $ php -v PHP (cli) (built: Dec 7 2017 20:12:04) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) 1997-2017 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.1.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache, Copyright (c) 1999-2017, by Zend Technologies ``` "
__label__bug "Prekliknutie z home do Studijne programy Po prihlaseni sa do aplikacie ma presmeruje na Studijne programy tab. Ked sa dostanem do home, tak sa neviem dostat naspat do Studijnych programov"
__label__bug "Disconnect state not set properly from ""disconnected"" event The disconnect state setting is broken when done with custom UI, i.e. from the ""disconnected"" event."
__label__bug "Database stores unchanged language strings I have a number of language issue which I have outlined numerous times the last #1789. I am still having issues with saving changes to db and now to Merge File. To nut this out, for now I am not concerned about main language files, I am only concerned with Plugin language files. After installing plugin (any), I then wish to change language files. I select Language from Main Menu and it loads the list of Languages installed then click on EDIT ICON for the Language I wish to change and loads the Languages Module. I then select the plugin I wish to change and it CREATES a language file (language.xml) for the selected language in plugin_name/languages folder and loads Languages page for me to make EDITS. I make the EDITS to the fields I only want EDITED (the Language String Name field background turns green and a Edit Icon appears next to String Textbox) and SAVE. This always works the 1st time I do this for ANY Language and saves ALL (both unedited and edited) languages fields for the Plugin in db. All good so far, although I cannot see the need to save UNEDITED fields. Before going to another Language, lets Merge File firstly. Here is issue. I am confronted with 1 option - Write over original language file (language.xml). If CHECKED it writes these to to language.xml in main /languages folder and NOT to languages.xml in plugin_name/languages folder? If left UNCHECKED it CREATES a new file language-custom.xml in main languages folder. Neither method Merges File to plugin_name/languages/languages.xml, but lets continue with the above. Having Merged File, what is point of having these in DB? so I manually DELETE these from db as it should work from the Merged Files from above. Having cleared both Language and Browser caches, I go to Store to see changes BUT none are shown. So I ask a question? Plugins Language files do not work from main languages.xml file, so why the the need to be Merged here when it does not work? Also if I Delete plugin, it does not Remove these entries from languages.xml file. So in effect Merging to here is pretty much pointless and useless. Similarly with language-custom.xml, what is its purpose, when it also does nothing? Merge File should merge to plugin_name/languages/languages.xml which works correctly when I manually move these here to test and not to languages folder as it currently does. There is NO need for the current Option, although I would like to see Option (checkbox) to Delete DB entries after it merges file to modules/plugins/plugin_name/languages/languages.xml which was created earlier as outlined above. Moving on, now I want to I want to change language fields for same plugin BUT for a different language. I follow above method but select a different language and make same same changes as 1st language, it DOES NOT always SAVE these changes to db and if Merge File was working correctly as these have not been saved to db it will not merge edited language strings to file. Got me baffled, although I do have a more appropriate f word I can use."
__label__bug "Extraneous classes generated by SBG are not cleaned on rebuild ### Versions - CLI: 3.4 - Runtime: 3.4 ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create {N} app ``` tns create testapp ``` 2. Declare custom activity somewhere in the app. ``` js // ./app/MyActivity.js""com.tns.MyActivity"", { onCreate: function (bundle) { this.super.onCreate(bundle); } }); ``` 3. Build the app ``` tns build android ``` The proxy class will be generated in `platforms/android/app/src/main/java/com/tns/`. 4. Delete the custom activity ``` rm ./app/MyActivity.js ``` 5. Rebuild the app ``` tns build android ``` The generated class won't be deleted and will be present inside the built .apk as well. "
__label__bug "Unable to read stack config provided by cli as relative path if current working dir is not the directory where the stack config file is located and one executes `cf sync logging-monitoring/cfn-sphere/my-stacks.yml`, cfn-sphere sphere fails with an error like: /Users/someone/mystacks/logging-monitoring/cfn-sphere/logging-monitoring/cfn-sphere/grafana-scr.yml but should be: /Users/someone/mystacks/logging-monitoring/cfn-sphere/grafana-scr.yml"
__label__bug check E_STOP when system starts up in the moment the system will start up and behave like the are no errors also if E_STOP button was pushed before having started the system. When system is starting and E_STOP button was already pushed signal E_STOP_PUSHED should get triggered once so that ErrorHandler will handle this error.
__label__bug "ERROR in Sentry CLI Plugin: Command failed sentry-cli releases files... Hello, I'm using webpack plugin, and trying to upload release to sentry. However, I'm getting following error from cli; `ERROR in Sentry CLI Plugin: Command failed: node_modules/@sentry/cli/sentry-cli releases files 447ab upload-sourcemaps . --rewrite --ignore node_modules --ignore webpack.config.js` And when I run code manually, ``` > Rewriting sources > Adding source map references > Uploading source maps for release BUILD:25 > ~/app/xxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.js ██████████████████████████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 18/81 Segmentation fault: 11 ``` It's uploading some files, and failing. Versions: ``` ""@sentry/cli"": ""^1.26.1"", ""@sentry/webpack-plugin"": ""^1.1.0"", ``` Thank you."
__label__bug "Engineblock allows connection from a non existing RequesterID When an authentication request comes with a RequesterID comes in, and the entity of the RequesterID does not exist, Engineblock still allows authentication, using the issuer as entityid. This should not happen, EB should block the request. "
__label__bug "resonators~ hangs 32-bit windows Symptom: Max hangs, then windows asks user to force quit. Steps: - open resonators~.maxhelp - turn audio on Regression: I'm not aware of any strange settings in my installation of Max, which I believe is vanilla out of the box. { ""version"" : ""Version 7.0.4 (cbb83ff3) (32-bit windows)"", ""platform"" : ""windows"", ""arch"" : ""x86"", ""osversion"" : ""Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit"", ""samplerate"" : 44100, ""iovs"" : 512, ""sigvs"" : 512, ""scheduler_in_audio_interrupt"" : ""off"", ""audio_drivername"" : ""ad_mme"", ""audio_driver_subname"" : """", ""license"" : ""permanent full"", ""machine_id"" : ""e4aa7fe204b153cdc6434f60592253e0"", ""eventinterval"" : 2, ""overdrive"" : ""on"", ""mixerparallel"" : ""off"", ""mixercrossfade"" : 0, ""mixerlatency"" : 30.0, ""mixerramptime"" : 10.0, ""videoengine"" : ""qt"", } "
__label__bug "Combined mutation reader produces range tombstones which do not overlap with the query range in some cases Since: 1.4, but impacts cache reads only since 2.0 When we get two range tombstones with the same lower bound from different data sources (e.g. two sstable), which need to be combined into a single stream, e.g. when populating cache, they need to be de-overlapped, because each mutation fragment in the stream must have a different position. If we have range tombstones `[1, 10)` and `[1, 20)`, the result of that de-overlapping will be `[1, 10)` and `[10, 20]`. The problem is that if the stream corresponds to a clustering slice with upper bound greater than `1`, but lower than `10`, the second range tombstone would appear as being out of the query range. This is currently violating assumptions made by some consumers, like cache populator. One effect of this may be that a reader will miss rows which are in the range `(1, 10)` (after the start of the first range tombstone, and before the start of the second range tombstone), if the second range tombstone happens to be the last fragment which was read for a discontinuous range in cache **and** we stopped reading at that point because of a full buffer **and** cache was evicted before we resumed reading, so we went to reading from the sstable reader again. There could be more cases in which this violation may resurface. Possible solutions: 1) relax the assumption (in cache) that streams contain only relevant range tombstones, and only require that they contain at least all relevant tombstones 1) allow subseqent range tombstones in a stream to share the same starting position (position is weakly monotonic), then we don't need to de-overlap the tombstones in readers. 1) teach combining readers about query restrictions so that they can drop fragments which fall outside the range 1) force leaf readers to trim all range tombstones to query restrictions I'm in favor of doing 2, because it would simplify combining readers, which wouldn't need to accumulate and trim range tombstones. That includes the cache reader. I don't like solution 3, because it makes combining readers more complicated, slower, and harder to properly construct (currently combining readers don't need to know restrictions of the leaf streams). Solution 4 is confined to implementations of leaf readers, but also has disadvantage of making those more complicated and slower. "
__label__bug "RiaClientUseFullTypeNames is ignored The 'RiaClientUseFullTypeNames' setting in the projectfile is ignored. #### This work item was migrated from CodePlex CodePlex work item ID: '33' Vote count: '1' "
__label__bug "Code first concurrency token fields are incorrectly decorated with RequiredAttribute When concurrency tokens (timestamp/rowversion) are correctly decorated as concurrency tokens in code first, they also get a Required attribute stamped on them. Since a ""new"" entity would not have a timestamp yet, and timestamps are read only, this breaks the client. The existing workaround is to create an attribute named IsNotRequiredAttribute which inherits from RequiredAttribute but always returns a successful validation. The code generation system only generates a RequiredAttribute if not other RequiredAttribute already exists. #### This work item was migrated from CodePlex CodePlex work item ID: '18' Vote count: '1' "
__label__bug "User information not displayed ![image]( ![image]( If Konga asked for `profile` as an OpenID Connect scope, why isn't the user being dynamically generated? Why doesn't the username display in the profile section? Also is the username noted in the logs? "
__label__bug "Using Fetch for Partial Content results in error and no response returned v4.4 Does not work: ```javascript GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: '', headers: { range: 'bytes=0-999999', }, overrideMimeType: 'application/octet-stream', responseType: 'arraybuffer', fetch: 'fetch', onreadystatechange(res) { console.log('onreadystatechange', res, this.response && this.response.byteLength, this.response); }, onload(res) { console.log('onload', res, this.response); }, onloadstart(res) { console.log('onloadstart', res, this.response); }, onerror(res) { console.log('onerror', res, this.response); }, onprogress(res) { console.log('onprogress', res, this.response && this.response.byteLength, this.response); }, }) ``` ![image]( Works: ```javascript GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: '', headers: { range: 'bytes=0-999999', }, overrideMimeType: 'application/octet-stream', responseType: 'arraybuffer', // fetch: 'fetch', onreadystatechange(res) { console.log('onreadystatechange', res, this.response && this.response.byteLength, this.response); }, onload(res) { console.log('onload', res, this.response); }, onloadstart(res) { console.log('onloadstart', res, this.response); }, onerror(res) { console.log('onerror', res, this.response); }, onprogress(res) { console.log('onprogress', res, this.response && this.response.byteLength, this.response); }, }) ```"
__label__bug "Some files are in wrong directories To fix it, the plugin has to add in the manifest a path attribute and change some destinations. For example the `.bp-config` folder has to be located in the main application folder."
__label__bug "Check availability of products over ftp Whit reference to #97: It appears that some product versions are no longer available over ftp, while they are still availble over http. We should: - [x] check for products availbalility over ftp; - [x] Remove not working links from the products descriptions xml - [x] Add a check before processing over ftp: If the link is no longer available, abort with a message! "
__label__bug "SQLAlchemy warning Attribute history events accumulated Occasionally (without clear pattern) this warning appears while updating models as part of the do_turn process: ``` python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/ SAWarning: Attribute history events accumulated on 4 previously clean instances within inner-flush event handlers have been reset, and will not result in database updates. Consider using set_committed_value() within inner-flush event handlers to avoid this warning. % len_) ``` I have no idea what it even means, so any help is welcome. "
__label__bug "The model seems to be changing rewards to strings somehow I keep getting this error during training: TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-4-ea338ed77184> in <module>() 38 info = env.reset(train_mode=train_model)[brain_name] 39 # Decide and take an action ---> 40 new_info = trainer.take_action(info, env, brain_name) 41 info = new_info 42 trainer.process_experiences(info, time_horizon, gamma, lambd) ~\Desktop\Machine Learning\ml-agents\python\ppo\ in take_action(self, info, env, brain_name) 54 self.stats['learning_rate'].append(learn_rate) 55 new_info = env.step(actions, value={brain_name: value})[brain_name] ---> 56 self.add_experiences(info, new_info, epsi, actions, a_dist, value) 57 return new_info 58 ~\Desktop\Machine Learning\ml-agents\python\ppo\ in add_experiences(self, info, next_info, epsi, actions, a_dist, value) 81 history['action_probs'].append(a_dist[idx]) 82 history['value_estimates'].append(value[idx][0]) ---> 83 history['cumulative_reward'] += next_info.rewards[idx] 84 history['episode_steps'] += 1 85 TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'float' and 'str'"
__label__bug "Problema na ordem de execução dos testes automatizados ## Contexto A ordem dos testes automatizados influenciam seu resultado. Se os testes de aceitação forem executados antes dos unitários, estes quebram. Algo nos testes de aceitação está alterando os valores default da aplicação. ## Ambiente * Magento Community * Módulo 2.0.0 * Servidor Linux * PHP 5.4 * Apache 2.2 * MySQL 5.5 ## Passos para reproduzir 1. Provisione o ambiente 2. execute os testes unitários 3. execute os testes de aceitação 4. execute os testes unitários ## Resultado esperado ``` PHPUnit 4.8.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. ........................... Time: 16.33 seconds, Memory: 30.00MB OK (27 tests, 36 assertions) ``` ## Resultado atual ``` PHPUnit 4.8.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. F.......................... Time: 17.52 seconds, Memory: 30.25MB There was 1 failure: 1) PagarMe_Checkout_Block_Form_CheckoutTest::mustReturnCheckoutConfig Failed asserting that two arrays are equal. --- Expected +++ Actual @@ @@ 'postbackUrl' => '' + 'boletoDiscountPercentage' => '20.72' ) /var/www/tests/unit/app/code/community/PagarMe/Checkout/Block/Form/CheckoutTest.php:99 FAILURES! Tests: 27, Assertions: 36, Failures: 1. Generating code coverage report in Clover XML format ... done ```"
__label__bug "Minor typo in vector math documentation Hello, the vector math documentation contains a typo in the 2nd formular for the dot product. The [vector_dot2.png image]( ![grafik]( should be replaced by something like this: ![grafik]( Thank you for the extensive and helpful documentation! Jan"
__label__bug "Saving to CosmosDB using read-only key has no error If saving a DataFrame using a read-only key, it looks like the Spark dataframe was saved to Cosmos DB but in fact nothing happened. We need to push back the error to the Spark connector."
__label__bug codeci should return not zero codeci should return a non zero code when it is executed otherwise services like travis ci does not get the error
__label__bug "Getting 'undefined' for reply.redirect when using middleware (fastify.use()) I am trying to create a simple middleware that will redirect any url ending in ""/"" to one without the ""/"" trailing ""/"". Here is what I wrote. ``` fastify.use((request, reply, next) => { if (request.url.substr(-1) == '/' && request.url.length > 1) { reply.redirect(request.url.slice(0, -1)); return; } next(); }) ``` Hitting my url ""/api/test"" works and gets me my data. But when I hit /api/test/ I get that .redirect is not a method. reply.redirect returns undefined. When I create a route, for example: ``` fastify.get(/'hello', (request, reply)=>{ console.dir(reply.redirect); }); ``` I get that 'redirect' is indeed a function. Am I doing something wrong? Or is the redirect simply not available for middlewares (when using .use())? I tried wrapping the middleware in fastify.ready() but still no success, in fact, the middleware doesn't run at all. It could be that maybe I didn't read something right, so any directions or help would be appreciated. Really don't want to add the middleware to every single route. Thanks! "
__label__bug "Could not set scope for user which scope has Chinese words ### 1. Have you downloaded File Manager from If yes, when have you done that? If no, and you are running a custom build, which is the revision of File Manager's repository? ### 2. What is your entire Caddyfile? ```text (Put Caddyfile here) ``` ### 3. What are you trying to do? I am trying to add an user then give it a scope.Like this: ![qq 20171031144654]( It has Chinese Words,and then I trying to login this account,nothing happen! ![qq 20171031144825]( The Server-side is Windows Server 2008, ### 4. What did you expect to see? ### 5. What did you see instead (give full error messages and/or log)? ![qq 20171031144947]( ### 6. How can someone who is starting from scratch reproduce this behaviour as minimally as possible? "
__label__bug "ekf2 failed to set home when ekf2_aid_mask is setup as gps+vpe position(9) PX4 version: master When EKF2_AID_MASK is setup as fuse GPS and Vision Position at the same time, then home pos is failed to be setup. However adding vision position fusion in flight works ok. Is it possible to setup home pos using GPS and Vision Position at the same time? "
__label__bug "Steno should output error message when port 3000 is already in use ### Description When there's already something else running on port 3000, steno will crash without a proper error message. Suggestion: Show an error message like ""Port 3000 is already in use, choose a different port by specifying `--out-port` explicitly"" ``` Control API started on port 4000 Scenario: unfurl events.js:182 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^ Error: listen EADDRINUSE :::3000 at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:1026:11) at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1049:20) at Server.setupListenHandle [as _listen2] (net.js:1305:14) at listenInCluster (net.js:1353:12) at Server.listen (net.js:1453:7) at Server.<anonymous> (internal/util.js:229:26) at HttpProxy.listen (/snapshot/steno/dist/record/http-proxy.js:116:29) at Recorder.start (/snapshot/steno/dist/record/recorder.js:31:32) at RecordingController.start (/snapshot/steno/dist/record/controller.js:36:27) at Object.startRecordingController (/snapshot/steno/dist/record/controller.js:103:23) ``` ### What type of issue is this? (place an `x` in one of the `[ ]`) - [x] bug - [ ] enhancement (feature request) - [ ] question - [ ] documentation related - [ ] testing related - [ ] discussion ### Requirements (place an `x` in each of the `[ ]`) * [x] I've read and understood the [Contributing guidelines]( and have done my best effort to follow them. * [x] I've read and agree to the [Code of Conduct]( * [x] I've searched for any related issues and avoided creating a duplicate issue. --- ### Bug Report Filling out the following details about bugs will help us solve your issue sooner. #### Reproducible in: steno version: 1.0.0 OS version(s): mac OS High Sierra #### Steps to reproduce: 1. Have something running on port 3000 2. Start Steno 3. See bug Additional suggestion: Since a lot of node projects use port 3000 by default, maybe it would make sense to change the default steno port to a different port that is less commonly used. "
__label__bug "On a shared computer, after completing training, teammate selects ""logout"" on both the training page and Intranet home page. Internet browser is then closed. A different teammate can sit down and open the training page, select ""log on"" and the training page opens with the previous teammate's log-in information automatically. So far the only way this has been eliminated is to either restart the computer when finished or have someone else log onto the NYS intranet home page. At that point, the previous teammate's information will not be recalled when the new user selects “log in” on the training page. Version: 1.16.5(611dc7b) User: DEWAYNE CASH("
__label__bug "commitTime parameter doesn't match with the response commit_time but with commit_time_raw The parameter name is commit name however when we get the workflow metadata, the required value is named commit_name_raw. commit_name also exist however it is not working as an entry parameter. "
__label__bug "clipboard truncated when pasting long files into pythonista. I have a use case where I occasionally paste very long (log) files into *.md files in pythonista for parsing by a script. Today it became clear that althought iOS can fit the whole log into the clipboard (it pastes fine into Evernote) pythonista truncates the file before the end. :( "
__label__bug Remove extra comma Remove comma from country when is last: Trell:
__label__bug "RuntimeError with Vagrant 2.0.0/ vagrant-vmware-workstation 5.0.0 and VMware Workstation12 Please note that the Vagrant issue tracker is reserved for bug reports and enhancements. For general usage questions, please use the Vagrant mailing list:!forum/vagrant-up. Thank you! ### Vagrant version Run `vagrant -v` to show the version. If you are not running the latest version of Vagrant, please upgrade before submitting an issue. 2.0.0 ### Host operating system This is the operating system that you run locally. Windows 7 ### Guest operating system This is the operating system you run in the virtual machine. The vagrant cli itself is broken, no chance to start a VM. ### Vagrantfile ```ruby # Copy-paste your Vagrantfile here ``` Please note, if you are using Homestead or a different Vagrantfile format, we may be unable to assist with your issue. Try to reproduce the issue using a vanilla Vagrantfile first. ### Debug output Provide a link to a GitHub Gist containing the complete debug output: The debug output should be very long. Do NOT paste the debug output in the issue, just paste the link to the Gist. ### Expected behavior What should have happened? If I'm calling `vagrant` I expect a reasonable output no RuntimError. ### Actual behavior What actually happened? If I execute `vagrant` on Powershell and Windows cmd vagrant hangs on ` INFO subprocess: Starting process: [""C:/Users/SBUERIN/.vagrant.d/gems/2.3.4/gems/vagrant-vmware-workstation-5.0.0/bin/vagrant_vmware_desktop_sudo_helper_windows_amd64.exe"", ""task""]` If I execute the command in a GIT Bash I'll get the error as linked in the gist. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install Vagrant 2.0.0 2. Install vagrant-vmware-workstation plugin 5.0.0 3. Execute `vagrant` ### References Are there any other GitHub issues (open or closed) that should be linked here? "
__label__bug "Token request ideal is missing id attribute in response. ## Steps to reproduce: 1. Take a look at ## What should happen: 1. There is an `id` field that holds the id of this request token. ## What happens: 1. The `id` field is missing ## Traceback [//]: # (If there is a traceback please share it in a quote! You can do this by pasting the traceback text, highlighting it and pressing the quote button.) ## SDK version and environment - Tested on [0.12.4]( - [x] Sandbox - [x] Production ## Response id [//]: # (If this error has something to do with a request that fails, please provide the response id of the request.) - Response id: ## Extra info: [//]: # (Please provide any other relevant information here) - bunq/sdk_php#97"
__label__bug "Suchlink funktioniert nicht bei einer Ortssystematikstelle Gemeldet per E-Mail von I.N. am 2017-10-10: > Bei der ""Grafschaft Ravensberg"" (69) gibt es keine Treffer. Mit der Systemstelle 69 sind aber 92 Titel verknüpft. > > Merkwürdigerweise ist der Link immer gleich und führt auch zu Treffern, nur bei ""69"" nicht? > > > > > > > >"
__label__bug "Delete embedded objects If an object has been set to deleted, the importer deletes the object and returns, so all the embedded objects stay. Fixing this will need some refactoring. "
__label__bug "Preview of the files are not showing Uploaded file(pdf,doc,image) preview not available in chat window "
__label__bug AI only takes white peace to end a war Reported here: and here:
__label__bug "Syntax change - SetMacro The syntax for SetMacro,..,PERMANENT should be changed to SetMacro...,GLOBAL to accurately reflect its behavior. As of build 2017-12-25 SetMacro uses the PERMANENT flag to set a macro GLOBAL, but doesn't store the macro in a permanent state, so the flag is misleading and doesn't follow the established design paradigm. GLOBAL=available to all plugins for the lifetime of the build process PERMANENT=write the value somewhere until something overwrites it (ie. interface, script.project[Variables], etc. and load as GLOBAL"
__label__bug "No account delete options available ![screenshot from 2018-01-01 03-27-58]( "
__label__bug "Encoder freaks out when entering large input amount Probably decoder too, haven't checked"
__label__bug "Program crashes I am trying to view the total lunar eclipse in Jerusalem on April 14th in 2033. Shortly after the moon rises, right about at the time the eclipse should begin, the program crashes. I have attempted to run it 5 times and it crashes at the same point every time. This is actually the main reason I downloaded the software so I'm hoping it can be fixed. I am running Windows 10. I tried downloading both the 32 bit and 64 bit versions and the same thing happened with both versions. Thanks."
__label__bug "inconsistency between queued.max.messages.kbytes and queue.buffering.max.kbytes Description =========== [queue.buffering.max.kbytes]( kbytes = kibibytes (2^10) [queued.max.messages.kbytes]( kbytes = kilobytes (10^3) Checklist ========= Please provide the following information: - [ ] librdkafka version (release number or git tag): master "
__label__bug "Place order button disappears on second checkout round At the same time, the Terms and Conditions toggle is shown in the ""Go To Checkout"" view"
__label__bug "Cannot style sub-elements in theme file When an `Outer` component extends another `Inner` component it is impossible to style that `Inner` instances parts in theme file. inner.tsx ```typescript @stylable(inner) export const Inner = () => <div><div className=""part""/><div/> ``` ```css .part { border: 1px solid green; } ``` outer.tsx ```typescript @stylable(outer) export const Outer = () => <Inner className=""inner"" /> ``` ```css :import { -st-from: ""./""; -st-default: Inner; } .inner { -st-extends: Inner; } .inner::part { background: red; } ``` ```css Outer::inner::part { background: blue; } ``` on the page that has the `Outer` rendered and the theme applied: ER: inner part has green border and blue background AR: inner part has green border and red background (the selector resembling `Outer::inner::part` from `` is generated incorrectly) @LeonidLevi "
__label__bug "Histogram Ids must be trimmed In `MathMLConverter` all histogram ids are saved as `this.histogram.add(tmpNode.getTextContent());`. This can lead to errors since the text content of a node can contain line breaks, tabs, white spaces, etc. The Id must be trimmed before storing. "
__label__bug "Moodbot Story ends with BYE always <!-- THIS INFORMATION IS MANDATORY - YOUR ISSUE WILL BE CLOSED IF IT IS MISSING. If you don't know your Rasa Core version, use `pip list | grep rasa_core`. Removing the below information is allowed for FEATURE REQUESTS. --> **Rasa Core version**: rasa_core-0.7.9 **Python version**: 2.7 **Operating system** (windows, osx, ...): OSX **Issue**: Moodbot Story always ends with Bye Philixs-MacBook-Air:moodbot philixta$ python -m -d models/dialogue -u models/nlu/current INFO:root:Rasa process starting Using TensorFlow backend. dyld: warning, LC_RPATH $ORIGIN/../../_solib_darwin_x86_64/_U_S_Stensorflow_Spython_C_Upywrap_Utensorflow_Uinternal.so___Utensorflow in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ being ignored in restricted program because it is a relative path 2017-12-15 22:26:47.884862: I tensorflow/core/platform/] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 FMA hi INFO:rasa_nlu.components:Added 'nlp_spacy' to component cache. Key 'nlp_spacy-en'. INFO:root:Finished loading agent, starting input channel & server. Bot loaded. Type a message and press enter : DEBUG:rasa_core.tracker_store:Creating a new tracker for id 'default'. DEBUG:rasa_core.processor:Received user message 'hi' with intent '{u'confidence': 0.3066724927468702, u'name': u'greet'}' and entities '[]' DEBUG:rasa_core.processor:Logged UserUtterance - tracker now has 2 events DEBUG:rasa_core.processor:Current slot values: DEBUG:rasa_core.policies.memoization:Current tracker state [ None None [(u'intent_greet', 1), (u'prev_action_listen', 1)]] DEBUG:rasa_core.policies.ensemble:Predicted next action #6 with prob 0.37. Bye DEBUG:rasa_core.processor:Bot utterance 'BotUttered(text: Bye, data: null)' DEBUG:rasa_core.processor:Action 'utter_goodbye' ended with events '[]' DEBUG:rasa_core.policies.memoization:Current tracker state [ None [(u'intent_greet', 1), (u'prev_action_listen', 1)] [(u'intent_greet', 1), (u'prev_utter_goodbye', 1)]] DEBUG:rasa_core.policies.ensemble:Predicted next action #0 with prob 0.95. DEBUG:rasa_core.processor:Action 'action_listen' ended with events '[]' DEBUG:rasa_core.processor:Current topic: None **Content of domain file** (if used & relevant): ```yaml intents: - greet - goodbye - mood_affirm - mood_deny - mood_great - mood_unhappy templates: utter_greet: - text: ""Hey! How are you?"" buttons: - title: ""great"" payload: ""great"" - title: ""super sad"" payload: ""super sad"" utter_cheer_up: - text: ""Here is something to cheer you up:"" image: """" utter_did_that_help: - text: ""Did that help you?"" utter_happy: - text: ""Great carry on!"" utter_goodbye: - text: ""Bye"" actions: - utter_greet - utter_cheer_up - utter_did_that_help - utter_happy - utter_goodbye ``` "
__label__bug Fix so the loader SVG shows again It seems to be broken :(
__label__bug Wiki notification URL is broken Project name is used instead of project id.
__label__bug "Unreadable for IE11, Vivaldi latin-ext src link Hi, I have problem on a website using this plugin (Polish letters - 'latin-ext'). I'm using Dosis font. ![dosis_without_latin_ext]( Generated `<link rel='stylesheet' id='olympus-google-fonts-css' href=';amp&#038;latin-ext,latin&#038;ver=4.9.1' type='text/css' media='all' />` from (class-olympus-google-fonts.php line 58) `wp_enqueue_style( 'olympus-google-fonts', $url->build() , false );` isn't readable well by IE11 or Vivaldi. Latest Chrome and Firefox doesn't have problems with it. I tried manually this format: `wp_enqueue_style('olympus-google-fonts', '//', false );` and it works better. Can you fix yours kind of formatting to be cross-browser compatible? "
__label__bug "Create button is disabled for valid stream definition As a user, I'm trying to create the following stream; though the definition/apps are valid, the create-button appears disabled. After a few copy-paste attempts of the same definition, the button is then enabled once again. No errors in the browser console. ![image]( "
__label__bug "[BUG] Autocomplete is showing duplicated entries ![img_0049]( ![img_0050]( "
__label__bug "[bugzilla] Table of bug activity not found The retrieval was stopped due to the following issue: ```bash 2017-11-27 16:06:44,430 - grimoire_elk.arthur - ERROR - Error feeding ocean from bugzilla ( Table of bug activity not found. Traceback (most recent call last): File ""./grimoire_elk/"", line 133, in feed_backend ocean_backend.feed() File ""./grimoire_elk/ocean/"", line 204, in feed for item in items: File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/perceval-0.9.6-py3.4.egg/perceval/"", line 360, in decorator for data in func(self, *args, **kwargs): File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/perceval-0.9.6-py3.4.egg/perceval/backends/core/"", line 111, in fetch bug['activity'] = self.__fetch_and_parse_bug_activity(bug_id) File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/perceval-0.9.6-py3.4.egg/perceval/backends/core/"", line 201, in __fetch_and_parse_bug_activity return [event for event in activity] File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/perceval-0.9.6-py3.4.egg/perceval/backends/core/"", line 201, in <listcomp> return [event for event in activity] File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/perceval-0.9.6-py3.4.egg/perceval/backends/core/"", line 346, in parse_bug_activity activity_tb = find_activity_table(bs) File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/perceval-0.9.6-py3.4.egg/perceval/backends/core/"", line 327, in find_activity_table raise ParseError(cause=""Table of bug activity not found."") perceval.errors.ParseError: Table of bug activity not found. ``` Using `elasticgirl.23`"
__label__bug "CUxD Gerät wird nicht ermittelt, wenn Sonoff startet und CCU nicht erreichbar ist Wird der Sonoff gestartet, während die CCU (noch) nicht erreichbar ist, wird die Seriennummer des CUxD Gerätes nicht ausgelesen und somit der Schaltzustand nicht an HomeMatic übertragen"
__label__bug "architecture diagram is not visible ## description ## how to reproduce - {optional: describe steps to reproduce bug} ## specs {optional: describe a possible fix for this bug, if not obvious} ## misc {optional: other useful info} "
__label__bug "Illegal State Exception when Managing User Groups ``` java.lang.IllegalStateException: For some reason we returned more rows that we were limited to. Did you apply the restriction criteria? at stroom.entity.shared.BaseResultList.createCriterialBasedList( at stroom.entity.shared.BaseResultList.createCriterialBasedList( at at at stroom.task.server.AbstractTaskHandler.exec( at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor146.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint( at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( at org.springframework.aop.interceptor.ExposeInvocationInterceptor.invoke( at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( at org.springframework.aop.aspectj.MethodInvocationProceedingJoinPoint.proceed( at at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor113.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AbstractAspectJAdvice.invokeAdviceMethodWithGivenArgs( at org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AbstractAspectJAdvice.invokeAdviceMethod( at org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJAroundAdvice.invoke( at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke( at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy133.exec(Unknown Source) at stroom.task.server.TaskManagerImpl.doExec( at stroom.task.server.TaskManagerImpl.exec( at stroom.dispatch.server.DispatchServiceImpl.exec( at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor346.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint( at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( at stroom.entity.server.util.JpaDeProxyMethodInterceptor.invoke( at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke( at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy161.exec(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor819.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at at at stroom.servlet.RemoteServiceHandlerAdapter.processCall( at at at stroom.servlet.RemoteServiceHandlerAdapter.handle( at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch( at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService( at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest( at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doPost( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at stroom.util.upgrade.UpgradeDispatcherServlet.service( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( at org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( at org.apache.shiro.web.servlet.AbstractShiroFilter.executeChain( at org.apache.shiro.web.servlet.AbstractShiroFilter$ at at at at org.apache.shiro.web.servlet.AbstractShiroFilter.doFilterInternal( at org.apache.shiro.web.servlet.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( at org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy.invokeDelegate( at org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy.doFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( at stroom.servlet.RejectPostFilter.doFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( at stroom.util.thread.ThreadScopeContextFilter.doFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( at stroom.util.upgrade.UpgradeDispatcherFilter.doFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service( at org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpProcessor.process( at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$AbstractConnectionHandler.process( at$ at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at ```"
__label__bug "Raster mask needed Demodata needs mask of rasterdataset type and SDMvalues needs to accept that. #79 "
__label__bug "Bug #2 anagrafica clienti Prova rilevato bug #2 Il campo partita iva dichiarato nell'interfaccia anagrafica clienti, permette di caricare più di 11 caratteri stringa rispetto al campo dichiarato del db che ha come lunghezza massima 11. []("
__label__bug "Cannot clone the repository locally ``` ☺ git clone Cloning into 'oauth2'... remote: Counting objects: 2775, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done. error: object dcb80e52b487e247b16a9019da46d646969d9f66: zeroPaddedFilemode: contains zero-padded file modes fatal: Error in object fatal: index-pack failed ``` ``` ☺ git --version git version 2.13.2 ```"
__label__bug "Wrong info about #doc I get result from /_count: { ""count"": 4723181, ""_shards"": { ""total"": 5, ""successful"": 5, ""failed"": 0 } } but in HQ it says I have 35,968,288 #Doc for this index. "
__label__bug "nested lists is not displayed in query results table Nested lists is not displayed in query results table. for example my mappings { ""mappings"": { ""test"": { ""_source"": { ""enabled"": false }, ""properties"": { ""data"": { ""properties"": { ""w"": { ""type"": ""integer"", ""store"": ""yes"" }, ""name"": { ""type"": ""string"", ""store"": ""yes"" } } } } } } } "
__label__bug "Type mapping display shows only top-level property mapping Type is empty for mapping if there are nested objects in ELK mapping i.e. for such mapping: { ""someObject"": { ""properties"": { ""name"": { ""type"": ""string"" } } } } Type column will be empty. It is would be useful to display it as collapsible row or display entire mapping as a tree. "
__label__bug Use of uninitialized value $config/$policy The Zonemaster Backend generates log messages due to errors in code: ``` Use of uninitialized value $config in pattern match (m//) at /usr/local/share/perl/5.18.2/Zonemaster/WebBackend/ line 356. Use of uninitialized value $config in regexp compilation at /usr/local/share/perl/5.18.2/Zonemaster/WebBackend/ line 357. Use of uninitialized value $policy in pattern match (m//) at /usr/local/share/perl/5.18.2/Zonemaster/WebBackend/ line 350. Use of uninitialized value $policy in regexp compilation at /usr/local/share/perl/5.18.2/Zonemaster/WebBackend/ line 351. ```
__label__bug "Icinga2 fails to build on Windows ## Current Behavior While trying to build the current master branch on Windows I came across this error: ``` C:\boost_1_65_1\boost/mpl/at.hpp(44): error C2903: ""apply"": Symbol ist weder eine Klassen-Vorlage noch eine Funktions-Vorlage. [C:\Users\Michael\source\repos\icinga2\ lib\base\base.vcxproj] C:\Users\Michael\source\repos\icinga2\lib\base/functionwrapper.hpp(143): note: Siehe Verweis auf die Klasse Vorlage-Instanziierung ""boost::mpl::at_c<int,1>"", die ko mpiliert wird. C:\Users\Michael\source\repos\icinga2\lib\base/array-script.cpp(254): note: Siehe Verweis auf die Instanziierung der gerade kompilierten Funktions-Vorlage ""icinga:: Function::Function<double(__cdecl *)(void)>(const icinga::String &,F,const std::vector<icinga::String,std::allocator<_Ty>> &,bool,bool)"". with [ F=double (__cdecl *)(void), _Ty=icinga::String ] C:\boost_1_65_1\boost/mpl/at.hpp(44): error C3770: ""unknown-type"": ist keine gültige Basisklasse [C:\Users\Michael\source\repos\icinga2\lib\base\base.vcxproj] ``` "
__label__bug "Prefixed annotations does not work Hi, I tried to import annotation namespace with `Apitte\CoreAnnotation\Controller as API` and then use for example `@API\Controller()` to avoid too long `use` list in all of my controllers. This doesn't throw any error, it only returns nothing. If I use `Apitte\CoreAnnotation\Controller\Controller()` directly everything works fine. It would also be nice to support this because it's similar to what we're all probably using right now with Doctrine (`Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM`)."
__label__bug "--bundle ruins css Created new project --ng with angular 5. Added npm install --save-dev nativescript-dev-webpack running tns run android everything is ok running tns run android --bundle listview has no styles. "
__label__bug "Cannot decode payment requests The sender checks whether the invoice from the receiver has the right amount, but for that, it needs to zbase32-decode the `pay_req`. That process is currently failing with: ```sh Error: String is corrupted at 0 at Object.decodeString (/Users/michiel/gh/interledgerjs/ilp-plugin-lightning/src/zbase32.js:44:15) at decodePaymentRequest (/Users/michiel/gh/interledgerjs/ilp-plugin-lightning/src/reqdecode.js:25:27) at payLightningInvoice (/Users/michiel/gh/interledgerjs/ilp-plugin-lightning/src/plugin.js:185:22) at Object.createOutgoingClaim (/Users/michiel/gh/interledgerjs/ilp-plugin-lightning/src/plugin.js:161:35) at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:109:7) +0ms"
__label__bug "Revs pulled from one db don’t get pushed to other dbs If a database pulls from one database, then pushes to another local database, the push won't send any revisions. More precisely: 1. Create CBL database A 2. Populate database A 3. Create CBL database B 4. Run local-to-local replication pulling A into B 5. Create CBL database C 6. Run local-to-local replication pushing B to C Result: Nothing gets pushed to C. The replication runs but B's Pusher decides that there are no new revisions to send."
__label__bug "Fix state management for match files Since this code was never executed in the tests, it has some bugs. In particular, the suffix file was reloaded at the wrong times."
__label__bug "Problem z Readme Nie działa plik "
__label__bug New issue test test
__label__bug "Ctrl + Shift + I Crashes the extension (Add Import) #### System information - OS: Windows 10 64bit - TypeScript Hero version: 1.8.0 (2017-12-11) - VSCode version: 1.18.1 #### Description Ctrl + Shift + I Crashes the extension (Add Import) ##### Steps to reproduce 1. Install extension 2. Reload 3. Ctrl + Shift + I 4. Wait few seconds 5. Crash "
__label__bug "Avoid duplicity while persisting JBoss log files in the database Add a unique key to the `instant` column to avoid duplication of records. When an unique key exception is caught, it should be ignored and the process should continue importing the remaining data. To test it, persist the same file three times. The total number of records should be equal in all three executions. "
__label__bug "Error Handling? There seems to be no error handling. I ran into an error where I had set the files limit to 1 and was trying to upload multiple files and busboy wasn't emitting an event but apollo-upload-server was create a promise that would never resolve and the request would start hanging. 1. We fist need to handle the special limits events in busboy here, and reject the promise if any of those are raised. 2. And the inner promise should reject if the mapFieldname does not match the fieldName, ``` if (fieldName === mapFieldname) { // } else { reject(new Error(`Field name mismatches ${fieldName} !== ${mapFieldname}`)); ``` 3. I guess we should resolve the top level promise only on the busboy finish event. And finally maybe the request.pipe/busboy might have some error events which need to consumed and reject the promise for safety sake. "
__label__bug "La billetterie n'apparait pas lorsqu'on bloque les scripts de sites tiers ### Comportement constaté La billetterie n'apparait pas lorsqu'on bloque les scripts de sites tiers. ![Ce qu'on voit]( ### Comportement attendu Voir la billetterie. ### Étapes pour reproduire le problème - uMatrix est une extension relativement répandue chez les paranoïaques, qu'ils utilisent [Firefox]( ou [Chromium]( Par défaut, elle bloque tous les contenus issus de sites tiers ; - installer l'extension uMatrix ; - consulter le site ; - arpenter la page à la recherche de la billetterie ; Peut-être y a-t-il moyen de détecter que la billetterie n'est pas affichée et de demander à l'internaute de désactiver ses divers bloqueurs de contenus tiers. "
__label__bug Reenable config loading Currently config loading ~~and saving~~ is disabled.
__label__bug "Yeoman Angular Generator - uses the wrong options on REST server The Angular generator for an Angular app, starts the REST server as part of the generated application. But it is using the wrong options for the port and namespace settings. This should be `-n -p` for namespaces and port. If when you run the generator and deviate away from the defaults, they won't be picked up. "
__label__bug [BUG] - Reddirect::to not work fix it Check on stream video of the error: []( )
__label__bug "Names matching wrong strings Depending on the tweet, multiple names could be matched. i.e. if the tweet happened to say 'Coin of the day: a new blockchain crypto, Reddcoin (RDD)' I think this would actually match 'BLOCK' from the names list and incorrectly try to purchase this... Might be better to Regex on 3/4/5 character length strings that are in Capitals, and then verify the regex match against the names list?"
__label__bug "comments - updated by display updated by user "
__label__bug "Album Tagging mode not correctly detecting duplicate tags ### Detailed description of the problem When entering a tag that already exists, the tag should not be duplicated in photo_tags table. (Correctly detected as already existing in tags table). ### Steps to reproduce the issue In album mode (right click->Tag) Add a given tag to a test image. Close and refresh, open tag dialog again, and hit ""set"" without changing anything. Tag now appears twice. "
__label__bug "Unable to move to next step when tax fields disabled When tax fields are disabled for a website, upon pressing next, get the error popup below. ![screen shot 2018-01-02 at 11 54 33 am]( "
__label__bug "menu issues - Laravel Version: 5.4.36 - Voyager Version:1.0 - PHP Version: 5.6.27 - Database Driver & Version: maria db ### Description: First of all, thanks a lot for your work. I have a problem, when i create a new entrie in my menu, i don't appear on my side-menu ### Steps To Reproduce: Tools->menu builder ->builder -> new menu item Title ->link type(static url)-> url (it's works) ->icon ->color ->open in (same table/windows) then update. "
__label__bug "[C#] AnimationPlayer doesn't work with C# properties. **Godot version:** 3.0 b2 **OS/device including version:** Windows 10 **Issue description:** The AnimationPlayer node works fine with C# fields, but doesn't seem to work with C# properties. For instance, the following works fine in GDScript: ```swift extends Node2D export(int) var frame = 0 setget _set_frame func _set_frame(f): frame = f var children = get_children() for c in children: if c is Sprite: c.set_frame(frame) ``` But the same code in C# doesn't seem to work at all: ```csharp using Godot; using System; public class Armor : Node2D { private int frame; [Export] public int Frame { get { return frame; } set { frame = value; object[] children = GetChildren(); foreach (object c in children) { if (c is Sprite) { ((Sprite)c).Frame = frame; } } } } } ``` When I try to do this, the following error arises: ```Failed setting track value 'Armor:Frame'. Check if property exists or the type of key is valid...``` In this particular case, I have a workaround, but I think that C# properties should absolutely be supported in AnimationPlayer. "
__label__bug "OverlayMask onClick error Looks like the portal PR introduced a bug where `onClick` events can't be used on the overlay mask now. This broke some functionality (essentially the ability to click a flyout to close it). Steps to replicate 1. Pull latest 2. Go to the `flyout` example. http://localhost:8030/#/flyout 3. Open the last example ""Flyout sizing and focus"" 4. Click the overlaymask that is generated. You'll get a console error of `Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token (` cc @nreese "
__label__bug "Cmd-R won't open `Create Pull Request` if Dev Tools open If you hit `cmd-R` when the dev tools module is open, it will reload the app instead creating a PR. OSX, 1.0.12-beta0 "
__label__bug jcrx crash quotations cause this to happen I see
__label__bug "does not install on my windows 10 $ npm i zeppelin-solidity > zeppelin-solidity@1.0.0 install C:\projects\truffle-dapps\coinmaker\node_modul es\zeppelin-solidity > scripts/ 'scripts' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\projects\truffle-dap ps\coinmaker\package.json' npm WARN coinmaker No description npm WARN coinmaker No repository field. npm WARN coinmaker No README data npm WARN coinmaker No license field. npm ERR! Windows_NT 10.0.14393 npm ERR! argv ""C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe"" ""C:\\Users\\Rocky\\AppData\\ Roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js"" ""i"" ""zeppelin-solidity"" npm ERR! node v6.7.0 npm ERR! npm v3.10.8 npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! zeppelin-solidity@1.0.0 install: `scripts/` npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the zeppelin-solidity@1.0.0 install script 'scripts/install.s h'. npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed. npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the zeppelin-solidity pac kage, npm ERR! not with npm itself. npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system: npm ERR! scripts/ npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with: npm ERR! npm bugs zeppelin-solidity npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via: npm ERR! npm owner ls zeppelin-solidity npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above. npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: npm ERR! C:\projects\truffle-dapps\coinmaker\npm-debug.log Rocky@ASUS MINGW64 /c/projects/truffle-dapps/coinmaker $ node --version v6.7.0 Rocky@ASUS MINGW64 /c/projects/truffle-dapps/coinmaker $ npm --version 3.10.8 "
__label__bug "UI CSS Issues: Button sizes <img width=""463"" alt=""screen shot 2018-01-02 at 10 30 16 am"" src=""""> <img width=""463"" alt=""screen shot 2018-01-02 at 10 30 08 am"" src=""""> <img width=""791"" alt=""screen shot 2018-01-02 at 10 28 57 am"" src=""""> <img width=""791"" alt=""screen shot 2018-01-02 at 10 28 18 am"" src=""""> <img width=""770"" alt=""screen shot 2018-01-02 at 10 28 26 am"" src=""""> "
__label__bug Functions branch won't compile LaTeX Need to do an in-memory debugging session on the src variables at some point
__label__bug QT test is failing One of the QT tests is failing. We should fix it.
__label__bug "Bug: Containers for memcache and solr fail to start Bug Report ========== Containers for memcache and solr fail to start. Possibly a Linux specific issue. See below: ``` $ lando logs -s cache Attaching to atlas_cache_1 cache_1 | chmod: changing permissions of '/': Operation not permitted $ lando logs -s solr Attaching to atlas_solr_1 solr_1 | chmod: changing permissions of '/': Operation not permitted $ docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 2c95bc502f6e solr:5.5 ""/lando-entrypoint..."" 5 days ago Exited (1) 29 minutes ago atlas_solr_1 59b97136f77f memcached:latest ""/lando-entrypoint..."" 5 days ago Exited (1) 29 minutes ago atlas_cache_1 ``` ``` $ lando version v3.0.0-beta.22 $ lando ssh -c ""drush --version"" Drush Version : 6.7.0 $ uname -a Linux osboxes 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.43-2+deb8u3 (2017-08-15) x86_64 GNU/Linux $ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: LinuxMint Description: LMDE 2 Betsy Release: 2 Codename: betsy $ cat /etc/debian_version 8.9 ``` ``` $ cat .lando.yml name: atlas recipe: drupal7 config: drush: ""~6"" php: 5.4 via: nginx webroot: www database: mysql:5.5 services: cache: type: memcached solr: type: solr:5.5 portforward: true core: freedom ``` "
__label__bug "Remote API's state name differences between input and output A few examples of differences: When setting annotation document as ""COMPLETE"" via API's POST, it does set the user annotation to ""Finish"", but using API's GET to list annotations of the document, the state returns as ""FINISHED"". The similar applies when setting it to ""IN-PROGRESS"" via POST. But API's GET returns data, which has annotation state of ""IN_PROGRESS"" with an underscore. Is it reasonable to have consistency of these state names across API's POST and GET methods?"
__label__bug "slotinfo not correct `hostinfo` returns `virtualservers_total_maxclients=254 virtualservers_running_total=1` but `serverinfo` on that virtualserver returns `virtualserver_maxclients=120` which makes not really a lot of sense :) "
__label__bug "Log files with the same name cause issues with duplication of traces Load 2 log files with the same name (same one twice or from two folders). Switched to raw trace view. Select both and the 'combined' trace and then select the first trace only (perhaps twice). It will now be duplicated: <img width=""1312"" alt=""untitled 3"" src=""""> "
__label__bug "Builds 778-779: increasing ""Hyperlink Hotspots"" style size changes all line heights Even with the ""Hyperlink Hotspots"" feature turned off, setting a font size in the ""Default Text / Hyperlink Hotspots"" style that is larger than the base font changes the line height of all lines. Steps to reproduce: 1. Open a pristine copy of Notepad3 (I used the latest release, Notepad3 3.17.1223.778) 2. Enter several lines of text 3. Click `View -> Customize Schemes...` 4. Highlight `Default Text -> Hyperlink Hotspots` and edit to one of the following, then click `OK`: `size:+12; italic; fore:#0000FF` `size:24; italic; fore:#0000FF` 5. Note the change in line height (lots of extra whitespace between lines, even with ""Hyperlink Hotspots"" turned off and no hyperlinks in the document): ![image]( "
__label__bug Clicking 'new file' icon causes unexpected quit. Opening black mirror and clicking the 'new file' unicode-icon next to conversational pair in the initial convo picker screen briefly opens a 'Save As...' box but then the application quits approx 100ms later.
__label__bug Stack update failure breaks stack ### To reproduce Try deploying sandbox but leave environment as dev (or other breaking change) ### What happens Stack update fails (unknown vpc in the example above) and ends up in a ROLLBACK_COMPLETE status and stack is in an inconsistent state (broken - van't be used) ### What I expect to happen I get errors and rollback to a consistent state or we can't get into this situation (e.g. have a sandbox deploy job with correct params).
__label__bug "Don't display ""Other"" Org in branding banner If a user has an Org affiliation the name (and any other brandin ginfo, e.g. logo, links etc) should always be displayed in the branding banner. But we need an exception for ""Other"" Org. Desired behavior is to leave the banner empty for users w/Other Org (see screenshot). ![screen shot 2017-12-11 at 11 23 12 am]( "
__label__bug Проверить формирование титульной страницы в иврите при экспорте в pdf и docx автор и год
__label__bug "Uploading file to nonexistent file store gives no error Got a file uploaded dialog, but unsure where the file ended up. Also, changing the ""file share"" setting in configurations after that changed the link path property of the file, even though it was not moved to the new directory."
__label__bug "Error raised solver = dwave_micro_client.Connection().get_solver() h = {v: 0 for v in['qubits']} future = solver.sample_ising(h, {(2, 6): -1, (0, 5): -1}) future.samples dwave_micro_client.SolverFailureError: (300, u'Internal Error: (1, The value -20 is not of type SB-INT:INDEX.)') "
__label__bug "Very high CPU usage when opening Settings When clicking on Dino > Settings, it takes about 4s and using 100% of the CPU until the window is displayed, and 2s for it to be focused. Doing Alt-Tab to it also takes a lot of CPU time."
__label__bug "Can't export block list to clipboard I can export my include list, but still can't export my block list. This has been the case for months."
__label__bug Test bug this is a test
__label__bug "Fix fallback if one page doesn't exist Log: ``` <type 'exceptions.KeyError'> ``` Error log: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/data/project/krinklebot/src/pywiki-fileprotectionsync/"", line 51, in <module> main() File ""/data/project/krinklebot/src/pywiki-fileprotectionsync/"", line 23, in main mpimages.extend(get_images(wiki['sourcewiki'], pg)) File ""/data/project/krinklebot/src/pywiki-fileprotectionsync/"", line 40, in get_images images = data['query']['pages'][data['query']['pages'].keys()[0]]['images'] KeyError: 'images' CRITICAL: Closing network session. ``` Looks like when it reached, the script stops and the rest is skipped. Query <> returns ```json {""batchcomplete"":"""",""query"":{""pages"":{""-1"":{""ns"":4,""title"":""Wikipedia:\u9996\u9875/\u5168\u90e8"",""missing"":""""}}}} ``` Which is missing an `images` key. We should catch this and still continue with the other pages and other wikis."
__label__bug """Operation Canceled"" error is shown on UI w/ app settings Try Add or Edit app settings from either App Service extension or Functions extension, and cancel from the prompt. Expected: Nothing happens Actual: ![image]( "
__label__bug "'expand' method doesn't retrieve help text correctly on knack branch. Instances in SQL and RBDMS where `ArgumentContext.expand` are used no longer extract the correct help text aliases from the SDK. cc/ @yugangw-msft "
__label__bug "Failure on schema fetching if `simplejson` is installed ``` File "".../site-packages/onecodex/"", line 169, in _fetch_schema client=self) File "".../site-packages/requests/"", line 884, in json self.content.decode(encoding), **kwargs File "".../site-packages/simplejson/"", line 533, in loads return cls(encoding=encoding, **kw).decode(s) File "".../site-packages/potion_client/"", line 122, in __init__ JSONDecoder.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'encoding' ``` Basically requests uses simplejson if installed which passes an `encoding` parameter through the Flask-Potion JSON decoding class to the `json` library (which doesn't support it). Possible fixes are: - submit a patch to use simplejson in Flask-Potion (if installed) - monkey-patch the PotionJSONSchemaDecoder to drop the encoding argument if passed before initializing the `json` JSONDecoder This may be an upstream flask-potion issue, but the way we're setting this up to handle our schema with all of our monkey-patching may not be a use-case they support? Some more investigation of why the other parts of `flask-potion` don't blow up when `simplejson` is installed is probably warranted."
__label__bug "Only typing triggers ""unsaved"" state. Moving, Inserting, and Deleting cards doesn't Moving, Inserting (blank) card, and Deleting cards doesn't trigger ""unsaved"" state. Which means that user could accidentally lose changes if they close the file, since it won't warn that there are unsaved changes."
__label__bug "Release 2 : Priority 1: Product audit is capturing incorrect information. The system is capturing INSERT and DELETE transaction for existing product when any new product is added or an existing product is deleted. Please see the attached document. [Product_audit_issues.docx]( "
__label__bug "Release 2 : Priority 1: System is showing error in Create module when trying to save a List where Extension is longer than 3 characters. (Should be able to store up to 200 characters) In the Administration module: The system should prevent user from adding Extension code when length is more than 3 characters and display a message ""Length of Extension cannot exceed 3 characters"". If the codelist type is extension and code entered in greater than 3 characters, display the message."
__label__bug "Release 2 : Priority 1: EXCLUDE Inactive PT in SMQs in the UI (Relations, HS and IA both panels) and Report (IA Export and Relations MQ Detailed Report) EXCLUDE Inactive PT in SMQs in the UI (Relations, HS and IA both panels) and Report (IA Export and Relations MQ Detailed Report). SMQ_RELATIONS_TARGET.PT_TERM_STATUS = I (Inactive) and A (Active) We basically need to filter out PTs under SMQs and Child-SMQs where PT_TERM_STATUS is I (Inactive) from the UI and Export. Some more details: SMQ are collection of PTs and LLTs. Some PTs which are no longer valid for an SMQ are made inactive so that users don't use them for safety analysis. They are not delete because same PT can be active in the child-SMQ or a different SMQ. After few release it is possible that a PT which are once made inactive is activated in the SMQ again."
__label__bug 体验问题 登录后,点了某个文件夹,如果我不点面包屑的导航,我直接点浏览器的后退按钮,它就是直接退出了,而不是回到根目录home
__label__bug "Add support for x86 Appveyor already builds x86 but it has not been tested beyond the unit tests passing. `` needs to be ran on CMU to properly validate with: vs2015, vs2017, gcc5, clang5. Add x86 support to Travis CI."
__label__bug `require()` in sass file Am I doing something wrong? There is a `require` statement in the sass files preventing me from including it in my sass project.
__label__bug Figure out why Travis CI tests are failing It seems that - [x] Interactive mode is on for some packages - [x] gbebi call to RStudio is invoking a prompt - [x] r-base is 3.0.2 so it cannot get the tidyverse and friends packages
__label__bug "call to exec_safe_func_hooks() fails I upgraded tomb a couple of days ago. First I noticed that the post-hooks was changed to exec-hooks. Ok, I can live with that. But then I noticed that a call to exe_safe_func_hooks barfed exec_safe_func_hooks open ${tombmount} ... exec_safe_func_hooks() { # Only run if post-hooks has the executable bit set [[ -x $mnt/exec-hooks ]] && { _success ""Exec hook: ::1 exec hook:: ::2 action:: ::3 argument::"" \ ""${mnt}/exec-hooks"" ""$1"" ""$2"" $mnt/exec-hooks ""$1"" ""$2"" return $? } return 0 } The variable $mnt doesn't get set I suspect the variable $mnt must be changed to $2 "
__label__bug "SubmissionEditPathsSpec intermittent failure SubmissionEditPathsSpec has a frequent failure on line 24: ""Verify macro edits endpont: responds with correct json and updates validation state"". It gets this failure message: ""Request was neither completed nor rejected within 1 second"". This seems to be the most common Travis failure. Fixing it will make Travis much more reliable."
__label__bug "Graphite backend fails with errno 115, Operation in progress) Hello, it seems that there is an issue with the netdata graphite backend implementation. The socket to the backend is opened non-blocking but there is no check if the socket is ready yet, which leads to the following error in the error.log and data is not sent. netdata ERROR: Failed to connect to '', port '2003' (errno 115, Operation in progress)"
__label__bug StackOverflowException on ParseDocument I receive a StackOverFlowException when running ParseDocument() on the following page [PasteBin]( Tested on latest 0.9.9 and the current Dev branch.
__label__bug "Add song playlist custom start and stop times This is a feature request to add in custom start and stop times for playlist songs. In the Manage:Songs page the start and stop times are in edit boxes that don't do anything currently. I would like them to be editable and saved to the playlist DB to change the start time and stop time for the playlist items. For example: This song is length 04:11 Song: WSUFzC6_fp8 Start: 00:00:03 Stop: 00:03:14 "
__label__bug "Static initialisation order fiasco ## How to reproduce * Compile mapnik master (aka 3.1.x) in debug mode (DEBUG=yes) * Run tests For example : ``` ./test/unit/run ""topojson"" run: /opt/boost_1_65_1/include/boost/spirit/home/x3/nonterminal/rule.hpp:137: std::string boost::spirit::x3::get_info<boost::spirit::x3::rule<mapnik::json::grammar::geojson_tag, mapnik::json::geojson_value, false>, void>::operator()(const T &) const [Parser = boost::spirit::x3::rule<mapnik::json::grammar::geojson_tag, mapnik::json::geojson_value, false>, Enable = void]: Assertion `(""uninitialized rule"")' failed. Aborted (core dumped) ``` "
__label__bug "There are test failures when using JDK 1.6 Two tests fail when using JDK 1.6: org.deegree.feature.xpath.GMLObjectXPathTest#testXPath20 org.junit.ComparisonFailure: Expected :PHILOSOPHER_1 Actual :PHILOSOPHER_7 and org.deegree.feature.xpath.GMLObjectXPathTest#testXPath22 org.junit.ComparisonFailure: Expected :COUNTRY_2 Actual :COUNTRY_1 "
__label__bug "use provided length when writing content-length header in AbstractHttpServer ``` protected void writeBody(Channel ctx, byte[] body, int offset, int length, MediaType contentType) { writeContentTypeHeader(ctx, contentType); --> HttpIO.INSTANCE.writeContentLengthHeader(ctx, body.length); ctx.write(CR_LF); ctx.write(body, offset, length); } ``` it would seem to me that parameter `length` should be used instead of `body.length`. is that right? "
__label__bug "Fix formating for target discovery platform This doesn't look so great: ![image]( Simple fix would be to limit the width of the main text above the screenshot. "
__label__bug "[BUG] ""About klayout"" strings do not fit in the dialog window @klayoutmatthias ![about-1]( If I stretch the window border, they can be seen. ![about-2]( "
__label__bug "Error while adding or removing Labels Hello, Following the Linux installation using pip on Debian Stretch, adding and removing labels does not work. Here is the traceback : ``` [27/Dec/2017 11:06:11] ""POST /callback/107/ HTTP/1.1"" 500 101938 Internal Server Error: /callback/107/ Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/core/handlers/"", line 39, in inner response = get_response(request) File ""/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/core/handlers/"", line 187, in _get_response response = self.process_exception_by_middleware(e, request) File ""/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/core/handlers/"", line 185, in _get_response response = wrapped_callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs) File ""/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/views/generic/"", line 68, in view return self.dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs) File ""/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/utils/"", line 67, in _wrapper return bound_func(*args, **kwargs) File ""/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/views/decorators/"", line 58, in wrapped_view return view_func(*args, **kwargs) File ""/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/utils/"", line 63, in bound_func return func.__get__(self, type(self))(*args2, **kwargs2) File ""/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/views/generic/"", line 88, in dispatch return handler(request, *args, **kwargs) File ""/opt/matterllo/core/views/"", line 45, in post payload = action_parser(action=action) File ""/opt/matterllo/core/hook/"", line 204, in addLabelToCard card = self.trello_client.get_card(data['card']['id']) AttributeError: 'TrelloCallbacksView' object has no attribute 'trello_client' ``` Thank you. "
__label__bug "UnicodeError: encoding with 'idna' codec failed (UnicodeError: label empty or too long) Cannot handle when domain input is not a valid hostname format (eg - economist.....) ``` UnicodeError: label empty or too long File ""encodings/"", line 165, in encode raise UnicodeError(""label empty or too long"") UnicodeError: encoding with 'idna' codec failed (UnicodeError: label empty or too long) (9 additional frame(s) were not displayed) ... File """", line 39, in grab_favicon if favicon is None and check_dns(domain) is False: File """", line 73, in check_dns socket.getaddrinfo(domain, None) UnicodeError: encoding with 'idna' codec failed (UnicodeError: label empty or too long) ```"
__label__bug "Prevent ldapdb models from being added to migrations `ldapdb` models to not migrate properly, and migrations fail after they have been added for the first time. Either prevent `ldapdb` from being added to migrations or allow them to fake migration."
