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NAME=$(git branch | grep '*' | sed 's/* //')
DESCRIPTION=$(git config branch."$NAME".description)
TEXT=$(cat "$1" | sed '/^#.*/d')
if [ -n "$TEXT" ]
echo "$NAME"': '$(cat "$1" | sed '/^#.*/d') > "$1"
if [ -n "$DESCRIPTION" ]
echo "" >> "$1"
anonymous / app.dockerfile
Created January 2, 2017 11:02
FROM php:7.0.4-fpm
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libmcrypt-dev \
mysql-client libmagickwand-dev --no-install-recommends \
&& pecl install imagick \
&& docker-php-ext-enable imagick \
&& docker-php-ext-install mcrypt pdo_mysql
HyperBrain /
Last active March 20, 2024 00:17
Serverless Lifecycle Cheat Sheet

Serverless plugin author's cheat sheet

This cheat sheet provides a detailed overview of the exposed lifecycle events and available commands (and entrypoints) of the Serverless framework, that can be hooked by plugins (internal and external ones). The document is structured by the commands invoked by the user.

Lifecycle events are shown as the globally available outer events (all providers) and sub lifecycle events that are provider specific in the called order. Currently only the AWS provider is shown. If you have information about the other provider,

sauldeleon / 1.SomeComponent.stories.js
Last active September 5, 2020 12:36
Storybook meets axios meets redux meets thunk
This is my workarround to create a React Story for a component which internally dispatch multiple thunk actions
and also retrieve info from some server. This works also on making an story in which its main component wraps another redux
connected components.
This component depends on an ID (fetchingDataId) which is stored in the parent component which contains many SomeComponents, so I need to mock the store before SomeComponent's story loads
Then, when a single SomeComponent loads, it renders two connected subcomponents which I dont have control from Storybook. And I want the story to render both components at the same time.
const assertValidEmail = (value, errorMessage) => {
const pattern = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
if (!pattern.test(value)) {
throw new Error(errorMessage || translator('', { email: value}));
const assertAvailableEmail = async (value) => {
return fetch('/validate_email', {