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Last active July 13, 2018 21:43
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TalkieSpark - Yet another firebase chat module
import TalkieSpark from './talkie-spark';
const chat = new TalkieSpark('tenantA', {
apiKey: '***',
authDomain: ''***',',
databaseURL: ''***',',
projectId: ''***',',
storageBucket: ''***',',
messagingSenderId: ''***',',
chat.on('message', (roomId, message) => console.log('message', roomId, message));
chat.on('userUpdate', event => console.log('userUpdate', event));
chat.on('joinedRoom', event => console.log('joinedRoom', event));
chat.on('leftRoom', event => console.log('leftRoom', event));
chat.init().then(() => {
.then((roomId) => {
chat.sendMessage(roomId, { text: 'first message' }).then(() => console.log('message sent'));
"rules": {
".read": false,
".write": false,
"$tenant": {
"rooms": {
".read": "(auth != null)",
"$roomId": {
".write": "(auth != null)",
"messages": {
"$roomId": {
".read": "(auth != null)",
"$msgId": {
".write": "(auth != null)",
".validate": "(newData.hasChildren(['userId','message','timestamp']))"
"roomUsers": {
"$roomId": {
".read": "(auth != null)",
"$userId": {
".write": "(auth != null)",
"$sessionId": {
".write": "(auth != null)",
"users": {
"$userId": {
".write": "(auth != null) && (auth.uid === $userId)",
".read": "(auth != null) && (auth.uid === $userId)",
".validate": "($userId === newData.child('id').val())",
"usersOnline": {
".read": "(auth != null)",
"$userId": {
"$sessionId": {
".write": "(auth != null) && (!data.exists() || !newData.exists() || data.child('id').val() === auth.uid)",
"id": {
".validate": "(newData.val() === auth.uid)"
import firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/database';
import 'firebase/auth';
function TalkieSpark(tenantId, firebaseConfig, options = {}) {
// Firebase initial config
this.firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: firebaseConfig.apiKey || null,
authDomain: firebaseConfig.authDomain || null,
databaseURL: firebaseConfig.databaseURL || null,
projectId: firebaseConfig.projectId || null,
storageBucket: firebaseConfig.storageBucket || null,
messagingSenderId: firebaseConfig.messagingSenderId || null,
this.tenantId = tenantId;
this.databaseRef = null;
this.firebaseApp = null;
// Commonly-used Firebase references.
this.sessionRef = null;
this.userRef = null;
this.tenantRef = null;
this.messageRef = null;
this.roomRef = null;
this.usersOnlineRef = null;
this.usersRef = null;
this.roomUsersRef = null;
// User-specific instance variables.
this.user = null;
this.userId = null;
// A unique id generated for each session.
this.sessionId = null;
// A mapping of event IDs to an array of callbacks. = {};
// A mapping of room IDs to a boolean indicating presence.
this.rooms = {};
// A mapping of operations to re-queue on disconnect.
this.presenceBits = {};
// Setup and establish default options.
// The number of historical messages to load per room.
this.options = Object.assign({ numMaxMessages: 50 }, options);
// TalkieSpark Internal Methods
// --------------
TalkieSpark.prototype = {
connect() {
if (!firebase.apps.length) firebase.initializeApp(this.firebaseConfig);
this.databaseRef = firebase.database().ref();
this.firebaseApp =;
this.tenantRef = this.databaseRef.child(this.tenantId);
this.messageRef = this.tenantRef.child('messages');
this.roomRef = this.tenantRef.child('rooms');
this.usersOnlineRef = this.tenantRef.child('usersOnline');
this.usersRef = this.tenantRef.child('users');
this.roomUsersRef = this.tenantRef.child('roomUsers');
initUser() {
return firebase.auth().signInAnonymously().then(({ user }) => user);
// Load the initial metadata for the user's account and set initial state.
loadUserMetadata() {
const transactionUpdate = (currentUser) => {
if (currentUser && return {};
return { id: this.userId };
return this.userRef
.then(({ snapshot }) => {
this.user = snapshot.val();
return this.user;
// Initialize Firebase listeners and callbacks for the supported bindings.
setupDataEvents() {
// Monitor connection state so we can requeue disconnect operations if need be.
const connectedRef = this.databaseRef.root.child('.info/connected');
connectedRef.on('value', (snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.val() !== true) return;
// We're connected (or reconnected)! Set up our presence state.
Object.keys(this.presenceBits).forEach((path) => {
const presence = this.presenceBits[path];
const presenceRef = presence.ref;
}, this);
// Queue up a presence operation to remove the session when presence is lost
this.queuePresenceOperation(this.sessionRef, true, null);
// Register our user in the listing.
const onlineUserRef = this.usersOnlineRef.child(this.userId);
const userSessionRef = onlineUserRef.child(this.sessionId);
const userSessionData = { id: this.userId };
this.queuePresenceOperation(userSessionRef, userSessionData, null);
// Listen for state changes for the given user.
this.userRef.on('value', this.onUserUpdate, this);
// Append the new callback to our list of event handlers.
addEventCallback(eventId, callback) {
const currentEventCallbacks =[eventId] || [];
const eventCallbacks = currentEventCallbacks.concat(callback); = Object.assign({},, { [eventId]: eventCallbacks });
// Retrieve the list of event handlers for a given event id.