__label__bug "List fields on LDAP objects become immutable after creation _This was likely introduced in #250. This bug is not observed in prod._ After an RcLdapUser or RcLdapGroup is created, all list fields on the object become effectively immutable. No error is raised when saving, but any changes made will not propagate to LDAP."
__label__bug Keyboard shortcuts broken under wayland Running Tiled 1.0.3 on Ubuntu 17.10 here. All keyboard shortcuts with the Ctrl modifier are broken. Ie. nothing happens. I believe it must be related to this: * If true a rebuild against Qt 5.7.1 should be enough for a fix.
__label__bug "sed not working while setting DB prefix Seems like you are in macOS ``` Copying tests/phpunit/test-uninstall.php... Please enter the prefix that your plugin uses in the database (ex. my_plugin): wp_ sed: can't read s/myplugin/wp_/: No such file or directory ``` Please use sed with every parameter (note the `-e`): ``` sed -i '' -e ""s/myplugin/$prefix/"" tests/phpunit/test-uninstall.php ``` Guessing like `sed -i 's/foo/bar/' baz.php` differs form OS to OS too much."
__label__bug "Check and notify when tor service is not available /Users/raisedadead/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.tor.plist: No such file or directory "
__label__bug "yarn run blendid -- init error code 1 When i try to run blendid for the first time i got this error: ``` λ yarn run blendid -- init yarn run v0.27.5 $ ""C:\Users\Corvi\Sedona\node_modules\.bin\blendid"" ""init"" 'C:\Users\Corvi\Sedona\node_modules\.bin\blendid"" ""init' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. error Command failed with exit code 1. info Visit for documentation about this command. ``` yarn/gulp installed globally node version 6.11.0 tried different pc - same."
__label__bug "getCounterpartyAlias() returns null on payments ## Steps to reproduce: 1. Execute the following code: ```java Payment.list( apiContext, userId, monetaryAccountId ).getValue().get(0).getCounterpartyAlias() ``` ## What should happen: 1. `MonetaryAccountReference` reference is returned. ## What happens: 1. `null` is returned ## Logs - Logs `no logs` ## Extra info: - Tested on [0.12.3]( ## Reference -"
__label__bug "Bugs in filter functionality Filter processing logic has some bugs when the expression provided is not tied to a `String` attribute or comparison is made against `null`. Examples: |Filter expression|LDAP filter built from expr| ------------------|---------------------------| |meta.lastModified ge ""2017-10-08T00:42:34Z""|`oxTrustMetaLastModified>=*""lastModified"":*2017-10-08T00:42:34Z""*`| |urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension: gluu:2.0:User:scimCustomThird gt 1| *crashes* (error 400: invalidFilter)| |scimCustomThird gt 1|*crashes* (error 400: invalidFilter)| |emails.value eq null|*crashes* (error 400: invalidFilter)| |emails[value eq null]|*crashes* (error 400: invalidFilter)| |emails[primary eq false]|*crashes* (error 400: invalidFilter)| We need to find ways to couple data-type information when generating filters as well as attribute's case sensitiveness. For instance, the `eq` operation cannot be processed the same way for dates, string or numeric data types. "
__label__bug "Empty Insert statements after Log.CloseAndFlush() is called When the application starts, the first log entry in the database is written with the following statement. (SQL trace output). `EXEC sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO [dbo].[ELogs] ([Message], [MessageTemplate], [Level], [TimeStamp], [Exception], [Properties]) VALUES (@Message_1, @MessageTemplate_1, @Level_1, @TimeStamp_1, @Exception_1, @Properties_1)', N'@Message_1 nvarchar(20),@MessageTemplate_1 nvarchar(20),@Level_1 nvarchar(11),@TimeStamp_1 datetime,@Exception_1 nvarchar(4000),@Properties_1 nvarchar(25)', @Message_1 = N'Starting web host!!!', @MessageTemplate_1 = N'Starting web host!!!', @Level_1 = N'Information', @TimeStamp_1 = '2018-01-02 17:28:24.593', @Exception_1 = NULL, @Properties_1 = N'<properties></properties>';` After the first statement is executed, Serilog logging is failing with the following error. > Unable to write 1 log events to the database due to following error: Incorrect syntax near ')'. On futher investigating, i found that after Log.CloseAndFlush is called the insert statements does not have any column names or values in the SQL trace. `INSERT INTO [dbo].[ELogs] () VALUES ()` Following is the code used for initializing serilog **Program.cs** ``` public static IConfiguration Configuration { get; } = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .AddJsonFile(""appsettings.json"", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true) .AddJsonFile($""appsettings.{Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(""ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT"") ?? ""Production""}.json"", optional: true) .Build(); public static void Main(string[] args) { BuildWebHost(args).Run(); } public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) { Serilog.Debugging.SelfLog.Enable(Console.Error); Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration() .MinimumLevel.Debug() .MinimumLevel.Override(""Microsoft"", LogEventLevel.Information) .Enrich.FromLogContext() .WriteTo.Console() .WriteTo.MSSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString(""DefaultConnection""), Configuration.GetSection(""Serilog:TableName"").Value) .CreateLogger(); try { Log.Information(""Starting web host!!!""); return WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) .UseKestrel() .UseStartup<Startup>() .UseIISIntegration() .UseConfiguration(Configuration) .UseSerilog() .Build(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Fatal(ex, ""Host terminated unexpectedly""); } finally { Log.CloseAndFlush(); } return null; } ``` Is there anything I'm not doing it right? Thanks."
__label__bug "Psychic Scream return card to my deck ## Bug report Psychic Scream return card to my deck ### Expected Behavior Psychic Scream have to place all board cards to enemy deck ### Actual Behavior Im not sure if it happens always , but with multiple cards and with 2 of same cards in board [Curious Glimmerroot] , he put one back to my deck and one to enemy deck ### Steps to reproduce behavior <!--- Can you reproduce it? How? --> ### Log/Screenshots 11:52:48 PM|Info|Player.Play >> [Player] id=10, cardId=LOOT_008, cardName=Psychic Scream, zonePos=0,Info={turn=12, originalZone=DECK, OriginalController=1} 11:52:48 PM|Info|Player.BoardToDeck >> [Opponent] id=103, cardId=EX1_066, cardName=Acidic Swamp Ooze, zonePos=0,Info={turn=12, mark=Returned, returned=true, created=true, originalZone=PLAY, OriginalController=2} 11:52:48 PM|Info|Player.BoardToDeck >> [Opponent] id=104, cardId=CFM_621, cardName=Kazakus, zonePos=0,Info={turn=12, mark=Returned, returned=true, created=true, originalZone=PLAY, OriginalController=2} 11:52:48 PM|Info|Player.BoardToDeck >> [Opponent] id=55, cardId=UNG_035, cardName=Curious Glimmerroot, zonePos=0,Info={turn=12, mark=Returned, returned=true, originalZone=DECK, OriginalController=2} 11:52:48 PM|Info|Player.BoardToDeck >> [Opponent] id=38, cardId=EX1_095, cardName=Gadgetzan Auctioneer, zonePos=0,Info={turn=12, mark=Returned, returned=true, originalZone=DECK, OriginalController=2} 11:52:48 PM|Info|Player.StolenByOpponent >> [Player] id=32, cardId=UNG_035, cardName=Curious Glimmerroot, zonePos=1,Info={turn=12, mark=Created, stolen=true, originalZone=DECK, OriginalController=1} 11:52:48 PM|Info|Player.StolenFromOpponent >> [Opponent] id=32, cardId=UNG_035, cardName=Curious Glimmerroot, zonePos=1,Info={turn=12, mark=Created, stolen=true, originalZone=DECK, OriginalController=1} 11:52:48 PM|Info|Player.BoardToDeck >> [Opponent] id=32, cardId=UNG_035, cardName=Curious Glimmerroot, zonePos=0,Info={turn=12, mark=Returned, returned=true, stolen=true, originalZone=DECK, OriginalController=1} 11:52:50 PM|Info|Player.PlayToGraveyard >> [Player] id=10, cardId=LOOT_008, cardName=Psychic Scream, zonePos=0,Info={turn=12, originalZone=DECK, OriginalController=1} 11:52:50 PM|Info|GameEventHandler.HandleTurnStart >> --- Opponent turn 12 --- 11:52:50 PM|Info|Player.Draw >> [Opponent] id=58, cardId=, cardName=, zonePos=0,Info={turn=12, originalZone=DECK, hidden=true, OriginalController=2} "
__label__bug "Fix the vendor parameters for tiled image requests Fix the vendor params in EnhancedWmsLayer; they should be `&tiled=true&tilesorigin=-180,-90`. Without the ""tilesorigin"" param the test for an ""isTiled"" request will return false. Consider making the vendor params optional via an Explorer setting."
__label__bug "Coffee icon takes over the Workflow config page # The issue is: Coffee icon is not supposed to be there # Screenshots: ![image]( # Where (url) - /admin/config/workflow/workflows/manage/editorial # Modules Installed: Content Moderation (D8 4-rc2 core experimental) "
__label__bug "SyntaxError from notifiers_cli python3.5 pip3 install notifiers > ``` root@server:~# notifiers Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/usr/local/bin/notifiers"", line 7, in <module> from notifiers_cli.core import entry_point File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/notifiers_cli/"", line 72 click.echo(f""Name: '{name}', Schema: {schema}"") ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax ``` "
__label__bug "Bind911 - could not listen on UDP socket: permission denied Hello guys, After few hours bind has stopped listening on interface. I don't know where is the problem. > Jan 2 18:48:49 dns named[68857]: starting BIND 9.11.2 <id:0a2b929> > Jan 2 18:48:49 dns named[68857]: running on FreeBSD amd64 11.1-STABLE-HBSD FreeBSD 11.1-STABLE-HBSD #1 bd4021162f1(hardened/11-stable/master): Tue Jan 2 14:56:45 CET 2018 bryn1u@HardenedBSD:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/Proton > Jan 2 18:48:49 dns named[68857]: built with '--localstatedir=/var' '--disable-linux-caps' '--disable-symtable' '--with-randomdev=/dev/random' '--with-libxml2=/usr/local' '--with-readline=-L/usr/local/lib -ledit' '--with-dlopen=yes' '--sysconfdir=/usr/local/etc/namedb' '--disable-dnstap' '--disable-filter-aaaa' '--disable-fixed-rrset' '--without-geoip' '--with-idn=/usr/local' '--enable-ipv6' '--with-libjson' '--disable-largefile' '--with-lmdb' '--with-python=/usr/local/bin/python2.7' '--disable-querytrace' '--enable-rpz-nsdname' '--enable-rpz-nsip' 'STD_CDEFINES=-DDIG_SIGCHASE=1' '--enable-threads' '--without-gssapi' '--with-openssl=/usr' '--disable-native-pkcs11' '--with-dlz-filesystem=yes' '--without-gost' '--prefix=/usr/local' '--mandir=/usr/local/man' '--infodir=/usr/local/info/' '--build=amd64-portbld-freebsd11.1' 'build_alias=amd64-portbld-freebsd11.1' 'CC=cc' 'CFLAGS=-O2 -pipe -DHARDENEDBSD -DLIBICONV_PLUG -fPIE -fPIC -fsanitize=safe-stack -fstack-protector-all -isystem /usr/local/include -fno-strict-a > Jan 2 18:48:49 dns named[68857]: running as: named -u bind -c /usr/local/etc/namedb/named.conf > Jan 2 18:48:49 dns named[68857]: ---------------------------------------------------- > Jan 2 18:48:49 dns named[68857]: BIND 9 is maintained by Internet Systems Consortium, > Jan 2 18:48:49 dns named[68857]: Inc. (ISC), a non-profit 501(c)(3) public-benefit > Jan 2 18:48:49 dns named[68857]: corporation. Support and training for BIND 9 are > Jan 2 18:48:49 dns named[68857]: available at > Jan 2 18:48:49 dns named[68857]: ---------------------------------------------------- > Jan 2 18:48:49 dns named[68857]: command channel listening on > Jan 2 18:48:49 dns named[68857]: all zones loaded > Jan 2 18:48:49 dns named[68857]: running > Jan 3 08:51:16 dns named[68857]: not listening on any interfaces > Jan 3 08:57:18 dns named[68857]: could not listen on UDP socket: permission denied > Jan 3 08:57:18 dns named[68857]: creating IPv4 interface em0 failed; interface ignored > Jan 3 08:57:18 dns named[68857]: not listening on any interfaces > Jan 3 09:48:50 dns named[68857]: could not listen on UDP socket: permission denied > Jan 3 09:48:50 dns named[68857]: creating IPv4 interface em0 failed; interface ignored > Jan 3 09:48:50 dns named[68857]: not listening on any interfaces > Jan 3 10:48:50 dns named[68857]: could not listen on UDP socket: permission denied > Jan 3 10:48:50 dns named[68857]: creating IPv4 interface em0 failed; interface ignored > Jan 3 10:48:50 dns named[68857]: not listening on any interfaces > Jan 3 11:48:50 dns named[68857]: could not listen on UDP socket: permission denied > Jan 3 11:48:50 dns named[68857]: creating IPv4 interface em0 failed; interface ignored > Jan 3 11:48:50 dns named[68857]: not listening on any interfaces > Jan 3 12:48:50 dns named[68857]: could not listen on UDP socket: permission denied > Jan 3 12:48:50 dns named[68857]: creating IPv4 interface em0 failed; interface ignored > Jan 3 12:48:50 dns named[68857]: not listening on any interfaces > Jan 3 13:30:16 dns named[68857]: stopping command channel on > Jan 3 13:30:16 dns named[68857]: exiting It always stops working after few hours and then named listens only on: > bind named 79910 21 tcp4 > bind named 79910 21 tcp4 Nothing more. Service is still running but domain is dead. When i restart named everything is back to normal and works well. There aren't any special security features only default included in HardenedBSD. Bind is closed in jail. Months ago with exaclly the same settings/config worked great. # Edit: Im wondering why it stops working for example after few hours, no after 1 or 2 or 3 hours ? :( Someone can help ? "
__label__bug "Shows issue while refreshing service pool cluster ![refreshing cluster fails]( "
__label__bug "Fishy code - unremoved event handler in idom I've noticed a fishy line in `idom` today while checking something else: ```javascript // packages/melody-idom/src/attributes.ts if (typeof value === 'function') { let useCapture = name !== (name = name.replace(/Capture$/, '')); name = name.toLowerCase().substring(2); if (value) { if (!attrs[name]) el.addEventListener(name, eventProxy, useCapture); } else { el.removeEventListener(name, eventProxy, useCapture); } (el._listeners || (el._listeners = {}))[name] = value; } ``` Because `typeof value === 'function'`, `if (value)` is always true. Therefore it will never go into the else condition in which the event handler is removed."
__label__bug "OData Function Versioning Hi, I'm trying to version a function in OData whereby the function has different parameters depending on the version. However below error is obtained when HttpConfiguration.EnsureIsInitialized() is called. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Error : `The path template 'GetPerson(fname={fname}, lname={lname})' on the action 'GetPerson' in controller 'GetPerson' is not a valid OData path template. Resource not found for the segment 'GetPerson'.` Entity: ``` [DataContract] public class Person { [Key] [DataMember] public int Id { get; set; } [DataMember] public string FirstName { get; set; } [DataMember] public string LastName { get; set; } } ``` ``` public class PersonModelConfiguration : IModelConfiguration { public void Apply(ODataModelBuilder builder, ApiVersion apiVersion) { builder.EntitySet<Person>(""Person""); if (apiVersion.MajorVersion == 1) { var config1 = builder.Function(""GetPerson""); config1.Parameter<string>(""id""); config1.ReturnsFromEntitySet<Person>(""Person""); } else { var config2 = builder.Function(""GetPerson""); config2.Parameter<string>(""fname""); config2.Parameter<string>(""lname""); config2.ReturnsFromEntitySet<Person>(""Person""); } } } ``` ``` public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app) { // Server configuration HttpConfiguration config = new HttpConfiguration(); config.AddApiVersioning(o => { o.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true; o.ReportApiVersions = true; o.ApiVersionReader = ApiVersionReader.Combine( new QueryStringApiVersionReader(), new HeaderApiVersionReader(""api-version"", ""x-ms-version"") ); }); // OData Model Builder var builder = new VersionedODataModelBuilder(config) { ModelBuilderFactory = () => new ODataConventionModelBuilder().EnableLowerCamelCase(), ModelConfigurations = { new PersonModelConfiguration() } }; var options = config.GetApiVersioningOptions(); var v1 = new ApiVersion(1, 0); var v2 = new ApiVersion(2, 0); options.Conventions.Controller<GetPersonController>() .HasApiVersion(v1) .HasApiVersion(v2) .Action(a => a.GetPerson(default(string))).MapToApiVersion(v1) .Action(a => a.GetPerson(default(string), default(string))).MapToApiVersion(v2); var models = builder.GetEdmModels(); // Map OData in OWin config.MapVersionedODataRoutes(""Default-ODataRoute"", ""api"", models); config.MapVersionedODataRoutes(""ODataRoute-Versioned"", ""api/v{apiVersion}"", models); config.EnsureInitialized(); app.UseWebApi(config); } ``` ``` public class GetPersonController : ODataController { private static Person testPerson1 = new Person() {Id = 1, FirstName = ""James"", LastName = ""Brown""}; private static Person testPerson2 = new Person() {Id = 2, FirstName = ""Paul"", LastName = ""Allen""}; [HttpGet] [ODataRoute(""GetPerson(id={id})"")] public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetPerson([FromODataUri] string id) { var person = await Task.FromResult(testPerson1); return Ok(person); } [HttpGet] [ODataRoute(""GetPerson(fname={fname}, lname={lname})"")] public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetPerson([FromODataUri] string fname, [FromODataUri] string lname) { var person = await Task.FromResult(testPerson2); return Ok(person); } } ``` "
__label__bug "Safari: Bounded ripples are no longer masked by surface's border-radius ### What MDC-Web Version are you using? 0.27.0 ### What browser(s) is this bug affecting? OS X Safari ### What are the steps to reproduce the bug? Easiest to see in [fab.html]( when you hover or click on a FAB ### What is the expected behavior? Overlay should only be visible within the FAB's rounded borders ### What is the actual behavior? Overlay occupies entire square region around FAB ![image]( ### Any other information you believe would be useful? Andy noticed that adding a z-index or a translateZ transform to the ripple surface element fixes this. I suspect this may have broken when `will-change` was moved to the before/after pseudo-elements (which ended up resolving #1665, so we need to make sure not to cause regressions with that when we fix this)."
__label__bug "Rename Failed for Uppercase Filename When replace the file name with uppercase letters (without changing the name), the Rename File Dialog will show a warning and won't proceed the operation."
__label__bug "Fix false-positive triggering on gems with require Records like ```ruby gem 'wirble', :group => :development gem 'wirble', group: :development gem 'rest-client', require: 'rest_client' ```"
__label__bug need a wire closes #14
__label__bug "Bug: Tabbed complex list does not set height correctly ## Bug When editing a complex list in a tabbed overlay, the overlay background is collapsed to the height of the header. The contents are still visible on a transparent background. This only happens when the complex list does not appear in the first tab of the overlay. When the complex list is in the first tab of the overlay the background does not collapse, but when the add/remove buttons cause an item to expand the list overflows outside the overlay background. ## Reproduction steps 1) Add a new component which has a complex list in a tabbed overlay (complex dropdown in `sites`) 2) Select the complex list tab, the ""add items"" button is shown 3) Select ""add items"". The item is added, the overlay background briefly expands to contain it before collapsing down to the header height 4) Close the overlay. Reopen it, select the tab with the complex list. The overlay is the correct height 5) Select ""add another"". The item is added, the overlay collapses again. "
__label__bug update handlebars Github says: > We found a potential security vulnerability in one of your dependencies. > > The handlebars dependency defined in package.json has a known moderate severity security vulnerability in version range < 4.0.0 and should be updated.
__label__bug "Reaction trigger shown without permission Third issue is that users who don't have privilege to like/react to profile posts are still able to see the trigger button. The button should not appear when you do not have the permission to like profile post. "
__label__bug "new tag should become the active tag ### Expected behaviour when a new tag is created, it becomes the active tag ### Actual behaviour when a new tag is created, any previously active tag is made non-active "
__label__bug "`Repo.getVersionsCount` returns incorrect length It should return `versions.length`, not `versions.length - 1`."
__label__bug "API POST status ""500"", instead of an error message, when sending arrays in JSON Why do I get this error message when posting my list to ## I am using Postman { ""plant_variety"": [ { ""plant_variety_name"": ""Remy"", ""crop_type"": ""Modern winter oilseed rape"" }, { ""plant_variety_name"": ""Robust"", ""crop_type"": ""Modern winter oilseed rape"" }, { ""plant_variety_name"": ""Alaska"", ""crop_type"": ""Modern winter oilseed rape"" }, { ""plant_variety_name"": ""Pirola"", ""crop_type"": ""Modern winter oilseed rape"" }, { ""plant_variety_name"": ""Milena"", ""crop_type"": ""Modern winter oilseed rape"" }, { ""plant_variety_name"": ""Allure"", ""crop_type"": ""Modern winter oilseed rape"" } ] } "
__label__bug "Script editor text selection with keyboard CTRL+SHIFT+arrows jumps strangely **Operating system or device, Godot version, GPU Model and driver (if graphics related):** Linux (Fedora) x86_64, Godot 2.1.4 official stable. **Issue description:** In script editor, selecting different portions of text sequentially with CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT/LEFT makes the previous selection to suddenly reappear. ![selection_keyboard]( **Steps to reproduce:** 1) In script editor, create a new GDScript file, eg. named """". 2) If it is not there already (it is), put the text cursor at the absolute beginning of the file by mouse left-click and *then start jumping forward by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT repeatedly until you have selected the three first lines* of the default text in 3) Left-click the text cursor to the end of the file, ie. on the empty line 11. 4) Press CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT only once. As result, the region selected in 2) is selected again. **Link to minimal example project:** Any new project will suffice. "
__label__bug "When URLs are saved, %20 are converted to plus signs ## Detailed Description `%20` in URLs are converted to plus signs when they are saved. ## Exemple <img width=""602"" alt=""capture d ecran 2017-09-12 a 10 12 40"" src=""""> <img width=""644"" alt=""capture d ecran 2017-09-12 a 10 13 08"" src=""""> ## Context When I saved an URL as a ressource, I want it to stay the same, so I can share it on udata even if it contain `%20`. ## Your Environment "
__label__bug "Disable breakman plugin The codeclimate breakman plugin is rails specific, disable it."
__label__bug Don't add automatically new added team to previous rounds It causes some problem with some pairing mode (like the direct elimination one)
__label__bug "'deep' mode badly broken in 2.40 'deep' mode was completely broken in all 2.40 releases, producing only empty maps. Details: the issue was a poor clone()/copy() in the underlying jnum data structure. The problem affected all reduction modes but only for the first map generation. Since in 'deep' mode the map is generated only once, at the end, it was the most severe. In other reduction mode, the bug resulted in only slightly reduced quality... Fixed for 2.41."
__label__bug Right mouse clicks skipped The program has started to skip right mouse clicks. Reproduce by opening new window (even blank) and starting to right-click to bring up context menu - not all clicks will show it. In Notepad2 this doesn't happen. May be due to #54.
__label__bug "Monsters move when changing level When taking a stair to change level, the monsters do one move, but it would be more logical that they do nothing."
__label__bug file with only a val declaration causes an error See ILTests.testVal() for the problem
__label__bug "Start project tests fail **Stencil version:** <!-- (run `npm list @stencil/core` from a terminal/cmd prompt and paste output below): --> ``` @stencil/core@0.0.8-12 ``` **I'm submitting a:** <!-- (check one with ""x"") --> - [ x] bug report - [ ] feature request - [ ] support request => Please do not submit support requests here, use one of these channels: or **Current behavior:** When running tests on a git starter project tests fail **Expected behavior:** When running tests on a git starter project tests should pass **Steps to reproduce:** 1. git clone my-app 1. cd my-app 1. git remote rm origin 1. npm install 1. npm test **Related code:** Code is unchanged from the checkout of commit 82614a429f469404810df91c2593d7e05300e6e2 **Other information:** This is my first experience in playing with stencil so I'm affaid I can provide too much insight The `npm test` output is FAIL src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts ● app-profile › rendering › should not render any content if there is not a match No registered components found at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/@stencil/core/testing/index.js:3765:31) at step (node_modules/@stencil/core/testing/index.js:3726:23) at (node_modules/@stencil/core/testing/index.js:3707:53) at fulfilled (node_modules/@stencil/core/testing/index.js:3698:58) at <anonymous> at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7) ● app-profile › rendering › should not render any content if there is not a match TypeError: Cannot read property '__testPlatform' of undefined at node_modules/@stencil/core/testing/index.js:3779:24 at new Promise (<anonymous>) at Object.flush (node_modules/@stencil/core/testing/index.js:3778:12) at Object.<anonymous> (src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:68:60) at step (src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:32:23) at (src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:13:53) at src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:7:71 at new Promise (<anonymous>) at Object.<anonymous>.__awaiter (src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:3:12) at Object.<anonymous> (src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:65:90) at new Promise (<anonymous>) at <anonymous> at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7) ● app-profile › rendering › should work with a name passed No registered components found at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/@stencil/core/testing/index.js:3765:31) at step (node_modules/@stencil/core/testing/index.js:3726:23) at (node_modules/@stencil/core/testing/index.js:3707:53) at fulfilled (node_modules/@stencil/core/testing/index.js:3698:58) at <anonymous> at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7) ● app-profile › rendering › should work with a name passed TypeError: Cannot set property 'match' of undefined at Object.<anonymous> (src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:80:39) at step (src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:32:23) at (src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:13:53) at src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:7:71 at new Promise (<anonymous>) at Object.<anonymous>.__awaiter (src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:3:12) at Object.<anonymous> (src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:76:67) at new Promise (<anonymous>) at <anonymous> at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7) PASS src/components/app-home/app-home.spec.ts PASS src/components/my-app/my-app.spec.ts Test Suites: 1 failed, 2 passed, 3 total Tests: 2 failed, 3 passed, 5 total Snapshots: 0 total Time: 3.2s Ran all test suites. npm ERR! Test failed. See above for more details. "
__label__bug "[BUG] Erro ao abrir lista de propostas Atualmente ao abrir a lista de propostas, é executada uma requisição ajax que está ocasionando um erro ao entrar na tela. Verificar se o erro que está sendo gerado, foi ocasionado pelo case dos parâmetros informados para a requisição ajax. - [x] Corrigir erro ao abrir lista de propostas "
__label__bug "Program cannot save game correctly I recently tried to save my AtB campaign in MechHQ and was greeted with a little popup saying the game couldn't be saved correctly and to report it as a bug here. So I am. Log file is attached. [mekhqlog.txt]( "
__label__bug "Macro recording with `q`, `Ctrl+n`, `Ctrl+p` and IntelliSense do not work together I had following macro to be recorded: 1. go to the first non-whitespace column (`^`) 2. change the complete line (`C`) 3. Enter `UpdateToolBar();` 4. quit macro recording In step 3 I used IntelliSense to auto complete `UpdateToolBar` and entered the paranthesis and the semicolon manually. Using the macro inserted `UpdateTool`, not the chosen `UpdateToolBar`! So I re-recorded the macro using `Ctrl+n`, the Vim auto completion, but the result was not better at all. With using the macro `UpdateTol` was inserted, instead of `UpdateToolBar`, because I mistyped the character `l` after hitting `Ctrl+n`, used `Back` to delete the mistyped character `l` letting VsVim auto complete to the correct text. "
__label__bug Unable to Sign Up - SMTP server issue New Users are unable to sign up because they dont get confirmation email. The SMTP server that throws and error and does not send the email
__label__bug "sql: explain with placeholder panics The following query panics: ``` EXPLAIN SELECT $1 ``` ``` panic while executing 1 statements: SHOW SYNTAX 'EXPLAIN (TYPES) SELECT $1::INT;'; caused by value type placeholder{1} cannot be used for table columns goroutine 155 [running]: runtime/debug.Stack(0x6bdeea0, 0xc424ee3c20, 0x3) /Users/nathan/Go/go/src/runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0xa7, 0xc424ee3c20, 0xc4201c4600, 0x5c67420, 0xc42569fe30, 0x1) /Users/nathan/Go/src/ +0xaf*Stopper).Recover(0xc420882000, 0x6bdeea0, 0xc424ee3c20) /Users/nathan/Go/src/ +0xfb panic(0x5c67420, 0xc42569fe30) /Users/nathan/Go/go/src/runtime/panic.go:491 +0x283*v3Conn).serve.func1(0xc42562af00, 0x6bdeea0, 0xc4256c2930) /Users/nathan/Go/src/ +0xa1 panic(0x5c67420, 0xc42569fe30) /Users/nathan/Go/go/src/runtime/panic.go:491 +0x283*Session).maybeRecover(0xc4250c1000, 0x5d5c002, 0x9, 0xc4256c80d8, 0x2d) /Users/nathan/Go/src/ +0x357 panic(0x5c821c0, 0xc42570c720) /Users/nathan/Go/go/src/runtime/panic.go:491 +0x283, 0x70f5080, 0x6bc1120, 0xc4256fe500) /Users/nathan/Go/src/ +0x48d, 0x70f5080, 0x6be0e20, 0xc4256fe500) /Users/nathan/Go/src/ +0x122 ```"
__label__bug "Error when editing a Limited Access When a Limited Access is edited and the ""save"" button is pressed, the JSON sent to the server always has the ""doorId"" field with '' value and the ""personId"" field with 0 value."
__label__bug "Logs and Terminal handling is incorrect for completed pods Logs are not currently shown, but they should be visible. Terminal should not be an available option for a non-running pod."
__label__bug "hello i need you help []( [20:21:19 ERROR]: Could not pass event InventoryClickEvent to Quests v3.1.6-b203 org.bukkit.event.EventException: null at$1.execute( ~[spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-2ee49b4] at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-2ee49b4] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent( [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-2ee49b4] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-2ee49b4] at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnection.a( [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-2ee49b4] at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInWindowClick.a(SourceFile:33) [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-2ee49b4] at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInWindowClick.a(SourceFile:10) [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-2ee49b4] at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils$ [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-2ee49b4] at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) [?:1.8.0_152] at Source) [?:1.8.0_152] at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:46) [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-2ee49b4] at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.D( [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-2ee49b4] at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.DedicatedServer.D( [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-2ee49b4] at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.C( [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-2ee49b4] at [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-2ee49b4] at Source) [?:1.8.0_152] Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at me.blackvein.quests.Quest.testRequirements( ~[?:?] at me.blackvein.quests.Quester.takeQuest( ~[?:?] at me.blackvein.quests.PlayerListener.onInventoryClickEvent( ~[?:?] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor9.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_152] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_152] at$1.execute( ~[spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-2ee49b4] ... 15 more "
__label__bug "Country Code issue A bit of an odd issue. If I receive an SMS message, number is being recognized, I can display it in a popup window (SMS App) and respond. However, when I then check my phone, those messages are not sent, even though they appear in a correct conversation. If I pick a contact from the list in SMS App and send message this way, it is being sent correctly. The only difference is that when message arrives and I respond to it, it has a phone number prefixed with country code (+44 for UK). When I send it after picking a contact from the list, it only ha a 0 prefix. So I guess my phone app is picky when it comes to sending SMS to a number with country code prefix. If I add the country prefix with 00 instead of + (so 0044 instead of +44) it all works well. Is it possible to add feature that will convert + to 00? it would mean that I could have my conversation in a single window in SMS App."
__label__bug "The ""-j"" option does not report any error message by zsync client Since for the ""-j"" option the zsync client is created on the stack ( and not assigned to `zsyncClient`, there's no way to currently pull for error messages "
__label__bug Problems -> My submissions/View displays all the submissions (of all users) related to the problem Change visibility - display submissions of one particular user
__label__bug Test Hallo
__label__bug "System Freeze/Crash When paths are placed I have tested it 3 times as of now and will try and record it next time it happens. When placing down paths after hit a certain amount (haven't had a consistent number of paths that cause the crash) the game will freeze and force me to restart my system. Happens faster if I have fences and a few dinosaurs placed down at once so it may be a number of assets issue but it is always directly linked to placing down paths, which from what I understand visitors just spawn on paths which may also cause the issue. Sorry I cant be more specific there are just to many variables for me to find for certain. Specs: Intel core i7 Nvidia Gtx 970m 16GB ram"
__label__bug "Park Visitors get stuck on path obstructions If you have any object on a park pathway that has collision, it will obstruct the visitors but they do not avoid it. They eventually all get stuck in piles against the obstruction. ![capture]( "
__label__bug "Beaver Builder: If all Sow widgets are disabled, it's not possible to save other widgets [Reported here]( (this issue also happens in 1.9). If _all_ of our widgets are activated, it's not possible to save any widget in Beaver Builder. This error message occurs when you add a new widget to the page: ``` sowb-beaver-builder.min.js?ver=4.9.1:formatted:18 Uncaught ReferenceError: sowbForms is not defined at Object.e.undefined.FLBuilder._getSettings (sowb-beaver-builder.min.js?ver=4.9.1:formatted:18) at FLBuilderPreview._saveSettings (fl-builder-preview.js?ver=1.11:221) at FLBuilderPreview._init (fl-builder-preview.js?ver=1.11:178) at FLBuilderAJAXLayout.d [as _callback] (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2) at FLBuilderAJAXLayout._finish (fl-builder-ajax-layout.js?ver=1.11:277) at d (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2) ``` This error occurs when you try and save a widget: ``` sowb-beaver-builder.min.js?ver=4.9.1:formatted:18 Uncaught ReferenceError: sowbForms is not defined at Object.e.undefined.FLBuilder._getSettings (sowb-beaver-builder.min.js?ver=4.9.1:formatted:18) at Object._saveSettings (fl-builder.js?ver=1.11:5697) at HTMLSpanElement._saveModuleClicked (fl-builder.js?ver=1.11:4981) at HTMLBodyElement.dispatch (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:3) at HTMLBodyElement.r.handle (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:3) ```"
__label__bug "ENV PROGNAME can't be overriden I was redirected here from platformio/platformio-core/issues/1090 What kind of issue is this? - [x ] PlatformIO Core. If you’ve found a bug, please provide an information below. *You can erase any parts of this template not applicable to your Issue.* ------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Configuration **Operating system**: win10 64bit **PlatformIO Version** (`platformio --version`): 3.5.0a16 ### Description of problem Followed guidance from Nevertheless, the file name does not change from ""firmware.bin"" #### Steps to Reproduce 1. add platform.ini `extra_scripts =` 2. edit ``` Import(""env"") build_tag = ""v2.2"" env.Replace(PROGNAME=""test%s"" % build_tag) print env['PROGNAME'] ``` 3. Prints out `testv2.2` ### Actual Results Prints out `testv2.2` but firmware filename stays ""firmware.bin"" ``` testv22 Linking .pioenvs\nodemcuv2\firmware.elf Calculating size .pioenvs\nodemcuv2\firmware.elf Building .pioenvs\nodemcuv2\firmware.bin ``` ### Expected Results filename should be ""testv2.2.bin"" ### If problems with PlatformIO Build System: **The content of `platformio.ini`:** ```ini [env:nodemcuv2] platform = espressif8266 board = nodemcuv2 framework = arduino extra_scripts = ``` **The content of ``:** ```py Import(""env"") build_tag = ""v22"" env.Replace(PROGNAME=""test%s"" % build_tag) print env['PROGNAME'] ``` <bountysource-plugin> --- Want to back this issue? **[Post a bounty on it!](** We accept bounties via [Bountysource]( </bountysource-plugin>"
__label__bug Linebreak in bookmark description isn’t rendering correctly Compare and
__label__bug "Can't use the search function I started using the latest version of TQVaultAE,, a couple of days ago (I haven't used any previous versions) and whenever I try to search for something I get the following error message. ![image]( "
__label__bug "The tests for the fh.sync.manage are not covering the example scenario with query_param filter Following the example in the docs: ``` var dataset_id = 'tasks'; // Configuration options object. // These override the options passed to init. var options = { ""sync_frequency"": 30 // Sync every 30 seconds for the 'tasks' dataset }; // Parameters object to be passed to the cloud sync service. // It will be passed to the dataHandler when listing dataset on the back end. // If the default MBaaS cloud implementation is used (which uses $fh.db for data handlers), all the valid list options can be used here. // For example, to list the tasks that are assigned to a user called ""Tom"", the query params should be var query_params = { ""eq"": { ""assigned"": ""Tom"" } }; // Extra params that will be sent to the back-end data handlers. var meta_data = {}; $fh.sync.manage(dataset_id, options, query_params, meta_data, function(){ console.log('dataset ' + dataset_id + ' is now managed by sync'); }); ``` Ref: Code implementation: "
__label__bug "test build failures: Lperf-simple.o: cannot make copy relocation for protected symbol '_ULx86_64_local_addr_space', defined in ../src/.libs/ I just tried to build current git master and get the following build errors in the tests: ``` make[1]: Entering directory '/ssd/milian/projects/build/libunwind/tests' /bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=link gcc -g -O2 -fexceptions -Wall -Wsign-compare -o Gperf-simple Gperf-simple.o ../src/ ../src/ /bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=link gcc -g -O2 -fexceptions -Wall -Wsign-compare -o Lperf-simple Lperf-simple.o ../src/ /bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=link gcc -g -O2 -fexceptions -Wall -Wsign-compare -o Gperf-trace Gperf-trace.o ../src/ ../src/ /bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=link gcc -g -O2 -fexceptions -Wall -Wsign-compare -o Lperf-trace Lperf-trace.o ../src/ /bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=link gcc -g -O2 -fexceptions -Wall -Wsign-compare -o test-coredump-unwind test-coredump-unwind.o ../src/ ../src/ libtool: link: gcc -g -O2 -fexceptions -Wall -Wsign-compare -o .libs/Lperf-simple Lperf-simple.o ../src/.libs/ -lc -lgcc_s -llzma -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/home/milian/projects/compiled/other/lib libtool: link: gcc -g -O2 -fexceptions -Wall -Wsign-compare -o .libs/Gperf-trace Gperf-trace.o ../src/.libs/ /home/milian/projects/build/libunwind/src/.libs/ ../src/.libs/ -lc -lgcc_s -llzma -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/home/milian/projects/compiled/other/lib libtool: link: gcc -g -O2 -fexceptions -Wall -Wsign-compare -o .libs/Lperf-trace Lperf-trace.o ../src/.libs/ -lc -lgcc_s -llzma -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/home/milian/projects/compiled/other/lib libtool: link: gcc -g -O2 -fexceptions -Wall -Wsign-compare -o .libs/Gperf-simple Gperf-simple.o ../src/.libs/ /home/milian/projects/build/libunwind/src/.libs/ ../src/.libs/ -lc -lgcc_s -llzma -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/home/milian/projects/compiled/other/lib /home/milian/.bin/ld: error: Lperf-simple.o: cannot make copy relocation for protected symbol '_ULx86_64_local_addr_space', defined in ../src/.libs/ collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make[1]: *** [Makefile:1125: Lperf-simple] Error 1 make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... libtool: link: gcc -g -O2 -fexceptions -Wall -Wsign-compare -o .libs/test-coredump-unwind test-coredump-unwind.o ../src/.libs/ ../src/.libs/ /home/milian/projects/build/libunwind/src/.libs/ -lgcc_s -llzma -lc -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/home/milian/projects/compiled/other/lib /home/milian/.bin/ld: error: Gperf-trace.o: cannot make copy relocation for protected symbol '_Ux86_64_local_addr_space', defined in ../src/.libs/ collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make[1]: *** [Makefile:1073: Gperf-trace] Error 1 /home/milian/.bin/ld: error: Lperf-trace.o: cannot make copy relocation for protected symbol '_ULx86_64_local_addr_space', defined in ../src/.libs/ collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make[1]: *** [Makefile:1129: Lperf-trace] Error 1 /home/milian/.bin/ld: error: Gperf-simple.o: cannot make copy relocation for protected symbol '_Ux86_64_local_addr_space', defined in ../src/.libs/ collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make[1]: *** [Makefile:1069: Gperf-simple] Error 1 /home/milian/.bin/ld: error: test-coredump-unwind.o: cannot make copy relocation for protected symbol '_UCD_accessors', defined in ../src/.libs/ collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make[1]: *** [Makefile:1225: test-coredump-unwind] Error 1 ``` Any idea what that might trigger? I'm on ArchLinux with gcc 7.2.0 and use gold 1.14 from binutils 2.29.1 for linking."
__label__bug "For MailChimp accounts with compliance issues, Force Double Opt in not enforced For a MailChimp account with compliance issues that is flagged for Force Double Opt in, when the account syncs, we send the opt-in emails but also add the addresses to the list. This is an issue on the MailChimp side of things, filing as a placeholder here so it's a known issue. "
__label__bug "native-engine requires glibc 2.18, but Centos 7 only has 2.17 Similar to issue #4541 the release 1.4.0-dev23 also seems to have been built on a machine with GLIBC-2.18. `Exception message: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.18' not found (required by /tmp/tmpiUCwct/ ` Can you update or release a version of pants.pantsbuild-<version>.tar.gz with a GLIBC-2.17 [Release]( ) containing the issue. Thanks"
__label__bug "Blind SQL injection detection doesn't use threads in optimal way Blind SQL injection detection doesn't use threads in optimal way, this issue seems to happen in: - [x] `eval` - [x] `blind_sqli` - [x] `os_commanding` - [x] `shell_shock` - [x] `redos` The ideal situation would be one in which each call to `delay_is_controlled` is run in a different thread task and doesn't have to wait for the previous one to finish. "
__label__bug "This no longer works in NodeJS 9.0 From waht I can tell reading source, this module is at fault for axios no longer working after upgrading to 9.0. Node makes no real reference to what is going on here, but the error is ``` [ERR_MISSING_ARGS]: The ""value"" argument must be specified ``` ``` 0|developm | at validateHeader (_http_outgoing.js:501:11) 0|developm | at ClientRequest.setHeader (_http_outgoing.js:510:3) 0|developm | at new ClientRequest (_http_client.js:173:14) 0|developm | at Object.request (https.js:241:10) 0|developm | at RedirectableRequest._performRequest (/Users/bradennapier/Desktop/Dash OS/IDE/projects/dash-datastream/apps/datastream/node_modules/follow-redirects/index.js:73:20) 0|developm | at new RedirectableRequest (/Users/bradennapier/Desktop/Dash OS/IDE/projects/dash-datastream/apps/datastream/node_modules/follow-redirects/index.js:57:7) 0|developm | at Object.wrappedProtocol.request (/Users/bradennapier/Desktop/Dash OS/IDE/projects/dash-datastream/apps/datastream/node_modules/follow-redirects/index.js:229:10) 0|developm | at dispatchHttpRequest (/Users/bradennapier/Desktop/Dash OS/IDE/projects/dash-datastream/apps/datastream/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:130:25) 0|developm | at new Promise (<anonymous>) 0|developm | at httpAdapter (/Users/bradennapier/Desktop/Dash OS/IDE/projects/dash-datastream/apps/datastream/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:18:10) ```"
__label__bug "Memory usage increases even after map.remove() <!-- Hello! Thanks for contributing. To help us diagnose your problem quickly, please: - Include a link to a minimal demonstration of the bug. We recommend using - Ensure you can reproduce the bug using the latest release. - Check the console for relevant errors and warnings - Only post to report a bug or request a feature. Direct all other questions to --> **v0.24.0**: ### Steps to Trigger Behavior 1. Create a map 2. remove the map with map.remove() 3. repeat many times, memory usage will continue to increase This fiddle loads a map and lets you reload it. Watch the heap as you reload a bunch of times: Screenshot after 10 reloads ### Expected Behavior map.remove() should hopefully release memory and let you create maps indefinitely ### Actual Behavior Memory usage increases. Not a huge deal on a desktop but this crashes tabs on mobile Safari and Chrome on Android after a few reloads. "
__label__bug "Export to csv works only for one wallet in case of multiple wallets <!--- Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above --> ## Expected Behavior <!--- If you're describing a bug, tell us what should happen --> In case of multiple wallets, each should have possibility to export transactions to csv <!--- If you're suggesting a change/improvement, tell us how it should work --> ## Current Behavior <!--- If describing a bug, tell us what happens instead of the expected behavior --> Exporting working only for one wallet <!--- If suggesting a change/improvement, explain the difference from current behavior --> ## Possible Solution <!--- Not obligatory, but suggest a fix/reason for the bug, --> <!--- or ideas how to implement the addition or change --> ## Steps to Reproduce (for bugs) <!--- Provide a link to a live example, or an unambiguous set of steps to --> <!--- reproduce this bug. Include code to reproduce, if relevant --> 1. Create second wallet and send some coins 2. Export to file from main wallet 3. Export to file from second wallet 4. Compare both files ## Context <!--- How has this issue affected you? What are you trying to accomplish? --> <!--- Providing context helps us come up with a solution that is most useful in the real world --> ## Your Environment <!--- Include as many relevant details about the environment you experienced the bug in --> * Version used: * Environment name and version (e.g. Chrome 39, node.js 5.4): * Operating System and version (desktop or mobile): * Link to your project:"
__label__bug "isActivePage function too generic The isActivePage function was changed to `includes?` instead of `==` to accommodate for selected tabs (e.g. `http://localhost:3000/plans/28521/phases/38/edit#guidance-424-192`). The Write Plan page however results in 2 tabs being marked as active, the project details and the write plan tab because the url for the project details page is: `http://localhost:3000/plans/28521` and the url for the write plan page is: `http://localhost:3000/plans/28521/phases/38/edit`. We need to update the method to only allow for fuzzy matching in the last part of the url path or allow for an argument to be passed that specifies that the value must match exactly"
__label__bug "Can't click ""learn more"" on the home page in Edge. Maybe you don't care about Edge though. Just letting you know."
__label__bug "dss-index lambda raises an exception on file notification Actual: ``` Object name does not contain a valid bundle identifier: blobs/72a84273b78133c96f57e625bb1d7e14cd85f22232d0e799ddea9f3e393d4119.46b6a36704dc03cca8064b69d4d80421b071deba.1ed7c8c60767fc345819029d9ebdddb4-2.c3bbcd5a.part1: ValueError Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/var/task/domovoi/"", line 127, in __call__ result = handler(event, context) File ""/var/task/"", line 36, in dispatch_gs_indexer_event GCPIndexHandler.process_new_indexable_object(gs_event['data'], app.log) File ""/var/task/domovoilib/dss/events/handlers/"", line 88, in process_new_indexable_object cls._process_new_indexable_object(Replica.gcp, key, logger) File ""/var/task/domovoilib/dss/events/handlers/"", line 18, in _process_new_indexable_object identifier = ObjectIdentifier.from_key(key) File ""/var/task/domovoilib/dss/storage/"", line 45, in from_key raise ValueError(f""Object name does not contain a valid bundle identifier: {key}"") ValueError: Object name does not contain a valid bundle identifier: blobs/72a84273b78133c96f57e625bb1d7e14cd85f22232d0e799ddea9f3e393d4119.46b6a36704dc03cca8064b69d4d80421b071deba.1ed7c8c60767fc345819029d9ebdddb4-2.c3bbcd5a.part1 ``` Expected: Just print a debug log message."
__label__bug A nasty bug Fix this
__label__bug "Unable to login on MacOS My account password contains a ""^"" (this symbol somehow cannot be typed) and I cannot copy-paste the password from my password manager into the form. As a result I cannot use the App 😢 "
__label__bug "Default speaker image is too big The default speaker image is still a larger size than what we resize speaker images to, so it looks goofy. ### Reproduction Steps ![devopsdays_madison_2017_-_speakers]( "
__label__bug Sample rc-init scripts are not executable (-x) ``` # ll /opt/custom/etc/rc-* /opt/custom/etc/rc-post-vmadmd.d: total 8 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 3 Dec 4 13:34 ./ drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 7 Dec 4 13:34 ../ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.22K Dec 4 13:34 /opt/custom/etc/rc-pre-network.d: total 13 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4 Dec 10 17:33 ./ drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 7 Dec 4 13:34 ../ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.22K Dec 4 13:34 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.93K Dec 4 13:34 /opt/custom/etc/rc-pre-vmadmd.d: total 12 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4 Dec 4 13:34 ./ drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 7 Dec 4 13:34 ../ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.22K Dec 4 13:34 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.42K Dec 4 13:34 ``` We have to set `+x` flag on `*.sh` and `*.sh.disabled`.
__label__bug "node failed to join cluster *Installation details* Scylla version (or git commit hash): 1.7.4-0.20170726.ff643e3 Cluster size: 126 nodes OS (RHEL/CentOS/Ubuntu/AWS AMI): AWS AMI Node failed to join cluster and stuck in UP-JOINING status. Scylla restart solved the problem. [journalctl_log.txt]( "
__label__bug "Error 500 on a not found build When calling the api endpoint to get a build `/api/projects/myproject/environments/myenv/builds/unexisting/` results on a 500 error with the mssage `ernest responded with code 500 : 'internal server error'`. This message is probably coming from the data-store, instead api should be responding with a 404 and a standard error message `Invalid build ID`"
__label__bug "Padding bt buttons ![button spacing]( Environment: Homepage Breakpoints: all there should be 40px between the ""contact"" and ""resume"" buttons"
__label__bug "Cannot recognize password hashed by machine with different number of cores. The argon2 hash algorithm does not produce the same hash if the `parallel` argument is different... as go-hash uses the number of cores in the CPU, different machines may not be able to use the same DB."
__label__bug Task control date Refresh task control date for active tasks.
__label__bug User selections When using a hierachy select with 2 or more levels my facetwp-selections break down when clicking the close button of the first level. Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'label' of undefined. (plugins/facetwp/assets/js/front.js?ver=2.8.7) When clicking the second time it works.
__label__bug "Local overrides that aren't used causes error If any local overrides are present in `~/.bundle/config` (added via `bundle config local.some-gem /some/path/to/gem`), but they are not present in the project's Gemfile, the following error occurs: ``` some-project git:(master) ✗ gitb pull /home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1/gems/git-bundle-1.0.8/lib/git_bundle/cli.rb:27:in `block in load_repositories': undefined method `branch' for #<Bundler::Source::Rubygems:0x00555cc9134450> (NoMethodError) from /home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1/gems/git-bundle-1.0.8/lib/git_bundle/cli.rb:25:in `each' from /home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1/gems/git-bundle-1.0.8/lib/git_bundle/cli.rb:25:in `load_repositories' from /home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1/gems/git-bundle-1.0.8/lib/git_bundle/cli.rb:7:in `initialize' from /home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1/gems/git-bundle-1.0.8/bin/gitb:6:in `new' from /home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1/gems/git-bundle-1.0.8/bin/gitb:6:in `<top (required)>' from /home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1/bin/gitb:23:in `load' from /home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1/bin/gitb:23:in `<main>' from /home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15:in `eval' from /home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15:in `<main>' ``` I assume this is because it can't find the branch it is supposed to pull. I suggest first checking if the local override is actually used in the Gemfile. "
__label__bug "module 'itertools' has no attribute 'imap' [This line]( in `legacypipe.coadds` uses the `itertools.imap` method, which is only Python 2. According to the good folks at [stackoverflow]( we can just use the `map` method straightaway here."
__label__bug "GUI: GateTable: ""Remove Element"" is active w/o selected element Unlike other tables, Gate tree-table doesn't automatically select next elements if the currently selected element is removed/moved, but ""Remove element"" action stays active. This leads to assertion error if ""Remove element"" action is activated without a selected element in the gate table."
__label__bug プレイヤーに乗りながらだと転移されない * LivingEntity#teleport(Location)は恐らくエンティティに乗りながらだと動かない * 飛ばす前に乗っていればejectさせれば解決
__label__bug "Search | Recherche sur une lettre - Je suis sur le site en français. - Je vais sur la page de la liste des ressources. - Je recherche sur la lettre B. - 10 résultats dont ""BANQUE MONDIALE - OPEN REPOSITORY KNOWLEDGE"". - Je passe en anglais. - J'ai toujours 10 résultats dont ""WORLD BANK OPEN REPOSITORY KNOWLEDGE"" qui ne devrait plus être là."
__label__bug "custom algorithm in consensus_cluster I can't get the example of using a custom clustering algorithm in ?consensus_clustering to work. The result is identical whether c(""pam"", ""agnes"") or just c(""pam"") is used. R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30) Platform: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu (64-bit) Running under: Fedora 26 (Workstation Edition) attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base other attached packages: [1] diceR_0.3.1 setwidth_1.0-4 colorout_0.9-9 Here's the code I used: ``` data(hgsc) dat <- hgsc[1:100, 1:50] # Custom distance function manh <- function(x) { stats::dist(x, method = ""manhattan"") } # Custom clustering algorithm agnes <- function(d, k) { return(as.integer(stats::cutree(cluster::agnes(d, diss = TRUE), k))) } assign(""agnes"", agnes, 1) cc1 <- consensus_cluster(dat, reps = 6, algorithms = c(""pam"", ""agnes""), distance = c(""euclidean"", ""manh""), progress = FALSE) str(cc1) cc2 <- consensus_cluster(dat, reps = 6, algorithms = c(""pam""), distance = c(""euclidean"", ""manh""), progress = FALSE) str(cc2) identical(cc1, cc2) ``` Using just a custom function gives either an error or empty output object. What am I missing?"
__label__bug "Visualizer bars not working ### Description Hi there, So I recently downloaded and installed monstercat, but everything except for the visualizer bars are working. Song information, cover art, progress bar etc. are all working fine. but the bars aren't budging at all. I've maxed out the sensitivity in settings, tried uninstalling then re-installing rainmeter, spotify, and monstercat. I've tried hitting refresh all multiple times. I've ensured that all my drivers (Realtek) are updated. I've tried uninstalling Realtek, but then sound just completely doesn't work, and I don't know of any other drivers I can use. I read somewhere that removing Sonic Studio worked, but I tried it myself and still nothing. ### Versions * Rainmeter Version: 4.2.0 beta r3011 * OS Version: * Skin Version: 1.8.1 * Spotify Version: ### Additional notes/images "
__label__bug NFC NFC not shown in Settings and doesn't work.
__label__bug "Can't load stopnet and drive net will not load weights for both of the networks. Graphs are created but regardless of order the load method causes and error. "
__label__bug "Can't load stopnet and drive net will not load weights for both of the networks. Graphs are created but regardless of order the load method causes and error. "
__label__bug "health: Should not require x-forwarded-proto >Actually another issue that I ran into (maybe I am doing something wrong), /health/status is not supposed to enforce the X-Forward-Proto header, but it was enforcing it... {""level"":""info"",""msg"":""TLS termination enabled, disabling https."",""time"":""2017-12-21T19:34:05Z""} {""level"":""info"",""method"":""GET"",""msg"":""started handling request"",""remote"":"""",""request"":""/health/status"",""time"":""2017-12-21T19:53:26Z""} {""error"":""X-Forwarded-Proto header is missing"",""level"":""warning"",""msg"":""Could not serve http connection"",""time"":""2017-12-21T19:53:26Z""} > > which is followed by {""code"":502,""details"":[],""error"":""Can not serve request over insecure http"",""level"":""error"""
__label__bug "Migration steps don't like methods with hyphens in the name grails.plugin.mongogee.exception.MongogeeException: Mongogee data migration failed: Illegal class name ""com/example/Mongogee001Service$_some_ad-hoc_method_name_closure4$doCall"" in class file com/example/Mongogee001Service$_some_ad-hoc_method_name_closure4$doCall"
__label__bug "Sidebar issue on new version. Hi there, Thanks for theme, I really like it, really simple, minimal and relaxed environment to work on brackets. I have noticed that the new version of the theme has change the sidebar behaviour. When readjusting the width of the sidebar the editor-holder is not linked to the sidebar anymore. Any chance of fixing this? ![screenshot at jan 31 10-33-43]( "
__label__bug "Tuple generates a compiler error This gives a proper error message, saying * unsupported type: [number, number] 0x2000 * ``` let x: [number, number]; x = [10, 10]; ``` However, when written like so: ``` let x: [number, number] = [10,10] ``` we get a * Cannot read property 'flags' of null* (compiler error) "
__label__bug "Assign new, empty project to other ## Issue - Bug If you attempt to assign a Project card to a different author on a team dashboard, it will disappear. At first, I thought this was a regression with the latest release. But it turns out it's always been this way. Steps: 1. Navigate to team dashboard with at least 2 team members 1. Add new Project in column 1. Click on avatar image on card to begin reassignment 1. Observe failure "
__label__bug "Unlock Modal sometimes misaligned ![screen shot 2017-12-25 at 3 20 46 pm]( "
__label__bug "Should be able to enter only CRApi credentials if already mapped an FbApiToken Right now the popup requires to enter all 3 credential items, however if a user has already mapped FB Api token or credentials to their CR account, no reason to require including it again (i.e. a new extension install after user mapped them elsewhere). "
__label__bug "Parts are outputted as chapters We need to output parts with roman numerals, whilst ignoring those for the references."
__label__bug "refresh text when updating properties **maptalks's version and what browser you use?** v0.36.2 **Issue description** text marker doesn't refresh when geometry's properties is updated. **Please provide a reproduction URL (on any jsfiddle like site)** "
__label__bug "`createURL` fails because Peer JS id is gone After have created a session, and waiting an unknown amount of time, the `createURL` call on session object will fail because id is missing."
__label__bug iOS 10 hang problem Maybe caused by RN.
__label__bug "date.getMaximum(<week-related-element>) can crash near end of timeline Example: CalendarSystem<HijriCalendar> calsys =; HijriCalendar min = calsys.transform(calsys.getMinimumSinceUTC()); HijriCalendar max = calsys.transform(calsys.getMaximumSinceUTC()); // AH-1500-12-30 assertThat( min.getMinimum(CommonElements.weekOfYear(, Weekmodel.of(Locale.US))), is(1)); assertThat( max.getMaximum(CommonElements.weekOfYear(, Weekmodel.of(Locale.US))), is(52)); // crash - we should expect just next week after valid week 51 The localized day-of-week-element also shows some problematic behaviour. Following test fails: // Tuesday is the last valid day of umalqura calendar so this should be maximum and not Saturday assertThat(max.getMaximum(HijriCalendar.DAY_OF_WEEK), is(Weekday.TUESDAY)); "
__label__bug "Export to PDF greyed out Hi, I can't tell what the error is. Both the Toolbar item and Tools>Markdown Navigator>Export rendered Markdown to PDF are greyed out and unavailable. ![screen shot 2018-01-02 at 6 12 17 pm]( What steps do I need to take to enable Export to PDF."
__label__bug "ch: 22 -- adding tasks One note on chapter 22 -- after adding the Database model, you might want to add a note to ""flask db migrate"" and ""flask db upgrade"" -- by that point I'm sure we should know that, but I still managed to not run the migration. Also -- something of interest -- I had an error in, so when I attempted to run an export, it created the task and sent it along to redis; however, because of the error in, redis bombed and moved the task to the 'failed' queue. However, my task doesn't realize that, so it's stuck at ""0"". I'm going to add some code to check if the task is in the 'failed' queue and add messaging. Thanks -- really enjoyed the book thus far."
__label__bug Missing requirements causes ark-manager to flood the stderror log I.e. if you don't have arkamanger then you gonna have really big log file until you will kill the unicorn process.
__label__bug "crashes if more than two cities are found Will fix that asap ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/home/neuz8t/CODE_Projects/012_Python_Secretflyingwrapper/src/"", line 117, in <module> File ""/usr/lib/python2.7/"", line 117, in run action(*argument) File ""/home/neuz8t/CODE_Projects/012_Python_Secretflyingwrapper/src/"", line 106, in check sendmessage(""For "" + article['price'] + "" "" + describe_trip(article['cities'])+ "" (""+article['type']+"")"", article['text']) File ""/home/neuz8t/CODE_Projects/012_Python_Secretflyingwrapper/src/"", line 92, in describe_trip trip.append("" ""+item) AttributeError: 'str' object has no ##attribute 'append' ```"
__label__bug "editor in strange state When I was trying to [built a gentoo chroot](, something strange happened: ``` Failed dev-util/google-web-toolkit-2.3.0 (in 0m2.5s). Your build has failed. Pending 4/479, [Time 04:48:42 | Elapsed 116m53.1s | Load 5.02 7.46 7.81] ERROR : Mon Oct 31 04:48:43 CST 2016 ERROR : PGID PPID PID ELAPSED TIME %CPU COMMAND ERROR : 6 15 4925 01:57:00 00:00:00 0.0 /bin/bash /mnt/host/source/src/scripts/update_chroot --skip_toolchain_update --nousepkg ERROR : 6 4925 10135 00:00 00:00:00 0.0 \_ /bin/bash /mnt/host/source/src/scripts/update_chroot --skip_toolchain_update --nousepkg ERROR : 6 10135 10136 00:00 00:00:00 0.0 \_ ps f -o pgid,ppid,pid,etime,cputime,%cpu,command ERROR : Arguments of 4925: '--skip_toolchain_update' '--nousepkg' ERROR : Backtrace: (most recent call is last) ERROR : update_chroot:118:main(), called: die_err_trap ERROR : ERROR : Command failed: ERROR : Command 'sudo -E ${EMERGE_CMD} ${EMERGE_FLAGS} virtual/target-sdk world' exited with nonzero code: 1 Running ['/home/huiyiqun/Source/chromiumos/src/scripts/sdk_lib/', '--stage3_path', '/home/huiyiqun/Source/chromiumos/.cache/sdks/stage3-amd64-2014.09.18.tar.xz', '--chroot', '/home/huiyiqun/Source/chromiumos/chroot', '--cache_dir', '/home/huiyiqun/Source/chromiumos/.cache', '--nousepkg'] failed! failed to put myself in foreground: inappropriate ioctl for device Exception: python2 exited with 1 Traceback: [interactive], line 1: python2 ./chromium/tools/depot_tools/cros_sdk --bootstrap Editor error: can't set up terminal attribute: input/output error Falling back to basic line editor Editor error: read /dev/stdin: input/output error Don't know what to do, pid is 16216 Restarting editor in 1s Editor error: read /dev/stdin: input/output error Don't know what to do, pid is 16216 Restarting editor in 2s Editor error: read /dev/stdin: input/output error Don't know what to do, pid is 16216 ``` I have no idea why or how this happened, but that was not the first time."
