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Last active January 29, 2023 18:12
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[Django] Model utils
import contextlib
from copy import deepcopy
from django.db.models.expressions import ExpressionNode, F
from django.db.models.fields.files import FileField
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
from django.db import models, transaction
import operator
def get_object_or_none(cls, *args, **kwargs):
Works like get_object_or_404() except it returns None instead
of raising Http404 exception.
def _get_queryset(cls):
if isinstance(cls, QuerySet):
return cls
if isinstance(cls, models.Manager):
manager = cls
manager = cls._default_manager
return manager.all()
qs = _get_queryset(cls).filter(*args, **kwargs)[:1]
return next(iter(qs), None)
def get_field(model, name):
Returns model's field with given name.
return model._meta.get_field(name)
def get_form_field(model, name, **kwargs):
Returns form field for given model field with ability to override some params.
class UserForm(forms.Form):
email = get_form_field(User, 'email', required=True)
return get_field(model, name).formfield(**kwargs)
ExpressionNode.ADD: operator.add,
ExpressionNode.SUB: operator.sub,
ExpressionNode.MUL: operator.mul,
ExpressionNode.DIV: operator.div,
ExpressionNode.MOD: operator.mod,
if all([hasattr(ExpressionNode, a) for a in ('AND', 'OR')]):
ExpressionNode.AND: operator.and_,
ExpressionNode.OR: operator.or_,
class CannotResolve(Exception):
def _resolve(instance, node):
if isinstance(node, F):
return getattr(instance,
elif isinstance(node, ExpressionNode):
return _resolve(instance, node)
return node
def resolve_expression_node(instance, node):
op = EXPRESSION_NODE_CALLBACKS.get(node.connector, None)
if not op:
raise CannotResolve
runner = _resolve(instance, node.children[0])
for n in node.children[1:]:
runner = op(runner, _resolve(instance, n))
return runner
def update_model(instance, **kwargs):
Atomically update instance, setting field/value pairs from kwargs.
# fields that use auto_now=True should be updated corrected, too!
for field in instance._meta.fields:
if hasattr(field, 'auto_now') and field.auto_now and not in kwargs:
kwargs[] = field.pre_save(instance, False)
if in kwargs and isinstance(field, FileField):
setattr(instance,, kwargs[])
kwargs[] = field.pre_save(instance, False) # commit files to storage
rows_affected = instance.__class__._default_manager.filter(**kwargs)
# apply the updated args to the instance to mimic the change
# note that these might slightly differ from the true database values
# as the DB could have been updated by another thread. callers should
# retrieve a new copy of the object if up-to-date values are required
for k,v in kwargs.iteritems():
if isinstance(v, ExpressionNode):
v = resolve_expression_node(instance, v)
setattr(instance, k, v)
# If you use an ORM cache, make sure to invalidate the instance!
#cache.set(djangocache.get_cache_key(instance=instance), None, 5)
return rows_affected
def reload_model(instance):
Reloads model instance (passed instance gets updated with new data).
model = instance.__class__
new_inst = model._default_manager.get(
dct = deepcopy(new_inst.__dict__)
instance.__dict__ = dct
return instance
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