getEventCallbacks(eventId) {
return[eventId] || [];
// Invoke each of the event handlers for a given event id with specified data.
invokeEventCallbacks(eventId, ...args) {
const callbacks = this.getEventCallbacks(eventId);
callbacks.forEach(callback => callback(...args));
// Keep track of on-disconnect events so they can be requeued if we disconnect the reconnect.
queuePresenceOperation(ref, onlineValue, offlineValue) {
const refPath = ref.toString();
const refValue = { ref, onlineValue, offlineValue };
this.presenceBits = Object.assign({}, this.presenceBits, { [refPath]: refValue });
// Remove an on-disconnect event from firing upon future disconnect and reconnect.
removePresenceOperation(ref, value) {
const refPath = ref.toString();
this.presenceBits = Object.assign({}, this.presenceBits, { [refPath]: undefined });
// Event to monitor current user state.
onUserUpdate(snapshot) {
this.user = snapshot.val();
this.invokeEventCallbacks('userUpdate', this.user);
// Event to monitor current auth + user state.
onAuthRequired() {
// Event to monitor room entry.
onJoinRoom(room) {
this.invokeEventCallbacks('joinedRoom', room);
// Event to monitor room exit.
onLeaveRoom(roomId) {
this.invokeEventCallbacks('leftRoom', roomId);
// Event to monitor new messages in a room.
onMessage(roomId, snapshot) {
const message = Object.assign({}, snapshot.val(), { id: snapshot.key });
this.invokeEventCallbacks('message', roomId, message);
// TalkieSpark External Methods
// --------------
// Initialize TalkieSpark: connect to Firebase, init refs, auth anon user, and set user
TalkieSpark.prototype.init = function init() {
return this.initUser().then(({ uid: userId }) => this.setUser(userId));
// Initialize the library and setup data listeners.
TalkieSpark.prototype.setUser = function setUser(userId) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.firebaseApp.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
if (!user) {
const error = new Error('TalkieSpark requires an authenticated Firebase reference.');
return reject(error);
this.userId = userId;
this.userRef = this.usersRef.child(this.userId);
this.sessionRef = this.userRef.child('sessions').push();
this.sessionId = this.sessionRef.key;
return this.loadUserMetadata().then((loadeduser) => {
return resolve(loadeduser);
// Resumes the previous session by automatically entering rooms.
TalkieSpark.prototype.resumeSession = function resumeSession() {
return this.userRef.child('rooms')
.then((snapshot) => {
const rooms = snapshot.val();
return Object.keys(rooms).forEach(roomId => this.joinRoom(rooms[roomId].id));
// Callback registration. Supports each of the following events:
TalkieSpark.prototype.on = function on(eventType, cb) {
this.addEventCallback(eventType, cb);
// Create a new chat room.
TalkieSpark.prototype.createRoom = function createRoom(roomId) {
const roomProperties = { createdAt: firebase.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP };
return this.roomRef.child(roomId).set(roomProperties).then(() => roomProperties);
// Get a room snapshot by id
TalkieSpark.prototype.findOrCreateRoom = function findOrCreateRoom(roomId) {
return this.roomRef.child(roomId).once('value').then((snapshot) => {
const room = snapshot.val();
if (!room) return this.createRoom(roomId);
return snapshot.val();
// Enter a chat room.
TalkieSpark.prototype.joinRoom = function joinRoom(roomId) {
return this.findOrCreateRoom(roomId)
.then(() => {
// Skip if we're already in this room.
if (this.rooms[roomId]) return roomId;
this.rooms = Object.assign({}, this.rooms, { [roomId]: true });
if (this.user) {
// Save entering this room to resume the session again later.
const refRoomValue = { id: roomId, active: true };
// Set presence bit for the room and queue it for removal on disconnect.
const roomUserRef = this.roomUsersRef.child(roomId).child(this.userId);
const presenceRef = roomUserRef.child(this.sessionId);
const presenceValue = { id: this.userId };
this.queuePresenceOperation(presenceRef, presenceValue, null);
// Invoke our callbacks before we start listening for new messages.
this.onJoinRoom({ id: roomId });
// Setup message listeners
return this.roomRef.child(roomId).once('value').then(() => {
(snapshot) => { this.onMessage(roomId, snapshot); },
() => { this.leaveRoom(roomId); },
return roomId;
// Leave a chat room.
TalkieSpark.prototype.leaveRoom = function leaveRoom(roomId) {
const userRoomRef = this.roomUsersRef.child(roomId);
// Remove listener for new messages to this room.
if (this.user) {
const presenceRef = userRoomRef.child(this.userId).child(this.sessionId);
// Remove presence bit for the room and cancel on-disconnect removal.
this.removePresenceOperation(presenceRef, null);
// Remove session bit for the room.
this.rooms = Object.assign({}, this.rooms, { [roomId]: undefined });
// Invoke event callbacks for the room-exit event.
// Send a new message in room
TalkieSpark.prototype.sendMessage = function sendMessage(roomId, messageContent) {
const message = {
userId: this.userId,
timestamp: firebase.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP,
message: messageContent,
if (!this.user) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('Not authenticated or user not set!'));
const newMessageRef = this.messageRef.child(roomId).push();
return newMessageRef.setWithPriority(message, firebase.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP);
export default TalkieSpark;
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