__label__bug Default arguments in causing problems Methods not resolved correctly.
__label__bug "Editing locality remarks Hi Dusty, I needed to edit something transcribed incorrectly in the 'specimen/event remarks' in the locality section for one of our specimens and was puzzled because the remarks wouldn't show up anywhere in the edit screens. I was able to correct the text by just entering in new information in the 'specimen/event remarks' line. Would it be possible to have the remarks show up in the edit page somewhere?"
__label__bug "Page title overlaps breadcrumb after scrolling ### Expected behavior Expected sidebar title to be in line with the top of the main page body. ### Actual behavior Page title overlaps with breadcrumbs ### Steps to reproduce 1. Navigate to 2. Scroll down so that the header and breadcrumbs leave the viewport 3. Scroll up to the top of the page 4. Notice that the title of the page in the sidebar overlaps with the breadcrumbs Happens intermittently. Reproduced sometimes on Firefox 57, but not every time. ![image]( "
__label__bug "Info about you -> your contact info: Selecting phone type changes checkbox input **What did you do?** Entered a phone number. Then selected ""Night"" in the checkbox below it. Then clicked ""Cell"" in the boxes below that. **What did you expect to see?** The ""Night"" checkbox to stay where I had it. **What did you see instead?** The ""Night"" checkbox deselected, and the ""Both"" checkbox became selected automatically. <img width=""537"" alt=""screen shot 2017-12-11 at 9 08 05 am"" src=""""> "
__label__bug "Image loading does not work anymore It has become impossible to load an image (with or without an open document). This is likely to be related to the addition of layers, as it used to work well, and the `ImageLoader` class appears to work well (hence the assignee :)). More specifically, it appears that the process fails when it delegates loading the (already uploaded) image into a document (e.g. using `createDocumentFromImage` in `RubEns`)."
__label__bug "TclError when sorting abilities in StatsFrame ``` Exception in Tkinter callback Traceback (most recent call last): File ""C:\Python\lib\tkinter\"", line 1558, in __call__ return self.func(*args) File ""\gsf-parser\frames\"", line 117, in <lambda> ""Ability"", False, ""str"")) File ""\gsf-parser\frames\"", line 155, in treeview_sort_column l = [(treeview.set(k, column), k) for k in treeview.get_children('')] File ""\gsf-parser\frames\"", line 155, in <listcomp> l = [(treeview.set(k, column), k) for k in treeview.get_children('')] File ""C:\Python\lib\tkinter\"", line 1427, in set res =, ""set"", item, column, value) _tkinter.TclError: Display column #0 cannot be set ```"
__label__bug Haslam simulation bug Simulated visibilities aren't created when the keyword galaxy_model is set (should simulate visibilities from the Haslam map). Settings file: [1061316296_settings.txt]( Error log: [firstpass.e88712.1.txt](
__label__bug "utf_to_stdout fails if system stdout encoding is None If system.stdout.encoding is None, then UTF-8 should be used Curently script just fails"
__label__bug "document drivers original versions # Reported by @jburns24 # TODOs - [x] what **chromedriver** are using ? **v2.33** - [x] what **firefoxdriver** are using ? **v0.19.0** - [x] what **phantomjsdriver** are using ? **v2.1.1** - [x] what **internetexplorerdriver** are using ? **v3.5.3** - [x] what **edgedriver** are using ? **v5.16299** - [x] what **operadriver** are using ? **v2.32** "
__label__bug "[Clock] Unable to load DLL 'Kernel32.dll' on Linux Hi thanks for this library, stumbled upon it recently and it's got some great stuff in there 👍 Just an issue I encountered with a .NET Core 2 app on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian Linux (could be an issue on other linux distro's too?) ``` Unhandled Exception: System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'Kernel32.dll': The specified module or one of its dependencies could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) at Easy.Common.NativeMethods.GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime(Int64& filetime) at Easy.Common.Clock..ctor() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver.VisitCreateInstance(CreateInstanceCallSite createInstanceCallSite, ServiceProvider provider) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteVisitor`2.VisitCallSite(IServiceCallSite callSite, TArgument argument) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver.VisitScoped(ScopedCallSite scopedCallSite, ServiceProvider provider) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver.VisitSingleton(SingletonCallSite singletonCallSite, ServiceProvider provider) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteVisitor`2.VisitCallSite(IServiceCallSite callSite, TArgument argument) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider.<>c__DisplayClass22_0.<RealizeService>b__0(ServiceProvider provider) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider.GetService(Type serviceType) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderServiceExtensions.GetService[T](IServiceProvider provider) at MyApp.Program.<Main>d__1.MoveNext() in D:\Workspace\my-app-raspberry-pi\src\MyApp\Program.cs:line 33 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at MyApp.Program.<Main>(String[] args) ``` Basically when I build my Service Provider, the above error occurs, so it can't fall back to non precise time. I've worked around it by copying the `Clock.cs` source code in my project and using that without `GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime(out preciseTime);`. Am I missing a nuget package or is there some additional work required to not throw that error on startup? Cheers"
__label__bug "Noise Reduction median filter in L*a*b* mode seems to have no effect 5.3-251-g a5571a43 It seems that the median filter has no effect in any of the L\*a\*b\* ""median methods"". Apply the PP3, zoom to 100%, turn median off/on."
__label__bug Find a way to read how many bytes the .tar.gz has inside by getting the file size it does not get the number of bytes inside the file but how many bytes is the file on the HDD
__label__bug "ALL asset-delete buttons show ""delete this sprite?"" dialog ### Expected Behavior When clicking on an ""X"" button, the message displayed is based on what is being deleted. For example: * ""Are you sure you want to delete this sound?"" when deleting a sound * ""Are you sure you want to delete this sprite?"" when deleting a sprite * ""Are you sure you want to delete this costume?"" when deleting a costume * (etc for backdrops and such) ### Actual Behavior The displayed prompt's message is always ""Are you sure you want to delete this sprite?"". Though these dialogs are almost certainly temporary (i.e. they will be replaced by custom popup dialogs), the cause of the issue is still worth noting. This problem stems from all asset [`Selector`s]( using the [`SpriteSelectorItem`]( class. It doesn't really make sense to have costume items using the sprite selector item; there should probably be a more generic parent class (ex. `SelectorItem`) that `SpriteSelectorItem`, and potential sound/costume-backdrop classes, inherit from. ### Steps to Reproduce 1. View the ""sounds"" or ""costumes"" tab. 2. Click on the ""X"" button inside a sound or costume's icon. 3. Read the dialog text that pops up. ### Operating System and Browser macOS 10.12.5, Chrome 58.0.3029.110 "
__label__bug Don't set labels or mention people on broken merges shows * a failed rebase * Lots of labels added * lots of people notified We should detect these type of cases and the bot shouldn't updates labels or `@mentions`
__label__bug "Incorrect log message on project open When the server logs the selected active role, it always prints `undefined`."
__label__bug "Web animation differs from Native for parallel translateX and translateY transforms Performing parallel timing animations for both translateX and translateY appears correct in Native... diagonal movement. (only tried Android) On the web side, there seems to be a problem. In parallel, the translate that is set last is the only one to take effect. [This gist]( contains a ReactXP component that demonstrates the issue. When run for web, the sequence timings behave strangely (resets X), and the parallel shows only the Y movement. There's also a [component for vanilla React]( that works as expected. The ""X Last"" and ""Y Last"" text elements show the same without updating the values. I merged PR #149 locally, since the changes do touch web Animated, but they're not enough. "
__label__bug "sendstring for HTTP health monitor not configured correctly for non-default path #### Description The Marathon healthCheck path should be reflected in the Send String for the corresponding Health Monitor (HM) on BIG-IP. For example, a Marathon healthCheck path of ""/this/is/my/path"" should result in a HM Send String on BIG-IP of ""GET /this/is/my/path HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"". However, the path in the HM Send String is always ""/"", regardless of the actual contents of the Marathon healthCheck path. #### Mesos Version Any #### Marathon Version Any #### Controller Version v1.1.0 #### BIG-IP Version Any "
__label__bug "Needs to handle https The URL recognizer does not handle `https` URLs. "
__label__bug Thumbnails end up in the wrong position after expand/collapse More details and reproduction steps needed since it doesn't always happen
__label__bug "fail `api/assets` after access token expires expiration of access token is `3600sec`. api should refresh the token if the token is expired. "
__label__bug "with api3alpha8 pmmp for 1.2 ``` Plugins (4): EssentialsPE v2.0.0, LinkSlotsAPI v1.0.0, LinkSlots v1.0.0, DevTools v1.12.1 [02:40:28] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: Could not pass event 'pocketmine\event\server\QueryRegenerateEvent' to 'LinkSlots v1.0.0': Undefined offset: 1 on LinkSlots\LinkSlots [02:40:28] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: ErrorException: ""Undefined offset: 1"" (EXCEPTION) in ""LinkSlots_dev-1.phar/src/LinkSlots/LinkSlots"" at line 35 ```"
__label__bug scrolling doesn't work in several places in win10 There are the places where scrolling doesn't work (or atleast im not awhere how it works): Dashboard: Portfolio profit/loss section Top 24h gaining currencies Transactions: The main section (sidescrolling doesn't work or the section over enlarged)
__label__bug "Poster des commentaires sur un téléphone Pour certains téléphones comme l'iphone 6, le bouton ""HELP"" de ZenDesk cache le bouton ""SEND"" pour enregistrer le commentaire. Le plus simple serait de supprimer le bouton ""HELP"" de la section Commentaires"
__label__bug "Optional Usage drop down Notice this drop down: ![image]( "
__label__bug "Translationen macht Murks Das Problem der Translation Schnittstelle ist derzeit, dass nicht übersetzt Wert jetzt als """" in der Datei stehen und somit auch auf der Seite dann die Texte fehlen. Das geht gar nicht."
__label__bug App dependencies environment variables are not included in `clever env` It only fetches addons' env vars.
__label__bug "Filename to long; Attachment size doesn't show Hello developers, When i try to send some files via email attachment and the filename is to long, it doesnt show what the actual size of the attachment is neither does it show me, what the full filename is. (gets cut off) Example: ![dateiname]( Is there a possibility to implement a fix, that shows the size no matter how long the filename is? Thanks in advance il3ctro"
__label__bug """query is required"" error dragging out analysis ### Steps to Reproduce 1. Create a new map importing []( (although I think that any other dataset would work). 2. Add a centroid analysis (default parameters). 3. Then, drag the analysis out of the layer (in order to create another layer). ### Current Result The left layer gets stuck, and there's a JS error: ![captura de pantalla 2017-12-28 a las 13 06 11]( ![captura de pantalla 2017-12-28 a las 13 03 56]( ### Expected result A new layer is created. cc @ivanmalagon @matallo @ramiroaznar "
__label__bug "Recherche non fonctionelle Je n'arrive pas à utiliser la recherche. La page indique une ""erreur dans la requête"". (Testé sur Chrome et Edge) [Voici mon URL de recherche]( Cela se produit aussi sur d'autres mots clés, que je sois connecté ou non. ![]("
__label__bug "Warning message shows in published MODFLOW model instance When a MODFLOW model instance is published, it shows a warning message like below. ![image]( This message should not be shown to non-owners of the resource. It should only be shown to owners and editors of the resource. Step 1: Disable this message for now (quick fix). Step 2: Only show message if owner/editor is viewing the resource. "
__label__bug Impossible to edit empty contenteditable divs in Firefox See
__label__bug "Missing translation for part of error message At this line: `""Could not read boot splash image file:\n""` is translated with `TTR()`, while `""\nUsing default boot splash image""` is not."
__label__bug Ember-Data 2.14.10 application bug The latest ember-data version _2.14.10_ results in a buggy application-rendering. Somehow only the foundation and the guard package of our Neo4j dummy app are rendered. The foundation is not a component of our model (it is added / removed when needed for rendering). Therefore only one actual package (component) is rendered (the Guard package). I think @thacau showed me this problem in his VR-approach first. [This]( is the related issue in the ember-data-repo. For now we stay with a forced version _2.13.1_.
__label__bug Refund message is wrong The page in question: website.tld/`admin`/`store`/`orders`/_ordernumber_. ## Refund payment When a full refund has been made we get an empty line added to the admin comments. When resyncing with the service we get the following line: > Partial refunded made: €5 994.00 of €5 994.00. (Id: charge_test_BE3919EC440T74EC0694) These leave us with two issues: 1. Refunds are added twice to the balance counter. Resulting in the wrong calculation. 2. The message is wrong since it speaks of a _partial_ refund.
__label__bug "conan install: missing environment variables Hi, I have an issue reproducible with 0.30.3 and 1.0.0-beta3. I'm setting `CONAN_USERNAME` in my profile, but running `conan install ..` gives the following error: ``` ConanException: CONAN_USERNAME environment variable not defined, but self.user is used in conanfile ``` Exporting this variable in my .zshrc fixes the issue, but I'd rather not have to patch all my teammates' configuration files."
__label__bug "Default profile not generated before `conan create --profile` To help us debug your issue please explain: - [x] I've read the [CONTRIBUTING guide]( - [x] I've specified the Conan version, operating system version and any tool that can be relevant. Conan 1.0.0b2, 0.30.3 also affected - [x] I've explained the steps to reproduce the error or the motivation/use case of the question/suggestion. In a clean installation, use `conan create` specifying a profile, that `includes(default)`. It fails because it doesn't generate the default profile before the profile parsing. "
__label__bug "Allow to add ""application/x-www-form-urlencoded"" as ""Content-Type"" header I'm trying to generate a resource that consumes `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`. I'm expecting Jane OpenApi add this value ad `Content-Type` header. But not. After a quick exploration, I think the issue is coming from this file: "
__label__bug "The vessel wall on the cross section missing Not stable, but could reproduce easily ![image]( cc @tommy-qichang @yogii1981 "
__label__bug "App crashes (5s 10.x) Heya, Just downloaded your app (iphone 5S iOS 10), it crashes after about 10 seconds. Feel free to contact me for bugfinding."
__label__bug "Maintain edit focus state on word by word navigation regardless of shortcut If in non-edit mode, stay in non edit mode when shortcuts such as Tab, Shift+Tab, Right, Left, Up, and Down are pressed. If in edit mode, invoke edit mode as each new word comes into focus. In particular, if Ctrl+Right/Left is pressed when in edit mode, put editing cursor to the left of the first character in the word."
__label__bug heat_tree_matrix assumes default color scale ![rplot]( It should probably get its color from the extreme values of color supplied.
__label__bug [Bug Report] High CPU usage in Safari on docs page + in webpack/simple bolerplate ### Versions and Environment **Vuetify:** 0.17.4 **Vue:** 2.5.9 **Browsers:** Safari 11.0.2 **OS:** Mac OS 10.13.2 ### Steps to reproduce Open docs OR sample project in safari and open Activity monitor. Observe 99% CPU on that tab ### Expected Behavior Not so high CPU usage without activity in tab ### Actual Behavior CPU = 99% ### Reproduction Link []( <!-- generated by vuetify-issue-helper. DO NOT REMOVE -->
__label__bug 數據分析報告:列表頁的資料集類型文字需轉為中文,目前為英文 數據分析報告:列表頁的資料集類型文字需轉為中文,目前為英文
__label__bug "存在问题反馈 A #字符串替换 优先级2 需要翻译的内容不能存在空格,否则不成功 如:失われた都 ラバナスタ 这里的“都”跟“ラ”中间有空格。汉化失败惹。 B #翻译表字节替换 优先级1 再次拿“失われた都 ラバナスタ”做例子 在工具里搜索获取后有一个如下{ exd/quest/030/stmbdi102_03004|26|1|E3808CE5A4B1E3828FE3828CE3819FE983BD20E383A9E38390E3838AE382B9E382BFE3808DE38292E694BBE795A5|「失われた都 ラバナスタ」を攻略 } 按照您提供的方法这段“ exd/quest/030/stmbdi102_03004|26|1|”改成“exd/quest/030/stmbdi102_03004_26_1” 这样原来的“stmbdi102_03004”里面的的下滑占位符“_”就应该不生效了。希望提供解决方案。 再次感谢提供汉化。 "
__label__bug "Issue with services: being an empty array in the manifest.yml Command cf push -f ops/cf/manifests/trackerplatinum.yml web-blue CLI Version 6.26.0+9c9a261fd.2017-04-06 Error interface conversion: interface is nil, not []interface {} Stack Trace goroutine 1 [running]: /Users/worker/concourse/containers/00003i0tfte/tmp/build/254d4083/gopath/src/ +0xb5 panic(0x7d7ba0, 0xc4205ff680) /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.7.5/libexec/src/runtime/panic.go:458 +0x243, 0xc4202926c0, 0x77baa0, 0xc42068a1e0, 0xcb9bc0, 0xc420412648, 0xcb9bc0, 0xc420412648) /Users/worker/concourse/containers/00003i0tfte/tmp/build/254d4083/gopath/src/ +0x478, 0x2, 0x2, 0xcb9bc0, 0xc420412648, 0x957a40, 0x7c3c01, 0xc42024bcf0) /Users/worker/concourse/containers/00003i0tfte/tmp/build/254d4083/gopath/src/ +0x155, 0x2, 0x2, 0xcb9bc0, 0xc420412640) /Users/worker/concourse/containers/00003i0tfte/tmp/build/254d4083/gopath/src/ +0x82, 0x24, 0xcb9bc0, 0xc420412628, 0xcb9bc0, 0xc420412598, 0x0, 0x0, 0x95519c, 0xc4206c00a0, ...) /Users/worker/concourse/containers/00003i0tfte/tmp/build/254d4083/gopath/src/ +0x400, 0x24, 0xcb9bc0, 0xc420412628, 0x0, 0x0, 0xcac720, 0xc42017c500, 0xcac760) /Users/worker/concourse/containers/00003i0tfte/tmp/build/254d4083/gopath/src/ +0x191*Push).getAppParamsFromManifest(0xc4205c5e60, 0xcbad40, 0xc4205ff380, 0xc4200c1040, 0xcb7ce0, 0xc4200c1360, 0xcb0a60, 0xc42068d450) /Users/worker/concourse/containers/00003i0tfte/tmp/build/254d4083/gopath/src/ +0x4c7*Push).Execute(0xc4205c5e60, 0xcbad40, 0xc4205ff380, 0xcbad40, 0xc4205ff380) /Users/worker/concourse/containers/00003i0tfte/tmp/build/254d4083/gopath/src/ +0xa7, 0x4, 0xc420096000, 0x5, 0x5) /Users/worker/concourse/containers/00003i0tfte/tmp/build/254d4083/gopath/src/ +0xd02, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...) /Users/worker/concourse/containers/00003i0tfte/tmp/build/254d4083/gopath/src/ +0x76*PushCommand).Execute(0xdae090, 0xc4205fe4c0, 0x1, 0x4, 0xc4203a0070, 0x0) <autogenerated>:192 +0xb1 main.executionWrapper(0x13afd98, 0xdae090, 0xc4205fe4c0, 0x1, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0) /Users/worker/concourse/containers/00003i0tfte/tmp/build/254d4083/gopath/src/ +0x254*Parser).ParseArgs(0xc4205da840, 0xc420096010, 0x4, 0x4, 0xda7fc0, 0xc4205f0fc0, 0xf69000, 0x0, 0x4) /Users/worker/concourse/containers/00003i0tfte/tmp/build/254d4083/gopath/src/ +0x89f main.parse(0xc420096010, 0x4, 0x4) /Users/worker/concourse/containers/00003i0tfte/tmp/build/254d4083/gopath/src/ +0xba main.main() /Users/worker/concourse/containers/00003i0tfte/tmp/build/254d4083/gopath/src/ +0x86 goroutine 17 [syscall, locked to thread]: runtime.goexit() /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.7.5/libexec/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:2086 +0x1 goroutine 19 [syscall]: os/signal.signal_recv(0x0) /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.7.5/libexec/src/runtime/sigqueue.go:116 +0x157 os/signal.loop() /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.7.5/libexec/src/os/signal/signal_unix.go:22 +0x22 created by os/signal.init.1 /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.7.5/libexec/src/os/signal/signal_unix.go:28 +0x41 Your Platform Details Mac OS X 10.11 Shell iTerm this looks to be an issue with services: being an empty array in the manifest.yml"
__label__bug "Op.contains fails on MySQL JSON arrays ## What are you doing? Try to query for an element in a JSON array: ``` var User = sequelize.define('user', { data: DataTypes.JSON }); return sequelize.sync({ force: true, logging: console.log }) .then(() => { return User.create({ data: ['abc', 'bca', 'bac'] }) }) .then(() => { return User.findAll({ where : { data: { [Op.contains]: [ 'abc' ] } } }); }) .then(console.log) .finally(() => sequelize.close()); ``` ## What do you expect to happen? Row should return with match in array. This appears to work in postgres ( but not in mysql, although my array is not nested in an object like in #5173. ## What is actually happening? ``` Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `data` FROM `User` WHERE `User`.`data` @> '[\""abc\""]'; Unhandled rejection SequelizeDatabaseError: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@> '[\""abc\""]' at line 1 ``` This syntax works properly: ``` sequelize .query( 'SELECT * FROM User WHERE JSON_CONTAINS(data, \'[""abc""]\')', { model: db} ) ``` MySQL 5.7.19 Sequelize 4.23.1"
__label__bug "Twitter card blank A Twitter card when sharing a post does not display an image, e.g.: What is the best way to e.g. use the site logo as an image for a Twitter card in the Alembic theme? Also, the Twitter share button, when clicked on the post, does not include the link to the post. Thanks, awesome theme!"
__label__bug Datetime errors with accent in French language months Creating an issue here to map the report in
__label__bug "Home: Libraries: Installed PIO Core Call Error: Usage: platformio lib [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Error: Invalid value for ""-d"" / ""--storage-dir"": Directory ""/home/welklin/Documents/Arduino/libraries"" does not exist."
__label__bug Non-ASCII char in logical disk name breaks PIO Home See
__label__bug Copy collection fails to copy resource contents HvdH: > Ik maakte een copie van CGN maar stelde vast dat lang niet alles was meegecopieerd. het meeste onder resources ontbrak bijvoorbeeld. TODO: check what goes wrong here
__label__bug "text method of description details with only block content shouldn't fail If the description details node (dd) only consists of blocks (not text), then the text method throws an exception. It should instead return nil. This happens because the text method invokes apply_subs without first checking whether the value of the text property is nil. While the text property is never nil for normal list items, it can be nil for a description details node that only contains blocks. Example: ``` term:: + block content ``` This exception does not arise in the built-in converters since they always check `has_text?` first."
__label__bug "Flux#bufferWhen memory leak suspicion using Flux#buffer(timespan, timeshift) when timespan != timeshift ### Expected behavior expect Flux.buffer(Duration.ofMillis(3000), Duration.ofMillis(2000)) behaves as Flux.buffer(Duration.ofMillis(3000), Duration.ofMillis(3000)) ### Actual behavior When timespan is different than timeshift, heap dumps assert that buffered elements are never garbagged before flux completion, while when timespan equals timeshift, they are... Instances are retained by reactor.core.publisher.FluxBufferWhen$BufferStartEndMainSubscriber ### Steps to reproduce static class Wrapper { final int i; Wrapper(int i) {this.i = i;} @Override public String toString() { return ""Wrapper{"" + ""i="" + i + '}'; } } public void test() throws InterruptedException { final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final UnicastProcessor<Wrapper> processor = UnicastProcessor.create(); processor.buffer(Duration.ofMillis(3000), Duration.ofMillis(2000)) .doOnNext(t -> System.out.println(String.format(""tuple %s"", t))) .subscribe(); Flux.range(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE) .delayElements(Duration.ofMillis(10)) .doOnNext(i -> processor.onNext(new Wrapper(i))) .doOnComplete(processor::onComplete) .subscribe(); latch.await(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } ### Reactor Core version 3.1.2.RELEASE ### JVM version (e.g. `java -version`) 1.8.151 ### OS version (e.g. `uname -a`) "
__label__bug "malformed config files installed by rpm The RPMs of moira-filter, moira-checker and moira-notifier install malformed config files; in each there is at row 6: ``` graphite: enabled: """" ``` instead of ``` graphite: enabled: true ``` so starting services fails with errors like these: > > gen 09 09:21:19 moira-filter[2044]: Can not read settings: Can't parse config file [/etc/moira/filter.yml] [yaml: unmarshal errors: > gen 09 09:21:19 moira-filter[2044]: line 6: cannot unmarshal !!str `` into bool] > /etc/moira/notifier.yml has one more problem: ``` moira_selfstate: enabled: ""false"" ``` instead of ``` moira_selfstate: enabled: false ``` so strarting the service returns this error > gen 09 10:34:57 moira-notifier[4574]: line 18: cannot unmarshal !!str `false` into bool] "
__label__bug "Exception 'Library not loaded' after installing with Carthage ### The language of WCDB > Swift ### The version of WCDB > v1.0.6 ### The platform of WCDB > iOS ### The installation of WCDB > Carthage ### What's the issue? > Console log: > ![Log]( > > Project General: > ![General]( > > Project Build Phases: > ![Build-Phases]( "
__label__bug "Url::current() returns referrer instead of current url. Url::current() returns the referrer or null instead of the current url. Change line 70 of classes/url.php to ""return Request::initial()->url();"" "
__label__bug "Game Menu -> Gamepad Config configures only 2 gamepads With new memory layout, there is 4 gamepads now. 1. Press ESC to go to Game Menu 2. Select Gamepad Config Expected result: there is a way to configure all 4 gamepads. Actual result: there is no way to configure gamepad №3 and №4, only first two are configurable."
__label__bug "fs.walkSync does not build recursive file list! I think i broke something, when refactoring this method -.-"
__label__bug Status panel is not shown on <frameset> documents Because `document.body` will point a `frameset` element and everything in `frameset` except `frame` elements is not shown on `<frameset>` documents. I changed `document.body` to `document.documentElement` to fix the issue in my extension.
__label__bug "Nativescript 3.2.0 compilation error When compiling the module throws an error, appears to be unable to find the TextValueAccessor class to extend. `node_modules/nativescript-masked-text-field/angular/index.d.ts(1,10): error TS2305: Module '""/nativescript-app/node_modules/nativescript-angular/index""' has no exported member 'TextValueAccessor'.`"
__label__bug "unwritable_fields are writable if you add a _store_fieldname function If you add a `_store_foo` in the `UserView`, then the `_store_field` is not called, and the field is writable again if the `_store_foo` doesn't call the `_store_field_` explicitely. Although technically not a bug itself, it is not obvious and results in unexpected bahavior. "
__label__bug "No sound after first scene load (Unity 2017.3.0f3 / SDK v1.1.1) Hi, I noticed in our project ResonanceAudio plays fine on the first scene when built to Android (music set to loop and play on awake). However, after loading to any other scene, there will be no more sound from any ResonanceAudio components (whether loop or invoked). Running in-editor is working as intended, this issue only arises when previewing from mobile devices. I proceeded to test with the Resonance sample unitypackage v1.1.1 and implemented a quick scene reload function. Same result - no sound after any scene load (tested with both async and non-async scene loads). Unity Version: Unity 2017.3.0f3 ResonanceAudioSDK Version: Resonance Audio SDK for Unity v1.1.1 I appreciate your time in looking into this issue. It's a show-stopper for us now... "
__label__bug "Abbreviated identifiers are not being added to the output file name /Users/trever.shick/MyCorp/xxx-1466-23.xml was pulled using the 'latest' build identifier but it should be /Users/trever.shick/MyCorp/xxx-1466-23-**lt**.xml using **lt** to flag as 'pulled by latest' whether or not this abbreviation is added should be configurable adn default to 'on' "
__label__bug "Invalid parsing of empty arrays and empty objects JSON strings which contain multiple empty arrays or empty objects aren't parsed correctly, ex: ``` { ""test"": [{}, {}, {}, [], [] ] } ``` Although it's valid JSON, this library throws up."
__label__bug "Unexpected result using float variables Hello, I'm getting an unexpected result for the following example: ``` var 0.0..100.0: a; var 0.0..100.0: b; constraint (a > 94.0 /\ b > 94.0) /\ (a > b); solve minimize b; ``` Result: ``` a = 95.0; b = 95.0; ---------- ========== ``` Why am I getting that result since `(a > b)` is set in the constraint? By the way, I'm using the MiniZinc IDE for the execution and the solver is set on ""Gecode (bundled)"". Thanks in advance."
__label__bug "osx kqueue.go deadlocks on Close ### Which operating system (GOOS) and version are you using? OSX: ProductName: Mac OS X ProductVersion: 10.11.6 BuildVersion: 15G31 closing a watcher can result in deadlock. Reviewing the kqueue.go code, there are several ""raw sends"" that are not protected by a select that includes the done channel. Will have PR shortly to fix this. Compare kqueue.go to the inotify.go/linux code, where all sends are protected."
__label__bug "Arch linux fails due to keyring ``` downloading required keys... error: key ""4A1AFC345EBE18F8"" could not be looked up remotely error: key ""EEEEE2EEEE2EEEEE"" could not be looked up remotely error: required key missing from keyring error: failed to commit transaction (unexpected error) Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded. Cleaning up self packagecore-5e7463203730272c. packagecore-5e7463203730272c packagecore-5e7463203730272c ########################################################### # Failed to build package for 'archlinux'. ########################################################### Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/home/dominique/src/packagecore-master/packagecore/"", line 160, in run imageName=build[""dockerImage""]) File ""/home/dominique/src/packagecore-master/packagecore/"", line 102, in _build File ""/home/dominique/src/packagecore-master/packagecore/"", line 211, in build container.execute([""/usr/bin/pacman"", ""--noconfirm"", ""-Su"", ""-yy""]) File ""/home/dominique/src/packagecore-master/packagecore/"", line 149, in execute _checkedDockerCommand([""exec"", self._name] + cmd) File ""/home/dominique/src/packagecore-master/packagecore/"", line 54, in _checkedDockerCommand raise DockerError(""Command '%s' returned %d."" % (cmd, status)) packagecore.docker.DockerError: Command '['exec', 'packagecore-5e7463203730272c', '/usr/bin/pacman', '--noconfirm', '-Su', '-yy']' returned 1. ########################################################### ```"
__label__bug "Selecting ""This year"" in reports calendar makes the app crash Reports calendar tries to mark the days of the whole year as selected - but it tries to mark also the days of months which are in the future and which aren't shown in our calendar and this incorrect indexing causes a crash."
__label__bug "Не работает синхронизация с сервером Точка, созданная в мобильном приложении, спустя сутки так и не появилась здесь -"
__label__bug "Subsystem's inherited parameters are shadowed With the following code : ``` yall_init(); yall_set_subsystem(""debug"", NULL, yall_debug, yall_console_output, NULL); yall_enable_debug(""debug""); yall_set_subsystem(""0"", NULL, yall_debug, yall_console_output, NULL); yall_set_subsystem(""00"", ""0"", yall_err, yall_console_output, NULL); yall_set_subsystem(""000"", ""00"", yall_inherited_level, yall_console_output, NULL); yall_set_subsystem(""01"", ""0"", yall_inherited_level, yall_console_output, NULL); yall_set_subsystem(""010"", ""01"", yall_inherited_level, yall_console_output, NULL); YALL_ERR(""01"", ""Test error message.""); YALL_DEBUG(""01"", ""Test debug message.""); yall_show_subsystems_tree(); yall_close_all(); ``` The second log message is discarded as ""00"" parameters are set on the parameters structure (from `_get_subsystems()`, thus are not rewrote when crawling ""01"". Solution : fill a temporary parameters structure which will be copied once the proper subsystem found. "
__label__bug Clicking on the test in TestExplorer does not always point to the right line Tests should be updated when Configuration is changed in Visual Studio.
__label__bug """Treat Document Level Touch Event Listeners as Passive"" ![image]( "
__label__bug "Testnet donation command breaks Trying to `donate` in the wallet-cli over testnet leads to the error beneath because of testnet's address incompatibility: Error: failed to parse address This error could be prevented either by stating this command is not callable over testnet or by defining a testnet donation address. The later one has two advantages: - Allowing the command to be called which should be the case for any command whether being on testnet or not. - Allowing, before erasing a testnet wallet, to sweep and centralize TXMRs to a wallet which can be used to redistribute its content to people willing to use the testnet later. I'd be happy to fix this either way. The second option will however require someone from getmonero to create the testnet wallet first."
__label__bug "Cannot use Cmd+V to paste in Save dialogue ### Prerequisites * [X] Put an X between the brackets on this line if you have done all of the following: * Reproduced the problem in Safe Mode: * Followed all applicable steps in the debugging guide: * Checked the FAQs on the message board for common solutions: * Checked that your issue isn't already filed:✓&q=is%3Aissue+user%3Aatom * Checked that there is not already an Atom package that provides the described functionality: ### Description Environment: macOS Sierra 10.12.4. Cannot use Cmd+V to paste text in Save dialogue. ### Steps to Reproduce 1. Open a new file, and input some text. Select the text, and send Cmd+C to copy them. 2. Save the file or save as a new file. 3. In the filename input of Save dialogue, I cannot use Cmd+V to paste the text just copied. But it works using right click of mouse, and then click Paste. **Expected behavior:** can paste the text **Actual behavior:** nothing happens **Reproduces how often:** every time ### Versions Atom : 1.15.0 Electron: 1.3.13 Chrome : 52.0.2743.82 Node : 6.5.0 apm 1.15.3 npm 3.10.5 node 4.4.5 x64 python 2.7.13 git 2.12.2 "
__label__bug "A heap based buffer overflow happens in cv::Jpeg2KDecoder::readComponent8u ## System information (version) - OpenCV 3.3.1 - Operating System / Platform => Ubuntu 16.04 - Compiler => clang++ - Compiled-executable: 32bits ## Detailed description A heap-based buffer overflow happens in function `cv::Jpeg2KDecoder::readComponent8u` in grfmt_jpeg2000.cpp:343 The crash details as follows: ================================================================= ``` warning: component data type mismatch ================================================================= ==6293==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-buffer-overflow on address 0x60900000c247 at pc 0x0000005ce1a3 bp 0x7fff71a94400 sp 0x7fff71a943f8 WRITE of size 1 at 0x60900000c247 thread T0 #0 0x5ce1a2 in cv::Jpeg2KDecoder::readComponent8u(unsigned char*, void*, int, int, int, int, int) /home/opencv/fuzz/target/opencv-3.3.1/modules/imgcodecs/src/grfmt_jpeg2000.cpp:343:38 #1 0x5cb417 in cv::Jpeg2KDecoder::readData(cv::Mat&) /home/opencv/fuzz/target/opencv-3.3.1/modules/imgcodecs/src/grfmt_jpeg2000.cpp:255:42 #2 0x51d2c1 in cv::imread_(cv::String const&, int, int, cv::Mat*) /home/opencv/fuzz/target/opencv-3.3.1/modules/imgcodecs/src/loadsave.cpp:487:13 #3 0x51a78c in cv::imread(cv::String const&, int) /home/opencv/fuzz/target/opencv-3.3.1/modules/imgcodecs/src/loadsave.cpp:638:5 #4 0x50cf4f in main /home/opencv/fuzz/target/opencv-3.3.1/samples/cpp/example_cmake/test_png.cpp:46:25 #5 0x7f1e5d14ef44 in __libc_start_main /build/eglibc-SvCtMH/eglibc-2.19/csu/libc-start.c:287 #6 0x42f9f3 in _start (/home/opencv/test/target/12.7asan/opencv_afl-test+0x42f9f3) 0x60900000c247 is located 1 bytes to the right of 6-byte region [0x60900000c240,0x60900000c246) allocated by thread T0 here: #0 0x4da835 in __interceptor_posix_memalign (/home/opencv/test/target/12.7asan/opencv_afl-test+0x4da835) #1 0x9b28c9 in cv::fastMalloc(unsigned long) /home/opencv/fuzz/target/opencv-3.3.1/modules/core/src/alloc.cpp:64:8 #2 0xb8b0ca in cv::StdMatAllocator::allocate(int, int const*, int, void*, unsigned long*, int, cv::UMatUsageFlags) const /home/opencv/fuzz/target/opencv-3.3.1/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp:191:55 #3 0xa924da in cv::Mat::create(int, int const*, int) /home/opencv/fuzz/target/opencv-3.3.1/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp:429:17 #4 0x553b39 in cv::Mat::create(int, int, int) /home/opencv/fuzz/target/opencv-3.3.1/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/mat.inl.hpp:784:5 #5 0x5c92e0 in cv::Jpeg2KDecoder::readData(cv::Mat&) /home/opencv/fuzz/target/opencv-3.3.1/modules/imgcodecs/src/grfmt_jpeg2000.cpp:171:9 #6 0x51d2c1 in cv::imread_(cv::String const&, int, int, cv::Mat*) /home/opencv/fuzz/target/opencv-3.3.1/modules/imgcodecs/src/loadsave.cpp:487:13 #7 0x51a78c in cv::imread(cv::String const&, int) /home/opencv/fuzz/target/opencv-3.3.1/modules/imgcodecs/src/loadsave.cpp:638:5 #8 0x50cf4f in main /home/opencv/fuzz/target/opencv-3.3.1/samples/cpp/example_cmake/test_png.cpp:46:25 #9 0x7f1e5d14ef44 in __libc_start_main /build/eglibc-SvCtMH/eglibc-2.19/csu/libc-start.c:287 SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: heap-buffer-overflow /home/opencv/fuzz/target/opencv-3.3.1/modules/imgcodecs/src/grfmt_jpeg2000.cpp:343:38 in cv::Jpeg2KDecoder::readComponent8u(unsigned char*, void*, int, int, int, int, int) Shadow bytes around the buggy address: 0x0c127fff97f0: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa 0x0c127fff9800: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa 0x0c127fff9810: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa 0x0c127fff9820: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa 0x0c127fff9830: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa =>0x0c127fff9840: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa[06]fa fa fa fa fa fa fa 0x0c127fff9850: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa 01 fa fa fa fa fa fa fa 0x0c127fff9860: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa 00 00 04 fa fa fa fa fa 0x0c127fff9870: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa 0x0c127fff9880: fd fd fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa 0x0c127fff9890: fd fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa Shadow byte legend (one shadow byte represents 8 application bytes): Addressable: 00 Partially addressable: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Heap left redzone: fa Heap right redzone: fb Freed heap region: fd Stack left redzone: f1 Stack mid redzone: f2 Stack right redzone: f3 Stack partial redzone: f4 Stack after return: f5 Stack use after scope: f8 Global redzone: f9 Global init order: f6 Poisoned by user: f7 Container overflow: fc Array cookie: ac Intra object redzone: bb ASan internal: fe Left alloca redzone: ca Right alloca redzone: cb ==6293==ABORTING ``` ================================================================= ## Steps to reproduce Please refer to the following url for the testcases:"
__label__bug "ms08-067_check I realize that this isn't really sparta, just a script that sparta comes with, but it doesn't work with new Kali installs, impacket was updated. I'm not any good at this, but I think if anyone is searching for why that script is broken from impacket.dcerpc import dcerpc from impacket.dcerpc import transport should be from impacket.dcerpc.v5 import rpcrt from impacket.dcerpc.v5 import transport"
__label__bug Indexing via webhooks is reaaaaally slow Why?
__label__bug remaining curation errors Would be nice to clear up the last of these errors and propagate these through the pipeline while everyone's together...
__label__bug "subjectID for OhJ_2014 The subjectID for OhJ_2014 should be capitalized to be consistent with the other datasets, such as ""hv07"" -> ""HV07"""
__label__bug "Increase padding around social networks link Because they are not clickable, the user should click on the icon to open a page."
__label__bug "zpe updater (zpu go version) has wrong expiry check logic When checking the expiry time for the policy file, the code adds the expected delay to the policy expiry time instead of subtracting it. Therefore it never realizes the policy is expired until it's too late."
__label__bug "The fraction bar is disappearing in various places. Please make the history font size a little larger. To replicate, try problem 1: • 100%: step 1 and step 2 both missing fraction bar, current editor is ok • Zoom in once (ctrl+): step 1 ok, step 2 missing fraction bar, current editor is ok • Zoom in 2x (ctrl+ again): step 1 & 2 are ok, but now the current editor is missing fraction bar "
__label__bug "None type has no attribute 'traverse' I just started seeing ``` 2018-01-10T06:17:39.964092563Z app[web.1]: Traceback (most recent call last): 2018-01-10T06:17:39.964099180Z app[web.1]: File ""/app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask/"", line 1982, in wsgi_app 2018-01-10T06:17:39.964103966Z app[web.1]: response = self.full_dispatch_request() 2018-01-10T06:17:39.964107809Z app[web.1]: File ""/app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask/"", line 1607, in full_dispatch_request 2018-01-10T06:17:39.964111993Z app[web.1]: self.try_trigger_before_first_request_functions() 2018-01-10T06:17:39.964115877Z app[web.1]: File ""/app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask/"", line 1654, in try_trigger_before_first_request_functions 2018-01-10T06:17:39.964123526Z app[web.1]: func() 2018-01-10T06:17:39.964127506Z app[web.1]: File ""/app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dash/"", line 554, in _setup_server 2018-01-10T06:17:39.964131756Z app[web.1]: self._generate_scripts_html() 2018-01-10T06:17:39.964136209Z app[web.1]: File ""/app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dash/"", line 244, in _generate_scripts_html 2018-01-10T06:17:39.964140344Z app[web.1]: self.scripts.get_all_scripts() + 2018-01-10T06:17:39.964144036Z app[web.1]: File ""/app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dash/"", line 123, in get_all_scripts 2018-01-10T06:17:39.964148288Z app[web.1]: return self._resources.get_all_resources() 2018-01-10T06:17:39.964152068Z app[web.1]: File ""/app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dash/"", line 56, in get_all_resources 2018-01-10T06:17:39.964156151Z app[web.1]: self.get_inferred_resources() + self._resources 2018-01-10T06:17:39.964160074Z app[web.1]: File ""/app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dash/"", line 84, in get_inferred_resources 2018-01-10T06:17:39.964164094Z app[web.1]: for t in layout.traverse(): 2018-01-10T06:17:39.964167914Z app[web.1]: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'traverse' ``` in one of my examples: ``` import dash import dash_auth import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html import os import plotly.plotly as py import dash_auth import dash from dash.dependencies import Input, Output import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html import datetime from flask_caching import Cache import pandas as pd import time import uuid import config app = dash.Dash(__name__) # Checks if running inside Plotly On-Premise environment if 'DYNO' in os.environ: if config.PATH_BASED_ROUTING: if config.DASH_APP_NAME == 'name-of-your-dash-app': raise Exception('Please enter the name of your dash app inside') app.config.requests_pathname_prefix = '/{}/'.format( config.DASH_APP_NAME ) if config.PATH_BASED_ROUTING: APP_URL = '{}/{}'.format( config.PLOTLY_DASH_DOMAIN.strip('/'), config.DASH_APP_NAME, ) else: APP_URL = '{}://{}.{}'.format( config.PLOTLY_DASH_DOMAIN.split('://')[0], config.DASH_APP_NAME, config.PLOTLY_DASH_DOMAIN.split('://')[1].strip('/') ) # Expose the server variable server = app.server # Serve JS and CSS files locally instead of from global CDN # app.scripts.config.serve_locally = True # app.css.config.serve_locally = True app = dash.Dash() cache = Cache(app.server, config={ 'CACHE_TYPE': 'filesystem', 'CACHE_DIR': 'cache-directory', 'CACHE_THRESHOLD': 50 # should be equal to maximum number of active users }) @cache.memoize() def query_data(session_id): df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [], session_id: [session_id]}) return df.to_json() def dataframe(session_id): return pd.read_json(query_data(session_id)) def serve_layout(): session_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) df = dataframe(session_id) return html.Div([ html.Div(session_id, id='session-id', style={'display': 'none'}), dcc.Dropdown(id='dropdown', value='a', options=[ {'label': i, 'value': i} for i in ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] ]), html.Pre(id='output') ]) app.layout = serve_layout @app.callback(Output('output', 'children'), [Input('dropdown', 'value'), Input('session-id', 'children')]) def display_value(value, session_id): df = dataframe(session_id) return df.to_csv() if __name__ == '__main__': app.run_server(debug=True) ``` I'm not sure why or if this is an user error or a bug with dash, but I'm posting this here for future reference"
__label__bug "Decorous: Top menu toolbar doesn't appear on scroll up on mobile. The issue appeared after _header.html template file reorganization (#1001). "
__label__bug R-bloggers orneği R-Bloggers benim önerdiğim kaynaklardan biri. Bunun yerine başka bir örnek rica edeceğim.
__label__bug Cut off Title Bar ![Image](
__label__bug Compound children do not trigger the dataChange event ### Reproduce * run yarn run dev * fill in the 'nested compound string' field ### Expected The message at the top is rendered because the onValueChange is triggered ### Observed The message is not rendered
__label__bug "[igTree] Check mark on the parent node is not black after all the children are checked ### Description Check mark on the parent node is not black after all the children are checked. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Run the attached sample 2. Check ""Computer"" node to select all children 3. Uncheck ""My Documents"" 4. Check ""My Documents"" again ### Result Checkbox on ""Computer"" node is gray. ### Expected result Checkbox on ""Computer"" node is black, as same as the appearance after step 2. ### Attachments []( "
__label__bug "[GI probe] artifacts with transparent objects **Godot version:** <!-- Specify commit hash if non-official. --> 4b414f45c47d699da4442ac2347c3b1684616cc0 **OS/device including version:** Ubuntu 17.04, gtx1060 **Issue description:** When I was investigating #15527 I noticed another graphic artifact. When looking at transparent object when GI probe is on the scene, sometimes black squares are visible: **video:** **Steps to reproduce:** 1. Download reproduction project. 2. Turn off ""ss reflections"" in environment 3. Mimic camera to move it similarly how it's on description video **Minimal reproduction project:** "
__label__bug "If image processing occurs twice, it returns false even if only one is finished. ## Description <!-- Detailed description of the issue --> If image processing occurs twice, it returns false even if only one is finished. ## Steps to check or reproduce <!-- Text description or code example (written code / JSFiddle link / etc.) --> "
__label__bug Runtime crashes when trying to debug application with --start option When trying to debug application with the `--start` option the first debug session is OK. If I start the debugger again without restarting the application on the device - the runtime crashes. After some investigation I found that this call -> causes the crash. If I remove the error check the debugger will not start but the third time I start debugging with `--start` it works. Steps to reproduce: 1. `tns create debug-test` 2. `cd debug-test` 3. Deploy the application and start it. 4. `tns debug ios --start --chrome` 5. Open the debug url. 6. After the Chrome DevTools are loaded and the application can be debugged - stop the debug command and close the DevTools tab. Don't restart the application on the device. 7. `tns debug ios --start --chrome` 8. Open the debug url. 9. The application crashes on the device.
__label__bug "A global ``.docutils`` smart_quotes setting overrides html_use_smartypants or extension setting Consider situation [mentioned]( by @matthew-brett: user has a ``~/.docutils`` file which activates or deactivates smart_quotes. Then this will override Sphinx's own setting either from (deprecated) html_use_smartypants, or from an extension which would initiate a `smart_quotes` setting (cf ee52c7cd4f5e0a300c8fdd897c9529f5c633c7ed). This is bad because it is to be expected that a local setting overrides a global one. Also, the setting in a `docutils.conf` file will override one set by an extension despite ee52c7cd. Thus if we want to deactivate by default smart quotes for some builders (man, text, cf #4357), via a simple-minded usage of a `'smart_quotes'` setting as in ``environment/`` this will fail is this issue is not fixed first. One can test this by creating a ``$HOME/.doctutils`` file with ``` [parsers] smart_quotes=no ``` and use `html_use_smartypants = True` in ``. No smart quotes will be applied. Or set ``smart_quotes=yes`` in Docutils user config file and `html_use_smartypants = False` in `` of local Sphinx project then smart quotes will be applied. ### Environment info - OS: Mac - Python version: 3.6.4 - Sphinx version: 1.6.5, stable, master Relates #4112"
__label__bug "inconsistency between the push and += operators with lists the `push` and `+=` operators work differently in corner cases involving lists; if there is an uninitialized lvalue declared as `list` or `softlist`, both operators implicitly initialize the lvalue as a list and then perform the list add operation. In case the lvalue is `*list` or `*softlist`, the behavior is different: ``` david@greybeard:~/src/qore/git/qore/build$ qore -ne '*list l; push l, 1; printf(""%y\n"", l);' null david@greybeard:~/src/qore/git/qore/build$ qore -ne '*list l; l += 1; printf(""%y\n"", l);' unhandled QORE System exception thrown in TID 1 at 2018-01-06 07:51:38.848521 Sat +01:00 (CET) at <command-line>:1 RUNTIME-TYPE-ERROR: <lvalue> expects type '*list', but got type 'integer' instead ``` There is also the case where the push command will perform changes in complex lvalue expressions without actually performing any push operation: ``` david@greybeard:~/src/qore/git/qore/build$ qore -ne 'hash h; push h.a, 1; push h.a, 2; printf(""%y\n"", h); ' {a: null} ``` My suggestion is to modify the `push` operator to throw an exception in other cases when no operation can be performed to align with the `+=` operator instead of silently failing. another related example of `push` silently failing: ``` qore -ne 'auto l = 1; push l, 2; printf(""%y\n"", l);' 1 ``` "
__label__bug "Current proxy store typescript definition is incompatible with Redux The current typescript definition and store is not compatible with typed Redux libraries that expect the store to have a ""replaceReducer"" method. Example error w/ typescript: ``` ERROR in [at-loader] ./onboarding/src/index.tsx:18:15 TS2322: Type '{ store: Store<{}>; children: Element; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & IntrinsicClassAttributes<Provider> & Readonly<{ children?: ReactNode; }> & ...'. Type '{ store: Store<{}>; children: Element; }' is not assignable to type 'Readonly<ProviderProps>'. Types of property 'store' are incompatible. Type 'Store<{}>' is not assignable to type 'Store<any>'. Property 'replaceReducer' is missing in type 'Store<{}>'. ```"
__label__bug "TIMSK0 register not recognised Using F3, avr/io.h seems to be importing avr/iom16.h instead of avr/iom328p.h Defining the MCU as a 328p makes Eclipse import the correct header file, but pressing F3 on the registers still leads to avr/iom16.h"
__label__bug Update framework7-vue to v0.9.4 Please. There is a very important fix of totally broken `f7-popup` in f7vue 0.9.4. I've already tried `f7vue-update` script but after passing through the `dev` and `installed` mode checks finally got **Framework7-Vue build process failed** with either git and packaged versions. Looking through `f7vue-install` makes me thinking that is unusable too due to lots of commented/disabled code.
__label__bug "Graphite fails to render a graph because it divides something by zero ## Steps to Reproduce (for bugs) Go to the graphs list for hosts or services and look out for headlines with neither any graphs nor ""No graphs found"" below them. ## See also"
__label__bug "Fix warnings about implicit retains of self ### Bug Report In 5.1-develop, a few new warnings are popping up about retaining self in a block in `SDLTCPTransport`. ##### OS & Version Information * iOS Version: n/a * SDL iOS Version: 5.1-develop * Testing Against: n/a "
__label__bug "Ungern's Guard spawns even if the capital is occupied Windows 10 the current 1 When Mongolia completes the focus ""Finish the recruitment of Ungarin's Guard"", the cavalry spawn in Urga even if Urga is occupied **Steps to reproduce:** 1. Select that focus 2. Declare war on the Ma clique and let them occupy your capital 3. watch as the new uinits spawn behind enemy lines "
__label__bug "One is allowed to click ""transfer"" DOI without specificying the Client"
__label__bug "Precompiling user modules can leave the extension in a broken state See below. It does not happen on macOS. I have not had time to look deeper into this or provide an MWE. Please let me know if you need anything else. EDIT: This is the module: # Julia v0.6 ``` INFO: parsed c:\users\heichhorn\.julia\v0.6\astronomicaltime\docs\make.jl INFO: parsed c:\users\heichhorn\.julia\v0.6\astronomicaltime\src\AstronomicalTime.jl INFO: parsed c:\users\heichhorn\.julia\v0.6\astronomicaltime\src\constants.jl INFO: parsed c:\users\heichhorn\.julia\v0.6\astronomicaltime\src\conversions.jl INFO: parsed c:\users\heichhorn\.julia\v0.6\astronomicaltime\src\Epochs.jl INFO: parsed c:\users\heichhorn\.julia\v0.6\astronomicaltime\src\LeapSeconds.jl INFO: parsed c:\users\heichhorn\.julia\v0.6\astronomicaltime\src\Periods.jl INFO: parsed c:\users\heichhorn\.julia\v0.6\astronomicaltime\src\TimeScales.jl INFO: parsed c:\users\heichhorn\.julia\v0.6\astronomicaltime\test\runtests.jl Please submit a bug report with steps to reproduce this fault, and any error messages that follow (in their entirety). Thanks. Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0x702fcba5 -- ZNK4llvm5Value7getNameEv at C:\Users\heichhorn\AppData\Local\Julia-0.6.0\bin\LLVM.dll (unknown line) while loading C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\scripts\languageserver\main.jl, in expression starting on line 27 ZNK4llvm5Value7getNameEv at C:\Users\heichhorn\AppData\Local\Julia-0.6.0\bin\LLVM.dll (unknown line) jl_compile_linfo at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\codegen.cpp:1292 emit_invoke at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\codegen.cpp:3394 [inlined] emit_expr at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\codegen.cpp:4129 emit_assignment at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\codegen.cpp:3753 [inlined] emit_expr at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\codegen.cpp:4153 emit_stmtpos at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\codegen.cpp:4058 [inlined] emit_function at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\codegen.cpp:6242 jl_compile_linfo at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\codegen.cpp:1256 jl_compile_for_dispatch at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\gf.c:1675 jl_compile_method_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:307 [inlined] jl_call_method_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:354 [inlined] jl_apply_generic at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\gf.c:1933 jl_apply at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia.h:1424 [inlined] jl_module_run_initializer at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\toplevel.c:87 jl_init_restored_modules at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\dump.c:2443 [inlined] _jl_restore_incremental at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\dump.c:3272 jl_restore_incremental at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\dump.c:3292 _include_from_serialized at .\loading.jl:157 _require_from_serialized at .\loading.jl:200 unknown function (ip: 00000000099ED8BD) jl_call_fptr_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:339 [inlined] jl_call_method_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:358 [inlined] jl_apply_generic at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\gf.c:1933 _require_search_from_serialized at .\loading.jl:236 unknown function (ip: 00000000099EF8ED) jl_call_fptr_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:339 [inlined] jl_call_method_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:358 [inlined] jl_apply_generic at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\gf.c:1933 _require at .\loading.jl:434 require at .\loading.jl:398 unknown function (ip: 00000000099EA256) jl_call_fptr_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:339 [inlined] jl_call_method_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:358 [inlined] jl_apply_generic at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\gf.c:1933 jl_apply at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia.h:1424 [inlined] eval_import_path_ at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\toplevel.c:403 eval_import_path at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\toplevel.c:430 [inlined] jl_toplevel_eval_flex at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\toplevel.c:510 jl_toplevel_eval_in at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\builtins.c:496 import_modules at C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\scripts\languageserver\packages\LanguageServer\src\trav\toplevel.jl:153 unknown function (ip: 00000000099E5AC2) jl_call_fptr_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:339 [inlined] jl_call_method_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:358 [inlined] jl_apply_generic at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\gf.c:1933 import_modules at C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\scripts\languageserver\packages\LanguageServer\src\trav\toplevel.jl:128 toplevel_symbols at C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\scripts\languageserver\packages\LanguageServer\src\trav\toplevel.jl:121 unknown function (ip: 00000000099E1592) jl_call_fptr_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:339 [inlined] jl_call_method_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:358 [inlined] jl_apply_generic at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\gf.c:1933 toplevel at C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\scripts\languageserver\packages\LanguageServer\src\trav\toplevel.jl:32 unknown function (ip: 00000000099E1172) jl_call_fptr_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:339 [inlined] jl_call_method_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:358 [inlined] jl_apply_generic at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\gf.c:1933 lint at C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\scripts\languageserver\packages\LanguageServer\src\trav\lint.jl:41 process at C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\scripts\languageserver\packages\LanguageServer\src\provider_misc.jl:204 unknown function (ip: 00000000099E02CA) jl_call_fptr_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:339 [inlined] jl_call_method_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:358 [inlined] jl_apply_generic at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\gf.c:1933 run at C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\scripts\languageserver\packages\LanguageServer\src\languageserverinstance.jl:35 unknown function (ip: 0000000009966B46) jl_call_fptr_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:339 [inlined] jl_call_method_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:358 [inlined] jl_apply_generic at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\gf.c:1933 do_call at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\interpreter.c:75 eval at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\interpreter.c:242 jl_interpret_toplevel_expr at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\interpreter.c:34 jl_toplevel_eval_flex at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\toplevel.c:577 jl_parse_eval_all at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\ast.c:873 jl_load at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\toplevel.c:616 [inlined] jl_load_ at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\toplevel.c:623 include_from_node1 at .\loading.jl:569 unknown function (ip: 0000000061CD2571) jl_call_fptr_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:339 [inlined] jl_call_method_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:358 [inlined] jl_apply_generic at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\gf.c:1933 include at .\sysimg.jl:14 unknown function (ip: 0000000061B43F41) jl_call_fptr_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:339 [inlined] jl_call_method_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:358 [inlined] jl_apply_generic at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\gf.c:1933 process_options at .\client.jl:305 _start at .\client.jl:371 unknown function (ip: 0000000061CDF45E) jl_call_fptr_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:339 [inlined] jl_call_method_internal at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia_internal.h:358 [inlined] jl_apply_generic at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src/home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\gf.c:1933 jl_apply at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/src\julia.h:1424 [inlined] true_main at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/ui\repl.c:127 wmain at /home/Administrator/buildbot/slave/package_win6_2-x64/build/ui\repl.c:264 __tmainCRTStartup at /usr/src/debug/mingw64-x86_64-runtime-5.0.2-1/crt\crtexe.c:329 mainCRTStartup at /usr/src/debug/mingw64-x86_64-runtime-5.0.2-1/crt\crtexe.c:212 BaseThreadInitThunk at C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL (unknown line) RtlUserThreadStart at C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll (unknown line) Allocations: 12239433 (Pool: 12237248; Big: 2185); GC: 25 [Info - 16:56:26] Connection to server got closed. Server will restart. [Error - 16:56:26] Request textDocument/codeAction failed. Error: Connection got disposed. at Object.dispose (C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\main.js:816:25) at Object.dispose (C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\node_modules\vscode-languageclient\lib\client.js:66:35) at LanguageClient.handleConnectionClosed (C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\node_modules\vscode-languageclient\lib\client.js:1071:38) at LanguageClient.handleConnectionClosed (C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\node_modules\vscode-languageclient\lib\main.js:86:15) at closeHandler (C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\node_modules\vscode-languageclient\lib\client.js:1059:18) at CallbackList.invoke (C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\events.js:114:39) at (C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\events.js:178:36) at closeHandler (C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\main.js:212:26) at CallbackList.invoke (C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\events.js:114:39) at (C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\events.js:178:36) [Error - 16:56:26] Request textDocument/documentLink failed. Error: Connection got disposed. at Object.dispose (C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\main.js:816:25) at Object.dispose (C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\node_modules\vscode-languageclient\lib\client.js:66:35) at LanguageClient.handleConnectionClosed (C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\node_modules\vscode-languageclient\lib\client.js:1071:38) at LanguageClient.handleConnectionClosed (C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\node_modules\vscode-languageclient\lib\main.js:86:15) at closeHandler (C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\node_modules\vscode-languageclient\lib\client.js:1059:18) at CallbackList.invoke (C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\events.js:114:39) at (C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\events.js:178:36) at closeHandler (C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\main.js:212:26) at CallbackList.invoke (C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\events.js:114:39) at (C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\events.js:178:36) ``` # Julia v0.7-nightly ``` WARNING: deprecated syntax ""immutable"" at C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\scripts\languageserver\packages\AbstractTrees\src\AbstractTrees.jl:61. Use ""struct"" instead. ERROR: LoadError: syntax: invalid escape sequence Stacktrace: [1] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at .\loading.jl:533 [2] include(::Module, ::String) at .\sysimg.jl:14 [3] anonymous at .\<missing>:2 in expression starting at C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\scripts\languageserver\packages\AbstractTrees\src\AbstractTrees.jl:111 ERROR: LoadError: Failed to precompile AbstractTrees to C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\scripts\languageserver\julia_pkgdir\lib\v0.7\AbstractTrees.ji. Stacktrace: [1] compilecache(::String) at .\loading.jl:661 [2] _require(::Symbol) at .\loading.jl:450 [3] require(::Symbol) at .\loading.jl:324 [4] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at .\loading.jl:533 [5] include(::Module, ::String) at .\sysimg.jl:14 [6] anonymous at .\<missing>:2 in expression starting at C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\scripts\languageserver\packages\CSTParser\src\CSTParser.jl:6 ERROR: LoadError: Failed to precompile CSTParser to C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\scripts\languageserver\julia_pkgdir\lib\v0.7\CSTParser.ji. Stacktrace: [1] compilecache(::String) at .\loading.jl:661 [2] _require(::Symbol) at .\loading.jl:450 [3] require(::Symbol) at .\loading.jl:324 [4] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at .\loading.jl:533 [5] include(::Module, ::String) at .\sysimg.jl:14 [6] anonymous at .\<missing>:2 in expression starting at C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\scripts\languageserver\packages\DocumentFormat\src\DocumentFormat.jl:2 ERROR: LoadError: Failed to precompile DocumentFormat to C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\scripts\languageserver\julia_pkgdir\lib\v0.7\DocumentFormat.ji. Stacktrace: [1] compilecache(::String) at .\loading.jl:661 [2] _require(::Symbol) at .\loading.jl:450 [3] require(::Symbol) at .\loading.jl:324 [4] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at .\loading.jl:533 [5] include(::Module, ::String) at .\sysimg.jl:14 [6] anonymous at .\<missing>:2 in expression starting at C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\scripts\languageserver\packages\LanguageServer\src\LanguageServer.jl:5 ERROR: LoadError: Failed to precompile LanguageServer to C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\scripts\languageserver\julia_pkgdir\lib\v0.7\LanguageServer.ji. Stacktrace: [1] compilecache(::String) at .\loading.jl:661 [2] _require(::Symbol) at .\loading.jl:472 [3] require(::Symbol) at .\loading.jl:324 [4] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at .\loading.jl:533 [5] include(::Module, ::String) at .\sysimg.jl:14 [6] process_options(::Base.JLOptions) at .\client.jl:325 [7] _start() at .\client.jl:391 in expression starting at C:\Users\heichhorn\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-0.8.0-beta.4\scripts\languageserver\main.jl:24 [Info - 17:03:17] Connection to server got closed. Server will restart. ```"
__label__bug yukicoderの提出可能言語を動的取得する 開発活発すぎませんか
__label__bug "Run noti in Docker I'm about to push a PR for running noti in a docker container. It's working but I'm looking to make the image leaner. So far it looks like this project is depending on `notify-osd`. ### Before notify-osd The base image for debian:jessie-slim is 87Mo. <img width=""793"" alt=""screen shot 2017-09-30 at 4 36 05 pm"" src=""""> ### After notify-osd Now it's 230 Mo <img width=""795"" alt=""screen shot 2017-09-30 at 4 42 19 pm"" src=""""> ### My question 1) I'm curious to know if some folks knows a smaller package than `notify-osd` ? 2) I would prefer to build on alpine but I can't find a way to install `notify-osd` on it. ### dockerfile (multi-stage) ``` # stage build ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### FROM golang as stage RUN apt-get update -y && \ apt-get install -y \ curl bash git wget ca-certificates RUN go get -u WORKDIR /go # final build ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### FROM debian:jessie-slim ENV GOPATH /go ENV PATH $GOPATH/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH RUN mkdir -p /go && \ mkdir -p ""$GOPATH/src"" ""$GOPATH/bin"" && \ chmod -R 777 ""$GOPATH"" RUN apt-get update -y && \ apt-get install -y \ ca-certificates \ notify-osd \ && \ apt-get -y autoclean -y && \ apt-get -y autoremove && \ apt-get purge && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* WORKDIR $GOPATH COPY --from=stage /go/bin /go/bin ``` ### docker run ``` SLACK_TOKEN_CRON=""xowEF34TQ345TY-Q345GQ3AREBERG3QA4-5TYGAERBAE5Y24-76"" ENV_DATE_SEC=""$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%HH%M_%S)"" IMG_test=""devmtl/noti:edge_2017-09-30_16H10"" \ echo; docker run --rm \ --name noti \ -e NOTI_MESSAGE=""Test from noti $ENV_DATE_SEC"" \ -e SLACK_CHANNEL=""cron"" \ -e SLACK_TOKEN_CRON=""$SLACK_TOKEN_CRON"" \ ""$IMG_test"" \ sh -c \ 'NOTI_SLACK_TOK=""$SLACK_TOKEN_CRON"" \ NOTI_SLACK_DEST=""$SLACK_CHANNEL"" \ noti -k -m ""$NOTI_MESSAGE""'; echo; ``` Cheers!"
