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Last active July 16, 2024 19:20
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Manjaro KDE

Manjaro KDE Install


  • Manual partitioning
  • Encrypt system (off)


  • Use the default Windows EFI partition for /boot/efi
  • Create a new FAT32 partition with 1GB for /boot (no flag needed)
  • Create the ext4 partition with encryption for /

Installer configuration

  • Log in automatically without asking for password (on)
  • Use the same password for the administrator account (on)

Open Pamac


Then open Preferences and set the following options:

  • General
    • Disable check for updates
  • Cache
    • Number of versions to keep: 0
  • Third Party
    • Enable AUR support

Enable color for pacman output

sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf # uncomment Color settings

Configure global mirror

sudo pacman-mirrors -di # Global:
sudo pacman -Syyu

Install common packages

sudo pacman -S yay base-devel --needed
yay --answerdiff=None --answerclean=None --save
yay -S google-chrome bash-completion mlocate unzip
yay -S ttf-ubuntu-font-family powerline-fonts-git noto-fonts-emoji
yay -Rns firefox

Install docker

yay -S docker
sudo systemctl enable docker.service
sudo systemctl start docker.service
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
yay -S docker-compose

Extra settings

echo vm.max_map_count=262144 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/40-max-user-watches.conf
sudo sysctl --system

Then reboot


Change git settings

git config --global core.editor "nano"
git config --global pull.rebase true
git config --global push.default current
git config --global pager.branch false

Plasma Search

  • Applications (on)
  • System Settings (on)
  • Everything else (off)


  • NumLock on Plasma Startup: Turn on
  • Delay: 250ms


  • Pointer speed: 40% (1080p)
  • Pointer speed: 60% (4k resolution)
  • Acceleration profile: Adptive

Login screen (SDDM)

  • Behavior > Automatically log in with session X11

Desktop Session

  • Logout Screen: Show (off)

Display Configuration

  • Global scale: 150% (4k resolution)

Window Behavior

  • Advanced > Allow apps to remember the position of their own windows (off)

Icons-only Task Manager

  • Right click > Configure > Mark applications that play audio (off)
  • Right click > Enter Edit Mode > Panel height: 50 (4k resolution)
  • Right click > Enter Edit Mode > Floating (off)

Application Launcher

  • Right click > Configure Application Launcher > Show buttons for: Power and session


  • Fixed width: Ubuntu Mono derivative Powerline (11pt/4k - 12pt/1080p)
  • Force font DPI: 133 (4k resolution)

Recent Files

  • Remember opened documents: Do not remember

Screen Locking

  • Lock screen automatically: 30 minutes

Energy Saving

  • Screen Energy Saving: Switch off after 30 min
  • Suspend session: Automatically Sleep after 120 min

Screen Edges

  • Top/Left: Present Windows - Current Desktop
  • Trigger quarter tiling in: Outer 10%
  • Activation delay: 0ms

Task Switcher

  • Show selected window (off)
  • Option: Thumbnail Grid

Desktop Effects

  • Morphing Popups (off)


  • Notification Sounds: reset to 0%


  • Popups location: Top/Center

System Tray

  • Peek at Desktop: remove
  • Activity Pager: remove
  • Entries
    • Clipboard: Always hidden
      • Settings > Clipboard history (off)
      • Settings > History size: 5 entries
      • Settings > Non-text selection: Only when explicity copied
    • Notifications: Always hidden


  • Configure Digital Clock
    • Text display: Manual 10pt Noto Sans (4k resolution)


  • Options
    • Rectangular Region
    • Quit after manual Save or Copy
  • Settings
    • When launching Spectacle: Use last-used capture mode
    • After taking a screenshot:
      • Save file to default folder (on)
      • Copy image to clipboard

KDE Wallet

  • Enable the KDE wallet subsystem (on)
  • Select wallet to use as default: (new one with empty password)


  • Konsole: Win+T


  • Settings
    • Configure Keyboard Shortcuts
      • New Tab: Ctrl + T
      • Split View Top/Bottom: Ctrl + Shift + T
    • Configure Konsole
      • General > Remember windows size (off)
      • General > Show window title on the titlebar (on)
      • Tab Bar > Appearance > Expand individual tab widths to full window (on)
      • Tab Bar > Behavior > Close tab on middle-click (on)
      • Profiles > New
        • General > Name: Custom
        • General > Default profile (on)
        • General > Initial terminal size: 130x35 (4k resolution)
        • Appearance > Color scheme > Breath Silverfox
        • Appearance > Miscellaneous > Show hint for terminal size (off)
        • Scrolling > Scrollbar position > Hidden
        • Toolbar Shown > Disable all

Clock configuration for dual boot

timedatectl set-local-rtc 1 --adjust-system-clock

Install Oh My Zsh

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Then logout and login again to enable ZSH as default terminal.

Install Spaceship theme

git clone "$ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/spaceship-prompt"
ln -s "$ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/spaceship-prompt/spaceship.zsh-theme" "$ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/spaceship.zsh-theme"

Edit ~/.zshrc and change the default theme to spaceship:


And add at the end:



alias ls='ls --color=auto --group-directories-first'

Activate the new configurations with the following command:

source .zshrc
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