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Rafa Rodríguez rafageist

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rafageist / boolpoint.cpp
Created July 31, 2024 19:39
C++ bool pointer
#include <iostream>
int main() {
bool* pFlag = new bool(false); // Allocate memory for the boolean and initialize it to false
std::cout << "Initial value of flag: " << std::boolalpha << *pFlag << std::endl;
*pFlag = true; // Modify the value of the boolean through the pointer
std::cout << "New value of flag: " << std::boolalpha << *pFlag << std::endl;
rafageist / pairs-combinatorial.php
Created November 18, 2019 01:07
Combinatorial of pairs
// Dada una lista de numeros que se pueden repetir en valor, crear las posibles combinaciones de pares A,B, pero
// no permitir un A,B y un C,A si B y C son iguales en valor, y tampoco permitir A,B y B,A en una misma solucion.
// El orden de las parejas no es relevante de manera que la solucion P1,P2,P3 es igual a P2,P1,P3.
$elements = [1,2,2];
$totalElements = count($elements);
$pairs = [];
$weight = 0;
rafageist / IpCheck.php
Last active September 20, 2019 15:04
Unique IP access checker with concurrency control
* Check if a IP exists in a storage with concurrency control for several HTTP requests
* Based in divengine\nodes::waitAndDo() queue algorithm
* @author rafageist
function IpCheck($ip)
rafageist / Enum.php
Last active July 25, 2019 03:09
PHP Enum Solution
* This is a trick or solution for create enumerations in PHP using classes
* If you are curious you will realize that you can build a hierarchy of
* enumerations, even give other uses to those classes.
* @author rafageist
rafageist / index.php
Created June 4, 2017 21:23
Hello World of Div PHP Template Engine
include "div.php";
echo new div("index.tpl", ["world" => "Earth"]);