__label__bug "Fix controller routing Controller routing is not working. "
__label__bug "Client disconnects every 10 seconds Hi, here is a little bug: The client will disconnect after 10 seconds of 'connection_timeout' and will reconnect after 10 seconds of 'reconnect_interval' as _on_message() method from WebSocketConnector is replaced in HitBTCConnector and doesn't _stop_timer(). Method _send() is overwritten too without history.append() so no re-subscription happens."
__label__bug Scrollbar on chat text entry when zoomed in At 125% or larger
__label__bug "Panel will crash if changing to Compiz If I change my window manager to compiz, vala-panel will spit this out in the terminal > (vala-panel:1416): Gtk-WARNING *_: Negative content height -1 (allocation 1, extents 1x1) while allocating gadget (node button, owner GtkToggleButton) > *_ (vala-panel:1416): WARNING *_: Failed to fetch property `_GTK_UNIQUE_BUS_NAME': GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No existe la interfaz «org.ayatana.bamf.window» en el objeto en la ruta /org/ayatana/bamf/window/12582915 > *_ (vala-panel:1416): WARNING **: Failed to fetch path: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No existe la interfaz «org.ayatana.bamf.window» en el objeto en la ruta /org/ayatana/bamf/window/12582915 "
__label__bug "Python version problem(fix provided), [AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'quote'] # Description just like this ```python pwndbg> start Exception occured: entry: 'module' object has no attribute 'quote' (<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>) ``` problem file `pwndbg/commands/` problem code(at the bottom of the file) ```python run = 'run ' + ' '.join(map(shlex.quote, a)) ``` this is due to python version problem. in py3, it could be ok. but in py2, `shlex` does not have `quote`. # Solution just make some changes ```python @pwndbg.commands.Command @pwndbg.commands.OnlyWithFile def entry(*a): """""" Set a breakpoint at the first instruction executed in the target binary. """""" global break_on_first_instruction break_on_first_instruction = True try: from shlex import quote except ImportError: from pipes import quote run = 'run ' + ' '.join(map(quote, a)) gdb.execute(run, from_tty=False) ``` # Suggestion Hope u will fix it as soon as possible, with better solution mabe."
__label__bug "UrlPreviewCommand does not honor allow_receive A mesage sent with `allow_receive` on telegram set to `false` will nonetheless relay not the message, but the url preview on the other side, making it confusing _and_ annoying To reproduce: - configure the bot with `allow_receive` set to `false` for telegram - send a link on irc (with or without the !tg is irrelevant) - note the link preview getting written to telegram without the original link"
__label__bug Will not work if node is installed with NVM To replicate: uninstall any global node.js Install node 8.9 with NVM and run `npm i -g slng` Output: ``` $ slng <string> /usr/bin/env: ‘node --harmony’: No such file or directory ``` Possible solution here:
__label__bug Ignore tslint on CodeClimate Due to this issue:
__label__bug "Radio stations are reset to default Not sure how this happens but it already happened twice. I closed the UI, went on with my work, suspended my computer, resumed, and reopened Goodvibes. After reopening, I see that all my stations are gone and the default set of stations had been restored. Not sure why, not sure how. This is what I see after reopening now: ![image]( "
__label__bug "Preview OpenGL edge rendering of the MapSurfRenderer is not displayed correctly. The cull_face mode should be turned on always, when edge rendering is turned on (so that the edge preview are correctly displayed)."
__label__bug "Scan Cycle incorrect when entering debugger When you set a break, the Scan Cycle displayed is wrong (too low) until after you progressed e.g. by using 'Step'. This did not happen in 4.7.2"
__label__bug not found Since yesterday the file is gone from your servers and proxmox users are unable to use `pveam update`. Please provide a fix for that.
__label__bug "Cannot avoid the `bindnetaddr` to be set into `/etc/corosync/corosync.conf` file ## Affected Puppet, Ruby, OS and module versions/distributions - Puppet: All - Ruby: All - Distribution: CentOS 7 - Module version: 5.1.0 ## How to reproduce ```puppet class { 'corosync': authkey => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt', bind_address => undef, unicast_addresses => [ ['node1_lan', 'node1_btb'], ['node2_lan', 'node2_btb'], ], set_votequorum => true, quorum_members => [ ['node1_lan', 'node1_btb'], ['node2_lan', 'node2_btb'], ], cluster_name => 'cluster_rp', enable_secauth => true, rrp_mode => 'active', } ``` ## What are you seeing This puppet code results into the following `/etc/corosync/corosync.conf` snippet: ``` totem { ... interface { member { memberaddr: node1_lan } member { memberaddr: node2_lan } ringnumber: 0 bindnetaddr: # Default value applied => $::ipaddress mcastport: 5405 } interface { member { memberaddr: node1_btb } member { memberaddr: node2_btb } ringnumber: 1 bindnetaddr: # PROBLEM HERE !! mcastport: 5405 } } ``` ## What behaviour did you expect instead I would expect the `bindnetaddr` directive to be **absent**: when absent, corosync daemon behaviour is to bind on all interface where a ring is declared. ## Any additional information you'd like to impart I could attach a patch, would you agreed that either `bind_address => undef` or `bind_address => 'UNSET'` would result in no `bindnetaddr` directive."
__label__bug ヤンク&ペースト&デリート ヤンク、ペースト、行の削除を繰り返していると文字列が不正なバイト列に置き換わることがある
__label__bug "Criar combinado sem assunto limpa campos do formulário Quando crio um combinado, e esqueço de colocar um ``assunto``, ele dá mensagem de erro (correta) mas limpa alguns dos campos (``envolvidos`` e ``ações``) no refresh. ![screen shot 2017-12-14 at 13 55 23]( "
__label__bug "Shops won't connect to path in Bumbly Bazaar <!-- Fill in the placeholders below. Delete any headings and placeholders that you do not fill in. --> **OS:** Windows 10 **Version:** 0.1.2 **Commit/Build:** ef657ca <!-- Explanation of the issue --> Bumbly Bazaar has ten prebuilt shops when you start the scenario. When I delete the path and replace it, the ten original shops refuse to connect to the new path. This doesn't happen with any shops I build myself in the scenario. I've also tried this in a few other scenarios with prebuilt shops and it only happened in Bumbly Bazaar. This does not happen in vanilla. I've restarted the game and the scenario a couple of times but it still happens. **Screenshots / Video:** "
__label__bug "Doesn't always run **Code**: 1.19 **Intelephense**: 0.8.4 Many times the extension does not run, and when attempting to clear the cache and reload (or execute any of the available commands) this error is received. `command 'intelephense.clear.cache' not found` "
__label__bug "Report preview inside the web client seems not to work .. When you are working with the web client (developer preview-at) and run a report preview inside the browser (every browser) only a blank screen appears. tested scenario: . a standard report without filter - blank. . a standard report with a filter with (no data exists for it)- report preview header appears. . a standard report with filter - (data exists) - blank. . a custom report on a custom table - working. Using a locally installed CTP installation preview works fine. Ideas? Thanks, Rene "
__label__bug Unclosed client session at the end of tests is ugly ``` test/ PASSED [ 91%] test/ PASSED [ 95%] test/ PASSED [100%] 1265 ERROR Unclosed client session client_session: <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7fdd1fc9bc88>```
__label__bug "Settings.RunOnlyIfLoggedOn = False not working with Task Scheduler 1.0 ``` If OSVersionInfo.Name.Equals(""Windows Server 2003"") Or OSVersionInfo.Name.Equals(""Windows XP"") Then 'V1: Win XP, Win 2003 Server Using ts As New TaskService() ' Create a new task definition and assign properties Dim td As TaskDefinition = ts.NewTask td.RegistrationInfo.Description = ""Something"" td.RegistrationInfo.Author = ""Someone"" td.Settings.RunOnlyIfIdle = False td.Settings.DisallowStartIfOnBatteries = False td.Settings.StopIfGoingOnBatteries = False td.Settings.WakeToRun = True td.Settings.RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable = True td.Settings.RunOnlyIfLoggedOn = False Dim wt As New WeeklyTrigger() wt.StartBoundary = Date.Today.AddDays(-1) + TimeSpan.FromHours(horario.hora) + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(horario.minuto) 'Inicia hoy a la hora programada Dim diasArray() As String = dias.Split("","") wt.DaysOfWeek = ConvertArrayToDayOfWeek(diasArray) wt.WeeksInterval = 1 td.Triggers.Add(wt) td.Actions.Add(New ExecAction(ruta, argumento)) ts.RootFolder.RegisterTaskDefinition(""Some_Task"", td) End Using End If ``` ![err_task]( "
__label__bug "Make dependency resolution more flexible Currently, all packages which are installed have a specific version. This makes the build break often, as those versions quickly become outdated and replaced by new releases. The installed packages should therefore be declared in a more flexible manner."
__label__bug "Brave fills in some password on sites, even though I explicitly turned off password management. - Did you search for similar issues before submitting this one? Yep :+1: - Describe the issue you encountered: Even though I explicitly turned off password management in brave: <img width=""473"" alt=""screen shot 2017-08-17 at 20 03 31"" src=""""> I still get: <img width=""384"" alt=""screen shot 2017-08-17 at 20 03 59"" src=""""> and it doesn't even seem to mind when what the username is as long as it starts as my username as you can see from the image. The password is not correct by the way. - Platform (Win7, 8, 10? macOS? Linux distro?): macOS 10.12.4 (16E195) - Brave Version (revision SHA): - Steps to reproduce: I doubt it will be easily reproduced somewhere else. 1. goto also seen on 2. start typing username as soon as it starts to autocomplete tab to the password field 3. dots appear, I don't know whats in there it's not the correct password :smile: - Actual result: A password is filled in - Expected result: Nothing happens - Will the steps above reproduce in a fresh profile? If not what other info can be added? 1. Made a new user on this mac, 2. opened brave, 3. turned off the password manager, 4. tried to log into github the first time no autocomplete 5. restarted brave 6. autocomplete on github login - Is this an issue in the currently released version? Yea - Can this issue be consistently reproduced? On my machine - Extra QA steps: 1. 2. 3. - Screenshot if needed: - Any related issues: "
__label__bug [Latest SDL1 Dev] Can't move past 'V. offset' in Display options using Joypad/Keyboard You can move through the options with the joypad/keyboard but it stops at 'V. offset'.
__label__bug Version 1.9.0 (Currently in use console.log. Current release show many many many debug messages in console: ``` MSITARZ1111!!!!!!!!! context-menu-content-scripts.js:24:13 Using workaround to get event.path context-menu-content-scripts.js:26:17 MSITARZ333333333333!!!!!!!!! context-menu-content-scripts.js:52:13 MSITARZ222!!!!!!!!! context-menu-content-scripts.js:43:13 MSITARZ1111!!!!!!!!! context-menu-content-scripts.js:24:13 Using workaround to get event.path context-menu-content-scripts.js:26:17 MSITARZ333333333333!!!!!!!!! context-menu-content-scripts.js:52:13 MSITARZ222!!!!!!!!! context-menu-content-scripts.js:43:13 MSITARZ1111!!!!!!!!! context-menu-content-scripts.js:24:13 Using workaround to get event.path context-menu-content-scripts.js:26:17 MSITARZ333333333333!!!!!!!!! context-menu-content-scripts.js:52:13 MSITARZ222!!!!!!!!! context-menu-content-scripts.js:43:13 MSITARZ1111!!!!!!!!! context-menu-content-scripts.js:24:13 Using workaround to get event.path context-menu-content-scripts.js:26:17 MSITARZ333333333333!!!!!!!!! context-menu-content-scripts.js:52:13 MSITARZ222!!!!!!!!! context-menu-content-scripts.js:43:13 MSITARZ1111!!!!!!!!! context-menu-content-scripts.js:24:13 Using workaround to get event.path context-menu-content-scripts.js:26:17 MSITARZ333333333333!!!!!!!!! context-menu-content-scripts.js:52:13 MSITARZ222!!!!!!!!! ``` Please delete all console.log before releasing another version into
__label__bug mouse highlighting When picking a directory with the mouse it highlights files and directorys when it should not. This is on Linux gnome terminal. Micro editor v1.3.3
__label__bug "Stuck on ""loading passcore..."" page Hello all, I followed the readme instruction except for the SSL part and I'm not sure why I keep getting the ""loading passcore..."" page. I'm using the Passcore-3.0.0 folder and I had a look on the issue #2 and noticed that the Passcore-3.0.0 doesn't have the ""Unosquare.PassCore.Web/"" folder. With this in mind, I downloaded the master/project version, compiled it and compared the output folder to Passcore-3.0.0 and doesn't seem to have any difference. With that in mind, I just used ""dnu restore"" in the parent folder that consist the wwroot folder and logs, downloaded dnx and dnvm, I still got the ""loading passcore..."" page. This is the log I got in the logs folder when I tried to access the site, ============================================ Hosting environment: Production Content root path: C:\Passcore 3.0.0 Now listening on: http://localhost:16514 Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down. info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[1] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.StaticFileMiddleware[2] Sending file. Request path: '/index.html'. Physical path: 'C:\Passcore 3.0.0\wwwroot\index.html' info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[2] Request finished in 126.4912ms 200 text/html info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[1] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.StaticFileMiddleware[2] Sending file. Request path: '/assets/styles/indigo-pink.css'. Physical path: 'C:\Passcore 3.0.0\wwwroot\assets\styles\indigo-pink.css' info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[2] Request finished in 12.1066ms 200 text/css info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[1] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.StaticFileMiddleware[2] Sending file. Request path: '/styles.bundle.js'. Physical path: 'C:\Passcore 3.0.0\wwwroot\styles.bundle.js' info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[1] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.StaticFileMiddleware[2] Sending file. Request path: '/vendor.bundle.js'. Physical path: 'C:\Passcore 3.0.0\wwwroot\vendor.bundle.js' info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[1] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.StaticFileMiddleware[2] Sending file. Request path: '/inline.bundle.js'. Physical path: 'C:\Passcore 3.0.0\wwwroot\inline.bundle.js' info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[1] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.StaticFileMiddleware[2] Sending file. Request path: '/main.bundle.js'. Physical path: 'C:\Passcore 3.0.0\wwwroot\main.bundle.js' info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[1] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.StaticFileMiddleware[2] Sending file. Request path: '/polyfills.bundle.js'. Physical path: 'C:\Passcore 3.0.0\wwwroot\polyfills.bundle.js' info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[2] Request finished in 13.9325ms 200 application/javascript info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[2] Request finished in 10.5974ms 200 application/javascript info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[2] Request finished in 11.8417ms 200 application/javascript info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[2] Request finished in 11.5233ms 200 application/javascript info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[1] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[2] Request finished in 568.3365ms 200 application/javascript info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker[1] Executing action method Unosquare.PassCore.Web.Controllers.HomeController.Index (Unosquare.PassCore.Web) with arguments ((null)) - ModelState is Valid info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.VirtualFileResultExecutor[1] Executing FileResult, sending file as info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker[2] Executed action Unosquare.PassCore.Web.Controllers.HomeController.Index (Unosquare.PassCore.Web) in 66.5687ms info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[2] Request finished in 971.3812ms 200 text/html info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[1] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.StaticFileMiddleware[2] Sending file. Request path: '/favicon.ico'. Physical path: 'C:\Passcore 3.0.0\wwwroot\favicon.ico' info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[2] Request finished in 0.6821ms 200 image/x-icon ============================================ I'm not sure if I'm missing something, the readme instruction seems to be straightforward but I do not understand why I got the ""loading passcore..."" page, unless it really requires to use SSL certificate. Thank you "
__label__bug "VST GUI is always on top Version 1.2.0-rc5 (Linux/i386, Qt 4.8.6, GCC 4.8.4) Linux Mint 17.3 This happens with any VST-plugin. As you can see, the contents of the plugin window overlaps all other windows. But the header of the plugin window behaves normally. ![untitled- - lmms 1 2 0-rc5_290]("
__label__bug "iocage list Traceback ``` arya ~ # iocage --version Version 0.9.10 2017/12/22 arya ~ # arya ~ # arya ~ # arya ~ # iocage list --help Usage: iocage list [OPTIONS] List a specified dataset type, by default lists all jails. Options: -r, -b, --release, --base List all bases. -t, --template List all templates. -h, -H, --header For scripting, use tabs for separators. -l, --long Show the full uuid and ip4 address. -R, --remote Show remote's available RELEASEs. -P, --plugins Show available plugins. --http Have --remote use HTTP instead. -s, --sort TEXT Sorts the list by the given type -q, --quick Lists all jails with less processing and fields. --help Show this message and exit. arya ~ # arya ~ # arya ~ # arya ~ # iocage list --remote Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/usr/local/bin/iocage"", line 10, in <module> sys.exit(cli()) File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/"", line 722, in __call__ return self.main(*args, **kwargs) File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/"", line 697, in main rv = self.invoke(ctx) File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/"", line 1066, in invoke return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx)) File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/"", line 895, in invoke return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params) File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/"", line 535, in invoke return callback(*args, **kwargs) File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/iocage/cli/"", line 121, in cli for item in _list: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable arya ~ # arya ~ # arya ~ # arya ~ # iocage list --plugins +-----+------+------+-------+------+---------+-----+-----+----------+--------+ | JID | NAME | BOOT | STATE | TYPE | RELEASE | IP4 | IP6 | TEMPLATE | PORTAL | +=====+======+======+=======+======+=========+=====+=====+==========+========+ +-----+------+------+-------+------+---------+-----+-----+----------+--------+ arya ~ # arya ~ # arya ~ # arya ~ # iocage list -P +-----+------+------+-------+------+---------+-----+-----+----------+--------+ | JID | NAME | BOOT | STATE | TYPE | RELEASE | IP4 | IP6 | TEMPLATE | PORTAL | +=====+======+======+=======+======+=========+=====+=====+==========+========+ +-----+------+------+-------+------+---------+-----+-----+----------+--------+ arya ~ # arya ~ # arya ~ # arya ~ # iocage list -R Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/usr/local/bin/iocage"", line 10, in <module> sys.exit(cli()) File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/"", line 722, in __call__ return self.main(*args, **kwargs) File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/"", line 697, in main rv = self.invoke(ctx) File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/"", line 1066, in invoke return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx)) File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/"", line 895, in invoke return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params) File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/"", line 535, in invoke return callback(*args, **kwargs) File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/iocage/cli/"", line 121, in cli for item in _list: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable ```"
__label__bug “Failed to process your request” when changing Minimum frequency by hitting Enter Reproducible at 1. Build a concordance. 2. Chose Frequency → Node forms. 3. Change Minimum frequency and hit `Enter`: **an Error occurs**. Other instances of the same issue may exist.
__label__bug Implement pagination <!-- This form is for bug reports and feature requests ONLY! If you're looking for help check out [our support guidelines](/ --> **Is this a BUG REPORT or FEATURE REQUEST?**: bug **What happened**: With more than 100 active milestones not all milestones are created. **What you expected to happen**: Create all milestone not already created.
__label__bug "yoast_wpseo_canonical is not correctly fetched When retrieving a post list, each post has the same `yoast_wpseo_canonical` than the first one on the list. Look at post with id 2085: If you retrieve a single post, that property is correctly set. "
__label__bug Command implementation faulty Commands aren't loaded into the static dictionary anymore. Do I really have to create a instance for all of them? hmmm...
__label__bug Output can't be grepped `kinesis-console-consumer stream-name | grep .` won't output anything. workaround is: ``` kinesis-console-consumer stream-name | jq -cC . | grep . ```
__label__bug "Use rappdirs for saving temporary files For [saving log files]( and creating temporary directories for unit tests, I am using `/tmp`. The advantage of this approach over using `tempdir()` is that 1) the filepath is easier to read and type into a Terminal, and 2) it persists after the current R session ends. But of course the main downside is that `/tmp` doesn't really exist on Windows, and thus making the code work cross-platform is more difficult. From `?tempdir`: ``` tempdir() # works on all platforms with a platform-dependent result ``` To get this to work, I've had to write some [uncomfortably hacky code]( This has been on my to-do list to fix, but I recently found a bigger problem with this approach. When Joyce or I run workflowr on the same partition on Midway, the directory `/tmp/workflowr` is owned by one of us. Thus when `wflow_build()` tries to create the log files and `/tmp/workflowr` is owned by the other person, it fails. My plan is to use [rappdirs]( It finds the path for saving temporary files for each operating system. I can save the log files in `user_log_dir()` and the temporary directories for unit testing in `user_data_dir()`. As an example on Midway: ``` > library(""rappdirs"") > user_cache_dir(appname = ""workflowr"") [1] ""/home/jdblischak/.cache/workflowr"" > user_config_dir(appname = ""workflowr"") [1] ""/home/jdblischak/.config/workflowr"" > user_data_dir(appname = ""workflowr"") [1] ""/home/jdblischak/.local/share/workflowr"" > user_log_dir(appname = ""workflowr"") [1] ""/home/jdblischak/.cache/workflowr/log"" ``` Note that I'll need to also need to specify the argument `appauthor =[""user""]`, which is used on Windows and safely ignored on Unix-alike systems."
__label__bug "Rbush min, max 상자 출력이 안되는 버그 예상으로 레이어를 clear 할 때 위치 조정이거나 재귀를 다시 손봐야 될 것 같음."
__label__bug issue 的编辑框不可见 issue页面进行回复的时候看不到输入框,被键盘挡住了 > iPhone 7 Plus 11.2 Gitai 1.0.0(8).
__label__bug "Problem with bootstrap 3.7.0 styles compatible Is it compatible with bootstrap 3.3.7? Because I can find some difference in the classes and design is misaligned and wrong. For example the class 'control-label ' into the input label element now is changed to 'form-control-label' and validation doesn't apply red color if the field is not valid. I'm using ""@ngx-formly/bootstrap"": ""^2.0.0-rc.6"". Example: []( You can see that label of required fields is in black color after validation. It should be in red. Bootstrap 3.3.7 is using control-label class but here formly set only form-control-label and css doesn't apply style properly for old version 3.x of bootstrap."
__label__bug "iOS isinf/isnan We should provide drop-in replacement for isinf/isnan T suitable for iOS. Related to: "
__label__bug " does not rollback on error When `` fails it can leave an organization existant but in an invalid state. It should be able to rollback what it has done when an exception or other error occurs prior to completion. For example, a failure just occurred for me, and the organization now exists but has no schemes. "
__label__bug Improve 'equals' and 'hashCode' methods Improve `equals` and `hashCode` methods and add additional tests.
__label__bug "Crash on fast multiple clicks on Play/Stop button Steps to reproduce: 1. Open App. 2. Add URL with stream. 3. Open station. 4. Do multiple **fast** clicks on Play/Stop button. Tested on 3 real devices (Android 7, Android 7.1.1, Android 6) and official Android Emulator virtual device with Andorid 7.1.1. Tested on compiled latest source and at least 5 previous commits (plus Google Play version). ![device-2017-08-30-141904]( Some logs: `08-30 14:19:38.709 25337-25337/org.y20k.transistor E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: org.y20k.transistor, PID: 25337 java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void' on a null object reference at org.y20k.transistor.PlayerService.preparePLayer( at org.y20k.transistor.PlayerService.access$900( at org.y20k.transistor.PlayerService$InitializePlayerHelper.onPostExecute( at org.y20k.transistor.PlayerService$InitializePlayerHelper.onPostExecute( at android.os.AsyncTask.finish( at android.os.AsyncTask.access$500( at android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler.handleMessage( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at$ at ` Sorry for my english."
__label__bug "Show own hand correctly for restricted view in ""initial"" shared replays has a weird effect, hard to describe"
__label__bug Players can attack through walls! It can be exploited to attack enemies around corners.
__label__bug "api returning 404 api is currently returning 404 for all endpoints (as of 3rd Jan 2018). the v1 api may have been turned off now. will look into fixing this in the coming few days. edit: the new api used by the latest ios app version uses a different auth method (similar to so it's not that simple to switch over. edit2: i hope to look into this at the weekend. if anyone would like to help feel free. (tip: hook up the ios app to proxy traffic through ""charles proxy"" and have a look at the requests) "
__label__bug "Queued time not showing if currently in queue Here is a build that is being queued. <img width=""623"" alt=""screen shot 2017-09-23 at 2 31 04 pm"" src=""""> However app shows no ""queued for"" time. I suspect this would be the same for ""started"" and ""build duration"" too. ![screenshot_20170923-143123]( "
__label__bug java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract ``` com.buddybuild.debug E/BuildsFragment$$Lambda: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract! at java.util.TimSort.mergeLo( at java.util.TimSort.mergeAt( at java.util.TimSort.mergeCollapse( at java.util.TimSort.sort( at java.util.Arrays.sort( at java.util.ArrayList.sort( at java.util.Collections.sort( at com.buddybuild.ui.BuildsFragment.lambda$setApp$0$BuildsFragment( at com.buddybuild.ui.BuildsFragment$$Lambda$0.apply(Unknown Source:0) at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleMap$MapSingleObserver.onSuccess( at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleDoOnSuccess$DoOnSuccess.onSuccess( at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableToListSingle$ToListObserver.onComplete( at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableFlatMap$MergeObserver.drainLoop( at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableFlatMap$MergeObserver.drain( at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableFlatMap$InnerObserver.onComplete( at io.reactivex.internal.observers.BasicFuseableObserver.onComplete( at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleToObservable$SingleToObservableObserver.onSuccess( at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleMap$MapSingleObserver.onSuccess( at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableSingleSingle$SingleElementObserver.onComplete( at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableSubscribeOn$SubscribeOnObserver.onComplete( at retrofit2.adapter.rxjava2.CallExecuteObservable.subscribeActual( at io.reactivex.Observable.subscribe( at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableSubscribeOn$ at io.reactivex.Scheduler$ at at at at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at ```
__label__bug "Enter button doesn't work after last update After putting adress top right button seems Enter button. Should push it and open the page but it doesnt. How to open the page after new adress? Appreciate your works. Thanks. VW passat 2017, android auto latest version, android 7.1 Video: "
__label__bug "Matrix Determinant With the latest test ""MatrixFunctionalTest"" TGLZMatix4f.GetDetermiant is broken but when the matrix is transpose the result of getdeterminant is right ???? Why ??"
__label__bug "Extend the expiry of the ""this is my current dashboard state"" cookie Currently the dashboard state cookie (set in `saveStateToUrlAndCookie()`) is set to expire after only 3 days. We are learning from our analytics and user surveys that many users don't visit the dashboard that often. Let's bump that expiry to a month, maybe?"
__label__bug "Loading a save game breaks the build scenery window **OS:** Windows 7 **Version:** [e.g. 0.1.1] **Commit/Build:** [e.g. 426e106] Loading a save game only displays the miscellaneous tab and sometimes a few other items. Interestingly, accessing the object selection window seems to resolve the issue. **Screenshots / Video:** ![crazy castle 2018-01-10 12-46-07]( "
__label__bug "Changing Group data delets info in store After I edited a group (changed the address) and click on safe, all group information is deleted from the store. Clicking through members and description shows empty pages. After reloading the page, everything works as usual."
__label__bug TCGA CNACallSet files are empty TCGA-BRCA.CNACallSet.Vertex.json and TCGA-BRCA.CNACallSet.Edge.json are empty
__label__bug "Incorrect data I tried to read, and I essentially get incorrect data for every single field :) You can see the expected values [here]("
__label__bug "Double Clicking a Card in Search brings up deck info If anything, should open to card info tab, or nothing at all."
__label__bug "weird lists crashing bug on remove_control_from_docks So, there is a bug now where I accidentally call `remove_control_docks` instead of `remove_control_from_docks` in the `_exit_tree` function of the `EditorPlugin`, but it seems that when I correct that bug, I get a whole bunch of repeated errors: Starts with: ERROR: SelfList<class GDScriptFunction>::List::~List: Condition ' _first != 0 ' is true. At: .....godot\core\self_list.h:99 ERROR: SelfList<class GDScript>::List::~List: Condition ' _first != 0 ' is true. At: .....godot\core\self_list.h:99 And then a whoooole bunch of these: CrashHandlerException: Program crashed I'm just leaving it as incorrect for now until I can find a fix for it. Has something to do with the destructor of a list somewhere. :-/"
__label__bug Plugin missing in GUI I understand this plugin in a GUI SSO configuration (i like that ;) But i have nothing in my GUI ![image]( But is looks installed ![image]( Something wrong ? Thanks
__label__bug Menu padding removed on JSON error even when avatar loaded from local storage `onNetworkFail` function in HomeFragment removes padding in both cases
__label__bug "Unexpected behavior in ranger. Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks! 1. What did you do? If possible, provide a recipe for reproducing the error. ``` create table t(a int, index idx(a)); select * from t use index(idx) where a > 9223372036854775807; drop table if exists t; create table t(a float(3, 2), index idx(a)); explain select * from t use index(idx) where a > '999999999.99999999999'; ``` 2. What did you expect to see? No error should occurs. 3. What did you see instead? Error occurs when building range. 4. What version of TiDB are you using (`tidb-server -V` or run `select tidb_version();` on TiDB)? "
__label__bug "Searchsploit Enumeration Hey, I love this so much. Thank you for sn1per. I use it all the time. But there is something I wanted to cover. Enumeration by Searchsploit via 'nuke' command keeps returning empty answers like this: ``` -- ----------------------------=[Enumerating Exploits via Searchsploit]=--- -- + /usr/bin/searchsploit: illegal option -- - Usage: searchsploit [options] term1 [term2] ... [termN] Example: searchsploit afd windows local searchsploit -t oracle windows ========= Options ========= -c, --case Perform a case-sensitive search (Default is inSEnsITiVe). -e, --exact Perform an EXACT match on exploit title (Default is AND) [Implies ""-t""]. -h, --help Show this help screen. -j, --json Show result in JSON format. -m, --mirror Mirror (Copy) exploit to current path. -o, --overflow Exploit title's are allowed to overflow their columns. -p, --path Show the full path to an exploit (Copies path to clipboard if possible). -t, --title Search just the exploit title (Default is title AND the file's path). -w, --www Show URLs to rather than local path. -x, --examine Examine exploit in terminal pager. --colour Disable colour highlighting. --id Display EDB-ID value rather than local path. ======= Notes ======= * Use any number of search terms. * Search terms are not case sensitive, and order is irrelevant. * Use '-c' if you wish to reduce results by case-sensitive searching. * And/Or '-e' if you wish to filter results by using an exact match. * Use '-t' to exclude the file's path to filter the search results. * Remove false positives (especially when searching numbers/major versions). * When updating from git or displaying help, search terms will be ignored. + -- ----------------------------=[Running Brute Force]=--------------------- -- + ```"
__label__bug Commands should work better with Laravel Artisan Some funkiness happening with the `vendor:publish` command - maybe lack of a shell or TTY thing.
__label__bug "Switzerland: Referendum to ban the trade unions Windows 7 Version: 0.5.4. master The Swiss focus to hold a referendum over ""Banning the Trade Unions"" is pretty useless in it's current form. If it succeeds it gives you an event which decreases the popularity of Syndicalists, Totalists and Radical Socialists by 100 %. This does not change anything at all since both the syndicalists and the totalists will continue to gain party popularity until both of them reach 20 % or 40 % in total. That also means that the player won't be able to reach more than 60 % party popularity and therefore won't ever be able to achieve High Party Popularity when he decides to stay democratic or decides to go down the ""Enemies on all sides"" focus branch. Furthermore it's weird that the syndicalists and the totalists would continue to gain party popularity even though their stronghold, the Romandie, has been taken by France. - [no] Do you have this issue in vanilla? - [no] Were you in multiplayer? - [yes] Were you running other mods (music mod doesn't count)? German Imperial flag "
__label__bug "Certain pages are skipped when going to next/previous page in index Performing ""Go / Next in index"" on a page, starting with lowercase letter skips all pages, starting with uppercase letter. Performing ""Go / Previous in index"" on a page, starting with uppercase letter skips all pages, starting with lowercase letter. Confusing? Ok let's consider example notebook: ``` Home ├── AAA ├── BBB ├── ccc ├── ddd ├── EEE ├── FFF ├── ggg ├── hhh ├── III ├── JJJ └── klm ``` Going to next page from `ddd` ends up on `ggg`. `EEE` and `FFF` were skipped! And on the way back, going to previous page from `EEE` skips `ccc` and `ddd` directly to `BBB` Observed on 0.67 and master but not on 0.65 Example notebook to test on: [Skipping]( "
__label__bug "Program crashes when an Invalid direction is entered Program crashes when an Invalid direction is entered: ```python you are at house position to the east is a park to the south is a lake which direction do you want to go? north Traceback (most recent call last): File ""C:/Code Institute/Python/adventure/"", line 26, in <module> position = valid_directions[direction] KeyError: 'north' Process finished with exit code 1 ``"
__label__bug Should give an upper bound for maximum number of contacts allowable for given L. max{Nc_short}= 0 if (L<=6) (L-5)\*(L-6)/2 if (7<=L<=11) 6\*L-51 if (L>=12) max{Nc_medm}= 0 if L<=11 (L-11)\*(L-12)/2 if 12<=L<=23 12*L-210 if 24<=L max{Nc_long}= 0 if L<=24 (L-24)\*(L-23)/2 if 25<=L max{Nc_all}= 0 if (L<=6) (L-5)\*(L-6)/2
__label__bug "Creating a large number of indexes causes out of memory error. Creating a large number of indexes in one query (~1,400) causes the server to attempt to populate them at the same time, causing a Java out of memory error. "
__label__bug "Ast serialization skips attr value if empty string ```js mask.stringify(mask.parse('div foo="""" bar=""1""')) // div foo= bar=1; ```"
__label__bug "Broken link to ""Configuring ASP.NET MVC (igScheduler)"" topic 1. Navigate to 2. Click ""Configuring ASP.NET MVC (igScheduler)"" Actual result: Error is shown Expected result: The topic is opened Note: The href attribute is set to ""igscheduler-asp-net-mvc-wrapper"" and the topic is ""04.igscheduler-configure-asp-net-mvc"". We should update the filename or the href attribute."
__label__bug "Test failures on Windows npm test returns some errors caused by new line code difference on Windows. ``` 2) eslint should have no errors in lib: Error: Code did not pass lint ruleslib\bundle.js: line 1, col 3, Error - Expected linebreaks to be 'LF' but found 'CRLF'. (linebreak-style) lib\bundle.js: line 2, col 33, Error - Expected linebreaks to be 'LF' but found 'CRLF'. (linebreak-style) lib\bundle.js: line 3, col 3, Error - Expected linebreaks to be 'LF' but found 'CRLF'. (linebreak-style) lib\bundle.js: line 4, col 67, Error - Expected linebreaks to be 'LF' but found 'CRLF'. (linebreak-style) lib\bundle.js: line 5, col 68, Error - Expected linebreaks to be 'LF' but found 'CRLF'. (linebreak-style) lib\bundle.js: line 6, col 43, Error - Expected linebreaks to be 'LF' but found 'CRLF'. (linebreak-style) lib\bundle.js: line 7, col 3, Error - Expected linebreaks to be 'LF' but found 'CRLF'. (linebreak-style) lib\bundle.js: line 8, col 46, Error - Expected linebreaks to be 'LF' but found 'CRLF'. (linebreak-style) lib\bundle.js: line 9, col 3, Error - Expected linebreaks to be 'LF' but found 'CRLF'. (linebreak-style) lib\bundle.js: line 10, col 71, Error - Expected linebreaks to be 'LF' but found 'CRLF'. (linebreak-style) ... ``` There are a few other test failures with the similar error messages."
__label__bug "RuntimeField: notEquals("""") returns true for null-values But in SQL, `col <> """"` evaluates to `false` if the column is null."
__label__bug Improve fan speed control to minimize fan speed oscillations <cde:info> SW410936 </cde:info>
__label__bug "File Opens Incorrectly in Visual Editor After Restart I noticed this behavior during my testing today. 1. Create/Open a Visual Editor project 2. Open the main file in a tab 3. Create/Open another project (not visual editor) 4. Open a file from the second project. It opens properly in the text editor 5. Restart Moonshine. The files reopen because of #106 6. BUG: The second file opens in a blank visual editor tab. 7. Close and reopen the second file. It opens properly in the text editor "
__label__bug "File Opens Incorrectly in Visual Editor After Restart I noticed this behavior during my testing today. 1. Create/Open a Visual Editor project 2. Open the main file in a tab 3. Create/Open another project (not visual editor) 4. Open a file from the second project. It opens properly in the text editor 5. Restart Moonshine. The files reopen because of #106 6. BUG: The second file opens in a blank visual editor tab. 7. Close and reopen the second file. It opens properly in the text editor "
__label__bug "Lesson Notes are staying published Lesson 01 Notes (any with a number in the middle) are being left published, when they should always be unpublished."
__label__bug "Issues running dev script Hi, I just forked the project to add support for mouse dragging but when I start the dev script i get a console error saying ""React is not defined"". I'm not sure how to solve this since I've never set up a dev script with rollup before. This is the full stack trace. ``` ButtonFirst.jsx:6 Uncaught ReferenceError: React is not defined at ButtonFirst.jsx:6 at getOwnPropertySymbols (index.umd.js:5) at index.umd.js:6 (anonymous) @ ButtonFirst.jsx:6 getOwnPropertySymbols @ index.umd.js:5 (anonymous) @ index.umd.js:6 ```"
__label__bug "Doesn't work with nuxt SSR Working in nuxt, but without SSR, because in `modules\Modal\animationHelper.js` the `window` variable is using, which is undefined while SSR ![image]( "
__label__bug "With delay 0, cookies not cleaned until another tab is closed ### Describe the Bug/Feature When ""Delay before cleaning"" is set to 0 in Firefox, cookies are not cleaned when the tab is closed, but only when yet another tab is closed. ### Steps for anyone to reproduce the bug 1. create a new profile in Firefox 57 2. install Cookie AutoDelete 3. enable auto-clean 4. open a new tab with 5. close the tab, wait one minute, note that 6 cookies are deleted 6. set ""Delay before cleaning"" to 0 7. open a new tab with 8. close the tab, wait as long as you want, note that cookies are not deleted 9. close any other tab, note that the 6 github cookies are now immediately deleted ### Your settings Firefox 57.0b14 macOS 10.12.6 Cookie AutoDelete 2.0.1"
__label__bug "[CLOSED] Links in Portal not multisite <a href=""""><img src="""" align=""left"" width=""96"" height=""96"" hspace=""10""></img></a> **Issue by [ChrisChasm](** _Monday Jun 26, 2017 at 12:58 GMT_ _Originally opened as ---- - [ ] Admin link - [] Pages links # "
__label__bug "ESV Chapter Breaks Incorrect The Chapter breaks are incorrect using the new ESV chapter breaks, can we return to the RSV? we already have printouts for the RSV chapter breaks that we use for Horizontals "
__label__bug "running with non-2d is broken due to translation output issue --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-13-53c5470934ad> in <module>() 5 temporal_result = batch_pipeline(str(data_output_directory), 'TimeTravelTask_TimeOnly.csv', data_shape=(4, 10, 3), 6 collapse_trials=False, trial_by_trial_accuracy=False, ----> 7 dimension=3, removal_dim_indicies=[0, 1], actual_coordinate_prefixes=True) C:\Program Files\Anaconda3\envs\iposition\lib\site-packages\cogrecon\core\batch_pipeline.pyc in batch_pipeline(search_directory, out_filename, data_shape, dimension, accuracy_z_value, trial_by_trial_accuracy, flags, collapse_trials, manual_threshold, actual_coordinate_prefixes, category_independence_enabled, category_prefixes, order_greedy_deanonymization_enabled, order_prefixes, removal_dim_indicies, _data_coordinates_file_suffix, _order_file_suffix, _category_file_suffix, _actual_coordinates_file_suffix) 378 manual_threshold=mt, remove_dims=removal_dim_indicies, 379 category_independence_enabled=category_independence_enabled, --> 380 order_greedy_deanonymization_enabled=order_greedy_deanonymization_enabled) 381 # noinspection PySimplifyBooleanCheck 382 if results != []: C:\Program Files\Anaconda3\envs\iposition\lib\site-packages\cogrecon\core\batch_pipeline.pyc in get_single_file_result(actual_coordinates, dat, categories, data_orders, label, accuracy_z_value, trial_by_trial_accuracy, manual_threshold, flags, remove_dims, category_independence_enabled, order_greedy_deanonymization_enabled) 164 165 # Process the participant --> 166 return full_pipeline(_participant_data, _analysis_configuration) 167 168 C:\Program Files\Anaconda3\envs\iposition\lib\site-packages\cogrecon\core\full_pipeline.pyc in full_pipeline(participant_data, analysis_configuration, visualize, visualization_extent, fig_size) 659 scaling, 660 translation_magnitude, --> 661 [x for x, y in translation], 662 [y for x, y in translation], 663 geo_dist_threshold, ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack"
__label__bug "aligning actions to top in IE 11 display issue Using alignActions='top' does not display correctly in IE11 (the buttons display too big for the surrounding container). ![image]( "
__label__bug "Tree control does not always create items with the passed root Linux, Debian 8 Godot 3, build bf5a927 (Oct 14, from calinou's nightly builds) Tree.create_item(parent) doesn't always create the item with the passed parent. It does not behave as described in the docs (which it should, the behavior described in the docs makes sense). **Steps to reproduce:** ``` var root = tree.create_item() # becomes root, as expected var section1 = tree.create_item(root) # become child of root, as expected var item1 = tree.create_item(section1) # becomes actual root and the var root becomes child of item1, not expected var item2 = tree.create_item(section1) # becomes actual root and item1 becomes child of item2, not expected var section2 = tree.create_item(root) # becomes child of the var root, as expected, but var root is no longer the actual root of the tree var item3 = tree.create_item(section2) # becomes actual root and item2 becomes child of item3, not expected var no_parent = tree.create_item() # becomes actual root and item3 becomes child of no_parent, not expected ``` **Link to minimal example project:** [github]( [tree-test.gz]( []("
__label__bug "Editor crashes if a lightmap file is missing **Godot version:** df04f46 **OS/device including version:** Debian GNU/Linux **Issue description:** Editor crashes when a lightmap .tex file is missing. I think an editor warning, or auto-rebake is a better option here. **Steps to reproduce:** Bake lightmap in a scene, close the editor, remove a .tex file, start the editor. - [x] I searched the existing [GitHub issues]( for potential duplicates. "
__label__bug "search cancel button does not work <img width=""303"" alt=""2018-01-06 17 39 33"" src=""""> <img width=""402"" alt=""2018-01-06 17 39 53"" src=""""> * * * * - [x] I searched or browsed the repo’s other issues to ensure this is not a duplicate. - [ ] This bug happens on a [tagged release]( and not on `master` (If you're a user, don't worry about this). "
__label__bug Recipe conflicts with Nether Star Blocks There are 3 different nether star blocks and using the crafting table only makes one and the other ones aren't obtainable because they aren't in the oredict Each block has the exact same recipe
__label__bug 导出CASE时,monitor Name 和 supervisor name 始终为空,能否补上? 来自于客户
__label__bug test issue **test body**
__label__bug "Login form detection does not work correctly on injected login page While looking for other examples for issue #42, I noticed that is also behaving weirdly. The login page there seems to be injected via JS after clicking the login button. ## Expected Behavior Username and password fields should behave like on all other sites. ## Current Behavior After clicking the login-button, the username and password fields are not recognized as such. There is no possibility to fill my credentials. After switching to another tab and back to the, my credentials are listed in the KeePassXC Browser Plugin window in the navigation bar. When clicking the entry in the browser plugin, the credentials are filled and my username appears in the normal ""username selection field"" below the username field: ![image]( When clicking the username, the login page closes unexpectedly. When using the tab-button instead, I can see that the password field is also filled correctly. ## Possible Solutions This is probably very specific to how this login page on is implemented. The login page probably closes because the username-selection field is detected as ""outside"" of the login form. As a user, I feel compelled to click on my username again because the selection field hides the password field and I do not see that the password is already filled as well. Maybe the username selection field does not need to be shown when the credentials are filled from the extension-window. ## Steps to Reproduce (for bugs) 1. Create a password entry for 2. Open 3. Click the useraccount-icon or the ""Log In"" button 4. Notice that the username/password fields are not recognized 5. Switch to another tab and back again 6. Click the KeePassXC-browser-icon and choose the credential to fill the login form 7. Click the username below the username field (see screenshot above). ## General Info keepassxc-browser - 0.4.3 Operating system: Windows 10 Browser: Nightly Proxy used: YES "
__label__bug "Can get stuck on a rope When you jump off a rope, you can still press up and then stay on the rope. If you press up late enough, it keeps on you the rope but you slide a bit so you no longer on the rope. this gets you to be stuck."
__label__bug "Coin Market Cap price data may return null. This can cause an exception to be thrown at `String priceUSD = coinData.get(""price_usd"").getAsString();` in CoinMarketCapUpdaterService. Either the app will need to be updated to allow for for a null price or the coin with missing data will need to be skipped. Consideration should be given as to whether a coin's existance in the database should affect which method of handling should be used. E.g if a coin already has a price skip it, however if it's a new coin add with a null price."
__label__bug fix only one payment at once bug balance check fails for 2nd payment transaction
__label__bug "AutoScroll WebExtension fails to has a chance to fail Sometimes the autoscroll extension from PR #66 does not seem to load properly, and has no effect."
__label__bug Remove all modals Remove modals even though it looks nice.
__label__bug "Error: elt id not found In URL: * Error: elt id not found at mkRec ( at promIdbPutElement ( at updateEltToDoc ( at setTimeout ( Error source: * error Context: * Version: 0.64.07 * Started: 2018-01-05T14:58 * Now: 2018-01-05T18:19 * Elapsed: 12079.73 sec * Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36 * Symbol(local) * Logged in"
__label__bug "Color selection button text changes when someone talks The color selected does not change, but the color text shouldn't change until the user himself talks and not others."
__label__bug Test Test
__label__bug "latexmlpost: parser error : Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding ! On Mac OS X with installed basictex and LaTeXML version 0.8.2 when running the command ``` latexml test.tex | latexmlpost --verbose --dest=test.html - ``` on test.tex: ``` \documentclass[a4paper,12pt,twoside,openright]{book} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{natbib} \begin{document} \tableofcontents \chapter{Präfatßio} Löräm ipßum dolor ßit amet, conßäctetur adipisiki älit, sed äüsmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exärcitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi conßequat. Quis aüte iüre reprähenderit in voluptate velit eße cillüm dolore äu fugiat nulla pariatur. Exceptäür sint öbcäcat cupiditat nön proident, ßünt in kulpa kwi offitßia deserunt mollit anim id äßt laborum \cite{Wuersst1887}. \nocite{*} \bibliographystyle{apalike} \bibliography{test} \end{document} ``` I see the following error generated by `latexmlpost` ``` processing started Sat Jan 6 15:27:34 2018:12: parser error : Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding ! Bytes: 0xA0 0x31 0x22 0x20 <chapter frefnum=""Chapter 1"" refnum=""1"" xml:id=""Ch1""> ^ ``` The original file is correct UTF-8 ``` $ file test.tex test.tex: LaTeX 2e document text, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines ``` However when I check the xml file generated by latexml, it seems to be ISO-8859 and not UTF-8: ``` $ latexml test.tex > test.xml $ file test.xml test.xml: XML 1.0 document text, ISO-8859 text, with very long lines ``` Am I doing something wrong or is this an encoding issue? "
__label__bug "journalist: can login with the current token despite error message saying otherwise # Bug ## Description When the journalist makes a mistake entering the password and no token, the message asks that they wait for the next token. However, if they try again and use the correct password and the right token immediately after, it works. When the journalist makes a mistake entering the password and uses the right token, the message asks that they wait for the next token. And if they try with the right password and the right token it will issue exactly the same message because, not because of the wrong password but because the right token was used twice. ## Steps to Reproduce * Connect to the journalist login page * Using an existing journalist account name * Enter the wrong password and no token * Try to login and see the error message asking to wait for the next token * Do not wait for the next token * Enter the right password and the current token ## Expected Behavior * Unable to login because the token is not the next token ## Actual Behavior * Login is successful ## Comments This is inconsistent and slightly confusing but I'm not sure this can be fixed. And it's probably not a significant user experience problem. "
__label__bug "Interface 'FireflyIII\Services\Github\Request\GitHubRequest' not found I am running Firefly III version 4.6.12 #### Description of my issue: The update button is not working. Firefly III v4.6.12 ran into an error: Interface 'FireflyIII\Services\Github\Request\GitHubRequest' not found The error was of type ""Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException"". #### Steps to reproduce Click the update button Also exists on the demo site. #### Other important details (log files, system info): Please click the version number in the right corner of any Firefly III page to get debug information. "
__label__bug "Xpath errors not correctly handled Running v0.1.1 and v1.1.1 I get hundreds of PHP warnings thats should be handled. v0.1.1 ``` PHP Warning: DOMXPath::query() [<a href='domxpath.query'>domxpath.query</a>]: Invalid expression in [...]/Emogrifier.php on line 269 ``` v1.0.0 ``` PHP Warning: DOMXPath::query(): Invalid expression in [...]/Emogrifier.php on line 294 PHP Warning: DOMXPath::query(): Undefined namespace prefix in [...]/Emogrifier.php on line 294 PHP Warning: DOMXPath::query(): xmlXPathCompOpEval: function not bound to undefined prefix div in [...]/Emogrifier.php on line 294 ``` "
__label__bug "[Urgent] Crashes in v2.6.5 We are getting a lot of crashes in v2.6.5 production, with a crash rate of 4.27%, more than in previous versions. This has unfortunately led to a lot of uninstalls. :( The majority of the crashes seem to be related to Dagger. I have pasted them below: 9 reports, 6 users using Android 8.0 and 8.1: ``` java.lang.RuntimeException: at ( at (Unknown Source) at$H.handleMessage ( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage ( at android.os.Looper.loop ( at ( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Native Method) at$ ( at ( Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: at ( at ( at ( at ( at ( ``` 8 reports, 4 users using Android 7.0 and 7.1: ``` java.lang.RuntimeException: at ( at ( at$H.handleMessage ( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage ( at android.os.Looper.loop ( at ( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Native Method) at$ ( at ( Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: at ( at ( at ( at ( at ( ``` 5 reports, 2 users using Android 7.1, both using RedMi phones. ``` java.lang.RuntimeException: at$1.onServiceDisconnected ( at$ServiceDispatcher.doConnected ( at$ServiceDispatcher$ ( at android.os.Handler.handleCallback ( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage ( at android.os.Looper.loop ( at ( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Native Method) at$ ( at ( ``` 8 reports, 3 users: ``` java.lang.RuntimeException: at ( at ( at$H.handleMessage ( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage ( at android.os.Looper.loop ( at ( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Native Method) at$ ( at ( Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: at ( at ( at ( at ( at ( ```"
__label__bug "When reopening media, thumbnail is displayed <!-- Please, describe the issue here --> --- <!-- These info are not mandatory but they will help --> <!-- The instance you are using --> Instance: <!-- If you know the version of Mastalab you are using (can be found in about page) --> Mastalab version: <!-- Your Android version --> Android version: "
__label__bug "Memory leak ? Dear Michel, Now playing with Cowrie on my RPi, after a long time with no free time for playing again ... It seems that each time a session is closed, there are about 1Mb of memory not cleared ... On my low-memory Rpi (256Mo only ...) each spared Mb is good :-) Did somebody else have such a behaviour ? Regards, Jean "
__label__bug ". and .. entries don't show up in sftp client . and .. entries don't show up in sftp client "
__label__bug "redefinition of typedef ‘box_tuple_t’ on CentOS 6 GCC 4.4 ``` #define PACKAGE_VERSION ""1.7.6-0-g7b2945d"" - версия module.h /usr/include/tarantool/module.h:1601: ошибка: переопределение typedef ‘box_tuple_t’ /usr/include/tarantool/module.h:1101: замечание: здесь была предыдущая декларация ‘box_tuple_t’ /usr/include/tarantool/module.h:1602: ошибка: переопределение typedef ‘box_key_def_t’ /usr/include/tarantool/module.h:1041: замечание: здесь была предыдущая декларация ‘box_key_def_t ```"
__label__bug "Applier doesn't reconnect in case of DNS-error When applier can't resolve master ip address then applier doesn't try to reconnect any more, for example: 1: id: 1 uuid: 32ebf339-cd34-48b1-972e-6a9b208ed2f5 lsn: 8 upstream: status: connect idle: 215.050259086 message: 'getaddrinfo: Name does not resolve' lag: 0 downstream: vclock: {1: 8} 2: id: 2 uuid: 8658ebc0-a337-49e9-83ca-a0329a138b9f lsn: 0"
__label__bug SEARCA vehicle instead of time (CAMPUS TR) SEARCA vehicle shows in Campus Travel request PDF instead of time
__label__bug 圖表:需要有頁碼 圖表列表頁需要有頁碼
__label__bug Bot does not respond to Ctrl+C Currently it is not possible to stop the bot using Ctrl+C at the terminal level. Its only way of stopping the bot is by sending it SIGKILL
__label__bug "Convert Dialog: Ghost-Text while dragging if headline is selected If the headline (Job Title) is selected then there will be a ghost text when the user starts dragging a color box from the according box; the actual color box is not visible then , only the ghost text. See the attached video (.mov format) !!! <img width=""639"" alt=""screenshot 2017-12-12 15 30 53"" src=""""> [Convert]( "
__label__bug "Dragging and link issue Just drag here: You will see the issue, I’m dragging, but the page will go to Google. Codepen:"
__label__bug "Spring Security UI issue I recently upgraded a Grails project to 3.3.1. My biggest issue was with the Cookie Session plugin. I started with 3.0.1 version of the plugin but I would get errors. I forked 3.0.1 and fixed the errors but I would occasionally get errors that could only be fixed by clearing the cookies. I tried your version, 4.0.0.RC1, and it seems better but I now have an issue when a new user registers and I reauthenticate, the user does not get logged in but has to enter a user name and password again. Does you project use Spring Security and have you seen this issue? Thanks, Randy"
__label__bug "SOAP response body not set as text For requests to a SOAP endpoint the body string response is not set. The problem is that we only encode the binary data as string for the known text content types. Currently that is: `text/*`, `application/xml` or `application/json` Soap and other xml content types are not included, like `""application/soap+xml""` [Reported in the forum.]("
__label__bug """Center map on layer"" change is not correctly updated when publishing Looks like it stores `embed_zoom=builder_zoom-1` Builder: ![image]( Embed: ![image]( "
__label__bug "Walk through wall <img width=""508"" alt=""screen shot 2018-01-09 at 4 53 40 pm"" src=""""> ### Expected results cannot walk through wall ### Actual results Walking through wall ### Steps to reproduce the issue Update tiles.js ## Would you like to work on this Yes, I am. Please don't without my consent "
__label__bug "Cannot use key ID as key_index when using LexikJoseEncoder the `key_index` setting can be an integer or the key ID (string), but [LexikJoseEncoder 's constructor expects it as an integer](, so there's no way to use the key ID. "
__label__bug "Experiment Tools remove Experiment bug We had an issue with removing an experiment (2 control groups, 2 users, both finished the experiment). Restarting the server solved the problem. Try to reproduce this problem and fix it. "
__label__bug Missing required configuration entry: cookie.encryption.key most of test failed with common error [error] application - Missing required configuration entry: cookie.encryption.key Exception encountered when attempting to run a suite with class name: TestSpec ABORTED java.lang.SecurityException: Missing required configuration entry: cookie.encryption.key However all these tests are running smoothly with sbt test
__label__bug "Asset Indexing is broken on PostgreSQL ### Description Asset Indexing is broken on PostgreSQL ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install the latest Craft 3 RC4 on PostgreSQL. 2. Create an Asset Volume. 3. Make sure there are some files to index in the volume. 4. Run the Update Asset Indexes Utility. 5. Get an error: ``` SQLSTATE[42804]: Datatype mismatch: 7 ERROR: column ""inProgress"" is of type boolean but expression is of type integer LINE 1: ...itten-names-1.jpg', 45980, '2017-02-13 18:20:34', 0, 0, '201... ^ HINT: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression. The SQL being executed was: INSERT INTO ""assetindexdata"" (""volumeId"", ""sessionId"", ""uri"", ""size"", ""timestamp"", ""inProgress"", ""completed"", ""dateCreated"", ""dateUpdated"", ""uid"") VALUES (1, '7b69f755-4536-448e-8612-1f439a0094d4', 'best-kitten-names-1.jpg', 45980, '2017-02-13 18:20:34', 0, 0, '2018-01-08 19:52:30', '2018-01-08 19:52:30', '93082a87-a343-476e-afe6-186b3627a781'), (1, '7b69f755-4536-448e-8612-1f439a0094d4', 'road-sign-361514_1920.png', 294543, '2017-12-31 22:36:58', 0, 0, '2018-01-08 19:52:30', '2018-01-08 19:52:30', 'cc452731-c4bf-4f8a-a833-ba49d7d2d035') ``` Probably an issue with the `completed` column as well. Also worth testing the `inProgress` column of the `assettransformindex` table as it's likely an issue there. ### Additional info - Craft version: Craft 3 RC4 - PHP version: 7.0 - Database driver & version: PostgreSQL - Plugins & versions: n/a "
__label__bug "replacing a certificate cannot work correctly certificates and their related information are stored in two parts: - a hashmap `fingerprint -> certificate` (and other info): - a trie `domain name -> fingerprint` (to lookup the certificate from SNI usage): Currently, if we remove the old certificate then add the new one, there's a gap during which TLS connections with those certificates won't work. If we add the new certificate then remove the old one, then the adding part would replace the fingerprint in the trie with the new one, and the removing part would remove the new fingerprint from the trie (for all the domain names handled by the old certificate): proposal: store a `Vec<CertFingerprint>` as value in the trie. That way, when we add or remove, we edit the related vector. If we look up a name and the resulting vec has multiple entries, just take the first one, since it means the certificate is still valid."
