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Last active May 26, 2019 06:29
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  • Save rafaelrozon/a3741bc3d4871f51af2b843fa03dee0f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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|-- workspace
    |-- .editorconfig
    |-- .gitignore
    |-- craco.config.js
    |-- package.json
    |-- .storybook
    |   |-- addons.js
    |   |-- config.js
    |-- public
    |   |-- favicon.ico
    |   |-- index.html
    |   |-- manifest.json
    |-- src
        |-- App.css
        |-- App.js
        |-- App.test.js
        |-- index.js
        |-- serviceWorker.js
        |-- components
        |   |-- ui
        |       |-- Button.jsx
        |-- decorators
        |   |-- index.js
        |   |-- translate.js
        |-- docs
        |-- features
        |   |-- todo
        |       |-- constants.js
        |       |-- index.js
        |       |-- selectors.js
        |       |-- state.js
        |       |-- todo.story.jsx
        |       |-- components
        |           |-- Main.jsx
        |           |-- TodoFilters.jsx
        |           |-- TodoForm.jsx
        |           |-- TodoItem.jsx
        |           |-- TodoList.jsx
        |-- pages
        |   |-- Home.jsx
        |   |-- Todos.jsx
        |-- provider
        |   |-- index.jsx
        |-- routes
        |   |-- constants.js
        |   |-- index.js
        |   |-- components
        |       |-- Link.jsx
        |       |-- Links.jsx
        |       |-- RootRoutes.jsx
        |-- state
        |   |-- constants.js
        |   |-- index.js
        |   |-- reducer.js
        |   |-- store.js
        |   |-- middlewares
        |       |-- composeEnhancer.js
        |       |-- index.js
        |-- static
        |   |-- logo.svg
        |-- translations
        |   |-- i18n.js
        |   |-- index.js
        |   |-- locales
        |       |-- en.json
        |       |-- pt_br.json
        |-- utils
            |-- isEmail.js
            |-- isZipcode.js

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