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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Learn - My personal learn checklist

Learn checklist

This is a simple checklist that I follow since 2011.

the unmarked items were interrupted or are still made.

Codeschool Courses checklist

HTML, CSS & others stuffs
  • 3 For 5 (HTML5 and CSS3)
  • CSS Cross-Country
  • Anatomy of Backbone.js
  • Anatomy of Backbone.js Part 2
  • Assembling Sass
  • Assembling Sass Part 2
  • CoffeeScript
  • Journey Into Mobile
  • Try jQuery
  • JavaScript Road Trip Part 1
  • JavaScript Road Trip Part 2
  • JavaScript Road Trip Part 3
  • JavaScript Best Practices
  • Shaping up with Angular.js
Ruby / Rails
  • Rails for Zombies Redux
  • Try Ruby
  • Rails for Zombies 2
  • Ruby Bits
  • Ruby Bits Part 2
  • Rails 4 Patterns
  • Testing with RSpec
  • Rails Testing for Zombies
  • Surviving APIs with Rails
  • Git Real
  • Git Real 2
  • Try iOS
  • Try Objective-C
  • Discover DevTools
  • Try R

Tutsplus Courses checklist

Primary (frontend mostly)

HTML, CSS & others stuffs
  • Less is More
  • Maintainable CSS with Sass & Compass
  • Responsive Web Design Techniques
  • Canvas Essentials
  • JavaScript Fundamentals 101
  • Advanced JavaScript Fundamentals
  • JavaScript Design Patterns
  • Object-oriented JavaScript
  • Learning Ajax
  • Beautiful data with d3
  • Cleaner Code with CoffeeScript
  • Building JavaScript Web Apps
  • JavaScript Testing With Jasmine 2.0
  • Connected to the Backbone
  • Advanced Backbone Patterns and Techniques
  • Hands-on Angular
  • Real-Time Web Apps with AngularJS and Firebase
  • Object-Oriented Design in PHP
  • PHP Fundamentals
  • Getting Started With Laravel 4
  • PHP Agile Design Patterns
  • PHP OOP in PHP with Tests
  • Magento Fundamentals

Second (other stuffs)

  • SQL Essentials
  • Relational Database
  • Postgres Essentials
  • Getting Started with Sequel
  • Learning MongoDB
  • Redis Essential
  • Intro to Node.js
  • Build Web Apps in Node and Express
  • Node for the Front-End Developer
  • Building NPM Packages
  • Writing Node Modules
  • Single Page Web Apps with Meteor
  • Build a Multi-Player Card Game with Meteor
Ruby / Rails
  • Ruby for PHP Developers
  • The Fundamentals of Ruby
  • Test-Driven Development with Ruby
  • Acceptance Testing in Ruby with Cucumber
  • OOD in Ruby: SOLID Principles
  • Design Pattern with Ruby
  • Metaprogramming in Ruby
  • Documentation in Ruby
  • Ruby Deployment Techniques
  • Object-Oriented Design and Refactoring Patterns in Ruby
  • Build REST APIs with Grape
  • Catch up with Rails 4
  • Make it Snappy, Rails
  • Say Yo to Yeoman
  • Pro Front-End Workflows
  • Monitoring Performance With New Relic
  • Chrome Developer Tools
  • Getting Good with Grunt
  • Virtual Machines With Vagrant and Puppet
  • Tools of the Modern Web Developer
  • More Tools of the Modern Web Developer
  • Cross-Platform Browser Testing
  • Git Essentials
  • How to be a Terminal Pro
  • Advanced Command Line Techniques
  • Venture into Vim
  • Jekyll Essentials
  • Theming for Ghost
  • Hands-On With PhoneGap
  • PhoneGap Essentials
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