__label__bug fix NFL reader currently does not retrieve all pages
__label__bug "SoundClound widget when generate new widget or edit existing, the old one will not disappear visual bug only = database ok - new - edit"
__label__bug "plugin/kubernetes: should we answer this? I have a service called coredns: ~~~ % kubectl get svc coredns NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE coredns LoadBalancer 53:32377/UDP 9m ~~~ Now this returns something: ``` % dig svc coredns.pod.cluster.local ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 25762 ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 4, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1 ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;coredns.pod.cluster.local. IN A ;; ANSWER SECTION: coredns.pod.cluster.local. 5 IN CNAME *. *. 5 IN A *. 5 IN A *. 5 IN A ;; Query time: 27 msec ````"
__label__bug "布局layout出现重叠 ![d38525b79aae7547a12dbd02775af785]( "
__label__bug "not available on flathub? trying to download the flatpak using the command `flatpak install --from` spits out `Key file contains line “<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"" """">” which is not a key-value pair, group, or comment`. viewing the link in a browser leads to flathub's 404 page."
__label__bug [타임테이블] 과목 삭제 시 고정이 된 후 삭제되는 문제 과목 삭제 시 해당 블럭을 눌렀으므로 일단 고정 이벤트와 삭제 이벤트가 모두 발생한다. 삭제 버튼을 누르면 고정 이벤트는 발생하지 않게 해야 한다.
__label__bug QR code generator should use the available viewport `ViewUtils.getQRCodeBitmap` is currently using display X-axis size as the QR code size. This could produce QR codes that overflow the screen.
__label__bug " not added before used in squashed migration I've run into this while migrating from 0.8.0 to 1.0.0. It seems that the email field was added in but not added in the migrations before it attempts to use them. So, running migrations, I end up with this error when it attempts to resync customers within the migration process: `django.db.utils.OperationalError: no such column:` When it's run on a fresh install it works since it doesn't seem to call the data until it's done, and it runs migrations that were left out of the squished one, which do add the missing fields: ``` Applying djstripe.0001_squashed_0007_for_custom_subscriber_model... OK Applying djstripe.0008_auto_20150806_1641_squashed_0031_auto_20170606_1708... OK Applying djstripe.0009_auto_20170806_1236... OK Applying djstripe.0010_event_idempotency_key... OK Applying djstripe.0011_auto_20170808_0628... OK ```"
__label__bug "Segfault when modifying pre-existing user data # OS: KDE Neon 5.11.5 # Steps to reproduce: 1. Populate login screen with data 2. Move up one field 3. attempt to modify a field 4. segfault I will work to get a better read on debug symbols. meanwhile here is the coredump: (gdb) run Starting program: /usr/bin/quaternion [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library ""/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"". [New Thread 0x7fffea8fe700 (LWP 5212)] [New Thread 0x7fffdc769700 (LWP 5213)] Debug: false [New Thread 0x7fffd20c5700 (LWP 5214)] [New Thread 0x7fffd1001700 (LWP 5215)] qml: onCompleted _qrc:///qml/chat.qml:13:41: Unable to assign [undefined] to bool_ [New Thread 0x7fffcb171700 (LWP 5245)] Thread 1 ""quaternion"" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00007ffff58daea4 in QUrl::isValid() const () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (gdb) bt all No symbol ""all"" in current context. (gdb) bt #0 0x00007ffff58daea4 in QUrl::isValid() const () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #1 0x00007ffff58e1dc9 in QUrl::toString(QUrlTwoFlags<QUrl::UrlFormattingOption, QUrl::ComponentFormattingOption>) const () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #2 0x0000000000441b55 in ?? () #3 0x00007ffff59c05a6 in QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #4 0x00000000004a0fa5 in QMatrixClient::Connection::homeserverChanged(QUrl) () #5 0x000000000046ba91 in QMatrixClient::Connection::setHomeserver(QUrl const&) () #6 0x000000000046e06e in ?? () #7 0x00007ffff59c05a6 in QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #8 0x00007ffff5f1fee1 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #9 0x00007ffff5f2008d in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #10 0x00007ffff59c12b9 in QObject::event(QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #11 0x00007ffff76d4b9c in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #12 0x00007ffff76dc5a7 in QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #13 0x00007ffff5993df8 in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #14 0x00007ffff59965db in QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents(QObject*, int, QThreadData*) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #15 0x00007ffff59ea0a3 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #16 0x00007ffff3074197 in g_main_context_dispatch () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #17 0x00007ffff30743f0 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #18 0x00007ffff307449c in g_main_context_iteration () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #19 0x00007ffff59e96cb in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #20 0x00007ffff5991e2a in QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #21 0x00007ffff78c26c7 in QDialog::exec() () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #22 0x000000000044aa50 in MainWindow::showLoginWindow(QString const&) () #23 0x00000000004643ce in ?? () #24 0x00007ffff59c12b9 in QObject::event(QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #25 0x00007ffff7714163 in QWidget::event(QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #26 0x00007ffff782b81b in QMainWindow::event(QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #27 0x00007ffff76d4b9c in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #28 0x00007ffff76dc5a7 in QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #29 0x00007ffff5993df8 in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #30 0x00007ffff59965db in QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents(QObject*, int, QThreadData*) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #31 0x00007ffff59ea0a3 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #32 0x00007ffff3074197 in g_main_context_dispatch () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #33 0x00007ffff30743f0 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #34 0x00007ffff307449c in g_main_context_iteration () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #35 0x00007ffff59e96af in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #36 0x00007ffff5993ef9 in QCoreApplication::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>, int) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #37 0x00007ffff787c4fa in QSplashScreen::finish(QWidget*) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #38 0x000000000043eca3 in main ()"
__label__bug "Rails/Delegate false positive (arguments ignored) `Rails/Delegate` warns incorrectly about a method call with arguments. Sample code (a.rb): ```ruby # frozen_string_literal: true # A class A def b; end end # Foo class Foo def a(n) p n end def b a(1).b end end ``` -------- ## Expected behavior `rubocop a.rb` reports no offenses. ## Actual behavior It reports an offense like this: ``` a.rb:13:3: C: Rails/Delegate: Use delegate to define delegations. def b ^^^ ``` But obviously `Foo#b` method cannot be delegate to `a.b`. In fact, auto-fixed code raises an error. ``` $ bin/rails runner ""load 'a.rb'"" 1 $ rubocop -a a.rb $ bin/rails runner ""load 'a.rb'"" a.rb:10:in `a': wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1) (ArgumentError) from a.rb:15:in `b' ... ``` Auto-fixed code: ```diff # frozen_string_literal: true # A class A def b; end end # Foo class Foo def a(n) p n end - def b - a(1).b - end + delegate :b, to: :a end ``` ## Steps to reproduce the problem Run `rubocop a.rb` using this .rubocop.yml: ```yaml AllCops: TargetRailsVersion: 5.1 Rails: Enabled: true ``` ## RuboCop version ``` $ rubocop -V 0.52.1 (using Parser, running on ruby 2.4.2 x86_64-darwin16) ``` "
__label__bug "Student Files are not visible to advocates - broken paths Major issue discovered. I have students that are loading snapshots of files that are no longer visible to the view of their advocates. This is a critical issue. ![student files not loading]( "
__label__bug "Rollbar: Native client not found Am getting error ""Rollbar: Native client not found. Did you run react-native link?"" I have also tried ""react-native link"" command but still getting same error. If anyone know, please reply. Thanks"
__label__bug Restructuring broke links in README to the Dockerfiles It looks like [this PR]( broke the links to the Dockerfiles in the README /cc @shirhatti and @mcy94w
__label__bug "Cookie variety Apparently, a cookie allocated by the lkcApi could last no longer than 2 or 3 days. As a result of that, it pushes me to change the dynamic way of creating new tasks that whenever a user reaches the end of the domain the system automatically generates additional tasks from where it stopped. So any objection about making initial generations fixed?"
__label__bug "[UI] mobile view title + notif toggler + profile menu too long [bug scrrenshot]( "
__label__bug "Disabling the 'embed links' permission breaks the bot (DiscordAPIError: Missing Permissions) Should be fixable by checking the 'embed links' permission and, if it is disabled, sending a regular message instead."
__label__bug "Function onFinishAll is never called This is how I'm using it. ``` <FlipMove className=""ui horizontal list"" duration={300} onStartAll={this.onStartAll} onFinishAll={this.onFinishAll}> {this.items} <FlipMove> ``` [onStart, onStartAll, onFinish] works as expected. Using version 2.9.1"
__label__bug "Replace 'babel-preset-latest' with 'babel-preset-env' During a `vagrant up` build, we received the following warning, regarding [babel-preset-latest]( ```bash main: Notice: /Stage[main]/Package::Package_json/Nodejs::Npm[install-babel-preset-latest]/Exec[npm_install_install-babel-preset-latest]/returns: npm WARN deprecated babel-preset-latest@6.24.1: We're super 😸 excited that you're trying to use ES2017+ syntax, but instead of making more yearly presets 😭 , Babel now has a better preset that we recommend you use instead: npm install babel-preset-env --save-dev. preset-env without options will compile ES2015+ down to ES5 just like using all the presets together and thus is more future proof. It also allows you to target specific browsers so that Babel can do less work and you can ship native ES2015+ to user 😎 ! We are also in the process of releasing v7, so please give a read and help test it out in beta! Thanks so much for using Babel 🙏, please give us a follow on Twitter @babeljs for news on Babel, join for discussion/development and help support the project at ``` So, we'll replace the former package, with the suggested [babel-preset-env]( update."
__label__bug "Dynamically created tags don't appear in tag management view before refresh When creating a tag dynamically (i.e. adding a non-existent tag to a link), the new tag is not visible in the tag manager before the user reloads the page. This is a pretty serious UX issue."
__label__bug "Allow discard in fragment stage Discard in fragment shader doesn't seem to work. I thought, when not returning a value it would work, but then I get the error, that different types are returned."
__label__bug Excessive inset on bookmarks page Notice scroll bar in pic ![GitHawk Upload by Sherlouk]( <details> <summary>Bug Report Dump (Auto-generated)</summary> <pre> Version 1.16.0 (1512840803) Device: iPhone 6s Plus (iOS 11.2) TestFlight: true </pre> </details>
__label__bug SCORM content is null in frontend Link to module: Zip file for SCORM content: []( Frontend link:
__label__bug "Make an outgoing call successfully , and no response sometimes. ### Description I make an outgoing call first and it connects fine and disconnects fine, but sometimes I make another call return no response, and wait a few seconds or minutes, will connect again. ### Steps to Reproduce 1. Make a call, the other side answer the call, one of them hang up the call. 2. Make another call, then no response #### Expected Behavior Have response every time, or at least has info message. #### Actual Behavior No response #### Reproduces How Often After make a few calls , this happens #### Logs 2017-08-23 21:02:34.800653+1200 [849:429242] StartCallAction transaction request successful 2017-08-23 21:02:34.919663+1200 [849:418916] → Saving <NSManagedObjectContext (0x16552f90): MagicalRecord Default Context> on the main thread 2017-08-23 21:02:34.941006+1200 [849:418916] → Saving <NSManagedObjectContext (0x16552f90): MagicalRecord Default Context> on the main thread 2017-08-23 21:02:34.941514+1200 [849:429217] → Saving <NSManagedObjectContext (0x167cb950): MagicalRecord Root Saving Context> on a background thread provider:performStartCallAction: 2017-08-23 21:02:34.953647+1200 [849:418916] [VERBOSE TwilioVoice] Inside configureAudioSession, preparing audio session. 2017-08-23 21:02:34.956273+1200 [849:418916] [DEBUG TVOReachability] Reachability Flag Status: -R ------- networkStatusForFlags 2017-08-23 21:02:34.957009+1200 [849:418916] [DEBUG TVOCommandHandler] Inside postCommand:, received command of type TVOMakeCallCommand 2017-08-23 21:02:34.957943+1200 [849:428827] [VERBOSE Twilio] Inside constructUri: Registration URL:;transport=tls 2017-08-23 21:02:34.958070+1200 [849:428827] [INFO TVOMakeCallCommand] Call URI:;transport=tls Call########### C5AA7304-A06C-4094-BDD3-8F438168FD9E C5AA7304-A06C-4094-BDD3-8F438168FD9E Call########### Reachable via WiFi 2017-08-23 21:02:35.464840+1200 [849:419075] PJSIP(4): pjsua_aud.c Closing sound device after idle for 1 second(s) 2017-08-23 21:02:35.505207+1200 [849:419075] PJSIP(4): pjsua_aud.c .Closing iPhone IO device sound playback device and iPhone IO device sound capture device 2017-08-23 21:02:35.514491+1200 [849:419075] PJSIP(4): coreaudio_dev. .core audio stream stopped Reachable via WiFi provider:didActivateAudioSession: 2017-08-23 21:02:35.569147+1200 [849:418916] [VERBOSE TwilioVoice] Inside startAudioDevice, starting audio device. #### Voice iOS SDK 2.0.0-beta14 (August 15, 2017) #### Xcode Version 8.3.3 (8E3004b) #### iOS Version 10.3.3 #### iOS Device iphone se , iphone 7 , iphone 5, iphone 6 "
__label__bug Thread registration returned error code 120022 **Thread registration returned error code 120022. Twilio Client APIs will be executed in the main thread. Please file an error report with this description.** Getting this error and crashing when disconnecting the call Swift 3.1 iOS 10.0 Twilio Voice 2.0.0-beta20
__label__bug Found a bug I'm having a problem with this.
__label__bug "regression: timeout errors have increased in normal operation When running locally this error is seen intermittently: ``` {""error"":{""message"":""Timed out - server too busy""}} ``` This causes a 5xx error to the caller, but I suspect this is a recent regression as it didn't use to happen, and the server isn't actually very busy. Seen by @carimura @shaunsmith"
__label__bug "Skipping the optional skipper setup ends up with server deployment errors As a user, I'm following the [getting-started]( guide to setup SCDF; however, when I skip the optional step to setup skipper, I get the following deployment error. ``` Caused by: org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate []: Factory method 'skipperClient' threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Bad URI syntax: http://${SKIPPER_SERVICE_HOST}/api at ~[spring-beans-4.3.12.RELEASE.jar!/:4.3.12.RELEASE] at ~[spring-beans-4.3.12.RELEASE.jar!/:4.3.12.RELEASE] ... 26 common frames omitted ``` This is happening because `server-deployment.yaml` expects the Skipper URI since it is parameterized. It might be better (/ easy fix) to [update the docs]( [i.e., `6. Deploy Skipper` section] to include Skipper always in the getting-started guide. "
__label__bug "Fix issue with major.mid.minor-release in is_rpm_over ### Actual behavior Some packages like mc for example have major.mid.minor-release: ``` Version : 4.8.19 Release : 7.fc27 ``` some packages like sos for example have major.minor-release: ``` Version : 3.5 Release : 1.fc27 ``` With the way it is written now it only woks with major.mid-release ### Expected behavior ### Steps to reproduce the behavior "
__label__bug "NPE crush on Issue create page Steps: 1. Open repository view 2. Push issues tab 3. Push plus on top-left to add new issue 4. Tap select milestone. => crush StackTrace: ``` E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: jp.forkhub, PID: 5085 java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.widget.CompoundButton.setChecked(boolean)' on a null object reference at com.github.kevinsawicki.wishlist.ViewUpdater.setChecked( at com.github.kevinsawicki.wishlist.TypeAdapter.setChecked( at$MilestoneListAdapter.update( at$MilestoneListAdapter.update( at com.github.kevinsawicki.wishlist.SingleTypeAdapter.update( at com.github.kevinsawicki.wishlist.SingleTypeAdapter.getView( at android.widget.AbsListView.obtainView( at android.widget.ListView.measureHeightOfChildren( at android.widget.ListView.onMeasure( at android.view.View.measure( at android.view.ViewGroup.measureChildWithMargins( at android.widget.FrameLayout.onMeasure( at android.view.View.measure( at android.view.ViewGroup.measureChildWithMargins( at android.widget.FrameLayout.onMeasure( at android.view.View.measure( at android.view.ViewGroup.measureChildWithMargins( at android.widget.LinearLayout.measureChildBeforeLayout( at android.widget.LinearLayout.measureVertical( at android.widget.LinearLayout.onMeasure( at android.view.View.measure( at android.view.ViewGroup.measureChildWithMargins( at android.widget.FrameLayout.onMeasure( at android.view.View.measure( at android.view.ViewGroup.measureChildWithMargins( at android.widget.FrameLayout.onMeasure( at android.view.View.measure( at android.view.ViewGroup.measureChildWithMargins( at android.widget.FrameLayout.onMeasure( at at android.view.View.measure( at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performMeasure( at android.view.ViewRootImpl.measureHierarchy( at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals( at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal( at android.view.ViewRootImpl$ at android.view.Choreographer$ at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks( at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame( at android.view.Choreographer$ at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at$ at ```"
__label__bug "voicerss wrapper the actual voicerss api has changed. Implement a new version using the new API the python lib + api key. "
__label__bug "Fix base files Base files (`{{cookiecutter_project_name|lower}}.c` and `log.c`) provide some compile time errors. (`PACKAGE`, `vasprintf`...) ``` bootstrap.c: In function ‘usage’: bootstrap.c:36:35: error: ‘PACKAGE_STRING’ undeclared (first use in this function) fprintf(stderr, ""Version: %s\n"", PACKAGE_STRING); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bootstrap.c:36:35: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in bootstrap.c:42:37: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘PACKAGE’ fprintf(stderr, ""see manual page "" PACKAGE ""(8) for more information\n""); ^~~~~~~ bootstrap.c: In function ‘main’: bootstrap.c:69:28: error: ‘PACKAGE_VERSION’ undeclared (first use in this function) fprintf(stdout, ""%s\n"", PACKAGE_VERSION); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ log.c: In function ‘vlog’: log.c:130:7: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘vasprintf’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] if (vasprintf(&result, fmt, ap) != -1) { ^~~~~~~~~ log.c:140:7: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘asprintf’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] if (asprintf(&nfmt, ""%s %s%s%s]%s %s\n"", ^~~~~~~~ ``` "
__label__bug "Перевод в правилах размещения рекламы Google Adsense Переведено как «Google требует немедленно отображение рекламы...» В слове «немедленно» пропущена буква «е» на конце. ![2017-11-16 1 12 15]( "
__label__bug "ic-30 : When mic fails to take input, everything needs to be reset Steps to re-stage the issue: 1. Tap the mic button 2. When prompted for speech input, do NOT speak. 3. Tap outside the prompt to make it disappear. Currently, fields are blank. Expected: Upper field should display ""Type or say something"" "
__label__bug "Fontawesome5: fa-layers-text misalignment when using with Bootstrap 4 I currently have the following div.col-lg which lists the techonology that was used to create a website. Since Bootstrap does not have its own fa-icon I tried out the new layer feature but am getting misalignments for that layered element. ``` <div class=""fa-5x""> <i class=""fab fa-angular"" style=""color:red"" data-toggle=""tooltip"" title=""Angular 5""></i> <i class=""fab fa-css3-alt"" style=""color:darkolivegreen"" data-toggle=""tooltip"" title=""CSS3""></i> <i class=""fab fa-js-square"" style=""color:lightseagreen"" data-toggle=""tooltip"" title=""jQuery""></i> <span class=""fa-layers fa-fw"" data-toggle=""tooltip"" title=""Bootstrap v4""> <i class=""fab fa-bootstrap"" style=""color:#563D7C""></i> <span class=""fa-layers-text fa-inverse"" data-fa-transform=""shrink-4 down-0.5"" style=""font-weight:600"">B</span> </span> </div> ``` Upon reviewing the respective code with the browser-inspector I realized that it is not the i-element but the span-element that is misaligned and using too much space above and beneath itself. Am I missing anything here? P.S: To avoid confusion, I added the rectangle fo the bootstrap logo to the fontawesome.js."
__label__bug "dnsmasq-lease-share.lua is not properly executed Dnsmasq is configured with the following option: `option dhcpscript '/etc/alfred/dnsmasq-lease-share.lua'` But according to dnsmasq documentation: ``` --dhcp-script=<path> Shell script to run on DHCP lease creation and destruction. --dhcp-luascript=path Lua script to run on DHCP lease creation and destruction. ``` So if dhcp-script is used, dnsmasq executes the file as a shell script (sh), then logread shows the error: `daemon.debug dnsmasq-script[11466]: /usr/lib/dnsmasq/ /etc/alfred/dnsmasq-lease-share.lua: line 5: syntax error: unexpected word (expecting "")"") ` Obviously dhcp-luascript option should be used instead, but it is not implemented by OpenWRT UCI pharser, so it cannot be easily changed. "
__label__bug "Copying using ""Shift+Left mouse"" copies some spaces which are not there in the original text Hi, My setup is xterm running in VNC from remote server. For copying text from inside vnc and my laptop, I usuall use shift+left mouse button to select which will copy the contents to the clipboard and paste in laptop. Copying (using left mouse) works in vim and neovim But in neovim, some extra whiteline characters(spaces)(which are not actually present in the original copied text) are also getting copied from the source text. ![nvimissue]( I am not seeing this issue in vim. Both vim and neovim uses the same config rc file. clipboard settings which are automatically setting: Vim => clipboard=autoselect,exclude:cons|linux Nvim => clipboard= PS. If I use putty to connect to the server and copying using the left mouse, I am not facing this issue. "
__label__bug "fails on centos6 Using python2.6 on Centos6 still fails with the following error. This is using the latest develop branch commit f144ae91294c3604ee61c861b52310491ae862e1 ``` linchpin up dummy /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/cryptography/ DeprecationWarning: Python 2.6 is no longer supported by the Python core team, please upgrade your Python. The next version of cryptography will drop support for Python 2.6 DeprecationWarning /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/linchpin/api/ DeprecationWarning: The SafeConfigParser class has been renamed to ConfigParser in Python 3.2. This alias will be removed in future versions. Use ConfigParser directly instead. config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/linchpin/api/ DeprecationWarning: This method will be removed in future versions. Use 'parser.read_file()' instead. config.readfp(f) /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/tinydb/ DeprecationWarning: eids has been renamed to doc_ids warnings.warn('eids has been renamed to doc_ids', DeprecationWarning) [DEPRECATION WARNING]: Included file '/usr/lib/python2.6/site- packages/linchpin/provision/update_aws_cfn_outputs.yml' not found, however since this include is not explicitly marked as 'static: yes', we will try and include it dynamically later. In the future, this will be an error unless 'static: no' is used on the include task. If you do not want missing includes to be considered dynamic, use 'static: yes' on the include or set the global ansible.cfg options to make all inclues static for tasks and/or handlers. This feature will be removed in a future release. Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg. Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/usr/bin/linchpin"", line 11, in <module> load_entry_point('linchpin==1.0.4', 'console_scripts', 'linchpin')() File ""/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/click/"", line 722, in __call__ return self.main(*args, **kwargs) File ""/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/click/"", line 697, in main rv = self.invoke(ctx) File ""/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/click/"", line 1066, in invoke return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx)) File ""/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/click/"", line 895, in invoke return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params) File ""/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/click/"", line 535, in invoke return callback(*args, **kwargs) File ""/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/click/"", line 64, in new_func return ctx.invoke(f, obj, *args[1:], **kwargs) File ""/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/click/"", line 535, in invoke return callback(*args, **kwargs) File ""/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/linchpin/"", line 208, in up return_code, results = lpcli.lp_up(pf_w_path, targets, run_id=run_id) File ""/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/linchpin/api/"", line 245, in lp_up return self.run_playbook(pinfile, targets, action=""up"", run_id=run_id) File ""/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/linchpin/api/"", line 617, in run_playbook console=ansible_console) File ""/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/linchpin/api/"", line 667, in _invoke_playbook console=console) File ""/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/linchpin/api/"", line 188, in ansible_runner return_code = File ""/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ansible/executor/"", line 153, in run result = File ""/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ansible/executor/"", line 257, in run strategy = strategy_loader.get(new_play.strategy, self) File ""/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ansible/plugins/"", line 353, in get path = self.find_plugin(name) File ""/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ansible/plugins/"", line 263, in find_plugin for path in (p for p in self._get_paths() if p not in self._searched_paths and os.path.isdir(p)): File ""/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ansible/plugins/"", line 194, in _get_paths ret.extend(self._get_package_paths(subdirs=subdirs)) File ""/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ansible/plugins/"", line 157, in _get_package_paths m = __import__(self.package) File ""/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ansible/plugins/strategy/"", line 35, in <module> from ansible.executor.process.worker import WorkerProcess File ""/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ansible/executor/process/"", line 33, in <module> from Crypto.Random import atfork File ""/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/Crypto/Random/"", line 29, in <module> from Crypto.Random import _UserFriendlyRNG File ""/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/Crypto/Random/"", line 38, in <module> from Crypto.Random.Fortuna import FortunaAccumulator File ""/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/Crypto/Random/Fortuna/"", line 39, in <module> import FortunaGenerator File ""/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/Crypto/Random/Fortuna/"", line 34, in <module> from Crypto.Util.number import ceil_shift, exact_log2, exact_div File ""/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/Crypto/Util/"", line 56, in <module> if _fastmath is not None and not _fastmath.HAVE_DECL_MPZ_POWM_SEC: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'HAVE_DECL_MPZ_POWM_SEC' ``` "
__label__bug "copy:index.html issue while running `npm run build:spa-dev` <!-- PLEASE HELP US PROCESS GITHUB ISSUES FASTER BY PROVIDING THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION. ISSUES MISSING IMPORTANT INFORMATION MAY BE CLOSED WITHOUT INVESTIGATION. --> **I'm submitting a ...** (check one with ""x"") ``` [ ] Regression (a behavior that used to work and stopped working in a new release) [x] Bug report <!-- Please check the repository for a similar issue or PR before submitting --> [ ] Support request => <!-- Please check the repository for a similar issue or PR before submitting --> [ ] Feature request [ ] Documentation issue or request ``` **Current behavior** <!-- Describe how the issue manifests. --> running `npm run build:spa-dev` fails on copy:index.html gulp command: ``` [10:36:01] Starting 'copy:index.html'... [10:36:01] 'copy:index.html' errored after 20 ms [10:36:01] Error: Invalid dest() folder argument. Please specify a non-empty string or a function. at Gulp.dest (/Users/shawnan/CRUD/node_modules/vinyl-fs/lib/dest/index.js:21:11) at /Users/shawnan/CRUD/tools/build/gulp-helpers.js:56:36 at /Users/shawnan/CRUD/node_modules/lazypipe/index.js:27:19 at (native) at build (/Users/shawnan/CRUD/node_modules/lazypipe/index.js:26:37) at Object.exports.debug (/Users/shawnan/CRUD/tools/build/gulp-helpers.js:57:7) at copy (/Users/shawnan/CRUD/tools/build/gulp-tasks.js:90:18) at bound (domain.js:301:14) at runBound (domain.js:314:12) at asyncRunner (/Users/shawnan/CRUD/node_modules/async-done/index.js:39:18) at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:95:7) at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:198:9) [10:36:01] 'build:spa-dev' errored after 1.26 s ``` **Expected/desired behavior** <!-- Describe what the desired behavior would be. --> I expected the command to finish without errors **Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions** <!-- For bug reports please provide the *STEPS TO REPRODUCE* and if possible a *MINIMAL DEMO* of the problem via or similar (you can use this template as a starting point: --> ```sh yarn npm run build:spa-dev ``` **What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?** <!-- Describe the motivation or the concrete use case. --> **Environment** * **Angular version:** X.Y.Z <!-- Check whether this is still an issue in the most recent Angular version --> * **Browser:** - [ ] Chrome (desktop) version XX - [ ] Chrome (Android) version XX - [ ] Chrome (iOS) version XX - [ ] Firefox version XX - [ ] Safari (desktop) version XX - [ ] Safari (iOS) version XX - [ ] IE version XX - [ ] Edge version XX * **For Tooling issues:** - Node version: 8.0.0 <!-- run `node --version` --> - NPM version: 5.0.0 - Platform: Mac * Others: <!-- Anything else relevant? Operating system version, IDE, package manager, HTTP server, ... --> `npm ls` output attached [-.txt]( "
__label__bug "Framed Display crashes ESP ### Steps to reproduce compile master with core 2.4.0 (fix the min max issue as mentioned in the forum) set up a framed display, activate it. interact with the web interface the very moment scrolling takes place. Does the problem presist after powering off and on? (just resetting isnt enough sometimes) y ### Expected behavior Tell us what should happen? ### System configuration Wemos D1 mini. ps. in the function `void display_scroll(String outString[], String inString[], int nlines, int scrollspeed)` there is a call to `backgroundtasks();` disable it and the issue is gone. Question is: what are the drawbacks ? "
__label__bug "Fix bug with Student Report to/from filtering dates # GIF ![student-report-params-bug]( # Description Student Report seems to ignore the to/from filtering dates set in the UI and assign different filtering dates in the generated PDF. "
__label__bug "Pagination Bug The current implementation does not include a continuationToken when calling the Get Users Graph API, so on large accounts (any with more users than the max page size), the scanner is only analyzing traffic for users returned on the first page. "
__label__bug "API split mistake? Hi, when i wrote some GUI i noticed that, `ScenarioManager` split input text with `\n`, but when you send to then only one line without new line char it give an bad output for example: http://localhost:8080/steps/IF%20dsag -> 0 I thing in scenario like this above (_IF dsag_) is 1 step not 0. Maybe split input text by `regexp` with start line char (`^`)?"
__label__bug "Font size bug when launched from console When app is launched from console - PowerShell or CMD and then closed, content of console is small and unreadable."
__label__bug No completions in -st-from No completions should be suggested in -st-from values.
__label__bug "undefined is not an object i got this error when i try to use this library ` async createCard() { openpay.setup('xxxxxxxxxx', 'sk_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'); openpay.createCardToken({ holder_name: 'John Doe', card_number: '4111111111111111', expiration_month: '02', expiration_year: '20', cvv2: '110' }) .then(token => console.log(token)); } ` ![screen shot 2017-09-29 at 3 24 51 pm]( "
__label__bug "No upload at charging if battery is on 100% Hi! :) I set 2 folders to auto upload when phone is charging. Now i recognised, if the phone is plugged in to the charger and the battery is below 100% it is working fine. But if the battery is at 100% (and the phone still on the charger) it is not working and the app/the upload is waiting for charging. Could it be possible, that the app does not recognise the charger if the phone battery is on 100%? Best regards, HANNES ### Environment data Android version: 7.0 Device model: Huawei Mate 10 lite Nextcloud app version: 2.0.0 Nextcloud server version: 12.0.3 "
__label__bug "mass reservations should not be cleared when file is not available This is from a recent yafu shutdown where the URL is not available. Code at the time was at aebc7f672eb230cbacc54e4de32c2609eb33c401 The default action should be to retain the current reservations not drop them. ``` ERROR:mfaliquot:URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 110] Connection timed out> Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/urllib/"", line 1318, in do_open encode_chunked=req.has_header('Transfer-encoding')) File ""/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/http/"", line 1239, in request self._send_request(method, url, body, headers, encode_chunked) File ""/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/http/"", line 1285, in _send_request self.endheaders(body, encode_chunked=encode_chunked) File ""/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/http/"", line 1234, in endheaders self._send_output(message_body, encode_chunked=encode_chunked) File ""/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/http/"", line 1026, in _send_output self.send(msg) File ""/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/http/"", line 964, in send self.connect() File ""/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/http/"", line 936, in connect (,self.port), self.timeout, self.source_address) File ""/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/"", line 724, in create_connection raise err File ""/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/"", line 713, in create_connection sock.connect(sa) TimeoutError: [Errno 110] Connection timed out During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/home/aliquot/MersenneForumAliquot/mfaliquot/"", line 38, in blogotubes page = request.urlopen(req, data).read().decode(encoding) File ""/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/urllib/"", line 223, in urlopen return, data, timeout) File ""/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/urllib/"", line 526, in open response = self._open(req, data) File ""/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/urllib/"", line 544, in _open '_open', req) File ""/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/urllib/"", line 504, in _call_chain result = func(*args) File ""/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/urllib/"", line 1346, in http_open return self.do_open(http.client.HTTPConnection, req) File ""/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/urllib/"", line 1320, in do_open raise URLError(err) urllib.error.URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 110] Connection timed out> ERROR:mfaliquot.application.reservations:unable to get mass reservation file for yafu@home INFO:mfaliquot.application.reservations:mass reservee yafu@home: add 0 seqs, drop 4528 ```"
__label__bug "When language is set to English, the Mastodon flavour page contains Polish text To reproduce issue: 1. Set interface language to English on any recent glitchsoc deployment (development environments work, as does as of 2018-01-06T09:15:00Z) 2. Go to Preferences > Flavours > Mastodon Vanilla 3. Observe the interface text * * * * - [x] I searched or browsed the repo’s other issues to ensure this is not a duplicate. - [ ] This bug happens on a [tagged release]( and not on `master` (If you're a user, don't worry about this). "
__label__bug "WFS 1.1.0 must support gml 3.1.1 I am sending the following request to the Inspire Demo server:;%20subtype=gml/3.1.1 I get the response: This WFS is not configured to handle the output/input format 'text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1' I know that Inspire is relying on WFS 2.0.0 and GML 3.2.1, but according to the spec WFS 1.1.0 must at least support GML 3.1.1. "
__label__bug "Near by selection for table row elements **Expected behavior** Should be able to select element based on proximity in tables **Actual behavior** Getting element not found **Steps to replicate** * Test with table elements <img width=""711"" alt=""nearby"" src=""""> text(""The Ruby Programming Language"") works text(""$23.75"", near(text(""The Ruby Programming Language""))) should give the element. **Version** ``` Version: 0.0.9 (HeadlessChrome/64.0.3264.0) ```"
__label__bug "EventFilter Error after updating from 0.0.65 version Hi, I have successfully instantiated the alarm. But whenever the alarm is raised I am getting following error. ``` func readValueAsync has failed stack TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null at extractEventField (F:\opcua\node_modules\node-opcua-service-filter\src\tools_event_filter.js:200:32) at (native) ``` How to resolve the issue? Also, how to get the change event on occurrence of any event? any sample code if provided will be helpful. <!-- IF YOU DON'T FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WE MIGHT CLOSE YOUR ISSUE WITHOUT INVESTIGATING --> **I'm submitting a ...** (check one with ""x"") - ( x) bug report => search github for a similar issue or PR before submitting - ( ) feature request - ( ) support request => Please do not submit support request here, instead see use [gitter]( or [stackoverflow]( **Current behavior** <!-- Describe how the bug manifests. --> ``` var addressSpace = opcserver.engine.addressSpace; addressSpace.installAlarmsAndConditionsService(); var tankLevel = opcserver.engine.addressSpace.findNode(""ns=2;s=d1_hr1""); var exclusiveLimitAlarmType = addressSpace.findEventType(""ExclusiveLimitAlarmType""); assert(exclusiveLimitAlarmType != null); var tankLevelCondition = addressSpace.instantiateExclusiveLimitAlarm(exclusiveLimitAlarmType,{ // componentOf: tank, conditionSource: tankLevel, browseName: ""TankLevelCondition"", optionals: [ ""ConfirmedState"", ""Confirm"" // confirm state and confirm Method ], inputNode: tankLevel, // the variable that will be monitored for change highHighLimit: 200, highLimit: 170, lowLimit: 70, lowLowLimit: 55 }); opcserver.tankLevelCondition = tankLevelCondition; ``` When above piece of code is executed and alarm conditions are reached, it throws the mentioned error. **Expected behavior** <!-- Describe what the behavior would be without the bug. --> I want a function which gets called when any event is called and I want the event details, so that I can call sms/email functionality to alert the users. **Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions** <!-- If the current behavior is a bug or you can illustrate your feature request better with an example, please provide the *STEPS TO REPRODUCE* and if possible a *MINIMAL DEMO* of the problem. --> 1. create and start the opc server. 2. instantiate the alarm using pasted code 3. Exception is thrown when limits of the values are crossed . ... **What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?** <!-- Describe the motivation or the concrete use case --> I am trying to create alarm functionality which will monitor the modbus device values and trigger the required function like sms/email. **Please tell us about your environment:** <!-- Operating system, opcua server or client type, package manager, equipment , vendor info --> I have used jsmodbus to create a modbus device and read the values from the holding registers. This functionality is working fine for data monitoring. To test it, I am using Rsim simulator for values simulation. * ( ) I have installed node-opcua from source ( using git clone) * ( x) I have installed node-opcua as a package ( using npm install ) * ( ) I am using an application that uses node-opcua - ( ) node-red - ( ) other : please specify * Device: _____ * OS version: _____ - (x ) Windows : version : 7 - ( ) Linux : version : _________ - ( ) MacOs : version : _________ - ( ) Raspbian: version : _________ - ( ) Other : specify : * **node-opcua version:** `` <!-- Check which is the hash of the last commit from node-opcua that you have locally --> 0.1.0 * **Node:** `node --version` = 8.0.0 Hope I have supplied enough information, please let me know if further more inputs are required. Thanks in advance. "
__label__bug "Cannot bind = key I wan't to bind both `thread_index.tag` and `thread_view.tag_message` to the `=` key. I've tried the various formats used in the default keybindings (generated by `devel/`): Keybinding attempts | Result -----|----- `thread_index.tag==` | unbinds `+` key `thread_index.tag=\=` | binds to `\` key `thread_index.tag=Key (""="")` | error: invalid number of parts `thread_index.tag=Key (""\="")` | error: invalid number of parts `thread_index.tag=Key (GDK_KEY_equal)` | error: invalid key name `thread_index.tag=Key (GDK_KEY_KP_Equal)` | error: invalid key name `thread_index.tag=Key((guint) GDK_KEY_equal)` | error: invalid key name `thread_index.tag=Key((guint) GDK_KEY_KP_Equal)` | error: invalid key name `thread_index.tag=Key (false, false, (guint) GDK_KEY_equal)` | error: invalid key name `thread_index.tag=Key (false, false, (guint) GDK_KEY_KP_Equal)` | error: invalid key name `thread_index.tag=Key (false, true, (guint) GDK_KEY_equal)` | error: invalid key name `thread_index.tag=Key (false, true, (guint) GDK_KEY_KP_Equal)` | error: invalid key name `thread_index.tag=Key (true, false, (guint) GDK_KEY_equal)` | error: invalid key name `thread_index.tag=Key (true, false, (guint) GDK_KEY_KP_Equal)` | error: invalid key name `thread_index.tag=Key (true, true, (guint) GDK_KEY_equal)` | error: invalid key name `thread_index.tag=Key (true, true, (guint) GDK_KEY_KP_Equal)` | error: invalid key name In each case attempting to being the key to `thread_view.tag_message` gave the same result. Is it possible to make these bindings to the `=` key?"
__label__bug Default filename $HOME/screenshots/ksnip_$Y$M$D$.png has one $ too much The last $ sign in the Capture save location and filename is too much. It should be removed.
__label__bug "Le drag & drop sur les séries ne fonctionne plus - Sur les séries : KO - A l'intérieur d'une série, sur les photos : KO, le déplacement d'une photo est compris comme l'ajout d'une nouvelle photo"
__label__bug "validate_dta only checks first column for labelled `validate_dta` only checks the first column for integer+labelled: Shouldn't it check all columns? MWE: ``` r library(haven) s1 <- labelled(c(""M"", ""M"", ""F""), c(Male = ""M"", Female = ""F"")) s2 <- labelled(c(1L, 1L, 2L), c(Male = 1L, Female = 2L)) labelled_df <- data.frame(s1, s2) ## appropriately fails because s1 is not integer write_dta(labelled_df, ""labelled.dta"") #> Error: Stata only supports labelled integers. #> Problems: `s1`, `s2` ## swapping columns should fail for same reason (?), but doesn't write_dta(labelled_df[, c(""s2"", ""s1"")], ""labelled.dta"") ```"
__label__bug X 试了好多系数都跳不几次 []( 大神求修复呀~~~
__label__bug "Search Functionality Bug in Offline Web Pages ## Issue Description When using the extension in offline web pages, the extension is not highlighting results on the page. ## Steps to Reproduce - Create simple html document with text - CTRL-O in Chrome and open the document - Open the extension and search for a keyword in the page ## Tasks - [x] Debug issue to find root cause - [x] Resolve Issue - [ ] Deploy patch to Chrome Web Store and Firefox add-ons store. ## Screenshots and Documentation Issue pointed out by user feedback: > Hi Brandon, > > I've been playing around with your chrome plugin and while it works great, I'm having a bit of an issue with it. It seems to work fine on ""online"" web-pages, however If I open a .html file that's already been downloaded and saved offline, it will not work at all. > > Any ideas what may be causing it not search on offline HTML files? > > Just for reference It's a clean install of chrome just for using your plugin. > > Thanks, > Max "
__label__bug "KinematicBody.move_and_slide() returns initial movement rather than remaining movement **Godot version:** <!-- If thirdparty or self-compiled, specify the build date or commit hash. --> d5918b5 **OS/device including version:** <!-- If graphics related, specify also GPU model and drivers. --> Arch Linux **Issue description:** <!-- What happened, and what was expected. --> move_and_slide() returns the value put into the first argument rather than what is left to move **Steps to reproduce:** Create a kinematicbody Move in free space Return value is the same as initial move **Minimal reproduction project:** <!-- Optional but greatly speeds up debugging. You can drag and drop a zip archive to upload it. --> []( - [x] I searched the existing [GitHub issues]( for potential duplicates. "
__label__bug "fix last two tests There are remaining tests that kind of break then we could release a 3.x version. Enabling $update on decrement seems to be break a few more tests... not sure what to do... "
__label__bug "[审计]审计操作中详情显示唯一标识 审计操作中详情显示唯一标识 ![img_20180104_110759]( "
__label__bug "Pasting immediately into newly created file reverts to empty file **Steps**: 1. Do `cmd+N` to create an empty, untitled file. 2. Hit `cmd+S` to save it as e.g. `foo.go`. 3. _Immediately_ paste something into the file. 4. Watch as VSC deletes the contents. 5. The empty file is now saved and marked as non-dirty. I assume this is related to the format-on-save behaviour. It only occurs for Go files. I have `go.formatOnSave` enabled. I also have `editor.formatOnSave` enabled, which I think kicks in for JavaScript, but it's not happening with JS. VSC 1.9.1, vscode-go 0.6.53."
__label__bug [Request] Please add support to this link shortener example url: thanks
__label__bug "Invalid redraw after item content updated I have items in accordion, consider it a view with text. When text of an item is updated due to some user action, the item incorrectly redraws - it actually becomes a tiny line. "
__label__bug "mekhq hangar bay shoulder damage or arm damage - after replacement Repairable parts in Left Arm must be salvaged or scrapped first. They can then be re-installed. error code 1 - in hangar bay Left Arm is destroyed. error code 2 only 2 things in the damage area listing for the mech next issue/same issue You cannot repair an arm with a damaged shoulder. This arm must be scrapped and replaced instead. this is after scrapping and buying and replacing the arm. same message as before replacing. damage is still there. [mekhq shoulder damage arm damage errors 10-2016.docx]( "
__label__bug "Remove Previewer field from PDF when using `Show Empty` option The Previewer fields show up in Core PDF templates when the `Show Empty` template option is enabled. "
__label__bug Wrong style on sorting column header We should not by default assign `glyphicon` classes to the `TH` element. It will make change the font and display of the table cell.
__label__bug "content is double-rendered after typing in a Sandbox name, content on the page is double-rendered. Per Michael, this is due to database updates in 212. ![image]( "
__label__bug "Skipped checkpoint during pre-nucleation phase turns off checkpoints Currently, if the first checkpoint occurs between the start of the simulation and when the first nucleus appears in a simulation with nucleation, no checkpoints are created. Solution: Increment the checkpoint counter during the artificial time stepping in the nucleation function just like the time step counter and output counters are incremented."
__label__bug " Cannot read property 'getLanguageIdentifier' of null Issue Id: <b>da8f5aa5-83e8-6810-04b3-5e0c242af413</b><br /><br />*Versions* <br />- 1.19.0<br />- 951f5a20fc820e32a65ca05bb87af86f65027470<br />*Stack* <br />TypeError: Cannot read property 'getLanguageIdentifier' of null<br />[/vs/editor/common/commonCodeEditor.ts#L943:60 (getLanguageIdentifier)]( (getLanguageIdentifier))<br />[/vs/base/common/event.ts#L142:15 (call)]( (call))<br />[/vs/editor/common/model/textModelWithTokens.ts#L245:28 (fire)]( (fire))<br />[/vs/editor/common/services/modelServiceImpl.ts#L515:11 (setMode)]( (setMode))<br />[/vs/base/common/winjs.base.raw.js#L1566:0 (onComplete)]( (onComplete))<br />[/vs/editor/common/services/modelServiceImpl.ts#L513:17 (then)]( (then))<br />[/vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileEditorModel.ts#L199:20 (setMode)]( (setMode))<br />[/vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileEditorModel.ts#L188:7 (updateTextEditorModelMode)]( (updateTextEditorModelMode))<br />[/vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileEditorModel.ts#L119:78 (onFilesAssociationChange)]( (onFilesAssociationChange))<br />[/vs/base/common/event.ts#L142:15 (call)]( (call))<br />"
__label__bug "Seeding county_spending2_detail table in SQLite dev database Seed county_spending2_detail table with data. After seeding, roll up data to a summary level and insert it into the county_spending2 table. This will make the county_spending2 table the summary table of the county_spending2_detail table."
__label__bug "Problem with fetching records @qoobaa pointed out in #6 : > It seems to work a bit better now, at least for storing records. Fetches are mostly broken. I've added you to the collaborators list, so you can push to the repo if you need to."
__label__bug main nav selected links color should be blue text and white border on selected home and documentation page doesn't get css selected style
__label__bug "Filter keypresses 1) When snake is going for example down and the down arrow key is held constantly and beside that the right or left arrow key is pressed, snake should turn right/left but it keeps going down. So we should filter out the down keypress as the snake is already going down. 2) Also we should maybe call `Distinct()` to have unique entries in the keypress collection."
__label__bug "eeprom / bootloader too big Trying to flash current code, I managed to get **Bootloader and code overlap.** The eeprom / bin == 44bytes, and below its expects 40bytes. Not to mention that my device is now bricked... ``` C:\Chameleon RevE Rebooted Software\FlashTools>flash.bat ... (compressed for readability) Creating the EEPROM binary... Write done! Creating the Flash binary... Write done! Flashing the files onto the ""Chameleon-Mini Rev-E Rebooted""... old_driver_bootloader Erasing flash... Success Checking memory from 0x0 to 0x6FFF... Empty. 0% 100% Programming 0x40 bytes... [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] Success 0% 100% Reading 0x400 bytes... Bootloader and code overlap. Use --suppress-bootloader-mem to ignore If there are no errors above, flashing the firmware to your ""Chameleon-Mini Rev-E Rebooted"" should be finished now. Enjoy! ``` "
__label__bug "ui: eventlist `x seconds ago` is not refreshing ### Expected behavior ### Actual behavior ### Steps to reproduce ### Additional informations <!-- Please run `!_debug` command in chat and paste information below this line --> <!-- Attach your logs/exception.log file if bot crashes --> "
__label__bug "[审计]审计日志按照日期查询提示500错误 1.审计日志按照日期查询提示500错误 "
__label__bug "On FsLogSegment readBytes a invalid new position is passed During the long running test suite a invalid new position was passed to `Buffer#position`. ``` public final Buffer position(int newPosition) { if ((newPosition > limit) || (newPosition < 0)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); position = newPosition; if (mark > position) mark = -1; return this; } ``` ``` 13:46:00 13:46:00.755 [] [actor-runner-broker-8] ERROR io.zeebe.logstreams - The log stream processor 'taskqueue.default-topic.1.processor.lock.reserveOrderItems23' failed to process event. It stop processing further events. 13:46:00 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null 13:46:00 at java.nio.Buffer.position( ~[?:1.8.0_152] 13:46:00 at ~[?:1.8.0_152] 13:46:00 at ~[?:1.8.0_152] 13:46:00 at ~[?:1.8.0_152] 13:46:00 at ~[?:1.8.0_152] 13:46:00 at io.zeebe.logstreams.impl.log.fs.FsLogSegment.readBytes( ~[zb-logstreams-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT] 13:46:00 at ~[zb-logstreams-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT] 13:46:00 at io.zeebe.logstreams.log.BufferedLogStreamReader.readBlockIntoBuffer( ~[zb-logstreams-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT] 13:46:00 at io.zeebe.logstreams.log.BufferedLogStreamReader.readNextAddress( ~[zb-logstreams-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT] 13:46:00 at io.zeebe.logstreams.log.BufferedLogStreamReader.hasNext( ~[zb-logstreams-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT] 13:46:00 at io.zeebe.logstreams.processor.StreamProcessorController$OpenedState.doWork( ~[zb-logstreams-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT] 13:46:00 at io.zeebe.logstreams.processor.StreamProcessorController$OpenedState.doWork( ~[zb-logstreams-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT] 13:46:00 at io.zeebe.util.state.StateMachine.doWork( ~[zb-util-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT] 13:46:00 at io.zeebe.util.state.StateMachineAgent.doWork( ~[zb-util-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT] 13:46:00 at io.zeebe.logstreams.processor.StreamProcessorController.doWork( ~[zb-logstreams-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT] 13:46:00 at ~[zb-util-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT] 13:46:00 at ~[zb-util-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT] 13:46:00 at ~[zb-util-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT] 13:46:00 at ~[zb-util-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT] 13:46:00 at io.zeebe.util.LogUtil.doWithMDC( [zb-util-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT] 13:46:00 at [zb-util-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT] 13:46:00 at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( [?:1.8.0_152] 13:46:00 at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:1.8.0_152] 13:46:00 at [?:1.8.0_152] 13:46:00 io.zeebe.util.state.NoSuchTransitionException: Cannot take transition 0 when in state io.zeebe.logstreams.processor.StreamProcessorController$FailedState@44ebd4c9 13:46:00 at io.zeebe.util.state.StateMachine.take( 13:46:00 at io.zeebe.util.state.SimpleStateMachineContext.take( 13:46:00 at io.zeebe.logstreams.processor.StreamProcessorController$ProcessState.lambda$new$0( 13:46:00 at io.zeebe.util.state.ComposedState.doWork( 13:46:00 at io.zeebe.util.state.StateMachine.doWork( 13:46:00 at io.zeebe.util.state.StateMachineAgent.doWork( 13:46:00 at io.zeebe.logstreams.processor.StreamProcessorController.doWork( 13:46:00 at 13:46:00 at 13:46:00 at 13:46:00 at 13:46:00 at io.zeebe.util.LogUtil.doWithMDC( 13:46:00 at 13:46:00 at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 13:46:00 at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 13:46:00 at ```"
__label__bug "分页条,按钮文字换行了 ![]( "
__label__bug "Chinese char incorrect after pasted from clipboard Hi, HakanL Appreciate your work first all ! As I mentioned as title, please refer this picture []( Thank you very mush. "
__label__bug "Crash on Android during binary FBX import Using any of the NDK flavors of gcc (4.4, 4.6 and 4.7) for Android, with both STLport and libstdc++, I get a crash in one of ParseTokenAsID or ParseTokenAsFloat during binary FBX import. Below is a typical crash dump. I/DEBUG ( 124): signal 7 (SIGBUS), code 128 (?), fault addr 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 124): r0 5d59a4d8 r1 6200d7d0 r2 0000004c r3 624114fd I/DEBUG ( 124): r4 5d5bcc38 r5 5d5b7640 r6 5d5b7678 r7 623263e8 I/DEBUG ( 124): r8 5d59a4d8 r9 623263f0 sl 00000000 fp 62326960 I/DEBUG ( 124): ip 0000004f sp 623262e8 lr 61f5176f pc 61f3a228 cpsr 00000030 I/DEBUG ( 124): d0 697463656e6e6f43 d1 636146656c616362 I/DEBUG ( 124): d2 5d59a4a85d59a46a d3 5d59a4d85d59a465 I/DEBUG ( 124): d4 5d59a3885d59a370 d5 5d59a3b85d59a3a0 I/DEBUG ( 124): d6 5d59a3e85d59a3d0 d7 5d59a4185d59a400 I/DEBUG ( 124): d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000 I/DEBUG ( 124): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000 I/DEBUG ( 124): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000 I/DEBUG ( 124): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000 I/DEBUG ( 124): d16 415c9c3800000000 d17 7e37e43c8800759c I/DEBUG ( 124): d18 0000000000000002 d19 0000000000000000 I/DEBUG ( 124): d20 0000000000000000 d21 00000000bca237c3 I/DEBUG ( 124): d22 3f800000bf7fffe0 d23 3f800000bf7aee42 I/DEBUG ( 124): d24 000000003b360b61 d25 0000000000000000 I/DEBUG ( 124): d26 bae72ae400000000 d27 0000000000000000 I/DEBUG ( 124): d28 0000000000000000 d29 00000000bca237c3 I/DEBUG ( 124): d30 3f800000bf7fffe0 d31 3f800000bf7aee42 I/DEBUG ( 124): scr 80000096 I/DEBUG ( 124): I/DEBUG ( 124): backtrace: I/DEBUG ( 124): #00 pc 0029e228 /data/app-lib/_/ (Assimp::FBX::ParseTokenAsID(Assimp::FBX::Token const&)+139) I/DEBUG ( 124): #01 pc 002b576b /data/app-lib/_/ (Assimp::FBX::Document::ReadConnections()+194) I/DEBUG ( 124): I/DEBUG ( 124): stack: I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262a8 00000002 I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262ac 61f90c7c /data/app-lib/_/ (std::string::_Rep::_S_create(unsigned int, unsigned int, std::allocator<char> const&)+100) I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262b0 5d5bcc44 I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262b4 61f91b88 /data/app-lib/_/ (char\* std::string::_S_construct<char const*>(char const_, char const_, std::allocator<char> const&, std::forward_iterator_tag)+76) I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262b8 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262bc 623262f8 I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262c0 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262c4 5d59a4a8 I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262c8 623263e8 I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262cc 61f91c20 /data/app-lib/_/ (std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::basic_string(char const_, unsigned int, std::allocator<char> const&)+28) I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262d0 623262f8 I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262d4 61f3a0f5 /data/app-lib/_/ (Assimp::FBX::ParseTokenAsString(Assimp::FBX::Token const&, char const_&)+144) I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262d8 c0000000 I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262dc 5d5bcc38 I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262e0 e3a070ad I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262e4 ef9000ad I/DEBUG ( 124): #00 623262e8 62326350 I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262ec 61f3a149 /data/app-lib/_/ (Assimp::FBX::ParseTokenAsString(Assimp::FBX::Token const&)+32) I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262f0 5d5bcc38 I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262f4 5d5b7640 I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262f8 5d5b7678 I/DEBUG ( 124): 623262fc 623263e I/DEBUG ( 124): 62326300 623263ec I/DEBUG ( 124): 62326304 623263f0 I/DEBUG ( 124): 62326308 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 124): 6232630c 61f5176f /data/app-lib/_/ (Assimp::FBX::Document::ReadConnections()+198) I/DEBUG ( 124): 62326310 00000008 I/DEBUG ( 124): 62326314 5d5b76a8 I/DEBUG ( 124): 62326318 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 124): 6232631c 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 124): 62326320 5d5b7e28 I/DEBUG ( 124): 62326324 62086adc "
__label__bug Fix logging Affected things: * logging to stdout is incorrect when using the Citation.js CLI with stdout output * it break mocha reporters if #62 is fixed
__label__bug Found a bug I'm having a problem with this.
__label__bug Found a bug I'm having a problem with this.
__label__bug "Save not working Not sure what I may have done wrong (followed this:, using a custom 2224 port. Opening remote files works perfectly but `ctrl-s` in sublime text 2 does not impact the remote file. Any idea what might be going on? "
__label__bug "If user has no Telegram nickname only Codewars login shoul be displayed ![image]( "
__label__bug "If user has no Telegram nickname only Codewars login shoul be displayed ![image]( "
__label__bug "develop branch does not compile on Windows Several issues prevent a successful build on Windows.. some of which are strncasecmp not available (use_strnicmp) closedir not available (use FindClose) undeclared local variables in config__get_dir_files (len, i, dh/fh) SigThreadProc function might be missing a closing brace, and undeclared before use at CreateThread"
__label__bug "Doing ""server create"" fails to create .classCache When I download the 17003 RC image here: and invoke `wlp/bin/server create` to create a defaultServer, I get the following error: > $ bin/server create JVMSHRC559E Failed to create a directory ""c:/atemp/openliberty-"" for the shared class cache JVMSHRC686I Failed to startup shared class cache. Continue without using it as -Xshareclasses:nonfatal is specified Server defaultServer created. OpenLiberty should not report an error creating the default server out of the box for Windows/Cygwin users (have not confirmed if this also occurs on Linux or not)"
__label__bug "docx-converter pandoc emulation mode Hello, thanks for all your work you have done! Using your project I'm trying to create report from user input formated in markdown. I spent several days trying to generate docx file from resulted markdown ```markdown ### header 1. List item started from 1 ### header 1. List item started from 1 1. List item continued 2 ### test 1. List item started from 1 ``` docx-converter rendered this markdown with one list with continiues numbering and strange styling I tried to convert generated markdown with pandoc, and i get what i want, correct list numbering and smooth styling Is there any examples or article how to style generated docx ?? Or is it possible to style like pandoc did. Thanks."
__label__bug Fix builds See discussion here
__label__bug "Scan Cycle incorrect when entering debugger When you set a break, the Scan Cycle displayed is wrong (too low) until after you progressed e.g. by using 'Step'. This did not happen in 4.7.2"
__label__bug Fix credit statement parser to always generate two payment dates Even if it goes beyond globalEndDate
__label__bug "Fix loading on mobile (Android + iOS for Gear VR, Daydream, Cardboard) @caseyyee and I figured out a simple hack to add to the `index.html` before calling `UnityLoader.instantiate(…)`: ```js = false; ``` @caseyyee: We ought to figure out where and why in the Unity Loader there's a check to disable loading on mobile. Does @juj have ideas about why/where this code is?"
__label__bug "hotspot_jre:runtime/ClassUnload/ failed 18:30:45 ACTION: main -- Failed. Execution failed: `main' threw exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: test.Empty 18:30:45 REASON: User specified action: run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -Xmn8m -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI KeepAliveClass 18:30:45 TIME: 0.895 seconds 18:30:45 messages: 18:30:45 command: main -Xbootclasspath/a:. -Xmn8m -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI KeepAliveClass 18:30:45 reason: User specified action: run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -Xmn8m -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI KeepAliveClass 18:30:45 Mode: othervm [/othervm specified] 18:30:45 elapsed time (seconds): 0.895 18:30:45 configuration: 18:30:45 STDOUT: 18:30:45 STDERR: 18:30:45 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: test.Empty 18:30:45 at 18:30:45 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( 18:30:45 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( 18:30:45 at KeepAliveClass.main( 18:30:45 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 18:30:45 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( 18:30:45 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( 18:30:45 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( 18:30:45 at com.sun.javatest.regtest.agent.MainWrapper$ 18:30:45 at 18:30:45 18:30:45 JavaTest Message: Test threw exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: test.Empty 18:30:45 JavaTest Message: shutting down test 18:30:45 18:30:45 STATUS:Failed.`main' threw exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: test.Empty 18:30:45 rerun: 18:30:45 HOME=/home/jenkins \ 18:30:45 LANG=en_US.UTF-8 \ 18:30:45 PATH=/bin:/usr/bin \ 18:30:45 CLASSPATH=/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/2/runtime/ClassUnload/KeepAliveClass.d:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/openjdk-test/OpenJDK_Playlist/openjdk-jdk/hotspot/test/runtime/ClassUnload:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/2/runtime/ClassUnload/classes:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/openjdk-test/OpenJDK_Playlist/openjdk-jdk/hotspot/test/runtime/ClassUnload/classes:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/2/testlibrary:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/openjdk-test/OpenJDK_Playlist/openjdk-jdk/hotspot/test/testlibrary:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/2/testlibrary/whitebox:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/openjdk-test/OpenJDK_Playlist/openjdk-jdk/hotspot/test/testlibrary/whitebox:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/2/runtime/testlibrary:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/openjdk-test/OpenJDK_Playlist/openjdk-jdk/hotspot/test/runtime/testlibrary:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/openjdkbinary/j2sdk-image/jre/bin/../../lib/tools.jar:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/openjdk-test/TestConfig/lib/jtreg/lib/javatest.jar:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/openjdk-test/TestConfig/lib/jtreg/lib/jtreg.jar \ 18:30:45 /home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/openjdkbinary/j2sdk-image/jre/bin/../../bin/java \ 18:30:45 -Dtest.class.path.prefix=/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/2/runtime/ClassUnload/KeepAliveClass.d:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/openjdk-test/OpenJDK_Playlist/openjdk-jdk/hotspot/test/runtime/ClassUnload:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/2/runtime/ClassUnload/classes:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/2/testlibrary:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/2/testlibrary/whitebox:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/2/runtime/testlibrary \ 18:30:45 -Dtest.src=/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/openjdk-test/OpenJDK_Playlist/openjdk-jdk/hotspot/test/runtime/ClassUnload \ 18:30:45 -Dtest.src.path=/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/openjdk-test/OpenJDK_Playlist/openjdk-jdk/hotspot/test/runtime/ClassUnload:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/openjdk-test/OpenJDK_Playlist/openjdk-jdk/hotspot/test/runtime/ClassUnload/classes:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/openjdk-test/OpenJDK_Playlist/openjdk-jdk/hotspot/test/testlibrary:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/openjdk-test/OpenJDK_Playlist/openjdk-jdk/hotspot/test/testlibrary/whitebox:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/openjdk-test/OpenJDK_Playlist/openjdk-jdk/hotspot/test/runtime/testlibrary \ 18:30:45 -Dtest.classes=/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/2/runtime/ClassUnload/KeepAliveClass.d \ 18:30:45 -Dtest.class.path=/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/2/runtime/ClassUnload/KeepAliveClass.d:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/2/runtime/ClassUnload/classes:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/2/testlibrary:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/2/testlibrary/whitebox:/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/classes/2/runtime/testlibrary \ 18:30:45 -Dtest.vm.opts='-ea -esa -Xmx512m' \ 18:30:45 -Dtest.tool.vm.opts='-J-ea -J-esa -J-Xmx512m' \ 18:30:45 -Dtest.compiler.opts= \ 18:30:45 \ 18:30:45 -Dtest.jdk=/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/openjdkbinary/j2sdk-image/jre/bin/../.. \ 18:30:45 -Dcompile.jdk=/home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/openjdkbinary/j2sdk-image/jre/bin/../.. \ 18:30:45 -Dtest.timeout.factor=4.0 \ 18:30:45 -ea \ 18:30:45 -esa \ 18:30:45 -Xmx512m \ 18:30:45 -Xbootclasspath/a:. \ 18:30:45 -Xmn8m \ 18:30:45 -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions \ 18:30:45 -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI \ 18:30:45 com.sun.javatest.regtest.agent.MainWrapper /home/jenkins/workspace/openjdk8_test_x86-64_linux/jvmtest/OpenJDK_Playlist/SE80/work/runtime/ClassUnload/KeepAliveClass.d/main.0.jta 18:30:45 18:30:45 TEST RESULT: Failed. Execution failed: `main' threw exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: test.Empty same issue for: runtime/ClassUnload/ runtime/ClassUnload/ runtime/ClassUnload/ runtime/ClassUnload/ runtime/ClassUnload/ "
__label__bug Memory leak with -i option with any number of iterations Ran: ./stepwat -f -s -o -i with 5 iterations and 100 years and got a segfault.
__label__bug "Find References: double click into editor to go to selection I am quite sure this used to work, but maybe I am wrong: * open find references * from the embedded editor double click into any word (not one of the references) => I think we used to open the editor at the line/col where I double clicked but now it always seems to open the reference instead."
__label__bug Fix the link for Slack invite Or just link directly to
__label__bug Dashboard grid bug on smartphones There is an issue when viewing the project on a smartphone. The issue is caused by the height of the screen being less then the height of two rows. This could be fixed by adding a: ```javascript if( screenHeight < gridHeight ){ placeEveryThingInOneRow(); } ``` to the script that handles the resizing of the grid container.
__label__bug markdown html 文本 没有过滤 ## 忘了,过滤 HTML >其实很容易修复
__label__bug "List of EQ realtime bugs hi @easmetz - could you please compile a list of all the bugs / issues I gave you for earthquake realtime, link them to the other tickets and please check that the people mentioned are able to supply the relevant information. See original ticket at for further discussion."
__label__bug Check DNS errors before running the script Extension to error checking for DNS problems.
__label__bug "Bug unknown sprite on Bullet-Enemy collision Sometimes, at the beginning of the level, if a lot of bullets are fired in a row, then there is an exception here: ```typescript // Bullet-Enemy for (let i = 0; i < this.enemies.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < this.bullets.length; j++) {[i].sprite, this.bullets[j].sprite, () => { ``` stating VM4135:153 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'sprite' of undefined at Level1.updateCollisions (<anonymous>:153:66) at Level1.update (<anonymous>:133:14) at c.StateManager.update (phaser.min.js:3) at c.Game.updateLogic (phaser.min.js:3) at c.Game.update (phaser.min.js:3) at c.RequestAnimationFrame.updateRAF (phaser.min.js:3) at window.requestAnimationFrame.forceSetTimeOut._onLoop (phaser.min.js:3)"
__label__bug "SimpleFastPointOverlay redraw bug (working on it) Hi, Just to let you know that I'm fixing a bug on SimpleFastPointOverlay which prevented the points to be correctly drawn during pinch zoom. Will do a PR soon, that increases the UX when drawing and overlay with tens of thousands of points. Cheers. "
__label__bug "with uiNamespace do is incorrect by linter ```sqf with uiNamespace do {call compile format [""[""""LOADED"""", controlNull] call (missionNamespace getVariable """"%1"""");"", _resource_fnc]}; ``` Is detected wrong by the linter and displays as an error where in truth it is correct."
__label__bug "Zero height of TextPosition is not handled Hi, I faced case where PDFBox returns 0 as a height of TextPosition in the method ""[getNumberOfNewLinesFromPreviousTextPosition]("". Not sure why we have such strange height, but it leads to very large loop in the ""[createNewEmptyNewLines]("" method. If the height of TextPosition is _0_ then we try to divide by _0_ and _**numberOfLines**_ becomes equal to _Integer.MAX_VALUE_. I suggest to add a new condition (textPosition.getHeight() != 0) for this case to that [line]( Does it make sense? If so then I can a create pull request. Regards, Timur"
__label__bug Bane Attribute could we get the bane race on id perhaps so we know what the bane is versus? like on celestial sledgehammer for example?
__label__bug "Something wrong with the camera or clipping plane (regression from 02438031) **Godot version:** latest **OS/device including version:** no matter **Issue description:** The camera clips off the pixels of my planet, in beta this problem is not exist... ![image]( should be view like this - ![image]( **Minimal reproduction project:** "
__label__bug "Several small memory leaks Here are several objects allocated but never deleted (that I can see): 1. `ArrayOrderedReadState::overflow_still_` 2. ` ArrayOrderedWriteState::copy_state.buffer_offsets_` (from `ArrayOrderedWriteState::init_copy_state()`) 3. `ArrayOrderedWriteState::copy_state_.buffers_` (need to `delete[]` the fields themselves) 4. `ArrayOrderedWriteState::buffer_offsets_` (from `ArrayOrderedWriteState::create_user_buffers`) 5. `StorageManager::consolidator_` 6. `StorageManager::fragment_metadata_cache_` "
__label__bug "Metadata creation that fails due to unique constraint violation succeeds instead of failing, which it should. It also manages to create the database at the remote database."
__label__bug Possible memory leak in realloc_tx() The allocator test valgrind --leak-check=full ./allocator-pubapi -t1 reports lost memory in blocks that should have been free'd by realloc_tx(). More investigation required.
__label__bug "Travis broken: OSError: Can not access file in context Recent Travis builds are failing suddenly with: ``` OSError: Can not access file in context: /home/travis/build/Tecnativa/docker-odoo-base/tests/scaffoldings/dotd/auto/addons/dummy_addon ``` <details> From ``` Test addons filtering with ``ONLY`` keyword in ``addons.yaml``. ... INFO:root:Subtest execution: test_addons_filtered (tests.ScaffoldingCase) (DBNAME='prod', DB_VERSION='9.6', ODOO_MINOR='10.0', PWD='/home/travis/build/Tecnativa/docker-odoo-base/tests/scaffoldings/dotd') postgresql uses an image, skipping Building odoo Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/home/travis/virtualenv/python3.6.3/bin/docker-compose"", line 11, in <module> sys.exit(main()) File ""/home/travis/virtualenv/python3.6.3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/compose/cli/"", line 71, in main command() File ""/home/travis/virtualenv/python3.6.3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/compose/cli/"", line 124, in perform_command handler(command, command_options) File ""/home/travis/virtualenv/python3.6.3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/compose/cli/"", line 254, in build build_args=build_args) File ""/home/travis/virtualenv/python3.6.3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/compose/"", line 364, in build, pull, force_rm, memory, build_args) File ""/home/travis/virtualenv/python3.6.3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/compose/"", line 967, in build 'memory': parse_bytes(memory) if memory else None File ""/home/travis/virtualenv/python3.6.3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/docker/api/"", line 150, in build path, exclude=exclude, dockerfile=dockerfile, gzip=gzip File ""/home/travis/virtualenv/python3.6.3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/docker/utils/"", line 14, in tar root=root, fileobj=fileobj, gzip=gzip File ""/home/travis/virtualenv/python3.6.3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/docker/utils/"", line 103, in create_archive 'Can not access file in context: {}'.format(full_path) OSError: Can not access file in context: /home/travis/build/Tecnativa/docker-odoo-base/tests/scaffoldings/dotd/auto/addons/dummy_addon ``` </details> It's affecting also PRs. I have to admit I have no idea on why this just stopped working (and why it's happening). [The relevant code]( seems to be a check that we have read permissions over the files, but that also makes no sense either... 😕: ```python if not os.access(full_path, os.R_OK): raise IOError( 'Can not access file in context: {}'.format(full_path) ) ```"
__label__bug "The fabric command should have the logging mode to ERROR by default. Currently, when I run `fabric --version` I get: ``` joshua.rutherford@mikey:/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/deciphernow/homebrew-decipher (master)$ fabric --version 2017-12-06T14:08:26-05:00 |DEBU| <nil> GOPATH=/Users/joshua.rutherford/Development/go 2017-12-06T14:08:26-05:00 |DEBU| <nil> GOBIN= 2017-12-06T14:08:26-05:00 |INFO| <nil> version=""0.1.0-dev (805c68f)"" 0.1.0-dev (805c68f) ``` The default behavior should be be: ``` joshua.rutherford@mikey:/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/deciphernow/homebrew-decipher (master)$ fabric --version 0.1.0-dev (805c68f) ``` I would expect the log level to be controlled by either `--debug`, `-d` or perhaps `--loglevel=debug`. "
__label__bug "Movement algorithms not working The movement algorithms don't work. It'd be better to create a copy of the cube for each movement and copy colors over from the original to the copy, then set the original cube to the copy."
__label__bug Support @include for scss code At the moment the plugin can change a position of `@include` rule for scss code which is not safe and can lead to a wrong result. Example: Input ```scss a { @include bla; color: red; display: block; } ``` Output ```scss a { display: block; color: red; @include bla; } ``` It'd be really good to preserve the position of `@include` rule.
__label__bug "Add netsblox libraries back to the client After refactoring the client (#1800), the netsblox libraries need to be added back again..."
__label__bug "jump fix Jumping is bugging now that the position is synchronized with the server. The jumping information is currently never sent to the server so it does not know. "
__label__bug Overlay images & text are not being displayed Overlay images & text are not being displayed
__label__bug "keypath issues on particular array case `keypath` has a bug in a particular case with arrays. We have been able to reproduce this bug on `has` method. For example: `keypath.has(obj, 'propertyA')` returns false, even if propertyA is a legit property of obj. This happens because obj is an array who has a property `propertyA` added to it after instantiation. This bug doesn't affect `get` method. For this reason, and seeing `get` method logic, I propose within this bugfixing, a refactoring of both `has` and `get` methods, maybe re-using logic from one function to the other."
__label__bug Problem with sorting by type and owner When selecting sorting to 'By file type' folders becomes unsorted Folders should be always sorted by name when sorting mode has meaning only for files
__label__bug When setting product to inactive you can still see the booking form ![occasion_-_listing]( ![priced_questions___discounts_-_custom_headers]( And actually BOOK! ![priced_questions___discounts_-_custom_headers_and_new_issue_ _marcd123_stickybooking](
__label__bug "Crash on latest update I'm not sure what's going on but since updating to the latest version of the Regeneration Mod on my server, the server crashes whenever I join."
__label__bug "visible prop not working in initial render - always set to `true` This code does not work as expected. The button is always visible in the first render. Works as expected when updating the state and making the someArray an empty array. ... <FloatingAction overrideWithAction actions={FABactions} visible={this.state.someArray.length > 0} onPressItem={() => console.log('FAB pressed')} buttonColor=""#6699CC"" /> trying to set the `visible` prop to `false` also display the FAB... This code below works as expected in first render. (but lacks the awesome entrance animation) ``` {this.state.someArray.length > 0 && ( <FloatingAction overrideWithAction actions={FABactions} onPressItem={() => console.log('FAB pressed')} buttonColor=""#6699CC"" /> ) } ``` "
__label__bug "Restore old ""timesince"" functionality Removed in #7. Same as `django.utils.timesince`, but show seconds below five minutes. "
__label__bug "AccessViolationException from BreakIterator We are getting an intermittent AccessViolationException when using BreakIterator in a concurrent test. This issue has been a particular thorn because on .NET Core it causes the NUnit test runner to fatally crash. The exception only happens in the case where: 1. There is an open FileStream being used to read a file. 2. The scenario is being run as an NUnit test, xunit seems to work fine and so does a console application. 3. There is more than one thread calling `BreakIterator.GetWordBoundaries` or `BreakIterator.GetBoundaries` at the same time. 4. Some particular strings are being used when calling `BreakIterator`. It is a bit suspicious that it only happens when running under NUnit, but the stack trace seems to start inside of `Icu.NativeMethods.ubrk_next(IntPtr bi)`. ``` [10/22/2017 9:23:22 PM Warning] System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. at Icu.NativeMethods.ubrk_next(IntPtr bi) in d:\JenkinsSlaveHome\slave2\workspace\icu-dotnet_master-XUIQATPXJBEMAPQAXECBOMRZFIJEQ5ACEARUZRESUNQWYLGLR56Q\source\\NativeMethods.cs:line 1732 at Icu.RuleBasedBreakIterator.SetText(String text) in d:\JenkinsSlaveHome\slave2\workspace\icu-dotnet_master-XUIQATPXJBEMAPQAXECBOMRZFIJEQ5ACEARUZRESUNQWYLGLR56Q\source\\RuleBasedBreakIterator.cs:line 377 at Icu.BreakIterator.GetBoundaries(UBreakIteratorType type, Locale locale, String text, Boolean includeSpacesAndPunctuation) in d:\JenkinsSlaveHome\slave2\workspace\icu-dotnet_master-XUIQATPXJBEMAPQAXECBOMRZFIJEQ5ACEARUZRESUNQWYLGLR56Q\source\\BreakIterator.cs:line 386 at Icu.BreakIterator.GetWordBoundaries(Locale locale, String text, Boolean includeSpacesAndPunctuation) in d:\JenkinsSlaveHome\slave2\workspace\icu-dotnet_master-XUIQATPXJBEMAPQAXECBOMRZFIJEQ5ACEARUZRESUNQWYLGLR56Q\source\\BreakIterator.cs:line 368 at IcuAVE.AVETest.RunAVETest(CountdownEvent latch, String fileName) in f:\Users\Shad\documents\visual studio 2017\Projects\IcuAVE\IcuAVE\AVETest.cs:line 50 at IcuAVE.AVETest.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.<TestAccessViolationException>b__0() in f:\Users\Shad\documents\visual studio 2017\Projects\IcuAVE\IcuAVE\AVETest.cs:line 35 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() at Icu.NativeMethods.ubrk_next(IntPtr bi) in d:\JenkinsSlaveHome\slave2\workspace\icu-dotnet_master-XUIQATPXJBEMAPQAXECBOMRZFIJEQ5ACEARUZRESUNQWYLGLR56Q\source\\NativeMethods.cs:line 1732 at Icu.RuleBasedBreakIterator.SetText(String text) in d:\JenkinsSlaveHome\slave2\workspace\icu-dotnet_master-XUIQATPXJBEMAPQAXECBOMRZFIJEQ5ACEARUZRESUNQWYLGLR56Q\source\\RuleBasedBreakIterator.cs:line 377 at Icu.BreakIterator.GetBoundaries(UBreakIteratorType type, Locale locale, String text, Boolean includeSpacesAndPunctuation) in d:\JenkinsSlaveHome\slave2\workspace\icu-dotnet_master-XUIQATPXJBEMAPQAXECBOMRZFIJEQ5ACEARUZRESUNQWYLGLR56Q\source\\BreakIterator.cs:line 386 at Icu.BreakIterator.GetWordBoundaries(Locale locale, String text, Boolean includeSpacesAndPunctuation) in d:\JenkinsSlaveHome\slave2\workspace\icu-dotnet_master-XUIQATPXJBEMAPQAXECBOMRZFIJEQ5ACEARUZRESUNQWYLGLR56Q\source\\BreakIterator.cs:line 368 at IcuAVE.AVETest.RunAVETest(CountdownEvent latch, String fileName) in f:\Users\Shad\documents\visual studio 2017\Projects\IcuAVE\IcuAVE\AVETest.cs:line 50 at IcuAVE.AVETest.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.<TestAccessViolationException>b__0() in f:\Users\Shad\documents\visual studio 2017\Projects\IcuAVE\IcuAVE\AVETest.cs:line 35 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() ``` ## Steps to Reproduce 1. Clone the repository from 2. Open in Visual Studio and build the solution 3. Under Visual Studio's Test Explorer right click the `IcuAVE.NUnit.TestAccessViolationException` test and choose ""Run Selected Tests"" 4. Navigate to the Output pane and choose ""Tests"" from the ""Show output from"" dropdown, and check for the stack trace of the `AccessViolationException` 5. If the error didn't happen the first time, try again - it doesn't occur 100% of the time the test is run. > **NOTE:** The test never actually fails in .NET Framework, but this exception causes a fatal crash of the NUnit test runner when running under .NET Core (when merging updates from #37). ![image]( "
__label__bug "Garbage collector is blocking kuzzle services init on start ``` kuzzle | [ℹ] Starting Kuzzle server kuzzle | registering oauth functions kuzzle | function () { [native code] } kuzzle | 2017-10-25T10:59:19+00:00 [LOG:INFO] [GC] Deleted 0 documents on collection selections of index global kuzzle | 2017-10-25T10:59:19+00:00 [LOG:INFO] [GC] Deleted 0 documents on collection default_config of index global [..] ... 10s deleting [..] kuzzle | 2017-10-25T10:59:29+00:00 [LOG:INFO] [GC] Deleted 0 documents on collection default_labels of index global kuzzle | 2017-10-25T10:59:29+00:00 [LOG:ERROR] {} kuzzle | [x] [ERROR] TimeoutError: operation timed out kuzzle | at afterTimeout (/var/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/timers.js:46:19) kuzzle | at Timeout.timeoutTimeout [as _onTimeout] (/var/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/timers.js:76:13) kuzzle | at ontimeout (timers.js:386:14) kuzzle | at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:250:5) kuzzle | at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:214:5) kuzzle | App [KuzzleServer] with id [0] and pid [264], exited with code [1] via signal [SIGINT] kuzzle | Starting execution sequence in -fork mode- for app name:KuzzleServer id:0 kuzzle | App name:KuzzleServer id:0 online ```"
__label__bug "~/.z file changes owner to root after run `z` in `sudo fish` After run `z` command in `sudo fish` mode, the `~/.z` file will change owner to root, and I got `permission denied` error when I back to normal mode. ```awk: ~/.config/fish/functions/z.awk:34: fatal: cannot open file '~/.z\' for reading (Permission denied)```"
__label__bug "Permissions for article image folders Set to 755 when creating these folders. "
__label__bug Use mixed-caps
__label__bug "Filter panel not responding When i click on filter symbol and write something to filter by, then i click on main menu button and then i want to open filter bar again, its not responding, it just doesnt show up anymore until restart, im attaching my theme file in case its something wrong with it, however its just edited color codes and some spacing numbers are changed in description layout. Theme is updated with new lines if the new update contains new/edited lines by this ![1]( []( "
__label__bug "Twitter image missing ![image]( "
__label__bug "Fenced JavaScript in markdown adds "">"" when you type ""<"" - VSCode Version: Code 1.14.0 (b8cd5b9556d8b70ea560d35b903422363f6c5c40, 2017-07-10T18:36:31.751Z) - OS Version: Windows_NT ia32 10.0.15063 - Extensions: Extension|Author (truncated)|Version ---|---|--- jshint|dba|0.10.15 vscode-todo-parser|min|1.8.10 debugger-for-chrome|msj|3.1.6 language-liquid|nei|0.0.2 vscode-jest|Ort|2.2.0 --- Writing a less-than sign automatically adds a greater-than sign after it. The update seems to have caused this as I have never had an issue with it before. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Type a fenced JavaScript code block like: ````markdown ```javascript ``` ```` 2. Type a `<` inside the fence. 3. It will add a `>` after the `<` you typed resulting in: ````markdown ```javascript <> ``` ```` <!-- Launch with `code --disable-extensions` to check. --> Reproduces without extensions: Yes"
__label__bug Update ion-tx manpage ion-tx manpage needs updating as well
__label__bug "Java ClientServer doesn't use its SocketFactory `ClientServer` helpfully allows you to pass in a `ServerSocketFactory` and a `SocketFactory` to be used, except in `ClientServer.createPythonClient`, it ignores that member and uses `SocketFactory.getDefault` instead. "
__label__bug "[develop] unable to write text in a dired minibuffer On commit c0fcbd9ff075ba809376d454517fbc0aff115500 it is not possible to write e.g. *yes* in a **dired minibuffer**. Probably related to issue #2 "
__label__bug "Export dialog with unclear format list issues with JabRef version 4.2 snapshot ( Steps to reproduce: * File - Export **Expected:** a list of formats such as ""MS2007 XML format (*.XML)"", ""Open Document Citation (*.XML)"" **Got:** a list of formats with only the filename extension for indication, such as ""XML file (*.XML)"", ""XML file (*.XML)"" Although they are all en-capsuled using XML, but they are different formats and now we cannot identify one from another. Other formats suffer from this issue as well. "
__label__bug "Windows: find does not work when using sftp backend via plink ## Output of `restic version` ``` restic 0.8.1 compiled with go1.9.2 on windows/amd64 ``` ## How did you run restic exactly? ``` restic -o sftp.command=""plink -s -l remoteuser -P 555 -i C:/Users/myuser/mykey_id_rsa.ppk sftp"" --repo -p C:\restic\backup_password.txt find ""*.jpg"" password is correct Load(<index/e8c3f5c568>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 424.299009ms: sftp: ""Permission denied"" (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED) Load(<index/e8c3f5c568>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 820.816511ms: sftp: ""Permission denied"" (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED) Load(<index/e8c3f5c568>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 1.595350505s: sftp: ""Permission denied"" (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED) Load(<index/e8c3f5c568>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 1.706752043s: sftp: ""Permission denied"" (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED) Load(<index/e8c3f5c568>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 1.708019731s: sftp: ""Permission denied"" (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED) Load(<index/e8c3f5c568>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 2.993481402s: sftp: ""Permission denied"" (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED) Load(<index/e8c3f5c568>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 7.305435739s: sftp: ""Permission denied"" (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED) Load(<index/e8c3f5c568>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 12.813524732s: sftp: ""Permission denied"" (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED) Load(<index/e8c3f5c568>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 18.405802039s: sftp: ""Permission denied"" (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED) Load(<index/e8c3f5c568>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 18.081587274s: sftp: ""Permission denied"" (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED) Load(<index/e8c3f5c568>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 694.45101ms: sftp: ""Permission denied"" (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED) Load(<index/e8c3f5c568>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 396.599007ms: sftp: ""Permission denied"" (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED) Load(<index/e8c3f5c568>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 1.579901293s: sftp: ""Permission denied"" (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED) Load(<index/e8c3f5c568>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 1.12004651s: sftp: ""Permission denied"" (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED) Load(<index/e8c3f5c568>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 2.739828981s: sftp: ""Permission denied"" (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED) Load(<index/e8c3f5c568>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 1.907598448s: sftp: ""Permission denied"" (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED) Load(<index/e8c3f5c568>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 3.703924617s: sftp: ""Permission denied"" (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED) Load(<index/e8c3f5c568>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 11.190125771s: sftp: ""Permission denied"" (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED) ``` Needed to kill the process via windows task manager, cleanup after CTRL-C also wasnt able to finish. ""snapshots"" command works ## What backend/server/service did you use to store the repository? SFTP on remote Linux host, via plink because i want to use a key + a different SFTP port. ## Expected behavior find files We discussed in the restic forum: I tried the find directly on the remote Linux server (because it is mine) with the local dir (so without SFTP) and there it works, just the pathes are not Windows like anymore. Example: ``` root@server /home/myuser/jail/data # restic --repo /home/myuser/jail/data/ find ""*.jpg"" password is correct Found matching entries in snapshot xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /Wohnung/neu1.jpg /Wohnung/neu2.jpg /Wohnung/neu3.jpg /Wohnung/neu4.jpg /Wohnung/neu5.jpg /Wohnung/neu6.jpg ``` ## Actual behavior got errors, see above. ## Steps to reproduce the behavior - create SFTP backend with pubkey authentication - ""install"" restic on windows (=download the windows binary) - download plink from the PuTTY project - initialize a repo with the SFTP backend - backup some snapshots - try to find files ## Do you have any idea what may have caused this? Looks like it is something with the special plink-ish SFTP connection, because the find on the local dir on the remote server works. ## Do you have an idea how to solve the issue? No, i have no idea which permission to what could be denied. ## Did restic help you or made you happy in any way? Yes, a lot :)"
__label__bug "AttributeError: type object 'datetime.time' has no attribute 'sleep' **This is a (check only one)**: - [x] Bug report - [ ] Feature request **That affects**: - [ ] Telegram bot - [x] Slack bot **Short Description of the issue/feature request**: Getting this error with the last release (v0.3.5) ``` Process Process-1: Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.6/multiprocessing/"", line 258, in _bootstrap File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.6/multiprocessing/"", line 93, in run self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) File ""./torrearchimedebot/"", line 34, in start_slack sc = SlackController() File ""./torrearchimedebot/bot/"", line 115, in __init__ time.sleep(SlackController.RTM_READ_DELAY) AttributeError: type object 'datetime.time' has no attribute 'sleep' Starter Bot connected and running! ```"
__label__bug "Dev11 Dark Theme - Color of ""Command Window"" This is sort-of related to issue #935. VsVim doesn't change the color of the window it draws on the bottom of the editor to match the dark theme. It would be nice if it matched the editor theme. (This is really minor though....) "
__label__bug "ufuzz - bug with `unused` May be I need more :coffee: and/or :zzz: ```js // original code // (beautified) var _calls_ = 10, a = 100, b = 10, c = 0; L59328: for (var brake1 = 5; a++ + [ , 0 ][1] && brake1 > 0; --brake1) { try { (c = c + 1) + ((c = c + 1) + {}[--b + []] || a || 3).toString(); } finally { if (a++ + [ , 0 ][1]) { var b_2 = 5; } else { for (var brake6 = 5; --b + [ b_2 && b_2[[ delete b, a++ + 38..toString() ][{ """": (c = 1 + c, (({} ^ undefined) & 23..toString() % -1) + (([ , 0 ].length === 2) - ""number"" && ""b"" - -2)), 3: (c = 1 + c, (-3 + undefined ^ (2 ^ 0)) % (5 === 24..toString() && -4 <= ""undefined"")), foo: (c = 1 + c, (""function"" != -2 && ""a"" % false) + (-4 + 5 != ""number"" >>> ""object"")) }.var]], --b + [ delete void (3 << ""a"" ^ ""c"" - 22), a++ + typeof (--b + b--), /[abc4]/.test((a++ + typeof (c = 1 + c, 22 * -3 & 24..toString() >= ""number"" & delete (c = c + 1, -1)) || b || 5).toString()), { var: (c = 1 + c, (undefined / ""function"" || ""c"" + ""b"") >>> (void -4 >= ""b"" << NaN)) }.Infinity ].Infinity, typeof f1 == ""function"" && --_calls_ >= 0 && f1() ] && brake6 > 0; --brake6) { var brake7 = 5; while (b_2 && b_2.var && --brake7 > 0) { var bar = b_2 && b_2.b, b = a++ + ((b = a) ? --b + (0 === 1 ? a : b) : --b + { 3: a++ + ((c = 1 + c, (([ , 0 ].length === 2 && 3) === (24..toString() ^ undefined)) >> (2 === /[a2][^e]+$/) * (NaN / -5)) || a || 3).toString(), b: --b + (typeof b_2 == ""function"" && --_calls_ >= 0 && b_2((c = 1 + c, b_2 && (b_2[typeof f1 == ""function"" && --_calls_ >= 0 && f1((c = 1 + c, NaN === [ , 0 ][1] !== -3 + null ^ (-2 ^ {}) >> (1 != -3)), (c = 1 + c, ""foo"" % -4 == (null === true) ^ (""object"" >> 2 || 22 >> true)), (c = 1 + c, +(c = c + 1, void ""bar"")))] += (""number"" <= false) % (b_2 && (b_2.null &= -2 | -0)) | (0 / 23..toString() || 5 - [ , 0 ][1]))), (c = 1 + c, (b_2 /= -2 <= -4) + (Infinity >= this) + (([ , 0 ].length === 2 == /[a2][^e]+$/) > (Infinity ^ [ , 0 ].length === 2))))), b: a++ + (typeof f1 == ""function"" && --_calls_ >= 0 && f1((c = 1 + c, (""object"" >> /[a2][^e]+$/, -3 == -5) && 25 - [ , 0 ][1] >>> (b_2 && (b_2[(c = 1 + c, -2 >> true << (null & /[a2][^e]+$/) << ((b_2 && (b_2[(c = 1 + c, void ((true <= 25) >> (""foo"" >>> /[a2][^e]+$/)))] = ""bar"" || /[a2][^e]+$/)) ^ (b_2 && (b_2[(c = 1 + c, ((b_2 += 22 === 25) === ""b"" * [ , 0 ][1]) - ((-3 || 0) & 4 < ""object""))] += 22 + ""a""))))] += ""undefined"" + 24..toString()))))) }[!((b_2 && (b_2[a++ + (b_2 && b_2.Infinity)] = (NaN, 38..toString()) && ("""" && 5))) ^ ((b_2 && (b_2.a = NaN && 22)) ^ (false && -3)))]); } } } { var brake9 = 5; while (--b + /[abc4]/.test(((c = c + 1) + b++ || b || 5).toString()) && --brake9 > 0) { var brake10 = 5; L59329: do { if ((a++ + b_2 || 7).toString()[b_2 && b_2.var]) { var brake12 = 5; while ((c = c + 1) + (((""a"" || ""foo"") < (22, ""undefined"")) << (4 | -3) - ("""" & -1)) && --brake12 > 0) { ({}); } } } while (--b + (b_2 = a++ + void function() { { return a++ + (--b + (b &= a) ? --b + (b = a) : (c = 1 + c, c = c + 1, b_2 %= (-1 ^ 38..toString()) & ([] || -3)) ? (c = 1 + c, void false - (false & -0) !== (""function"" / 23..toString() ^ """" === 23..toString())) : (c = 1 + c, b_2 && ( += (""c"" > -1) / (2 > 1) || (true == 3) - (""bar"" & Infinity)))); } { var undefined = function bar_2() { c = 1 + c, (false != 1) < (""undefined"" ^ ""a"") | (c = c + 1, 5 % {}); c = 1 + c, 38..toString() % NaN != (1 === 0), NaN % 23..toString(), -5 !== 23..toString(); }((c = 1 + c, (b_2 && (b_2.c += 2 === -2 && ""foo"" == ""object"")) ^ (/[a2][^e]+$/ === 5 || this && NaN)), NaN, ""c""); } for (var brake18 = 5; --b && brake18 > 0; --brake18) { L59330: for (var brake19 = 5; void (([ , 0 ][1] << ""object"") + (c = c + 1, [ , 0 ].length === 2) + ((25 | [ , 0 ][1]) !== 25 >= /[a2][^e]+$/)) && brake19 > 0; --brake19) { var brake20 = 5; L59331: while ((c = 1 + c, (""b"" < -0 | 1 * 1) > (c = c + 1, [ , 0 ][1] < 23..toString())) && --brake20 > 0) { c = 1 + c, b_2 = (""number"" >> ""function"") % (38..toString() ^ -5) > (""bar"" ^ 1 && (c = c + 1, Infinity)); } } } try { { var brake23 = 5; do { { } } while ((c = c + 1) + (b = a) && --brake23 > 0); } } catch (b) { var b; switch (c = 1 + c, (-0 | false) >>> 23..toString() * -2 | (""object"", 24..toString()) == (""foo"" || false)) { case c = 1 + c, Infinity < {} >= (c = c + 1, -1) && """" * ""b"" | -2 & {}: ; break; case c = 1 + c, (5 | 24..toString()) - (/[a2][^e]+$/ | null) ^ (-4 !== 38..toString() && [ , 0 ].length === 2 == ""undefined""): ; break; default: ; case c = 1 + c, (-2 || 3) - (5 === ""foo"") & (("""" || [ , 0 ][1]) & [ , 0 ][1] % 25): ; } } }()) && --brake10 > 0); } } } } var b_1; console.log(null, a, b, c, Infinity, NaN, undefined); ``` ```js // uglified code // (beautified) for (var t, o = 10, n = 100, i = 10, r = 0, f = 5; 0 + n++ && f > 0; --f) { try { r += 1, ((r += 1) + {}[--i + []] || n || 3).toString(); } finally { if (0 + n++) { var e = 5; } else { for (var a = 5; --i + [ e && e[[ delete i, n++ + 38..toString() ][{ """": (r = 1 + r, ((void 0 ^ {}) & 23..toString() % -1) + ((2 === [ , 0 ].length) - ""number"" && NaN)), 3: (r = 1 + r, 2 % (5 === 24..toString() && !1)), foo: (r = 1 + r, NaN) }.var]], --i + [ !0, n++ + typeof (--i + i--), /[abc4]/.test((n++ + (r = 1 + r, typeof (-66 & 24..toString() >= ""number"" & (r += 1, !0))) || i || 5).toString()), { var: (r = 1 + r, 0) }.Infinity ].Infinity, ""function"" == typeof f1 && --o >= 0 && f1() ] && a > 0; --a) { for (var g = 5; e && e.var && --g > 0; ) { e && e.b, i = n++ + ((i = n) ? --i + i : --i + { 3: n++ + (r = 1 + r, ((2 === [ , 0 ].length && 3) === (void 0 ^ 24..toString())) >> NaN || n || 3).toString(), b: --i + (""function"" == typeof e && --o >= 0 && e((r = 1 + r, e && (e[""function"" == typeof f1 && --o >= 0 && f1((r = 1 + r, !0 ^ (-2 ^ {}) >> !0), (r = 1 + r, 11), (r = 1 + r, +void (r += 1)))] += !1 % (e && (e.null &= -2)) | (0 / 23..toString() || 5))), (r = 1 + r, (e /= !1) + (1 / 0 >= this) + ((2 === [ , 0 ].length == /[a2][^e]+$/) > (1 / 0 ^ 2 === [ , 0 ].length))))), b: n++ + (""function"" == typeof f1 && --o >= 0 && f1((r = 1 + r, !1))) }[!(!1 ^ (e && (e[n++ + (e && e.Infinity)] = 38..toString() && """")) ^ (e && (e.a = NaN)))]); } } } for (var v = 5; --i + /[abc4]/.test(((r += 1) + i++ || i || 5).toString()) && --v > 0; ) { var l = 5; do { if ((n++ + e || 7).toString()[e && e.var]) { for (var S = 5; (r += 1) + (!0 << -3) && --S > 0; ) {} } } while (--i + (e = n++ + (void 0, void (n++, --t + (t &= n) ? (--t, t = n) : (r = 1 + r, r += 1, (e %= (-1 ^ 38..toString()) & ([] || -3)) ? (r = 1 + r, 23..toString(), 23..toString()) : (r = 1 + r, e && ( += 0)))))) && --l > 0); } } } console.log(null, n, i, r, 1 / 0, NaN, void 0); ``` ```js original result: null 171 -15 95 Infinity NaN undefined uglified result: null 168 -14 37 Infinity NaN undefined minify(options): { ""toplevel"": true } Suspicious compress options: dead_code inline unused ```"
__label__bug "use blocks buggy (__Required__) What is your Quests version / build number (do _not_ say ""latest"")? NAOMI (__Required__) Please describe the problem and how to replicate it. Any console errors? Use blocks does not work correctly. on some blocks it doesnt work at all (for example skulls) and for some blocks it fires the use event to often. instead of clicking it 3 times i just need to click it once to fullfill ""use 3 times"" wuest "
__label__bug LINQToTTree should use actual machine names for remote bash only Upper level stuff will manage the distribution - keep it simple here. And if need be we could do another scheme handler if we wanted to integrate it. Keep the scheme guys here simple.
__label__bug "SButton[] parsing fails if Categorise Chests is installed If the player has Categorise Chests installed, the JsonConverter for `SButton[]` doesn't get used; see [example log]( Reported on Discord."
__label__bug "Cannot validate indentation of prop values using default eslint-airbnb-preset and eslint-plugin-react OSX 10.12.6, eslint 4.9.0, eslint-plugin-react 7.4.0, babel-eslint 8.0.1, eslint-config-airbnb 16.1.0, eslint-config-airbnb-base 12.1.0. This code does not trigger any warnings on default values for `indent`, `react/jsx-indent` and `react/jsx-indent-props`: ``` return ( <Component prop={true} anotherProp={[ { id: 1 }, { id: 2 } ]} /> ); ``` My expectation is that the value of `anotherProp` would be treated as a regular array of objects, triggering an `indent` or `jsx-indent-props` warning for mis-indented curly braces around second object. The issue [seems to be caused]( by default value of `indent.ignoredNodes`: `[ ""JSXElement"", ""JSXElement *"" ]`. If I remove `JSXElement *`, the warning triggers as expected. Is this behaviour desired? "
__label__bug "Create Open Loop drive Mode Currently the move method in Drive does not switch the drive mode from velocity control to PrecentVBUS (open loop). In addition, it would be helpful to reset the Nominal Output Voltage to zero."
__label__bug tinc systemd cannot be executed due to wrong path ### 问题类型 / Type of issues * 其它 / other ### 受影响的软件包 / Affect packages * tinc-pre ---- ```shell # find / | grep tinc ... /usr/bin/tinc-gui /usr/bin/tinc /usr/bin/tincd # cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/tinc@.service ... ExecStart=/usr/sbin/tincd -n %i -D ExecReload=/usr/sbin/tinc -n %i reload ... ```
__label__bug Reproducible crash Hello! I have a reproducible crash. Run a Ganache. ``` git clone cd simple-token-sale git checkout ganache-bug ``` Change the following lines so that they point to your Ganache: 1. 2. Then: ``` npm i npm run test ``` And Ganache will crash. I'm talking to Ganache running on OSX from inside an Ubuntu VM in case that makes a difference. PLATFORM: darwin GANACHE VERSION: 1.0.0 EXCEPTION: Error: Lost heartbeat from server process! at Timeout.setInterval [as _onTimeout] (/src/Services/Chain.js:86:30) at ontimeout (timers.js:365:14) at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:237:5) at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:207:5)
__label__bug "audit use of %% prefix operator in standard library e.g. The `%%` prefix operator is supposed to mean that something is impossible, not that it's an error to happen. The above link is possible at runtime if the user passes in long `build_root` and `cache_root` parameters, and then the allocator runs out of memory while concatenating them. That's not impossible; that's an error. I'm generally uneasy about `%%foo()` being easier to type than `%return foo()`. It seems that `%return foo()` should be more commonly used than `%%foo()`, so why is it harder to type? If the author isn't certain whether an error is possible or not, then use `%return` (or do more research and become certain). Only when the author is certain *despite the Zig type system* that an error is not possible is it appropriate to use the `%%` prefix operator. Should we remove `%%foo()` and just let the user type `foo() %% unreachable` instead?"
__label__bug Desync rendering issue - thaumic pattern crafter Crafter shows an incorrect pattern to the one that it is actually crafting - it was showing 3x3 craft but it was crafting iron pressure plates. Relogging fixed the display. Can someone try spam clicking the button that changes to the recipe to try and reproduce?
__label__bug "LegacyNetworkLocation causing bootloop 4.2.2 So, LegacyNetworkLocation crashing system_server (: I don't know what should I include ( :"
__label__bug "Validator node blocking the network by not creating empty blocks **BUG REPORT**: **Tendermint version**: 0.10.3 **Environment**: Windows **What happened**: Set up 2 validator nodes, both set to not create empty blocks using the `--consensus.create_empty_blocks=false` flag. One of these nodes is receiving input constantly, while the other does not. This results in nothing happening in the network, except the CheckTX function being broadcasted to the other node. **What you expected to happen**: I expected the input to be broadcasted to the other node, after which a block would be formed. **How to reproduce it** (as minimally and precisely as possible): See above. **Anything else do we need to know**: I'm not entirely sure if this is even a bug, it could just be expected behavior that I will need to deal with. Once I set the node that's not receiving any input to just create empty blocks the system works fine, however I'd like to be able to avoid that if possible."
__label__bug "glTF importer fails to import models with armatures Same as #10130. I haven't succeeded in importing any animated models with armatures, be with with khronos gltf exporter (mostly results in segfaults), blendergltf or a gltf model downloaded from sketchfab. "
__label__bug "Broken imported .DAE meshes. **Windows 10, Godot 3.0 master build (54e81c795529a9c35cc045acfb941417cf2b5008), Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050** **Issue description:** Imported Collada (from Blender 2.78c) meshes are broken (or just their rendering), everything worked alright in alpha 1 release. If triangulation on export is enabled things look even worse. Sometimes it gets to work properly after reimporting but not always, closing and opening editor again doesn't always help either. **Screenshot:** ![untitled]( **Steps to reproduce:** 1. Export some model in DAE format. 2. Import it as a scene and open it. **Link to minimal example project:** []( "
__label__bug "Fix crash in MacClient.AbstractSessionViewController.session.getter : Networking.Session, line 15 ### Version: 1.0 (43) | io.rc2.MacClient ### ### Stacktrace ### <pre>-;MacClient.AbstractSessionViewController.session.getter : Networking.Session;AbstractSessionViewController.swift;15 -;MacClient.SidebarFileController.loadData () -> ();SidebarFileController.swift;131 -;MacClient.SidebarFileController.filesRefreshed ([NotifyingCollection.CollectionChange<Networking.File>]?) -> ();SidebarFileController.swift;493 -;partial apply forwarder;SidebarFileController.swift;0 -;Networking.Workspace.update (file : Networking.File, change : Networking.FileChangeType) -> ();Workspace.swift;253 -;Networking.Session.(handleFileChangedResponse in _4BAC492A457049599B6F435C2B7E4370) (changeType : Networking.FileChangeType, fileId : Swift.Int, file : Networking.File?) -> ();Session.swift;448 -;Networking.Session.(handleReceivedMessage in _4BAC492A457049599B6F435C2B7E4370) (Any) -> ();Session.swift;467 -;Networking.Session.((setupWebSocketHandlers in _4BAC492A457049599B6F435C2B7E4370) () -> ()).(closure #3).(closure #1);Session.swift;539</pre> ### Link to HockeyApp ### * []( "
__label__bug "Fix crash in MacClient.RootViewController.receivedImportNotification(Foundation.Notification) -> (), line 15 ### Version: 1.0 (54) | io.rc2.MacClient ### ### Stacktrace ### <pre>-;MacClient.RootViewController.receivedImportNotification(Foundation.Notification) -> ();AbstractSessionViewController.swift;15 -;merged @objc MacClient.RootViewController.windowWillClose(Foundation.Notification) -> ();; -;function signature specialization <Arg[0] = Owned To Guaranteed, Arg[1] = Owned To Guaranteed> of closure #2 (ReactiveSwift.Signal<Networking.FileImporter.ImportProgress, ClientCore.Rc2Error>.Event) -> () in MacClient.SidebarFileController.(importFiles in _99D8D0769CFDBC28953539CF0C7EFE8B)([Networking.FileImporter.FileToImport]) -> ();SidebarFileController.swift;500 -;closure #2 (ReactiveSwift.Signal<Networking.FileImporter.ImportProgress, ClientCore.Rc2Error>.Event) -> () in MacClient.SidebarFileController.(importFiles in _99D8D0769CFDBC28953539CF0C7EFE8B)([Networking.FileImporter.FileToImport]) -> ();SidebarFileController.swift;0 -;partial apply forwarder for closure #2 (ReactiveSwift.Signal<Networking.FileImporter.ImportProgress, ClientCore.Rc2Error>.Event) -> () in MacClient.SidebarFileController.(importFiles in _99D8D0769CFDBC28953539CF0C7EFE8B)([Networking.FileImporter.FileToImport]) -> ();SidebarFileController.swift;0 -;function signature specialization <Arg[0] = Dead, Arg[1] = Owned To Guaranteed, Arg[2] = Owned To Guaranteed> of Networking.FileImporter.urlSession(__ObjC.URLSession, task: __ObjC.URLSessionTask, didCompleteWithError: Swift.Error?) -> ();FileImporter.swift;182 -;@objc Networking.FileImporter.urlSession(__ObjC.URLSession, task: __ObjC.URLSessionTask, didCompleteWithError: Swift.Error?) -> ();FileImporter.swift;0</pre> ### Link to HockeyApp ### * []( "
__label__bug "Bug: `!tp->lst.lstlef->tre.tretyp == TCOM` While restyling the *src/cmd/ksh93/sh/name.c* module I noticed the following compiler warning: ``` ../src/cmd/ksh93/sh/name.c:507:44: warning: logical not is only applied to the left hand side of this comparison [-Wlogical-not-parentheses] if (!tp->lst.lstlef || !tp->lst.lstlef->tre.tretyp == TCOM || ^ ~~ ../src/cmd/ksh93/sh/name.c:507:44: note: add parentheses after the '!' to evaluate the comparison first if (!tp->lst.lstlef || !tp->lst.lstlef->tre.tretyp == TCOM || ^ ( ) ../src/cmd/ksh93/sh/name.c:507:44: note: add parentheses around left hand side expression to silence this warning if (!tp->lst.lstlef || !tp->lst.lstlef->tre.tretyp == TCOM || ^ ( ) ``` That expression is obviously wrong. If you run `grep 'tre\.tretyp' *` in that directory you will see that there are zero other instances of this pattern. Most are of the form `(tp->tre.tretyp & COMMSK) == TCOM`. Some omit the `& COMMSK`. There are a couple instances of this expression: `tp->tre.tretyp != TLST`. I'm opening this issue semi-rhetorically. It is obvious that the `==` should be `!=`. The only question is whether the value being tested should be masked with `& COMMSK`. And, for that matter, whether every other instance of an equality or inequality test of that form should be masking the value before doing the comparison."
__label__bug "Base Metals 1.12.1 #102 has failed Build 'Base Metals 1.12.1' is failing! Last 50 lines of build output: ``` [...truncated 24.49 KB...] :sourceJar :assemble :check UP-TO-DATE :signJar :build :generatePomFileForMavenJavaPublication :publishMavenJavaPublicationToMavenRepository Upload sftp://localhost:22/var/www/ Upload sftp://localhost:22/var/www/ Upload sftp://localhost:22/var/www/ Upload sftp://localhost:22/var/www/ Upload sftp://localhost:22/var/www/ Upload sftp://localhost:22/var/www/ Upload sftp://localhost:22/var/www/ Upload sftp://localhost:22/var/www/ Upload sftp://localhost:22/var/www/ Upload sftp://localhost:22/var/www/ Upload sftp://localhost:22/var/www/ Upload sftp://localhost:22/var/www/ Upload sftp://localhost:22/var/www/ Upload sftp://localhost:22/var/www/ Upload sftp://localhost:22/var/www/ Upload sftp://localhost:22/var/www/ Upload sftp://localhost:22/var/www/ Upload sftp://localhost:22/var/www/ :publish :sonarqube Property 'sonar.php.file.suffixes' is not declared as multi-values/property set but was read using 'getStringArray' method. The SonarQube plugin declaring this property should be updated. Classes not found during the analysis : [org.apiguardian.api.API$Status] :sonarqube FAILED FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':sonarqube'. > org.sonar.api.utils.MessageException (no error message) * Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. * Get more help at BUILD FAILED in 3m 25s 24 actionable tasks: 23 executed, 1 up-to-date Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure Archiving artifacts [Set GitHub commit status (universal)] FAILURE on repos [GHRepository@2d047329[description=Base Metals Mod,homepage=,name=BaseMetals,license=<null>,fork=false,size=24453,milestones={},language=Java,commits={},source=<null>,parent=<null>,responseHeaderFields={null=[HTTP/1.1 200 OK], Access-Control-Allow-Origin=[*], Access-Control-Expose-Headers=[ETag, Link, Retry-After, X-GitHub-OTP, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-OAuth-Scopes, X-Accepted-OAuth-Scopes, X-Poll-Interval], Cache-Control=[private, max-age=60, s-maxage=60], Content-Encoding=[gzip], Content-Security-Policy=[default-src 'none'], Content-Type=[application/octet-stream], Date=[Tue, 09 Jan 2018 01:03:38 GMT], ETag=[""68b79b418c1a8a11b21624b1135eaea0""], Last-Modified=[Sun, 07 Jan 2018 00:53:16 GMT], OkHttp-Received-Millis=[1515459818810], OkHttp-Response-Source=[CONDITIONAL_CACHE 304], OkHttp-Selected-Protocol=[http/1.1], OkHttp-Sent-Millis=[1515459818522], Server=[], Status=[304 Not Modified], Strict-Transport-Security=[max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains; preload], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Vary=[Accept, Authorization, Cookie, X-GitHub-OTP], X-Accepted-OAuth-Scopes=[repo], X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-Frame-Options=[deny], X-GitHub-Media-Type=[github.v3; format=json], X-GitHub-Request-Id=[E2EB:1C446:18D42DC:32EB759:5A5414EA], X-OAuth-Scopes=[admin:gpg_key, admin:org, admin:org_hook, admin:public_key, admin:repo_hook, gist, notifications, repo, user], X-RateLimit-Limit=[5000], X-RateLimit-Remaining=[4916], X-RateLimit-Reset=[1515461160], X-Runtime-rack=[0.055137], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block]},url=,id=66398297]] (sha:5613ba8) with context:Base Metals 1.12.1 Setting commit status on GitHub for ``` Changes since last successful build: No changes [View full output]("
__label__bug "Add Search Node Boundary with <br> Tag ## Issue Description If a large text node is broken up with <br> tags, the extension doesn't treat the large node as a bunch of smaller text nodes. This bug is introduced somewhere in the occurrenceMap builder or DOMModelObject builder. ## Steps to Reproduce - Reproduced on with regex D.*Yea "
__label__bug "16.12: String temporaries overwrite permanent strings the function clear in pcbasic\basic\memory\, should clear all the non persistent variables after each session loop. It triggers the function _preserve_scalars in pcbasic\basic\memory\ @contextmanager def _preserve_scalars(self, names, string_store): """"""Preserve COMMON variables."""""" # copy all variables that need to be preserved common = {name: self.scalars.get(name) for name in names if name in self.scalars} yield for name, value in common.iteritems(): if name[-1] == '$': #length, address = self.strings.copy_to(string_store, *value.to_pointer()) #Original #value = self.values.new_string().from_pointer(length, address) #Original #Issue: The value of the strings appears as 'detached' after the copy to string_store, and therefore they are not preserved correctly. This has to be fixed, if not the value is lost. Alternative: #1- Obtain the memory pointer and len of the actual value #2- Copy the value to the string_store, and obtain the new length and new memory address in this new store. #3- Update the value info with the new memory address length1, address1 = value.to_pointer() length2, address2 = self.strings.copy_to(string_store, length=length1,address=address1) value =self.values.from_str_at(string_store._strings[address2], address2) self.scalars.set(name, value) is this solution good enough? In this reassignment, what is the goal?, I understand that it is copying only the values of the persistent strings to new memory addresses, update the binding value-address, and then clearing all the old values and addresses that should not be persistent, not?."
__label__bug "16.12: ""No RESUME"" error keeps being printed after one occurrence At every prompt, No RESUME gets printed: ``` PC-BASIC 16.12.0rc0 (C) Copyright 2013--2016 Rob Hagemans. 60300 Bytes free Ok  10 on error goto 100 20 e 30 end 100 ? err run 2 No RESUME in 100  Ok  list 10 ON ERROR GOTO 100 20 E 30 END 100 PRINT ERR No RESUME in 10  Ok  ``` The last error should not occur."
__label__bug Snakes does not dissapear when in classic mode Snakes does not dissapear when they die by driving into the wall when in classic mode in multiplayer.
__label__bug "Crashes via IRC Main culprits are newlines and messages longer than 500 characters. "
__label__bug "Error executing JavaScript command I'm receiving a JS error every time I attempt to modify a UI element. For example, the demos from the readme: ``` myGUI = DOMdemoGUI; mlapptools.fontColor(myGUI.TextArea, 'aqua'); ``` Throws the following: ``` Error using matlab.internal.webwindow/executeJS (line 701) Error executing JavaScript command: JavaScript error: Uncaught TypeError: dojo.query is not a function at line 1 column 18 in undefined Error in mlapptools/getWidgetID (line 345) widgetID = win.executeJS(widgetquerystr); Error in mlapptools.getWebElements (line 104) widgetID = mlapptools.getWidgetID(win, mlapptools.getDataTag(uiElement)); Error in mlapptools.fontColor (line 54) [win, widgetID] = mlapptools.getWebElements(uiElement); Error in trialcode (line 2) mlapptools.fontColor(myGUI.TextArea, 'aqua'); ``` On both Windows & Mac"
__label__bug "SVG not properly rendered using two.interpret() I found that some SVG paths are not properly rendered using two.interpret(svgNode), for example this star ![image]( is shown like this ![image]( The console shows this error: _Error: <path> attribute d: Expected number, ""… -10.15 C -10.6 NaN -15.1 -6.5 -…""._ I debugged the code and I found that this line seems to be wrong: src/two.js:1096 -> `y1 = control.y;` I looks like a typo, I think it should be: `y2 = control.y; ` If I change it, the error goes away and the image looks better, but still not correct: ![image]( ¿Any ideas? Original SVG file: [svg.txt]( "
__label__bug Requests python package not installed by setup scripts Needed for
__label__bug "Doesn't work on nodejs ``` > require('matter-js').Engine.create() TypeError: Cannot read property 'nodeType' of undefined at Object.Common.isElement (/root/server/node_modules/matter-js/build/matter.js:4449:23) at Object.Engine.create (/root/server/node_modules/matter-js/build/matter.js:4846:26) at repl:1:29 at ContextifyScript.Script.runInThisContext (vm.js:50:33) at REPLServer.defaultEval (repl.js:240:29) at bound (domain.js:301:14) at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (domain.js:314:12) at REPLServer.onLine (repl.js:441:10) at emitOne (events.js:120:20) at REPLServer.emit (events.js:210:7) > ``` ``` root@7d42879a986e:~/server# cat node_modules/matter-js/package.json | grep version ""gulp-tag-version"": ""^1.3.0"", ""version"": ""0.14.0"" ```"
__label__bug El filtro de triángulos equiláteros no funciona bien Parece que el problema está en el cálculo del épsilon.
__label__bug Sql Lite + Cocoa Pod + High Sierra + OSX No worky:
__label__bug "iOS highlights are wonky ### Brief description of bug: Highlights do not show up on iOS ### Expected Behavior: Highlights, well, uhh, showing up? ### Actual Behavior: ![8775a2fe-54aa-41fc-b983-05fce194d21d]( ### How to replicate this bug: Shown in gif. ### Potential fix: I’m 99% sure this is related to notifications. Perhaps we can detect whether notifications are supported or not, and hide the settings bar and disable the notifyMe function? @LAX18 be sure to update your own repository, by the way. I explained how to do it in your Pull Request (which only you could accept, btw :P) "
__label__bug "PHAST - Create Surface When trying to add a new surface in the Wall loss calculator, none of the options in the ""Start with existing surface"" dropdown are visible. I can select them and the name + ""(mod)"" will show up in the ""Surface name field"""
__label__bug "assigning compute address to nat_ip causing crash. ### Terraform Version Terraform v0.10.7 ### Affected Resource(s) - google_compute_instance - google_compute_address ### Terraform Configuration Files ``` resource ""google_compute_address"" ""exampleaddress"" { name = ""example-address"" } resource ""google_compute_instance"" ""example"" { count = 1 name = ""tf-example-${count.index}"" machine_type = ""n1-standard-1"" zone = ""${var.region_zone}"" tags = [""example-node""] depends_on = [""google_compute_address.exampleaddress""] network_interface { network = ""default"" access_config { nat_ip = ""${google_compute_address.exampleaddress.0.address}"" } } ... } ``` ### Panic Output ### Expected Behavior IP address created, applied to a single instance.. ### Actual Behavior Crash. ### Steps to Reproduce 1. `terraform apply` Note that this is being used elsewhere in the config, is populated with a value and works fine (in google_sql_database_instance authorized_networks for example). Commenting out the single line (and taking an ephemeral IP) produces expected results. "
__label__bug "Add a title to the options page and make sure it's translated Opera shows the options page standalone, so it should have the title. (It would be nice to have a visual on-page title, but that would mean making a different options.html for Opera, or finding some way to template, so not really feasible for now.)"
__label__bug Remove giflib #11 Crash on macos build `GifFileType` allocated memory be removed while reading data. remove giflib. and add custom gif file reader..
__label__bug Backend servers mistake in README file The README file contains a mistake in the example showing how to define the backend hosts using the BACKEND_HOSTS environment variable.
__label__bug "Scope and Chapter admin pages return errors The scope and chapter admin pages are both returning 500 errors, likely because of changes to ActiveAdmin introduced in the last Gemfile upgrade. The custom serializers from `arcdata_core` override `has_attribute?` on these models, and require the argument provided to that method to respond to `to_sym`. ActiveAdmin calls `has_attribute?` to check column types in the version we're using, but since it's calling it with a Proc (for actions) it fails on these admin pages. The easiest way to fix this since the serializers have custom logic is to monkey patch the method in ActiveAdmin that calls `has_attribute?` and check that the argument it's receiving isn't a descendant of `Core::SerializedColumns` which has this behavior. About to submit a PR implementing this"
__label__bug "Difficulty importing network resources within VCN ### Terraform Version <details> Terraform v0.11.1 </details> ### OCI Provider Version <details> 2.0.4 - 2017-11-2 </details> ### Description: I am having difficulties importing existing network resources that reside within a VCN, I'm not sure if this is an issue with the OCI provider or with Terraform itself. The import succeeds, but it looks like the import action does not associate the vcn_id with the imported resource so any subsequent terraform plan/apply wants to recreate everything. Details / steps to reproduce: #### Manually create the ""test1"" VCN. #### Manually create the ""test1-IG"" Internet gateway inside the VCN, in the same container. #### Import the VCN- <details> ``` # terraform import oci_core_virtual_network.test1 ocid1.vcn.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaazj46i3d75gkiirwsxb4wcwmnvfwhca55wqchxndkzl6j3wlwm4oa oci_core_virtual_network.test1: Importing from ID ""ocid1.vcn.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaazj46i3d75gkiirwsxb4wcwmnvfwhca55wqchxndkzl6j3wlwm4oa""... oci_core_virtual_network.test1: Import complete! Imported oci_core_virtual_network (ID: ocid1.vcn.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaazj46i3d75gkiirwsxb4wcwmnvfwhca55wqchxndkzl6j3wlwm4oa) oci_core_virtual_network.test1: Refreshing state... (ID: ocid1.vcn.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaazj46i3d75gkiirwsxb4wcwmnvfwhca55wqchxndkzl6j3wlwm4oa) Import successful! The resources that were imported are shown above. These resources are now in your Terraform state and will henceforth be managed by Terraform. ``` </details> #### Import the IG- <details> ``` terraform import oci_core_internet_gateway.test1-IG ocid1.internetgateway.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaaypy65vi3pvdw7xrnhc5e3treq3bbrv3uemumyfrwc6pvv3m7pzua oci_core_internet_gateway.test1-IG: Importing from ID ""ocid1.internetgateway.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaaypy65vi3pvdw7xrnhc5e3treq3bbrv3uemumyfrwc6pvv3m7pzua""... oci_core_internet_gateway.test1-IG: Import complete! Imported oci_core_internet_gateway (ID: ocid1.internetgateway.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaaypy65vi3pvdw7xrnhc5e3treq3bbrv3uemumyfrwc6pvv3m7pzua) oci_core_internet_gateway.test1-IG: Refreshing state... (ID: ocid1.internetgateway.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaay...rnhc5e3treq3bbrv3uemumyfrwc6pvv3m7pzua) Import successful! The resources that were imported are shown above. These resources are now in your Terraform state and will henceforth be managed by Terraform. ``` </details> #### Make sure the resources in your terraform file match what you imported- <details> ``` resource ""oci_core_virtual_network"" ""test1"" { cidr_block = """" compartment_id = ""${var.vcn_compartment_ocid}"" display_name = ""test1"" dns_label = ""test1"" } resource ""oci_core_internet_gateway"" ""test1-IG"" { compartment_id = ""${var.vcn_compartment_ocid}"" display_name = ""test1-internet"" vcn_id = ""${}"" } ``` </details> #### Then run a terraform plan- <details> ``` # terraform plan Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan... The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan, but will not be persisted to local or remote state storage. oci_core_virtual_network.test1: Refreshing state... (ID: ocid1.vcn.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaazj46i3d75gkiirwsxb4wcwmnvfwhca55wqchxndkzl6j3wlwm4oa) data.oci_identity_availability_domains.ADs: Refreshing state... oci_core_internet_gateway.test1-IG: Refreshing state... (ID: ocid1.internetgateway.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaay...rnhc5e3treq3bbrv3uemumyfrwc6pvv3m7pzua) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ An execution plan has been generated and is shown below. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: -/+ destroy and then create replacement Terraform will perform the following actions: -/+ oci_core_internet_gateway.test1-IG (new resource required) id: ""ocid1.internetgateway.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaaypy65vi3pvdw7xrnhc5e3treq3bbrv3uemumyfrwc6pvv3m7pzua"" => <computed> (forces new resource) compartment_id: ""ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaaxqismqcwcjzbv3rgwb5ns5i7etdgqnbia3vbpstfol7o6l7zftua"" => ""ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaaxqismqcwcjzbv3rgwb5ns5i7etdgqnbia3vbpstfol7o6l7zftua"" display_name: ""test1-IG"" => ""test1-internet"" enabled: ""true"" => ""true"" state: ""AVAILABLE"" => <computed> time_created: ""2017-12-08 15:55:35.87 +0000 UTC"" => <computed> time_modified: ""0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC"" => <computed> vcn_id: """" => ""ocid1.vcn.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaazj46i3d75gkiirwsxb4wcwmnvfwhca55wqchxndkzl6j3wlwm4oa"" (forces new resource) Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 1 to destroy. ``` </details> "
__label__bug "'std::out_of_range' what(): basic_string::replace: __pos (which is 18446744073709551612) > this->size() (which is 8) I had this segfault happen when running `dotnet myassembly.dll` today - and it was bizzare enough that I feel it should be an issue here but the fix is pretty easy so I'll document that too and you can close if you feel its not worth investigating. Basically I was running the `aspnetcore:2.0` docker image with a web project of mine, and doing `docker run` resulted in the segfault: ``` terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' what(): basic_string::replace: __pos (which is 18446744073709551612) > this->size() (which is 8) Aborted (core dumped) ``` Stack trace from gdb: ``` (gdb) bt #0 __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:51 #1 0x00007f83301d93fa in __GI_abort () at abort.c:89 #2 0x00007f8330af00ad in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler() () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #3 0x00007f8330aee066 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #4 0x00007f8330aee0b1 in std::terminate() () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #5 0x00007f8330aee2c9 in __cxa_throw () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #6 0x00007f8330b16b85 in std::__throw_out_of_range_fmt(char const*, ...) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #7 0x00007f8330b30052 in std::string::replace(unsigned long, unsigned long, char const*, unsigned long) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #8 0x00007f832ff75fed in append_probe_realpath(std::string const&, std::vector<std::string, std::allocator<std::string> >*, std::string const&) () from /usr/share/dotnet/host/fxr/2.0.3/ #9 0x00007f832ff775e8 in fx_muxer_t::read_config_and_execute(std::string const&, std::string const&, std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::string, std::allocator<std::string> >, std::hash<std::string>, std::equal_to<std::string>, std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const, std::vector<std::string, std::allocator<std::string> > > > > const&, int, char const**, host_mode_t) () from /usr/share/dotnet/host/fxr/2.0.3/ #10 0x00007f832ff768f7 in fx_muxer_t::parse_args_and_execute(std::string const&, std::string const&, int, int, char const**, bool, host_mode_t, bool*) () from /usr/share/dotnet/host/fxr/2.0.3/ #11 0x00007f832ff77ffc in fx_muxer_t::execute(int, char const**) () from /usr/share/dotnet/host/fxr/2.0.3/ #12 0x00007f832ff6d975 in hostfxr_main () from /usr/share/dotnet/host/fxr/2.0.3/ #13 0x000000000040c42a in run(int, char const**) () #14 0x000000000040c597 in main () ``` I figured the problem exists in `append_probe_realpath` so this would be the appropriate place to report the issue. I found out the issue was caused by a project config option I am using - namely `<CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies>true</CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies>` When this is enabled `dotnet publish` puts ALL the nuget dependencies AND their dependencies into the release folder. For reference the release folder with the option: <img width=""1169"" alt=""sshot-2"" src=""""> and without: <img width=""1259"" alt=""sshot-3"" src=""""> something `dotnet` is doing fails when using this option. So the fix is to not use the option. Personally I use it because when debugging I need all the packages from nuget in the build directory - which is a temporary workaround until better assembly scanning systems are in place in `structuremap`"
__label__bug "Guests which change their name still show up as »1 guest« in sidebar Instead, of course the name they put in should show up. :) @nextcloud/spreed "
__label__bug "State exception when executing procedure with runtime error Hi. I've been using MySQLConnector for some time now. However, I've run into an exception `System.InvalidOperationException : 'Expected state to be Failed but was Connected.'` which fires on the last line of the following: ``` MySqlCommand command = conn.Get().CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = ""getUserRole""; command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.Parameters.AddWithValue(""@userID"", username); command.Parameters.AddWithValue(""@projectID"", -1); command.Parameters.AddWithValue(""@userRole"", MySqlDbType.Int32).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); ``` Stack trace: ``` at MySqlConnector.Core.ServerSession.VerifyState(State state) in C:\projects\mysqlconnector\src\MySqlConnector\Core\ServerSession.cs:line 882 at MySqlConnector.Core.ServerSession.FinishQuerying() in C:\projects\mysqlconnector\src\MySqlConnector\Core\ServerSession.cs:line 154 at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.DoClose() in C:\projects\mysqlconnector\src\MySqlConnector\MySql.Data.MySqlClient\MySqlDataReader.cs:line 419 at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.Dispose(Boolean disposing) in C:\projects\mysqlconnector\src\MySqlConnector\MySql.Data.MySqlClient\MySqlDataReader.cs:line 266 at MySqlConnector.Core.TextCommandExecutor.<ExecuteNonQueryAsync>d__1.MoveNext() in C:\projects\mysqlconnector\src\MySqlConnector\Core\TextCommandExecutor.cs:line 33 at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult() ``` Any suggestions for what the cause might be or how to prevent it? "
__label__bug "Deadlock with multiple simultaneous logouts When multiple users are simultaneously logging out, there might be a dead-lock. I tested this scenario with 1000 connections and it does sometimes happen but not always and only for the few (mostly one one) last connections."
__label__bug "Error with mix material export if volumes are used #### System Information windows 10, NVIDIA GTX 1080 + GTX 780 #### Software Version Blender version: 2.79 LuxCore version: 2.0 alpha, 09e8e780a34f667930c053d4d1220364970baab7 #### Error message from Blender console ``` ERROR: Reference to an undefined NamedObject name: Glass__Material_nodeMat_Mat_Nodes__002_mat Traceback (most recent call last): File ""F:\Users\Michael\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\scripts\addons\BlendLuxCore\engine\"", line 142, in view_update_lux self._session = self._exporter.create_session(self, context.scene, context) File ""F:\Users\Michael\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\scripts\addons\BlendLuxCore\export\"", line 203, in create_session luxcore_scene.Parse(scene_props) RuntimeError: Reference to an undefined NamedObject name: Glass__Material_nodeMat_Mat_Nodes__002_mat ``` #### Short description of error If a mix material is used in combination with volumes the mix material definition happens before the input materials. That results in an error. #### Exact steps for others to reproduce the error use mix material with volumes, e.g. the following material node tree ![grafik]( ``` converting object: Cube.022 converting mesh: Cube.025 nodeMatSURFACE scene.volumes.Volume__Node__Tree__004SHADER.emission = 0 0 0 scene.volumes.Volume__Node__Tree__004SHADER.ior = 1.4950000047683716 scene.volumes.Volume__Node__Tree__004SHADER.type = ""clear"" scene.volumes.Volume__Node__Tree__004SHADER.absorption = 3.7987448098447238 0.87892013825335269 3.4369541083131394 scene.materials.nodeMatSURFACE.volume.interior = ""Volume__Node__Tree__004SHADER"" scene.materials.Glass__Material_nodeMat_Mat_Nodes__002_mat.kt = 1 1 1 scene.materials.Glass__Material_nodeMat_Mat_Nodes__002_mat.type = ""glass"" = 1 1 1 scene.materials.Glossy__Material_nodeMat_Mat_Nodes__002_mat.kd = 0.69999998807907104 0.69999998807907104 0.69999998807907104 scene.materials.Glossy__Material_nodeMat_Mat_Nodes__002_mat.vroughness = 0.05000000074505806 scene.materials.Glossy__Material_nodeMat_Mat_Nodes__002_mat.ks = 0.05000000074505806 0.05000000074505806 0.05000000074505806 scene.materials.Glossy__Material_nodeMat_Mat_Nodes__002_mat.type = ""glossy2"" scene.materials.Glossy__Material_nodeMat_Mat_Nodes__002_mat.d = 0 scene.materials.Glossy__Material_nodeMat_Mat_Nodes__002_mat.ka = 0 0 0 scene.materials.Glossy__Material_nodeMat_Mat_Nodes__002_mat.uroughness = 0.05000000074505806 scene.materials.Glossy__Material_nodeMat_Mat_Nodes__002_mat.multibounce = 0 scene.materials.nodeMatSURFACE.amount = 0.5 scene.materials.nodeMatSURFACE.material1 = ""Glass__Material_nodeMat_Mat_Nodes__002_mat"" scene.materials.nodeMatSURFACE.type = ""mix"" scene.materials.nodeMatSURFACE.material2 = ""Glossy__Material_nodeMat_Mat_Nodes__002_mat"" ```"
__label__bug "Is the video component on the webpage demo working? I wanted to study how to use the video component but the one on the demo website ( doesn't seem to be working? Dropping a video component into the canvas shows a still photo with some lights. If I click the edit icon, the photo editor opens with no content and no toolbar and a bunch of JS errors in the console."
__label__bug "Dispatching an action after update causes crash Logical Steps - When user clicks on an item we send the action to the store, the store then sends the action to the RoutingReducer which will update the routing state and update the main activity with the new state. The mainActivity will then route to the new activity and let the store know that it has routed and the routing state needs to be set back to none ``` override fun update(state: CurrentRoutingState) { if (state.routingState is RoutingState.RouteToInbox) { TaskFormActivity.start(this, (state.routingState as RoutingState.RouteToInbox).id) store.dispatch(DetailLoaded) } } ``` When doing it like above, we get a `throw new RuntimeException(""You must not dispatch actions in your reducer. Seriously. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻"");` Issue : We are not dispatching actions in the reducer. This should not happen. This is a breaking issue and it basically means we are not allowed to do actions in quick succession inside the update function. The following code fixes the error on our side but it is not ideal and the Suas store should handle the action queue internally: ``` override fun update(state: CurrentRoutingState) { if (state.routingState is RoutingState.RouteToInbox) { TaskFormActivity.start(this, (state.routingState as RoutingState.RouteToInbox).id) Handler().postDelayed({ store.dispatch(DetailLoaded) }, 50) } } ``` Expected behaviour : No exception. The following code inside the SuasStore's dispatch() method should work better and perhaps add new actions to a queue `notifyListener(oldState, getState(), result.getUpdatedKeys()); isReducing.set(false);` This is a breaking issue and we cannot continue using the library with this issue still in. Further info : None of our reducers dispatch actions, they are all pure classes/methods."
__label__bug "JSON issue when repopulating name storage during startup On a second start, the program would not visibly run (it would run in a background for a few minutes (and be seen in a program manager) and would dissapear completely after that) ``` The log file: ""STARTUP ERROR: org.json.simple.JSONObject cannot be cast to java.lang.String ... ERROR Start:37 - not found, search path is C:\Program Files\Qora\ using default!"" Starting Qora / version: / build date: 2017-11-06 / ... ...INFO NTP:30 - Adjusting time with 860 milliseconds. ...ERROR Start:114 - org.json.simple.JSONObject cannot be cast to java.lang.String java.lang.ClassCastException: org.json.simple.JSONObject cannot be cast to java.lang.String at utils.StorageUtils.getKeys( at utils.StorageUtils.getAllKeysForOrphanSaving( at utils.StorageUtils.processUpdate( at utils.UpdateUtil.repopulateNameStorage( at controller.Controller.start( at Start.main( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.jarinjarloader.JarRsrcLoader.main("" ```"
__label__bug "runtimeFindExactVariant() provides wrong error message ``` QoreStringNode* desc = new QoreStringNode(""no variant matching '""); const char* class_name = className(); if (class_name) desc->sprintf(""%s::"", class_name); desc->sprintf(""%s("", getName()); do_call_str(*desc, this, args); desc->concat("") can be found; ""); desc->concat(""the following variants are defined:""); ``` duplicates function name in log. Also only opening ' is the issue. ``` RUNTIME-OVERLOAD-ERROR: no variant matching 'main(main(string, int)) can be found; the following variants are defined: main() RUNTIME-OVERLOAD-ERROR: no variant matching 'TestClass::log(TestClass::log()) can be found; the following variants are defined: TestClass::log(string fmt) ``` "
__label__bug Implement Array_SetItem in python's bindings
__label__bug "The pipe World 7 peach's not entering the pipe neither to come back at this part: ![image]( Ps: it's some especial place that has the toad's bonus level on it. "
__label__bug "Stop returning album links I assume this isn't intentional? "
__label__bug "[NSS Heatmap / Demo] Heatmap showing erroneous position plots Using @Costigan's latest playback data, when the heatmap starts up, it always seems to draw a straight line immediately from a default (?) position to a place where it starts getting data: <img width=""497"" alt=""screen shot 2017-10-25 at 2 10 47 pm"" src=""""> After a while of running, it will then jump position as well: <img width=""701"" alt=""screen shot 2017-10-25 at 2 09 45 pm"" src=""""> Here's my config parameters: <img width=""523"" alt=""screen shot 2017-10-25 at 2 10 03 pm"" src=""""> @VWoeltjen Could you have a look? If this is an easy fix it'd be great to hit it, but not a big deal if not. "
__label__bug "google_compute_target_https_proxy with string name ssl_certificate doesn't stick _This issue was originally opened by @mickeyreiss as hashicorp/terraform#6012. It was migrated here as part of the [provider split]( The original body of the issue is below._ <hr> I have a `google_compute_target_https_proxy` with an SSL certificate that I've uploaded manually to Google Cloud Console. It looks something like this: ``` resource ""google_compute_target_https_proxy"" ""my-target-https-proxy"" { name = ""my-lb-target"" url_map = ""${}"" ssl_certificates = [""projects/my-${var.my_environment_name}/global/sslCertificates/app-myapp-com""] } ``` When I plan and apply this resource, my target https proxy is created exactly as I'd expect. There's a proxy with the SSL cert that I had previously uploaded. Yay. However, when I run `terraform plan`, it shows that the this resource is dirty and needs to be recreated: ``` ~ ssl_certificates.#: ""0"" => ""1"" ssl_certificates.0: """" => ""projects/my-staging/global/sslCertificates/app-myapp-com"" ``` This is very odd, as the target https proxy is still configured perfectly accordingly to my google cloud console. I'm not sure why terraform is refreshing my state incorrectly here. Is this a bug? Thanks for the input! "
__label__bug "Random Seed Issues Not 100% this is actually a bug, we've just noticed several times where tests seem to fail due to random seeds changing. This might just be a result of adding a new expression that uses the RNG, but it's happened enough times that it feels likely there is a bug in the random seed tracking code someplace."
__label__bug "High memory usage on server after ~12 hours ## Description After ~ 12 hours with a pycraft account connected to a server (1.12.1), memory usage on server is way more higher than official client or Minecraft Console Client (more than 2×): on my Ubuntu server with 16GB RAM, using htop, official client consumes 2.2%, MCC (Minecraft Console Client) consumes 3.0% and Pycraft consumes 7.1%. This seems to happen too with 1.11.2 server. I'm using the latest version `46e058d`, zip-downloaded from GitHub. But I was able to reproduce with an older version, before 1.12. ## Steps to reproduce 1. On a server, create a specific folder for Minecraft Server. 2. Download official server jar from Mojang: 3. Start a first time the server to generate eula.txt file. 4. Accept EULA. 5. Start again server, then run commands ""difficulty 0"" and ""gamerule doMobSpawning false"" to prevent mob generation (and random ram consumption). 6. Stop server. 7. (Optionnal) in, set online-mode to false to make tests easier. 8. Copy Minecraft Server folder twice: one for Pycraft client, one for MCC, one for official as reference. 9. In each directory, set a different listening port, and rename jar to readable name (for example, ""minecraft_server.1.12.1_pycraft.jar"") 10. Start each server 11. Connect at the same time one pycraft client, one MCC and one official client to its corresponding server. 12. Wait ~12 hours 13. Using any system tool, check memory usage for server: pycraft should use way more RAM than the others. ## Expected results Pycraft server should use almost the same quantity of ram than the other clients."
__label__bug "isFunction does not work for async functions The `isFunction()` check uses Object.prototype.toString, which yields this: ```js, -1) // ""AsyncFunction"" ```"
__label__bug "Should json-spirit be a required dependancy? ### Issue and Steps to Reproduce The issue is that json-spirit is not considered a required dependency, but cmake build of the project fails if json-spirit cannot be found. The issue can be reproduced by running `docker build .` on the following Dockerfile: ``` FROM debian:sid ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y build-essential RUN apt-get install -y cmake RUN apt-get install -y python python-dev RUN apt-get install -y libssl-dev RUN apt-get install -y libboost-all-dev RUN apt-get install -y protobuf-compiler python-protobuf libprotobuf-dev RUN apt-get install -y python-sphinx RUN apt-get install -y libcrypto++-dev libcrypto++ RUN apt-get install -y liblua5.1-0-dev RUN apt-get install -y libgtest-dev RUN apt-get install -y git vim wget RUN git clone WORKDIR nscp RUN git checkout #RUN git submodule update --init ext/cryptopp #RUN git submodule update --init ext/gtest #RUN git submodule update --init ext/json-spirit #RUN git submodule update --init ext/md-protobuf #RUN git submodule update --init ext/tinyxml2 #RUN git submodule update --init ext/google-breakpad RUN git submodule update --init ext/json-protobuf #RUN git submodule update --init ext/lua-protobuf RUN git submodule update --init ext/miniz #RUN chmod u+x /nscp/ext/md-protobuf/protoc-gen-md WORKDIR /nscp/build RUN cmake ../ RUN make ``` ### Expected Behaviour I would expect either that the build should complete without json-spirit (possibly with some missing functionality) or that the message displayed during the ""Validating required dependencies"" step should report that not all required dependencies have been found. ### Actual Behaviour If cmake is unable to find json-spirit, it displays a message to say ``` -- Found dependencies: ... -- ! Json Spirit not found: JSON_SPRIT_DIR= ... -- Validating required dependencies: -- - All required dependecies[sic] found! (some modules and features migh[sic] stil[sic] be missing though) ``` However, the build later fails with: ``` [ 16%] Building CXX object service/CMakeFiles/nscp.dir/core_api.cpp.o /nscp/service/core_api.cpp: In function 'void (* NSAPILoader(const char*))()': /nscp/service/core_api.cpp:203:54: error: 'NSCAPIJson2Protobuf' was not declared in this scope return reinterpret_cast<nscapi::core_api::FUNPTR>(&NSCAPIJson2Protobuf); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /nscp/service/core_api.cpp:205:54: error: 'NSCAPIProtobuf2Json' was not declared in this scope return reinterpret_cast<nscapi::core_api::FUNPTR>(&NSCAPIProtobuf2Json); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /nscp/service/core_api.cpp: In function 'NSCAPI::errorReturn NSCAPIJson2protobuf(const char*, unsigned int, char**, unsigned int*)': /nscp/service/core_api.cpp:331:17: error: 'hasFailed' is not a member of 'NSCAPI' return NSCAPI::hasFailed; ^~~~~~~~~ /nscp/service/core_api.cpp:331:17: note: suggested alternatives: In file included from /nscp/service/plugin_interface.hpp:3:0, from /nscp/service/master_plugin_list.hpp:22, from /nscp/service/plugin_manager.hpp:22, from /nscp/service/nsclient_core_interface.hpp:3, from /nscp/service/NSClient++.h:22, from /nscp/service/core_api.cpp:20: /nscp/include/NSCAPI.h:36:13: note: 'NSCAPI::api_return_codes::hasFailed' const int hasFailed = 0; ^~~~~~~~~ /nscp/include/NSCAPI.h:41:13: note: 'NSCAPI::cmd_return_codes::hasFailed' const int hasFailed = 0; ^~~~~~~~~ /nscp/include/NSCAPI.h:66:13: note: 'NSCAPI::message::hasFailed' const int hasFailed = 0; ^~~~~~~~~ /nscp/service/core_api.cpp: In function 'NSCAPI::errorReturn NSCAPIProtobuf2Json(const char*, const char*, unsigned int, char**, unsigned int*)': /nscp/service/core_api.cpp:335:17: error: 'hasFailed' is not a member of 'NSCAPI' return NSCAPI::hasFailed; ^~~~~~~~~ /nscp/service/core_api.cpp:335:17: note: suggested alternatives: In file included from /nscp/service/plugin_interface.hpp:3:0, from /nscp/service/master_plugin_list.hpp:22, from /nscp/service/plugin_manager.hpp:22, from /nscp/service/nsclient_core_interface.hpp:3, from /nscp/service/NSClient++.h:22, from /nscp/service/core_api.cpp:20: /nscp/include/NSCAPI.h:36:13: note: 'NSCAPI::api_return_codes::hasFailed' const int hasFailed = 0; ^~~~~~~~~ /nscp/include/NSCAPI.h:41:13: note: 'NSCAPI::cmd_return_codes::hasFailed' const int hasFailed = 0; ^~~~~~~~~ /nscp/include/NSCAPI.h:66:13: note: 'NSCAPI::message::hasFailed' const int hasFailed = 0; ^~~~~~~~~ make[2]: *** [service/CMakeFiles/nscp.dir/core_api.cpp.o] Error 1 service/CMakeFiles/nscp.dir/build.make:86: recipe for target 'service/CMakeFiles/nscp.dir/core_api.cpp.o' failed CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1047: recipe for target 'service/CMakeFiles/nscp.dir/all' failed make[1]: *** [service/CMakeFiles/nscp.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [all] Error 2 Makefile:162: recipe for target 'all' failed The command '/bin/sh -c make' returned a non-zero code: 2 ``` ### Details * NSClient++ version: * OS and Version: Debian Sid (unstable) "
__label__bug "Crash ""Index of ouf range"" while instrumenting An ""Index out of range"" Exception occurs while instrumenting the code."
__label__bug "Weekly Summaries Appear Out of Order In some cases, where zero point entries are listed in Vitality, the weekly summary entry appears in the wrong position. ![image]( This is probably due to the fact that the code disregards zero point records early. We likely need to re-add them to the consideration, this should force the order to correct itself."
__label__bug Node.js 8+ compatibility issues There's an issue in the current instrumentation of Node.js 8 and above that means that some traces will not be collected. We're working on a fix. Please subscribe to this issue to stay up to date.
__label__bug "publish().autoConnect() seems to not onComplete late subscriber ### Expected behavior OnComplete late subscribers if upstream onComplete. ### Actual behavior It does seem that onComplete is not forwarded to late subscribers : ### Steps to reproduce ```EmitterProcessor<Flux<String>> incomingProcessor = EmitterProcessor.create(); Flux<Flux<String>> incoming = incomingProcessor.log(""stream.proc"").publish().autoConnect() .log(""stream.incoming""); Flux.just(""ALPHA"", ""BRAVO"", ""CHARLIE"", ""DELTA"", ""ALPHA"", ""BRAVO"", ""CHARLIE"", ""DELTA"", ""ALPHA"", ""BRAVO"", ""CHARLIE"", ""DELTA"") .log(""stream.incoming"") .windowWhile(s -> !""DELTA"".equals(s)) .subscribe(incomingProcessor); AtomicInteger windowIndex = new AtomicInteger(0); AtomicInteger nextIndex = new AtomicInteger(0); System.out.println(""ZERO""); incoming .next() .flatMapMany(flux -> flux // .takeWhile(s -> !""CHARLIE"".equals(s)) .log(String.format(""stream.window.%d"", windowIndex.getAndIncrement()))) .log(String.format("""", nextIndex.getAndIncrement())) .as(StepVerifier::create) .expectNextCount(3) .verifyComplete(); System.out.println(""ONE""); .flatMapMany(flux -> flux // .takeWhile(s -> !""CHARLIE"".equals(s)) .log(String.format(""stream.window.%d"", windowIndex.getAndIncrement()))) .log(String.format("""", nextIndex.getAndIncrement())) .as(StepVerifier::create) .expectNextCount(3) .verifyComplete(); ``` ### Reactor Core version 3.1.2 "
__label__bug "Top right menu does not always load and has unwanted effects / design The top right dropdown menu box is slow. It seems to have a delay and has a kind of white shadow. It should be much simpler - actually it should be like it was before. Simple and super fast. ![screenshot from 2018-01-08 19-40-43]( "
__label__bug "No devices for CPU-only run I am having some issues with a CPU-only run of the benchmark suite on one of my GPU-less nodes. I am trying to use the Tensorflow framework for my test, but I get an error in the log (see below). Looking at the code it appears (from my angle at least) that `` is looking for GPU devices, which I have none, causing `self.devices` to be zero, hence the divide by zero error. Perhaps I am off-base though? I looked at several of the CPU-only commands in the Wiki guide, but none of them have been successful - most still require a GPU it appears in my testing. Environment: `CentOS 7.4 64-bit` Docker Build: `hpe/tensorflow:cpu` Framework: `Tensorflow` Command: ``` python python/dlbs/ run -Pexp.framework='""tensorflow""' -Pexp.env='""docker""' -Pexp.phase='""training""' -Pexp.gpus='""""' -Pexp.model='""alexnet""' -Pexp.device_batch='""16""' -Pexp.log_file='""./benchmarks/my_experiment/tf.log""' -Ptensorflow.docker.image='""hpe/tensorflow:cpu""' -Pexp.device='""cpu""' ``` ```bash ---------------------------- Starting framework launcher. ---------------------------- 01-04-18 17:55:58 [INFO] /root/dlbs/scripts/launchers/ __exp.framework_title__= ""TensorFlow"" __tensorflow.version__= ""1.0.1"" __results.start_time__= ""2018-01-04:23:56:01:230"" PYTHONPATH=/workspace/tf_cnn_benchmarks:/workspace/tf_cnn_benchmarks: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= BenchmarkCNN::__init__ time=0.056028 ms TensorFlow: 1.0 Model: alexnet Mode: training Batch size: 0 global Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/workspace/tf_cnn_benchmarks/"", line 1454, in <module> File ""/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/platform/"", line 44, in run _sys.exit(main(_sys.argv[:1] + flags_passthrough)) File ""/workspace/tf_cnn_benchmarks/"", line 1449, in main bench.print_info() File ""/workspace/tf_cnn_benchmarks/"", line 970, in print_info log_fn(' %s per device' % (self.batch_size / len(self.devices))) ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero __results.end_time__= ""2018-01-04:23:56:02:826"" __results.proc_pid__= 44072 ``` Thanks for putting this together by the way! I'm really excited to take a deeper dive into it once I get this issue resolved. Let me know if you need any additional information."
__label__bug "Add Fontawesome fonts in local ![screenshot from 2018-01-08 21 10 19]( "
__label__bug "Python problem run_all: TypeError: 'generator' object has no attribute '__getitem__' Hi! First of all thank you for this code. Very flexible framework. However, I cannot make it work, I had some issues with pyton dependencies, after solving it, I can make all work , untill I reach `run_all sample-attacks` If I do status I get: ``` ┌Status of opened tasks─┬────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Task │ Status │ Result │ ├───────────────────────┼────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ blackhole-attack[run] │ FAIL │ TypeError: 'generator' object has no attribute '__getitem__' │ │ test[run] │ FAIL │ TypeError: 'generator' object has no attribute '__getitem__' │ └───────────────────────┴────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ``` If I run with fab: ``` fab run_all:sample-attacks 2018-01-09 10:00:51 rpla[2553] INFO PROCESSING EXPERIMENT 'test' Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fabric/"", line 762, in main *args, **kwargs File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fabric/"", line 425, in execute results['<local-only>'] =*args, **new_kwargs) File ""/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fabric/"", line 172, in run return self.wrapped(*args, **kwargs) File ""/home/renzo/trabajo/demo-fic/rpl-attacks/core/utils/"", line 173, in wrapper f(*args, **kwargs) File ""/home/renzo/trabajo/demo-fic/rpl-attacks/core/"", line 558, in run_all run(name) if console is None else console.do_run(name) File ""/home/renzo/trabajo/demo-fic/rpl-attacks/core/utils/"", line 173, in wrapper f(*args, **kwargs) File ""/home/renzo/trabajo/demo-fic/rpl-attacks/core/"", line 413, in __run parsing_chain(sim_path) File ""/home/renzo/trabajo/demo-fic/rpl-attacks/core/utils/"", line 21, in parsing_chain convert_pcap_to_csv(path) File ""/home/renzo/trabajo/demo-fic/rpl-attacks/core/utils/"", line 55, in convert_pcap_to_csv f.write(out) TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' ``` I assume is also w problem with python. I have both pythons. I will keep checking but I will appreciate if you already run into this problem. On instant contiki 3.0 I also runt with the same problem. "
__label__bug "SDK 3 Integration Tests fail when example code is removed BUG --- ### Steps to reproduce the problem Create a new SDK 3 project, accept all defaults ### Expected behavior ./ works ### Actual behavior ./ fails compiling integration tests as they rely on code we removed"
__label__bug Role generator script doesn't handle size properly Roles size should be `lastRole + 1` instead of `lastRole`.
__label__bug "Torque results order is unspecified This test is now broken in some cases (apparently when using PostgreSQL 9.6 instead of 9.5): ``` 1) torque query can hold substitution tokens: Uncaught AssertionError: [ anonymous { x__uint8: 128, y__uint8: 128, vals__uint8: [ 3, 2 ], dates__uint16: [ 0, 1 ] } ] deepEqual [ { x__uint8: 128, y__uint8: 128, vals__uint8: [ 2, 3 ], dates__uint16: [ 1, 0 ] } ] at /home/ubuntu/windshaft/test/acceptance/torque.js:302:20 ``` The order of the torque results has changed (but is consistent, note that the date to values correspondence is kept). This is the query that returns the torque results: The query doesn't specified an order, so PostgreSQL is free to return the results in any order. We can easily force the results in the order the text expects (by date): ```diff diff --git a/lib/windshaft/renderers/torque/renderer.js b/lib/windshaft/renderers/torque/renderer.js index 10b502d..a9b98f6 100644 --- a/lib/windshaft/renderers/torque/renderer.js +++ b/lib/windshaft/renderers/torque/renderer.js @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ Renderer.prototype = { ""FROM ({_sql}) i, par p "" + ""WHERE i.{gcol} && p.b_ext "" + stepFilter(attrs) + - ""GROUP BY xx, yy, d "" + + ""GROUP BY xx, yy, d ORDER BY d desc"" + "") cte, par "" + ""GROUP BY x__uint8, y__uint8; ""; ``` But this could affect the performance of the query. On the other hand we're not relying on the data being ordered by date to render it on the client we could just change the test to not be order dependent and leave the query alone. So we should check if wherever we use torque tiles we're assuming date order, or if the order doesn't affect our rendering. "
__label__bug "Indexing a OneToOne User field only takes its username attribute I have made two models Student and Teacher by extending Django's User Model in OneToOne fields student and teacher respectively. When i register my Student and Teacher models to algolia, it only takes the username attribute of User in student(or teacher). I am not able to access other fields of User model like first_name, last_name etc. in algolia. How can i access these fields?"
__label__bug "Outbound IP flapping I have a ZT device with two WAN addresses. Is there any way to make ZeroTier One use one address and stick to it? I don't care much which one it chooses as long as it doesn't change again, but right now it constantly switches between the two addresses if I watch in Central or run `listpeers` in a loop. This can't be good for connection stability. I already created (because the device in question is an OPNsense box), but I suspect the problem lies on the ZT side."
__label__bug Claim projects need to filter projects associated with just the course * TA had issue where two projects had the same name and threw an error
__label__bug "CircleCI build issues using ""lerna"" Unexpectedly, an error began to appear: ``` lerna ERR! npm ERR! path /root/repo/node_modules/.bin/webpack lerna ERR! npm ERR! code EEXIST lerna ERR! npm ERR! Refusing to delete /root/repo/node_modules/.bin/webpack: ../../packages/client-react/node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js symlink target is not controlled by npm /root/repo/node_modules/webpack lerna ERR! npm ERR! File exists: /root/repo/node_modules/.bin/webpack lerna ERR! npm ERR! Move it away, and try again. ``` I have added to root package **package.json**: `lerna bootstrap --nohoist webpack` and `node node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js` instead of just `webpack`"
__label__bug explorer isn't showing random stories It is showing all ones from the first day :-(
__label__bug "Tapping first track doesn't play By default without `autoplay` the latest track is active but not playing. If you then tap it in the list to play, nothing happens. Clicking play on the YouTube video or our own play button works."
__label__bug "Options + sign is hidden on ""my exams"" page @solymosi Could you please apply the fix you did on the exam registration page to the ""My exams"" page too? (Route code `0402`.) If an exam is registered but not yet graded (i.e. it has the yellow background), the `[+]` sign is hidden. ![image]( "
__label__bug "java-commons-collections-3.2.2 does not build on wip-change-default-java8 Error: [javac] /tmp/guix-build-java-commons-collections-3.2.2.drv-0/commons-collections-3.2.2-src/src/java/org/apache/commons/collections/ error: remove(Object,Object) in MultiHashMap cannot implement remove(Object,Object) in Map [javac] public Object remove(Object key, Object item) { [javac] ^ [javac] return type Object is not compatible with boolean [javac] /tmp/guix-build-java-commons-collections-3.2.2.drv-0/commons-collections-3.2.2-src/src/java/org/apache/commons/collections/ error: remove(Object,Object) in MultiMap clashes with remove(Object,Object) in Map [javac] public Object remove(Object key, Object item); [javac] ^ [javac] return type Object is not compatible with boolean [javac] /tmp/guix-build-java-commons-collections-3.2.2.drv-0/commons-collections-3.2.2-src/src/java/org/apache/commons/collections/map/ error: remove(Object,Object) in MultiKeyMap cannot implement remove(Object,Object) in Map [javac] public Object remove(Object key1, Object key2) { [javac] ^ [javac] return type Object is not compatible with boolean [javac] /tmp/guix-build-java-commons-collections-3.2.2.drv-0/commons-collections-3.2.2-src/src/java/org/apache/commons/collections/map/ error: remove(Object,Object) in MultiValueMap cannot implement remove(Object,Object) in Map [javac] public Object remove(Object key, Object value) { [javac] ^ [javac] return type Object is not compatible with boolean [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [javac] 4 errors BUILD FAILED /tmp/guix-build-java-commons-collections-3.2.2.drv-0/commons-collections-3.2.2-src/build.xml:129: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details. Total time: 2 seconds phase `build' failed after 2.6 seconds note: keeping build directory `/tmp/guix-build-java-commons-collections-3.2.2.drv-0' builder for `/gnu/store/y1mb5g7y30fh8iskvkymlarhnm3b4ms6-java-commons-collections-3.2.2.drv' failed with exit code 1 @ build-failed /gnu/store/y1mb5g7y30fh8iskvkymlarhnm3b4ms6-java-commons-collections-3.2.2.drv - 1 builder for `/gnu/store/y1mb5g7y30fh8iskvkymlarhnm3b4ms6-java-commons-collections-3.2.2.drv' failed with exit code 1 "
__label__bug Some invalid routes does not respond with Not Found page Navigating to `SITE_URL/weather/what/ever/route` will render the `<Instructions>` component instead of `<NotFoundPage>` component. Possible solution: - [ ] Add `exact` attribute on mishandled `Route`.
__label__bug "remove !firstplay, !lastplay, and !plays or fix them I guess... I GUESS"
__label__bug "bossbar are bugging it's normal, when i PvE with a few mobs at once."
__label__bug "eliminate case sensitivity for loading a SWMM scenario SWMM inp files are not case sensitive. Artifacts are occurring when subcatchments indicate the downstream node with the wrong case. SWMM handles these errors fine, but swmmnetwork does not."
__label__bug "Curried operation second parameter mistaken for already applied paths ### Description Error when calling a curried operation with more than one parameter. **Version :** 1.0.0-rc.6 #### Expected behavior Discarding second and further args when not called by `flow`. #### Actual behavior ``` TypeError: pAppliedPaths.filter is not a function at pathAlreadyApplied (node_modules/immutadot/path/utils.js:87:38) ``` #### How to reproduce ``` set('nested.prop', 'value')(foo, bar) // Here bar is mistaken for already applied paths ```"
__label__bug "client crash with 1.7 not sure what is going on here but I get this client crash when using 1.7.10 ``` java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 46, Size: 45 at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck( at java.util.ArrayList.get( at zs.a(SourceFile:104) at zs.a(SourceFile:385) at bjb.a(SourceFile:727) at gq.a(SourceFile:27) at gq.a(SourceFile:10) at ej.a(SourceFile:174) at bje.e(SourceFile:212) at bao.p(SourceFile:1306) at bao.ak(SourceFile:774) at bao.f(SourceFile:728) at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:148) ``` "
__label__bug Cannot parse multiline project descriptions Cannot parse multiline project descriptions to determine URLs for merged project boards.
__label__bug "Procedure entry point IsThreadAFiber could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll Hey All builds of HeidiSQL up to and including install and run fine in Windows XP, but as of build `HeidiSQL_9.5.0.5217_Setup.exe` clicking ""OK"" in the session manager leads to this crash: ``` --------------------------- heidisql.exe - Entry Point Not Found --------------------------- The procedure entry point IsThreadAFiber could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll. --------------------------- OK --------------------------- ``` and then ```text Cannot find a usable libmysql.dll. Please launch heidisql.exe from the directory where you have installed it. ``` Windows XP version 2002 SP3 (running in VirtualBox)."
__label__bug Lighttpd is no longer working out of the box (related to a merge problem) Not sure what happened between Thursday and today but lighttpd is no longer working. It seems that changes made by @Duckmanjbr is no longer implemented
__label__bug "Update Sorter Service to sort LearningObjects alphabetically LearningObjects should be sorted alphabetically, most likely a property name issue "
__label__bug "atm importing issue When I run atm/, it pops up this error: ImportError: No module named atm.config"
__label__bug "Bug Report- Teacher tries to launch lessons mode and is taken to a ""Select Edition"" page without any buttons. "
__label__bug "Bug Report- Teacher tries to launch lessons mode and is taken to a ""Select Edition"" page without any buttons. "
__label__bug Small whitespace below footer Looks like the last `p` tag's margin or padding is creating a small amount of whitespace below the footer
__label__bug "Install needs to include silver surfer `brew install the_silver_searcher` "
__label__bug "Error running CLI on Linux when installed to ""$HOME/dotnet"" _From @mikeharder on January 5, 2018 21:4_ ## Summary It seems the problem only repros when: 1. dotnet is installed at `$HOME/dotnet` 2. The command is run as `dotnet` which loads the file from `$PATH` 3. The command is run from `$HOME`, not any other directory ## Steps to reproduce 1. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 2. Install dotnet-sdk-2.1.3 using apt-get ( 3. `mkdir ~/dotnet` 4. `cd ~/dotnet` 5. `wget` 6. `tar -zxvf dotnet-sdk-2.2.0-preview1-007840-linux-x64.tar.gz` 7. `cd ~` 8. `nano .profile` A. Add “$HOME/dotnet” to front of path 9. `source .profile` 10. `which dotnet` A. Verify the path is `/home/username/dotnet/dotnet` 11. `dotnet -?` A. Expected: Shows help B. Actual: `Did you mean to run dotnet SDK commands? Please install dotnet SDK from:` 12. `~/dotnet/dotnet -?` A. Works fine 13. `mkdir foo` 14. `cd foo` 15. `dotnet -?` A. Works fine 16. `mv ~/dotnet ~/dotnet-foo` 17. `nano .profile` A. Change `$HOME/dotnet` to `$HOME/dotnet-foo` 18. `source .profile` 19. `which dotnet` A. Verify the path is `/home/username/dotnet-foo/dotnet` 20. `dotnet -?` A. Works fine _Copied from original issue: dotnet/cli#8337_"
__label__bug "Question/Bug: 'usePercentage' on BarChart The `v2.0.0` notes on the CHANGELOG said that `usePercentage` was changed to `hasPercentage`, but it's still active, both options are displayed on the docs also, and looking on the source it seems like both change the same variable >.<"
__label__bug Icon in Project View is not shown Sparx EA cannot work with .NET managed resources. Need to be done in a different way. I wrote one here:
__label__bug "Problem: SIPs cannot be created from encrypted transfers in backlog To re-create: 1. Create a transfer backlog location in an encrypted GPG space in the SS. 2. Disable the default transfer backlog location. 3. Enable the encrypted transfer backlog location. 4. Create a transfer and send it to backlog 5. In the ingest tab, attempt to create a SIP from the encrypted transfer in backlog by dragging the encrypted transfer to the arrange/ folder. The GUI will hang showing the dragged transfer over the arrange/ folder but nothing will happen. It will not be possible to create a SIP from the encrypted transfer."
__label__bug "Share functionality not working, when Day CQ Mail server setup (on ASC 1.0.2) With the Mail server setup (and successfully sharing an asset in the AEM interface), the share functionality of the Asset Share interface doesn't work. Steps to reproduce: 1. setup Day CQ mail service 2. share asset in AEM interface, and confirm successful mail sent 3. attempt to share asset in the Asset Share interface. ``` Result: email not sent + following stack trace: java.lang.NullPointerException: null at com.adobe.aem.commons.assetshare.components.actions.share.impl.EmailShareServiceImpl.share( at com.adobe.aem.commons.assetshare.components.actions.share.impl.EmailShareServiceImpl.share( at com.adobe.aem.commons.assetshare.components.actions.share.impl.ShareServlet.share( at com.adobe.aem.commons.assetshare.components.actions.share.impl.ShareServlet.doPost( at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at com.adobe.granite.requests.logging.impl.RequestLoggerImpl.doFilter( at at at at com.adobe.granite.csrf.impl.CSRFFilter.doFilter( at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at com.adobe.granite.optout.impl.OptOutFilter.doFilter( at at at com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.internal.servlets.CoreFormHandlingServlet.doFilter( at at at at com.adobe.cq.mcm.campaign.servlets.CampaignCopyTracker.doFilter( at at at at com.adobe.granite.httpcache.impl.InnerCacheFilter.doFilter( at com.adobe.granite.httpcache.impl.InnerCacheFilter.doFilter( at at at at at com.adobe.granite.resourceresolverhelper.impl.ResourceResolverHelperImpl.doFilter( at at at at org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.handler.ServletHandler.handle( at org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.dispatch.InvocationChain.doFilter( at at org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.handler.FilterHandler.handle( at org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.dispatch.InvocationChain.doFilter( at com.adobe.granite.license.impl.LicenseCheckFilter.doFilter( at org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.handler.FilterHandler.handle( at org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.dispatch.InvocationChain.doFilter( at org.apache.felix.http.sslfilter.internal.SslFilter.doFilter( at org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.handler.FilterHandler.handle( at org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.dispatch.InvocationChain.doFilter( at at org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.handler.FilterHandler.handle( at org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.dispatch.InvocationChain.doFilter( at at org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.handler.FilterHandler.handle( at org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.dispatch.InvocationChain.doFilter( at at org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.handler.FilterHandler.handle( at org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.dispatch.InvocationChain.doFilter( at org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.dispatch.Dispatcher.dispatch( at org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.dispatch.DispatcherServlet.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doHandle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler.doHandle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doHandle( at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doScope( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler.doScope( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doScope( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandlerCollection.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection.onFillable( at$ at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool.runJob( at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$ at ```"
__label__bug "Close apps countdown timer does not work in Show-InstallationWelcome The close apps countdown timer does not update on screen or automatically close applications and continue with install once the timer allowed for the timer has expired. "
__label__bug "Parsing Failure of ""nested"" `where`'s MWE: ```` function test(x::A, y::A) where {A<:Array{T, N} where {T<:Number, N}} return x .+ y end ```` This produces `[CSTParser.Diagnostics.Diagnostic] Parsing failure` "
__label__bug "linter problem with submersed modules ```julia #file foo.jl: module Foo include(""bar.jl"") end #file bar.jl module Bar function f(x)= x end ``` the whole Foo.Bar module (the whole file bar.jl) is not parsed correctly with following error: [LanguageServer.LSDiagnostics] Parsing Failure Thank you Petr "
__label__bug "//test/integration:access_log_integration_test is flaky *Description*: //test/integration:access_log_integration_test is TIMEOUT in a few runs per large runs. Discovered when I was trying to reproduce *Repro steps*: At master (commit 48ebd9fb1467a93107478ea6cc68ea1b064c96b4): ``` $ bazel test -c opt --runs_per_test=1000 //test/integration:access_log_integration_test DEBUG: /home/zlizan/github/lizan/envoy-master/bazel/repositories.bzl:76:5: Fetching external dependencies... DEBUG: /home/zlizan/github/lizan/envoy-master/bazel/repositories.bzl:82:5: DEBUG: /home/zlizan/github/lizan/envoy-master/bazel/repositories.bzl:83:5: External dependency cache directory /home/zlizan/.cache/bazel/_bazel_zlizan/38b042ddc5bbd24c5b8f7b3c8c150f08/external/envoy_deps_cache_2c744dffd279d7e9e0910ce594eb4f4f make: Entering directory '/home/zlizan/.cache/bazel/_bazel_zlizan/38b042ddc5bbd24c5b8f7b3c8c150f08/external/envoy_deps' make: '/home/zlizan/.cache/bazel/_bazel_zlizan/38b042ddc5bbd24c5b8f7b3c8c150f08/external/envoy_deps_cache_2c744dffd279d7e9e0910ce594eb4f4f/cares.dep' is up to date. make: '/home/zlizan/.cache/bazel/_bazel_zlizan/38b042ddc5bbd24c5b8f7b3c8c150f08/external/envoy_deps_cache_2c744dffd279d7e9e0910ce594eb4f4f/libevent.dep' is up to date. make: '/home/zlizan/.cache/bazel/_bazel_zlizan/38b042ddc5bbd24c5b8f7b3c8c150f08/external/envoy_deps_cache_2c744dffd279d7e9e0910ce594eb4f4f/gperftools.dep' is up to date. make: '/home/zlizan/.cache/bazel/_bazel_zlizan/38b042ddc5bbd24c5b8f7b3c8c150f08/external/envoy_deps_cache_2c744dffd279d7e9e0910ce594eb4f4f/luajit.dep' is up to date. make: '/home/zlizan/.cache/bazel/_bazel_zlizan/38b042ddc5bbd24c5b8f7b3c8c150f08/external/envoy_deps_cache_2c744dffd279d7e9e0910ce594eb4f4f/boringssl.dep' is up to date. make: '/home/zlizan/.cache/bazel/_bazel_zlizan/38b042ddc5bbd24c5b8f7b3c8c150f08/external/envoy_deps_cache_2c744dffd279d7e9e0910ce594eb4f4f/yaml-cpp.dep' is up to date. make: '/home/zlizan/.cache/bazel/_bazel_zlizan/38b042ddc5bbd24c5b8f7b3c8c150f08/external/envoy_deps_cache_2c744dffd279d7e9e0910ce594eb4f4f/zlib.dep' is up to date. Building in /home/zlizan/.cache/bazel/_bazel_zlizan/38b042ddc5bbd24c5b8f7b3c8c150f08/external/envoy_deps_cache_2c744dffd279d7e9e0910ce594eb4f4f/, logs at /home/zlizan/.cache/bazel/_bazel_zlizan/38b042ddc5bbd24c5b8f7b3c8c150f08/external/envoy_deps_cache_2c744dffd279d7e9e0910ce594eb4f4f/nghttp2.dep.log Successful build of /home/zlizan/.cache/bazel/_bazel_zlizan/38b042ddc5bbd24c5b8f7b3c8c150f08/external/envoy_deps_cache_2c744dffd279d7e9e0910ce594eb4f4f/nghttp2.dep make: Leaving directory '/home/zlizan/.cache/bazel/_bazel_zlizan/38b042ddc5bbd24c5b8f7b3c8c150f08/external/envoy_deps' real 0m20.636s user 0m13.504s sys 0m3.028s DEBUG: /home/zlizan/github/lizan/envoy-master/bazel/repositories.bzl:84:5: External dep build exited with return code: 0 INFO: Analysed target //test/integration:access_log_integration_test (0 packages loaded). INFO: Found 1 test target... TIMEOUT: //test/integration:access_log_integration_test (Summary) /home/zlizan/.cache/bazel/_bazel_zlizan/38b042ddc5bbd24c5b8f7b3c8c150f08/execroot/envoy/bazel-out/k8-opt/testlogs/test/integration/access_log_integration_test/run_202_of_1000/test.log Target //test/integration:access_log_integration_test up-to-date: bazel-bin/test/integration/access_log_integration_test INFO: Elapsed time: 322.997s, Critical Path: 300.09s INFO: Build completed, 1 test FAILED, 1001 total actions //test/integration:access_log_integration_test TIMEOUT in 1 out of 1000 in 300.1s Stats over 1000 runs: max = 300.1s, min = 0.7s, avg = 1.0s, dev = 9.5s /home/zlizan/.cache/bazel/_bazel_zlizan/38b042ddc5bbd24c5b8f7b3c8c150f08/execroot/envoy/bazel-out/k8-opt/testlogs/test/integration/access_log_integration_test/run_202_of_1000/test.log Executed 1 out of 1 test: 1 fails locally. There were tests whose specified size is too big. Use the --test_verbose_timeout_warnings command line option to see which ones these are. ``` ``` $ cat /home/zlizan/.cache/bazel/_bazel_zlizan/38b042ddc5bbd24c5b8f7b3c8c150f08/execroot/envoy/bazel-out/k8-opt/testlogs/test/integration/access_log_integration_test/run_202_of_1000/test.log exec ${PAGER:-/usr/bin/less} ""$0"" || exit 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Perftools heap leak checker is active -- Performance may suffer [==========] Running 2 tests from 1 test case. [----------] Global test environment set-up. [----------] 2 tests from IpVersions/AccessLogIntegrationTest [ RUN ] IpVersions/AccessLogIntegrationTest.BasicAccessLogFlow/0 Segmentation fault ``` *Config*: N/A *Logs*: N/A *Call Stack*: N/A"
__label__bug "Help plage - [x] Translation not working in EN - [x] Resize image for responsive "
__label__bug "Random crashes Pigpio the module that times the PWM pulses, randomly crashes and needs to be fixed. "
__label__bug "Molecule never destroys vagrant image after upgrade to 2.6.0 # Issue Type - Bug report # Molecule and Ansible details ``` ansible molecule, version 2.6.0 ``` - Molecule installation method: pip - Ansible installation method: pip # Desired Behaviour After upgrading to molecule 2.6.0 I always get the message that it is skipping destroy even though I have not configured --destroy=never. I think the default should be for it to destroy the container unless --destroy=never passed. # Actual Behaviour (Bug report only) Unless the command is run with --destory=always then it skips the destroy step. ``` --> Action: 'destroy' Skipping, '--destroy=never' requested. ``` Even though --destory=never is not set anywhere. This is from a newly initialized project using the command: ``` molecule init role --role-name=molecule-upgrade --driver-name=vagrant ``` The only way to make it run destroy is to pass in --destroy=always or anything besides never. [no-params.log]( [destroy-always.log]( "
__label__bug "iOS - force 3rdParty build of libwebp ##### System information (version) - OpenCV => master - Platform => OSX 10.12 (target: iOS) - Tools => CMake 3.4-3.10.1 XCode 8.3-9.2 - Compiler => AppleClang ##### Detailed description OpenCV fails to compile using `platforms/ios/`, unless `--without imgcodecs` I have isolated the issue to a local (homebrew) installed version of `libwebp`. If I use the local `libwebp.dylib`, the build fails. On the other hand if I force openCV to build `libwebp` from the `3rdParty` distribution, the build succeeds. When I configure CMake to use my system `libwebp`: `-- WEBP: /usr/local/lib/libwebp.dylib (ver encoder: 0x020e)` Build fails When I coax CMake to build from the OpenCV 3rdParty distribution: `-- WEBP: build (ver encoder: 0x020e)` Build succeeds To force a build of `libwebp`, I have hacked `OpenCVFindLibsGrfmt.make` to ignore `WEBP_FOUND` - but I'm sure that's not the right way to do this. <img width=""573"" alt=""screen shot 2018-01-09 at 11 31 45"" src=""""> So I am wondering: what is the cleanest way to force opencv to build `libwebp` and ignore any locally installed version? "
__label__bug "Incorrect tab placement for ""Backgrounds"" The ""Backgrounds"" tab is sometimes incorrectly placed as the first tab."
__label__bug Armada API unit tests shouldn't skip unconditionally Armada unit tests shouldn't skip unconditionally. Example:
__label__bug "[Anime] News | News with images are not selected Self Reminder: Fixed in Manga, needs fix in Anime. "
__label__bug "fmttab.Trimend = 1 symbol fmttab.Trimend = "">"" ![2017-12-30 12-23-09]( "
__label__bug "Deadlock in uncaught exception handling I'm getting a deadlock from Rollbar when 2 exceptions are thrown form 2 different threads (a scheduler thread and the main thread). as you can see from the jstack dump, RollbarThread is waiting on the condition but the main thread is already trying to join it. Note: the deadlock happens on startup (but after the library has been initialized) so it's possible that's it's a race condition with your init flow. (perhaps the interupt is sent to the RollbarThread before it actually starts and thus is lost?). [traces.txt]( "
__label__bug "Lazily creating publish connection causes some weird behavior As brought up in [Discourse](, the behavior around opening the publish connection means that we don't try to open the connection until the first send attempt, which overall seems like a decent optimization. If an endpoint doesn't need to send messages, then we don't open up an unused connection. However, this does have a couple drawbacks: - For a send-only endpoint, that means we start the endpoint without actually opening a connection to the broker at all. Any problem with the connection string or connectivity to the broker won't be discovered until the first attempt to send a message. - [We initialize the connection lazily using `Lazy<T>`](, so if the single attempt to open the connection throws an exception, that exception is cached and we can never open a publish connection for the lifetime of the endpoint. "
__label__bug Sub-navigation padding vertical doesn't seem to do anything. Sub-navigation padding vertical doesn't seem to do anything.
__label__bug "Use tab-separator for scan? As .gmt files are tab-delimited, shouldn't this scan be using ```sep = ""\t""```? My .gmt file ( was not parsed correctly by loadGSC(), but using ```sep = ""\t""``` fixed it."
__label__enhancement "Script path as a builtin variable (a la `__file__` in python, `__dirname` in nodejs) Origin of the problem: After ranting to @xiaq he said I should > file a feature request and hope it gets adopted in 20 years"
__label__enhancement "Give the lobby creator extra powers Hey, I wrote about this in the voice chat thread but I think it deserves it's own topic. I really think it would be a good idea to give the lobby creator more powers to moderate their own rooms. At the moment if someone leaves a game half way through you have no option but to remake the game. You also can't remove people who you don't wish to play with but haven't necessary broken any rules. Currently, this makes it very difficult to set up a mic only game. If I start a lobby and advertise it as mic only, if someone joins without a mic then I cannot remove them. The only way around this is to start a private game and spam discord links in chat and hope that enough people join the discord to get the password. It would be so much better if the lobby creator could remove people from seats and could control when the game starts. This would allow them to kick AFKers and just restart the game and wait for 1 extra player to join and fill in, rather than remaking the entire game (this feature would also allow you to play a rematch with the same players without having to leave the lobby and create a new one). Additionally this would help to combat trolls as the lobby creator could easily remove people without the need for site wide mods to always be there. As well as this it would make it easier to set up a mic only game since you could wait for people to join discord and if they didn't you could remove them from the seats and only start the game when everyone has confirmed they have a mic. "
__label__enhancement DMTMM Congratulations! you guys have done great works in the past and I hope you achieve greater success in the future. Recommendation: a new crosslink reagent calld DMTMM developed by Ruedi Aebersold 2014 PNAS. was now gradually used by researchers. You can consider adding it to your program.
__label__enhancement "Router - avoid regex matching when possible For given route path like ```java @GetAction(""/order/{id}/status"") ``` In this case we don't need to do regex match as we don't have validation on `{id}` variable, any thing after `/order/` and before `/status` should be put into path variable `id`. For example request sent to `/order/123/status` will match the action and value `123` shall be set into path variable `id`. Note the current implementation is using named group regex mapping, for the above case, the pattern is `(?<id>.*?)`, obviously this is an inefficient solution for this case. "
__label__enhancement "Improve command history Currently, command history includes `y` and `n` from the yes/no prompt. That should not happen."
__label__enhancement Custom drop down menu is choppy and slow especially when animating size and position since Marshmallow.
__label__enhancement "Regex Support Feature Request: Support for regular expressions, to enable stuff like method name camel-casing, particularly useful for getters and setters. "
__label__enhancement "Reestruturação das listas de arquivo (lista de aúdio e imagem) Ao criar a lista, importar arquivos para pasta dentro do programa."
__label__enhancement player reports table should be sortable (click on header) ability to sort reports on site based on the type of report
__label__enhancement Better comment workflow Auto-save comments when complete review is clicked
__label__enhancement "001 - Suggest usability improvement on all the associated data tables in the mifos web app - (Added Fixed Header) ## Design better data tables Data is useless without the ability to visualize and act on it. The success of future industries will couple advanced data collection with a better user experience, and the data table comprises much of this user experience. Good data tables allow users to scan, analyze, compare, filter, sort, and manipulate information to derive insights and commit actions. This article presents a list of design structures, interaction patterns, and techniques to help you design better data tables. Related Articles : [Design better data tables]( ## Steps to Reproduce This is just an issue that is a suggestion for better usability, in this issue you contribute to create a new feature that does not exist in the web app mifos. This issue is also an insertion of the GCI2017 task (Find And Report Three Bugs Or Usability Improvements In The Mifos X Web App). made for better advice on the web app mifos and to complete the GCI task. For you can access it you live search in mifos web app related to data tables, example like this : ![thisisdatatables]( ## Expected Behaviour <h4>Issue:001 (Added Fixed Header)</h4> ![1 kxeeaxvkp_9xrt0huqsctq]( <h4>headers can move, which can allow the user to track the position of the correct and easy columns</h4> ## Actual Behaviour ![actual-fixedheader001]( <h4>Header does not move, which can make the user can forget is where he was when checking the scroll down (feedback)</h4> ## Settings - Mifos X version: Release Version: 17.07.01.RELEASE | Mifos X Release Date: 14/Jul/2017 - Browser used: Mozilla Firefox 57.0.3"
__label__enhancement Expand test coverage Right now there are some minimal tests under `compile-tests/`. I'd really like to improve the testing coverage. Some ideas: 1. Integrate with `cargo test` 2. Check in `compile-tests/` generated headers so we can track syntactic changes over time 3. Add `crate-tests/` which would test `cbindgen` on crates instead of single source files 4. Just add more tests
__label__enhancement "Enhancement for Subscribers grid to enable bulk editing of Subscribers Add bulk editing to Subscribers grid. "
__label__enhancement "Delete lists and items Currently there exists no way to delete lists or items. This is a much needed feature. ""d"" could delete an item, while ""D"" might delete the list, unless you have a suggestion for something you think works better."
__label__enhancement Add Bitcoin currency A user has requested we support the Bitcoin currency.
__label__enhancement "Add current version number. As requested in tgriesser/bookshelf#895 by @rauls. > ...could you add the version number to the top of the page, and left menu and page title too? "
__label__enhancement "Add w3m ""s"" jumping ##### Issue type: - Feature request ##### Version: ``` Vimperator: 3.12.0 (created: 2016/02/28 22:07:56) Firefox: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0 ``` ##### Expected behavior: Hi, I'm using Vimperator and I enjoy it a lot. Want feature I'd love to see is the w3m-like jumping, which is toggled by `s`: ![2016-04-03-214656_620x368_scrot]( I knew there is `:jumps`, but it is less convenient to use (how should I use it, actually - I'm using `:jumps<CR>;o`). Thanks. Edit: what I really want is to be able to navigate in a jump list like in Normal mode (i.e. using the `hjkl` and `<C-f><C-b><C-d><C-u>` things) and select using Enter. Edit 2016-06-06: Jump list stopped working. `:ju` show this error: ``` TypeError: is not iterable ``` I'm on firefox-esr on Debian testing: ``` Vimperator: 3.13.1 (created: 2016/05/04 01:34:00) Firefox: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0 ``` "
__label__enhancement "Add nemesis consoles to docker compose The nemesis consoles should be also available in the docker compose This depends on #4 "
__label__enhancement "Add telnet support * [ ] Support specifying ""connection driver"" when managing hosts, prefixing hosts with `ssh://`, `telnet://` scheme? * [ ] Add telnet support * [ ] Create a DB migration * [ ] Document it in the `` file dev branch:"
__label__enhancement "Add an external source of data for extra fields Fields like PI, or Contact, etc. cannot be included in the Inventory schema. At least for the time being. A separate source of data (e.g. yaml file) could be useful to save this data until the schema supports them."
__label__enhancement "turn off world repair notification 16:51 03/Nov/2017 cucubaubau says: hi. small question, is there a way to turn off the notification every time u repair while hunting ? i am asked by a guildmate, well i am curious also anyway lol 19:53 03/Nov/2017 To cucubaubau: do you mean the little box that appears in the world? red text on a dark background 20:05 03/Nov/2017 cucubaubau says: yes that one 20:17 03/Nov/2017 To cucubaubau: hmm, i guess i could intercept it. it's quite a bit of work so i'd have to question the value 20:23 03/Nov/2017 cucubaubau says: if is something which hcs would not allow (idk) dont worry about, was just asking, is a bit annoying on titan hunt as you may not see anymore the titan if that message covers the titan spawn for example"
__label__enhancement "Add titan info (number of kills) in world map hi there, when you are killing a titan, there is no way u can know what number of kills u have achived. u have to go back to the Scout Tower, open it, and then look for the specific titan that u are hunting to see your progress. During stressful hunts, that's nearly impossible.. even if u have that page on a seperate tab, it will take some valuable time. i was wondering, if that info, can be added next to the name of the realm that i am. depending the active titan that is in that realm, somehow to be able to copy-paste the info from the Scout Tower. something like the picture attached. ![gd3]( "
__label__enhancement "請求新增訂閱功能! ex.我在Github上維護一份用詞清單 使用了訂閱功能後,只要Github上的清單更新了, 本機的同文堂也自動更新詞彙轉換清單。 像終結內容農場一樣,可自動訂閱規則,檢查更新! ![default]( "
__label__enhancement "Update coverage pattern requirements * support user level configuration to allow user level pattern instead of internal to include/exclude tests * exclude binaries with same name as crate name Based on comments in #44 "
__label__enhancement "Количество результатов Нужно добавить возможность выбора количества выводимых результатов. Хотя бы пока из заданного количества: 1, 5, 20, 50, 100 P.S. Вывод в файл, может нагружать сервак. Поэтому не будем пока этого делать"
__label__enhancement "Loosen search only API key validity check When a new Algolia member is created on an app, his search only API key also has the following scopes: - settings - listIndexes We should allow does keys. "
__label__enhancement "generic metadata for validation rules There are a few fixed metadata labels for validation rules. This could be generalized to a situation where users can add generic metadata. (suggested by Luca Gramaglia). "
__label__enhancement "duplicate title for search result ![capture du 2018-01-04 20-13-48]( "
__label__enhancement "Add descriptions to checklist answers Make it more obvious what the answers mean, e.g 0 = disagree, 1 = somewhat agree, etc."
__label__enhancement "Add auto-deploy button to ![image]( "
__label__enhancement "Flag people/organisation as not belonging to a project anymore Stemming from Ideally it should be possible to flag a person as not being a member of a given project anymore by modifying his/her Access status (currently only Read/Write or Read only), see [this example]( In essence there should be a third Access option restricting a person's access to non-public data for a project he used to be a member of. The other option is to implement the [soft delete functionality]( @fjaine In the short term, given the complexity of implementing any of these two solutions due to the substantial security implications, the easy fix to ensure data/metadata integrity is that you change the Access status of any person not belonging to a given project to Read only."
__label__enhancement "TXT() should support multiple strings TXT records can have multiple strings, each 255 len max. Use cases: ``` TXT(label, ""string-longer-than-255"") // Split every 255 bytes TXT(label, ""string255"") TXT(label, ""string255"", ""string255"", ...) ``` Suggestions: * We will need a capability for ""multiple txt strings"" and ""splits long txt strings automatically"" * We'll need integration tests for both capabilities * Our datastructures don't support the last case (multiple strings) but it should be easy to add to RecordConfig and helpers.js Related issues: * Multiple strings in RR value (from convertzone) cause parse failure * Support RR() in dnsconfig.js "
__label__enhancement "buffer size on Windows 7 It seems de default buffer size on Windows 7 is 8912, you can see that in the log of OpenVPN when it connects. Windows 7: `Fri Dec 22 23:37:50 2017 Socket Buffers: R=[8192->8192] S=[8192->8192]` Windows 10: `Fri Dec 22 23:36:18 2017 Socket Buffers: R=[65536->65536] S=[65536->65536]` On Windows 7 this seems way too low to get any decent (download) performance. See e.g. I see 3 possible approaches: - fix this in OpenVPN (as per ticket) - make the server push higher buffer sizes to all clients (not ideal, as this is only needed for Windows 7) - modify the eduVPN client to add buffer ""overrides"" on Windows 7 specifically Just to make sure, I talk about these configuration options: ``` --sndbuf size Set the TCP/UDP socket send buffer size. Defaults to operation system default. --rcvbuf size Set the TCP/UDP socket receive buffer size. Defaults to opera‐ tion system default. ```"
__label__enhancement "Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Supported Ciphers DDC confirmed that TLSv1.2 must be supported for all new Spine interfaces. DDC will also confirm/ provide the latest SSL supported cyphers. Security section needs to be amended to reflect these Infrastructure Security, Operational Security and Spine DDC requirements. In addition: “Tomcat OpenSSL Support Using The APR/Native Provider” I don’t think Tomcat specifics are required?"
__label__enhancement "Add banis No banis are in the new DB. Add them by tagging the lines in the JSON with the start and end positions. "
__label__enhancement "Add --version flag `trezor-agent`, and `trezor-gpg` ought to have a version-dumping flag."
__label__enhancement Giles-receiver header length should be command-line configurable There should be a command-line option to set the header-length giles-receiver uses when reading variable length data to support applications whose output encoding uses a different header size.
__label__enhancement "Add support for storing HARP products in HDF5/netCDF4 format using data compression We should add a compression option to the harpconvert/harpmerge tools and a global hdf5 compression option within the harp library (values 0..9) that sets the compression level of datasets stored in a HARP HDF5(/netCDF4) product. The result should be similar (if not exactly the same) as the output of a `nccopy -7 -d <value>` on a HARP netCDF3 file. "
__label__enhancement "3D extensions add 3D-CNN, MNetArt and VNetArt"
__label__enhancement "Add EF Migration status page without Error page Would be great a new page where I can see the database and I can see the status of the migrations like on the error page. It could be very helpful in development time to use this page and I can apply the migration if I want. "
__label__enhancement "Ability to disable pluralization and decamelize Thanks for a great library! It would be awesome if we could disable pluralization and decamelize when requesting resources. I'm using the library on my own API, but unfortunately one of those functions is breaking my ids (MongoID) in the request."
__label__enhancement "Extending CRM functions Hi , to @all contributors . I have tested all the CRUD functions for CRM module , but I miss some others -of Zoho CRM - that may be accessed by Zoho Web Apis , so it's just a matter to implement them by a JS interface , and following the ""rules"" of this module . I am willing to do that in near future- Fork/pull request - , some advise ? Thanks , regards Gabriel "
__label__enhancement No extra new line should be in error message
__label__enhancement "WSManListener: target CertificateThumbprint and write **Details of the scenario you tried and the problem that is occurring:** I am trying to use WSManListener to create an HTTPS listener with a certificate that only has ""CN=devOps""; it is not issued by the local machine. Is there any way to pass a thumbprint directly to the Find-Certificate cmdlet instead of having it search through issuers and DN and forcing the issuer to be the local computer hostname? I noticed the CertificateThumbprint parameter, but it is only configured for read operations and not write? **The DSC configuration that is using the resource (as detailed as possible):** I am primarily attempting to use this resource via Chef, but I have tested locally with DSC and have the same issue: ``` Configuration Example { param ( [Parameter()] [System.String[]] $NodeName = 'localhost' ) Import-DscResource -Module WSManDsc Node $NodeName { WSManListener HTTPS { Transport = 'HTTPS' Ensure = 'Present' Issuer = 'CN=devOps' } # End of WSManListener Resource } # End of Node } # End of Configuration ``` The relevant details of the certificate: ``` Issuer : CN=devOps Subject : CN=devOps ``` **Version of the Operating System and PowerShell the DSC Target Node is running:** Server 2016, PowerShell 5.1 **Version of the DSC module you're using, or 'dev' if you're using current dev branch:** If you need any more details, please let me know; thanks for your excellent work on this module."
__label__enhancement many component name for 1 component menu-panel official name : menu-panel-n in app.vue : side-panel-n Check for all component
__label__enhancement "Add I/O Linc Garage Door Control and Status Kit I'd love to get support for the Insteon Garage Door Sensor. I tried just adding it as a switch and battery senor but that didn't work. If you need any info I can provide any debugging logs or information. I have a working solution right now so not priority, just be nice to be able to completely switch to this for my Insteon. []("
__label__enhancement "Motion Guide HTML Interface 1. version 4.1.1 2. installed as a package or compiled from sources [deb, rpm, git, other]: Source 3. standalone or part of third party [motion, MotionEyeOS, other]: Standalone 4. video stream source [V4L (card or USB), net cam (mjpeg, rtsp, other), mmal]: All 5. hardware [x86, ARM, other]: All 6. operating system [Linux (which), FreeBSD, other]: All This enhancement is to modernize the documentation pages of the project. The [configuration page]( now has a table of contents pane on the left and this enhancement is have that table of contents have expandable drop downs of the options. e.g. The page lists `Network Cameras` and it currently jumps to that section of the documentation when clicked. The enhancement is to have the table of contents expand to display the various options associated with ""Network Cameras"". (And of course do this for all the other applicable sections) Note that the changes would first be implemented within this Motion repo in the [motion_config.html]( and then rolled over to the [project home page]( at the next release."
__label__enhancement "Server-side screenshot rendering for PDF and image timetable export We've had issues trying to get client side timetable export working consistently. Here's a proposal to switch to server side rendering like v2 ### Client side - When the user requests for an export, we serialize the relevant Redux store (the current timetable config, theme color map, hidden modules, dark mode, timetable orientation) and send it to the server ### Server side - Install [Puppeteer](, which runs a Headless Chrome instance (API reference - - Create a second Webpack entry point that consists of only `<TimetableContainer>` - Create a small Express server that listens to incoming requests - Deserialize the state from incoming requests, push it into the Redux store - Take screenshot and send it back to the client This is surprisingly simple, and should be very robust because we're using the same rendering engine as the client. This will also allow us to support more features like - PDF export - Multiple sizes - Include module table in the export The only difference I can foresee is that font may be different because currently we use the OS default font, which obviously the server cannot support, but this is a small issue. "
__label__enhancement Add TTC Freq to pythainlp.corpus - [x] Data from - [x] pythainlp.corpus.ttc.get_word_frequency_all
__label__enhancement ライセンス表示機能 メニューにライセンス表示を追加して、下記のライセンスとリンクを表示する感じで。 - electron - commander
__label__enhancement Add new pages - [ ] Impressum - [ ] Datenschutzerklärung - [ ] Donations
__label__enhancement "plotting = logging This is a place to discuss potential ideas around standardised plotting and logging. "
__label__enhancement "Going back to the main list of pets should not take the user to the top After viewing a specific pet when going back to the list the user should not be taken back to the top, and should be taken back to the same area that they selected a pet."
__label__enhancement "Use WordPress cron for data updating On frequently visited websites [WordPress cron]( could be disabled to reduce server load, so if decided to use it, it has to be optional or the plugin should detect if data update is needed similar way as currently does. "
__label__enhancement "More conditional features. (iffile, ifproperty) ## ifproperty ```yaml I love you command_check_property: task1: ifproperty: '{"""": true}' task: notice msg: ${} ``` ## iffile ```yaml command_check_file: task1: iffile: '{""/home/ubuntu/test.txt"": true, ""/home/ubuntu/test2.txt"": false}' task: notice msg: test.txt (O) test2.txt (X) ```"
__label__enhancement Add more tracks on Google Analytics PS.: If work well.
__label__enhancement Configuration to disable routes This is possible to have partial crud (get entities but no create or delete for example). This should be configurable.
__label__enhancement "As a user I want more practical icon sizes (range 8px ... 32px). The old implementation uses icons up to 128px by 128px, which is too large. Maybe I should use this set of sizes (still six!). _Small variant_: 8px, already there 1. **12px** 2. **16px** (FullHD), already there 3. **20px** 4. **24px**, already there 5. **28px** 6. **32px** (4K), already there"
__label__enhancement "Traduction ""mini pump"" Actuellement traduit en ""mini pompe"". pompe miniature semble plus approprié"
__label__enhancement "Add support for control of status LED brightness It would be nice if there were a way to adjust the status LED brightness of Switch and Dimmer devices, especially if this was available as a /set MQTT topic. In particular, the status LEDs are very bright in bedrooms at night. You can manually adjust the brightness from the switch but it's a clumsy and error prone procedure. It would be nice to be able to do this from software, even better if it was accessible over MQTT."
__label__enhancement "Resource shielding/radioactivity Some resources, when present on a vessel, should provide Shielding (Water, Lead, ColonySupplies) or Radioactivity (Uranium, et al.) proportional to their amount/mass."
__label__enhancement "Separate as much game logic as possible from the controller i.e. move scores etc out of GameEngine and into the controller - the game engine doesn't really care about scores, it should just be raising events to the controller when things happen like bikes crash, people join, etc."
__label__enhancement "Support chessbase .pgn markup - Support for arrows, square colours and embedded mini-boards of the current position in the move list. These also use chessbase compatible PGN markup so: - {[%csl Ra3,Ga4]} = colour a3 square red and a4 square green (R=red,G=green,B=blue,Y=yellow) - {[%cal Gc2c3,Rc3d4]} = green arrow from c2 to c3 and red arrow from c3 to d4 - { # } = embed a mini-board showing the current position in the move list. {[%cal Gc2c3] # } would create a mini-board with a green arrow from c2 to c3 (the arrow will also show up on the main board when the move the comment is attached to is played). "
__label__enhancement "Support EMPO hierarchy in EMPO fields in packages Original title: Support EMPO hierarchy in wizard select and EMPO fields in packages Include hosts ""other"" and ""none"" in host select box. ""other"" corresponds to empo_1: host-associated, and its sub-choices are the empo_1: host-associated empo_2 options (animal, plant, and fungus). For the sub-choice selected, the ""sample type"" options are the empo_3 options for the selected empo_2 level (e.g., for fungus they are fungus surface and fungus corpus). ""none"" corresponds to empo_1: free-living and its sub-choices and their sample types are analogous to above. "
__label__enhancement "Remove the Tests From Right now, all tests for GeoPySpark are included in the ``. This means that when a `wheel` or an `egg` is assembled, the test suite is included. It also means that when a user installs GeoPySpark via `pip` they'll get the tests as well. This isn't ideal as packaging the tests with the core library just causes unneeded bloat. By removing the test suite from ``, we'll resolve that issue. If a user were to run their own tests, it would still be possible via cloning the GeoPySpark repository."
__label__enhancement "Feature Request: Color picker for frame Small req to add an option to select the color of the frame around the popup that shows the image/video. Currently it's white; I'd love to be able to tweak it to match my browser theme(s). "
__label__enhancement "Optimize nexthop re-resolution Right now, we flood ARP/ND, even if we know that a host was on a particular host/VLAN recently. We could, for example, on the first re-resolution try just send the ARP/ND requested to the last known location. If that fails we can then just go back to flooding. Grafana shows this is the major source of packet in/out activity today. "
__label__enhancement Show Instance Number on AppGroup for Application/System Monitor Show Instance Number on AppGroup for Application/System Monitor
__label__enhancement Change for loop order in proxy header check If a request contains many headers this would lead to a really big cpu workload.
__label__enhancement "Add Constraints for Functions Add the capability to control the constraints for functions like CPU/Memory,etc"
__label__enhancement "Allow CKEditor style options for text justifying It seems that in 2.0 the `'JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight'` options are not available in the CKEditor toolbar. We can add them as styles, but not in the toolbar. This was available in Apostrophe 0.5."
__label__enhancement "Visual glitch in Electron theme with ""Refresh license database"" Since 1.76 and the new top-level context menu item ""Refresh license database"", the menu background isn't wide enough to contain the text in the Electron theme. ![dsc_0606]( "
__label__enhancement Improve handling of images The code is currently cutting out most images; try to improve the algorithm to handle images better and retain more relevant images that are part of the article.
__label__enhancement Add guards to grant access according to authority * Add guards to protect URLs from unauthorized access. * Add dynamic header content depending on the user logging in.
__label__enhancement "Improve thumbnail ""feel"" Currently thumbnails will be chosen by taking a timestamp and turning that into a thumbnail index by `math.floor`ing it with the thumbnail interval/delta. This means the thumbnail being displayed is *before* the position the user would click on, and slightly misleading; the jump will rarely happen on the actual thumbnail timestamp (and overriding the seek would be a pain/detrimental for accurate seeking) but instead after the moment has passed. This feels ""wrong"". How do other players do it? Do they choose their thumbnail timestamps with some clever logic? What logic do they use to choose which thumbnail to show? Is it a ""closest"" timestamp, the next thumbnail, or what? The downside with displaying simply the next thumbnail would be short videos having their thumbnails be almost useless. Maybe move generate timestamps up by half an interval and choose the closest thumbnail? ---- This is here to allow others to chime in. What are your thoughts?"
__label__enhancement Complete User signup and login system A User needs to be a signup and login.
__label__enhancement Update npm run script Find solution to remove the need to run two separate terminal instances (`npm run watch` and `npm run dev`)
__label__enhancement "parse operators from opL `opL` contains many different operators. Examples from VBB: ```js { ""name"": ""ODEG Ostdeutsche Eisenbahn GmbH"", ""icoX"": 2, ""id"": ""ODEG Ostdeutsche Eisenbahn GmbH"" }, { ""name"": ""S-Bahn Berlin GmbH"", ""icoX"": 7, ""id"": ""S-Bahn Berlin GmbH"" }, { ""name"": ""DB Regio AG"", ""icoX"": 10, ""id"": ""DB Regio AG"" }, { ""name"": ""Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe"", ""icoX"": 1, ""id"": ""Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe"" } ```"
__label__enhancement Add DIMV correction (Sky Transmission) to pipeline DIMV keyword and value is in every KCOR fits header. Need to multiply data by ratio of DIMV of science image to DIMV value of flat image.
__label__enhancement protocol logins write a datebase entry every time a persons logs in to a computer. Will need some way to hava a look at it as well.
__label__enhancement "develop: Error if Fira font is missing On startup on `develop` I get: ``` Error (doom-ui): Failed to set fonts because Font not available: #<font-spec nil nil Fira\ Sans nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil> ``` This is coming from your private layer I think, which is enabled by default. Maybe worth adding a check around this?"
__label__enhancement 要不要考虑添加个spring boot auto config 发现spring boot auto config这东西挺方便的.
__label__enhancement "Add links to submission form Add a link to the [submission form]( to readme, index.html, and header."
__label__enhancement "New-UDCard Content Option It would be a nice feature to be able to add our own HTML markup inside of a New-UDCard cmdlet. So the markup can have it's own material card around it to go along with the material design. "
__label__enhancement Update to Fess 12.0.0 -
__label__enhancement "ProjectsManager#updateProject should return Job ProjectsManage#updateProject starts a job, but clients have no access to the Job. The method #updateWorkspaceFolders in the same class returns a Job. I suggest returning the Job in order for clients to be able to cancel, wait for, etc."
__label__enhancement "Add independent HOC for state retrieval As it stands, Wizard sub-components (in other words, the components that rely on context not just props to render content) pull necessary objects off the context tree. We should end this practice in favor of a documented HOC. I really don't know what I was thinking when I missed the HOC in our initial implementation."
__label__enhancement "ChannelAbilityPreset uses some questionable order strings Since it uses OrderStringFactory without any specific requirements, it ends up with harmful orders. You should NEVER give ""AIMove"" to a channel ability, because it will trigger if AI is ordered to move. I just had a situation in my map where my worker was attacked and he immediately started casting the channel-based ability with the order string ""AIMove"" because he's forced to flee. I think ChannelAbilityPreset should give order ids that you can actually give to the unit at least somewhat safely, the AIMove order is always going to be used because it's close to the start of the order list. So my suggestion is to hand pick the order strings to reduce the chance of this happening, as well as giving an optional argument to ChannelAbilityPreset's constructor (well, giving the user a new constructor) where they can input their own order string. I know you can still do it by setting it otherwise, this would just be a handier way to do it. OrderStringFactory should probably be reworked to at least push harmful orders to the bottom, and I think it should also have a blacklist that you can set if you know you're using specific orders. Like, I would blacklist the orders of abilities I know I am using alongside channel based abilities. EDIT: I just figured out AIMove was getting triggered by something else. However it's still true that there should be a filter for what values the factory can generate."
__label__enhancement Multithreding - make Awa able to watch multiple repos Which notification belongs to which repo? Write to log needs to be thread safe. (mutex around the opening and closing of the file.)
__label__enhancement "Console print objects Currently we need to call `.toString()` on every object to print it, rather than just pass the object like `System.out.println()` allows."
__label__enhancement "Introduce DataProvider.NewTweetAware ### Expected Behavior DataProvider will provide data based whatever procedure it produces the data. DataProvider.NewTweetAware shall receive a TweetStream instance enabling it to provide data based on the newest Tweets. DataProvider.HistoryAware shall be able to provide data based on at least a history of Tweets. All Classes that are currently ""only"" DataProvider will also be DataProvider.NewTweetAware. ### Current Behavior Only DataProvider and DataProvider.HistoryAware exist. DataProvider does what DataProvider.NewTweetAware is doing."
__label__enhancement "Sugestão de Reestruturação Algumas sugestões para o app. * *Mudança de nome* Pensei em SecretLens, o que acha? * *Stack*: React + Firebase. Em vez de fazer o backend, usar auth & database via firebase;"
__label__enhancement Add flyway clean command Add support for flyway clean command:
__label__enhancement Store mathjax script locally Mathjax support is supplied via a javascript file that is requested by webkit every time the page is rendered. This prevents offline use of the script and is a potential security risk. The javascript should be installed to the disk during the installation process of the application.
__label__enhancement "Web/Browser Simultaneous login When I log into the browser extension, I also want to be logged into the web vault and vice versa."
__label__enhancement "新增DROP INDEX支持 Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks! ### Which version of Sharding-Jdbc do you using? ### Expected behavior ### Actual behavior ### Steps to reproduce the behavior ### Please provide the reproduce example codes (such as github link) if possible. "
__label__enhancement "[beta] output panel: show current file first To improve the workflow of removing lint using the output panel, the current file should be first in the list. This ensures you don't get a massive context switch when you jump to the first result."
__label__enhancement "[beta] Add command Goto next/previous from current position Key command for goto next/previous error is broken and really a regression from SL3. - As a user, I want to go to the next/previous error *from my current position*. - ~~If I never opened the new panel the keybindings do not work.~~ - After an edit, hitting e.g. F4 start the list from the beginning again, which can be in any file. [edit: removed separate issues listed elsewhere, tweaked tone to be a bit more inviting for contributions ] "
__label__enhancement "Need HTTP GET capability within Transaction Processing Functions There are use cases we would like to implement which requires to get data using a REST API GET call. Currently there is only support (experimental) for POST. We are aware of the fact the results have to be deterministic. "
__label__enhancement "Improve working on equality reasoning Try to find an easier way to reason with equality. Functions that can match left, right or both hand sides of the equality some rule would be good start. Maybe incorporate some sort of pattern matching for easier inference?"
__label__enhancement Add more information to templates ## Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new issue or pull request ## What should happen: 1. The issue template should include a template to list the SDK version number and link to its release. 2. There are comments explaining some basic flows. 3. The PR template should contain a `Tested` check box and says which issue the PR will close. ## What happens: 1. The template is to basic. ## Logs - Logs `no logs` ## Extra info: - Tested on [0.12.4]( ## References - bunq/sdk_php#89
__label__enhancement "Automatically create message flow in correct direction Scenario: * Create a message flow connection from a message receive to a message throw event Current behavior: * This is not possible because it is the wrong direction * I have to start over and create the flow in the right direction Preferred behavior: * Modeler creates the connection but automatically corrects the flow direction from throw to receive event Context: * Assuming the user knows the difference of throw and catch, this is a convenience feature that saves time. * Users not knowing the difference may be surprised why the direction is reversed. I think this is acceptable."
__label__enhancement "Define list of variables to accept from environment Problem: Reading all environment variables might ""pollute"" the configuration with values that are meant for other applications. Most notably the $PORT variable used in containers for the main web server. Potential solution: ``` final JsonObject envConfig = new JsonObject().put(""keys"", new JsonArray(""[\""color\"",\""taste\""]"")); final ConfigStoreOptions env = new ConfigStoreOptions().setType(""env"").setConfig(envConfig); ``` This requires to overwrite like this: ``` public ConfigStore create(Vertx vertx, JsonObject configuration) { return new EnvVariablesConfigStore( configuration.getBoolean(""raw-data"", false), configuration.getJsonArray(""keys"")); } public EnvVariablesConfigStore(boolean rawData, JsonArray keys) { this.rawData = rawData; this.keys = (keys == null) ? null : keys.getList(); } private static JsonObject all(Map<String, String> env, boolean rawData) { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); List localKeys = (this.keys == null) ? env.keySet() : this.keys; env.entrySet().stream() .forEach(entry -> { if (localKeys.contains(entry.getKey()) { JsonObjectHelper.put(json, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), rawData) } } ); return json; } ``` Something along that lines "
__label__enhancement "Kubeapps installs components into different namespaces I was expecting for kubeapps to install everything into a single name space but: Kubeless goes into kubeless Monokular into kubeapps SealedSecrest into kube-system I found that a bit messy , specially kube-system as I already had a lot install there and I had to do spot the difference to see what was added after I run kubeapps up"
__label__enhancement "Port Recommend Raccoon to MongoDB Currently uses Redis "
__label__enhancement "Can we set executablePath of puppeteer? As , to run react-snap in a docker, we should be able to set executablePath to '/usr/bin/chromium-browser' or somewhere else. "
__label__enhancement "Required props ```js import { Component, prop } from 'skatejs'; class MyElement extends Component { static props = { myProp: { // We should ensure this works as expected (i.e. does not coerce). // We should still keep the default coercions. coerce: null, // Value is applied prior to validation. default: 'test' // Similar should be implemented for all built-in props. // If coercion is on, then this still checks, but will likely pass. // If coercion is off, it still validates. validate: v => typeof v === 'string', // Should throw in dev if `prop == null`. // Default value is `false`. required: true } } ```"
__label__enhancement "Optionaly Keep BitVector Unconstrained in the generated VHDL In `VHDL` we can use unconstrained arrays, see for instance my [synchronous fifo]( The array size are determined by the connected signals. Is there a way to create an unconstrained BitVector? Here is one of your examples: ``` scala class Counter(width : Int) extend Component{ val io = new Bundle{ val clear = in Bool val value = out UInt(width bit) } val register = Reg(UInt(width bit)) init(0) register := register + 1 when(io.clear){ register := 0 } io.value := register } ``` As a lazy programmer I would like to write: ``` scala class Counter extend Component{ val io = new Bundle{ val clear = in Bool val value = out UInt } val register = Reg(UInt) init(0) register := register + 1 when(io.clear){ register := 0 } io.value := register } ``` "
__label__enhancement "Add support for other JsonValue types in weighted args Currently, the JPad json format support only strings in multi-variant weighted keys. Allow new syntax for supporting other Json values: current ``` { args: { a:40, b:60 } } ``` Suggested new additional syntax: ``` { args: [{ value: 5 weight: 40 }, { value: 10, weight:60 }] } ``` "
__label__enhancement "3G setup init on firmware Add sdcard detect for changing isp providers in 3G and program the 3GIM module "
__label__enhancement "change how bare `{}` is handled so `find -exec {}` isn't broken ""reopening"" #95 i think it's bad that simple, standard find commands fail with a perplexing error message in fish, due to its expansion of empty curly braces to empty string. e.g.: ``` > find . -name '*.txt' -exec cat {} + find: -exec: no terminating "";"" or ""+"" ``` as discussed in #95 the fix is to quote '{}' but this is kind of hard to figure out "
__label__enhancement "Opção de cancelar autorização do cartão Ao cancelar um pedido não capturado, percebi que o módulo não cancela a operação no Acho interessante adicionar uma opção de cancelar operações não capturadas. Não é necessariamente um estorno, mas é importante, pois a autorização sensibiliza o cartão do cliente, mantendo o valor bloqueado."
__label__enhancement "Permitir a los usuarios TIPI darse de baja del sistema de alertas (opción no posible ahora mismo) Este tema, además de adecuado, seguramente sea una obligación legal bajo la Ley de Protección de Datos."
__label__enhancement "adequacy patch strategic_reserve ajouter deux paramètres, strategic_reserve_de et strategic_reserve_be, par défaut NULL, mais destinés à être des noms d'areas (dans l'exemple, ""de_rs"" et ""be_rs"") Si les paramètres sont non NULL, le readAntares doit récupérer les deux areas strategic_reserve_de et strategic_reserve_be en plus. Seule la variable DTG MRG est utile après problème d'optim, pour les areas ""be"" et ""de"" seulement: UNS.E_new = max( lole - |PN_CWEf| - DTG MRG(strategic_reserve_)_old , 0) if UNS.E_new > 0, DTG MRG(strategic_reserve_)_new = 0 else DTG MRG(strategic_reserve_)_new = DTG MRG(strategic_reserve_)_old - ( lole - |PN_CWEf|) "
__label__enhancement Security with JWT / OAuth support Security with JWT / OAuth support
__label__enhancement "Default table style? The default table style at the moment is a bit sparse. Right now ``` julia DataFrame(A = [1,2], B=[""A"", ""D""]) ``` renders as ![image]( I assume Escher would like something that looks a bit more classy than the normal writemime output that's used in ijulia and similar, but some lines and padding might be nice. "
__label__enhancement "Improve documentation - [x] Restructure documentation - [x] Add developer documentation #26 - [x] Add command documentation #104 - [ ] Add custom documentation for API endpoints, filters, pagination and ordering * Frontpage (Single page) * Quote * Usage (yml + curl) * Get support * License * Getting Started * Requirements * Installation * Configuration * Usage / API * Examples * Customisation * Integration with Third-Party-Services * Hosting * Templates * Under the hood * Commands * Events * Webhook * Development * Contributing"
__label__enhancement Remove pfs encryption from dlcs (addcont) in more > open decrypted if possible regards
__label__enhancement Not optimal if conditions: a new pattern ```php if (empty($a) || null === $a) {} if (isset($a) || null === $a) {} if (empty($a) || isset($a)) {} ```
__label__enhancement "[Suggestion] Mod Integration with Passable Leaves It'd be great if the mod had integration with the Passable Leaves mod, so that when both mods are present in a pack there is consistent behaviour for all leaf type blocks."
__label__enhancement "Basic support for threads We want McSema-lifted and recompiled bitcode to work with pthreads. An initial milestone is to add an integration test that makes basic usage of pthreads, and see where we get with that."
__label__enhancement Get alternative Video to use matching encode parameters Struggling with this - but need a mechanism to get the alternate video stream to be as close to the original encoding parameters and especially bitrate as possible. Can initially recode multiple times and check sizes - but that's not really very nice. Maybe just keep encoding the initial iframe until it's about right?
__label__enhancement Feature:: Message Details User must be able to view SMS details like - Time of Sending/Receiving - Date of Sending/Receiving - Sent/Received from SIM
__label__enhancement Add Makefile It would be best if there was a Makefile so that building could be greatly simplified.
__label__enhancement Implementar las solicitudes de Meetup Cualquier usuario registrado puede añadir una propuesta de meetup sobre algo en lo que esté interesado. El resto de usuarios podrán votarla y así se podrá conocer los intereses de la comunidad
__label__enhancement "rgb/rgba and hsl/hsla advanced syntax options According to MDN [1], there are quite a few more ways to specify colors than are currently covered by the `SVG::parseColor` method. The following notations in particular would need to be handled: - [X] `#RRGGBBAA` (hexadecimal notation with alpha component) - [X] `#RGBA` (short hex notation with alpha component) - [X] `rgb(255, 255, 255, 50%)` (note the percentage used for alpha) - [X] `rgb(255 255 255)` (note the missing commas) - [X] `rgb(255 255 255 / 50%)` and `rgb(255 255 255 / .5)` (note the slash) - [X] `hsl` with different units - [X] `hsl` with alpha given as percentage Keep in mind that as per #36, everything mentioned above for `rgb` also applies to `rgba`, and everything mentioned for `hsl` also applies to `hsla`. [1] "
__label__enhancement Descriptions for mana pie chart On the right side mana graph I don't know which circle is land and which one is number of cost symbols (assuming that's what those two are)
__label__enhancement "Update html5validator The current version of html5validator requires Java 8 and Python, currently there is no way to prepare this environment in Travis without using sudo. "
__label__enhancement "Collapsed view of correlations For better overview and visibility, view on correlations should be changed. If there is a large number of correlations, the view should be collapsed on only show a preview of the correlations like: 9733 9408 9342 9322 (42 more) [+] A click on the preview should expand the view. "
__label__enhancement Possible WPCS Integrations Possibly add WPCS integration via node/gulp task? Worth exploring.
__label__enhancement "feat: armada - support to set chart_groups when armada apply <!-- Thanks for filing an issue! Before submitting your issue, please answer the following questions.--> **Is this a bug report or feature request?** (choose one): feature request? <!-- If this is a BUG REPORT, please: - Fill in as much of the template as possible. If you leave out information, we may automatically close out your pull request. If this is a FEATURE REQUEST, please: - Describe *in detail* the feature/behavior/change you'd like to see. Detailed responses allow our community to address your concerns in a timely manner. If we can't determine what you're asking for, we may close your issue. If you feel we haven't adequately addressed your issue, please feel free to reopen your issue and explain your issue in more detail. --> **Python Version** (output of `python --version`): python 3.5 **Development or Deployment Environment?**: virtualenv **Release Tag or Master**: **Expected Behavior**: **What Actually Happened**: armada apply sample.yaml --set manifest:armada-manifest:chart_groups=A,B **How to Reproduce the Issue** (as minimally as possible): armada apply sample.yaml --set manifest:armada-manifest:chart_groups=A **Any Additional Comments**: Now armada apply command supports --set function. but it do not support to change list type of value like chart_groups. this feature can manage chart groups in one yaml file."
__label__enhancement フォロー/フォロワーリスト フォロー/フォロワーリストがないのめっちゃ不便ですね……(´・ω・`) なので追加オナシャス!(`・ω・´)
__label__enhancement Button press effects I wonder if there's a way to do this that feel native
__label__enhancement "Objects Items -> Recipes are created from items -> Drinks, Dishes; Stock -> Hold items amount; Account -> Admin, Waiter, Manager;"
__label__enhancement hoverctl status should tell you if running webserver or proxy mode It's actually rather hard to discern this information during runtime. There aren't even messages in the bootlog.
__label__enhancement "Improve message filtering APIs Improve message filtering APIs and support related resource management APIs "
__label__enhancement デザインをxib/storyboardからコードベースのものに変更 動的なアレがやりづらくてつらいのでコードベースでUI を書く。 Web出身なので本当はCmd+Sしたら動的プレビューみたいなのがいいが、そういうものはおそらくない(React Nativeを除く)ので、さてはて、みたいなやつ。 地道に書いてくかー。
__label__enhancement "Amazon transferutility Hi, the aws-sdk-react-native seems to say that it is deprecated in favor of this library but this library does not seem to support the amazon transferutility or any other method for background uploads. Is that correct? If so, is there going to be any react native support for the transferutility? thanks"
__label__enhancement "When listing, add links for listing each item For example, when listing organizations, add a link to white/black-list them, and links to ls them directly, so, for instance, when a user clicks the `ls org` link, the bot will send her a message containing the ls of that specific organization."
__label__enhancement "Bonus Stars or Coins **Create Bonus Star/Coin Objects** Like in many old platform games, the player can gain extra points by collecting stars or coins. ![mario-coins]( Create a new component that works in a similar way to the enemy characters, but when the player character collides with them they get extra points. The extra points should be shown as a star/coins total next to the level score. This is a new feature that will be used later to provide a leader board for players (rather than just getting to the end of without dying). If you need any help or have a suggestion just leave a comment."
__label__enhancement "Implement request cancellation logic **Issue Type:** <!-- Please specify if this is a 'bug' or an 'enhancement' issue. --> Enhancement **Description:** <!-- Describe the bug or feature request. Attach Screenshots if it helps --> Implement request cancellation logic based on adding a custom header with query initiation timestamp. This is important for ensuring correctness. "
__label__enhancement Support external SAML2-P providers In `AccountController` carry over a property for SAML from temp cookie into main cookie.
__label__enhancement "Enhancement request: selectparagon (recent change was a partial success) ### Environment Chummer Version: 5.196.26 Environment: Win 10 Home Runtime: .NET 4.7.1 ### Request Activate the selectparagon command, so that one can create a custom quality to select a paragon. Custom quality would be as follows (this was copied on the mentor spirit quality): > <quality> <id>b2fce135-de91-4ea4-9119-1c696eb85290</id> <name>Paragon</name> <karma>5</karma> <category>Positive</category> <bonus> <selectparagon /> </bonus> <required> <oneof> <quality>Technomancer</quality> </oneof> </required> <source>CoS</source> <page>00</page> </quality> It used to be (in 5.196.21, I think) that selectparagon would open the mentor spirit selection menu. Now, it opens a blank screen, and does not seem to make the connection with the paragons.xml file (see screenshot enclosed) It would be great if you could look into enabling paragons in a future build. (I'd be happy to check the paragons.xml File to ensure it doesn't reference obsolete skills and so on) Thanks. <img width=""1184"" alt=""screen shot 2018-01-01 at 19 11 05"" src=""""> "
__label__enhancement "Type 3, Type 4 support Work started in `platform` branch."
__label__enhancement Weiter Lösungen Ich bin auch dabei meine Lösungen auf github zu stelle ich habe dich in meinem README erwend fals es dich nicht stört. [Repo](
__label__enhancement add meson support Add support for meson as compilation method
__label__enhancement "/tpp me you (added!) teleport to other players, in different dimensions!! this is probably like half the use case for a mod like this and even the rftools version lacks it"
__label__enhancement "Rewire GHData-CHAOSS Metric Description Links The metrics committee changed the links on the wiki, but many of the links are dead. As an example, the 'community activity' link on the current ghdata deployment: under the ""community activity"" graph at the top, links here: Which links to a dead github link, here: I think we do need links for EACH metric pointing to specific MD files on the CHAOSS Repository. @GeorgLink : I think this is yours, but let's start a discussion. "
__label__enhancement Mapzen TopoJSON vector tiles [TopoJSON]( uses the `.topojson` extension. TopoJSON is an optimized form of JSON that saves space by encoding topology and reducing replication of shared geometry. It is one of the [available tile formats]( from Mapzen.
__label__enhancement "Couchbaseとのつなぎ込み # やること - Couchbaseと接続出来る状態にする。 - "
__label__enhancement "Enhance verbose logging To support debugging verbose logging needs to be enhanced. * Add more logging to startup process and task * Add enhanced logging to storage class and methods "
__label__enhancement "Examples: Those examples that is in the root of the examples folder need to be cleaned up **Details of the scenario you try and problem that is occurring:** To be able to turn on the new common test for testing examples the examples in the root of the Examples folder need to be cleaned up and make sure they are working in AppVeyor. That might include moving some examples to a markdown instead, if they seem to problematic to make work in the tests. For example some examples are using resource not present during testing, unless we configure the example (or test) to download the necessary resources. **The DSC configuration that is using the resource (as detailed as possible):** n/a **Version of the Operating System, SQL Server and PowerShell the DSC Target Node is running:** n/a **Version of the DSC module you're using, or 'dev' if you're using current dev branch:** Dev"
__label__enhancement "Known ordering for RollupCalculateJob records Hey there, I'm a huge fan of the tool and recommend it to anyone that needs rollups (virtually everyone). I think there might be a feature missing to ensure there is a known order of records when using the ""Calculate"" or ""Schedule Calculate"" feature. It appears that `RollupCalculateJob` is getting the query locator from `RollupService.masterRecordsAsQueryLocator`, though I do not see where this is implementing an `ORDER BY` clause. If the user were to start a calculation for a rollup, it does not seem that the user should need to wait until that calculation finishes to begin the next rollup (provided the same parent object exists). If the query returned from `RollupService.masterRecordsAsQueryLocator` were to use an `ORDER BY` clause as part of the query string, the order would be predictable, and thus the rollups could be staggered to start by a few minutes. 1. Is the statement above correct (re: predictable order)? 1. If so, would you like me to submit a PR with the proposed changes? I do not think the below solves for this, but figured I'd include it (in the event that it does)"
__label__enhancement "[Feature request] RF/Tesla Arsenal Support Knoxhacks has made two mods; Redstone Flux Arsenal, and Tesla Arsenal. They are essentially spiritual succesors to Restone Arsenal My request is chestplate/jetpack combos, like was in Simply Jetpacks 1 for 1.7.10, that fits the aesthetic of these mods."
__label__enhancement External Load/Save Features Saves on SD/Storage can allow off-line editing and easier debugging
__label__enhancement "Easy way to see machines affected by the Thermal Mediator OK, last one to bug you ;) I'm sure you have this one on your roadmap anyway. Currently the mechanics of the Thermal Mediator are pretty opaque, as is to be expected with no docs yet. It seems to just affect directly adjacent blocks? Anyway, it's pretty hard to notice the (33% ?) speedup just by looking at the progress arrow, so a better hint would be useful. Maybe just a modified progress arrow? Keep up the amazing work; love your mods! ❤️️"
__label__enhancement "Poor performance of the Entity AI The way the AI currently works, every animal in the world is given an AI task that scans an absolutely massive area multiple times a tick. This brutal on performance. Recommended solution, have the blocks scan for entities once every several seconds and if it find the right kind of entity, add the task if it doesn't already exist, with the source block location being a variable in the AI Task object. If it exists, add some kind logic for deciding how to update the target block in the case of multiple valid blocks. Then only check that single block location in the AI Task's shouldExecute() function. A config option would be nice too."
__label__enhancement "Typ für angehängte Dokumente einführen Können wir für zukünftige Features einen Typ für die einzelnen Dokumente einführen. Ich denke da an sowas wie ""Text"", ""Karte"", ""Foto/Bild"" vgl. "
__label__enhancement "Suchergebnisse als Tabelle Feedback eines Nutzers: ``` Im RIS wird die Ergebnisliste bei der Dokumentensuche in Tabellenform dargestellt, was IMHO wesentlich übersichtlicher ist. Kann diese Darstellungsart auch alternativ hier zur Verfügung gestellt werden? ``` "
__label__enhancement "Doppelten Code entfernen In einigen PHP-Dateien mit ähnlichen Aufgaben findet sich identischer oder sehr ähnlicher code, der entfernt werden sollte. Die Dateien, bei denen das der Fall ist, lassen sich gut mit tools wie `phpcpd` finden: ``` phpcpd 2.0.2 by Sebastian Bergmann. Found 8 exact clones with 236 duplicated lines in 11 files: - /home/konsti/Ratsinformant/protected/models/Tagesordnungspunkt.php:51-107 /home/konsti/Ratsinformant/protected/models/TagesordnungspunktHistory.php:51-107 - /home/konsti/Ratsinformant/protected/models/AntragHistory.php:90-116 /home/konsti/Ratsinformant/protected/models/Antrag.php:155-181 - /home/konsti/Ratsinformant/protected/config/main.template.php:58-119 /home/konsti/Ratsinformant/protected/config/main.php:58-119 - /home/konsti/Ratsinformant/protected/RISParser/BAAntragParser.php:193-219 /home/konsti/Ratsinformant/protected/RISParser/StadtratsvorlageParser.php:274-300 - /home/konsti/Ratsinformant/protected/RISParser/StadtratsvorlageParser.php:154-160 /home/konsti/Ratsinformant/protected/RISParser/StadtratsantragParser.php:119-125 - /home/konsti/Ratsinformant/protected/RISParser/BAAntragParser.php:116-132 /home/konsti/Ratsinformant/protected/RISParser/BAInitiativeParser.php:107-123 - /home/konsti/Ratsinformant/protected/RISParser/BAAntragParser.php:193-218 /home/konsti/Ratsinformant/protected/RISParser/BAInitiativeParser.php:180-205 - /home/konsti/Ratsinformant/protected/controllers/AntraegeController.php:75-95 /home/konsti/Ratsinformant/protected/controllers/AntraegeController.php:104-124 1.12% duplicated lines out of 21085 total lines of code. Time: 287 ms, Memory: 23.00Mb ``` Idealerweise sollte die Suche nach doppeltem Code automatisiert durchgeführt werden. "
__label__enhancement "⏰ Upgrade the views to Polymer 2 Since Polymer 2.0 is coming to Starcounter 2.4, we need to upgrade the views to use Polymer 2.0"
__label__enhancement "visitlog에 endpoint넣기, project_pump skb요청사항"
__label__enhancement "Alternatives Layout als deutsche Sprachvariante Hallo Bernd, // SORRY, hat doch noch Bugs."
__label__enhancement "Background color of info messages on Windows With the standard background of PowerShell in windows you can't really read the info messages: ![image]( "
__label__enhancement "[FEATURE] Improve expression language customization | Q | A | ---------------- | ----- | Bug report? | no | Feature request? | yes | BC Break report? | no | RFC? | no | Version/Branch | `0.11 \| 0.12` Right now adding custom expression language functions is not that easy. Is the reason why, I'm proposing to introduce tagged services `overblog_graphql.expression_function`. Giving users the ability to use DI autoconfigure (or the out of the box auto mapping feature for symfony < 3.3 version) to easily inject their custom functions. This feature will helps user create simple resolver without having to leave config file, this will also improve performance by removing an external resolver call. **edit:** treating json string directy in your resolver - before: ```yaml Object: type: object config: fields: name: type: String! resolve: ""@=resolver('json_decode', [value.json_data, true])['name']"" ``` ```php namespace App\GraphQL\Resolver; use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Definition\Resolver\AliasedInterface; use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Definition\Resolver\ResolverInterface; class JsonResolver implements ResolverInterface, AliasedInterface { public function jsonDecode($json, $assoc) { return json_decode($json, $assoc); } public static function getAliases() { return [ 'jsonDecode' => 'json_decode', ]; } } ``` - after: ```yaml Object: type: object config: fields: name: type: String! resolve: ""@=json_decode(value.json_data, true)['name']"" ``` ```php namespace App\ExpressionLanguage; use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction; class JsonDecode extends ExpressionFunction { public function __construct() { parent::__construct( 'json_encode', function ($json, $assoc) { return sprintf('json_decode(%s, %s)', $value, $assoc); } ); } } ``` ```yaml App\ExpressionLanguage\JsonDecode: tags: ['overblog_graphql.expression_function'] ``` "
__label__enhancement Improve description for maxProcessingAge property in sql stats The property description currently makes no mention of its involvement in the purging of stats
__label__enhancement "Implement Comic Archive Reader view. Title pretty much says it all. It should read the image (page) directly from the archive without the need unzip the whole contents. "
__label__enhancement "ENH: copy method A nice feature that was present in h5py that would be quite nice in Zarr is a `copy` method. This would allow one to copy individual datasets. It could be extended to handle recursive copying. The copying could be within the same group or different groups. Various other features could be added over time. * [ ] Copy `Array` to new location * [ ] Copy attributes, array metadata, and data * [ ] Handle `Group`s already exist * [ ] Handle `Group`s need to be created during copy * [ ] Raise if destination is occupied * [ ] Make operation appear atomic (using temp directory) * [ ] Copy `Group` to new location * [ ] Copy group metadata and attributes * [ ] Need to handle recursively copying contents * [ ] Handle `Group`s already exist * [ ] Handle `Group`s need to be created during copy * [ ] Raise if destination is occupied (roll back changes) * [ ] Make operation appear atomic (using temp directory) ref:"
__label__enhancement Reduce Log Warnings for Overwrite operations Currently a Warning entry is generated in the log for any operation that overwrites a file/registry key. This causes excessive noise in the log file as there are potentially hundreds of overwrite warnings in a normal build. Some ideas from the community for consideration can be browsed [here](
__label__enhancement "WebGet blocks STOP button. While `WebGet` is downloading pressing the build STOP button has no effect until the download finishes. This could cause issues if the user does not wish to continue a large download due to bandwidth constraints, slow speed, etc."
__label__enhancement "Split properties logic into separate file Loopback models are split into a descriptive .json file as well as a .js file that allows extending the model programatically ( If possible, I think it would be great to do something similar for handling the Civ5Save file structure: alongside the existing descriptive [Civ5SavePropertyDefinitions.json]( file, create a new Civ5SavePropertyDefinitions.js file where the complex logic can go, isolating this code in a more robust and clean way."
__label__enhancement "All states and pillars are copied in TMPDIR Hello, When kitchen-salt converges, there is a step of files transfers to copy them to /tmp/kitchen inside the VM. But it seems that it's done in two steps: - first: copy all sources to TMPDIR (/tmp by default) - second: make them available inside the VM (sometimes it's a copy but it can be just mounting the temp dir with data inside the VM) In our case, we use kitchen to test a full repository of salt states/pillars and files, which is several hundreds of MB. This double copy slows down our testing. I wonder if the data directory could be directly shared/copied inside the VM, without this extra step. I'm not sure this comes from kitchen-salt or test-kitchen. "
__label__enhancement "Get shared Link for multiple files/folders This is actually a question/request not a but, I'm wonder if it's possible to get a shared link for multiple files from the API. I see this action is possible from onedrive official page but I don't see any instruction how to do that from the API document. I tried the below request but it doesn't work, please advice. `{id1},{id2}/oneDrive.createLink` Thanks, "
__label__enhancement "Stdout doesn't include timestamps Running `` with `nohup` continuously and the current contents of `nohup.out` the log file for stdout is ``` 1068 in fleet, 4 ending trips 1066 in fleet, 6 ending trips 1066 in fleet, 5 ending trips 1065 in fleet, 4 ending trips 1065 in fleet, 11 ending trips ``` And so on, which isn't particularly useful given the lack of timestamps. Thoughts on adding timestamps or other info to this output?"
__label__enhancement "/top/clans/invalidlocation should return a 404 and not 400 Request URL: ```json { ""error"": true, ""status"": 400, ""message"": ""Invalid location | Additional information and support:"" } ``` This is the response given by the API accompanied with a status 400 which from [the docs]( is a `Bad Request`. This should instead be a status 400 which is a `Not Found` as the location key itself is not found."
__label__enhancement "Filter out OS-specific crap files Ignore the following files when reading object input directories: * Thumbs.db * .Thumbs.db * DS_Store * .DS_Store "
__label__enhancement Implement TPM2_AC_Send This command was added to the TPM spec in the public review draft of version 1.46. See list of command codes in table 12 here: See command definition in section 32.3 here:
__label__enhancement "Create layout with dynamic loading of new events A bit like images on google search where you get more results as you scroll down. Could also tie in to a floating block layout like JA Walls "
__label__enhancement "Rule suggestion: Recommend `ADD [some_url]` over `RUN wget [some_url]` I didn't realize that `ADD` supports URLs and, by moving my `RUN wget` usage to `ADD` instructions, I was able to drop `wget` as a dependency "
__label__enhancement "User Feedback: Add 'send' button for messages Using messaging on mobile - felt a bit unclear how to send a message once typed, since whatsapp and texting all have a send button on the screen."
__label__enhancement "term request: adenoid cystic carcinoma Term request from Jax: 2017-11-27 Hello, I was wondering if the term 'Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma' could be added, possibly as a child term to carcinoma (DOID: 305) This term is currently listed only as a synonym of salivary gland adenoid cystic carcinoma (DOID:4866) Thanks! Sara Patterson Related Feature Requests: #137 Update: the term has been added to DO: DOID:0080202 as a child of adenocarcinoma. Cheers, Lynn "
__label__enhancement "魚の描画機能の実装とそれに関する作業 魚の描画機能の実装とそれに関する作業を行う - [x] 1.作業必要ファイルの追加 - [x] 2.魚の描画機能の実装 - [x] 3.ゲームシーンにおける魚の描画を行う為の実装 - [x] 4.上記のテストを行う "
__label__enhancement Use CopyPastor All reports should be sent to [SOBotics/CopyPastor]( and a link to the dashboard should be in every report
__label__enhancement "Make ""Refresh on load"" for namespace and podname configurable in influxGrafana yaml Hi All, Is it possible to make these `variables` to be `environment variables` so I can control them in `influxdb-grafana-controller.yaml` file? From the code review I see these variable are hardcoded to `true` or `false`. "
__label__enhancement Jump to CMake 3.7 to support source RPMs The latest CMake 3.7.0 supports generation of source RPMs:
__label__enhancement There's no user agent Meg should have its own user agent so that anyone seeing requests in their logs can see what's making them. Ideally should be a mozilla-alike user agent for sites that do UA detection etc.
__label__enhancement "Suggestion: Playlist loop Make an option maybe do not know, so that the playlist is repeated when finished so you do not have to be adding the songs again, For the bot to be used as a ""**radio**""."
__label__enhancement "Suggestion: Autoplay I've seen this feature in many other bots but not in this one, All it does is when the queue is empty it picks another song from youtube related to the last played (not local) song. Maximum respect for making the bots btw, keep up the good work!:)"
__label__enhancement "Implement AJAX to update information on all screens # What It's annoying for the user to have to reload pages for new information. Using AJAX, we can do this in the background # What's affected Theoretically, any page that has data. In actuality, however, it's pages where data _changes_. These pages are as follows: - Dashboard: - The news feed - The events? - User page - All information (but only update any info they change) - Gift page - All information (but only update any info they change) # How Use JS and jQuery to do this with Ajax. We'll need to be able to handle the requests on the server side - perhaps a post request?"
__label__enhancement "Plugin-Installation: Warnings bei /opt/loxberry Das Verwenden von hardcoded /opt/loxberry ist ja nicht gewünscht. Cool wäre - wenn das geht - eine Text search über alle Textfiles des Plugins während der Installation, ob dort hardcoded /opt/loxberry vorkommt, und entsprechende Warnings im Log. (evt. mit Link zu den Wiki-Artikeln) Das hilft auch Plugin-Entwicklern beim Testen. Auch die Plugin-Entwickler müssen hier dynamisch werden, sonst ist das ein ewiges Problem mit kleinsten Anpassungen der Verzeichnisstruktur."
__label__enhancement "BeanContext: Replace BeanUtils by a wrapper Instead of converting source object to a map, it could be better to wrap original object with an interface that accesses data of the wrapped object. It is the same principle with PropertyResolver. There are many advantages like avoid calling methods that may not be used by the template or when developer wants to debug its own code. It could also be convenient to provide different implementations according to template parsers. Thymeleaf needs a map so the wrapper interface dedicated to Thymeleaf could implement the map interface and delegates to the original bean."
__label__enhancement "Motion detection add ""suppression_time"" Please evaluate adding ""suppression time"" between motion detection start. So after FIRST event start for a defined amount of time NEXT event start will not trigger. THX a lot "
__label__enhancement "Auto restart services after deployment (ssh) Add hook after success to webapi that push a new command to restart all services - [x] batch - [x] Api - [x] Client "
__label__enhancement schema 入力 [yaml](から読み込んで、excel template出力 (.xltxではない)
__label__enhancement "Dispatch install always puts port 443 in CLI config After installation is complete, dispatch puts port `443` in `.dispatch/config.json`, regardless of the fact how ingress is installed (whether LoadBalancer or NodePort is used). Since dispatch takes care of ingress installation, it should detect and use correct port when ingress is installed with non-standard port."
__label__enhancement EmailAdministerForm for a single user does not show individual documents We should add the table as in the bottom of SelectEmailPrefs
__label__enhancement "Perl Module Performance Testing/Report **Raspberry Pi 2 / Sandisk Extreme 32GB** ## mailserver.cgi # Current module version Avg. Load Time: 1st Call: 2680ms Avg. Call (5 tests): 2658ms # HTML::Template mit file_cache Should work with CGI (no FastCGI or mod required) File cache in /tmp 1st Call: 2710ms Avg. Call (5 tests): 2684ms (**+1%**) # HTML::Template mit IPC::SharedCache Should work with CGI (no FastCGI or mod required) Benötigt libipc-sharedcache-perl 1st Call: 2730ms Avg. Call (5 tests): 2702ms (**+2%**) ## Timing-Aufzeichnung mit Time::HiRes Zeit in Sekunden (0.001 = 1ms) ``` ============================================================== TIME MESUREMENT (currtime HiRes: 1514909468.86802) 0.00000 / 0 : use LoxBerry::System 0.00003 / 0.00003 : use LoxBerry::Web 0.00004 / 0.00001 : use CGI::Carp 0.00005 / 0.00001 : use CGI 0.00005 / 0.00001 : use LWP::UserAgent 0.00006 / 0.00001 : use Config::Simple 0.00007 / 0.00001 : use File::HomeDir 0.00008 / 0.00001 : use warnings 0.00009 / 0.00001 : use strict 0.00010 / 0.00001 : All modules loaded. 0.00012 / 0.00001 : Open general.cfg 0.00990 / 0.00978 : Finished 0.01000 / 0.00011 : Open mail.cfg 0.01187 / 0.00186 : Finished 0.01222 / 0.00036 : Parse query string 0.01225 / 0.00002 : Query $saveformdata and lang 0.01486 / 0.00261 : lblanguage() 0.02323 / 0.00837 : Finished 0.02324 / 0.00001 : sub form() 0.02326 / 0.00001 : Initialize HTML::Template 0.03755 / 0.01430 : readlanguage() 0.15050 / 0.11295 : Filling parameters to template 0.15103 / 0.00053 : Finished 0.15106 / 0.00003 : Call head() 0.17766 / 0.02660 : Call pagestart() 0.20150 / 0.02384 : Print template 0.20409 / 0.00259 : Call pageend() 0.22204 / 0.01795 : Call foot() 0.22339 / 0.00135 : Finished, before exit ============================================================== ``` Laufzeit laut Browser: **2,66 Sekunden**"
__label__enhancement "Add clear/remove to Drawing Canvas A Drawing Canvas (Stored in the project session) should have the corresponding buttons to be cleared or removed. Changes should be written immediately to the project session. "
__label__enhancement "100% file scanning At present, the system will check for the path, and decide what 'mode' scan to apply. e.g WHDload folder mode currently lists folders, and works from their. With recursive scanning, it would be better to detect the presence of specific files and determine a 'mode' depending on file. Apply as follows; *.slave = WHD file mode *.hdf + $WHDload = HDF WHD mode *.hdf = HDF self booting mode. *.cue + $CD32 = CD32 original mode *.iso = A1200CD mode *adf + $AGA = A1200 disk mode *.adf = A500 disk mode "
__label__enhancement Choose scanned folders from text file Pick the scanned folders (e.g. `Games_WHDLoad` from a text file list.
__label__enhancement "Photostream: Need option to share with Zom friends Currently, there's no way to share to another Zom friend within Zom. Related to #386 ![img_0369]( "
__label__enhancement "Support certificate revocation We are using Lemur managed CAs for https client authentication and would like: 1) the ability to take a `revoke` action on a certificate. This would issue the appropriate revoke to the backing CA 2) the ability to export a CRL from the backing CA In our use case we will periodically poll the CRL file and refresh it to the host that is doing SSL handshaking (possibly during our bake phase) as opposed to hitting it in real time during handshaking so we don't necessarily require that it is a programmatic API or that it is highly available or anything... something similar to the way the certs are currently accessible would work well for us. "
__label__enhancement "Extract style, brush and color in another package So it can be reused in external projects"
__label__enhancement "1millions data object, add on scrollDown and delete on top I think the repo-team have to implement an example of millions rows object (virtual scroll) to simlpify us the utilisation because I don't know how implement something like : it add data when scroll on bottom and delete on top, it seems it's very very speed, someone have an idea to realize this stuff ? thanks "
__label__enhancement "Plot points used in Lz determination Would be nice to have a (plot.Lz.points) function to visualize those points (and associated regression line) associated with determining Lz slope. "
__label__enhancement "feature request: customize badge label For example in [tldr-pages/tldr]( we're using the file count badge as a proxy to the number of pages in the collection. Ideally we'd want to only count files in the [pages directory]( (#124), but even with the current count, which is already a good approximation, we'd want to change the label from ""Files"" to ""pages"". More generally, I think the label should be lowercased to match the majority of default badge labels (see e.g."
__label__enhancement "Spece korsa Spece korsa widziane z trzeciej osoby nie są gagowane: X oszczednym wypadem do przodu ATAKUJE zwinna biala wietrzyce, dzgajac ja swym jasniejacym zdobionym jataganem, a uderzenie to pozostawia gleboka rane w ciele jego przeciwnika. X blyskawicznym wypadem do przodu ATAKUJE masywna biala wietrzyce, a jego jasniejacy zdobiony jatagan, dzierzony w wyciagnietej rece, trafia w jej cialo przebijajac je na wylot. Gwaltownie wyszarpniety orez z glosnym mlasnieciem wychodzi z ciala ciagnac za soba krwawy warkocz smierci. X plynnym wypadem do przodu ATAKUJE dzika jasna wietrzyce i napierajac calym cialem dzga ja swym jasniejacym zdobionym jataganem, ktory przechodzi prawie na wylot przez jej cialo, powodujac ogromne obrazenia."
__label__enhancement Pisanie listow Bloker Poza poczta pisanie listu Napisz list > tekst > ** > wyslij zwierze Bloker nie znika. Pomaranczowy kwadrat
__label__enhancement "update JS libraries First pass: - [x] react-redux 5.0.6 - [x] airbnb-js-shims ^1.0.1 → ^1.4.0 - [x] dc ^2.0.0-beta.33 → ^2.1.9 - [x] prop-types ^15.5.10 → ^15.6.0 - [x] react-color ^2.13.0 → ^2.13.8 - [x] react-ga ^2.1.2 → ^2.4.0 - [x] react-google-recaptcha ^0.9.6 → ^0.9.9 - [x] react-sigma ^1.2.19 → ^1.2.30 - [x] babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types ^0.4.6 → ^0.4.12 - [x] babel-register ^6.14.0 → ^6.26.0 - [x] eslint-plugin-import ^2.7.0 → ^2.8.0 "
__label__enhancement "Update output of Spark application For `./hash` migrate to [logger](, provided by Apache Spark output: mute meaningless Spark logs (though log4j.config) This would most probably mean to refactor `Gemini` class to have logging dependency injected (thorough constructor or `.set...()`), as it will be instantiated by the client (Spark/non-spark ones) in a different ways."
__label__enhancement "Add support for creating custom chunks/a vendor chunk At the moment the only chunk, other than the ones produced for the pages, is the common chunk. If you have many dependencies shared between pages, then it's easy for the common chunk to get very large. A way of mitigating this is to allow the creation of custom chunks. For instance, if all the vendor dependencies are extracted to its own bundle, then the common chunk should decrease in size and
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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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